Hybrid Adaptive Software Development Capability - An Empirical Study

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10, OCTOBER 2014

Hybrid Adaptive Software Development

Capability: An Empirical Study
Asif Qumer Gill
School of Software, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Software intensive organisations require the researchers on these elements and underlying
integration of agility, people, process, product and tool characteristics, which are important for establishing a
elements for establishing a hybrid adaptive software hybrid adaptive software development capability. This
development capability. This paper presents the results of paper presents the results of 46 structured interviews that
the empirical study that has been conducted to identify the
important underlying characteristics of the hybrid adaptive
have been conducted in order get feedback on these main
software development capability elements. Based on this elements: agility, people, process, product and tool. The
investigation, the most critical and the least critical findings of this empirical study have several implications,
characteristics of the hybrid adaptive software development and would help organisations in making a decision about
capability elements have been identified. The findings of this the importance of the elements’ characteristics (from
empirical study have several implications, and can be re- more critical to less) when establishing their local hybrid
casted into making practical recommendations for adaptive software development capability.
establishing a situation-specific hybrid adaptive software This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents
development capability. literature review. Section III presents the research
Index Terms—Agile Methods, Empirical Software
methodology. Section IV presents the analysis and results
Engineering, Information Systems of the empirical study interviews. Finally, Section V,
discusses the validity and limitations of this study; before
concluding in Section VI.
Traditional plan-based software development
approaches work well if the project requirements are Traditional plan-driven software development
fixed; but are often considered heavy when the project approach was an attempt to address the issues of code-
requirements are being changed frequently [18, 32]. This and-fix approach by introducing repeatable process and
issue led to the development of new agile software practices. The plan-driven approach was advocated to
development methods [1]. Agile methods are being manage large and life-critical projects (Boehm 1988).
embraced by programming shops as providing a much Some of the key issues, related to plan-driven approaches,
needed release from the overheads typically perceived as that have been suggested and argued from time-to-time
being imposed by traditional plan-based methods [23]. are: its emphasis on fully elaborated documentation, fixed
Agile methods focus on delivering software early rather contract, upfront detailed planning and design, top-
than on the unnecessary documentation and reporting of bottom command and control process, slow response to
deliverables and this is often seen as a welcome shift of changing requirements, focus on reporting deliverables
balance towards the most important factor in software rather than on actual delivery [5, 18]. These issues
project development [2]. encouraged the software community to develop new
Agile methods, originated in the context of small and lightweight and agile methods for software development
medium projects, claim to offer many tangible benefits [8].
over traditional methods, e.g. improved time-to-market, As a reaction to so-called traditional plan-driven
productivity and quality software while at the same time methods, a number of agile methods have been proposed
aiming to reduce development cost [2, 6, 25]. Reifer et al. over the last two decades and are being continually
[24] suggested that “using agile methods to develop large updated (e.g. XP, Feature Driven Development, Adaptive
systems presents a thorny set of issues”. Organizations Software Development and Scrum). Agile software
can develop or tailor hybrid adaptive software development is being embraced by IT shops as an
development environment or capability [27] to deal with alternative to traditional plan-based development [23].
the challenge of agile at large scale. A hybrid adaptive Agile software development methods are argued to have
software development capability can be established by several benefits over traditional plan-based methods - in
integrating agility, people, process, product and tools particular, their ability to handle projects where the
elements [7, 11, 12, 19, 20, 33, 34] (e.g. integration of project requirements are not fixed [18, 28, 29, 30]. The
agile and non-agile elements). The aim of this paper is to Agile Manifesto [1] provides twelve agile principles and
obtain feedback from industry professionals as well as four agile values to qualitatively characterize the concept



