Fat-Burning Chef Cookbook by Abel James PDF

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The key takeaways are that the author believes learning to cook nutritious meals is more important for health and fitness than obsessing over macronutrients or exercise routines. Cooking can improve health, longevity and even save lives according to research cited.

The author states that despite hosting a fitness show and writing books on the subject, he is actually not that into fitness and nutrition himself. He is really just into food.

The author considers becoming a great cook and learning your way in the kitchen to be the key to staying fit, strong and healthy. Cooking can do more than exercise, drugs or diets according to the text.

page 2

Fat-Burning Chef
Copyright “BrainFood Productions” 2013


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page 3

Want to hear something a little nuts? Despite hosting the Fat-Burning Man Show, blogging for
years, and authoring several bestselling books on the subject, I’m not really that into fitness
and nutrition.

I’m just really into food.

Sure, I can teach you how to get lean by choking down skinless chicken breast and steamed
broccoli six times a day for three months.

But that doesn’t sound like any fun at all.

Actually, after years of dedicated research, trial-and-error, and guinea-pigging on myself, I‘ve
learned that obsessing over the macronutrient content of food, the timing of carbs, or an
intensive exercise regimen is not the key to staying fit, strong, and healthy.

The key is becoming a great cook. Learning your

way around the kitchen will do more for your
health, body composition, and longevity
than any exercise routine, miracle drug,
or “diet“ in existence.

In fact, a recent study out of

Cambridge found that people
who cook up to 5 times a week
are 47% more likely to be
alive after 10 years than their
non-cooking peers. Cooking
can save your life.

And if you want to know the

truth about how to maintain
a beach-ready body without
pain, misery, or restriction, it’s
all about alchemy in an apron.
It’s about learning how to create
your favorite foods and share them
with people you love.

When you master the art of sourcing

and creating mouth-watering meals that
nourish your body and mind, you can quite
literally manifest the body and health of your dreams
by eating ridiculously well. Roasted duck with Asian orange sauce, smoked pork shoulder
drizzled in homemade beasty barbeque sauce, red velvet cupcakes, and much more await in
the pages ahead.

In creating The Fat-Burning Chef, I wanted to bring some of the most talented cooks in the
world together to help you enjoy the best food you’ve ever tasted. I sincerely hope that these
recipes help you in your journey.

Now let’s get cooking...

In Health,

Table o f Co ntents
page 4

Breakfast Recipes
“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure.
In cooking you‘ve got to have a ‘what-the-hell’ attitude.”
Julia Child

Stocking a Paleo Kitchen 15

Sausage & Butternut Squash Frittata 21

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Brownie Scones 22

Paleo Chocolate Energy Bar 23

English Breakfast 24

`Kraut Scramble 25

Egg Foo Yong 27

Sweet Cream Coffee Smoothie 28

Chocolate Cardamom Coffee Smoothie 28

Blueberry Coconut Coffee Smoothie 29

Cinnamon Banana Coconut Smoothie 29

Low Carb Grapefruit Smoothie 30

Lemon Lime Cucumber Smoothie 30

Lemon Loaf 31

McCoconut Biskins 32
Table o f Co ntents
page 5

Breakfast Recipes
“I think preparing food and feeding people brings nourishment not only to our bodies
but to our spirits. Feeding people is a way of loving them, in the same way that feeding
ourselves is a way of honoring our own createdness and fragility.“
Shauna Niequist

Acorn Squash Porridge 33

Roasted Pepper Sausage Omelet 34

Easy Delicious Breakfast Hash 35

Sweet Potato Chai Muffins 37

Crockpot Fig Apple Butter 38

Carrot Cake Donuts 39

Caramelized Plantain Pancakes with Sweet Cinnamon

Plantain Maple Syrup 40

Banana Bread 41
Table o f Co ntents
page 6

Snacks - Sides - Appetizers

“No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the
kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of
cooks present, and the wisdom of cookbook writers.”
Laurie Colwin

Candied Caveman Walnuts 43

Apple Pie Balls 44

Blueberry Apple Pie Trail Mix Balls 45

Caramelized Coconut Chips 47

Sweet Potato Carrot Salad with Bacon 48

Coconut Slaw 49

Macadamia Nut Champagne Salad 50

BLT and A Salad 51

Asian Salmon Salad Avocado Cup 52

Creamy Bacon Brussel Sprouts 53

Balsamic Glazed Stuffed Portabellos 54

Avocado Cups 55

Velvety Butternut Squash 57

Table o f Co ntents
page 7

- Sides - Recipes
“Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy.
And cooking done with care is an act of love.”
Craig Claiborne

Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix 58

Buffalo Ranch Chicken Meatballs 58

Bacon-Wrapped Meatballs 59

Shrimp and Jalapeño Sweet Potato Biscuits 60

Awesome Sauce 61

Feta Mint Dip 62

Paleo Ketchup 63

Paleo Mayo 63

Homemade Ghee 64
Table o f Co ntents
page 8

Soup Recipes
“An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a
cabbage, concludes that it makes a better soup.”
Bertrand Russell

Goji Berry Chicken Soup 66

Sunshine Carrot Soup 67

Roasted Asparagus Avocado Soup 68

French Onion Bone Broth Soup 69

Crockpot Pumpkin Parsnip Soup 70

Chicken Broccoli Soup 71

Homemade Bone Broth 72

Sweet Potato Shrimp Soup 73

Carrot Ginger Soup 74

Roasted Red Pepper and Avocado
Soup with Sausages 75

Chicken Tortilla Soup 76

Table o f Co ntents
page 9

Beef Entrees
“Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans ... are
the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit.”
Anthony Bourdain

Caramelized Broth Brisket with Beef Jam 78

Quick Dinner Meatball Salad 79

Meatza 80

Rumpsteak with Parmesan Crust 81

Chocolate Chili 82

Moroccan Meatballs 84

Zucchini Meat Boats with

Sweet Potato Medallions 85

Organ Meat Pie 86

Paleo Meatloaf 87

Big Tim‘s Crockpot BBQ Beef 88

Spaghetti and Meat Sauce 89

Table o f Co ntents
page 10

Pork Entrees
“Calvin: Why are you crying mom?
Mom: I’m cutting up an onion.
Calvin: It must be hard to cook if you anthropomorphize your vegetables.”
Bill Watterson

Pork Satay Skewers 91

Asian Cabbage Stirfry 92

Adobo Spiced Ribs 93

Slow Cooker Chipotle Pork with Pineapple Slaw 94

Honey Mustard Cuban Pork Burgers 95

Smoked Avocado Lime Pork Chops 96

Italian Style Paleo Pork Neck Bones 97

Crockpot Pulled Pork and Beasty BBQ Sauce 98

Slow Cooker Chines Spare Ribs 99

Table o f Co ntents
page 11

Poultry Entrees
“There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful
woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.”
Thomas Wolfe

Chicken Mofongo 101

Crispy Smoked Chicken Wings 102

Apple Pie Chicken 103

Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Thighs 104

Cashew Chicken 105

Chicken Salad with Grapes 106

Whole Roasted Duck with Asian Orange Sauce 107

Panang Duck Curry with Red Curry Paste 108

Turkey Thai Basil 109

Coconut Chicken 110

Simple Bacon and Spinach Stuffed Chicken 111

Sticky Thai Chicken Wings 112

Table o f Co ntents
page 12

Seafood Entrees

“...no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.”

Julia Child, My Life in France

Pesto Salmon 114

Bacon Scallops with Garlic Butter Sauce 115

Chili Coconut Shrimp 116

Fish Curry 117

Curry Fried Fish 118

Salmon with Coconut Cream Sauce 119

Table o f Co ntents
page 13

Decadent Desserts
“Cooking requires confident guesswork and improvisation--
experimentation and substitution, dealing with failure and
uncertainty in a creative way.”
Paul Theroux
Maple Bacon Crunch Ice Cream 121

Vanilla Ice Cream 122

Pumpkin Ice Cream 123

Mocha Ice Cream 124

Double Chocolate “Peanut Butter”

Ice Cream Sandwiches 126

Raw Black Forest Brownies 127

Mint Chocolate Chip Fudge Brownies 128

No-Cheat Chocolate Macadamia Bark 129

Sea Salt Chocolate 130

Chocolate Chili Pineapple 131

Almond Butter Crunch 132

Nuts and Nibs Salted Dark Chocolate Bark 133

Chocolate Vanilla Coffee Smoothie 134

Chocolate Cinnamon Malt 134

Chocolate Coconut Oil Fuel Smoothie 135

Chocolate Cream Smoothie 135

Chocolate Kombucha Fuel Smoothie 136

Blueberry Banana Sangria 136

Table o f Co ntents
page 14

Decadent Desserts
“Oh, I adore to cook. It makes me feel so mindless
in a worthwhile way.”
Truman Capote

Raspberry Ribbon 137

Strawberry Peach Cobbler 138

Paleo Crème Brûlée 139

Carrot Banana Muffins 140

Red Velvet Cupcakes 141

Paleo Pumpkin Bars

and Nut “Cream Cheese” 142

Holiday Bundt Cake 143

Old-Fashioned Apple Pie 144

Guilt-Free Carrot Treat 145

Vanilla Ghee 146

Raw Macadamia Nut Cheesecake 147

Chevre Cheesecake 148

Simple Blueberry Lemon Birthday Cake 149

Paleo Chocolate Coconut Haystacks 150

Coconut Cream Balls 151

Rum Balls 152

Cookie Dough Truffles 153

Chip Coconut Macaroons
page 15

page 16

a few tips for getting healthy,

Nutritious, fresh food into your a note about
home and onto your plate: ingredients
The goal of eating whole,
In-Season Foods:
unprocessed REAL foods is to
Do your taste buds a favor and eat with the
seasons. When you buy fresh food, pay get you as healthy, lean, fit, and
attention not only to the fruits, nuts and
vegetables, available, but which ones are actually strong as possible. Whenever
growing in your area right now. possible, opt for meats that
Think of it this way: oranges don’t ripen in are pasture-raised and anti-
January in most of the United States, and a
pumpkin sitting in the produce aisle in the spring biotic-free. Choose free-range
should be held suspect. If there are a handful
of half-rotted blueberries sitting on a corner eggs and fresh, organic fruits
shelf from one week to the next, it’s because and vegetables. Favor local,
blueberries are not in season. You’ll find in-season
food cheaper, fresher, and tastier! seasonal foods over those
Go Local! shipped over long distances.
Food grown locally Avoid just about anything that
doesn’t spend time claims to be food but comes in
rotting in transit,
tends to have fewer a box. Your body will thank you,
chemicals, and is more
likely to be harvested and your taste buds will rejoice!
ripe. Your local farmers
market is a good spot to start.

But nothing gets more local than food grown

in your own back yard. It’s hard to get
cheaper than buying a few seeds and
getting a long season’s worth of fresh
food in return. And nurseries and
garden centers (especially the mom
and pop spots) are experienced in
helping out beginner gardeners,
so bring your questions and a list of
favorite foods you’d like to grow!

Food co-operatives are another way to obtain

local goodies. Pay a small up-front fee to become
a member of your local co-op and enjoy discounts
every time you shop. Because they are owned by
the community, you also often get a vote on what
they provide and where they source their food.
page 17

a few more tips for sourcing

ingredients: online resources
Find farmers and CSA programs
Partner Up with Local Farmers: local to your area:
Got a black thumb? Farmer’s market always
held on the wrong day? Can’t find a co-op in EatWild.com
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is
a system where local farmers offer a weekly
share of their produce or other items
(such as farm-fresh eggs, regional
honey, sometimes even preser- If all else fails, there‘s always
ved veggies) for a flat fee. The ordering online!
share is usually a box or bas-
ket of whatever’s in season US Wellness Meats
that week. Many CSA’s will
deliver their produce directly
Tropical Traditions
to your door or, at the very
least, to the closest farmer’s
market for you to pick up. Amazon

Cow shares (aka herd shares, and

available with a wide variety of livestock)
make it possible to get a share of an animal
(or its milk and other products) from a local
farm or ranch inexpensively. With a cow share,
you get meat and dairy from grass-fed ani-
mals; it’s high in all the right nutrients and it’s
antibiotic-free. Wow—real food!
page 18

prepping the kitchen

Deep Freezer
tools of the trade As mentioned before, cow-shares
or other herd-share options come

crockpot or slow cooker in handy for stocking up on great,

It’s hard to switch from a lifestyle of eating fast foods pasture-raised meat. But for this
and frozen dinners to one of cooking your own
grub on a regular basis—unless you have a crock-
to work, you need a deep freezer
pot. This oh-so-forgiving kitchen appliance is a life- to hold all that meat until you’re
saver for busy people and new chefs. Drop chopped
veggies, herbs, oils, and meats (tough cuts just melt ready to cook it up—hence the
in a crockpot, so don’t be afraid to stock up on
cheaper cuts when you’re addition of a deep freezer to your
shopping) into the crockpot. You’ll
have a meal in a few hours. This arsenal. Chest-style deep freezers
means you can toss food into
the crockpot in the morning tend to be the most energy-
and have truly inspiring,
moist, tender food waiting
efficient, and they come in a
for you when you get home huge range of sizes. Just like that,
from work or school. So easy, it
doesn’t even feel like cooking! you can cut nasty industrialized,
Heavy skillet diseased meats right out of your
A surprising number of dishes can be made in a single life. And you’ll never put a tastier
skillet, even if you’re cooking for more than one person.
A large, heavy (read: thick), good-quality skillet will save porterhouse in your mouth.
you frustration from over- or under-cooked meals that
come hand-in-hand with dinky little pans. Cast-iron skil-
lets are some of the most highly-prized heavy kitchen
pans for their even heating and that perfect sear
they can produce on meats and veggies. For a
full meal, picture this: brown some juicy cuts
of meat, then add sauce and fresh veggies
to your dish and just cover it until it’s done.
That’s a fast, easy meal in a single pan.

Food processor
Eating fresh food means prep work—
specifically in chopping, slicing, dicing,
mincing, or shredding veggies. If you’re tight
on time, a food processor can be a must-have for your
page 19

prepping the kitchen

tools of the trade

Large Baking Pan

Gotta have something to cook that bacon weave onto
before you fill it with meat, cheese, and veggies! While
different recipes may call for different sized pans, don’t
stress over buying a ton of pans if you don’t want to. ready to go!
Grab one that’s of good quality and won’t rust when
you look at it funny (glass baking dishes are good for
this) and get your learning curve under you before you Armed with these simple Paleo
adventure into other baking pan shapes, sizes, or styles. kitchen tools, you’re ready to take
Blender on breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Smoothies! Heck yeah! But not crappy, sugary and whip it up fast and delicious.
smoothies. …we’re talking filling, energizing, Paleo-
friendly smoothies. Check out the smoothies Enjoy that time behind kitchen
from Primal Toad in the breakfast and
dessert sections, and get jazzed lines, because you’ll emerge
for burning fat from the minute you wake up!
victorious with real food that’s
Muffin Pan flavorful and brag-worthy in no
…but not for dry old bran muffins! Check out the the
Carrot Banana Muffins in the Dessert Recipe chapter.
And that’s just the beginning!

Herbs and Spices

You’ve already emptied out
the cabinet of grains and
sugars that aren’t doing
you any favors. Might
as well fill up that empty
space with herbs and
spices that will turn an “okay” dish into a real
experience! Fresh is always best with herbs, so if
you have a sunny window, grow yourself some basil
and parsley. Your kitchen will smell inviting even
before the food starts cooking!
page 20

Breakfast Recipes
page 21

Sausage & Butternut

squash frittata the directions

Preheat broiler.

Beat eggs, salt, pepper ,and herbs

until well-combined.

Add fat to 10-inch oven-proof skillet

over medium heat, and sauté onions
and peppers until soft.

Add sausage and squash, cook until

heated through.

Pour eggs over filling and cook until

edges start to set.

ingredients Put pan in oven and broil until

1 Tbsp Fat of Choice (bacon, duck, etc.) frittata is puffed and brown on top,
3oz Cooked Sausage,
3-5 minutes.
Chopped or Crumbled
1/4 Cup Onion, Diced
1/4 Cup Red Pepper, Diced
1/2 Cup Butternut Squash, Cubed & Roasted
3 Large Eggs
2 Tsp Mixed Fresh Herbs
(or 1/2 Tsp Dried)
Salt & Pepper to Taste

Recipe Contributed by Lisa Wells
page 22

gluten-free chocolate
chip brownie scones the directions

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Combine dry ingredients in a large


Mix wet ingredients in a separate

bowl, then add wet ingredients to
the dry ingredients. Stir to combine.

Add in walnuts and chocolate chips.

Using a large cookie or ice cream

scoop, drop the scones onto a
baking sheet lined with parchment
3 Cup Almond Flour Lightly wet hands and gently
1/2 Cup Cocoa/Cacao Powder flatten the tops of the scones
1 Tsp Instant Espresso Powder (they should be about 1in thick).
1 Tsp Bake Soda
1/8 Tsp Salt
2 Eggs Bake 12-15 minutes until the scones
1/4 Cup Honey are crisp outside and just cooked
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar through. The scones should be
1/2 Cup Chopped Walnuts
brownie-like inside.
1/2 Cup Mini Gluten-Free Chocolate Chips

Recipe Contributed by Lisa Wells 25m

page 23

Paleo chocolate
energy bar


1 1/4 Cup Pitted Dates

1 Cup Dried Apricots
1/2 Cup Sliced Raw Unsalted Almonds
1/2 Cup Raw Unsalted Pecans
1/2 Cup Shredded Coconut
1/3 Cup Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
1 Tbsp Nutmeg
1 Tbsp Sea Salt

Recipe Contributed by
Lucas Root 6-10 15m

the directions

1. Put dates, apricots, almonds, and pecans in a food processor and pulse until finely diced.

2. Empty contents from the food processor into a large mixing bowl, and add all additional ingredients.

3. Using your hands, a silicone spatula, or a spoon, mix all ingredients until thoroughly incorporated.

4. Using your hands, form this mixture into a ball and transfer to an oiled cutting board.

5. Carefully press the ball out into a square-shape, approximately 1.5 inches thick.

6. Cut into individual bars of equal size and enjoy!

page 24

English breakfast the directions

Slice the beef sausage into 1/2 in

Sauté sausage in a skillet over

medium heat, about 2 minutes.

Add sliced tomato to the skillet with

the sausage.

Scramble the eggs in a small bowl.

Once the sausage is thoroughly

cooked and the tomatoes have
softened, remove from the skillet
and onto a plate.
2 You won‘t find sausages swimming in Add the scrambled eggs to the same
beans and hash browns in this
skillet and sautee until done.
Paleo-version of the traditional English
Add eggs to the plates with the
1 Grass-Fed Organic Beef Sausage
2 Small Sliced Tomato tomato and sausage, sprinkle with
4 Eggs, Scrambled fresh chives.
1/2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp Fresh Chives

Recipe Contributed by Sjanett de Geus
page 25

‘kraut scramble


1/2 - 1 Tbsp Bacon Fat (Ghee or Coconut

Oil may also be used)
1/2 Cup Raw Sauerkraut
2 Tbsp Capers, Drained
1 Tbsp Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Chopped
1/2 Tbsp Ground Mustard
4 Large Pastured Eggs
Salt & Pepper to Taste

2 35m
Recipe Contributed by
Rachael Adams

the directions
1. Heat bacon fat in a frying pan over medium-high heat for under one minute.

2. Add sauerkraut, capers, and sun-dried tomatoes and sauté until the sauerkraut just starts to brown.

3. Add mustard and mix to thoroughly incorporate.

4. Beat eggs in a separate bowl, add salt & pepper.

5. Add eggs to frying pan and let it sit for 1-2 minutes and then scramble.

6. Cook eggs to preferred doneness, adding more salt & pepper if necessary.

7. Serve with a side of berries and half a baked sweet potato drizzled with coconut or sunflower seed butter!
page 26
page 27

egg foo yong &

Spicy Secret Sauce

the directions
Preheat the oven to 300 F. Cover a large baking
sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil.

