XAT Decision Making 2008-16 Solutions

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XAT DECISION MAKING Question 2008 - 2016

1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 E 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 D
11 E 12 E 13 D 14 C 15 C 16 D 17 A 18 D 19 C 20 D
21 B 22 D 23 A 24 D 25 B 26 B 27 B 28 D 29 C 30 E
31 E 32 D 33 C 34 D 35 E 36 B 37 C 38 D 39 C 40 D
41 D 42 E 43 D 44 B 45 C 46 B 47 E 48 E 49 D 50 E
51 E 52 D 53 B 54 A 55 E 56 C 57 A 58 C 59 B 60 B
61 E 62 B 63 D 64 E 65 E 66 B 67 C 68 E 69 B 70 D*
71 C 72 A 73 A 74 E 75 C 76 E 77 A 78 B 79 C 80 D
81 B 82 D 83 A 84 A 85 E 86 C 87 A 88 E 89 C 90 C
91 E 92 D 93 E 94 B 95 E 96 B 97 D 98 C 99 C 100 C
101 D 102 B 103 A 104 E 105 E 106 D 107 A 108 C 109 B 110 D
111 A 112 B 113 E 114 C 115 D 116 B 117 D 118 E 119 A 120 E
121 A 122 B 123 D 124 D 125 C 126 E 127 D 128 D 129 B 130 C
131 C 132 E 133 E 134 B 135 B 136 E

1. A Since Seema is a conscientious female entrepreneur, she 4. A The company has sold its software to more than a million of
should realize that one of the basic premises behind her customers. The bug poses a significant threat to these
forming her company was to provide equal opportunity to customers. Hence if the problem is left unattended the
female employees. Hence she cannot step back from that company will face even greater loss of credibility and bad
aim. At the same time she has to run her business profitably. word-of-mouth if it keeps quiet and the customers discover
Hence she should look at placing female employees in jobs the bug. Hence in order to keep its reputation with its
where they can perform productively without the company’s customers and show its commitment to them the company
interests being compromised. For jobs requiring overtime and should own up and fix the bug for all software copies sold
travel she could then look at perhaps hiring more male even if it involves expenses for it. (B), (C) and (D) talk about
employees. keeping silent about the problem and hence can be ruled out.
(E) is also not correct. Taking off a product that has sold more
2. B As a recruitment manager one should focus Mayank’s than a million copies is also an extreme step which will show
strengths and not necessarily his weaknesses. If Mayank up the company in a poor light.
has strengths in an area where there is a vacancy then he
should be hired for that position. His lack of communication 5. B The important cause behind this entire incident was definitely
skills is a drawback which can be rectified through proper the fact that while Mr Thakur took the bold initiative of
training on the job so long as it is not directly affecting his negotiating wage contracts directly with supervisors he was
productivity too much. Hence the recruitment manager should inconsistent. He took the trouble to negotiate with day
give more priority to his qualities and not be governed by his supervisors personally but failed to follow the same process
drawbacks which may not be strictly relevant for the position for night supervisors which led to Ram Lal feeling aggrieved,
he can join in. resulting in the incident.

3. B Since Saundarya Cosmetics has to maximize long-term profits, 6. E Since the immediate cause of the problem was the inability of
it has to look at moving beyond the ‘rich’ segment it has serviced night supervisors to deal directly with Mr Thakur, if Thakur
so long. It has to look at catering to the middle class and poor had created a process for night supervisors to meet him then
segments which aspire to its products. Also sales in the rich the unpleasant incident with Ram Lal and its effect on the
segment are stagnating. Therefore the company should target organization could have been avoided. Hence 2 comes first
products of different quality (and hence by implication price) in terms of impact on organization. 3 would be next in terms
to these other segments. Option (A) is ruled out because by of positive impact if Thakur had generally followed a policy of
selling-high quality products at low prices the company will allowing employees to see him without an appointment. The
lose money in the long run. (C) also implies selling the same problem with Ram Lal was aggravated by his repeated inability
products previously targeted at the rich (under different brand to see Thakur. Delegating the task of negotiating wage
names) to the poor and middle classes. This would also contracts with night shift employees to the Personnel Deptt.
potentially lead to losses through higher cost of productions would have been next most effective though it would have
and the need to maintain lower prices. Continuing to target been overall inconsistent with Thakur’s policy. Postponing
only the rich would not maximize long-term profits as sales in the decision of wage revision of night shift supervisors would
this segment is clearly stagnating. Targeting only the middle- have been least effective. Since contracts had been already
class would also be putting all eggs in one basket and hence made out for day supervisors this would have only added
not desirable. Thus option (B) is the correct answer as the fuel to the problem. Hence the sequence 2-3-1-4 is the right
company would be customizing is offering for targeting the one.
different segments.

XAT Decision making Questions 1

2008 - 2016
7. B Option (A) is incorrect because his objective was definitely 16. D In this option both the problem and its justification are correctly
not to create a channel wherein employees could bargain on linked. Rabindra jumping to conclusions without investigating
their wages. Option (C) is not correct as there is no mention whether Om had carried out his duties is the root problem
in the passage that the supervisors were planning collective with the right justification for it.
action against the management. Similarly neither option (D)
nor option (E) are borned out by the statements mentioned in 17. A In order to resolve the issue it is necessary to revoke
the passage. Rabindra’s order because it was definitely a harsh punishment
for a small act of negligence not properly investigated. This
8. B The reason(s) for Ram let’s “grievance” have been mentioned would resolve the issue and communicating the right reason
as both his inability to meet the President & the unfairness of for it would benefit the organization as a whole.
his wage contract. Thus, option (B) is the correct answer.
Option (C) states the immediate cause of his outburst in the 18. D The problem that Rabindra’s decision created lay with the
President’s office. fact that he acted on impulse without investigating the matter
properly. Hence D is the right choice.
9. C Obviously the Personnel Department would be disgruntled
with Mr.Thakur’s initiative because he had deliberately 19. C Bola’s desire to contribute to the society cannot be realized if
aggravated the problem by keeping it out of the picture. Since he does not set-up business and earn money. At the same
Thakur was unilaterally negotiating contracts without keeping time, he has reservation against the possible damage caused
the company in the picture about the financial implications of by his enterprise to the environment. Option (C) provides the
his contracts the Finance Deptt would also be disturbed about best way out as it resolves this conflict in the best possible
it. Lastly since the problem involved factory supervisors the manner.
production department would also be annoyed. If consulted it
would have been able to advise Thakur about day and night 20. D Option (A) can be eliminated as it won’t pragmatic to stop
shift workers and how they were likely to react to his manner developmental activities as the local people also enjoy the
of dealing with them. benefits of development. Option (B) can also be rejected as
it goes against Bhola’s idea of not damaging the environment.
10. D The fact that Mr Thakur hit Ram Lal back when he tried to Option (C) can be eliminated. Eco-tourism, if controlled by the
assault him shows that he clearly became emotionally unstable government keeping in mind the interest of stakeholders,
under pressure and did not deal with the problem in a manner may actually go against the larger interests of protecting the
befitting a mature, senior executive. environment. Between options (D) and (E), option (D) is a
better alternative as the kind of eco-tourism suggested here
11. E The answer is ‘may be never’ because it is not possible to would involve synergetic efforts among NGOs, the
find out the year in which Shekhar is going to break even government and the private players.
simply from the data provided. While the sales in Patna and
Bistupur may be the same, the costs (for example rentals) 21. B Option (B) would be the most effective measure as it would
may be very different in Patna compared to Bistupur and encourage protection of the environment and discourage
hence we cannot predict that Shekhar will enjoy the same pollution of the environment at the same time.
profit margin as the franchisee in Patna. Thus in the absence
of complete information we cannot predict any certain figure 22. D The best course of action that Guruji can suggest to Bhola to
for break-even and therefore “may be never” is the best score a quick win would be best reflected by option (D).
choice. Statement D hints at pointing out the good work done by
Bhola’s government without pointing fingers at anyone. Option
12. E ‘Patronage’ here means the support that a person gives to a (C) is frivolous as it suggests accusing the opposition.
shop/store etc. by spending money there. Refer to the lines Moreover, this measure might prove to be ineffective if the
“Most upper middle class customers stopped there”. Thus unemployment levels turn out to be more.
option (E) is the most appropriate choice.
23. A The reasons for the Jet Airways not doing well is directly
13. D Shekhar has made his initial assessment based on his stated in these lines third paragraph fourth line which reads
impression of the ‘low image’ of Sakchi and his expectation “consequently passenger load had fallen.................. 70-75%.”
that the college going crowd of Bistupur would be his target and eleventh line third paragraph. Which reads “According
market. Since this has landed him in confusion, he should do to the analyst.......................and ATF prices.
a more in-depth study to find the drivers and potential of the
business before coming to a conclusion. 24. D The daily loss of Air India as given in the passage is almost 10
crore. Jet Airline lost 3000 crore. So, the loss incurred by the
14. C Shekhar’s decision on whether to take up the Music World Air India is 10 × 366 = 3660. So the loss for the Rest of the
franchise would depend to a large extent upon how well he airlines is 10,000-(3660 + 3000) = 3340. Hence, option (D) is
expects the business to grow in future. This would impart the correct answer.
his decision, for instance, to set up the store in Sakchi rather
than Bistupur if the market really is expected to grow there in 25. B Even if the fuel constitutes 30% of the revenue, we are not
future. Factors like real estate prices and profitability of sure how it will translate into load factor to reduce the
business in first two years would be short-term factors operating costs. Hence, the data is insufficient to reach a
while factors such as changes in the music industry would decision.
be largely beyond the scope of decision-making.
26. B The question demands that Mr. Ranjan has to portray good
15. C The learning from the solitaire incident is that people in certain image of himself as well as create a long lasting positive
roles would have different ways of carrying out their duties. impact. For this, option (B) is the best choice. Providing
The way Rabindra reacted to the solitaire incident and took a adequate security protection will assuage the apprehensions
unilateral decision without informing his supervisor clearly of the players. Moreover, this will earn him the popularity of
illustrates this. the followers of the game.

