XAT Decision Making 2008-16 Solutions
XAT Decision Making 2008-16 Solutions
XAT Decision Making 2008-16 Solutions
1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 E 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 D
11 E 12 E 13 D 14 C 15 C 16 D 17 A 18 D 19 C 20 D
21 B 22 D 23 A 24 D 25 B 26 B 27 B 28 D 29 C 30 E
31 E 32 D 33 C 34 D 35 E 36 B 37 C 38 D 39 C 40 D
41 D 42 E 43 D 44 B 45 C 46 B 47 E 48 E 49 D 50 E
51 E 52 D 53 B 54 A 55 E 56 C 57 A 58 C 59 B 60 B
61 E 62 B 63 D 64 E 65 E 66 B 67 C 68 E 69 B 70 D*
71 C 72 A 73 A 74 E 75 C 76 E 77 A 78 B 79 C 80 D
81 B 82 D 83 A 84 A 85 E 86 C 87 A 88 E 89 C 90 C
91 E 92 D 93 E 94 B 95 E 96 B 97 D 98 C 99 C 100 C
101 D 102 B 103 A 104 E 105 E 106 D 107 A 108 C 109 B 110 D
111 A 112 B 113 E 114 C 115 D 116 B 117 D 118 E 119 A 120 E
121 A 122 B 123 D 124 D 125 C 126 E 127 D 128 D 129 B 130 C
131 C 132 E 133 E 134 B 135 B 136 E
1. A Since Seema is a conscientious female entrepreneur, she 4. A The company has sold its software to more than a million of
should realize that one of the basic premises behind her customers. The bug poses a significant threat to these
forming her company was to provide equal opportunity to customers. Hence if the problem is left unattended the
female employees. Hence she cannot step back from that company will face even greater loss of credibility and bad
aim. At the same time she has to run her business profitably. word-of-mouth if it keeps quiet and the customers discover
Hence she should look at placing female employees in jobs the bug. Hence in order to keep its reputation with its
where they can perform productively without the company’s customers and show its commitment to them the company
interests being compromised. For jobs requiring overtime and should own up and fix the bug for all software copies sold
travel she could then look at perhaps hiring more male even if it involves expenses for it. (B), (C) and (D) talk about
employees. keeping silent about the problem and hence can be ruled out.
(E) is also not correct. Taking off a product that has sold more
2. B As a recruitment manager one should focus Mayank’s than a million copies is also an extreme step which will show
strengths and not necessarily his weaknesses. If Mayank up the company in a poor light.
has strengths in an area where there is a vacancy then he
should be hired for that position. His lack of communication 5. B The important cause behind this entire incident was definitely
skills is a drawback which can be rectified through proper the fact that while Mr Thakur took the bold initiative of
training on the job so long as it is not directly affecting his negotiating wage contracts directly with supervisors he was
productivity too much. Hence the recruitment manager should inconsistent. He took the trouble to negotiate with day
give more priority to his qualities and not be governed by his supervisors personally but failed to follow the same process
drawbacks which may not be strictly relevant for the position for night supervisors which led to Ram Lal feeling aggrieved,
he can join in. resulting in the incident.
3. B Since Saundarya Cosmetics has to maximize long-term profits, 6. E Since the immediate cause of the problem was the inability of
it has to look at moving beyond the ‘rich’ segment it has serviced night supervisors to deal directly with Mr Thakur, if Thakur
so long. It has to look at catering to the middle class and poor had created a process for night supervisors to meet him then
segments which aspire to its products. Also sales in the rich the unpleasant incident with Ram Lal and its effect on the
segment are stagnating. Therefore the company should target organization could have been avoided. Hence 2 comes first
products of different quality (and hence by implication price) in terms of impact on organization. 3 would be next in terms
to these other segments. Option (A) is ruled out because by of positive impact if Thakur had generally followed a policy of
selling-high quality products at low prices the company will allowing employees to see him without an appointment. The
lose money in the long run. (C) also implies selling the same problem with Ram Lal was aggravated by his repeated inability
products previously targeted at the rich (under different brand to see Thakur. Delegating the task of negotiating wage
names) to the poor and middle classes. This would also contracts with night shift employees to the Personnel Deptt.
potentially lead to losses through higher cost of productions would have been next most effective though it would have
and the need to maintain lower prices. Continuing to target been overall inconsistent with Thakur’s policy. Postponing
only the rich would not maximize long-term profits as sales in the decision of wage revision of night shift supervisors would
this segment is clearly stagnating. Targeting only the middle- have been least effective. Since contracts had been already
class would also be putting all eggs in one basket and hence made out for day supervisors this would have only added
not desirable. Thus option (B) is the correct answer as the fuel to the problem. Hence the sequence 2-3-1-4 is the right
company would be customizing is offering for targeting the one.
different segments.