In a large bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk or

fork. Add the diced chicken, cabbage, scallions,
coconut aminos, five-spice powder, cayenne,
and sesame oil. Blend well.

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat,

about 3 minutes. Add coconut oil and allow it
to melt. Place pancake rings in the skillet, and
pour 1/4 cup batter into each ring.

ingredients Cook 5 minutes, remove the rings, and flip the

patties to brown the other side. Cook about 5
egg foo yong: minutes, then remove to the baking sheet and
place in the oven to keep them hot while you
4 Large Eggs make the rest of the patties.
4 oz Grilled Chicken Thighs, Diced
2 Cups Steam-Sautéed Cabbage, Minced
To make the Spicy Secret Sauce:
4 Scallions, Green & White Parts, Thinly Sliced
2 Tsp Coconut Aminos
1 Tsp Chinese Five-Spice Powder Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and
1/4 Tsp Cayenne Pepper use a fork to mix until blended.
1 Tsp Sesame Oil
2 Tsp Coconut Oil to serve egg foo yong:
Additional Scallion Tops, For Garnish

SPICY SECRET SAUCE: Stack the patties on a plate top with a dollop
of Spicy Secret Sauce, and sprinkle with sliced
2 Tbsp Paleo Mayo scallion tops.
1 Tsp Coconut Aminos
1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil
1/4 Tsp Rice Vinegar
1/2 Clove Garlic, Minced (About 1/2 Tsp) Recipe Contributed by Melissa Joulwan
1/4 Tsp Crushed Red Pepper Flakes TheClothesMakeTheGirl.com
Pinch of Cayenne Pepper From the Cookbook: “Well-Fed: Paleo Recipes
for People Who Love To Eat”
Photo credit: David Humphreys

page 28


3/4 Cup Coffee, Cold

3 Tbsp Avocado

1/4 Cup Almonds, Blanched

1 Small Banana

1/4 Cup Ice



1 Cup Coffee, Cold

1 Medium Banana

2 Tbsp Avocado

1/2 Tsp Cardamom

1/4 Cup Ice



Smoothies by Todd Dosenberry

Toadally Primal Smoothies
page 29


1/2 Cup Coffee, Cold

1/2 Cup Coconut Milk

1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries




1/2 Cup Coconut Milk

4 Large Egg Yolks

1 Medium Banana

1/4 Cup Ice

1/2 Tsp Cinnamon


Smoothies by Todd Dosenberry

Toadally Primal Smoothies
page 30


1/4 Cup (1/2 of Fruit) Grapefruit Juice

1/2 Cup Water

3 Tbsp Avocado

2 Large Egg Yolks



1 Tbsp Lemon Juice

1 Tbsp Lime Juice

1/4 Cup Ice

4/5 Cup Cucumber, Peeled & Sliced

1 Tbsp Avocado

2 Pinches each, Sea Salt and Black




Smoothies by Todd Dosenberry

Toadally Primal Smoothies
page 31

Lemon loaf the directions

Preheat oven to 350. Combine all the
lemon bread ingredients into a mixing
bowl and stir until combined.

Pour the mixture into a greased bread

pan and bake for 35-45 minutes or
until the loaf is golden on top and the
middle is cooked through. Let cool.

Glaze directions: Mix all the glaze

ingredients in a small pot over low
heat until simmering.

Remove from heat. Let cool for about

an hour. Spread onto cooled bread.

lemon loaf: Let the glazed loaf sit in the
6 Eggs refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so
1/4 Cup Butter, Ghee or Coconut Oil
Zest From 2 Lemons the glaze can continue to harden.
Juice From 2 Lemons (About ½ Cup)
1/2 Cup Milk of Choice (Unsweetened Coconut,
Almond, Dairy, etc.)
1/3 Cup Honey 60m
2/3 Cup Coconut Flour
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1/4 Tsp Salt
2 Tbsp Butter or Ghee
2 Tbsp Honey
2 Tbsp Milk of Choice
Zest and Juice from 1 Lemon
1/2 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

Recipe Contributed by Kelly Winters

page 32

Mccoconut biskins the directions

Preheat oven to 400 F.

In a medium bowl, beat the eggs.

Add all other ingredients and mix to

combine thoroughly.

Pour mixture into muffin cups.

Bake for 15 minutes.

After the biskins (biscuit + muffin =

biskin!) have cooled, slice in half, and
add a sausage patty!

6 3 Eggs 20m
2 Tbsp Melted Butter
2 Tbsp Coconut Milk
3 Tbsp Raw Honey
1/4 Tsp Salt
1/4 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

Recipe Contributed by Liz Wolfe

page 33

acorn squash porridge the directions

To roast the squash: Cut squash in half

and scoop out the seeds. Lightly coat
the flesh with coconut oil. Roast in the
oven at 350 F for 30-40 minutes, or until
the flesh is very tender and releases
easily from the skin upon scooping out.

In a medium bowl, mix together squash,

almond butter, coconut milk, honey, and

Divide porridge evenly among breakfast


Top with a dash of cinnamon and fresh

2-3 1 Acorn Squash
2 Tsp Almond Butter
2-4 Tsp Full Fat Coconut Milk 45m
1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 Tsp Raw Honey
Fresh Berries (Optional)

Recipe Contributed by Pamela King

page 34

roasted pepper
the directions
sausage omelet
Put pepper in a heavy bottomed pan over
high heat. Turn pepper as skin begins to
blacken and blister on each side. When
blistered on all sides, remove from pan
and put in a plastic bag with a few drops
of water; seal the bag immediately with
plenty of air trapped inside. Wait 5 minutes.
Remove from bag, cut out seeds, remove
skin, and dice.

Beat eggs in a small bowl and add freshly

ground black pepper.

Heat medium non-stick skillet over medium

heat. Add 1 tsp coconut oil when hot.
1 Poblano, Green Chili, or Bell Pepper
2 Add half of the egg mixture to hot pan.
4 Eggs
1 Tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper As the egg starts to set, add half of the
2 Tsp Coconut Oil remaining ingredients to one half of the
1/2 Lb Nitrite/Nitrate Freeh Beef or Pork
Sausage Links, Cooked & Sliced
2 Tbsp Fresh Parsley, Chopped
When fully set, fold half of the egg over the
filling, and cook a minute more. Repeat with
second omelet.
Recipe Contributed by Neely Quinn
page 35

easy delicious
breakfast hash the directions

Place a large skillet over medium-high heat.

Add diced bacon to the pan and cook until the

fat seeps out and the bacon begins to brown.

Once bacon is half way cooked, add the diced

poblano pepper, yellow onion, and sweet
potato. Mix together then cover to help steam
the sweet potato and cook it quicker.

After about 6-8 minutes of cooking, add in the

mushrooms and chicken sausage along with the
garlic powder, smoked paprika, salt and pepper.
Mix well, cover again and let cook for about 7-9
minutes, being sure to mix around to keep from
sticking to the bottom of the pan.

ingredients Once everything is nice and toasty, use a spoon

to press four spots into your hash mixture,
2-4 4 Slices of Bacon, Diced crack an egg into each spot, then add about a
1 Poblano Pepper tablespoon of water to the pan and cover to help
1/4 Yellow Onion, Diced steam the eggs.
1 Large Sweet Potato, Shredded
5-6 Baby Portabello Mushrooms, Sliced
2 Pre-cooked Chicken Italian Sausage Links Let steam until eggs are cooked to preference.
1 Tsp Garlic Powder Over easy is the right preference, in my opinion.
1/4 Tsp Smoked Paprika Which is the right opinion.
Salt & Pepper to Taste
4 Eggs
Hot Sauce to Garnish Top with hot sauce. Eat silly pants. EAT IT.

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer
page 36
page 37

sweet potato
chai muffins the directions

Preheat oven to 405 degrees. Cut sweet

potato in half, place on baking sheet, and
bake for 20-25 minutes, until super soft.
Remove skin.

Reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees.

Place soft sweet potato and banana in the

food processor and puree. Then add chai tea
herbs from two bags (discarding the chai
bags), pecans, flaxseed meal, baking soda
and powder, and cinnamon. Puree until
completely broken down and smooth.

Then add the wet ingredients: coconut oil,

eggs, coconut nectar, and vanilla extract.
Puree until smooth.

Line muffin tin with paper or silicone liners

ingredients and use an ice cream scoop to scoop out
1 Large Sweet Potato, and pour ingredients into each cup. The ice
Cut in Half Lengthwise cream scoop keeps the muffins equal in size.
12 1 Banana, Peeled
2 Chai Tea Bags (No sugar added)
3 Eggs Sprinkle each muffins with a bit of coconut
1/2 Cup Pecans crystals.
1/2 Cup Flax Seed Meal
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil, Melted
3 Tbsp Coconut Nectar (Or other sweetener) Bake muffins for 25-30 minutes or until you
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Tsp Baking Powder
poke them with a toothpick and it comes
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon out clean.
1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
Pinch of Salt
3-4 Tbsp Coconut Crystals (To garnish muffins) Let muffins cool before consuming. It helps
the muffins meld together a bit more.

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer

PaleoOMG.com 55m
page 38

crockpot fig
apple butter the directions

Place all ingredients in the slow cooker.

Mix well.

Put the slow cooker at low and cook for

6-8 hours until apples are completely
soft and almost mushy.

Place ingredients (I did mine in two

batches) in food processor and puree
until smooth.

Eat with anything. A spoon, on some

banana bread, on a banana. Possibilities
are endless.

ingredients Store in refrigerator in a jar.

Because jars are cute.
20 Dried Black Figs,
Stems Removed, Cut in Half
6 Apples, Peeled, Cored and Diced Note: This made 3 (8 ounce) jars for me.
1 Cup Apple Cider
1/2 Cup Honey (or other sweetener)
3 Tbsp Cinnamon
8 hr
1/2 Tsp Ground Cloves
1/4 Tsp Nutmeg
Pinch of Salt

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer

page 39

carrot cake donuts

(nut free)
the directions
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Shred carrots using your shredding attachment

with your food processor or cheese grater.

Add your carrots to a large bowl and add

sunflower seed butter, vanilla extract, and
honey. Mix well.

Then add your eggs and mix into a soupy mess.

Lastly add your coconut flour, baking soda and
powder, and the rest of your spices. If you’d like
to use raisins and walnuts, add those as well.
DONUTS: Place mixture in your greased donut pan. Mine
3 Large Carrots, Shredded mixture made 6 donuts.
1/2 Cup Sunflower Seed Butter
4 Eggs Bake for 23-25 minutes.
3 Tbsp Coconut Flour
2 Tbsp Raw Honey
1 tablespoon Cinnamon Let cool.
1Tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Tsp Nutmeg Top donuts off with coconut butter, almonds,
1/2 Tsp Ginger and a bit of zested carrot.
1/4 Tsp Cloves
1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder Eat em. OMG.
Pinch of Salt
1/8 Cup Chopped Walnuts
(Optional-do not use for nut free version)
1/8 Cup Raisins (Optional)

1/4 Cup Coconut Cream Concentrate, Melted
Sprinkle of slivered almonds
(Optional- do not use for nut free version)
Carrots zested on top

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer

page 40

caramelized plantain pancakes

with sweet cinnamon
plantain maple syrup
the directions
Heat a skillet over medium heat and add your 3
tablespoons of coconut oil.

While the oil heats up, cut off the ends of your 2
plantains and peel back the peel.

Cut each plantain into three equal slices lengthwise
then place in your hot coconut oil and sprinkle with
cinnamon and a bit of salt. Let cook for about 3 minutes
per side. Once you flip them, sprinkle that side with
cinnamon and a little bit of salt.

Remove from pan into a large bowl. Leave behind ½ of

a plantain for your syrup. Use a fork to completely mash
your plantains.
Now add the rest of your pancake ingredients and mix
pancakes: well.

1 1/2 Plantains, Super Ripe

(Dark brown/black in color) Now heat up a skillet or whatever you love to cook your
pancakes on.
2 Eggs
2 Tbsp Coconut Flour
2 Tbsp Canned Coconut Milk Add a small amount of your pancake mix to the hot
1 Heaping Tbsp Sunbutter (Or nutbutter) skillet and cook until bubbles begin to appear in the
1 Heaping Tbsp Cinnamon (Or more) batter then flip.
1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder Then, with the leftover plantains, dice them up into
Pinch of Salt smaller pieces and add to a bowl of your maple syrup
3 Tbsp Coconut Oil and cinnamon.

maple syrup: Stack those pancakes, pour your syrup on top & eat!
1/2 Plantain
2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
(Or other sweetener such as coconut nectar)
2 Tsp Cinnamon

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer

3 PaleOMG.com
page 41

banana bread

4 Bananas (2 1/2 cups mashed)
4 Eggs
1/2 Cup Almond Butter
(Or coconut, sunflower seed, macadamia
nut butter, etc.)
4 Tbsp Grass-fed Butter, Melted
(Can substitute coconut oil)
1/2 Cup Coconut Flour
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1 Tsp Vanilla
Pinch of Sea Salt

Recipe Contributed by
2 35m
George Bryant

the directions
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Combine your bananas, eggs, nut butter, and grass-fed butter in a blender, blender, food processor, or mixing bowl
and mix well (if using a mixing bowl you need a good hand-mixer).

3. Once all of your ingredients are blended, add in your coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, vanilla,
and sea salt and mix well.

4. Grease a 9×5 glass (see notes) loaf pan with a fat of your choice (I used grass-fed butter). If you use a metal pan it will
probably bake in 35-40 minutes, so start checking at 35 to ensure the middle stays moist.

5. Pour in your batter and spread it evenly throughout. Place in your preheated oven and bake for 55-60 minutes or
until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

6. Remove from oven and flip your bread out onto a cooling rack. Slice and serve.
page 42

Snacks - Sides - Appetizers

page 43

candied caveman
walnuts the directions

Preheat a dry saute pan over medium


Add the walnuts, maple syrup, and salt

and stir frequently until the walnuts
are toasted the the maple syrup
carmelizes, about 3-5 minutes.

Remove from the heat and place the

walnuts on some parchment paper to

Enjoy and try not to eat them all!

2 7m

1 Cup Walnut Halves

1/4 Cup 100% Pure Maple Syrup
Sea Salt to Taste

Recipe Contributed by George Bryant

page 44

apple pie balls the directions

Add all ingredients, except raisins, to
a food processor and pulse until they
come together to form a ball when
molded in your hand – about 1-2
minutes and the apple chips will be
1/4“ shards.

Add raisins and pulse a few more

times, so that there are still chunks of
them (if you don’t want chunky raisins
in your balls, then add raisins to main
batch and save yourself this step,
but we like the treat of surprise raisin

ingredients Form tablespoon size balls. The dough

shouldn’t be too sticky so we skipped
• 1 Cup Cinnamon Apple Chips
5 rolling them in coconut flakes this
(look for a brand that has 2-3
ingredients: apple, coconut oil, cinnamon) time – but you can do that if you’d like.
1 Cup Cinnamon Apple rings (recipe to make
your own in Eat Like a Dinosaur)
1 Cup Coconut Flakes EAT!
1 Cup Soft Medjool Dates
3/4 Cup Raisins


Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt

page 45

blueberry apple pie

trail mix balls


1 Container of
Steve’s Paleo Goods Apple Krunch Cereal
1/4 Cup Dried Blueberries
1/4 Cup Sunbutter (Or other nut butter)
1/4 Cup Raw Honey
1 Tsp Cinnamon
Pinch of Salt

Recipe Contributed by
2 5m
Juli Bauer

the directions

1. Mix everything together.

2. Shape into balls.

3. Place in the fridge for 30+ minutes to set.

4. Eat up!
page 46
page 47

caramelized coconut
chips the directions

Mix the salt and cinnamon with a fork

in a small ramekin and save for later.
Heat a non-stick skillet over medium-
high heat, about 2 minutes.

Add the coconut flakes and distribute

evenly, so they form a single layer in
the bottom of the pan. Stir frequently.
They begin to crisp and turn brown
pretty quickly. This step takes only
about 3 minutes, so pay attention!

When the flakes have reached an

appealing level of toastiness, remove
the pan from the heat.

Sprinkle the hot coconut flakes with

the salty cinnamon and toss until
evenly seasoned. Transfer to a plate
and allow them to cool in a single layer
for maximum crunch.
1 cup Replace the cinnamon with one of
these spices for international flair:
Indian: 1/4 teaspoon curry powder
1/4 Tsp Salt Exotic: 1/4 teaspoon Ras el Hanout
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon Garlicky: 1/4 teaspoon coarse
1 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes (granulated) garlic powder
Southwest: 1/4 teaspoon chili
powder + 1/4 teaspoon paprika
Asian: 1/4 teaspoon Chinese five-spice

Recipe Contributed by Melissa Joulwan

From the Cookbook: “Well-Fed: Paleo
Recipes for People Who Love To Eat” 5m
Photo credit: David Humphreys
page 48

sweet potato carrot

salad with bacon the directions

Preheat the oven to 350° F.

Peel the sweet potatoes and the

carrots, cut them into rough pieces
and marinate them with the lemon
juice, the ghee, and the herbs. Season
to taste with salt and pepper.

Put the mix onto a baking tray and

bake for about 40 minutes, untill they
are slightly roasted.

In the meantime, roast the bacon (or

chorizo) in a pan.

Cool both completely down and mix

the bacon with the vegetables, then
stir in the cilantro.
Bon Appétit!
3-4 3-4 Sweet Potatoes
6-8 Carrots
3 Tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice
Ghee, Room Temperature
1/2 Cup Bacon or Chorizo, Chopped 50m
Chili flakes
Keffir Lime leaves, Chopped or Pulverized
Small Hand-full of Fresh Cilantro, Finely

Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid,

“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 49

coconut slaw the directions

Warm the coconut cream and coconut
butter in pan over low heat. Stirring
regularly to blend.

Add shredded coconut, turn off the

heat, and let cool.

Combine all shredded vegetables in a

mixing bowl, add the spices and apple
cider vinegar. Toss to thoroughly mix.

Cover shredded vegetable mix and let

sit for at least an hour to marinate.

Add the coconut sauce to the

shredded vegetables and mix until
well incorporated.

1 Can Coconut Cream
4 2 tablespoons Coconut Butter 65m
1/2 Cup Shredded Coconut
1 Cup Shredded Red Cabbage
1 Cup Shredded Green Cabbage
2 Large Carrot, Shredded
1/2 Cup Broccoli Sprouts
1 Cup Raisins
Sea Salt
1 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Recipe Contributed by Lucas Root

page 50

macadamia nut
champagne salad the directions

Toss red leaf lettuce, frisee, feta

cheese, and macadamia nut pieces in
a medium bowl. Set aside.

In a small bowl, stir together almond

butter, mustard, macadamia nut oil,
onion flakes, salt and pepper, until
well combined. Thin the mixture with
champagne to desired consistency,
about ¼ cup.

Pour dressing over salad and serve


2 5m
A Bunch of Red Leaf Lettuce
A Couple Handfulls of Frisee
Feta Cheese
Macadamia Nut Pieces


3 Tbsp Almond Butter

3 Tbsp Mustard
2 Tbsp Macadamia Nut Oil
2 Tbsp Onion Flakes
Dash of Salt
Dash of Pepper
Champagne (About 1/4 Cup)

Recipe Contributed by Alyson Bridge

page 51

blt & A salad the directions

Fry chopped bacon over medium heat
until cooked to your liking. Set aside
on paper towel to drain.

Add mayo and the “guts” of your large

tomato to a food processor along with
generous pepper and salt to taste.