2 XAT Decision making Questions

2008 - 2016
27. B The best rationale behind Ranjan’s decision in favour of IRC 37. C With the recommended change, the Cozy_travel offer definitely
would be option (B). If the World Cup is held in a country becomes far superior than the Cool_yatra offer. Though
which has adopted the DTC guidelines and Racket Club Cozy_travel were offering two free tickets initially, the
doesn’t comply with the DTC guidelines, then the team will customers probably didn’t find the offer very attractive due
not be allowed to participate in the World Cup. to the restriction in booking dates. Since all other offers have
date restrictions removing such restrictions in case of
28. D Option (D) is the only issue which has no relation with the Cozy_travel would have the greatest impact.
apprehensions raised by the top three popular players. After
all security arrangements at the stadium where Racket is 38. D Easy_travel offer dates don’t match with Jagan’s travel plans.
played has nothing to do with the security threat perceived Cozy_travel offer doesn’t suit him as it requires him to book
by the players if they disclose their whereabouts/schedule the free ticket at least 21 days in advance whereas he will
for three months in advance. get a maximum of 15 days for booking a ticket to Akashpur.
Jagan should get the flight ticket from Cool_yatra as it will
29. C The case in question presents the view of the government give him time to make use of the free ticket.
that holds responsible the top executives of the PSUs for the
failure in the implementation of plans. Statements (i), (iii) and 39. C Easy_travel’s Ek ke sath ek offer (Option A) is not feasible
(v) present arguments that tell us why it is the government because of the date restrictions. Options C and D are
that is responsible and not these executives. effectively the same and both are better than Options B and
E in terms of saving money. Option C is the best as along with
30. E Since both the management and the economic situation of bringing down the cost of journey (by using one free ticket),
LMN has undergone a change, it will be pragmatic to look at it will give Janaki one extra free ticket that can be gifted to
this deal from a fresh perspective and let bygones be somebody.
bygones. Hence, statement (iv) is a wise line of thought for
the CEO of ABC. He can also consider the present market 40. D Statement a is not relevant and can be eliminated. The preface
value and economic situation of LMN and decide to try and should start by statement c which says that adverse
bid for this company at a later time at a cheaper price. Hence, economic conditions have resulted in all-time highest profits
statement (v) is also correct. This eliminates all the options for wind turbine makers worldwide. This negates the
except E. argument of the CEO that company’s poor performance is a
result of adverse economic conditions. It should be followed
31. E Since both the companies are facing similar problems and by statements b and e which state that though the company’s
are in the same sector, there is no visible advantage sales volume has increased in the year under consideration,
monetarily as well as from the perspective of portfolio it has happened because of charging lower, unprofitable
diversification for the resultant entity. The only advantage prices.
could be consolidation of assets. Hence E is the strongest
option. 41. D The rules of the Members council say that no two officers
shall serve on the same committee. Ajit Singh and Chaitanya
32. D The management needs to placate workers, expose Rao have been nominated for officer status, they have not
contractors and take unbiased decisions against been confirmed as officers yet. Thus, the writer has
troublemakers. This will ensure that these workers will overlooked this flaw mentioned in option D. Option A is incorrect
continue to work without causing further trouble. Statements as both of them can be members of the Disciplinary Committee
3 and 4 are possible course of actions. not necessarily as officers. Options B, C and E do not affect
the reasoning of the letter in any sense.
33. C Since CMMS is an association for permanent labourers, they
do not want to give membership to contract labourers. But if 42. E All other options except E are biased for/against one the two
they continue to alienate themselves from contract labourers officers. Only E suggests a reasonable and exhaustive
then their representative power will diminish. In these solution. Both the officers should resign from either of the
circumstances option C will be the best course of action. committee so that they there is only one officer in both the
committees, so that the rule is not violated.
34. D At the root of the problem lies the fact that there is no significant
legislation that is effective in the current market situation 43. D The information given says that Limo captured 30% market
where contract labourers are being employed in greater share which was 200% of the expected share. It does not
numbers. Also, it seems that contract labourers do not have mean that the sales of Limo increased by 200%. Moreover,
any legislation safeguarding their rights. Thus, taking steps we don’t know whose share Limo ate into to capture its
to enact relevant labour legislation is the best course for the share, it could well have come off other competitors. Hence
government to take. Therefore, option (D) is the best choice we can’t say that Baft and Hebe saw their market share
under the circumstances. decline by 10% due to Limo. The information doesn’t in sense
talk about the desirability of Baft and Hebe and about its
35. E The immediate attention is required towards the labourers features. So, both the conclusions can’t be made. Hence the
who are already disgruntled. They are also more vulnerable correct option is D.
to influence by criminals of the area. Out of A and E, E is a
better choice as it takes into account the entire labour class. 44. B The best way to deal with unhappy customers is to suggest
them to buy other models and offering to them discounts and
36. B The major restriction in case of free tickets offered by other gifts. This would not only make the customers happy but
websites (except Cozy_travel) is that the tickets are non- would also mean more business for the company. Option A is
transferable. Hence the free tickets may go waste if one incorrect since suggesting the customers to wait will only
does not wish to travel in the assigned period. However, in aggravate the problem. Option C, D and E don’t deal with
the Cozy_travel offer, ‘the free tickets are not amenable issue of making the customers happy.
(except the passengers name)’. Thus the tickets can be
gifted to others which increases the chance of utilising the
free tickets manifold.

XAT Decision making Questions 3

2008 - 2016
45. C Option A is unfair since Mr. Murugan is not informed about the Note: Number inside the ( ) represent the day w.r.t. the one on which
delivery date and expected delay. Option B is incorrect for she leaves for Jamshedpur.
the same reason that Mr. Murugan is not informed about
Ginger Automobiles and its announcements. Option D is 46. B Option A: AI 9810 and return by IT 3347.
correct as it maximizes Mr. Ahmed’s cash flow as well informs She will leave at 4:00 hrs on day 1 and return at 21:55 hrs on day
Mr. Murugan of the delivery problem. The rest of the two 2.
options are incorrect since they do not maximize Mr. Ahmed’s Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
cash flow and inform Mr. Murugan about the delivery = 41 hrs and 55 minutes.
respectively. Option B: AI 9810 and return by train 12802.
She will leave at 4:00 hrs on day 1 and return at 20:15 hrs on day
For questions 46 to 49: 2.
(i) If Tina plans to go by train then she has to leave her home 10 Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
minutes before the train departure time and after arriving at = 40 hrs and 15 minutes.
Delhi she will take 30 + 5 = 35 minutes to reach the work Option C: IT 3348 and return by AI 9809.
place. She will leave at 15:20 hrs on day 1 and return at 10:35 hrs
(ii) If Tina plans to go by flight then she has to leave her home 4 on day 3.
hours before the flight departure time and after arriving at Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
Delhi she will take 90 minutes to reach the work place. = 43 hrs and 15 minutes.
(iii) If Tina plans to return by train then she has to leave her work
place 30 + 5 = 35 minutes before the train departure time and Option D: Train 12443 and return by train 12444.
after arriving at Jamshedpur she will take 5 + 5 = 10 minutes She will leave at 15:45 hrs on day 1 and return at 10:45 hrs
to reach home. on day 4.
(iv) If Tina plans to return by flight then she has to leave her work Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur = 67 hrs.
place 90 + 60 = 150 minutes before the flight departure time Option E: AI 9810 and return by train 12444.
and after arriving at Ranchi she will take 3 hours to reach She will leave at 4:00 hrs on day 1 and return at 10:45 hrs on day
home. 3.
Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
Additional information: = 54 hrs and 45 minutes.