Option B: Train 12443 and return by train 12802. 54. A Option A is the best way that Ms. Teknikwali could have
She will have to wait from 17:10 hrs to 21:45 hrs on the same adopted to deal with the BAG group. The members were
day. Hence, total waiting period is 4 hrs and 35 minutes. experienced and knew about the strengths and
weaknesses of the BAG group. Options B and E are negative
Option C: AI 9810 and return by train 12802. approaches that talk about scraping the entire team and
She will have to wait from 17:15 hrs to 21:45 hrs on the same breaking it down to sub-groups respectively. This does not
day. Hence, total waiting period is 4 hrs and 30 minutes. make use of the years of experience of the group members.
Option C talks about hiring an external consultant for
Option D: AI 810 and return by AI 9809. interacting with the BAG which meant she won’t get any
She will have to wait from 00:40 hrs to 3:20 hrs on the same first-hand experience. Option D is an indirect approach for
day. Hence, total waiting period is 2 hrs and 40 minutes. getting to know one’s own company.
Option E: IT 3348 and return by AI 809.
She will have to wait from 04:35 hrs to 08:30 hrs the on same 55. E The BAG group had a mixture of experienced as well as
day. Hence, total waiting period is 3 hrs and 55 minutes. newly graduated employees; still it could not implement the
ERP package. Thus, option A does not follow from the
Hence, option D is the correct answer. passage. Option B is incorrect as there is nothing in the
given case that suggests that young people from top B-
50. E Including all the BAG members in the decision making schools wouldn’t have faced problems or have implemented
process would make them more responsible and involved ERP successfully. Similarly, we have no information
in the project. Thus, option E is a good way of dealing with regarding efficiency of employees who are networked
the problem of rescheduling the ERP implementation. Option with stakeholders. Thus, option C is ruled out. Option D is
A only looks at a probable deadline date but doesn’t deal incorrect as a team of problemsolvers and those who know
with the core problem of how it will be met. Option B would the latest technology does not guarantee success in ERP.
not solve the problem since the problem is not about lack of Option E is correct; people involved in operations for a long
professional advice but how other members can be made time along with those who know the latest technology
receptive to change in the plans. Option C is biased as it would work in implementation of ERP package. This is so
overlooks the older members. Option D is incorrect and not because along with the knowledge of technology, it is
in line with the passage, it is nowhere mentioned that imperative to have relevant experience to overcome road
external consultants are slow. blocks in the implementation of such a package.
51. E Unilateral decision making by Mr. Shiv is the cause for the 56. C Mr. Dev would like to have Bal Singh as his driver as he is
problems faced by BAG. He did not take the other members experienced, trustworthy and a stable choice. Bal Singh
into confidence while committing to the deadline. Hence, meets the criteria of Mr. Dev’s family too who do not want
option E is correct. Option A is not the immediate cause of a young driver. Mani is young and so doesn’t meet the
the problem. Option B is incorrect because we can’t criteria. Sunder is experienced but not stable. Chethan is
comment on the competence of the consultant, moreover willing to work long term but his services have been offered
he wasn’t directly responsible for the problem. Options C on a temporary basis. Chintan is inexperienced and unstable.
and D are out of scope since it is not mentioned that there
61. E Ethics as defined in the beginning of the case states that it 68. E The minister tried to justify his actions by stating that these
is an individual’s code for society survival. Naresh defines actions have benefited people. But, this is not a reason
his society including himself, his family members, his enough to perpetrate corruption of any kind. Also, the media
employees and their family members. His action of paying has accused the minister of receiving kickbacks in exchange
the bribe is aimed at the survival and well-being of of incorrect allocations. This makes it all the more difficult
‘hissociety’ and so he is being totally ethical. Thus, option E for the minister to proclaim his act as justifiable. Hence,
is the correct choice. option E is correct.
