HRS Funding Opportunities BulletinSeptember222017

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Health Research Services

Funding Opportunities Bulletin

September 22, 2017
News & Events
CMAJ’s New Focus on Sepsis, Health of Vulnerable People, Mental Health, and Health Services Quality
CMAJ has launched a new focus in four areas — mental health, health of vulnerable populations, health services quality,
and sepsis — to make positive changes in health care and guide authors in submitting articles.
As a general medical journal, CMAJ will continue to publish content on a wide variety of topics relevant to health care
professionals in Canada and around the world.
The topic area, “health of vulnerable populations” will focus on Indigenous peoples, health issues facing low-income
people, immigrants and refugees, young children, and more. Exploring mental health trends, services and gaps, as well as
research into the quality of health services and performance will be part of the journal's efforts to improve health care
FY17 DOD CDMRP LCRP & PRCPR Deadline Extensions
Due to the damage caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP) and the Peer
Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP) have extended the LOI and application submission deadlines. The extension is
for all applicants. Please consult the modified LCRP & PRCRP Program Announcements available on Please
contact the CDMRP Helpdesk with any questions.

Health Research Grant Competitions

Programs administered by Health Research Services, unless otherwise indicated. Email: [email protected]
LOI Internal HRS Sponsor
Funding Opportunity (CIHR)
Deadline Deadline Deadline
CIHR – Doctoral Research Award: 2017-2018 Contact Graduate Studies Oct 3
CIHR – Doctoral Research Award: Fall 2017 Priority Announcement (Specific
Contact Graduate Studies Oct 3
Research Areas)
CIHR – Catalyst Grant: Global Governance AMR & Related Infectious Disease
Oct 3 Oct 17
CIHR – Postdoctoral Fellowship Award Competition: 2017-2018 Contact Graduate Studies Nov 1
CIHR – Doctoral Research Award: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (2017-
Contact Graduate Studies Nov 1
CIHR – Fellowship: 2017-2018 Contact Graduate Studies Nov 1

CIHR – Fellowship: Fall 2017 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas) Contact Graduate Studies Nov 1

CIHR – Healthy and Productive Work – Partnership Grants Oct 18 Nov 1

CIHR – Catalyst Grant: Sex as a Variable in Biomedical Research Oct 24 Nov 7

CIHR – Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Collaboration Grants
Oct 31 Nov 14
CIHR – Operating Grant: SPOR iCT Rewarding Success Nov 7 Nov 21

CIHR – Operating Grant: SPOR PIHCI Network: Programmatic Grants Sep 26 Nov 14 Nov 28

CIHR – Operating Grant: Economic Forecasting Nov 14 Nov 28
CIHR – Master’s Award: 2017-2018 Frederick Banting and Charles Best
Contact Graduate Studies Dec 1
Canada Graduate Scholarships
LOI Internal HRS Sponsor
Funding Opportunity (Non-CIHR)
Deadline Deadline Deadline
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and
Sep 30
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Joint Collaborative Research and Contact ROADS
Training Experience Program
HHS New Investigator Fund (NIF) n/a Oct 1

Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) Centre for Global Digital Health,
n/a Oct 9
Pilot Funding – Call for Proposals

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Canada – Saving Brains Sep 27 Oct 11

The Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFOC) Allied Health Research Grant Oct 1 Oct 15

Fulbright Scholar Program: Fulbright Arctic Initiative Oct 2 Oct 16

Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program (please inform HRS of your intent to apply) Oct 2 Oct 16

Stem Cell Network: 2017 National Research Funding Competition Oct 2 Oct 16

HHS JHCCF Fall 2017 Research Grant Contact HHS Oct 23

Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) Advanced
Oct 6 Oct 23
Analytics Initiative, Round 2

HHS Health Professional Investigator Operating Grant n/a Oct 28

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation: Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy

Oct 17 Oct 31
(CORL) Grant

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation: J. Edouard Samson Award Oct 17 Oct 31

Michael G. DeGroote Fellowship Awards Contact MGDFA Nov 1

Epilepsy Canada – The Jay & Aiden Barker Breakthrough Grant in Clinical &
Oct 1 Oct 18 Nov 1
Basic Sciences 2017
J.P. Bickell Foundation 2017 Medical Research Program Competition Oct 6 Nov 1
2018 Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP) Competition Oct 23 Nov 6
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Explorations Oct 25 Nov 8
Mitacs Funding for Collaborative International Research Oct 25 Nov 8
France-Canada Research Fund New Scientific Collaboration Support Program Oct 17 LOI Nov 10
Canadian Frailty Network (CFN): 2017 Catalyst Grant Competition, Call for
Oct 6 Oct 30 Nov 13
Proposals: Medication Optimization for older adults living with frailty
PSI Trainee Fellowship Competition Fall 2017 Oct 10 Oct 16 Nov 13

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS): Translational Research Program Sep 29 Nov 1 Nov 15

Fulbright Canada: Awards for Canadian Scholars Nov 1 Nov 15

HHS Research Early Career Awards n/a Nov 15

Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS): Grants Nov 1 Nov 15

Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO) Seed Funding Grant Oct 6 Nov 3 Nov 17

Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO) Fellowship Training Oct 6 Nov 3 Nov 17

Alzheimer’s Association – International Research Grant Program Oct 9 Nov 14 Nov 28

European Respiratory Society (ERS) Marie Curie Post-doctoral Research

Nov 17 Dec 1
Fellowships (RESPIRE 3)
Feb 1
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS): RTFCCR/LLS Patient-Focused Prevention Oct 1 Jan 18 2018
Spencer Foundation: Lyle Spencer Research Awards, Advancing Understanding Feb 2018
Oct 12 (By invite
of Education Practice and Its Improvement only)
*NEW* Mar 30
Brain Canada Foundation – Parkinson Canada Platform Grant Nov 13 Mar 16 2018
Weston Brain Institute Rapid Response: Canada 2018 Parkinson’s & Related Apr 4
Dec 4 Mar 21 2018 2018 (By
Diseases – Round 1
invite only)
Oct 16 Jul 2018
2019 Networks of Centres of Excellence Competition (please inform HRS of your Nov 15
Draft LOI to (By invite
intent to apply) LOI to NCE only)
MITACS Globalink Research Award – Special Opportunity
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), Call for Proposals:
International & Interdisciplinary Research Workshops – Open Call
Simons Foundation, Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI):
SFARI Explorer Award
LOI Internal HRS Sponsor
Funding Opportunities (DoD)
Deadline Deadline Deadline
Department of Defense Hearing Restoration Research Program (HRRP)
Oct 25 Nov 1 Nov 15
Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017
Department of Defense Reconstructive Transplant Research Program
Nov 15 Nov 22 Dec 6
(RTRP) Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017 – Concept Award
Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Funding Sep 29/Nov
Nov 22/Dec 7 Dec 6/21
Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017 21
Department of Defense Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury Research
Oct 11 Dec 13 Dec 27
Program (PH/TBIRP) Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017/2018
Department of Defense Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program Jan 8
Oct 20 Dec 18
(OPORP) Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017 2018

CIHR – Doctoral Research Award: 2017-2018
The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:
 To provide recognition and funding to students early in their academic research career, providing them with an
opportunity to gain research experience;
 To provide a reliable supply of highly skilled and qualified researchers.

Funding Details: For this competition, applications will be accepted in all areas of health research, including biomedical,
clinical, health services and social, cultural, environmental, and population health.
 It is anticipated that approximately $14 million over three years will be available for the CGS-D competition, enough to
fund approximately 133 awards.
 It is anticipated that approximately $1.05 million over three years will be available for the DFSA competition, enough
to fund approximately 10 awards.
 Trainee stipend: $30,000 per annum.
 Research allowance: $5,000 per annum
Additional Details
Contact Antonella Masciantonio in Graduate Studies to Apply
Sponsor Deadline: October 3, 2017

CIHR – Doctoral Research Award: Fall 2017 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas)
Priority Announcements on Doctoral Research Award competitions offer additional sources of funding for highly rated
applications that are relevant to specific CIHR research priority areas or mandates. Applications are submitted through the
"201710MDR" competition of the Doctoral Research Award: 2017-2018 funding opportunity.
Doctoral Research Awards are intended to provide special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a PhD degree
in a health-related field in Canada or abroad. These candidates are expected to have an exceptionally high potential for future
research achievement and productivity.

Funding Details: The maximum amount awarded for a single award is $35,000 per annum for up to three (3) years.
Additional Details
Contact Antonella Masciantonio in Graduate Studies to Apply
Sponsor Deadline: October 3, 2017

CIHR – Catalyst Grant: Global Governance AMR & Related Infectious Disease Threats
The Catalyst Grant: Global Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance and Related Infectious Disease Threats is expected to
support mapping, collaboration, team-building, piloting, and mobilization work.
Specifically, the objectives are to:
 Advance capacity-building efforts through the identification of existing research expertise in global governance
arrangements, structures, and institutions in the areas of AMR and related infectious disease threats, and identify any
gaps that may exist;
 Encourage collective action by identifying the similarities, differences, and common issues among global governance
arrangements related to AMR and those related to other types of infectious disease threats;
 Initiate the mobilization of interdisciplinary Canadian health and social scientists, as well as knowledge users in the
area of global governance to support the eventual creation of a dynamic, coherent, and strong Canadian
centre/network that can position itself to conduct international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary research and to
participate in broader international collaborations; and
 Facilitate interdisciplinary national and/or international collaborations, resource alignment and sharing, capacity-
building, and knowledge sharing among researchers and knowledge users, working on global governance and tackling
AMR and related infectious disease threats.

Funding Details: Maximum $100,000 per year for up to one year.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 3, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 17, 2017

CIHR – Postdoctoral Fellowship Award Competition: 2017-2018
Fellowships provide support for highly qualified candidates in all areas of health research at the post-PhD degree or post-
health professional degree stages to add to their experience by engaging in health research either in Canada or abroad.

Funding Details: The maximum amount awarded for a single award is up to $60,000 per annum for up to 5 years.