Onward Journey: Hence, best option is option B.

47. E Option A: Train 12443 and return by train 12444.

Departure Leave Reach work Work finished
She will leave at 15:45 hrs on day 1, complete the work between
home place (earliest by)
9:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs on day 3 and return at 10:45 hrs on day
(latest by) (earliest by)
Flight Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
= 67 hrs.
AI-9810 8:00 hrs 4:00 hrs 11.15 hrs (1) 17.15 hrs (1)
Option B: Train 12801 and return by train 12802.
AI 810 15.25 hrs 11.25 hrs 18:40 hrs (1) 00.40 hrs (2) She will leave at 6:35 hrs on day 1, complete the work
between 9:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs on day 2 and return at 20:15
IT 3348 19.20 hrs 15.20 hrs 22:35 hrs (1) 4:35 hrs (2)
hrs on day 3.
Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
= 61 hrs and 40 minutes.
12801 6:45 hrs 6:35 hrs 5:25 hrs (2) 11:25 hrs (2)
12443 15:55 hrs 15:45 hrs 11:10 hrs (2) 17:10 hrs (2) Option C: AI 9810 and return by AI 9809.
She will leave at 4:00 hrs on day 1, complete the work between
9:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs on day 2 and return at 10:35 hrs on day
Note : Number inside ( ) represents the day w.r.t the one on which Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
she leaves for Delhi. = 54 hrs and 35 minutes.

Return Journey: Option D: AI 810 and return by AI 9809.

She will leave at 11:25 hrs on day 1, complete the work between
Departure Leave work Reach home 9:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs on day 2 and return at 10:35 hrs on day
place (earliest by) 3.
(latest by) Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur
= 47 hrs and 10 minutes.
AI-9809 5:50 hrs 3:20 hrs 10:35 hrs (1) Option E: IT 3348 and return by IT 3347.
AI 809 11:00 hrs 8:30 hrs 15:45 hrs (1) She will leave at 15:20 hrs on day 1, complete the work
between 9:00 hrs and 14:40 hrs on day 2 and return at 21:55
IT 3347 17:10 hrs 14:40 hrs 21:55 hrs (1)
hrs on day 2.
Train Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur = 30 hrs and 35
12802 22:20 hrs 21:45 hrs 20:15 hrs (2) minutes.
12444 17:20 hrs 16:45 hrs 10:45 hrs (2)
Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

4 XAT Decision making Questions

2008 - 2016
48. E Option A: Train 12443 and return by train 12444. was any lack of information or infighting between members
She will leave at 15:45 hrs on 9th of January and return at in the ERP project.
10:45 hrs on 12th of January.
Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur 52. D Option A and B do not solve the problem in any way.
= 67 hrs. Resigning or firing old members does not address the
problem in any way. Option C is unfair since it sidelines the
Option B: Train 12443 and return by AI 9809. old members and their concern, neither does it guarantee
She will leave at 15:45 hrs on 9th of January and return at that the same problem won’t be faced with the new
10:35 hrs on 11th of January. members. Option E is too relaxed to work out in such a
Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur crisis like situation. It would not be intelligent to arrange for
= 42 hrs and 50 minutes. out-bound programs when deadlines need to be met. Option
D is correct, it addresses the problem of extra work load
Option C: She cannot return by train 12801 because it does by hiring extra resources along with developing specialized
not run from Delhi to Jamshedpur. work-routines.
Hence, this option is eliminated.
53. B Ms. Teknikwali’s lack of faith on older members to implement
Option D: She cannot return by train 12801 because it does new ideas is hinted through her action of inducting freshly
not run from Delhi to Jamshedpur. graduated MBAs from premier B-schools for the very
Hence, this option is eliminated. purpose of developing new ideas. Mr. Shiv committing to a
6 month deadline in place of 14 months hints at his intention
Option E: AI 9810 and return by AI 9809. of impressing Ms. Teknikwali. Thus, Option A and C are
She will leave at 4:00 hrs on 9th of January and return at both hinted at in the passage. It has also been mentioned in
10:35 hrs on 10th of January. the passage that though Ms. Teknikwali was aware of the
Total time for which she is out of Jamshedpur latest in ERP technology, she was not equally abreast with
= 30 hrs and 35 minutes. the implementation of the same. Mr. Shiv’s lack of
understanding regarding the sensitivities of the older
Hence, option E is the correct answer. members is evident from his unanimous decisions of working
on weekends and reprimanding older members. This
49. D Option A: Train 12801 and return by IT 3347. negates options D and E too. The passage does not mention
She will have to wait from 11:25 hrs to 14:40 hrs on the same or hint at any problems of getting along between the younger
day. Hence, total waiting period is 3 hrs and 15 minutes. and the older members of BAG. Thus, option B is correct.

Option B: Train 12443 and return by train 12802. 54. A Option A is the best way that Ms. Teknikwali could have
She will have to wait from 17:10 hrs to 21:45 hrs on the same adopted to deal with the BAG group. The members were
day. Hence, total waiting period is 4 hrs and 35 minutes. experienced and knew about the strengths and
weaknesses of the BAG group. Options B and E are negative
Option C: AI 9810 and return by train 12802. approaches that talk about scraping the entire team and
She will have to wait from 17:15 hrs to 21:45 hrs on the same breaking it down to sub-groups respectively. This does not
day. Hence, total waiting period is 4 hrs and 30 minutes. make use of the years of experience of the group members.
Option C talks about hiring an external consultant for
Option D: AI 810 and return by AI 9809. interacting with the BAG which meant she won’t get any
She will have to wait from 00:40 hrs to 3:20 hrs on the same first-hand experience. Option D is an indirect approach for
day. Hence, total waiting period is 2 hrs and 40 minutes. getting to know one’s own company.
Option E: IT 3348 and return by AI 809.
She will have to wait from 04:35 hrs to 08:30 hrs the on same 55. E The BAG group had a mixture of experienced as well as
day. Hence, total waiting period is 3 hrs and 55 minutes. newly graduated employees; still it could not implement the
ERP package. Thus, option A does not follow from the
Hence, option D is the correct answer. passage. Option B is incorrect as there is nothing in the
given case that suggests that young people from top B-
50. E Including all the BAG members in the decision making schools wouldn’t have faced problems or have implemented
process would make them more responsible and involved ERP successfully. Similarly, we have no information
in the project. Thus, option E is a good way of dealing with regarding efficiency of employees who are networked
the problem of rescheduling the ERP implementation. Option with stakeholders. Thus, option C is ruled out. Option D is
A only looks at a probable deadline date but doesn’t deal incorrect as a team of problemsolvers and those who know
with the core problem of how it will be met. Option B would the latest technology does not guarantee success in ERP.
not solve the problem since the problem is not about lack of Option E is correct; people involved in operations for a long
professional advice but how other members can be made time along with those who know the latest technology
receptive to change in the plans. Option C is biased as it would work in implementation of ERP package. This is so
overlooks the older members. Option D is incorrect and not because along with the knowledge of technology, it is
in line with the passage, it is nowhere mentioned that imperative to have relevant experience to overcome road
external consultants are slow. blocks in the implementation of such a package.