62. B Ethics is an individual’s code for society survival. Naresh’s 69. B The minister had said-“the media cannot act as the reporter,
society boundaries do not include his customers. Hence prosecutor and Judge”. It is not clear from the case whether
for him using inferior quality material was ethical as this the media was doing one or all of the stated and there is a
kept prices down and customers happy (mentioned in the possibility that the statement made by the minister be
passage). Srikumar believed that the contractors need to factually incorrect. Hence, correct answer is option B.
stick together against any external treat. Hence Both Naresh 70. D* The correct answer to this questions should have been
and Srikumar are ethical in this case. ‘both corporate managers and the minister’. The head of
the nation should not have been accused as he was the
63. D Option D is correct. Morals are defined as society’s code one to identify the discrepancy in the allotments. Since the
for individual survival. It is mentioned in the case that getting correct answer is not given in the answer choices, XAT is
involved in court cases is a serious threat to an individual’s most likely to pick D as the correct answer.
business and leads to various unpredictable outcomes. By
not speaking up, contractors ensured their own survival. 71. C Loss of retail customers does not necessarily mean loss
They stopped Naresh from speaking up too and helped in of revenue. It is important to understand that this reduction
his survival as well. Thus, option D is correct. in retail customers may be by design and an organizational
objective. The organization may have been trying to shift
64. E Manohar would oppose the proposal because now he its customer base from retail to commercial and their
would be judged on three parameters instead of one and success in doing so can account for the increase in
he may not be that good on the new criteria. He would revenue. Hence answer choice C is correct.
have to definitely work harder to maintain his ‘highest earning
Answ er Table:
# of Only # of Only
J type G type
elective elective
is 3 is 2
Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario
1 2 3 4 5 6
Only Q 1 2 3 1 2 1
Only J 1 2 3 1 2 1
Only G 8 6 4 5 3 2
QJ (but not G) 1 1 1 2 2 3
QG (but not J) 3 3 3 4 4 5
JG (but not Q) 5 5 5 6 6 7
QJG 1 1 1 1 1 1
How m any
answ ers for G-
type courses? 17 15 13 16 14 15
104. E - Option A: Problem may be because of team or individual work (as mentioned on the situation ‘he cannot think of a
(Dipangshu). So, transfer of Patel may not solve the life without a job’).
problem. The next HR Director would do the required - In Option C, he loses his present job and nothing else is
official follow-up. mentioned (probably we can assume that he will join the
- Option B: Problem may be because of team, or Dipangshu. start up without any negotiation).
If the problem is because of the team, it might (though not - Option D is good choice but not as good as E. If there is
necessarily) get resolved in a new team. But if the problem no salary hike then it would be similar to Option B.
is because of Dipangshu, it would persist. Even if the - Option E is the best one. This is the safest option with
problem is because of team, there is no guarantee that comparable salary and if he gets a salary hike then it
new team would not have such problems. would be win-win for him and it would be better than
- Option C: Change in the project may not change the team Option D. However, if the start-up doesn’t honour his
or individual and hence problem may not get solved. request then it would be equivalent to Option C.
There is no guarantee that the new project would not
have same problems or same team. 106. D The intention of HR Director is to retain Dipangshu (as it is
- Option D: Unrelated to the argument. good for the organization as well because organization does
- Option E: Failure to perform the duty would lead to further not lose a competent employee), by bringing all three together
complications. This is the least that he can do at this to amicably sort out the issues. Thus, one statement has to
juncture and this is the only thing that can be controlled be picked from the first two statements; one statement has
by Dipangshu to avoid further negative consequence. to be picked from Statements III and IV. Statement V is a must
“We can only control the controllable”. Hence, this is the as no solution can be found without three of them coming
best option. together.
Out of statements III and IV, statement IV is a better option as
105. E - Option A: Mr. Patel does not seem interested to talk (as statement III does not specify an action. Hence, statements
given in the passage above and as perceived by IV and V should be part of the correct option along with
Dipangshu). Hence, this might not sort out the problem. either statement I or II. So, from the available choices, Option
Further, if we discard the first part of the option then it D is the best answer.
would be similar to Option B.
- Option B: This is a viable option but it has a lot of uncertainty
(he is sensing that he might be sacked three months
down the line). Further, there is no surety of getting a
new job, leading to further uncertainty. He is keen to
131. C Action 1 is the third best and better than action 5 in which
they get very high ratings for performance in a performance
oriented organization.