of “Agility” in agile methods [10, 13, 16, 17, 22]. The response was sought from a participants with a specific
ISO/IEC 24744 metamodel [9] describes the key software development related experience and knowledge.
elements of the traditional plan-driven methods in terms Analysis of the data leads to a distribution of responses
of “People”, “Process”, “Product” and “Tool”. that we depict, for most questions, as percentages. When
Organizations can develop or tailor hybrid adaptive appropriate, we also analyze the tabulated percentages in
software development capability by combining the terms of a ranking based on the perceived importance
following agility [1, 19-22] and traditional plan-driven (from most to least important). This ordered ranking set is
elements [9]. referred to as perceived “priority ranking”. It is argued
• Agility [1, 19-22] that this “priority ranking” can be helpful in making
recommendations to which elements’ characteristics are
• People [9]
more critical and which, perhaps, may require more
• Process [9] attention than of lesser importance. These priority
rankings are included as an additional column in the
• Product [9] tabulated results. In summary, this empirical study
• Tool [9] analyzes the data collected from 46 structured interviews
and organizes the elements’ characteristics from most
However, the question is: What are the important important to least important, based on the participants’
underlying characteristics of these five elements? The perceived importance or weight, called here perceived
aim of this paper is get feedback from practitioners on “priority ranking”.
these elements and identify underlying characteristics,
which are important for establishing a hybrid adaptive IV. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
software development capability.
This section presents the detailed analysis of the agility,
III. RESEARCH METHOD people, process, product and tool elements of a hybrid
adaptive software development capability.
Based on the literature review (as summarized in
Section II), a structured close-ended interview A. Agility
questionnaire was developed. This questionnaire contains This section first presents the detailed analysis of the
nine questions related to five main elements and their “agility” element characteristics [22] that are important
underlying characteristics: (1) agility; (2) people, (3) for establishing a hybrid adaptive software development
process, (4) product; and (5) tool. The structured capability. It discusses the agility characteristics, degree
interview questionnaire was used to capture research of agility, agility adoption and improvement model. The
participants’ response via face-to-face and Skype first question is:
interviews. Participants from both research and industry
organizations were invited via professional and research 1. What are the key desirable characteristics of
network and also through LinkedIn social media network. “agility” in your opinion?
They included software consultants, coaches, managers,
research scientists and developers. A total of 46 Here, the responses of the participants are analyzed to
interviews were completed and included in this study. find out the perceived important characteristics of
The interviewees had worked in a range of organizations ‘agility’. The five identified agility characteristics [22]
from medium to large. Of the 46 interviewees, 24 were are presented here together with their relevant importance
in industry and 22 were researchers. (Table I), which is called here the agility priority ranking
All the interviews were analyzed as a single sample (see the italic and shaded column). The identified agility
with no attempt (purposefully) made to discriminate characteristics priority ranking, based on the responses of
responses on either industry size or characteristics of the the participants of this research, shows that the most
respondents themselves (e.g. position in company, important characteristic of agility is “flexibility” (76%),
practitioner versus researcher) since it can be assumed and the least important is “leanness” (22%). A hybrid
that there is little impact from these factors on the overall adaptive software development capability can pay more
knowledge of the project process and their (research attention to the high priority ranking agility
participants’) personal experienced based opinions i.e. the characteristics than the low ranking characteristics. These
opinions are of individuals and not of their organizations. agility characteristic can be considered by project teams
Consequently, it is not claimed that this is a truly to calculate the degree of agility (see [19] on how to
statistically representative sample since a fully calculate degree of agility) of a hybrid adaptive software
representative sample is hard or perhaps impossible to development capability. Agility priority rankings can be
obtain [15]. The main sampling challenge in this type of observed in Table I.
research is to identify and engage the relevant research
participants. This sort of study is not easy to conduct and
always interesting in terms of outcomes, especially if, as
here, they are recast into practical recommendations. In
other words, this research uses the notion of a
convenience sample rather than a random sample since a



TABLE I. An agility adoption and improvement model [21] can

AGILITY CHARACTERISTICS be used as a roadmap to assess, adopt or improve the
# Agility Responses % Priority Ranking hybrid adaptive software development capability. The
1 Flexiblility 35 76 Flexiblility
analysis results showed (Table III) that only 4% of all the
participants reported that such model is not important,
2 Speedy 23 50 Learning and 20% were unsure and remained neutral. However, in
3 Responsiveness 20 43 Speedy total 76% (26% very important, 48% important and 2%
minimal important) of all the participants reported that
4 Learning 25 54 Responsiveness such model would be important and helpful.
5 Leanness 10 22 Leanness TABLE III.