51. E Unilateral decision making by Mr. Shiv is the cause for the 56. C Mr. Dev would like to have Bal Singh as his driver as he is
problems faced by BAG. He did not take the other members experienced, trustworthy and a stable choice. Bal Singh
into confidence while committing to the deadline. Hence, meets the criteria of Mr. Dev’s family too who do not want
option E is correct. Option A is not the immediate cause of a young driver. Mani is young and so doesn’t meet the
the problem. Option B is incorrect because we can’t criteria. Sunder is experienced but not stable. Chethan is
comment on the competence of the consultant, moreover willing to work long term but his services have been offered
he wasn’t directly responsible for the problem. Options C on a temporary basis. Chintan is inexperienced and unstable.
and D are out of scope since it is not mentioned that there

XAT Decision making Questions 5

2008 - 2016
57. A Dev’s most preferred employee would be Bal Singh as he employee’ status. Thus, option E is correct. Options B and
is both stable and trustworthy. His least preferred choice D are ambiguous and can’t be stated concretely. Option A is
would be Chinthan who is being offered on a temporary incorrect for the word ‘favorable position’. Being highest
basis (which makes him unstable) by a competing firm. paid does not mean he has a favorable or unfavorable
Also, it can be a ploy on the part of the competitor to know position. Option C is ambiguous too because we don’t know
the inside information of Mr. Dev’s company. This makes if the relative importance of the three parameters would
him untrustworthy too and thus, Mr. Dev’s least preferred not be specified later.
choice. Family members do not want a young driver so
their least preferred choice would be Mani and not Chintan. 65. E The main reason for delaying the implementation of the
Thus, statement II is not in conformance with the given proposal for a month is that the management would need
information. Statement III is also not in conformance with time to think it out and get consensus from concerned
the information. We do not have sufficient information employees. This makes option E correct. Options A and B
regarding his most preferred choice and so it can be anyone give trivial reasons that the management would choose to
out of the other four except Bal Singh who has a very overlook. Option C is irrelevant as it questions the
similar profile to Ram Singh which created discontent among competence of the GM which is certainly incorrect. Option
senior employees. Hence the correct answer is statement D states that GM would require time to implement the plan,
I which is option A. which is incorrect. It is the management in its entirety that
implements the plan. Thus, the delay has nothing to do with
58. C Ram Singh was a cause of concern for the HR manager the GM. This rules out option D.
because he provided insider information to Mr. Dev which
66. B The passage states that “a fear had gripped the population”
used to irk the senior members. Bal Singh has a profile very
and “The common man was scared of the retribution”. This
similar to Ram Singh and thus, the HR manager would never
explains that although people were grieving because of
like to take him on board.
corruption and there was a feeling of resentment toward
the corrupt, people were unable to do anything as they
59. B Compensating the teachers who volunteer to work on
were scared. This makes statement 1 correct. Shambhu
weekends is a good solution to deal with unhappy teachers.
challenged the administration without regard to personal
It is fair on the part of teachers to get additional incentives
safety and sat on hunger strike for many days. His actions
for coming on a weekend. Option A doesn’t deal with the
affected the government and helped in gathering support
problem. Option C, appointing a committee of teachers,
from the citizens. Thus statement 2 is also correct. Options
management and parents, is too impractical. Option D is
3 and 4 have not been mentioned as the reasons for the
biased as a committee of staunch supporters of the current
support gathered by Shambhu. Although media supported
practices would not consider the grievances of the
Shambhu, the passage does not tell us that they did so as
teachers. Option E is incorrect because it does not show
they were starving for newsworthy issues. The correct
the principal as fair and just.
answer is B.
60. B Statements II and IV are good recommendations that deal 67. C Shambhu insisted that only people that had an unblemished
with the problem of unhappy teachers. They not only help character should be allowed to hold office. If this is followed
them understand the issues at hand but also soothe their then people who have been indirectly associated with
(teachers’) discomfort. Statement I does not help calm the instances of corruption will also be excluded from holding
teachers in any way. Statement III is unrelated to the problem. office. People thought that Shambhu was laying a lot of
Hence, option B with Statements II and IV is the correct stress on past and the standards set by him were
choice. unrealistic. Hence he lost support. Option C is correct.

61. E Ethics as defined in the beginning of the case states that it 68. E The minister tried to justify his actions by stating that these
is an individual’s code for society survival. Naresh defines actions have benefited people. But, this is not a reason
his society including himself, his family members, his enough to perpetrate corruption of any kind. Also, the media
employees and their family members. His action of paying has accused the minister of receiving kickbacks in exchange
the bribe is aimed at the survival and well-being of of incorrect allocations. This makes it all the more difficult
‘hissociety’ and so he is being totally ethical. Thus, option E for the minister to proclaim his act as justifiable. Hence,
is the correct choice. option E is correct.

62. B Ethics is an individual’s code for society survival. Naresh’s 69. B The minister had said-“the media cannot act as the reporter,
society boundaries do not include his customers. Hence prosecutor and Judge”. It is not clear from the case whether
for him using inferior quality material was ethical as this the media was doing one or all of the stated and there is a
kept prices down and customers happy (mentioned in the possibility that the statement made by the minister be
passage). Srikumar believed that the contractors need to factually incorrect. Hence, correct answer is option B.
stick together against any external treat. Hence Both Naresh 70. D* The correct answer to this questions should have been
and Srikumar are ethical in this case. ‘both corporate managers and the minister’. The head of
the nation should not have been accused as he was the
63. D Option D is correct. Morals are defined as society’s code one to identify the discrepancy in the allotments. Since the
for individual survival. It is mentioned in the case that getting correct answer is not given in the answer choices, XAT is
involved in court cases is a serious threat to an individual’s most likely to pick D as the correct answer.
business and leads to various unpredictable outcomes. By
not speaking up, contractors ensured their own survival. 71. C Loss of retail customers does not necessarily mean loss
They stopped Naresh from speaking up too and helped in of revenue. It is important to understand that this reduction
his survival as well. Thus, option D is correct. in retail customers may be by design and an organizational
objective. The organization may have been trying to shift
64. E Manohar would oppose the proposal because now he its customer base from retail to commercial and their
would be judged on three parameters instead of one and success in doing so can account for the increase in
he may not be that good on the new criteria. He would revenue. Hence answer choice C is correct.
have to definitely work harder to maintain his ‘highest earning