Additional Details
Contact Correen Smith in Graduate Studies to Apply
Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017

CIHR – Doctoral Research Award: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (2017-2018)

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Vanier CGS) was created to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and to
establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning. It is available to both Canadian and
international PhD students studying at Canadian universities.
The program is jointly administered by Canada’s three federal granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council (SSHRC). CIHR has been designated as the operational lead for the implementation of the program.

Funding Details: The total amount for this funding opportunity is $24,900,000, enough to fund approximately 166 awards. The
maximum amount per award is $50,000 per year for 3 years. This funding is non-renewable.

Additional Details
Contact Correen Smith in Graduate Studies to Apply
Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017

CIHR – Fellowship: 2017-2018

Fellowships provide support for highly qualified applicants in all areas of health research at the post-PhD degree or post-health
professional degree stages to add to their experience by engaging in health research either in Canada or abroad.
The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:
 To provide recognition and funding to academic researchers;
 To provide a reliable supply of highly skilled and qualified researchers.

Funding Details: The maximum amount awarded for a single award is up to $60,000 per annum for up to 5 years. The value
and duration of each award is determined by the degree(s) held, licensure (where applicable), location of tenure and
experience of the applicant.

Additional Details
Contact Correen Smith in Graduate Studies to Apply
Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017

CIHR – Fellowship: Fall 2017 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas)
The specific objective of the Fellowship Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas) is to offer additional sources of
funding for highly rated applications that are relevant to specific CIHR research priority areas and mandates. Funds are
available to encourage and support applications in specific areas that are aligned with CIHR's research priority areas and
CIHR Research Priority Areas
 Clinical Nutrition
 Diabetes
 Gastroenterology
 Research in First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit Health

Funding Details: The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $600,000, enough to fund approximately two (2)
awards. This amount may increase if additional funding partners or internal collaborators decide to participate.
The maximum amount awarded for a single award is $60,000 per annum for up to five (5) years.

Additional Details
Contact Correen Smith in Graduate Studies to Apply
Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017

CIHR – Healthy and Productive Work – Partnership Grants

Building on the Partnership Development Grant phase, the specific objectives of Phase 2: Healthy and Productive Work (HPW)
Partnership Grants are:
Through formal partnerships and stakeholder engagement:
1. Develop evidence about interventions that enable healthy and productive work using methods that integrate the
health and social sciences and humanities fields.
2. Develop evidence-informed approaches and mechanisms for effective implementation, evaluation and scaling up of
interventions that enable healthy and productive work.
3. Build capacity and infrastructure for measuring and demonstrating the broader health and economic impacts of
these interventions and policies.
4. Expand the evidence base and research capacity in the integration of sex- and gender-based analysis with respect to
healthy and productive work—from research design to intervention development, implementation, evaluation and
scale-up, as well as the evaluation of eventual health and economic impacts.
5. Develop the next generation of researchers focused on healthy and productive work through engagement of trainees
in high quality projects.

Funding Details: The total amount available for Phase 2 is $11,400,000, enough to fund approximately 8 Partnership Grants.
The maximum amount per grant is $ 325,000 per year for up to 4 years.
 Each grant will be jointly funded by SSHRC and CIHR. The maximum annual investment per project will be $200,000
from CIHR and $125,000 from SSHRC.
 An additional fifth year valued at up to $125,000 for connection activities (e.g., workshops, colloquiums, conferences,
forums or other events or outreach activities) is also available from SSHRC’s allocations.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 18, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017

CIHR – Catalyst Grant: Sex as a Variable in Biomedical Research
The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:
 To add value to the current state of basic biomedical knowledge on a given topic that has potential to, but has not yet
fully elucidated, the impact of sex on biological mechanisms or pathophysiology.
 To promote increased awareness, knowledge and self-efficacy among biomedical researchers regarding the integration
of sex as a variable in their research.
 To contribute to the improvement of women and men’s health in Canada and the world.

Funding Details: The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $3,450,000, enough to fund approximately 23
grants. The maximum amount per grant is $75,000 per year for up to 2 years. This funding is non-renewable.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 24, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 7, 2017

CIHR – Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Collaboration Grants (2017)

The Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Collaboration Grants are expected to catalyze patient-oriented research
that aligns with the SPOR Capacity Development Framework and the SPOR Patient Engagement Framework by:
Building capacity in Canada’s health system for patient-oriented research through projects conducted by teams comprised of
researchers, patients, health care professionals and/or policy-makers; and,
Increasing the number of new/early career investigators meaningfully involved in patient-oriented research by integrating
them in patient-oriented research teams.