Mix until tomato is well incorporated,

set dressing aside.

Chop romaine heart and add to a large


Add tomatoes, avocado, and bacon.

Drizzle the Tomato Mayo dressing

generously over the salad and toss to
ingredients coat.
1 Romaine Heart,
1 Chopped into Bite-Sized Pieces
If you need more protein with your
1/2 Cup Paleo Mayo
meal (like I do!) serve with a grilled
1 Large Tomato, Gutted (Save the insides!), and
chicken breast on the side!
1 Handful Cherry Tomatoes, Sliced in Half
2-3 Slices Bacon, Chopped Plate and enjoy .
1/2 Avocado, Cubed
Salt & Pepper

Recipe Contributed by Rachael Adams
page 52

asian salmon salad

avocado cups the directions

Combine the salmon, green onion,

mayonnaise, sesame oil, coconut
aminos or tamari, fish sauce, ginger,
lime juice, salt, and pepper in a small
mixing bowl.

Mix well.

Cut your avocados in half and remove

the pit.

Place the salmon salad mixture equally

on top of the avocados.

Top with any or all of the optional

toppings. Enjoy!

1/2 Lb Cooked Wild Caught Salmon
2 2 Green Onions, White and 7m
Green Parts Chopped
1 Tbsp Paleo Mayonnaise
1 Tsp Sesame Oil
1 Tsp Coconut Aminos or Tamari
1 Tsp Fish Sauce
1/2 Inch Freshly Grated Ginger
juice of ½ Lime
Sea Salt and Pepper, to Taste
2 Avocados
Optional Toppings: Roe, Wasabi, Sesame Seeds,
Hot Chili Sauce

Recipe Contributed by Kelly Winters

page 53

creamy bacon
brussel sprouts the directions

Preheat the oven to 475 F. Mix the

Brussels, butter, salt & pepper in a
bowl. Layer a baking sheet with tin
foil and then spread out the Brussels
evenly on it. Bake for 15 minutes,
tossing once halfway through.

Meanwhile, over medium-high heat,

cook the chopped up bacon in a deep
skillet until slightly browned (about 7

Reduce the heat to medium and

add in the mushrooms and shallots.
Salt and pepper to taste. Cook for
5 minutes until the shallots are
translucent, stirring occasionally.
Throw in the garlic and stir, about 1
ingredients minute.

2 1 Lb of Brussels Sprouts,
Trimmed and Quartered Add the coconut milk and cooking
2 Tbsp Pastured Butter, Melted sherry to the skillet, mixing
thoroughly. Bring to a boil and simmer
Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper to Taste
until reduced by half. Constantly stir.
4 Slices of Bacon, Chopped
6 Cimini Mushrooms, Chopped
1 Shallot, Chopped
Stir in the Brussels to evenly coat
1 Clove Garlic, Minced
them in the sauce, and consume
1/2 Cup Full-Fat Coconut Milk immediately. This dish can be kept in
1/4 Cup Cooking Sherry an airtight container for up to 5 days in
the fridge.

Recipe Contributed by Rachel McClelland
page 54

balsamic glazed
stuffed portabellos the directions

Add 2 Tbsp bacon fat or fat of choice

to a skillet and add in the onion, red
pepper, and garlic. Cook until the
onion and red pepper are soft, about
3 – 5 minutes.

Add in the fresh spinach and cook

until the spinach wilts. Remove from
heat and add the salt and pepper,
smoked paprika, and parmesan or
romano, if you are using the cheese.

Add in the cooked sausage and bacon

and stir. Set mixture aside.

Add about 2 more Tbsp of bacon fat

into the skillet over medium heat.
Place the mushroom caps in the skillet
ingredients and cook for 4 minutes. Flip and cook
4 Large Portabello Caps the other side for an additional 4
4 ½ Lb Sausage, Cooked minutes. Remove the pan from heat
½ Lb Bacon, Cooked and Crumbled and add the balsamic vinegar over the
1 Onion, Chopped top of the caps. Flip the caps over and
1/3 Cup Chopped Roasted Red Pepper from a Jar swirl the caps in the pan making sure
or 1 Small Red Pepper, Chopped to get both sides well coated with the
2 Tsp Minced Garlic balsamic.
4 Cups of Fresh Spinach
Sea Salt and Pepper, to taste
½ Tsp Smoked Paprika Fill the caps with an equal amount of
2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar the sausage/spinach mixture. I like to
2 – 4 Tbsp Bacon Fat, Butter or Ghee top these with a fried egg when I‘m
Optional Add-ins:1/4 Cup Parmesan or Romano eating them for breakfast! Enjoy!
Cheese, Fried Egg

Recipe Contributed by Kelly Winters
page 55

avocado cups the directions

Cut the avocado lengthwise, hollow it
out with a spoon, and place in a bowl.

Fry the chorizo in a frying pan until it

gets color.

Add the juice to the avocado, and stir

everything together. Season to taste
with salt and pepper.

1 Avocado
1 5
2-3 Cm Piece of a Chorizo,
cut into small cubes
1 Tomato, Cut into Small Cubes
2 Tsp Lemon Juice

Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid,

“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 56
page 57

velvety butternut

Peel the loose, papery skin off the garlic, and

wrap it in a piece of aluminum foil. Put the
baking sheet of squash and the foil packet
in the oven. Bake 40 to 50 minutes, until the
squash is tender. Set both aside until they‘re
cool enough to handle, about 20 minutes.
Increase the oven temperature to 400 F.

When the squash is cool, use a spoon to scoop

the flesh into the bowl of a food processor.
Separate the garlic cloves and squeeze the
roasted pulp into the bowl with the squash.
Process the mixture to a smooth puree, then
add the coconut oil, coconut milk, salt, and Ras
ingredients el Hanout. Taste and adjust seasonings.
2 1/2 Lbs Butternut Squash
2 Tbsp Water Beat the egg in a small bowl. Scrape the purée
1 Head Garlic into a large mixing bowl and stir in the beaten
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil egg with a wooden spoon until combined.
2 Tbsp Coconut Milk
1/4 Tsp Salt
Grease the inside of a 3-cup casserole dish or
2 Tsp Ras el Hanout individual ramekins with a little coconut oil,
1 Large Egg then add the squash purée. Top with chopped
1/4 Cup Pecan Halves, Chopped pecans and bake in the 400 F oven for 25-30
(Reserve a few whole for garnish) minutes, until the edges are a little bubbly and
the top is golden brown.

the directions
Preheat the oven to 350 F. Cover a baking sheet
with parchment paper. Cut the squash in half
lengthwise and remove the seeds. Place cut-
side down on the baking sheet and sprinkle 2
tablespoons of water onto the paper around
the squash. Recipe Contributed by Melissa Joulwan
From the Cookbook: “Well-Fed: Paleo Recipes
for People Who Love To Eat”
Photo credit: David Humphreys
page 58

homemade ranch buffalo ranch

seasoning mix chicken meatballs


& 4

5m 15m

ingredients ingredients
1 Tbsp dried parsley Meatballs:
1 tsp dried dill 1 lb ground chicken
1 tsp dried basil 1 tsp salt
1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt Sauce:
1/2 tsp pepper 3/4 cup chicken bone broth
1/2 tsp paprika 1/2 - 3/4 cup hot sauce (check ingredients)
1/2 tsp ground mustard 2 1/2 Tbsp dry homemade ranch seasoning

the directions the directions

Combine the parsley, dill, and basil in a spice grinder or In a medium sauce pot over low heat, combine the chicken
mortar and pestle and grind to a powder. bone broth, hot sauce, and ranch seasoning.

Combine the mixture with the rest of the ingredients. Mix together the ground chicken and spices until
(Makes about 4-5 Tbsp of seasoning). combined. Form into golfball sized meatballs.

To make Paleo Ranch Dressing: 2 Tbsp of Seasoning Mix Heat 1-2 Tbsp of healthy cooking fat in a large skillet, over
with 1/3 cup Paleo mayonnaise and 1/4 cup of almond or medium-high heat Sear the meatballs for 6-8 minutes,
coconut milk. turning the meatballs for an even sear.

To make Grilled Ranch Chicken (photo above), rub 2 Tbsp While the meatballs are searing, bring the hot sauce mixture
of Homemade Ranch Seasoning Mix over 2 lbs of boneless to a boil by increasing the heat to medium-high and allow
skinless chicken breast. Grill the chicken over medium-high to cook until it has reduced by half and thickened (about
heat (oil the grill as necessary to prevent sticking) for 5-7 6-8 minutes). Add the sauce to the meatballs after they have
minutes per side or until the chicken is cooked through. been seared and cook for another 3-4 minutes or until the
meatballs are cooked.
Recipes Contributed by Karen Sorenson
page 59

bacon wrapped
meatballs the directions

If using wooden skewers, soak them

in water for 20 minutes to prevent

With hands, mash together meat,

eggs, and spices until thoroughly

Form into 1” diameter meatballs.

Wrap each meatball in a strip of bacon

and skewer to keep together.

Bake on a baking sheet at 350 degrees

for 30 minutes – laying down some
cabbage or spinach under the meat
would be an excellent idea we’ll do
next time.
4 2 Lb Pastured Ground Buffalo
(But really any ground 35
red meat would work)
2 Eggs
2 Tsp Salt
2 Tsp Chili Powder
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 Tsp Ground Black Pepper
3/4 Lb Pastured Nitrate-Free Thick Cut Bacon

Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt

page 60

Shrimp & jalapeÑo

sweet potato biscuits the directions

Preheat oven to 415 degrees.

Poke holes in your sweet potato with a

fork. Place in oven and bake for 30-40
or until soft. When your sweet potato
is done, peel and place in a bowl and
mash with a fork.

Turn oven down to 375 degrees.

Add in your eggs to the bowl with the

sweet potatoes and mix well. Then add
in your bacon fat and mix.

Then your dry ingredients and mix

until incorporated.

ingredients Finally add your diced cooked and

diced shrimp and jalapeños. Mix
1 Large Sweet Potato or Yam thoroughly.
(Equivalent to 2 cups mashed)
3 Eggs, Whisked
Line a baking sheet with parchment
3 Tbsp Coconut Flour paper and use an ice cream scoop to
4-5 Shrimp, Cooked, Diced Small drop your biscuits on the sheet. Try
3 Tbsp Bacon Fat, Melted to make them all equal in size so they
(Or butter if you do dairy) cook the same.
1 Jalapeño, Thinly Diced
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder Place in oven and bake for 22-27
Salt and Pepper, to taste minutes. Top with melted grassfed

1h 5m
Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer
page 61

awesome sauce

2-3 large ripe Avocados
(2 for “dressing”; 3 for “dip”)
1 lb Bacon, Cooked and Crumbled
3/4 cup Bacon Grease
2 tablespoons of your favorite vinegar
Spices: Italian Seasoning, Cumin

Recipe Contributed by 10 15m

Lucas Root

the directions

1. In a large mixing bowl, mash the avocado.

2. Add all additional ingredients and mix well to incorporate.

3. This sauce can be used as a dip, similar to guacamole, with sliced vegetables such as: cucumbers, carrots, peppers,
etc. This can also be used as a delcious topping to ground beef, steaks, and salads!
page 62

feta mint dip the directions

Blend the Feta with the yogurt, and
stir in the herbs.

Season to taste with salt and pepper!

Bon Appétit!

2 Cup Grass fed Whole Milk Yogurt*
12 5m
1 Cup Feta*
A hand full of fresh Coriander, Chopped
A hand full of fresh Mint, Chopped
* (This is not strictly Paleo and is more along the lines
of Primal or Wild Diet)

Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid,

“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 63

paleo ketchup paleo mayo


& 1

15m 10m

ingredients ingredients
One 15-ounce Can Tomato Sauce (no salt added) 2 Egg Yolks
One 6-ounce Can Tomato Paste 1/2 Tsp Dijon Mustard
1 Tbsp Raw, Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar 3 Tsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
3/4 Tsp Garlic Powder 1 cup Extra Light Tasting Olive Oil
1/4 Tsp Onion Powder Sea Salt - to taste
1/4 Tsp Allspice Freshly Ground Black Pepper - to taste
1/8 Tsp Ground Cloves

the directions the directions

Combine all ingredients in a small In the tall mixing cup that came with your
saucepan and stir with a whisk to combine. immersion blender, add egg yolks, mustard,
and lemon juice. Add oil.
Simmer over medium-low heat for 10
minutes, stirring occasionally. Insert your immersion blender and move
it up and down in the mixture until
mayonnaise forms. This usually only takes
Let cool and transfer to a container with a
2-3 pumps of the blender.
tight-fitting lid (I use a Mason jar.) Store in
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Recipes Contributed by Pamela King,

page 64

homemade ghee the directions

Melt your butter in a skillet.

Simmer at low temperature. Don’t

worry if foam forms on top of it, just
make sure it keeps bubbling away.

While the butter simmers, the water

will slowly evaporate and the casein
will stick to the bottom of the skillet.

Once your butter has turned into

ghee and it has became clear and
transparent (you should be able to see
the bottom of the skillet), your ghee is
ready! Turn the heat off and let it cool
down an hour or so.

Filter your ghee using a cheesecloth.

ingredients Be careful as it may still be hot.

12 Let cool and transfer to a glass


Unsalted Grass-fed Butter Ghee can keep at room temperatures

or in the fridge for months.
(that‘s it!)


Recipe Contributed by Aglaée, The Paleo Dietitian

Author of “Digestive Health with REAL Food: A Practical
Guide to Anti-Inflammatory, Low-irritant, nutrient dense diet
for IBS & other digestive issues”
page 65

page 66

goji berry chicken soup the directions

Heat the animal fat in a sauté pan over
medium heat.

Add sliced mushrooms. Salt and

pepper the mushrooms and cook
down for a few minutes, then add the
minced ginger, pepper flakes, garlic,
and shredded chicken.

Sauté together for another 2 minutes

then add your chicken stock, Thai
basil, and fish sauce.

Bring to a simmer and add goji berries

and green onions. Allow to simmer
for 5 minutes and then plate. Garnish
with a few cilantro leaves.

ingredients Note: If you don’t have any cooked

4 Cups Homemade Chicken Stock shredded chicken, use ½ chicken
1 Tbsp Chicken Fat, Other Animal Fat, or breast sliced in to extremely thin strips
Coconut Oil and add at the same time you sauté
2 Cups Sliced Mushrooms the mushrooms.
2 Cups Shredded Chicken
1 Tbsp Minced Ginger
4 Garlic Cloves, Minced
1 Tbsp Fish Sauce
1 Tbsp Dried Thai Basil 20m
2 Tsp Red Pepper Flakes
1 Green Onion, Sliced
1/4 Cup Goji Berries
Salt and pepper to taste
Cilantro to Garnish

Recipe Contributed by Rachel McClelland,

page 67

sunshine carrot soup the directions

In a large pot, heat oil over medium
heat. Add onions and cook stirring
occasionally for 5min. Add the garlic
and continue cooking for 5min or until
onions are soft and brown.

Add carrots, coconut milk, orange

juice, and 2 cups of vegetable stock.

Bring to boil over high heat. Reduce to

medium-low. Cover and cook, stirring
occasionally, until carrots are very soft,
30 to 45min.

Transfer in to a blender and puree until


ingredients Return to saucepan. Stir in ginger.

Season with salt and pepper. Add
1.5 Cups Fresh Orange Juice more stock for desired consistency.
4 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 Yellow Onions, Chopped
3 Cloves Garlic, Minced
3 Lbs Carrots, Peeled and Chopped
1 1/2 Cups Coconut Milk 65m
2 Cups Vegetable Broth
1 Tsp Finely Minced Ginger
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Recipe Contributed by Jesse Schelew,

page 68

roasted asparagus
avocado soup the directions

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Toss asparagus with garlic infused

olive oil, salt, and pepper and roast for
10 minutes.

Carefully transfer asparagus to Vitamix

or blender with remaining ingredients
and puree until smooth. Add salt and
pepper to taste.

Add water to thin to desired

consistency, if needed, and warm
gently over medium heat. Serve

2 20m
12 oz Asparagus
1 Tbsp Garlic Infused Olive Oil
2 Cups Chicken or Vegetable Stock
1 Avocado, Peeled and Cubed
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon
1 Tbsp Ghee or Fat of Choice
Salt & Pepper to Taste

Recipe Contributed by Lisa Wells,

page 69

french onion
bone broth soup
the directions
Place bones and carcass in a large crockpot.
Add enough purified water to mostly cover the
bones (about 12 cups). Add 1 tablespoon of
apple cider vinegar. Cover and cook on low for
12-24 hours. If you’re only using beef bones,
24H you can cook the mixture for up to 48 hours.
+ 20m

Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a skillet. Place

onion slices in one layer on the bottom of the
pan and cook over medium/high heat until
they start to brown and soften, about 2-3
minutes. Flip onions and cook for an additional
1-2 minutes, until sautéed. Remove from pan
and set aside. Batch cook remaining onion
slices and chopped garlic in the same manner.
Put onions and garlic in a large pot, and add
3 Marrow Bones, From Grass-fed Cows 1 cup red wine along with paprika, thyme,
1 Chicken or Duck Carcass (optional) oregano, basil, garlic powder, cayenne pepper,
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar and onion powder.
12 Cups Purified Water
4 Onions, Sliced
4 Garlic Cloves, Finely Chopped Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer over
1 Cup Red Wine medium/low heat for 10 minutes. Add bone
1 Tsp Paprika broth to the pot, and simmer for another 10
2 Tbsp Fresh Thyme Leaves, Chopped minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy
and feel the thank you’s sing from your belly.
1 Tbsp Dried Oregano
1 Tbsp Dried Basil
1/4 Cup Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Cayenne Pepper
1/2 Cup Onion Powder
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Grated Gruyere for Topping (Optional)

Recipe Contributed by Alyson Bridge
page 70

crockpot pumpkin
parsnip soup

1 Large Pumpkin, Peeled, Diced, and
Seeds Removed
2 Parsnips, Cleaned and Diced
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Large Onion, Sliced
1 Clove of Garlic, Minced
1 Tbsp Ginger, Minced
1/2 Tsp Ground Cumin
1/2 Tsp Ground Dried Cilantro Seeds
1/2 Tsp Garam Masala
4 Cup Vegetable stock
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Optional: Dried ham and chives to garnish

Recipe Contributed by
Sjanett de Geus 4 3-4H

the directions
1. Place the pumpkin and the parsnip in the crock-pot.

2. Heat coconut oil in large saucepan and add union, garlic, ginger, and spices.

3. Mix everything together and let it simmer for about 10 minutes with the lid on, stirring occasionally (make sure not
to burn the spices, keep the heat medium).

4. Add stock and bring to a boil.

5. Pour stock with spices in the crockpot and season with salt and pepper.

6. Set timer to 6-8 hours on low (or 3-4 hours on high).

7. When contents in the crockpot are done, blend for a smooth soup. Garnish with ham and chives.
page 71

chicken broccoli soup the directions

Cut the chicken thighs into a few
pieces each. In a large stock pot over
medium heat, cook the chicken thighs
in butter until browned and cooked
through. Remove from pot and set
aside to cool.

Pour the chicken broth into the pot

and add all of the chopped vegetables.
Bring the liquid to a boil over high
heat and then reduce to leave it
slightly bubbling. Add the seasonings
and cook until the vegetables are soft.