6 XAT Decision making Questions

2008 - 2016
72. A The reason why doctors have not embraced the surgery opportunity to explore new avenues. If all this fails then the
has to be linked to its potential side effects. Answer choice best possible thing will be to give him a long break from
A tells us that the surgery can result in serious complications work and send him on a vacation for two months.
including death and this is a reason enough for the doctors This will give him time to for self introspection and he can
to not recommend its use. Options B and C tell us the start afresh when he joins back. Hence, the sequence will
prevalence and effects of obesity which do not explain be 1,2,3 which is given by option A. Statement 4 is irrelevant
why doctors are wary of the discussed mode of treatment. as Vardarajan is not facing this kind of problem at work.
Option D talks about how other methods like dieting are not
very effective. Option E is irrelevant as it talks about cost 78. B Option A is incorrect because promoting Vardarajan will
and financing, something which the doctor may not be not address the issue at hand. The problem can only be
concerned with. addressed by keeping the performance assessment
system transparent and by ensuring impartiality in reviewing
73. A The caselet does not give any reason to fire or demote kale. performance of each employee. Thus, the correct answer
The immediate course of action should be to investigate the is given by option B. Options C, D and E are negated for the
accusations against Kale. If the charges are proved correct, same reason as A i.e. the issue cannot be resolved by
Kale should be transferred as he can work effectively addressing Vardarajan’s case alone but by fairly judging
when working alone. In order to help Kale better, Marathe the performance of all the employees in the organization.
can suggest family counseling as a long term solution.
Family problems may be affecting Kales work as well but 79. C The caselet presents a complicated problem making it
there is nothing in the passage to suggest that. Hence, difficult to find out the guilty. The best way to proceed in
the correct sequence is 2, 1, 5. cases like these is to launch an investigation into the matter
so as to find out that who is at fault. Thus, the most
74. E The only solution that pertains to personal problems (since appropriate course of action to be followed is presented
it deals with family issues) is mentioned in statement 5 of by option C – Vijya should constitute a fact finding committee
the previous question – “Marathe should suggest Kale to to investigate the matter and then decide about the next
visit a family counselor.” Therefore if Marathe has to agree step to be taken. Options A and B are inappropriate because
with Lakhote’s opinion of not addressing the personal these steps could be taken only after finding out the person
problems of employees then this solution (statement 5) at fault. Option D is eliminated as involving the corporate
becomes invalid. Hence, the correct answer is option E. recruiters in the matter will only aggravate the issue and
bring a bad name to the college. An effort should be made
75. C Option A is negated because the major concern was Kale’s to try and solve the problem internally rather than publicizing
inability to work competently in a team and not his conflicting it.
responsibilities at home and office. Kale was facing
personal problems at home and option B states that 80. D Option D is the correct answer. It is advisable to start from
employees’ problems at home affect their performance at the scratch and shortlist candidates from the fresh set if
work. This strengthens the argument rather than weakening bio-data. Since the fresh set contains the verified grades
it by citing one more reason to sack Kale. Option D is of the students so there are no chances of any discrepancy
incorrect because if it holds true than it wipes out the this time. Option A is incorrect as it is an extreme step and
possibility of sending Kale to some other location for work should not be taken when there is an option of screening
and does leave the management with the only option of the candidates again. Option B can be negated because
sacking him. Option E is eliminated because it again the HR managers’s contact may not have the correct
strengthens the argument as the caselet clearly says that information. Furthermore it does not address the problem
Kale was emotionally unstable. Option C is the correct of recruitments from that college. It is unethical for an HR
choice as the report in the journal indicates that most manager to recruit candidates even after knowing that that
managers find it difficult to work in a group. Even if Kale is the information presented in their bio-data’s is not authentic.
sacked and a new manager is hired in his place, it is likely This will show his disloyalty towards the organization.
that the new manager may face the same problem (of not Option E is incorrect as it reduces the pool of students to
being able to work in a group). And hence it will not be a be recruited from.
good business decision to sack Kale. Therefore, option C
weakens the argument and is the correct answer. 81. B On being asked about information regarding pay packages
of graduating students, the senior does not reveal much
76. E Appreciation by boss can never be demotivating for an information and rather cautions you not to believe in any
employee. It will rather boost the morale of an employee sort of rumors. He also said that for any further information
and motivate him to work to hard. Hence, Vardarajan’s the college authorities should be contacted directly. Thus
declining involvement cannot be attributed to the fact that option B presents the most suitable course of action for
his bosses appreciated him. Thus, option E is the most seeking further information about placements. Option A is
unlikely reason for his declining involvement in work. incorrect because the senior has already warned you that
Options A, B, C and D, if true, could be considered as likely believing in rumors will do you no good. The information
reasons for Vardarajan’s disinterest in work and hence that you get by networking with students may not be
are incorrect. authentic. Option C can be eliminated because contacting
the HR managers is beyond the purview of discussion held
77. A Since Vardarajan does not find his work challenging so the between the potential entrant and the senior. Option D is
first step that should be taken to motivate him will be to give incorrect because the senior has advised to contact the
him a more challenging assignment. Next step in the series student body and not any individual representing the body.
would be to transfer him from the Projects Department to Approaching the President directly may not prove to be of
Training Department so as to give him a change of roles any help. Option E is negated for the same reason as
and responsibilities. This may prove to be beneficial as he option A.
would get a break from his routine tasks and will have an

XAT Decision making Questions 7

2008 - 2016
82. D Option A is inappropriate as it will be unprofessional on demand for the other two products as well. Refer to the line
Vijya’s part to suppress this information by not paying heed – "Some customers bought two…bought only one." In
to the phone call. Options B and C are negated because it addition, it is important to resolve the quality issue before
is unethical to shrug off the responsibility by absenting taking a step like the one mentioned in option A.
onself from work or by putting it on someone else. Option E
is eliminated as it is not feasible to constitute a committee 88. E The question states that the "customers were miffed with
for every issue. Furthermore, this will only prolong things "run of the mill" and "maxi-max"". It also states that the
and will delay the matter. Option D is the correct answer. committee proposed to continue manufacturing all the three
Since the matter cannot go unreported so it is advisable to branded products. In order to adhere to the committee's
consult the Director (Vijya’s senior) and seek his opinion proposal, it is important to understand the reason behind
on the issue. customers' dissatisfaction. Only then can the company come
up with the alternate solutions to their problems. This makes
83. A The given argument states that the main problems that arise option E the correct answer. Option A is incorrect because
from the work of professionally trained anthropologists is it will not resolve the issue at hand – committee has
that they are late in colonial/post colonial trajectories. This proposed to continue the production of "run of the mill" and
is so because they have been trained to think and interpret "maxi-max". Option B can be eliminated because the problem
in a certain way. So, this training influences their work and does not pertain to "quickie-quick". Option C is incorrect
interpretations. At the same time, within their field of interest because the customers are already aware of the product
and training, their works are systematic. This implies that and are dissatisfied. Option D is unprofessional and not of
two things, i.e. unbiased interpretation and systematic word, any significance. Hence, option E is correct.
cannot exist together. Option A is the correct answer as it
states the same i.e. speed and position cannot be determined 89. C The affected managers being talked about in the question
with complete accuracy simultaneously. Option B is incorrect are the managers in the production, finance and marketing
because the given argument does not talk about making teams. Nothing in the question hints at the fact that their
comparisons. Option C is out of scope, the argument states rights were violated. The question only talks about some
nothing about personal gains. Options D and E are also far changes in work management. Such issues can be sorted
fetched and not in line with the analogy implied in the by discussing problems in an open forum. No external body
question. is required to resolve such cases. This makes option C the
correct answer and eliminates options A, B and D. Option E
84. A The passage states that parents and business leaders are is illogical in the given situation.
unhappy for the fact that no carrots/sticks are used to
motivate teachers and very little or no importance is given 90. C Options A and B are incorrect because nothing in the
to performance while determining the pay. Option A passage supports these statements. A makes a very definite
disapproves the claim of the parents as it suggests that statement but on the basis of these three reports, it cannot
teachers are self motivated. This altogether eliminates the be said that newspapers publish inauthentic data. B is
need for carrots/sticks. Option B supports the claim rather incorrect as nothing has been said about these companies
than weakening it. Option C challenges the yardstick (a test buying the reports. Option D is incorrect because nothing
given once a year) used for judging the performance but has been specifically mentioned about Korean market. Option
does not affect the claim in any way. Options D and E are E is incorrect because the customer talks negatively about
beyond the scope of the argument. Samsung. So, it cannot be said that he is neutral. Option C is
the correct choice as it talks about a possibility, 'may'. Also,
85. E Risk reduces to half for those who drank 2 to 4 cups of it can be seen that all the reports have varied information
coffee compared to those who drank very little or no coffee. regarding different companies.
So, the graph at 2 cups would fall to half of its value from 0
cups and after that it would be a straight line from 2 to 4. 91. E None of the options give the necessary explanation for the
Hence, the graph would roughly look like an L shaped curve. divergent ranks. Options A, B and C only talk about one
brand while the reports show divergent ranks of more than
86. C Let the runners be denoted with their initials. Then the given one brand. Option D gives reason for higher customer loyalty
information can be depicted as: while the issue in the reports is lower customer loyalty. The
(i) F > A brands with higher consumer satisfaction have lower
(ii) D > B, D > E consumer loyalty or sales. So, the correct answer is option
(iii) C > I E.
(iv) A > G
From (i) and (iv), it can be concluded that Girish finishes 92. D This question demands for another reason for the same
after Ashok and Faneesh. Hence, the best position to which data provided in the previous question. Report 1 is based
Girish can finish is third. on sales figures and Report 3 is based on customer
satisfaction. Only option D takes into account both theses
87. A The problem at hand is that the demand for "quickie-quick" aspects and can be viewed as a possible reason for
is increasing but the quality department is not happy with divergent ranks of different companies. No other option
the quality of the product as the suppliers are willing to brings forth a possible reason for this discrepancy in ranks.
supply low standard raw material at a cheaper price. It
would be illogical to increase the production of "quickie- 93. E Refer to the last line of report 2 – "Without accurate self-
quick" till this issue is resolved. Supplying low quality material reporting…are worth a damn." Throughout the report, the
will only bring a bad name to the company and could prove reader complains that Samsung does not give accurate
to be detrimental to its growth. This negates options B and data as to the number of phones/tablets sold and that is
C. Options D and E are incorrect because the company is why he says that none of the market share charts can be
making huge profits by selling this product. Therefore, relied upon as they do not reflect authentic numbers. He
stopping or reducing the production is impractical because wants companies to release more objective data. This makes
the ultimate motto of any business is to make profits. Option option E the correct answer. Nothing in the report hints at
A is the correct answer and is the only step that should not the possibility of the reader being an Apple or HTC user, so
be taken by Ram because the caselet states that there is