The degree of agility of a hybrid adaptive capability # Degree of Agility Responses %

can be calculated, however, the question is: 1 Very Important 12 26

2. How important is to calculate the degree of agility 2 Important 22 48

(quantitative value) of an existing or to-be developed 3 Minimal Important 1 2
hybrid adaptive software development capability?
4 Neutral 9 20
In the earlier section, the five identified characteristics 5 Not Important 2 4
of agility were recognized together with their relevant
importance – an agility priority ranking. An agility B. People
measurement model can be used (see [19] for details) to This section presents the detailed analysis of the
facilitate the calculation of the degree of agility of a “people” element of the hybrid adaptive software
hybrid adaptive capability, since the agility may be yet development capability. People is an important element
another element that may affect the cost estimation of a of people-focused agile approaches, however the question
development or production of a software. For instance, a is:
hybrid adaptive software development capability, with a 4. Which are the important characteristics of an
certain (high or low) degree of agility, may produce individual (people) and a team that should be
software in less or high cost. Here, research participants’ considered when establishing a hybrid adaptive
responses are analyzed to assess the importance of such software development capability?
calculations. Only 7% of all the participants reported that
knowing the degree of agility of a hybrid adaptive Here, the responses from the participants have been
software development capability is not important, with obtained and analyzed to identify the important desired
15% remaining neutral. A total of 78% (28% very characteristics of an individual or a team in the context of
important, 35% important and 15% minimal important) a hybrid adaptive software development capability. Based
of all the participants reported that this is perceived as an on the analysis of the responses (Table IV), a
important calculation (Table II). characteristic priority ranking (italic and shaded column)
has been identified, which shows that the communication
& collaboration (78%), technical (76%) and problem
DEGREE OF AGILITY solving & self-organizing (65%) are the top people
# Degree of Agility Responses % characteristics for the hybrid adaptive software
1 Very Important 13 28 development capability. More interestingly, it can also be
observed that the “education” characteristic (15%) is
2 Important 16 35
considered as being very low in the opinion of the
3 Minimal Important 7 15 participants. People alert characteristic should be
considered and assessed for a specific situation in order to
4 Neutral 7 15
determine when an individual should or should not be
5 Not Important 3 7 appropriate to use. Only 2% of the participants suggested
exploring other people related characteristics.
The establishment and improvement of a hybrid
adaptive software development capability can be assisted
by an agility adoption and improvement model, however,
the question is:

3. How important is the use of an agility adoption

and improvement model in the context of hybrid
adaptive software development capability
establishment and improvement?




# People Responses % Priority Ranking
# Process Types Responses %
1 Education 7 15 Process
and Collaboration Process
1 Engineering and 27 59
2 Technical 35 76 Technical and
Problem Solving Management
3 Experience 26 57 Team
and Self Product
Organizing 2 Engineering and 12 26
Communicatio and
4 n and 36 78 Experience Management
Collaboration Knowledge
Problem Team Engineering Engineering
3 20 43
5 Solving and 30 65 Degree of Agility and Management and
Self Organizing Management
Degree of Product
6 15 33 Education Workspace
Agility Engineering
4 Engineering and 10 22
People and
7 6 13
People Constraints Management
Business Value and Risks Management
People Workspace
People Business Knowledge
8 Constraints and 7 15 Engineering
Value 5 Engineering and 14 30
Risks and
9 Alerts 1 2 Alerts
6 Governance 10 22 Governance
Others 1 2 Others
0 7 Others 2 4 Others