In the meantime, shred the chicken

using a fork or your fingers! This
doesn’t need to be perfect.

ingredients After the vegetables are softened,

turn off the heat and use an
6 2 Lb Chicken Thighs, Bones, and Skin immersion blender to lightly blend the
Removed (Save for soup!)
 vegetables. Be sure not to over do it, a
1 Tbsp Butter
 few chunks are good!
10 Cups Homemade Chicken Broth

3 Stalks Celery, Chopped

1 Sweet Potato, Cubed
 Stir the shredded chicken back into
1 Large White Onion, Chopped
 the soup. Salt and pepper to taste.
3 Stalks Broccoli, Chopped
 Serve and enjoy!
2 Cloves Garlic, Minced

Salt & Pepper to taste

1/2 Tsp Thyme
1 Tsp Paprika

1/2 Tsp Ground Rosemary

Recipe Contributed by Sam Gaucher

page 72

homemade bone broth the directions

Roughly chop the vegetables. Place
all the vegetables and bones in a
crockpot (or a big pot).

Cover with water, add about 2-4 tbsp.

of vinegar (to help leach the minerals
from the bones) and add seasonings
to taste.

Cook at low temperature for 6-24


Let cool down for an hour and drain.

Refrigerate for up to 5 days.

Once cold, you can remove the fat

ingredients layer. Reheat as needed.
1/2-1 Lb of Bones from Grass-fed,
6 Pastured Animals or the Carcass Homemade bone broth can also be
of a Free-range Chicken frozen and thawed as needed.
Choice of Vegetables:
Onions, Garlic, Celery, Carrots * Note: Do not use onions and garlic if
5 - 10 Cups of water you have digestive problems because
(Enough to cover bones) of their high-FODMAP content.
Salt, Pepper, and Other seasonings to taste
2-4 Tbsp of Vinegar
(Apple cider or red wine)


Recipe Contributed by Aglaée, The Paleo Dietitian

Author of “Digestive Health with REAL Food: A Practical
Guide to Anti-Inflammatory, Low-irritant, nutrient dense diet
for IBS & other digestive issues”
page 73

sweet potato
shrimp soup the directions

Chop the tamarind, galgan, and ginger.

Sauté the chopped tamarind, galgan,

and ginger in ghee over medium heat,
until they spread their aromas. About 2

Add the sweet potatoes, fry it a little,

and add the coconut milk.

Put these ingredients in a high speed

blender and puree.

Add the fish and the shrimp to the frying

pan and cook until they are done (about
5-10 minutes or even less).

ingredients Add the coconut flakes and let them get

Hazelnut Sized pieces of: a little brown on the edges.
2 Tamarind, Galgan, Ginger
1Tbsp Ghee Add fish, shrimp, and coconut flakes to
1 Keffir-lime Leaf, Finely Chopped the pureed mix, and add a little fresh
2 Sweet Potatoes, Precooked and Peeled cilantro. Serve and bon appétit!
4 Oz Shrimp
1 Can Coconut Milk
2 White Fish Fillets, Cut into Bite-size Pieces
2 Tbsp Coconut Flakes 20m
Fresh Cilantro

Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid,

“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 74

carrot ginger soup the directions

Toss the carrots with half the coconut
oil and half the ginger. Roast at 350
degrees for 1 hour.

Once carrots are roasted, saute the

onion and garlic in the remaining
coconut oil for 5 minutes.

Add the turmeric and remaining

ginger and stir before adding the
roasted carrots, broth, and coconut

Remove from heat and add by the cup

to the blender to liquefy. To reheat,
you may want to use a splatter screen.

5 Cups Carrots, Sliced
4 70m
3 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp Grated Ginger
1/2 Cu White Onion, Chopped
2 Cloves Garlic, Minced
1 Heaping Tsp Turmeric
1 Cup Homemade Vegetable Stock
1 Cup Homemade Coconut Milk

Recipe Contributed by Liz Wolfe

page 75

roasted red pepper and

avocado soup with sausages

the directions
Place a saucepan over medium heat, add in
your fat, garlic, and onion. Cook up onions until
they are translucent.

Then add in your roasted red peppers with

broth and coconut milk along with your
20m smoked paprika, paprika, red pepper flakes,
oregano, salt, and pepper. Let simmer for 8-10

While soup is simmering, slice up your

sausages and cook on a skillet on both sides.

Once everything has simmered, scoop out your

ingredients avocado and add to the saucepan along with
1 Yellow Onion, Diced your lime juice. Then use an immersion blender
3 Garlic Cloves, Minced to mix until soup is smooth and creamy. If you
2-3 Tbsp Fat of Choice (I used bacon fat) don’t have an immersion blender, add it to your
food processor, like I did. I did it in two batches
3-4 Roasted Red Peppers,
so my kitchen wouldn’t become messier than it
Roughly Chopped (I used the jarred in
already is.
water kind, but you could roast your own)
1 Cup Canned Coconut Milk
1 Cup Vegetable Broth Top soup with diced avocado, chopped
1 Tbsp Smoked Paprika cilantro, and sausage. So divine.
1 Tbsp Paprika
1 Tsp Red Pepper Flakes Note: Use ALL the garnishes. They really do
1 Tsp Dried Oregano make a huge difference in flavor. Do not cheat
4-5 Cooked Sausage of Choice (I used a your tastebuds.
sundried tomato chicken sausage)
1 Avocado, Pitted
1/2 Lime, Juiced
Salt and Pepper, To taste
1/2 Avocado, Diced (To garnish)
Chopped Cilantro (To garnish)

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer
page 76

chicken tortilla soup

the directions
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place chicken on a
parchment lined baking sheet. Pour on some olive
oil and then sprinkle with cumin, cayenne pepper,
garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

Bake for 20-30 minutes (depending on the
thickness of the chicken breasts). Once your
chicken is done baking, use two forks to shred the

While your chicken is baking, get your soup ready.

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pot over
medium-high heat then add your minced garlic.
Add onions, red bell pepper, jalapeño pepper, and
ingredients poblano pepper. Mix around to help coat.

3-4 Large Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts

(About 2.5lbs worth) Once your onions begin to become translucent,
1 Tbsp Cumin pour in your green chiles and diced fire roasted
2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper tomatoes, along with the rest of your spices. Mix
2 Tsp Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper, to taste together. Then add your shredded chicken and
1 Tbsp Olive Oil chicken stock to the pot. Simmer on low heat for
soup 30 minutes.

2 Tbsp Olive Oil

2 Garlic Cloves, Minced When your soup has simmered, add in your lime
1 Yellow Onion, Diced juice and a bit more salt and pepper.
1 Red Bell Pepper, Diced
1 Poblano Pepper, Diced
1 Jalapeño, Finely Diced
1 (4oz) Can Diced Green Chiles Add your soup to a bowl along with avocado,
1 (14oz) Can Fire Roasted Tomatoes cilantro, and plantain chips.
2 Tsp Cumin
1Tsp Chili Powder
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper, To taste
32 oz Chicken Stock
(I used low sodium, no sugar added from a
box, or you can make your own)
Juice of 2 Limes
Chopped Cilantro, to garnish
Crushed Plantain Chips, to garnish
Sliced Avocado, to garnish

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer

6-8 PaleOMG.com
page 77

page 78

caramelized broth
the directions
brisket with beef jam
Add onions to bottom of shallow
roasting dish (I used this but any
braising dish will do just as well).

Salt, pepper, and season both sides

of the brisket and place on top of the

Roast for 90 minutes in a 350 degree

oven to cook the onions.

Add the broth, cover and reduce heat

to 325; roast for an additional 4 hours
(baste the meat with the broth every
30-60 minutes, if you’re able, until it’s
no longer a liquid).

Enjoy a rich and savory roast that

ingredients will have you begging for more!
The nutrient-dense bone broth will
3 Lb Beef Brisket caramelize with the onions and make
1-2 Onions (Yellow preferred), Sliced a sweet jelly-like sauce to spread over
2 Cups Beef Broth (Preferably homemade) your meat. It’s BEEF JAM!
Salt & Pepper
Italian Seasoning (Or a combination of dried
basil, parsley, and oregano)

Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt
page 79

quick dinner
the directions
meatball salad
Pre-heat oven to 350 F. In a small
mixing bowl, combine ground beef,
egg ,and oregano.

Roll ground beef mixture into

approximately 10 golf-ball sized
meatballs and place on a baking sheet
lined with aluminum foil.

Bake meatballs for 30 minutes.

While meatballs are baking, prep salad

bowls with lettuce, basil, olives, and

Once the meatballs are cooked, top

the salad with as many meatballs as
desired and drizzle balsamic vinegar
ingredients over the salad. Enjoy!
1 Lb Grass-fed Ground Beef
2 1 Egg
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 Tbsp Ground Oregano
1 Cup Canned Tomatoes, Diced
1/4 Cup Black Olives 40m
2 Cups Lettuce
1 Large Handful Fresh Basil
1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinaigrette

Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt

page 80

meatza the directions

Preheat the oven to 400 ° F.

Stir together the beef with the eggs

and the chorizo. Add salt and pepper.

Lay onto a baking sheet, press it until

it´s flat. Bake for 8 minutes.

While the meat is in the oven, make a

tomato sauce: Heat a little ghee with a
dash of olive oil, and sauté the onions
and garlic in it.

Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, and

stir in the herbs. Let it simmer until it´s
thick and stir often! Takes about 10
1 1/2 Lb Ground Beef Spread the sauce over the meat and
2 2 Eggs add the toppings.
1 thumb-sized piece of Chorizo, finely
1 Can (16 oz) Chopped or Pureed Tomatoes Broil for 5 minutes.
1 Onion, Chopped
2 Cloves Garlic, Chopped Bon Appétit!
Herbes de Provence (Optional)
Olives 25m
Mushrooms, Chopped
Spinach, Coarsely Chopped
Goat Cheese for Topping (Optional)

Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid,

“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 81

rumpsteak with
parmesan crust the directions

Heat up butter in a pan, add the onion

and garlic, stir well sauteing until

Add the mustard, almonds, parmesan,

and thyme.

Preheat the oven to grill.

Season the steak with salt and pepper

and cook it from both sides in butter.

Wrap in aluminium foil and set aside

for 5 minutes.

After the 5 minutes, unwrap the steaks

and add the paste on to the top of the
2 Rumpsteaks Set under the grill for 1 or 2 minutes!
2 1Tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp Ground Almonds
1 Tbsp Mustard Great with a salad or mixed
1 Tbsp Parmesan, Ground* vegetables.
1 Small Onion, Chopped
2 Cloves Garlic, Chopped Bon Appétit!
1 Tbsp Thyme

* (This is not strictly Paleo and is more along the lines

of Primal or Wild Diet) 15m

Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid,

“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 82

chocolate chili

the directions
Heat a large, deep pot over medium-high
heat, then add the coconut oil. When the oil is
melted, add onions, stir with a wooden spoon,
and cook until they‘re translucent, about 7
2H 20m

Add the garlic and as soon as it‘s fragrant,

about 30 seconds, crumble the ground meat
into the pan with your hands, mixing with the
wooden spoon to combine. Continue to cook
the meat, stirring often, until it‘s no longer pink.

In a small bowl, crush the oregano between

your palms to release its flavor, then add the
ingredients chili powder, cumin, cocoa, allspice, and salt.
Combine with a fork, then add to the pot,
stirring like you mean it. Add tomato paste and
stir until combined, about 2 minutes.
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
2 Medium Onions, Diced (About 2 cups)
4 Cloves Garlic, Minced (about 4 Tsp) Add the tomatoes with their juice, beef broth,
2 Lb Ground Beef and water to the pot. Stir well.
1 Tsp Dried Oregano Leaves
2 Tbsp Chili Powder Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat so the chili
2 Tbsp Ground Cumin enjoys a gentle simmer. Simmer for at least two
1 1/2 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa hours. Do not skimp on the simmer! Serve in
1 Tsp Ground Allspice deep bowls with big spoons.
1 Tsp Salt
1 Can (6 oz) Tomato Paste
1 Can (14.5 oz) Fire-roasted,
Chopped Tomatoes
1 Can (14.5 oz) Beef Broth
(Or 2 Cups Homemade)
1 Cup Water

Recipe Contributed by Melissa Joulwan

From the Cookbook: “Well-Fed: Paleo Recipes
for People Who Love To Eat”
Photo credit: David Humphreys
page 83
page 84

moroccan meatballs

the directions
In a large mixing bowl, combine the parsley,
paprika, cumin, salt, and pepper with a fork.
With your hands, crumble the lamb into the
bowl and knead until all of the ingredients are
1H 15m

Moisten your hands with water and shake to

remove excess. Measure a level tablespoon of
lamb and roll into a ball between your palms.
Line up the meatballs on a baking sheet until
it‘s time to put them in the sauce.

Heat the oil in a large, deep skillet or pot. Add

the onion and sauté until soft, about 5 minutes.
ingredients Add the garlic, paprika, cumin, salt, and pepper
meatballs and stir until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add
the chopped tomatoes to the pan and stir
1/2 Cup Fresh Parsley, Minced (About 2 Tbsp)
about 1 minute. Add the water, tomato paste,
1 Tbsp Paprika
and parsley, mixing to dissolve the tomato
2 Tsp Ground Cumin
1 Tsp Salt paste.
1/4 Tsp Ground Black Pepper
2 Lb Ground Lamb Bring the sauce to a boil, then gently place
sauce the meatballs in the skillet, cover, and reduce
heat to simmer. Cook 40 minutes covered,
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil then remove the lid and cook an additional 20
2 Medium Onions, Diced (About 2 cups)
minutes, until the sauce has thickened. Sprinkle
2 Garlic Cloves, Crushed (About 2 Tsp)
each serving with a few teaspoons of chopped
2 Tsp Paprika
2 Tsp Ground Cumin
1 Tsp Salt
1/4 Tsp Ground Black Pepper To make it just like a cook would in Marrakech,
2 Medium Tomatoes, Diced (About 2 cups) carefully break a few eggs on top of the
1 1/2 Cups Water meatballs when they‘re finished cooking, and
2/3 Cup Tomato Paste
let the sauce gently poach the eggs until the
1/2 Cup Fresh Parsley, Minced (About 2 Tbsp)
yolks are firm.
1/4 Cup Roasted Pistachios, Chopped
Recipe Contributed by Melissa Joulwan
From the Cookbook: “Well-Fed: Paleo Recipes
6-8 for People Who Love To Eat”
Photo credit: David Humphreys
page 85

zucchini sweet potato

meat boats medallions


& 1

45m 5m

ingredients ingredients
4 Medium Sized Zucchinis, Cut in half lengthwise
1 Lb Ground Beef
 2 Baked Sweet Potatoes
1 Small White Onion, Chopped (Using oven or microwave for ease)
1/2 C Sweet peppers, Chopped Butter for Frying
1 Can Organic Tomato paste (5.5 oz) Garlic Powder

1/4 C Water Paprika
1 Tsp Oregano
1 Tsp Basil
1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper to Taste

the directions the directions

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Lay zucchinis on a Slice warm, baked sweet potatoes into 1/2“
baking sheet covered with parchment paper and slices.
roast in the oven for roughly 35 minutes.

Melt butter in a frying pan over medium heat.

Meanwhile, saute the beef, onion, and peppers over Sprinkle garlic powder and paprika over the
medium heat until the meat is fully cooked. Stir melted butter.
together the tomato paste, water, and spices. Pour
mixture into beef and combine. Continue cooking
until it is a thick consistency, about 5 minutes. Place sweet potato slices into frying pan and
cook for 2 minutes, flip, and cook for another 2
minutes. Serve.
Remove Zucchini from oven, and scoop out centers
using a butter knife. Spoon the meat mixture into
the zucchini cavities and place back into the oven
for 10 minutes. Remove and serve. Recipe Contributed by Sam Gaucher
page 86

organ meat pie the directions

Place meat in 11×7 pan and mix in the
salt, pepper, cumin, and paprika.

Cook uncovered at 275 degrees for 45


Tear cauliflower into pieces and steam

for 10 minutes over boiling water.

Mash cauliflower in food processor or

blender with salt and pepper.

Combine shredded vegetables and

herbs in a bowl.

Spread (uncooked) vegetable mixture

over meat.

ingredients Cover with mashed cauliflower

1.5 Lb Ground Beef, Lamb, and cook (uncovered) at 350 for 45
2 Venison or Pork minutes.
1 Beef Liver
1/2 Lb Ground or Finely Chopped Cleaned
Note: This meal should feed 6, but we
Lamb Kidneys never seem to be satisfied with the
1 Tsp Salt volume of leftovers remaining!
1/2 Tsp Pepper
1 Tsp Cumin
1 Tsp Paprika
1/2 Cup Carrot, Shredded
1/2 Cup Celery, Shredded 1.5H
1/2 Cup Broccoli, Shredded
1 Tsp Fresh Basil, Chopped Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt
1 Tsp Fresh Rosemary, Chopped PaleoParents.com
1 Head Cauliflower
1 Tsp Salt
1/2 Tsp Pepper
page 87

paleo meatloaf the directions

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Combine almond flour and coconut

milk in a bowl and mix well.

Heat a sauté pan on medium heat and

sauté onions, carrots, and zucchini,
stirring often, until cooked.

When there’s about a minute left of

sautéing, add in garlic.

Combine sautéed vegetables in the

bowl with the almond flour and
coconut milk.

Add grass-fed ground beef, egg, Italian

Seasoning, salt and pepper. Using
ingredients hands, mix well.
1 Lb Grass-fed Ground Beef
8 2 Cups Almond Flour Place loaf in a greased loaf pan. Bake
1/3 Cup Coconut Milk in the oven for 50 minutes.
1/2 Onion, Minced
2 Carrots, Minced You can serve this with some Beasty
1 Zucchini, Minced BBQ Sauce as a layer instead of
2 Cloves of Garlic, Minced ketchup or have for breakfast topped
1 Egg with fried eggs.
3-4 Tbsp Italian Seasoning
Salt and Pepper to taste

Recipe Contributed by George Bryant
page 88

big tim‘s crockpot

bbq beef the directions

Mix all dry spices together in a bowl and

set aside. Cut onions into large chunks and
cut peppers into long slices.

Using a very sharp knife, cut chuck roast

into 4 to 6 large pieces ensuring you cut
against the grain. Toss all of the cuts of
meat into the seasoning mixture, coating
all sides of every piece of meat.

Using half of the vegetables, line the

bottom of your crock pot.

Layer half of meat, the other half of the

vegetables and top with the rest of the

Pour in beefbroth, cover with a lid, and

ingredients cook on low for 8 hours.
3-5 Lb Boneless Chuck Roast
2 1 Large White Onion When the meat is done, remove all the
1 Red Bell Pepper meat pieces and vegetables and drain the
1 Orange Bell Pepper crock pot. Place all the meat back in and
2 Tsp Garlic Powder shred with two forks.
1 Tsp Dried Basil
1 Tsp Dried Oregano
1 Tsp Paprika Pour in as much Beasty BBQ Sauce as you
1 Tsp Chili Powder would like and mix well. Cover and set
1 Tsp Black Pepper to low for 30 minutes to let all the flavors
1 Tsp Sea Salt meld together. Serve and enjoy!
1/4 Cup Beef Broth
Beasty BBQ Sauce

Recipe Contributed by George Bryant 25m

page 89

spaghetti and meat sauce the directions

Heat a large skillet over medium-high
heat. Add oil.

Add meat and garlic, and cook


Add noodles and marinara, stir and

bring to a simmer.

If using spaghetti squash:

Preheat the oven to 375° F.

Split the squash lengthwise, then dig

out the seeds.

Place both halves face down on a

ingredients baking pan, with 1/4” of water.

4 1 Tbsp Olive Oil Bake for 45 minutes.

2 Cloves Garlic, Crushed
1 Lb Ground Beef, Turkey or Sausage
15 oz Marinara Sauce (No sugar added) Dig out squash with a fork (cross-wise)
24 oz Kelp Noodles (Or one spaghetti and add to the skillet with the meat
squash) and marinara.