8 XAT Decision making Questions

2008 - 2016
options A, B and C can be negated. Option D is incorrect 99. C Refer to the sixth paragraph of the caselet – "Bigmart had
because the reader talks about Samsung and not about been a major force in improving the quality of life…as
Android phones. middlemen were removed." From these lines, it can be
inferred that consumers were the ones who benefitted
94. B The last line of the caselet states that hiring new consultants most from the Bigmart chain. The passage also states that
was very difficult. This implies that statement 5 should be "local stores in small towns often went out of business
the last in the order. The question states that some within a year of the Bigmart's opening". This implies that
consultants were good at applying old solutions to the new retailers were least likely to get benefitted and hence would
problems. So if the consultants start working inter-industry be the first in the ascending order. Thus, the correct answer
and inter-domain, a lot of problems will be tackled across is option C i.e. retailers, farmers, consumers.
domains and this will benefit the organization. So statement
4 should be the first in the sequence. This should be followed 100. C Here it is important to note: Any action against Mr Prodigal
by decreasing the work load of the consultants as they are would affect Mr Loyal which in turn may affect the party.
overburdened with work. Next in the order should be Similarly, any direct action against Mr Loyal may again affect
statement 3 as hiring competent staff is important to keep the party. In other words, any direct or indirect action against
consultants updated. This will also help them in performing Mr Loyal may affect the party.
better. The next best thing to do would be to reduce time on - Option A may affect party negatively because party may
client interaction and to focus more on generating solutions. be perceived as inactive/ unethical. However, it is good
Thus, the correct sequence is 4, 3, 2, 1, 5. This makes for Mr. Loyal.
option B correct. - Option B talks about suspending Mr. Prodigal. Mr. Loyal
has soft corner for his son and he may not like this
95. E The best course of action in the given scenario would be to option. In a way, it may be good for the party but Mr.
discuss the issue in an open forum. This will give everyone Loyal may not like Mr. Prodigal to be suspended, when
an equal opportunity to voice their opinion (suggestions, charges are yet to be proved.
problems) and will also help in reaching to a solution - Expelling Mr. Loyal for something that Mr. Prodigal has
amicably. This makes option E the correct answer. Option A done may be unfair, unless charges are proved. Further,
is incorrect because the passage states that hiring new expelling Mr. Loyal from the party would alienate him. It is
consultants was very difficult. Also, the old consultants the worst action that can be taken against him and it
were experienced but the new hires would have required might lead to a split within the party (as mentioned in the
a lot of training. Option B is unethical and such biases only passage). Expelling indicates that chances of Mr. Loyal
increase the problem. Option C would prove to be unfair for coming back to the party would be very low. Hence,
the new consultants and hence is incorrect. Option D is Option C is the correct answer since this is not good for
vague and does not offer a solution to the problem. both of them.
- Banning Mr. Loyal from entering party premises (Option
96. B Options A, C and D can be negated because statement 1 – D) would be similar to previous argument but the adverse
Do nothing – is impractical and not the right course of action. impact would be less than Option C (both for the party
Between options B and E, B is a better choice because and Mr. Loyal) as bans are temporary.
benchmarking performance with respect to the best - Initiating an internal inquiry would not impact either way
consulting is more important than hiring outsiders. Since, (Option E). Neither it would impact the party/Mr. Loyal
the question states that Ajay wanted to leave behind a badly nor would the party gain significantly.
legacy and it can also be inferred from the caselet that he
was very concerned about the company's growth and 101. D - Option A: Maintaining status-quo would be perceived as
well being, so it can be understood that he will give more inactive. Hence, it may receive adverse media reactions
priority to company's performance. Hence, option B is which would harm the party reputation.
correct. - Option B: Mr. Loyal may not like the option of expelling Mr.
Prodigal from the party with immediate effect. This might
97. D It can be inferred from the caselet that Rajinder shares a improve the party reputation but Mr. Loyal would get
very good rapport with Balwant. Of the given options, the affected as a consequence party might also get affected.
person who is most likely to understand Rajinder's problem So this is not the correct option.
is Balwant. And since the problem is regarding Balwant's - Initiating an internal inquiry would not help the party to
store, it gives all the more reason to discuss the situation improve its image (which is the main concern – as
with him and no one else. Option A is incorrect because his mentioned in the passage). This internal inquiry committee
wife has been talked about only once in the passage and does not make sense when matter is sub judice (assuming
we know nothing about her personality. Option B is incorrect judiciary is fair). Fate of Mr Prodigal is depending on
as the boss will think from business point of view and may court verdict not on the decision of internal inquiry
not understand Rajinder's dilemma. Option E can also be committee.
eliminated for the same reason. Option C is very general in - Option D gives fair chance to Mr Prodigal and indirectly
nature and does not provide a solution to the given problem. to Mr Loyal as well. Furthermore, this would ensure a
good image among public and media that party adheres
98. C Rajinder fears that Balwant's business will be affected if to the decision of the court. And at the same time it
Bigmart opens its store in Bhatinda. Option A is incorrect conveys a message that party is not unfair to the
because it addresses the issue of farmers while Balwant members during crisis time and would boost the morale
is not a farmer but a retailer. Option B also talks about of the party members.
farmers and hence is incorrect. Options D and E are highly - Option E would adversely affect Mr. Loyal and hence,
impractical and do not offer a solution to the given problem. party.
Only option C addresses the issue at hand as it talks about
developing new solutions that can benefit the retailers,
farmers, consumers etc. If the company comes up with any
such solution, the local retailers' and traders' businesses
would not be affected.

XAT Decision making Questions 9

2008 - 2016
102. B - Statements I, II, & III are against Mr. Loyal and options IV 103. A Question asked on : Immediate political career
and V are in favour of Mr. Opportunist. Statement II talks - Option A gives him chance to stay afloat. ‘Chance of
about how party can improve image but not related to winning is high’ (as mentioned in the option). Hence, it is
the candidature of Opportunist. Similarly, statement III better than Option D and this is the correct option.
talks about a post-election scenario. So, it is not pushing - There are no obvious benefits from Option B, C and E for
his candidature at this juncture. Statement V is irrelevant his immediate political career. These might be beneficial
for Opportunist’s candidature. (except Option B) in the long run but not in near future. In
- Statement I directly conveys that Mr. Loyal might not case of Option E there is no guarantee that his close
have high chance of winning and Statement IV says associate will remain loyal to him.
how Opportunist can be ideal replacement of Loyal in - Option D is a viable strategy but chances of winning is
terms of trustworthy followers. low and hence this option is less likely than Option A.
So, a combination of I and IV (Option B) would be the correct
answer. This option has both anti-Loyal and pro-opportunist

Answ er Table:
# of Only # of Only
J type G type
elective elective
is 3 is 2
Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario
1 2 3 4 5 6
Only Q 1 2 3 1 2 1
Only J 1 2 3 1 2 1
Only G 8 6 4 5 3 2
QJ (but not G) 1 1 1 2 2 3
QG (but not J) 3 3 3 4 4 5
JG (but not Q) 5 5 5 6 6 7
QJG 1 1 1 1 1 1
How m any
answ ers for G-
type courses? 17 15 13 16 14 15

104. E - Option A: Problem may be because of team or individual work (as mentioned on the situation ‘he cannot think of a
(Dipangshu). So, transfer of Patel may not solve the life without a job’).
problem. The next HR Director would do the required - In Option C, he loses his present job and nothing else is
official follow-up. mentioned (probably we can assume that he will join the
- Option B: Problem may be because of team, or Dipangshu. start up without any negotiation).
If the problem is because of the team, it might (though not - Option D is good choice but not as good as E. If there is
necessarily) get resolved in a new team. But if the problem no salary hike then it would be similar to Option B.
is because of Dipangshu, it would persist. Even if the - Option E is the best one. This is the safest option with
problem is because of team, there is no guarantee that comparable salary and if he gets a salary hike then it
new team would not have such problems. would be win-win for him and it would be better than
- Option C: Change in the project may not change the team Option D. However, if the start-up doesn’t honour his
or individual and hence problem may not get solved. request then it would be equivalent to Option C.
There is no guarantee that the new project would not
have same problems or same team. 106. D The intention of HR Director is to retain Dipangshu (as it is
- Option D: Unrelated to the argument. good for the organization as well because organization does
- Option E: Failure to perform the duty would lead to further not lose a competent employee), by bringing all three together
complications. This is the least that he can do at this to amicably sort out the issues. Thus, one statement has to
juncture and this is the only thing that can be controlled be picked from the first two statements; one statement has
by Dipangshu to avoid further negative consequence. to be picked from Statements III and IV. Statement V is a must
“We can only control the controllable”. Hence, this is the as no solution can be found without three of them coming
best option. together.
Out of statements III and IV, statement IV is a better option as
105. E - Option A: Mr. Patel does not seem interested to talk (as statement III does not specify an action. Hence, statements
given in the passage above and as perceived by IV and V should be part of the correct option along with
Dipangshu). Hence, this might not sort out the problem. either statement I or II. So, from the available choices, Option
Further, if we discard the first part of the option then it D is the best answer.
would be similar to Option B.
- Option B: This is a viable option but it has a lot of uncertainty
(he is sensing that he might be sacked three months
down the line). Further, there is no surety of getting a
new job, leading to further uncertainty. He is keen to