C. Process A hybrid adaptive software development capability can

be realized by different types of software processes,
This section presents the detailed analysis of the
however, the question is:
“process” element [9] of the hybrid adaptive software
development capability. A hybrid adaptive software
6. Which are the important characteristics of a
development capability can be realized by more than one
software process?
types of software processes (product engineering, process
engineering etc.); indeed, it is likely that all the software
The responses of the participants have been analyzed
processes will not have the same importance. Therefore,
in the search for the important characteristics to describe
the question is:
a software process (Table VI). Here, the identified
characteristics priority ranking may guide a software
5. Which are the important software process types
process engineer in consideration of which attributes of a
that you will include in establishing a hybrid
process are important and need to be described and
adaptive software development capability?
modeled in detail. This will also facilitate the reduction of
the production waste and will allow focusing on more
The responses of the 46 participants have been
important process characteristics. The process purpose
analyzed (Table V) to identify the relative importance of
and objective (78%), pre and post conditions (39%),
different software process types (to be constructed or
degree of agility (39%) and business value (39%) are
already constructed) for a hybrid adaptive software
perceived to be top characteristics of a software process
development capability. The process engineering and
in the context of a hybrid adaptive software development
management (59%), team engineering and management
capability. It can be observed from the analysis that the
(43%), knowledge engineering and management (30%)
process related tools and people (35%), constrains and
and product engineering and management (26%)
risks (24%), abstractions mechanism (20%) and alerts
processes perceived to be top processes for the hybrid
(4%) characteristics have been considered to be less
adaptive software development capability. It can be
important (22%) in comparison with the rest of the other
observed from the analysis that the workspace
process characteristics. Process alert characteristic
engineering and management (22%), and governance
provides the information about the situation when a
(22%) processes have been considered to be less
process should not be used. The priority ranking of the
important in comparison with the rest of the processes.
process characteristics will help and guide the process
The priority ranking of the software processes will help
engineer to pay special attention to the top ranking
and guide the process engineer to pay special attention to
process characteristics when describing processes of the
the top ranking processes when engineering processes for
hybrid adaptive software development capability. Only
establishing the hybrid adaptive software development
4% of the participants suggested to explore other
capability. Only 4% of the participants suggested to
software process characteristics.
explore other software process types.




# Process Responses % Priority Ranking
# Product Responses %
Purpose and Purpose and
1 36 78 1 Size 21 46
Objective Objective Complexity
Tools and Pre and Post
2 16 35 2 Complexity 33 72
People Conditions Business Value
Pre and Post
3 18 39 Degree of Agility 3 Criticality 20 43 Size
Abstraction Development
4 9 20 Business Value 4 11 24 Criticality
Mechanism Duration
Constraints Abstraction Constraints and
5 11 24 Tools and People 5 7 15
and Risks Mechanism Risks
Degree of Constraints and Constraints and Development
6 18 39 6 14 30
Agility Risks Risks Duration
Abstraction Abstraction
7 Business Value 18 39 7 Business Value 25 54
Mechanism Mechanism
8 Alerts 2 4 Alerts 8 Alerts 2 4 Alerts

9 Others 2 4 Others 9 Effort 1 2 Effort

10 Others 1 2 Others
D. Product
This section presents the detailed analysis of the E. Tool
“product” element [9] of a hybrid adaptive software
This section presents the detailed analysis of the “tool”
development capability. A hybrid adaptive software
element [9] of a hybrid adaptive software development
development capability is established to produce software
capability. A hybrid adaptive software development
products or work products, however, the question is:
capability applies a number of people, processes and tools
to produce software products or work products, however,
7. Which are the important characteristics that can be
the question is:
used to describe a software product?
8. Which types of tools are important for establishing
The responses of the participants have been analyzed
a hybrid adaptive software development capability?
to identify the important characteristics that can describe
and model a software product. Table VII shows the
Agile processes are called people-focused processes,
results of the analysis together with the identified priority
but we cannot eliminate the tools factor since tools help
ranking, which may be a useful guide for determining
to ease and speed up the development when required and
which product characteristics are important and need to
appropriate (e.g. automated testing tools). Here, the
be described or modeled in the context of a hybrid
responses of the research participants have been analyzed
adaptive software development capability. The product
to find out the important types of tools for establishing a
complexity (72%), business value (54%), size (46%), and
hybrid adaptive software development capability or
criticality (43%) are perceived to be top characteristics of
environment. Interestingly, in total, 85% (Table VIII) of
a software product in the context of a hybrid adaptive
the 46 participants supported the use of fully automated
software development capability. Interestingly,
(35%) and semi-automated (52%) tools for establishing a
abstraction mechanism characteristic was ranked very
hybrid adaptive software development capability or
low very low by the participations (only 7%), thought it
environment. However, it can be observed from the
refers to a key product modelling paradigm (e.g. object,
following table (Table VIII) that only 7% of the
service or agent oriented modelling). Only 2% of the
participants were agreeable to using a minimal-automated
participants suggested to explore other software product
or tools-oriented environment. This shows that, however
much agile methods are people-focused and give less
importance to tools and processes, in order to make them
workable and applicable in the industry, other important
aspects such as tools and processes cannot be eliminated
altogether. A balanced recipe of software development
may be considered to be more practicable and workable.
This analysis will help the practitioner to make their
decisions about the setup of the tools to support hybrid
adaptive software development capability.