Recipe Contributed by Aglaée, The Paleo Dietitian
Author of “Digestive Health with REAL Food: A Practical
Guide to Anti-Inflammatory, Low-irritant, nutrient dense diet
for IBS & other digestive issues”
page 90

page 91

pork satay skewers


1 Lb Pork Tenderloin, Cut into 1in cubes

6 Tbsp Coconut Aminos
2 Tbsp Fresh Cilantro, Finely Chopped
1 Tbsp Fresh Ginger, Shredded
1 Red Pepper, Finely Chopped
3 Cloves of Garlic, Finely Chopped
1 Tsp Tumeric
½ Tsp Galangal Root Powder
1 Tsp Ground Cumin
1 Tbsp Sesame Oil

Recipe Contributed by
Sjanett de Geus 4 45m

the directions
1. Combine all the ingredients for the marinade in a large bowl.

2. Put the pork tenderloin in the marinade and let it rest for at least 30 minutes (but the longer the better!).

3. Meanwhile soak 4 wooden skewers in boiling water for 10 minutes.

4. Thread pork pieces onto skewers.

5. Heat a large grill pan with a bit of coconut oil and cook skewers, turning regularly, for about 8 minutes.
page 92

asian cabbage stirfry the directions

Prepare Pork Satay Skewers as

Chop cabbage into thin strips.

Heat a saute pan over medium heat,

add coconut oil. Once oil has melted,
add the cabbage and stir to begin to
cook down (other vegetables can also
be added at this time if you wish).

Once the cabbage has cooked down

a bit (3-5 minutes), add the ginger,
coconut aminos, salt, and pepper.
Cook for another 1-2 minutes.

Vegetable stir fry can then be topped

ingredients with the Pork Satay Skewers, or
another other protein you like!
4 Cups Chopped Cabbage
(Mixed green and red for color!)
1 Full Recipe of Pork Satay Skewers
2 Tsp Coconut Oil 7m
1 Tbsp Grated Ginger
2 Tbsp Coconut Aminos
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Additional vegetables as desired: Broccolini,
Mushrooms, Water Chestnuts, Onions, etc.

Recipe Contributed by Sjanett de Geus

page 93

adobo spiced ribs the directions

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Season the
ribs, on both sides, with sea salt and
black pepper to taste.

Wrap the ribs in two layers of

aluminum foil and bake for 1-1/2

While the ribs are baking make the

Adobo Sauce. Add ancho chiles to a
medium-size bowl with enough water
to cover. Soak chiles until they’re soft,
approximately 30-60 minutes. Remove
ancho chiles from water and chop
off the ends. Add chiles (with seeds
for extra hot flavor), garlic cloves,
chili powder, distilled vinegar, lime
juice, raw honey, and water to a food
processor and process until smooth.
1 Lb Pork Baby Back Loin Ribs Remove the ribs from the oven and
2 Sea Salt, to taste discard the foil. Turn the oven to Broil.
Black Pepper, to taste
1 ½ Cups Adobo Sauce
Baste the adobo sauce on both sides
of the ribs and transfer just the ribs
Adobo Sauce
and transfer just the ribs to the broiler
3 Ancho Chiles, Dried for 5 minutes.
3 Garlic Cloves
1 1/2 Tsp Chili Powder
2 Tbsp Distilled Vinegar Remove the ribs from the oven and
2 Limes, Juiced serve.
1/2 Tbsp Raw Honey
1/2 Cup Water

Recipe Contributed by Joel Runyon & Marla Sarris 1H 10m

page 94

slow cooker chipotle

pork with pineapple slaw
the directions
Combine the spices in a small bowl.

Rub the entire pork with the spices. Place in the

slow cooker.
8H 10m
Add in the stock, balsamic, and liquid smoke.

Give it a stir, cover the crockpot, and cook on

low for 8 hours.

When it‘s finished cooking, take the pork out of

the slow cooker and shred it.

ingredients Feel free to add in ¼ – ½ cup of some of the

slow cooker juice if you like a juicier shredded
Pork Roast, About 4 Lbs
1 Tbsp Black Pepper
1 Tsp Sea Salt
1 Tsp Chipotle Chili Powder (More if you Serve with the pineapple coleslaw and any
like it spicy!) optional toppings. Enjoy!
¼ Cup Balsamic Vinegar
2 Cups Chicken or Beef Stock
1 Tsp All-Natural Liquid Smoke

Optional serving toppings for the pork and

pineapple coleslaw: avocado slices, freshly
torn cilantro, bbq sauce.

pineapple coleslaw
4 Cups Coleslaw (Approximately ½ head
green cabbage, ½ head red cabbage, 2
carrots – all shredded)
1/2 Cup Mayonnaise
1 1/2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Cups Fresh Pineapple
Sea Salt and Pepper, to taste

Recipe Contributed by Kelly Winters

page 95

honey mustard
cuban pork burgers

1 Lb Ground Pork Breakfast Sausage
1 Cup Plantain Chips
1 Egg White, Whisked
3 Tbsp Bacon Fat
1 Garlic Clove, Minced
1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper, to taste
1 Avocado, Sliced
1 Tbsp Raw Honey
1 Tsp Dijon Mustard
1 Tsp Yellow Mustard
Arugula, to garnish

Recipe Contributed by
4 25m
Juli Bauer

the directions
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place plantain chips in the food processor and pulse until broken down in breadcrumb consistency.

2. Make 4 burger patties with the pound of meat.

3. Place 1 egg white in a bowl and whisk until bubbly. Place plantain bread crumbs in another bowl. Dip each burger patty in
the egg whites then the plantain mixture to coat the burgers completely, then sprinkle with salt and pepper and a bit of garlic

4. Heat up a cast iron skillet over medium-high heat, place 3 tablespoons of bacon fat in the skillet and add the minced garlic
cloves. Once garlic becomes fragrant, add pork burgers to the pan and sear on both sides for 3-4 minutes, making sure the
plantain chip crumble does not burn.

5. After burgers have cooked on both sides, place in oven and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until burgers are cooked through to your
preference. Remember, it’s pork. I did the poke test, when they pushed back at my finger, I knew they were done.

6. While the burgers are finishing up in the oven, whisk together the honey and two different kinds of mustards and slice up the

7. When burgers are done, let rest for about 2 minutes so all the juices don’t come spilling out. Top with avocado and honey
mustard. Eat with some arugula. You don’t have to, but it’s great with it.
page 96

smoked avocado lime

pork chops the directions
Rinse your pork chops with cold water
and pat dry.

Rub your pork chops with your lime

avocado oil and then season to taste
(If you don’t have avocado oil, use high
quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and the
juice of 1-2 limes to marinate and then
garnish with fresh avocado).

Drizzle with honey and then cover and

place in the refrigerator for a few hours
to marinate.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees or

your grill to a temperature about 400

If your using your oven, just use a

ingredients glass pyrex baking dish and cook to
the same temperature and if you are
2 2 Bone-in Rib Pork Chops (~ 2 Lbs) grilling without smoking it should
1/4 Cup Lime Avocado Oil probably be about 8-10 minutes per
Black Pepper to taste side but using a meat thermometer is
Garlic Powder to taste best.
Salt to taste
Drizzle of honey
Let your meat rest for about 10
minutes and then enjoy!

Recipe Contributed by George Bryant

page 97

italian style paleo

pork neck bones the directions

Season the neck bones with sea salt

and black pepper and brown them in a
pan over medium heat. Depending on
the size of your pan you will probably
have to do this in shifts.

Transfer meat to the bottom of the

crock pot. Pour chopped tomatoes
over the bones. Add fresh basil, garlic
powder, and onion powder over
the top of the tomatoes. Add fresh
chopped onion and garlic. Stir to
combine everything.

Cover and cook on high for 6 hours.

Pour into bowls and serve. A simple

side salad of cabbage, onion, salt,
ingredients pepper ,and olive oil would go well
with this but it can also be a complete
2-3 3 Lbs Pork Neck Bones meal by itself.
Sea Salt and Black Pepper, to taste
1 Box (26 oz) Chopped tomatoes (I prefer
Pomi brand) Enjoy!
1 Cup Fresh Basil, Torn
Garlic Powder and Onion Powder, to taste
1 Onion, Chopped
6 Cloves Garlic, Smashed
6H 15m

Recipe Contributed by Joel Runyon & Marla Sarris

page 98

crockpot beasty
pulled pork bbq sauce

& 1

10H 10m 65m

ingredients ingredients
4 Lb Bone-In Pork Shoulder 3 Tomatoes, Diced
4 Tbsp Smoked Paprika 1 White Onion, Diced
2 Tbsp Sea Salt 4 Cloves of Garlic, Diced
2 Tbsp Chili Powder 16 oz Can of Tomato Paste
1 Cup Beef Stock
2 Tbsp Ground Cumin 2 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
1 Tbsp Ground Black Pepper 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbsp Dried Oregano 1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Ground White Pepper 2 Tbsp Sweet Paprika
2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper 1 Tsp Sea Salt
1 Full Batch of Beasty BBQ Sauce 1 Tsp Cayenne
1 Can of Diced Pineapple
the directions the directions
Mix all of the above ingredients except the pork Combine all ingredients above in a sauce pan
shoulder and the BBQ sauce in a small mixing bowl, and over medium heat, stirring frequently.
mix it all well making your spice rub. Massage the
spice rub all over the meat in every crevice.
Once your sauce starts to boil, reduce heat to
Wrap tightly in a double wrap of plastic wrap and low, cover, and simmer for 60 minutes.
refrigerate for at least 3 hours. I did mine overnight.

Once your sauce has simmered, turn off the

Unwrap the roast and place it in your crockpot, add heat and pour your sauce into a blender or
1/4 cup of water and turn your crockpot on low and food processor and run until you get a nice
cook for 8-10 hours until the meat is fork-tender. smooth sauce consistency.

Transfer your roast to a cutting board and discard all

the liquid in your crockpot. Tear the meat into thin Return to the pan to keep warm or place on the
shreds with two forks or your fingers. Place all the food of your choice.
shredded meat back in the crockpot and toss with
Beasty BBQ Sauce and heat on low for 60 minutes
until hot. Serve and enjoy.
Recipes Contributed by George Bryant
page 99

slow cooker
chinese spare ribs the directions

In an oven make sure an oven rack is

4-6 inches away from heating element
and preheat broiler on high.

Line a baking sheet with foil, place a

wire rack on it, and place spare ribs on
it fat cap side up.

In a measuring cup or small bowl

add Chinese five spice, grated
ginger, grated garlic, white wine or
sherry, apple cider vinegar, coconut
aminos, tomato paste, lemon juice
and optional honey, and stir until
thoroughly combined and place to the

Once broiler is hot place ribs under

broiler and brown both sides until
ingredients nicely browned and crispy. 4-6
4 Lbs Pork Spare Ribs minutes each side.
1 Tbsp Chinese Five Spice
1 Tbsp plus 1 Tsp Fresh Grated Ginger
Place ribs on sides in slow cooker and
2 Tsp Grated Fresh Garlic
pour the sauce mixture you placed on
1/4 Cup Dry White Wine or Sherry
the side earlier all over the ribs. (It’s
1 Tbsp plus 1 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
okay if it runs down the ribs and into
2 Tbsp Coconut Aminos the bottom of the slow cooker, in fact
1 Tbsp Tomato Paste that’s a good thing.)
1 Tbsp plus 1 Tsp Lemon Juice

Optional: 2 tsp of honey (I actually do not add the Place lid on slow cooker and cook on
honey. In my opinion the tomato paste seems to add low for 7-8 hours.
a nice subtle sweetness, but it depends on the person.
Just taste your sauce and see if you want it.)

8H 15m
Recipe Contributed by Josh Weissman
page 100

page 101

chicken mofongo

the directions
Peel the plantains and then cut into 1 inch chunks.
Soak in water with 1 tsp salt for 15 minutes. (This
is the time when I chop/mince all of the other

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and boil plantains for
5 minutes. Remove and dry.

Fry the bacon in a deep skillet and then reserve

the slices on a paper towel off to the side. Use the
rendered fat to fry the tender plantains until golden

ingredients Add the plantains and the rest of the mofongo

ingredients to a pilon and mash until fully
4 Green Plantains
1/4 Cup Chicken Stock incorporated. If you are using a food processor, you
4 Slices Bacon, Thick cut want it to be thick with a mashed potato texture;
1 Tbsp Minced Garlic not too wet and not too dry. If it’s too dry, add more
Black Pepper, to taste chicken stock.
Salt, to taste
Meanwhile make the chicken sauce. In a deep
2 Boneless Pastured skillet over medium heat, heat 1 tbsp coconut oil
Chicken Breasts, Cubed and sauté the white onion, green pepper, garlic,
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1/2 White Onion, Finely Chopped and cilantro for about 4 minutes.
1/4 Green Bell Pepper, Finely Chopped
2 Tbsp Chopped Cilantro
2 Cloves Garlic, Chopped
1 Can Organic Tomato Sauce (15 oz) Add in the tomato sauce, chicken stock, red wine
1 Cup Chicken Stock vinegar, and spices. Cook for another 3-4 minutes.
3 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar Add the cubed chicken and cook, covered, for 8-10
2 Tsp Salt minutes.
1 1/2 Tsp Onion Powder
1 1/2 Tsp Cumin
1 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tsp Oregano Ladle the chicken sauce onto a plate. Form the
1 Tsp Coriander (warm) plantain mixture into balls or use the pilon
1/2 Tsp Black Pepper
1/2 Tsp Achiote Seed Powder to form the shape of a dome. Place it in the center
of the plate, garnishing with extra cilantro.

Recipe Contributed by Rachel McClelland

3-4 SouthBeachPrimal.com
page 102

crispy smoked
chicken wings the directions

Place chicken wings on smoker rack in

a single layer and smoke until skin is
golden brown and shiny, about 1 hour.
Turn the wings once halfway through

Grill wings over medium heat until

crisp and cooked through, about 5-10

Garnish with lime wedges and serve

with your favorite dipping sauce.

1-2 dozen large chicken wings
2 (As many as you can fit in a 1H 15m
single layer on your smoking rack)
2 - 3 Limes, Sliced into wedges
Handful of Parsley

If you don’t have a smoker, you can smoke

the wings on the grill. Add a pan of wood
chips and smoke the wings over indirect
heat on a gas or charcoal grill.

Recipe Contributed by Lisa Wells

page 103

apple pie chicken the directions

Place all chicken in a freezer container,
and sprinkle generously with spices. Add
in the apple cider and apple cider vinegar.
Seal the container and put it in the freezer
overnight (it can also be kept this way
until needed for a meal if you are planning
ahead or doing batch-cooking).

90 minutes before the meal, take the

chicken out of the freezer. In a large stock
pot, melt 1 Tbsp of the coconut butter
and then add in the chicken. Set the
temperature at medium-low and cover
the pot. Add the remaining coconut
butter to the top of the chicken.

Slice the apples into relatively thin pieces,

and cover the chicken in the pot.

ingredients Let this cook, covered, for approximately

one hour, checking on it once or twice to
2 Pounds Pastured-Chicken Drumsticks make sure the liquid is not boiling.
(also works just right with a half-chicken)
3 Medium Apples After an hour, when the liquid has
2 Cups Apple Cider (can combine Apple Juice cooked off a bit and the apples are
with Apple Sauce in a pinch) starting to caramelize, carefully flip over
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar the drumsticks in the pot, to caramelize
2 Tbsp Coconut Butter the other side of the sticks. Let cook for
Spices: Cinnamon, All-Spice, Nutmeg, Sea Salt another 15 minutes as such. This can be
served over some greens with an avocado
and carrots for a great post workout meal!

1H 15m
Recipe Contributed by Lucas Root
page 104

chicken thighs the directions

Preheat the oven to 375 F.

Combine the spices in a small bowl.

Sprinkle the chicken thighs with half of

the spice mixture on one side and rub it
into the chicken.

Flip the chicken over and repeat with

the remaining spice mixture.

Fold the chicken thighs in half (width-

wise) and wrap one piece of bacon
around each chicken thigh.

Place the chicken thighs bacon seam

side down and bake for 25-30 minutes.

ingredients Broil the chicken for another 5-10

8 Pieces of Boneless, minutes or until the bacon is crispy and
5-7 Skinless Chicken Thighs the chicken is cooked through (keep an
8 Pieces of Bacon eye on it).
1/2 Tbsp Chili Powder
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Black Pepper 45m

Recipe Contributed by Karen Sorenson

page 105

cashew chicken the directions

Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces. Mix
all sauce ingredients in a small bowl and
set aside.

Warm coconut oil in a large, deep skillet

or stock pot over medium-high heat.
Brown chicken for about 3 minutes on
each side. Work in batches, if needed.

While the chicken cooks, pulse the

cauliflower in a food processor until it
is a rice-like consistency. Transfer it to
a microwaveable glass dish and add
about 1 Tbsp water. Cover it and cook
on high for 3-4 minutes or until tender.
Keep warm. (Alternatively you can toss
it with a little oil and toast it in the oven
at 375 for about 30 minutes.)

2 1/2-3 Lb Boneless, When chicken is browned, carefully
4-6 drain the liquid from the pan. Add half
Skinless Chicken Thighss
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil of the sauce (about 1/2 cup) to the
1 Cup Roasted, Unsalted Cashews chicken and stir to combine. Cover
1 Head Cauliflower, Trimmed & Cut into Large Pieces skillet and continue to cook for 5-10
Sauce minutes or until the chicken is cooked
1/2 Cup Coconut Aminos
1/4 Cup Coconut Vinegar
1/4 Cup Paleo Ketchup Add cashews and the rest of the sauce.
2 Tbsp Raw Honey, Warmed to a Liquid State Stir to combine. Serve over cauliflower
2 Garlic Cloves, Minced rice.
1 Tsp Fresh Ginger Root, Grated
1/2 Tsp Crushed Red Pepper

Recipe Contributed by Pamela King
page 106

chicken salad
with grapes the directions

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl

and stir gently to combine. Taste and
season with additional salt and pepper,
if desired. Enjoy!


1 to 1 1/2 Lbs Cooked Chicken
(Rotisserie or leftovers etc.),
Cut into 1/2 In Pieces
1 Cup Seedless Red Grapes, halved or quartered
1 Cup Celery, Cleaned and Sliced Thin
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Dried Cherries, Chopped
1/2 Cup Pecans (Or your favorite
nut) Roasted & Chopped
1 Cup Paleo Mayonnaise
1/4 Tsp Sea Salt
1/2 Tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Recipe Contributed by Pamela King

page 107

whole roasted duck

with asian orange sauce the directions

In a small bowl, combine spices.

*Reserve 1 tsp of this spice mixture
for the sauce. Add honey and coconut
aminos and whisk to combine.

Pat the outside of duck dry with a towel.

Rub dry skin with the spice paste. Fill
the duck cavity with oranges, onions,
and garlic.

Roast at 500 degrees for 30 minutes,

then turn down to 300 and roast for
an additional 30 minutes. If you have a
roasting pan with a shelf that elevates
the duck that will be best, so the
underside skin can also crisp. You can
choose to tie the legs back, but since we
adults like medium duck breast and the
kids like medium well to well leg meat,
leaving them free helped achieve this
Duck While the duck is roasting, whisk
4 together the sauce. First – orange juice,
5 lbs. Whole Duck, Neck and Gizzards Removed
1/2 Tsp Chili Powder zest, honey, and stock in a small pot at
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon medium-high temperature. Bring to a
1/2 Tsp Ginger boil, then reduce to medium-low. Allow
1/4 Tsp Mace
1/4 Tsp Cloves to simmer for 10 minutes.
1/4 Tsp White Pepper
2 Tbsp Coconut Aminos
1 Tbsp Honey In a small bowl, combine the arrowroot
1 Orange, Halved with a small portion and whisk to
1 Head of Garlic, Cut in half
1 Onion, Quartered smooth. Pour arrowroot mixture into
sauce and whisk to incorporate.
6 Oranges, Juiced
1 Tbsp Orange Zest Carve duck and serve sauce over slices
1/2 Cup Honey of breast.
1 Cup Stock (Homemade preferred)
2 Tbsp Arrowroot Powder
1 Tsp of Spice Mixture*

Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt 65m

page 108

panang duck curry with

red curry paste the directions

In a blender or food processor,

combine all the curry paste
ingredients and blend until smooth.