Funding Details: The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $1,600,000, enough to fund approximately 40
grants. The maximum amount per grant is $40,000 per year for up to one year.
Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 31, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 14, 2017

CIHR – Operating Grant: SPOR iCT Rewarding Success

The Rewarding Success Initiative is an experimental funding model that is being piloted in five provinces: Alberta, British
Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Saskatchewan. The Rewarding Success Initiative is similar to other
funding models that have been developed to support innovation and impact such as risk sharing, social impact bonds, and
innovation prizes. The basic principle is that teams of patients, healthcare delivery organizations, clinicians, and researchers
identify potential solutions to identified problems and priorities in health care; solutions that will enhance patient and provider
experience while also:
 reducing low value health care (e.g. unnecessary diagnostic tests/ drugs), and/or
 addressing health care inefficiencies (e.g. wait lists), and/or
 reducing avoidable morbidity (e.g. stroke)

Funding Details: The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $1,050,000.
 Phase 1- Idea Brief: The total amount available for this phase of the initiative is $50,000, enough to fund
approximately 20 travel awards, up to four (4) per participating province. The maximum amount per travel award is
 Phase 2 – Ideathon: The total amount available for this phase of the initiative is $1,000,000, enough to fund
approximately ten (10) grants, up to two (2) per participating province, for the duration of one (1) year. The maximum
amount per grant is $100,000.
Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: November 7, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 21, 2017

CIHR – Operating Grant: SPOR PIHCI Network: Programmatic Grants
The objective of this funding opportunity is to support cross-jurisdictional programs of research that respond to
the priorities of the Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations (PIHCI) Network in order to generate findings that will
guide evidence-informed policy decision-making, with the intent of having an impact on the health system for all Canadians
within four years.

Funding Details: The total amount available from CIHR for this funding opportunity is $4,000,000, enough to fund
approximately four grants. The maximum amount per grant is $250,000 per year for up to four years for a total of $1,000,000
per grant.
 Funding under SPOR is based on a 1:1 matching formula with non-federal sources to ensure relevance and
Additional Details
LOI Deadline: September 26, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: November 14, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 28, 2017

CIHR – Operating Grant: Economic Forecasting

The objective of the Economic Forecasting funding opportunity is to:
 Advance knowledge in health economic forecasting of the cost of primary and secondary prevention, and early
intervention services.
 Build capacity to produce financial projections that would more easily allow government departments to understand
the impact of scaling evidence-based primary and secondary prevention interventions on their budgets over time.

Funding Details: The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $265,000, enough to fund approximately one grant
for up to one year. Of this amount:
 The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation will contribute up to $90,000;
 CIHR-ISHPR will contribute $116,700; and
 CIHR-IHDCYH will contribute $58,300.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: November 14, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 28, 2017

CIHR – Master’s Award: 2017-2018 Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate
The Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards are intended to provide special recognition and support to students who
are pursuing a Master's degree in a health related field at a Canadian institution. These candidates are expected to have an
exceptionally high potential for future research achievement and productivity.
Some Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients may be considered for the honour of having their scholarship named a "Canada
Graduate Scholarship to Honour Nelson Mandela," should CIHR deem their application to be aligned with at least one of five
themes championed by Mandela: national unity; democracy; freedom and human rights; leadership; children's participation in
society; and children's health.

Funding Details: The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $7M, enough to fund approximately 400 awards.

Additional Details
Contact Antonella Masciantonio in Graduate Studies to Apply
Sponsor Deadline: December 1, 2017

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Joint Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program
NSERC and DFG have finalized their agreement to establish a formal mechanism for supporting a bilateral training program
that involves an exchange of students between Germany and Canada.
In order to be considered for this opportunity, Canadian candidates should follow these steps:
 Canadian researchers should first establish collaboration with German researchers.
 Since the DFG International Research Training Groups (IRTG) process requires more time than the NSERC application
process, the German researchers must start by submitting a pre-proposal to the DFG. Although there is no set deadline
for the pre-proposal, the DFG requires that the DFG IRTG pre-proposal be submitted in September, followed by the
full proposals for IRTG and CREATE to be submitted in parallel to both organizations the following Fall. If you are
interested in submitting your application to NSERC in 2018, please encourage your German collaborators to contact
the DFG immediately and get the pre-proposal submitted in September 2017.
 Applicants with a successful DFG IRTG pre-proposal can proceed directly to submitting a full application to NSERC
without the need for a full LOI.
 Because of NSERC’s system requirements, applicants must provide the basic information in their LOI as it is used to
generate a Form 102. Please contact NSERC for further details.
 Proposals will be evaluated through the agencies’ (NSERC and DFG) respective peer review processes. The CREATE
application should stand alone and contain all the necessary details about the Canadian side of the collaboration.
 CREATE Grant applications involving a collaboration with researchers applying to the DFG’s IRTG program compete
with the applications of the other applicants invited to submit a CREATE Grant application in the same competition.
 DFG IRTG/NSERC CREATE proposals will be funded only if both are successful in their individual competitions.

Funding Details: Starting with the 2018 competition, NSERC-DFG grants can now spread the funding over nine years to match
the DFG time frame. No additional funds will be allocated and grantees will have to manage the $1.65 million over the nine
years. Note that this information is not yet on NSERC’s website.
Additional Details
LOI Deadline: September 30, 2017 TO ROADS
*To Apply, Contact Nathan Coschi, Senior Advisor, ROADS at [email protected] extension 21581*

HHS New Investigator Fund (NIF)

Hamilton Health Sciences’ commitment to “first stage” research led to the creation of the New Investigator Fund (NIF). The
fund is an integration of the former HHS Foundation Young Investigator Grants and the HHS Research Development Fund, and
provides a unique opportunity to foster and support a culture of inquiry for novice investigators under the mentorship of
senior staff. The NIF provides project funding to front-line staff (healthcare professionals and medical staff) towards research
initiatives directly relevant to the clinical mission and research strategic direction of Hamilton Health Sciences.

