Turnitin IThenticate Comparison
Turnitin IThenticate Comparison
Turnitin IThenticate Comparison
Turnitin is the world's leading web-based solution for plagiarism prevention, used by educators worldwide to check students' papers
for originality, to enable web-based peer review and for digital grading of student work. Turnitin is designed for students in a
classroom settings.
iThenticate is the leading online plagiarism checker software used by top research universities and institutions, businesses,
publishers, and government agencies, the ability to detect and prevent plagiarism and attribution issues that could potentially
damage reputations or spawn repercussions like financial and legal obligations.
Crossref® is a not-for-profit membership organization for scholarly publishers. The Crossref Similarity Check service offers publishers
a way to compare documents against the largest comparison database of scientific, technical and medical content in the world.
Crossref Similarity Check powered by iThenticate is an initiative between iThenticate and Crossref.
While iThenticate and Turnitin share the same underlying technology and database contents, the design, user experience and
outcome are designed to meet the needs of two very different types of users.
Comparison Table
Turnitin iThenticate
Course Management Document Management
File types MS Word, Word XML, WordPerfect, PostScript, MS Word, Word XML, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF,
PDF, HTML, RTF, HWP, plain text and MS HTML, RTF, HWP, plain text and OpenOffice (ODT).
Internal Documents