In a large skillet, melt lard over

medium heat.

Add carrots and onions and saute for

about 5 minutes.

Add curry paste and coconut milk

and simmer for 10 minutes.

Add fish sauce and Thai basil and stir

until basil leaves wilt – remove from
heat and serve over cauliflower rice

Curry paste
2 20m
3-7 Dried Chilis (If you are not into spice,
use fewer chilies, please!
We used 5 and found it to be very spicy!)
3 Shallots, Roughly chopped
4 Cloves of Garlic Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt
1 Tbsp Fresh Ginger, Sliced PaleoParents.com
1 Stalk of Lemongrass, Chopped
2 Tsp Cumin Seeds
2 Tsp Coriander Seeds
1 Tsp Lime Zest (Or kaffir lime)
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Anchovy Paste
1 Tsp White Peppercorns

2 Cup Shredded Duck (Or any meat), Cooked
1 Can of Full Fat Coconut Milk
2 Tbsp Lard or Coconut Oil
1/2 Cup Onion, Diced
1/2 Cup Carrots, Sliced
1 Tbsp Fish Sauce
1/4 Cup Thai Basil
1 Batch of the above Curry Paste
page 109

turkey thai basil the directions

In a medium bowl, combine turkey
with fish sauce, coconut aminos, water,
sugar, salt, and pepper; stir until turkey
is thoroughly coated and set aside.

Melt lard in large wok or frying pan

over medium-high heat. Add bok choy,
peppers, onion, and garlic and saute
until softened, about 8 minutes, stirring

Add contents of set-aside bowl

(with the meat) to pan and stir for
about 3 minutes until turkey is fully
incorporated and heated through.

Remove from heat and add Thai basil,

stirring until basil wilts.

ingredients A little note about the more unusual

ingredients here. Bok choy is now fairly
2 Lb Leftover Cooked Turkey, common in regular grocery store in
4 Cubed or Shredded both large and small sizes. It essentially
(Chicken, beef, or shrimp would work too) looks like the lovechild of spinach and
3 Tbsp Fish Sauce celery and each part cooks similarly
3 Tbsp Coconut Aminos (Or wheat free tamari) to its more common counterpart. Feel
1 Tbsp Water free to substitute as you feel fit. Fish
1/2 Tbsp Unrefined Granulated Sugar or Honey sauce is a common Thai ingredient that
(Optional) is essentially a thick fish stock that is
1 Tsp Salt used as a flavoring. Coconut aminos is
1/2 Tsp Ground White Pepper a gluten-free and soy-free alternative
2 Tbsp Lard to soy sauce (did you know the number
4 Baby Bok Choy, Leaves Pulled Apart, one ingredient in soy sauce is wheat?).
Hearts Halved Finally, white pepper is a flavorful
1 Red Bell Pepper, Sliced peppercorn we often use in Thai dishes,
1 Yellow Bell Pepper, Sliced but black pepper would work as well.
1 Large Onion, Sliced
3 Cloves Garlic, Minced
1 1/2 Cup Lightly Pack Thai Basil Leaves


Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt

page 110

coconut chicken the directions

Mix almond flour, shredded coconut,
and sea salt together in a bowl.

Beat egg in separate bowl.

Dip chicken breast in egg and roll in

dry mixture.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat

and add coconut oil when hot.

Pan fry chicken until fully cooked.

If the crust starts to brown and
your chicken isn’t fully cooked yet
(this will depend on the size of
the chicken breast), take it out of
the pan and place it in the oven
on a baking sheet at 350F for 5-10
minutes covered with foil.
4 1 Lb Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
1/4 Cup Almond Flour 15m
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
1/8 Tsp Sea Salt
1 Egg
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil

Recipe Contributed by Neely Quinn

page 111

simple bacon & spinach

stuffed chicken the directions

Preheat oven to 350 F. Butterfly your

chicken. Place plastic wrap on top of the
chicken and pounded it until flat.

Place a large skillet over medium-high

heat. Add the five strips of bacon and
cook on both sides until crispy, then
place bacon on a paper towel to soak
up the excess fat. Dice up the bacon.

Pour out the excess fat from the bacon,

leaving behind about 3 Tbsp in the pan.

While the pan is still over medium-

high, toss in the garlic cloves then add
mushrooms. Sprinkle in salt and pepper.
Once mushrooms have begun to soften,
add the spinach and more salt & pepper.

ingredients Cover and let steam until spinach has

begun to wilt. When the spinach has
4 Chicken Breasts, wilted, remove the pan from heat and
4 Butterflied and Pounded Flat add in diced bacon. Mix in mushrooms
6-8 Oz of Button Mushrooms, spinach until well combined.
Roughly chopped
5 Strips of Bacon Place mixture in the middle of chicken,
4-5 Cups Fresh Spinach fold chicken over and use two
2 Garlic Cloves, Minced toothpicks to close it while cooking.
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Place stuffed chicken breasts on a
parchment lined baking sheet and
put in oven to bake for 18-20 minutes
or until there is no longer pink in the
Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer
chicken. The time will range depending
PaleOMG.com on how thin you pound the chicken.

page 112

sticky thai chicken wings the directions

Preheat the oven to 325 F.

Pat chicken wings completely dry then

season with sea salt and black pepper.

Combine rice vinegar, chili paste,

coconut milk, garlic cloves, lime juice,
almond butter and coconut aminos in
a medium sized bowl and mix to create
the sauce.

Heat a large oven-safe skillet over

medium high heat with coconut oil.

Add chicken wings and sear for 2-4

minutes per side. Remove wings and set
on a plate, then reduce heat to medium.

ingredients Add chili sauce mixture and bring to a

boil. Let simmer for 1-2 minutes before
1 1/2 Lbs Chicken Wings adding wings back in to the sauce.
4 Sea Salt and Black Pepper, to taste
1/4 Cup Rice Vinegar
3 Tbsp Chili Paste Place skillet in the oven and bake for
1/2 Cup Canned Unsweetened Coconut Milk 25-30 minutes.
5 Cloves Garlic, Minced
1 Lime, Juiced Remove and spoon the sauce over the
1 Heaping Tbsp Almond Butter top of the wings, then garnish with
1/2 Tbsp Coconut Aminos cilantro and green onion.
2-3 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup Fresh Cilantro, Chopped
1 Green Onion, Chopped

Recipe Contributed by Joel Runyon & Marla Sarris
page 113

page 114

pesto salmon the directions

Preheat the oven to 400F.

Place the garlic in a food processor and

pulse until minced. Add the kale and
oregano and pulse until finely chopped.
Finally add the sunflower seeds,
nutritional yeast, and oil and pulse until

Check salmon for bones and pat dry and

season both sides with salt and pepper.

Place each salmon filet on a square

of parchment paper and spread 1cm
thick layer of pesto on top. Fold the
parchment paper around the salmon
creating a pouch. Seal the top by
folding it over and twist the ends to
create a seal.

ingredients Cook for 20min, or until the salmon

3 Garlic Cloves is cooked through and flaky. Use the
2 leftover pesto to flavor a side of broccoli,
4 Cups Kale, Roughly Chopped
1/4 Cup Fresh Oregano asparagus, or any vibrant cooked green.
1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds
1/4 Cup Nutritional Yeast
1/2 Cup Olive Oil
2 Large Filets of Salmon 30m
Salt and Pepper

Recipe Contributed by Jesse Schelew

page 115

bacon scallops with

garlic butter sauce the directions

Preheat oven on Broil. Grease a baking

sheet with butter. In a small saucepan,
melt butter over medium/low heat. Add
minced garlic, and simmer for about
10 minutes. Add spices and stir until
combined. Turn off heat, but leave the
pan on the warm burner.

Heat a skillet over medium heat. Add

bacon and cook for about 4 minutes on
each side -- you want your bacon strips
to be lightly brown, but not crispy.

Wrap each scallop with a slice of bacon

and secure it in place with a toothpick.
Place scallops on the baking sheet,
and broil on the top shelf of the oven
about 5 inches from the heat for 3
minutes. Remove from oven, flip each
scallop over, and broil for an additional
3 minutes.
Garlic Butter Sauce Remove scallops from the oven and
6 arrange them on a plate. Drizzle garlic
1/4 Cup Butter butter over the scallops, garnish
2 Large Garlic Cloves, Minced with sliced green onion, and serve
1/4 Tsp Salt immediately.
1/4 Tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 Tsp Italian Seasoning
1/4 Tsp Black Pepper
1/4 Tsp Paprika

Scallops 35m

12 Scallops
12 Bacon Strips (Note: If your scallops are small,
you can use 5 strips of bacon
and cut each strip in half )
Green onion for garnishing

Recipe Contributed by Alyson Bridge

page 116

chili coconut shrimp


2 Eggs (Pastured and local are best!)

1 Cup Shredded Coconut
1 Tsp Chili Powder
1/2 Tsp Smoked Paprika
Dash Cayenne Powder
Dash Salt & Pepper
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
10-12 Large, Uncooked Shrimp

Recipe Contributed by 15m

Rachel Adams

the directions
1. Beat eggs in a small bowl, set aside.

2. In small bowl add shredded coconut and mix in the chili powder, smoked paprika, cayenne, salt, and pepper.

3. Heat coconut oil in a frying pan over medium heat.

4. Thoroughly coat shrimp in egg, then dredge in coconut mixture.

5. You may need to press some of the coconut onto the shrimp for better coverage.

6. Place shrimp in frying pan and leave for 2-3 mins, they will turn pink and start to curl up when it is time to flip them.

7. Flip and cook on the other side for 2 minutes or so.

8. Remove to plate and enjoy!

page 117

fish curry the directions

Melt ghee in a large skillet or wok. Heat
onions, garlic, and ginger in it.

Add all vegetables except for the


Stir well and let the vegetables roast a

little bit.

Add the coconut milk, fish, and spinach.

Stir briefly and let it simmer with the lid
closed for 3-5 minutes

Serve with fresh Cilantro.

Bon Appétit!

3 White Fish Fillets,
2 Cut into bite-size pieces 7m
1/2 Head Chinese Cabbage, Shredded
1/2 Head Cauliflower,
Separated into small florets
1 Zucchini, Cut into chunks Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid
20-25 Brown and/or White Button Mushrooms, “I Love Real Food” cookbook
Cut into chunks
1 Large Bunch Spinach, or Frozen Spinach
1.5 Cup Coconut Milk
1 Thumb-sized Piece of Ginger, Chopped
1/2 Onion, Chopped
3 Cloves Garlic, Chopped
Fresh Cilantro
Garam Masala
Chili flakes
page 118

curry fried fish the directions

Dry fish with a towel.

Pour (or spoon) coconut oil into deep fryer,

heat to 350 degrees. Watch the fill line! We
have a small version so it doesn’t take much
– you can also strain and save your used oil
in the freezer for next time. Alternatively,
preheat 3/4” of oil in a cast iron skillet to 350
degrees over high heat.

Scramble egg yolks in a bowl.

Whisk together the coconut and spices until

well combined in a separate bowl.

Coat both sides of filets with egg, then coat

with the coconut mixture.

Deep fry fish about 5 minutes until fully

ingredients cooked and golden brown, transfer to towel
or napkin lined plate; if pan frying, flip after
2 Lb White Fish Filets 4 minutes and cook 4 minutes more.
3-4 (We used swai, but others
would definitely work)
4 Egg Yolks Serve with sauce of choice – a garlic aioli
1 Cup Shredded Coconut or tartar sauce with homemade mayo is
2 Tsp Yellow Curry Powder
1 Tsp Cumin
1 Tsp Salt
1/4 Tsp Pepper
Zest of a Lemon 15m
Coconut Oil for Frying

Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt

page 119

salmon with
coconut cream sauce the directions

Preheat oven to 350F.

Place salmon in a shallow baking dish

and sprinkle both sides with sea salt
and freshly ground black pepper.

Heat a medium sauté pan over medium

heat. When pan is hot, add coconut oil,
garlic, and shallots. Sauté until garlic
and shallots soften, about 3-5 minutes.

Add lemon zest, lemon juice, and

coconut milk, and bring liquid to a low

Reduce heat and add basil.

Pour over salmon and bake uncovered

for about 10-20 minutes, or until salmon
has reached desired temperature.

1 Lb Salmon Fillet (Wild caught)
3-4 1/4 Tsp Sea Salt (Optional) 25m
1/4 Tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper
2 Tsp Coconut Oil
1 Large Shallot, Diced
Zest of One Lemon
Juice of One Lemon
1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
2 Tbs Fresh Basil, Chopped

Recipe Contributed by Neely Quinn

page 120

page 121

maple bacon crunch

ice cream

Then in a mixing bowl off to the side, beat the egg

yolks until light in color. (Not sure what to do with
the leftover egg whites? Freeze them individually in
an ice cube tray and then store for later use.)

2H 20m Slowly temper the eggs with the hot maple cream
mixture. Add the butter and then either return back
to the stove and whisk for 5 minutes OR Vitamix
that shizz for 5 minutes. I think blending it makes it
lighter and silkier.

Remove from stove and bring to room temperature

before chilling for at least 6 hours or overnight. You
want it to be plenty cold before churning in the ice
cream maker.

Prior to churning, fry up 4 pieces of bacon until
4 Cups Full Fat Coconut Milk crisp but not burnt. If you cook the bacon in a
1 Pack Gelatin microwave then it doesn’t leave a greasy film in
1 Cup High Quality Maple Syrup your mouth. It kind of dries it out.
6 Egg Yolks
3 Tbsp Unsalted Pastured Butter Layer a baking sheet with parchment paper. Melt
Pinch Salt chocolate using a double boiler and then dip
4 Pieces of Thick Cut Bacon bacon strips in it. (I trimmed off any excess rubbery
3-4 oz Dark Chocolate (72%) fat from my jerky-like bacon before coating with
chocolate.) Lay on baking sheet.

4-6 Chill for 15 minutes and then cut into small bite-
sized pieces. Follow the directions of your ice cream
maker and churn the maple ice cream. Throw in
the chocolate bacon pieces towards the end of
churning. Pack into pints or an airtight container
the directions and freeze before serving.

In a small sauce pan, reduce the maple syrup by

about half over medium heat. Set aside.

Pour coconut milk in a medium sauce pan and

sprinkle gelatin on top WITHOUT stirring. Let sit
for 1 minute and then whisk in. Turn the stove on
medium and then whisk in with the reduced maple
syrup and pinch of salt. Lightly simmer the mixture
until just before boiling.
Recipe Contributed by Rachel McClelland
page 122

vanilla ice cream the directions

Heat coconut milk, honey, and
vanilla extract in a medium
saucepan over low heat.

Whisk egg yolks in a separate bowl.

Temper the egg yolks by adding a
small ladle of the warm mixture at a
time, stirring continuously until all
ingredients are combined.

Refrigerate mixture until cool.

Follow the directions on your ice

cream maker and enjoy!

2-3 1 - 14 oz Can Coconut Milk
2 Egg Yolks 2H
1/5 Cup Honey
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract

Recipe Contributed by Ben Hirshberg

page 123

pumpkin ice cream the directions

Heat coconut milk and honey in a
medium saucepan over low heat.

Whisk egg yolks in a separate bowl.

Temper the egg yolks by adding
a small ladle of the warm honey
and coconut milk mixture at a
time, stirring continuously until
completely combined.

Refrigerate mixture until cool.

Blend cooled mixture with pureed

pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, and
vanilla in a blender on high for 20

ingredients Follow the directions on your ice

cream maker and enjoy!
1 - 14 oz Can Coconut Milk
2-3 1/4 Cup Honey
2 Egg Yolks
1/2 Cup Pureed Pumpkin
1/2 Tbsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract

Recipe Contributed by Ben Hirshberg
page 124

mocha ice cream the directions

Heat coconut milk, honey, espresso
coffee, and cacao powder in a
medium saucepan over low heat.

Whisk egg yolks in a separate bowl.

Temper the egg yolks by adding a
small ladle of the warm mixture at
a time, stirring continuously until
completely combined.

Refrigerate mixture until cool.

Follow the directions on your ice

cream maker, pouring in chocolate
halfway through blending, and

1 - 14 oz Can Coconut Milk
2-3 1/4 Cup Honey 2H
1 Shot Espresso Coffee
2 Tbsp Cacao Powder
2 Egg Yolks
1/6 Cup Dark Chocolate Bar Pieces

Recipe Contributed by Ben Hirshberg

page 125
page 126

double chocolate
“peanut butter” ice cream
the directions
Place all ingredients for your ice cream in a saucepan
over medium heat and whisk until completely mixed
together. Then place in the freezer for 30 minutes to
an hour or until completely cooled.

40m Add mixture to your ice cream maker and turn on.
Once ice cream has thickened, place in a container
and in the freezer to harden up a bit more while you
make your cookies.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the dry ingredients

in a bowl: almond meal, cocoa powder, cinnamon,
baking soda, baking powder and salt.

ingredients Then in another bowl, mix the wet ingredients: eggs,

honey, coconut oil and whisk. Pour wet ingredients
into your dry ingredients and add the chocolate
cookies chips. Mix well.
1.5 Cups Almond Flour/Meal
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and use an
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon ice cream scoop or spoon to pour equal size cookies
1/4 Tsp Baking Soda onto your baking sheet. I would fill my ice cream up
1/4 Tsp Baking Powder half way and that gave me 12 cookies, perfect sized.
Pinch of Salt
2 Eggs
Bake cookies for 12-15 minutes. Let cookies cool
1/3 Cup Raw Honey (Or other sweetener) completely.
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil, Melted
1/3 Cup Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips
(or other dark chocolate chips) Pull ice cream out of the freezer and use an ice cream
scoop to place a scoop of ice cream between two
ice cream cookies. (if ice cream is too hard, just place in the
microwave for 30-45 seconds).
1 (14 oz) Can Full Fat Coconut Milk
1/2 Cup Raw Honey
1/2 Cup Sunflower Seed Butter
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
Pinch of Salt

Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer
page 127

raw black
forest brownies the directions

Soak 1 cup of cherries in water for an


Place 2 cups of walnuts in a food

processor and process into a
granular flour.

Add 1 cup of cacao powder and 1/4

tsp of salt to the food processor and
process until smooth.

While the food processor is running,

slowly add 1 cup of soaked cherries
and 1/2 cup of dates and process
until smooth.

Fold in 1/2 cup of cherries and 1/2

cup of raw chopped almonds.

ingredients Press the brownie batter into lined

1 1/2 Cups of Dried Cherries 8×8 brownie pan and freeze for 2
8-12 hours to set the brownies.
2 Cups Walnuts
1 Cup Raw Cacao Powder
1/4 Tsp Salt
1/2 Cup Dates (Roughly 4) Remove from the freezer and cut
1/2 Almonds, Chopped into 8-12 Raw Black Forest Brownies
and serve.

3H 10m
Recipe Contributed by Jess Schelew
page 128

mint chocolate
fudge brownies the directions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cut avocado in half, peel, and process until

VERY smooth in food processor.

Melt half the dark chocolate (4oz) and

coconut oil together in the microwave
or over a double boiler (stir frequently to
ensure the chocolate doesn’t scorch).

Transfer avocado to large bowl and add all

remaining ingredients except remaining
chocolate and fresh mint.