Funding Details: Maximum of $50,000 per project.

Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: October 1, 2017

Population Health Research Institute (PHRI) Centre for Global Digital Health, Pilot Funding – Call
for Proposals
Digital Health was approved by the PHRI Executive Committee as an area for focus earlier this year. As digital health possesses
potential to harness patient-centric design, exponential increase in computing power, and more widely available and
accessible use of devices, it is the hope of the executive that initial investment in ideas with potential will help to grow digital
health as a new ‘mega area’ of study.
A key step in growing digital health is releasing a call for innovative digital health proposals, attached. The intent of this call is
to support innovative and strategically important research in Digital Health, at the pilot level, leading to opportunities for
external funding and programmatic growth. Researchers at PHRI, McMaster and HHS are eligible to apply. (To ensure
relevance to PHRI, applicants who are external to PHRI must secure a Co-PI who is a PHRI investigator or scientist.)
Sponsor Deadline: October 9, 2017 by 4 p.m.
*To apply for this grant, please request forms and/or direct any inquiries to [email protected]*

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Canada – Saving Brains
With the ultimate goal of increasing human capital and tackling existing inequalities, Saving Brains seeks bold ideas for
products, services and implementation models that protect and nurture early brain development in a sustainable manner.
Funding is open to innovative solutions that address the risk factors facing children living in adversity by promoting health and
nutrition, providing enrichment and nurturing, and protecting against maltreatment.
Areas of particular interest include innovations designed for use in humanitarian contexts and fragile settings, innovations that
provide support to adolescent parents, and innovations with demonstrated scale and strong paths to sustainability that have
not yet measured impact on child development.

Funding Details: Up to $250,000 over a maximum of 24 months.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: September 27, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 11, 2017, 3:00 p.m. ET

The Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFOC) Allied Health Research Grant

The purpose of the Allied Health Research Grant is to encourage allied health professionals to pursue research relevant to the
areas of nephrology and organ donation, including clinical, health services, social, cultural, environmental and population
health research. To be eligible for this grant, the nominated principal applicant must be an allied health professional.

Funding Details: Maximum $50,000 per year for up to two years.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 1, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 15, 2017
*To apply for this grant, the applicant must submit a PDF copy of the full application by email to Christine Marquis*

Fulbright Scholar Program: Fulbright Arctic Initiative

Selected scholars will participate in an individual Fulbright exchange of a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of three
months, as well as in-person seminars and ongoing virtual communication, all supporting the scholars’ required collaborative
research projects. Scholars will be selected on the basis of an individual research project linked to an exchange visit and
potential to collaborate in a group research project in one of two thematic areas described below.
 Resilient Communities
 Sustainable Economies

Funding Details: $40,000 USD for the duration of the program (18 mos.)

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 2, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 16, 2017

Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program

The Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program provides career development support to M.D. and Ph.D. scientists embarking on
careers in clinical, laboratory or translational science related to Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep medicine. Funding is
awarded for three years to fellows working with experienced mentors in diverse areas of research related to lung disease.

Funding Details: The amount awarded to the sponsoring institution is $156,000 over three years.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 2, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 16, 2017

Stem Cell Network: 2017 National Research Funding Competition
Six new awards are available. Please refer to the additional details link for more information from the Stem Cell Network
Funding Details:
 Clinical Trials Research - $500,000 for 11 mos
 Disease Team Research - $200,000 for 11 mos
 Translational Impact Research - $100,000 for 11 mos
 Clinical Translation & Accelerator Impact Research - $100,000 for 11 mos
 Commercialization Impact Research - $100,000 for 11 mos
 Public Policy Impact Research - $40,000 for 11 mos

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 2, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 16, 2017

HHS JHCCF Fall 2017 Research Grant

Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre Foundation’s (JHCCF) main purpose is to champion and advance the vision and mandate
of the Juravinski Cancer Program (JCP). As part of its commitment to research, the Foundation sponsors a Research Grant
Program that awards funding through a rigorous peer reviewed application process, once or twice yearly.
To be eligible, the principal investigator or co-principal investigator must work at Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) or be a full
member of the Department of Oncology at McMaster University.

Funding Details: Total Research Funds Available – $400,000

 Research Development Grants – Maximum Funding $50,000
 Thematic Research Grants – Maximum Funding $100,000
 Research Specific Topics
o BRIGHT Run – $100,000 available in support of Breast Cancer Research
o Kuhn Award in Memory of Jay Kuhn – $10,000 available in support of Hodgkin Disease or non-Hodgkin
Lymphoma Research
Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: October 23, 2017
*For Additional Information please contact Gwen Flynn, Donor Relations and Grant Associate at [email protected]*

Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) Advanced Analytics
Initiative, Round 2
The CIMVHR Advanced Analytics Initiative is a program that encourages applications from multi-disciplines to submit project
proposals to compete for access to funding, computer resources, and expertise available through CIMVHR and IBM Canada.
Researchers interested in applying will include medical resources to accelerate research and improve health of Military,
Veterans and/or their families supported by data scientist/computer science experts and architects with skills to combine the
medical research with the data analytics and computer science aspects of the proposed project. CIMVHR and IBM are available
to discuss the viability of your proposed project prior to completing and submitting the application.
The Initiative funds support priority areas such as, but not limited to,
 Precision medicine: medication/treatment selection, order of care, response based treatment
 Personalized care: treatment tailored to the individual
 Military family challenges: impact of military families’ lifestyle on health and well-being
 CIMVHR target population research data challenges: addressing privacy, consolidation, access, and mining for
academic led research projects

Funding Details: $200,000 over 2 years

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 6, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 23, 2017
HHS Health Professional Investigator (HPI) Operating Grant
The HPI Operating Grant provides project funding to non-physician principal investigators (PI) who are HHS-employed
healthcare professionals. Inter-professional teams, which include physicians, are encouraged, but physicians are not eligible to
apply as lead PI for this grant. The HPI Operating Grant is for research initiatives directly relevant to the clinical mission and
priorities of HHS (Patients, People, Sustainability, Innovation and Learning). The grant objective is to provide support for pilot
studies or research projects that have the potential to lead to larger projects and the possibility of external funding. The HPI
Operating Grant offers an opportunity to foster and support a culture of inquiry for early investigators under the mentorship of
experienced researchers.

Funding Details: up to $15,000 per grant, three grants available for a one-year term.

Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: October 28, 2017

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation: Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Grant

In this proposal, applicants are expected to provide a systematic, logical description of the project or line of research, which
demonstrates familiarity with the subject matter and a carefully formulated plan of implementation. The rationale, the project
plan, the methods and procedures to be used, the mode of analysis to be employed should be clearly outlined. In general
terms, the proposal describes the work, proceeding from general theoretical considerations to the specific project, culminating
in a budget. The budget qualifies the work in terms of personnel, materials, services or other requirements.

Funding Details: Maximum $20,000 for one year.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 17, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 31, 2017

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation: J. Edouard Samson Award

The premier award for orthopaedic research in Canada, the J. Edouard Samson Award, recognizes the best career orthopaedic
research over a period of five (5) years or more at a Canadian centre. This $30,000 award is intended to promote further
research by the recipient. The recipient will present his/her research at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian
Orthopaedic Association (presentation opportunity to be determined). The award consists of an educational grant and a
personal research grant to be used by the recipient at the Canadian institution where he/she currently resides.

Funding Details: $30,000 award

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 17, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: October 31, 2017

Michael G. DeGroote Fellowship Awards

Awards are available in two categories: the Michael G. DeGroote Fellowship Award in Basic Biomedical Science and the
Michael G. DeGroote Fellowship Award in Clinical Research. Candidates conducting basic science research are eligible for the
Basic Biomedical Science Fellowship Award and those pursuing clinical research are eligible for the Clinical Research Fellowship
Award. Applicants must identify in their application which award they are applying for. Separate selection committees will
review the respective applicants for each award.

Funding Details: Each award provides non-renewable funding of $50,000 for one year for successful applicants. The funding is
comprised of $40,000 from the Michael G. DeGroote Health Sciences Development Fund and $10,000 contributed by the
applicant’s supervisor.
Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017
*To apply, visit and apply online.*

Epilepsy Canada – The Jay & Aiden Barker Breakthrough Grant in Clinical & Basic Sciences 2017
Epilepsy Canada (EC) is requesting research proposals from established researchers to conduct investigations that explore the
basic mechanisms of epileptic seizures. They are looking for a widespread assortment of submissions. In particular, they’re
interested in submissions that are high risk in nature that if successful would have near term applicability in the treatment of
epilepsy and hopefully lead to finding a cure.
Epilepsy Canada is also receptive to receiving proposals that represent multi-year projects. They encourage high risk proposals
that would develop preliminary data sufficient to make applications to other funding bodies that support more extensive
programs. Applications having a more clinical focus are also encouraged but they should be experimental in nature and have
clear hypothesis that potentially leads to better clinical outcomes.
This competition is open to all academic researchers (MD and/or PhD) holding a permanent appointment at a university
research institute in Canada. Funds cannot be used to support the salary or buy out clinical time of the Principal Investigator as
these grant monies are intended to support operational services.

Funding Details: Epilepsy Canada has set aside up to $200,000 to be awarded to a single winner, or apportioned to multiple
award winners, by December 31, 2017.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 1, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: October 18, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017

J.P. Bickell Foundation 2017 Medical Research Program Competition

The J. P. Bickell Foundation Medical Research grants are made to assist biomedical scientists of various departments and
faculties in Ontario universities, hospitals and scientific institutions concerned with medical research. These grants may be
distributed among medical research institutions and universities in Ontario. Only one application may be submitted by
November 1st 2017 for the annual competition, from any medically oriented faculty. These may be within the health sciences
department of a university, or any faculty of that university.

The deadline for draft applications to be submitted to Health Research Services is Friday October 6th, 2017.

NOTE: An internal peer review process will be conducted to select the ONE application to be submitted to the Foundation. All
drafts for internal review are due no later than Friday October 6th, 2017.
Medical institutes within a university or hospital must be approved to apply independently; otherwise they must apply through
the university or hospital research office. Independent research institutes may apply directly.