10 XAT Decision making Questions

2008 - 2016
107. A - Only Option A reduces Arbit’s enthusiasm. All others Option D:
clearly favour his decision to go ahead with the investment
decision. Patented < 50% Generic > 50%
- Statement B is in favour of Mr. Arbit, as technology India < 50% 29% (given) < 21%
investments give better results → green signal Foreign > 50% < 21% > 29%
- Statement C is also in favour of Mr. Arbit, investment in
Option E: Generic drugs in India must be < 50% (as total sales
technology reduces cost → green signal
in India is < 50%).
- Statements D and E also are in favour of Mr. Arbit, “risk
Hence, Option D is the correct answer.
controlled/risks have to be taken”- → green signal
111. A Question asked: Long term consequences
108. C - Option A is not a choice because one cannot be driven Statement I is the best option if we consider the long term
by competitor’s actions as competitors may be wrong. prospect of the business. Statement II is clearly unethical and
What is best for competitors may be good for the unethical actions might have some short term benefits but
company. are least appropriate for long term. Statement III can boost
- Option B is restatement of facts from the passage. It performance in the near future. Statement IV might also have
does not mention what are the chances of success. It a negative connotation if we assume that LSP is recruiting
could be 1%, it could be 99%. more employees to sell cough syrup in the rural areas.
- Option D indicates that there is a possibility of failure. Thus, Statement I should come first if we consider ‘to improve
Moreover, it indicates that ‘R&D team of ITS is working to business in the long run’. Moreover, Statement II should not
counter’ but there is ‘no guarantee’ (in the option) that come before Statement I as well as III from the long run
they would be able to do so. They may be able to do it but perspective).
they can fail as well. Hence, Option A is the correct answer from the available
- Option E is generic and doesn’t add much value to his
sales pitches. Rather it is sensitizing them regarding the
uncertainty related to this investment. It does not mention, 112. B Question: Best solution for organization should also address
“How risky”. Someone can take decision with 20% risk,
the couple’s concern.
while others may not take the decision even at 80% - Option A is only a promise and salary hike does not solve
probability. the problem directly, as organization needs to find solution
- Option C is the only answer which strongly hints about
immediately without compromising couple’s need.
the potential success of this technology and low chances - Option C is not viable as work in Luxembourg is very
of failure (roughly 1 out of 6 cases i.e. 15%). important and a competent person like Mr. Jose has to be
109. B there in Luxembourg (as mentioned in the passage).
- Option D is less acceptable as it assumes that Mrs.
Answer Table: Jose’s work is not important (which she as well as her
Forgone Forgone Amount at the husband might not accept).
earnings earnings end of Five - Option E just postpones the problem, when solution
requirement is immediate.
Year of Arbit of Boring Difference years
Option B is the correct answer as it is suitable to all
1 100,000 100,000 0 0 stakeholders. Organization gets the work done. Mr. Jose and
2 100,000 100,000 0 0 Mrs. Jose stay together and Mrs. Jose does not lose her job.
3 100,000 0 100,000 100,000×(1.1)
113. E Question: the SEQUENCE of IMMEDIATE actions that maintains
4 100,000 0 100,000 100,000×(1.1) Work (i.e. job/career) Life (i.e. family – to stay with her
5 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 husband) balance for MRS. KHAN
Total 331000 - Statement 1 suggests that “wife” should give up the
work i.e. sacrifice her career at least in the near future.
Option B is the correct answer. - Statement II is similar to Statement 1 as “wife” is supposed
to sacrifice her career (for husband’s career) in the
short run and sacrifice their family life in the long run
110. D M ain Pas s age & Que s tion 42:
(because she has to stay alone).
Patented < 50% Generic > 50% - Statement III is a valid option as she is requesting Mr.
India < 50% Patented India Generic India Khan to find a job in India. If he agrees and and is able to
Foreign > 50% Patented Foreign Generic Foreign find a suitable job, they can stay together without Mrs.
Khan sacrificing her career. Thus, work-life balance might
Option A: Not possible be maintained (this can be immediately requested by
Mrs. Khan).
Patented < 50% Generic > 50% - Statement IV is uncertain as there is no guarantee of
India < 50% 43% (given) < 7% getting a job in the US. Her career may be jeopardised.
Foreign > 50% < 7% > 43% - Statement V is valid action as she can always make a
request, if it is granted, the couple would be together.
Option B: Not possible Thus, work-life balance can be maintained like Statement
III. Further, it would be viable follow-up (sequential) action,
Patented < 50% Generic > 50% if Statement III doesn’t work.
India < 50% < 24% >50% -Generic Hence, Option E (which combines III and V) is the best possible
(Foreign) sequential option.
Foreign > 50% >50% -Generic >24% (given)

Option C: Patented drugs in India must be < 50% (as total

sales in India is < 50%).

XAT Decision making Questions 11

2008 - 2016
114. C Question: statements favouring NOT USING organic cases, all students can choose to attempt very few (or
vegetables zero) questions from ‘application-based problems’.
- Statement I states that awareness is low and hence it - Proposal III gives additional incentive to attempt
conveys that using organic vegetables in Panipat might ‘application-based problems’. In a way, it might avoid the
be a premature step. extreme outcomes of Proposal II (as mentioned above).
- Statement II indicates that there is a risk involved in - Proposal IV is not ‘fair’ to the students as they have no
implementing the Connaught place model in Panipat but idea about the evaluation.
the tone conveys that businesses willing to take the Combining Proposals II and III is the best option among the
challenge can do it. In other words, he is not saying in four proposals mentioned above. Hence, Option D is the best
favour of ‘not using organic vegetables’. answer.
- Statement III says that a few restaurants are already
using organic vegetables but the argument here is that 118. E Question: to be better prepared for the examination
using Organic Vegetables is not going to be the unique Statements III and VI are unrelated to the examination and
selling point for them. Hence, they might not get any relate to post examination stages of candidate’s life.
advantage by using organic vegetables. Why change Information provided on these dimensions would not be helpful
something that is already doing well? ‘to be better prepared for the exam’. Whereas, all other
- Statement IV implicitly indicates that Panipat customers information is relevant.
might not accept high prices of dishes (due to uses of So, Option E is the correct answer as it excludes both III
organic vegetables). Use of organic vegetables might and VI.
reduce the profits.
- Statement V states that if premium vegetables are not 119. A He wants to charge more for his competence but with
available then it might not be convenient to procure them minimum violation of the agreement. So for the agreed services
on a regular basis. This will increase the complexity. he cannot charge more. But for any new service he can
Hence, Option C is the best answer. charge more. Hence A is the correct answer.
In B he is in violation of the agreement since the agreement
115. D First businessman says that customers are very different. was between people and not the shops.
That indicates business at Panipat should be somehow C and E is wrong since charging more for jumping the queue
different from Connaught place. and extending work hours may increase revenue but will not
Second businessman says that customers are happy with enable him to showcase his competence (which is his
Ram, which means identity of business in Panipat should be objective).
ideally tied with ‘Ram’. D is a wrong answer since giving free service is a violation
Third businessman says that ingredients at Panipat are not of the agreement.
same as Connaught place but taste is good. It indicates both
businesses have their own advantages and should be treated 120. E A, B and C will end in violation of the agreement. C because
differently. the price per visit comes down by one third. D does not
Fourth businessman says that in future customers at both violate but does not solve the problem of retaining the loyal
the places might have similar tastes. In other words, it customers. The correct answer hence is E where the
suggests that in future the two business models might be customers get a preference but pay the same.
- Options A and E may not be viable as Kishan is not 121. A E and C are wrong as they do not take care of Chatterjee’s
interested to go to Panipat (as mentioned in passage). duty to the city. B is wrong since the locals and not Ghosh
- Option B is not the correct answer (as per passage are made responsible for the greenery; moreover the 20-30
‘giving a freehand to Ram might have long term negative trees in their respective locality may not be sufficient or even
consequences’). relevant to reduce pollution. D is wrong since Chatterjee is
- Option C may not be best as Panipat customers like Ram taking the responsibility to buy land from the proceeds of the
(Businessman 2). sale and Ghosh gets the land with no riders (similar to C). A
- Option D is the only answer that can satisfy the opinions ensures that Ghosh first plants a stipulated number of trees
expressed by all four businessmen. and that too around the factory and the city, hence is the right
116. B Question asked: Maintaining BOTH quality and growth.
- Option A would face resistance from Ram as he is not 122. B Chatterjee may not pursue the green policy unless his future
keen to use organic vegetables. He might be reluctant interests are protected.
about this idea. So, it can only be done in the absence of Option A will not convince Chatterjee as it will not affect his
Ram. future interests. Moreover, Policy framed in favour of his
- Option C means that loss of revenues and hence growth. friend makes it unethical.
- Option D: Kishan would be reluctant to go to Panipat (as Option C is unfounded assumption and hence is wrong.
mentioned in the situation passage). D may gain Ghosh some sympathy but it is not going to
- Option E: New person has to replace Ram (Hence for convince Chatterjee.
this solution, Ram has to leave Panipat). And there is no E may affect Chatterjee, but it might backfire on Ghosh too.
surety that new person would be a success (both in B appeals to Chatterjee’s stakeholders and hence is the right
terms of pursing growth and maintaining quality). answer.
- Option B is the best option because Mohan can drive
Panipat branch and probably Kishan can handle Delhi 123. D A does not imply any punishment and therefore may not
branch. Or, Ram can join Kishan. induce the drivers to care about comfort. B may not be taken
up by the drivers if they are satisfied with the rents they
117. D - Proposal I indicates that cut off would be based on currently receive and hence is not correct. C focuses on a
combined score and hence students might maximise their specific market segment and may not solve the problem for
score by attempting ‘formula-based problems’. the entire market. E does not ensure that the extra amount
- Proposal II indicates that both parts would have separate will be invested in comfort. D focuses on a measure of comfort
cut offs and hence, most likely, students would be forced and a penalty for lack of comfort based on the measure and
to attempt questions from both the sections. But in extreme hence is the correct answer.