Use hand mixer and whip until very well

combined and fluffy, 3-5 minutes should be

ingredients Roughly chop remaining chocolate and

incorporate chocolate chunks and fresh
1 Large, Ripe Avocado
mint by hand into the batter.
16 1/4 Cup Sunflower Seed Butter,
or other
nut butter Spread batter into greased or foil-lined 8×11
1/2 Cup Honey (Raw, local) pan (8×8 or 9×9 would work as well but
8 oz Unsweetened, 100% Dark Chocolate you’ll have to increase baking time).
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Dutch Process
Cocoa Powder Bake for 26-28 minutes, remove when
3 Large Eggs toothpick comes out clean from the center.
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 Tbsp Mint Extract
Let cool completely before cutting and store
1 Tbsp Coconut Flour, Sifted
in a sealed container.
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Fine Sea Salt
2 Heaping Tbsp Fresh Mint, Chopped Finely

Recipe Contributed by Rachel Adams
page 129

no-cheat chocolate
macadamia bark the directions

Combine chocolate and coconut

butter in a double boiler or a heat-
proof bowl set over a pan of boiling

Heat until melted and thoroughly


Remove from heat and stir in

macadamia nuts.

Line the bottom and sides of a pan

with waxed paper. Pour chocolate
mixture into the pan.

Sprinkle with salt.

ingredients Place in freezer for 45 minutes or

until hardened.
8-10 1 Sunspire 100% Chocolate Baking Bar
1/2 Cup Coconut Butter
Break up the chocolate and enjoy
1 Cup Raw Macadamia Nuts
this no-cheat treat!
1/4 Tsp Sea Salt (Preferably course)
Optional Mix-Ins:
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Dried Cherries Store any leftovers in the refrigerator.
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Coconut

Recipe Contributed by Pamela King
page 130

sea salt chocolate the directions

Melt butter in medium sauce pan
over low heat.

Once butter is completely melted,

mix in cocoa powder, vanilla extract,
sea salt, and honey. Stir constantly
until a thick, homogeneous texture
is achieved.

Stir the chocolate mixture rapidly for

another 30 seconds. Be careful not to
overcook or the chocolate will burn.
Remove from heat.

While mixture is still warm spread

smoothly over a sheet of wax paper.
Let stand until firm. For harder
chocolate keep in refrigerator or
ingredients freezer. Enjoy!

10-12 1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter

1 Cup Cocoa Powder
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 Cup Honey
1/4 Tsp Sea Salt

Recipe Contributed by Ben Hirshberg

page 131

chocolate chili
pineapple the directions
If using fresh pineapple, core the
pineapple and cut the pineapple into
rings like you would find in a can

Lay half of your pineapple rings on a

parchment paper lined baking sheet

Place a popsicle stick in the center of

each pineapple ring and then place
the remaining pineapple rings on top
of the sticks, making a sandwich with
the stick in the middle

Freeze your pineapple popsicles

When ready to make, melt your

chocolate and coconut oil over a
double boiler
1 Whole Pineapple or Dip your pineapple popsicles in
8-10 1 Can of Pineapple Slices the chocolate and then dip in the
1/2 Cup Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips macadamia nuts and set back on your
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil baking sheet
Chili Powder to Taste
Crushed Macadamia Nuts
Do this for all remaining pineapples

Recipe Contributed by George Bryant Sprinkle them all with chili powder
and keep frozen until ready to serve

page 132

almond butter crunch the directions

Melt butter in medium sauce pan
over low heat.

Once butter is completely melted,

mix in cocoa powder, almond
butter, vanilla extract, sea salt, and
honey. Stir constantly until a thick,
homogeneous texture is achieved.

Stir the chocolate mixture rapidly for

another thirty seconds. Be careful
not to overcook or the chocolate will
burn. Remove from heat.

Stir in almonds.

While mixture is still warm spread

ingredients smoothly over a sheet of wax paper.
1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter Let stand until firm. For harder
3-4 1 Cup Cocoa Powder chocolate keep in refrigerator or
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract freezer. Enjoy!
1/2 Cup Honey
1/4 Tsp Sea Salt
1/2 Cup Almond Butter
2/3 Cup Crushed Almonds

Recipe Contributed by Ben Hirshberg

page 133

nuts & nibs salted

dark chocolate bark

If adding stevia to your chocolate make sure it’s

powdered pure stevia extract with no additives and
carefully stir it in the melted chocolate now, otherwise
skip this step.

Pour chocolate into the center of parchment lined
baking sheet and spread around slightly thinly so the
chocolate isn’t too thick in any parts into a rectangle
shape about 12×10 inches in size.

Once spread evenly sprinkle macadamia nuts all around

the freshly spread melted chocolate followed by
sprinkling the pumpkin seeds and raw cacao nibs evenly
all around the melted chocolate. After that sprinkle the
fleur de sel or flaky sea salt very sparingly evenly around
the melted chocolate. (Remember when using the salt
ingredients not to use to much we are just adding a ever so slight
salty undertone so keep it super sparing when you
8 oz Dark Chocolate 70% or Higher sprinkle it.)
1/2 Cup Raw Macadamia Nuts
1/3 Cup Raw Pumpkin Seeds
2 Tbsp Raw Cacao Nibs Once everything is evenly sprinkled around the
chocolate place baking sheet into the refrigerator for 20
Fleur de Sel Sea Salt for sprinkling
minutes or until completely hardened.

11-12 Take the hardened chocolate out and break it up into

medium pieces by snapping in random spots (make
sure the broken pieces arent to big or to small, you want
pieces you can eat within 2-3 small bites).
the directions
Set out a baking tray and line it with parchment paper. Place broken chocolate bark into a large mason jar or
Chop up chocolate and place it in a microwave safe storage container and store in the fridge.
medium sized bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds and
then stir for a while to distribute the heat evenly.

Place back in the microwave for 20 more seconds and stir

again until the heat is evenly distributed.

The chocolate should be melted by now but if it isn’t

then keep microwaving at 10 second intervals and
stirring in between each interval until almost melted
and keep stirring and it will incorporate and continue
Recipe Contributed by Josh Weissman
page 134


1 Cup Coffee, Cold

3 Tbsp Avocado

1 Small Banana

1 Tsp Vanilla Extract

2 tsp Cacao Powder

1/4 Cup Ice



7/8 Cup Coconut Milk

1 1/2 Scoops Whey Protein Powder

1 Small Banana, Frozen

1Tbsp Cacao Powder

1 Tbsp Cinnamon



Smoothies by Todd Dosenberry

Toadally Primal Smoothies
page 135


1/2 Cup Water

1 Medium Banana

3 Scoops Primal Fuel, Chocolate

1/4 Cup Ice

2 Tbsp Coconut Oil, Melted



1/2 Cup Almond Milk + 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk

1/4 Cup Coconut Water

1 1/2 Small Banana

2 Tbsp Avocado

1/4 Cup Ice

2 Tsp Cacao Powder


Smoothies by Todd Dosenberry

Toadally Primal Smoothies
page 136



1/4 Cup Kombucha, Citrus

1/4 Cup Ice

2 Scoops Primal Fuel, Chocolate

1 tsp Cloves, Ground



1/2 Cup Wine, Red, Semi-Sweet

1/2 Small Banana, Frozen

1/2 Cup Blueberries, Frozen



Smoothies by Todd Dosenberry

Toadally Primal Smoothies
page 137

raspberry ribbon the directions

Melt butter in medium sauce pan
over low heat.

Once butter is completely melted,

mix in cocoa powder, vanilla extract,
sea salt, and honey. Stir constantly
until a thick, homogeneous texture
is achieved.

Stir the chocolate mixture rapidly for

another 30 seconds. Be careful not to
overcook or the chocolate will burn.
Remove from heat.

Stir in raspberries.

While mixture is still warm spread

ingredients smoothly over a sheet of wax paper.
Let stand until firm. For harder
1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter chocolate keep in refrigerator or
1 Cup Cocoa Powder freezer. Enjoy!
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 Cup Honey
1/4 Tsp Sea Salt
2/3 Cup Raspberries

Recipe Contributed by Ben Hirshberg
page 138

strawberry peach
cobbler the directions

Preheat your oven to 350 F.

Peel your peaches and dice them as

well as dicing your strawberries.

Place your fruit, water, and honey in

a sauce pan on your stove and bring
to a boil stirring often.

Once boiling, reduce the heat and

simmer for 10-12 minutes.

Melt your ghee in the bottom of

your cake pan.

Once your fruit is done, add your

fruit to the cake pan and set aside.

ingredients Combine your almond flour, coconut

oil, and egg in a mixing bowl and
8 3 Cups Peaches (Or fruit of your choice) Diced
1 1/2 Cups Almond Flour mix well. It will stay chunky.
1/2 Cup Water
1/3 Cup Cinnamon Honey Spoon your crumbled mixture over
1 Egg the top of all your fruit and then
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil, Melted bake in the oven for 35 minutes.
1 Tbsp Ghee
Remove from the oven and let cool.

Recipe Contributed by George Bryant Serve with a scoop of awesome

CivilizedCavemanCooking.com Paleo Chocolate Ice Cream.

page 139

paleo Crème Brûlée the directions

Slit the vanilla bean down the center
with a paring knife, scraping the inside
of the bean. Deposit the scrapings and
the bean inside a small sauce pan over
medium heat.

Add the coconut milk and simmer

gently, not boiling it, for about 5
minutes or until slightly thicker.

In a medium mixing bowl, beat the egg

yolks and honey until light in color.

Remove the vanilla coconut milk from

the stove and slowly temper the eggs in
the mixing bowl.

Strain the crème brûlée mixture with

a fine mesh sieve over two medium
ingredients ramekins, removing the vanilla bean
1 Cup Full Fat Coconut Milk
2 Eggs Yolks from Pastured Eggs
1/3 Organic Vanilla Bean, Scraped Cover the ramekins with plastic wrap
and chill for 2+ hours.
2 Tbsp Raw Organic Honey
2 Tbsp Organic Palm Sugar (For topping)
Remove from the fridge right before
serving. Sprinkle 1 tbsp organic palm
sugar on top of each, shaking it to cover
evenly. If the sugar is too thick then the
underside won’t get torched.

Recipe Contributed by Rachel McClelland

SouthBeachPrimal.com Torch the sugar about 2 inches away
from the surface, holding the flame
perpendicular and making small circles.
The sugar will bubble up and brown

page 140

carrot banana muffins the directions

Preheat oven to 350 F.

In a large bowl, combine flour, baking

soda, salt, and cinnamon.

In a food processor, combine dates,

bananas, eggs, vinegar, and oil.

Add mixture from food processor to dry

mixture in the large bowl and combine

Fold in carrots and nuts.

Spoon mixture into paper lined muffin


ingredients Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.

2 Cups Almond Flour

2 2 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Sea salt 35m
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
1 Cup Dates, Pitted
3 Ripe Bananas
3 Eggs
1 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil, Melted
1 1/2 Cups Carrots, Shredded
3/4 Cup Walnuts (Or nuts of choice), Finely
Muffin Paper Liners

Recipe Contributed by Neely Quinn

page 141

red velvet cupcakes the directions

To purée the beets, take 2 to 3
unpeeled medium size beets, cut the
stems off, wrap in foil, and bake in
the oven at 400°F for 1 hour. Let cool.
Peel the beets (the skin should slip
off easily). Purée in food processor
till smooth like applesauce.

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Whisk cocoa powder, almond flour,

coconut flour, baking powder,
baking soda, salt, and sugar in a

In a separate bowl, combine beet

purée, melted butter, eggs, milk,
applesauce, and yogurt.

ingredients Combine wet ingredients and dry

ingredients, and mix well. Stir in
1 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder chocolate chips.
8-10 3/4 Cup Almond Flour
3/4 Cup Coconut Flour
2 Tsp Baking Powder Scoop the batter into paper cups in a
1 Tsp Baking Soda cupcake pan.
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Cup Sugar (Or honey)
2 Cups Beet Purée Bake for 20 minutes. Let cool, top
1 Cup Melted Butter with cream cheese, and sprinkle with
3 Eggs cacao nibs. Eat ravenously.
1/2 Cup Milk (Coconut or regular)
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Applesauce
2 Tsp Greek Yogurt
1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
1 (8 oz) Package Cream Cheese (Optional)* 1H 30m
Cacao Nibs (Optional)
* (This is not strictly Paleo and is more along the lines
of Primal or Wild Diet) Recipe Contributed by Abel James
page 142

paleo pumpkin bars

+ nut “cream cheese”
the directions
Preheat oven to 300 F.

Combine the dry ingredients for the crust. Add the

coconut oil and stir to combine. Press the crust into
an 8” x 8” baking dish.

Bake for 12-15 minutes or until browned. Allow to


Using an electric mixture, blend all of the

ingredients for the filling. Pour the filling over the
cooled crust.
Crust Refrigerate for 3-4 hours or until the filling is set.
Slice and serve.
2 Cups Almond Flour
3 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
3 Tbsp Raw Honey or Equivalent Stevia
1/4 Tsp Baking Soda For cream cheese:
Pinch of Salt
4 Tbsp Coconut Oil, Melted
Soak the almonds or cashews covered in water for
Filling 8-9 hours. Drain the water and rinse the nuts.
1 1/2 Cup Pumpkin Puree
1 Cup Nut “Cream Cheese” (Recipe below)
1/4 -1/3 Cup Raw Honey or Equivalent If using almonds, remove the skins by pinching the
almonds between your fingers.
Stevia (Sweeten to taste)
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil, Melted
1 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Vanilla Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend
until smooth (yields about 2 cups).
1/4 Tsp Ground Ginger
1/2 Tsp Ground Nutmeg


2 Cups Almonds or Cashews

2/3 Cup Water
3 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Recipe Contributed by Karen Sorenson

page 143

holiday bundt cake the directions

Grease your pan and pre-heat your
oven to 325 F.

Sift together dry ingredients. In

a separate bowl, beat your wet
ingredients until well combined. Mix
dry ingredients and apples into wet
until fully incorporated.

Fold in one cup each (reserving

remaining for topping) nuts and
white chocolate.

Pour batter into greased bundt pan,

smoothing the top.

Bake for about 1 hour, until knife

comes out clean. Cool for 20 – 30
minutes, then turn out onto plate.
4 Cups Blanched Almond Flour Heat extra white chocolate (over
8-10 1 Tbsp Cinnamon double boiler or in a microwave) on
1 Tsp Baking Soda low until able to be drizzled on top
1 Tsp Salt of cake. While melting chocolate,
1 Tsp Ground Cardamom chop remaining pistachios.
1/2 Tsp Ground Cloves
1/2 Tsp Ground Ginger
1/4 Cup Maple Syrup Drizzle chocolate on top of cake and
1/4 Cup Honey sprinkle with pistachios.
4 Eggs
1 Tbsp Vanilla
1/2 Cup Lard, Butter, or Palm Shortening Will keep up to several days at room
Plus extra for greasing temperature, would likely freeze
2 Medium Apples, (Not peeled) Grated and Strained well.
1 1/2 Cup White Chocolate Chips
1 1/4 Cup Roasted and Salted Pistachios

Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt
page 144

old fashioned apple pie the directions

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a pie pan
with butter. Whisk brown rice flour, quinoa
flour, arrowroot flour, salt, xanthum gum,
and 1 teaspoon cinnamon in a bowl.

Using hands, mix 1 cup chilled butter

chunks into the flour mixture until it starts
to become doughy. Add 2 tablespoons of
water, lemon juice, and maple syrup and
continue to mix with fingers. Cut dough
in half. Press half of the dough into the
bottom of the greased pie pan, and brush
with about half of the lightly whipped egg.
Set the other half of the crust dough aside.

For the filling, melt 1/2 cup butter in a

saucepan. Stir in 3 tablespoons almond
flour, 2 tablespoons water, coconut palm
sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, nutmeg, and
vanilla. Bring to a simmer. Reserve some
of the sauce to pour over the crust right
before baking. Take the main portion of
the sauce and mix in a large bowl with
ingredients the apple slices to coat them. Place apple
5 Granny Smith Apples, Peeled, mixture in the prepared crust, mounded
Cored, and Sliced slightly.
2 Cups Brown Rice Flour
1/2 Cup Quinoa Flour
1/3 Cup Arrowroot Flour Flatten out the second half of the dough,
and cut into 6 strips. Place 3 strips
1/2 Tsp Salt horizontally and 3 strips vertically over the
1 Tsp Xanthum Gum apples. Brush the rest of the egg over the
2 Tsp Cinnamon, Separated top of the crust.
1 Cup Butter, Chilled and Cut into
Chunks, Plus 1/2 Cup Butter
2 Tbsp Water, Plus an Additional
2 Tbsp of Water If remaining sauce has thickened, heat on
the stove for a minute or two until liquid.
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice Gently pour the remaining sauce over the
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup top crust. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Remove
3 Tbsp Almond Flour from the oven and allow pie to cool. I
3/4 Cup Coconut Palm Sugar actually like this best after being in the
1/2 Tsp Ground Nutmeg refrigerator overnight.
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
1 Egg, Lightly Whipped

Recipe Contributed by Alyson Bridge

1H 15m
page 145

guilt-free carrot treat the directions

Peel and roughly chop the carrots.

Boil until soft.

Let cool and purée in a food


Add cinnamon to taste.

Serve warm with a dollop of coconut

oil, ghee, or butter!

This carrot treat keeps well for a few

days in the fridge. Enjoy warm or

3-4 2 Cups Carrots
Cinnamon (Amount varies
depending on taste preference)
Coconut Oil, Ghee, or Butter

Recipe Contributed by Aglaée the Paleo dietitian

Author of “Digestive Health with REAL Food: a practical guide
to anti-inflammatory, low-irritant, nutrient dense diet for IBS
& other digestive issues”
page 146

vanilla ghee the directions

Slit the pod, scrape out the pulp,
and set aside. Cut the pod into a few
pieces and put them with the butter
in a saucepan.

Melt the butter slowly and then let

simmer, stir constantly.

Once a foam has formed on the

surface (about 10-20 minutes) and
it smells like cookies, strain the mass
through the filter into a suitable
container. Add the pulp with a fork
and mix well.

While cooling, stir again and again,

because the pulp settles onto the

ingredients The vanilla ghee is great for baking,

cooking, or snacking!
3-4 1/2 Lb Grass-fed Pastured Butter
1 Vanilla Pod Bon Appétit!
1 Tea Strainer


Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid

“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 147

raw macadamia nut

the directions
Place macadamia nuts and cashews
in two separate bowls and cover with
water. Allow them to soak for 3-12 hours.
Drain and set aside.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease an 8”

springform pan with butter or coconut

For the crust, mix almond flour, melted

butter, honey, ground cinnamon, and
vanilla together until well combined.
Press crust mixture evenly into the
bottom of the springform pan. Bake for
12-15 minutes, until lightly brown.

Pulse macadamia nuts in food processor

until finely ground and sticky. It’s okay
if they’re damp from soaking. You want
them as finely ground as possible.
Remove and then pulse cashews the
ingredients same way. If you need to, you can add
a bit of water to help facilitate the
Crust blending.
3-4 2 Cups Almond Flour
4 Tbsp Unsalted Butter, Melted (Or coconut oil) In a large bowl, beat together
macadamia nut mixture, cashew
3 Tbsp Honey mixture, honey, coconut oil, vanilla and
1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon lemon juice until very blended. If ,you
1/2 Tsp Vanilla have a high-powered food processor,
this is a good time to use it.
Pour mixture into your crust, and place
2 1/2 Cups Macadamia Nuts in the freezer for at least 4 hours. Top
1 Cup Cashews with berries, and enchant your friends
1/4 Cup Honey with this crowd-pleaser.
3/4 Cup Coconut Oil, Melted
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
3/4 Cup Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice 35m
**Plan ahead: Nuts require soaking
for at least 3 hours
Recipe Contributed by Alyson Bridge
page 148

chevre cheesecake the directions

Preheat the oven to 350 ° F.

Melt the butter with the sweetener

selected and the ground almonds,
mix well.

Pour into a well buttered (small)

spring form pan.