 The Foundation will use the following criteria in assessing applications:
 Projects must have scientific merit and be primarily medical in nature.
 New researchers seeking start up grants receive priority.
 New, innovative projects receive priority.
 Applications submitted should most suitably fit the institutions' requirements and the Foundation's criteria.
 Supplemental grants may only be made for equipment essential to the described project where main source funding
for equipment is unobtainable. For equipment costing more than $10,000 indicate the use, extent of use, availability of
similar equipment and the current operating support (see item B{c} on application form).
 Grants are usually within the $50,000 to $65,000 range.
 Grants are not made to cover deficits, or to supplement a project grant from another granting agency (except for
essential equipment).

Internal HRS Deadline: October 26, 2017

Sponsor Deadline: November 1, 2017
*To apply or if you have any questions please contact Christina Chrysler, [email protected], ext. 22465 and you will be
forwarded an application form and guidelines*

2018 Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP) Competition
The ASRP provides grants and awards to support Canadian studies that promise new insights into causes, prevention,
diagnosis, treatment and management of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
 Doctoral Awards provide an opportunity for promising individuals, pursuing a PhD, to begin the process of becoming
future independent investigators in the field of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
 Postdoctoral Awards are for graduates with a PhD or MD who wish to gain additional research experience within an
established research environment.
 New Investigator Grants are designed to help launch the careers of outstanding researchers who are within the first 2
years of their initial academic appointment.
 Regular Grants are designed to fund established researchers.

Funding Details:
 Doctoral Awards - $22,000/year for 3 years
 Post-Doctoral Awards - $41,500/year (PhD) or $51,500/year (MD) for 2 years
 New Investigator Grants - $60,000/year (QoL) or $75,000/year (Biomedical) for 3 years
 Research Grants - $60,000/year (QoL) or $75,000/year (Biomedical) for 2 years
Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 23, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 6, 2017

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Explorations

Grand Challenges Explorations is an initiative where initial grants are for USD $100,000 and successful projects are eligible to
receive follow-on funding of up to USD $1 million. Proposals are solicited twice a year for an expanding set of global health and
development topics. Applications are only two pages, and no preliminary data is required. Applicants can be at any experience
level; in any discipline; and from any organization, including colleges and universities, government laboratories, research
institutions, non-profit organizations and for-profit companies.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is accepting applications on the following three topics:
 Novel Approaches for Improving Timeliness of Routine Immunization Birthdose and Healthcare Worker Skill in Low-
Resource Settings;
 Healthy Minds for Adolescent Mothers: Achieving Healthy Outcomes for the Family;
 Innovations for Integrated Diagnostics Systems

Funding Details: Initial grants are for USD $100,000 and successful projects are eligible to receive follow-on funding of up to
USD $1 million.
Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 25, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 8, 2017, 11:30 am Pacific Time

Mitacs Funding for Collaborative International Research

Mitacs is accepting applications for competitive international research opportunities, including student travel to and from
Canada. The deadline to apply is November 8, 2017, at 5 p.m. PT.
Projects last 12–24 weeks and are open to graduate students in all disciplines. Select destinations are also open to senior
undergraduates. Graduate students can also apply to the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program, which supports travel to Japan for a
10-week research project in the summer of 2018.

Funding Details: Funding varies by destination

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: October 25, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 8, 2017, 5:00 p.m. PT
France-Canada Research Fund New Scientific Collaboration Support Program 2018
The New Scientific Collaboration Support Program, financed by the France-Canada Research Fund (FCRF), aims to accomplish
the following objectives:
 Support developing new expert partnerships between France and Canada
 Promote the advancement of research and innovation
 Prepare and structure scientific cooperation between the two countries
 Promote researcher mobility, particularly for young researchers, and
 Provide research training for young researchers.
This program provides financing for new scientific projects jointly developed by French and Canadian teams that have never
worked together before.

Funding Details: The grants range from $8,000 to $15,000 over 2 years.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 17, 2017 Submit to ROADS
Sponsor Deadline: November 10, 2017
*To Apply, Contact Nathan Coschi, Senior Advisor, ROADS at [email protected] extension 21581*

Canadian Frailty Network (CFN): 2017 Catalyst Grant Competition, Call for Proposals: Medication
Optimization for older adults living with frailty
The Canadian Frailty Network invites qualified researchers to submit applications focused on CFN’s Research Priority,
medication optimization for Canadians living with frailty, under their CAT Grant Program. The CAT Grant Program supports
scalable research studies including pilot, feasibility and translational studies that investigate novel and innovative
approaches/methodologies/technologies. Studies must focus on older Canadians living with frailty and/or their families and

Funding Details: Projects with multidisciplinary, multi-institutional teams will be funded for up to 16 months and to a
maximum of $100,000. Proposals must include partners who have committed cash or eligible in-kind contributions on a 1:1
basis to CFN funding

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 6, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: October 30, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 13, 2017