TABLE VIII. highlighted important and generic characteristics of

people when involving them in different roles and
# Priority Ranking
Product Responses %
different teams. The process element of a hybrid
1 Automated 16 35 Semi-automated capability refers to the type of processes and their
2 Semi-automated 24 52 Automated
characteristics. A hybrid adaptive software development
capability can be established by tailoring and integrating
Minimal Minimal
3 7
a number of different types of processes from different
agile and non-agile methods.
4 Non-automated 3 7 Non-automated
The analysis presented in this paper highlighted
important types of processes and their characteristics that
A hybrid adaptive software development capability are relevant in the context of a hybrid adaptive software
applies a number of different types of tools, however, the development capability. The product element of a hybrid
question is: capability refers to the products that are produced through
the application of people and process elements. The
9. Which are the important characteristics that that analysis presented in this paper highlighted the important
can be used to describe the tool element of a and generic characteristics of software products in the
hybrid adaptive software development capability? context of a hybrid adaptive software development
capability. A hybrid adaptive software development
The responses of the research participants have been capability uses an integrated development environment
analyzed in order to find out the relevant and important containing different types of agile and non-agile tools to
characteristics to describe a hybrid adaptive software support people and process elements. The analysis
development capability tool element (software presented in this paper highlighted the important type of
development tools and environment). The analysis of the tools and their characteristics that are relevant in the
data (Table IX) shows the identified priority ranking context of a hybrid adaptive software development
among the characteristics of the “tool” element. The three capability.
most important characteristics of the tool element are There are some limitations, which we think quite
identified: tool usability (65%), degree of agility (48%) reasonable and worth mentioning. A disadvantage of the
and business value (30%). The priority ranking of the tool use of the structured close-ended questionnaire, which
characteristics will help and guide the capability engineer may be considered here, is that the research participants
to pay special attention to the top ranking tools were provided with a list of possible choices and asked to
characteristics when assessing and selecting tools for select from that list. This pre-determination may limit the
establishing the hybrid adaptive software development focus of the research participants to the characteristics
capability. that were listed in research questionnaire. However, this
TABLE IX. issue was addressed by providing an extra option of
# Product Responses % Priority Ranking “others” wherever possible and appropriate. This allowed
the research participants to specify any additional
1 Usability 30 65 Usability characteristics that they might think should be considered
Pre and Post
10 22 Degree of Agility in the context of this research. Another issue, which is
Conditions worth considering, is that the responses of the participants
Constraints and
12 26 Business Value are based on and limited to their personal opinion,
Constraints and experience, knowledge, beliefs and attitudes regarding
4 Degree of Agility 22 48
Risks the various aspects of software development
Pre and Post methodologies. This situation may cause problems when
5 Business Value 14 30
participants’ perceptions are inaccurate or when
6 Alerts 1 2 Alerts characteristics identified as important for a hybrid
7 Others 0 0 Others adaptive software development capability may not in fact
be important at all. However, similar to many other
opinion-based research studies (for example [3, 4, 14, 15,
31]), we have full confidence that the findings of this
This paper analyzed the agility [1, 19-22] and research are based on the data that have been collected
traditional plan-driven elements [9] of a hybrid software from the research participants, who have been involved
development capability from 46 practitioners’ and have vastly diversified experience in the research,
perspectives. The agility element of a hybrid adaptive engineering and implementation of software development
capability is described here in terms of agility projects.
characteristics, degree of agility, agility adoption and The sample size of the research participants may be
improvement model. The people element of a hybrid another concern since the data collection, due to the time
capability refers to the people that perform different roles constraint in this research, restricted further data
(e.g. developer, iteration manager, tester, analyst roles) in collection so that only the original 46 participant
different teams (e.g. development, testing, and responses could be collected and analyzed. To get a
deployment teams). The analysis presented in this paper broader view on this research topic, and to make the



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[32] C. Yuan, W. Wang, Y. L. Lin, and Y. Chen, “Design environments, displaying a deep appreciation of their different
Method of Product Agile Customization Based on perspectives in a number of IT-enabled business process
Artificial Neural Network and Its Application”. JCP, vol. 6, improvement and transformation industry projects of varying
pp.776-783, 2011. sizes. He can be reached at [email protected].


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