For the filling, whisk together the

eggs with the honey/maple syrup
with a blender, add the lemon juice
and peel, and stir briefly.

Slowly stir in tablespoons of both

cream cheeses, and blend it on
medium to low speed until it´s

ingredients Bake for about 25-30 minutes and let

it cool completely before getting it
3-4 1/2 Cup Ground Almonds out of the form.
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup, (Stevia may also be used)
2 Tbsp Ghee/Butter
Very delicious with reduced berries
Filling and whipped cream on top.
1 Cup Goat Cream Cheese*
1 1/4 Cup Quark/Curd/Cream Cheese* Bon Appétit!
1Tbsp Honey
3 Eggs
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
Lemon Rind of One Organic Lemon 50m

* (This is not strictly Paleo and is more along the lines

of Primal or Wild Diet) Recipe Contributed by Svenja Trierscheid
“I Love Real Food” cookbook
page 149

simple blueberry
lemon birthday cake
the directions
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Sift coconut flour into a bowl. Add eggs and almond milk
and either use a spoon to mix well or a hand mixer. Mix
until smooth.

Then add the honey, vanilla extract, lemon juice, lemon

zest, baking soda, and a pinch of salt. Mix well to
combine. Then fold in your blueberries carefully.

Grease your springform pans with coconut oil. I used two

4 inch springform pans. You could also make these into
muffins/cupcakes or maybe one small/thin round cake!

Pour the mixture into the two greased pans. Place on a
Cake(s) baking sheet for even baking. Bake for 35-40 minutes or
until slightly brown on the top and cooked through in
2/3 Cup Coconut Flour, Sifted the middle. Do the toothpick test to check.
5 Eggs
1/3 Cup Almond Milk (Or coconut milk)
1/4 Cup Raw Honey Let cake cool before removing them from the stringform
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract pan.
Juice of 2 Lemons
1 TspLemon Zest
1/2 Tsp Baking Soda While cakes are cooling, mix together the melted
Pinch of Salt coconut butter, lemon juice, and honey until well mixed.
1/2 Cup Fresh Blueberries
1-2 Tbsp Coconut Oil (For greasing pans)
Pour frosting on top of cakes. Then eat. Because that’s
Frosting what you do with cakes.

1/2 Cup Coconut Cream Concentrate or Home-

made Coconut Butter, Melted
Juice of 1 Lemon
1/8 Cup Raw Honey


Recipe Contributed by Juli Bauer

page 150

Paleo Chocolate the directions

coconut haystacks
In a large bowl, mix the coconut
flakes, cocoa powder, cacao nibs, raw
honey, coconut oil, and vanilla. Stir
well to combine.

Using an ice cream scoop, spoon

rounds of coconut mixture onto a
sheet of parchment paper over a
rimmed baking sheet.

Freeze for 1 hour.

Optionally, melt dark chocolate

and butter together in a small pot
over low heat and drizzle over the
frozen cookies. Return to freezer for
additional 30 minutes.

Serve with or without the final

ingredients chocolate drizzle.

20-24 3 Cups Coconut Flakes Enjoy!

1/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
1/4 Cup Cacao Nibs
1/4 Cup Raw honey
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil, Melted
1 Vanilla Bean, Sliced and seeds removed
3-5 oz 72% (or higher) Dark chocolate, Melted 35m
1 Tbsp Grassfed Butter (Optional)

Recipe Contributed by Joel Runyon & Marla Sarris

page 151

coconut cream balls


1 Tbsp Coconut Milk

1 Tsp Coconut Oil
8 Pitted Dates
2/3 Cups Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
1/3 Cup Raw Cashews
1/2 Tsp Organic Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes for

Recipe Contributed by
Sam Gaucher 6 15m

the directions
1. In a small food processor, chop coconut milk, oil, and dates until a thick paste is formed. Some small date chunks is still fine.

2. Add the coconut flakes and blend again. Add the cashews and vanilla and blend until everything is incorporated together and
there are no longer large chunks of anything.

3. Remove blade and scoop out the dough. Roll into 6-7 1“ balls, and then roll in coconut flakes. Chill in refrigerator or eat
page 152

rum balls the directions

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Grease a rimmed baking sheet (12” x

17”). Melt butter and chocolate chips
in a saucepan on low heat, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat and
set aside.

Whisk together eggs, coconut palm

sugar, vanilla, and salt in a large
bowl. Stir chocolate mixture into
eggs and sugar. Add almond flour,
and stir until well combined.

Pour batter into prepared baking

sheet, and spread evenly with a
spatula. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until
top is shiny. Let cool completely.

ingredients Stir cake in a bowl to break it up.

Add rum, and mix until consistency
3/4 Cup (1 1/2 sticks) Unsalted Butter, is uniform throughout. Shape into
8 Cut into Pieces balls, and roll in shredded coconut to
3/4 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips coat. Transfer to a baking sheet, and
refrigerate, uncovered for 2 hours.
3 Large Eggs
1/2 Cup Coconut Palm Sugar
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract Serve or store in the refrigerator in
1/2 Tsp Salt an air-tight container. Rum balls will
3/4 Cup Almond Flour become better after sitting in the
1/4 Cup Rum refrigerator for 2 to 7 days as they
1 Cup Shredded Coconut, For Rolling absorb the flavors. These are also
fabulous right out of the freezer.

Recipe Contributed by Alyson Bridge
page 153

cookie dough truffles the directions

In a bowl, stir almond flour, coconut
flour, salt, and coconut palm sugar

In a separate bowl combine softened

butter, coconut oil, and vanilla.
Add the dry ingredients to the wet
ingredients and mix well. Stir in
chocolate chunks.

Refrigerate dough for 2 hours.

Roll dough into balls, and stick in

the refrigerator while you melt your

In a saucepan, melt chocolate chips

over lowest heat, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat. Dip balls in
chocolate to coat, and place on wax
ingredients paper.
1/2 Cup Almond Flour
4 1/4 Cup Coconut Flour
Dash of Sea Salt Sprinkle the tops with mini
1/3 Cup Coconut Palm Sugar chocolate chips and place in the
5 Tbsp Unsalted Butter, Softened refrigerator or on the counter to
2 Tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil cool. Serve when hardened.
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips, Plus more for
1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips

2H 10m
Recipe Contributed by Alyson Bridge
page 154

creamy chocolate chip

coconut macaroons the directions

In a medium mixing bowl, whisk

together the coconut cream
concentrate, syrup, and salt until
well combined.

Fold in the coconut and chocolate


Use a rounded table spoon to form

1” balls and press flat onto a baking

Bake at 300 degrees for 25 minutes,

until edges brown slightly; allow to
cool for 10 minutes before removing
from tray and shoveling in your

Keep at room temperature or chilled,

ingredients as coconut cream will soften if
warmed. However, these cookies
1 Cup Coconut Cream Concentrate are best eaten warm. You MUST
4 2/3 Cup Maple Syrup eat them fresh out of the oven or
1 Tsp Coarse Salt warmed, or else the skies will open
(A lot, the salt makes this) and terrible monstrosities will fall
2 Cups Shredded Coconut from the sky weeping for the great
1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips (Optional – leave loss you’ve just experienced.
out if you’re not doing chocolate for
Auto Immune Protocol)

Recipe Contributed by Stacy & Matt
page 155

Introducing the
page 156

Check out these amazing resources from our contributing authors!

Abel James: The LeanBody System

Intro to Paleo: The Natural Diet to Burn Fat, Lose Weight and
Build Muscle

The Wild Diet

The Musical Brain: Its Evolutionary Origins and Profound

Effect on Our Lives

Aglaée Jacob: Digestive Health with REAL Food: A Practical Guide to an

Anti-Inflammatory, Nutrient Dense Diet for IBS & Other
Digestive Issues

Alyson Bridge: 50 Gluten Free Desserts

George Bryant: Caveman Feast

Joel Runyon: Impossible Abs

Los Paleo: Mexican Paleo Recipes (with Marla Sarris)

Juli Bauer: OMG. That’s Paleo?

Karen Sorenson: Awaken: 30+ Egg Free and Grain Free Breakfasts

Liz Wolfe: Modern Cavegirl: Paleo Living in The Concrete Jungle

The Skintervention Guide

Marla Sarris: Los Paleo: Mexican Paleo Recipes (with Joel Runyon)
Pigskin Paleo: Paleo Recipes for Gameday

Melissa Joulwan: Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat

The Paleo Parents: Eat Like a Dinosaur: Recipe & Guidebook for Gluten-free Kids

Beyond Bacon: Paleo Recipes that Respect the Whole Hog

Svenja Trierscheid: I Love Real Food cookbook

Todd Dosenberry: Toadally Primal Smoothies

page 157

Aglaée Jacob is a Canadian registered

dietitian. She worked as a diabetes
educator in Ottawa for 3 years and
then left to explore the world.
After traveling in South America
to master her Spanish skills and do
nutrition volunteering on the
Galápagos Islands, she lived for
a year in Melbourne, Australia and
another year in München, Germany.
H e r personal health struggles made her discover
low-carb and Paleo diets in 2010. She is now studying
naturopathic medicine at CCNM in Toronto.


Alyson Bridge is an advocate for healthy eating, a

former professional gamer,
reality TV personality, online
community expert, web-
designer, writer, speaker,
and marketing and PR
manager. With her book
50 Gluten-Free Desserts,
Alyson hopes to spread her
passion for good living and
healthy eating to as many people
as possible.

page 158

Ben Hirshberg is a 19 year old dude

from Seattle interested in human
well-being. He likes to travel and
practice lifestyle design. Right
now he is taking a gap year to
have fun, break out of the normal
path, and find his own direction.


George Bryant is the creative genius behind the

wildly popular Paleo food blog “Civilized Caveman
Cooking Creations.” After spending the first 20-something
years of his life in a constant battle with his weight, and
then nearly losing both his legs while on deployment as a
U.S. Marine, George took matters into his own hands and
began his own Paleo journey. What started as a simple
place to post recipes for friends, has since turned
into an award-winning food blog.
After being in the Marines for
12 years, George has now
been medically separated
and is enjoying working
fulltime creating delicious
Paleo recipes, while
hoping to change as many
lives for the better by making
REAL food recipes simple and tasty.

page 159

Jesse Schelew is a Holistic

Practitioner who has a passion for
healthy delicious food. Her website
“Out To Lunch Creations” offers
holistic recipes using whole and
meaningful ingredients. She has
transformed classics, comfort
foods, and international cuisines
into healthy meals you can really
feel good about. She has something for
everyone including gluten free, dairy free,
vegetarian, paleo, vegan, and holistic recipes.


Joel Runyon is the creator of

Impossible HQ where he
focuses on pushing his
physical limits, and Ultimate
Paleo Guide where he helps
people understand and
implement the basics of the
paleo diet. Through Ultimate
Paleo Guide, Joel recently
published Los Paleo: Mexican
Paleo Recipes by Marla Sarris.


page 160

Josh Weissman is the 17-year old

food blogging prodigy at “Slim
Palate.” After enduring years of
ridicule and harassment for
being overweight, Josh had
had enough so he began
eating healthy and re-exploring
his love for food. After a year and
a half he lost 100 pounds and is
now sharing his creative recipes (and
beautiful photography) with others who
are looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle.


Juli Bauer is a food hoarder. And a really bad dancer. If you

don’t know her well, you will probably not understand
her humor. Therefore, she apologizes ahead of time. Juli’s
honest and hilarious narratives that accompany her recipes,
only add to the fantastic creations she
shares at PaleOMG. When she’s
not offending the Paleo-
purists with her re-creations
of Paleo treats, she can be
found coaching Crossfit in
Denver, CO or having a dance
party in her kitchen.

page 161

Karen Sorenson follows a low

carb and gluten free lifestyle as
she tries to reach her goal of
losing 100 pounds. Her low carb
journey started (again) in May
2011 when she finally decided
to make a lifestyle change and
lose some weight. She started
the blog in December of 2011 as
a way to hold herself accountable for
losing weight and keeping it off. Living a low carb life has
helped her discover her passion for cooking and this blog
has helped her discover her love for photography.


Kelly Winters‘ story of eating Primal is a little different

than most. Unlike a lot of others, who have dramatic
before and after photos, she does not. Her before and
after photos from the outside look very much the same.
She is a nationally ranked athlete who has always been
very fit with muscular definition.
While her outside appearances
look the same, her inside
photos would probably tell
a different story and the way
she felt before to the way
she feels now is drastically

page 162

Lisa Wells and started Cook Eat Paleo

to share some of the things she has
learned on her journey with the
Paleo diet. She shares gluten-free,
grain-free, paleo diet recipes and
tips to make it easy to eat healthy
food. She hopes you find it useful!


Liz Wolfe is the Cave-lady behind “Cave Girl Eats,” a blog

based on Paleo and West A. Price Foundation smarts.
Her wonderful Cave Man husband serves in the US
military, and she is the mother to a four-legged, furry
Primal Pup/Paleo Pooch named Cal. She is committed to
becoming a better “Cave Girl” with every new recipe she
screws up, every day she eats “clean,” and every step she
treks in her funny “minimalist” shoes. She is a certified
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner working on her Master’s
degree in Public Health. She is the
creator of “Skintervention
Guide,” and co-host the top-
rated, weekly, Balanced Bites
Podcast. Her book “Modern Cave
Girl,” is available for pre-order
on Amazon!

page 163

Lucas Root absolutely loves to cook.

Everything about it: selecting the
produce which will become
his food, he smiles while
unpacking it after a successful
shopping trip, he delights in
selecting the ingredients for
the next meal, he is soothed
by the prep work of chopping
and slicing, and finally to see the
response his food brings. The art of food
is one of his most rewarding past times.


Marla Sarris is author of the cookbooks Los Paleo:

Mexican Paleo Recipes, Pigskin
Paleo: Gameday Paleo Recipes,
and the Paleo chef behind
Paleo Porn. When she’s not
experimenting in the kitchen
Marla enjoys traveling,
managing projects for Spyr
Media, and keeping active
with HIIT.

page 164

Surprisingly, Melissa Joulwan‘s favorite

vegetable is cabbage. Her favorite
spice is cumin. “The Clothes Make
the Girl” is an unusual title for
a blog that‘s about her tales of
triumph and failure in the gym,
in the kitchen, and in life. She
may have started the blog going
one way and wound up in entirely
another. She says that her desire to be
fit and healthy is almost matched by her love of punk fashion
and high glamour.


Neely Quinn is a Certified Integrative Clinical Nutrition

Therapist living in Boulder, CO. Her role at Paleo Plan
involves blogging and writing other
educational content, seeing clients
as a Personal Paleo Coach, and
answering readers’ and members’
questions. She loves her job, and
truly believe that eating Paleo
allows most people to thrive.
She started eating Paleo in 2009
after she realized her body didn’t
tolerate grains or legumes very well, and
it was the best dietary choice she ever made!

page 165

The Paleo Parents: Authors of two Paleo

cookbooks - “Eat Like a Dinosaur,” a
recipe and guidebook for
gluten-free kids and “Beyond
Bacon, Paleo Recipes that
Respect the Whole Hog.”
Stacy & Matt are a suburban
family. A working mom and stay
at home dad who raise three ac-
tive young boys, the Paleo way.
Having lost over 200lbs, and
changing the health and wellness of their boys (behavioral
and physical) after adopting a Paleo diet, they focus on
family friendly approach to an ancestral lifestyle.


Pamela King is a devoted wife and mother of two,

home chef, recipe developer, CrossFitter, and freelance
writer. She tries to make paleo meals that are easy
and quick, using ingredients that
are readily available. She feels
that planning meals well
in advance, shopping
efficiently, and preparing
ingredients ahead of
time, whenever possible,
help tremendously in
meeting one’s nutritional
goals. She hope that you find
her recipes, meal plans, and shopping
lists helpful in meeting your personal goals!
page 166

Rachael Adams resides in Minneap-

olis, and has a passion for improv-
ing her health, body, and life and
helping others do the same. She
completed her first Whole30 in
October 2012 and loved this
type of eating too much to
stop. She LOVES food, cooking,
discovering new recipes,
Yelping, nutrition, supporting local,
sustainable anything, and a whole lot of
other things.


These are some of Rachel McClelland ‘s passions: clean

eating, great laughs, and being high
on life. Along with photogra-
phy, biking, yoga of all styles
(particularly Anusara and
Skanda), and snuggling
up on the couch watching
movies with her boyfriend
(the brains of South Beach
Primal), and a big bowl of
coconut ice cream.

page 167

Sam Gaucher loves sharing re-

cipes, of course! She loves coming
up with cool combinations or
revamping old favorites. She also
loves the photography process.
She admits she is still a work in
progress, nowhere near perfect,
and never plans to be! She is just
here to show you that it can be done
and to give a fresh perspective.


Sjanett de Gaus is interested in a bunch of things

besides the obvious: healthy living and eating,
psychological science, leisure, tourism, event
experiences, and research methods. Although she values
healthy living she is by no means perfect and unfortunately
also not very disciplined…
Luckily she does love to cook, and
loves FOOD: good food, healthy
food, tasty food, and to her,
that is Primal, or Paleo, or
cavemen, or whatever you
want to call it!

page 168

Svenja Trierscheid just finished her

Bachelors in Intermedia Design.
She loves expressing and creating
moods and feelings through
images. Right now she is a
freelance filmer and
photographer, based in Trier and


“I Love Real Food” Cookbook

The most important thing about Todd Dosenberry (aka

Primal Toad) is that he’s a wellness nut. There are lots of
ways to live an extraordinary life and
to enjoy each and every day, but
when you feel awesome, it
becomes a hell of a lot easier.

This is Toad’s wellness

philosophy: Eat real food. Walk
a lot. Manage stress. Sleep.
Socialize. Seek me time.
Sunbathe but don’t burn.
Exercise but make sure you ENJOY
the activity. Love what you do. Do what you love. Chase
experiences, not things.

page 169

The Fat-Burning Man Team

Christopher Walker is the editor of the Fat-

Burning Chef Cookbook, co-host on The
Road To Ripped podcast, and blogger
at NoGym.net, a fitness blog focused
on body and brain health through
endocrine balance and body-
weight fitness training. He is a male
model and neuroscience nerd, with
a deep abiding love for bacon and
steak. Particularly bacon wrapped steak.

Emily Dewey is a board certified

Holistic Health Coach and
blogger all about helping
women learn how to quit
the diet drama for good, and
start loving the CRAP out
of life right now. She is the
Community Manager for
FatBurningMan.com, and the
founder of Your EVOLved Life
Emily is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
You can find her with her laptop and Americano in
whichever cafe happens to suit her fancy that day. She will
likely be geeking-out on Pinterest recipes and planning her
next travel adventure. www.YourEVOLvedLife.com
page 170

Abel James: The Fat-Burning Man

Coined a modern-day Renaissance
man, Abel James is a #1 bestselling
author, award-winning talk show host,
keynote speaker, professional
musician, and entrepreneur.
Abel‘s work has been featured in
WIRED Magazine, Paleo Living, and
hundreds of publications in business,
technology, psychology, and health.

As a professional musician and singer-song-

writer, Abel James has toured North America and Europe as the
bandleader of several award-winning musical groups.

Abel James completed high school and college in a

total of just six years. Distinguished as Valedictorian at New
Hampton School, Abel graduated as a Senior Fellow with
Honors at Dartmouth College with a concentration in
Psychological and Brain Sciences.

Abel has advised Fortune 500 and federal government

clients including Microsoft, Oracle, State Street Global Advisors,
Lockheed Martin, the Department of Education, the
Department of Labor, and the Library of Congress.

Hailing from the frosty backwoods of New Hampshire, Abel

James lives with his rambunctious yellow lab, Bailey, in Austin,

Read more from Abel James at abeljames.com and FatBurning-


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