12 XAT Decision making Questions

2008 - 2016
124. D The customers are likely to pay more for comfort and not for Action 2 is the second best action since the trio get average
safety. ratings instead of less than average ratings for their poor
Taxi owners can be motivated to provide more comfort by performance.
allowing them to charge more, but only strong penalties would Action 3 is the worst decision because this action sends
prevent safety violations. Only D addresses both safety and mixed signals. Amelia is giving high ratings and simultaneously
comfort concerns and therefore is the right answer. cutting salary.
Option B and E focus on comfort but ignore safety (violation Action 4 is the best action because, poor rating reflects the
of traffic rule is only one aspect of safety rule). Moreover, poor performance of the trio in tune with the performance
Option E penalizes safety rule breakers by only denying the orientation of the organization while giving the trio enough
use of comfort related privilege. Penalty should be more with time to improve.
safety rule violation. Option C does not penalize safety Action 5: The organization is right in giving them an opportunity
violation. Moreover, the taxi owners may not require a second but rating them high is wrong. This decision is better than
loan. Option A is wrong since customers are not willing to action 3 since the communication is clearer and does not
pay more for safety. send any mixed signal.
Hence, the correct ranking is 4, 2, 1, 5, 3
125. C Fact 1 cannot be the reason as a substantial increase in Option C is in sync with the above logic and therefore is the
attrition is irrelevant for the government to take a decision correct answer.
regarding the quality of the scheme. Fact 2 cannot be the
reason as one researcher could have died because of other 132. E Ms Amelia “suspects” that the trio could affect her promotion.
reasons. Fact 3 corroborates the government’s reason for She should clear this suspicion by communicating the opinions
not equating publications with rewards (the quality of articles of the trio to her boss. This will result in her boss reviewing
published has decreased). Fact 4 cannot be the reason as his/her expectations from the trio and therefore also from Ms
2% decrease is not substantial enough. Amelia. Therefore E is the correct answer.
Hence the only possible answer is fact 3 making C as right Options A, B and C do not serve the interests of the
choice. organization. While option A and option C might serve Ms
Amelia’s short term interests.
126. E That most famous researchers are also paid high does not Option D is wrong since it is her own perception and
imply that the highest paid researchers are always famous unfounded.
or that they will be productive. If an American Institute is
giving extra benefits, it does not mean IIR should also follow 133. E ABC is a performance focused organization, punishing poor
it. The researcher may be getting the highest pay as a performance and rewarding good. Among the combination
consequence of receiving the Nobel Prize, or there may be of decisions that are appropriate for the given situation, one
other reasons for the researcher to be highest paid. decision from 1, 2 and 3 and one from 4 and 5 have to be
Hence E is the correct option. chosen (1, 2 and 3 are about Nicky and 4 and 5 are about
Manoj and Benita).
127. D As given in note 1 of the caselet, the auditor’s role is to verify Action 1: Amelia is running away from her responsibility with
accounts and not to make policies. The Director and other top this action.
officials are the best people to decide on policy related Action 2: This decision rewards Nicky for non-performance.
matters. As points 1 and 3 are policy related, D is the correct Action 3: Amelia is asking Nicky to focus on performance and
answer. gives her an ultimatum. This is a better decision compared to
the actions 1 and 2.
128. D Option A and Option C are both wrong since in both cases Action 4: This decision is wrong because Amelia is punishing
Purushottam is “paying” the police for discharging their duties. Manoj and Benita for their behaviour outside workplace.
Option B is wrong since the pettiness of the bribe cannot be Action 5: This decision rewards Manoj and Benita for their
a defence. performance and is the right thing to do.
Option E is wrong because you don’t become right just Based on this rationale, the best combination would be 3 and
because others are also doing it. Option D is the best since 5 therefore Option E is the right answer.
Purushottam is sending a batch of sweets to many other
social institutions and therefore can be argued as a goodwill 134. B Veracity of leaked report has not yet been ascertained. It
gesture. may be a good idea to first check the credibility of the report
Therefore Option D is the correct answer. through an independent agency. Based on these findings a
concrete action can be taken.
129. B Statement 1 by itself is not a correct answer since “no cause Therefore 3 followed by 2 is the correct order. Therefore B is
of worry” is not supported by any evidence. This support the correct answer.
comes from Statement 4. Therefore Statement 1 together
with Statement 4 will convince Ratan. Therefore Option B is 135. B Actions 1, 3, and 5 are unethical because Mukesh is
the right answer. capitalizing on information he is privy to.
Action 4 is also unethical but to a lesser extent compared to
130. C Option A is not correct since discount cannot be discontinued 1, 3 and 5 though he is informing the consumers he is
just because customers are in the top income bracket. deliberately “understating the seriousness”.
Options B, D and E are not correct since not being present at Whereas action 2 is ethical, 6 is not unethical. So the correct
one event cannot be used against them. order would be: 2 > 6 > 4.
Option C is the right answer since the customers do not 1, 3 and 5 are all unethical with no definite ranking among
seem to be loyal and are also taking advantage of the discount them. This rules out Option A, C, D and E.
in an unfair manner, since this is a select discount only to the Option B is definitely a wrong order and hence the correct
loyal customers. answer.

131. C Action 1 is the third best and better than action 5 in which
they get very high ratings for performance in a performance
oriented organization.

XAT Decision making Questions 13

2008 - 2016
136. E The objective is to bounce back i.e. resurrect the damaged
image of the company and dispel all the doubts about their
products. The company should ensure that such incidents
are not repeated. The root cause of the problem is that the
testing agency engaged in an inappropriate action (whereas
the agency was supposed to be fair and neutral) at the
behest of the competitor and this should be nipped in the bud.
Option A and C: The option does address the national outcry
but does not address the proxy war by the competitor, which
might recur.
Option B: The decision is inappropriate and not addressing
the problem at all.
Option D: Their competitor is engaged in a proxy war. So,
directly targeting the competitor will be a disaster.
Option E: The decision is appropriate as it targets the testing
agency and not the competitor. It also addresses the national
outcry indirectly because only a brand confident of its product
quality will file a defamation suit. This in a way reassures the
consumer about the product quality. Therefore Option E is
the correct answer.

14 XAT Decision making Questions

2008 - 2016

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