PSI Trainee Fellowship Competition Fall 2017

PSI now has a Research Trainee Fellowship competition. The primary aim of this fellowship is to provide highly qualified
Medical Doctors (M.D.) with clinically applicable research training opportunities and support. PSI will consider two (2)
candidates from each of Ontario’s six medical universities.
Candidates must be
 an M.D. in a Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university
 enrolled in a combined M.D./Ph.D or MSc. program at an Ontario university
Candidates must have a Mentor who
 has an academic appointment at McMaster
 holds a medical license in Ontario
 has a proven track record of clinically relevant research and mentorship experience
Ineligible Applicants
 Individuals who do not hold an M.D. – unless enrolled in a combined M.D./Ph.D. or MSc. program
 Individuals based outside of Ontario
Areas of Research NOT eligible
PSI will not support research in the following areas:
 Cancer
 Heart & Stroke
 Mental Health
 Drug and Alcohol Abuse
 Pharmaceutical Drug Studies
 Training at institutions outside of Ontario
Award funds may be divided into 3 categories
1. a stipend for the fellow
2. allowance for fringe benefits, which may include tuition reimbursement, professional travel, research expenses
3. mentor directed funds – this budget item allows the mentor a maximum of $5,000 per year to direct funds to support
the fellow

Funding Details: $25,000 per year for a maximum of 2 years.

Additional Details
HRS LOI Deadline: October 10, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: October 16, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 13, 2017
*Notify HRS of your intent to apply by sending an email to Serena Jennings, Senior Grant Advisor, HRS [email protected]*

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS): Translational Research Program

The LLS Translational Research Program was created in 1995 with the goal of accelerating clinical applications of laboratory
findings relevant to improved diagnosis and management of leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other hematopoietic
malignancies. In particular, the LLS Research staff and Medical and Scientific Affairs Committee encourage the submission of
research proposals that are designed to accomplish one of the following:
 Personalized medicine approach for cancer treatment.
 Development of novel therapies and/or novel therapeutic strategies including those that target mutational and
epigenetic events within the microenvironment.
 Improvements of safety and efficacy of stem cell transplantation.
 Long-term outcome assessment following therapies.
 Progress in understanding neoplastic stem cell growth and differentiation as well as cancer cell/microenvironmental
interactions especially with translation to novel therapies.
 While significant progress has been made against some of the pediatric diseases, LLS recognizes and calls for proposals
designed to advance therapies in pediatric indications with novel approaches or to minimize therapy-related effects of
existing treatments.

Funding Details: Limited to a maximum of $200,000 (direct costs and a maximum overhead of $19,982 or 11.1% of direct
costs) per year for 3 years.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: September 29, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: November 1, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 15, 2017

Fulbright Canada: Awards for Canadian Scholars

Fulbright Canada has announced the following Awards for Canadian Scholars:
1) Canadian Traditional Scholar Awards, the objective:
1) To support Canadian scholars in all disciplines,
2) To enable emerging and established scholars, post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct
research, teach, or undertake a combination of both activities at any university or research center of their choice, in
the United States. Fulbright Canada is particularly interested in encouraging research on contemporary issues relevant
to Canada, the United States, and the relationship between the two

2) Canadian Visiting Research Chairs: are pre-arranged affiliations that allow scholars to conduct research/lecture on
subjects important to that university. Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs may guest lecture in university courses, mentor
students, lecture in public venues, network and promote their research while representing the Fulbright program, their
home and host institutions.(

Funding Details:
 Canadian Traditional Scholar Awards: The award is valued at $12,500 USD for 1 semester (4 months
 Canadian Visiting Research Chairs: The award is valued at $25,000 USD for 1 semester (4 months)
Both awards begin in either September 2018 or January 2019.

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: November 1, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 15, 2017

HHS Research Early Career Awards

The Hamilton Health Sciences Research Early Career Awards (ECA) are research personnel stipends awarded annually. These
Early Career Awards are to be used to help the applicant pursue research in their specialty area through either purchasing a
portion of time for the applicant’s salary OR a portion of time for salaries of research personnel who are supervised by the
applicant. Candidates must be staff members of Hamilton Health Sciences, or members of HHS research institutes, and must
hold a faculty appointment.

Funding Details: up to $50,000 annually, for up to 3 years.

Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: November 15, 2017

Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS): Grants

The CHS has recently announced the following funding opportunities:
1) CHS Dream of a Cure Research Program – Supporting research towards improving the health and the quality of life of
all people with inherited bleeding disorders.
2) The CHS/Pfizer Care Until Cure Research Program – This program allows Canadian investigators to conduct research on
medical and psychosocial aspects of bleeding disorders, including outcome evaluation. Grants are awarded for clinical
research in fields relevant to improving the quality of life for persons with hemophilia, persons with von Willebrands
disease or other inherited bleeding disorders, persons with related conditions such as HIV or hepatitis C, and carriers of
an inherited bleeding disorder.
3) CHS – Novo Nordisk Psychosocial Research Program – The program was created to engage professionals/graduate
students from the allied health disciplines (i.e. Nursing, Physiotherapy & Social Work) in research activities addressed
to understanding the psychosocial impact of hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders and to improve the
quality of life of persons and families whose lives are affected by these disorders.

Funding Details:
 Dream of a Cure – $75,000 per year per project to a maximum of $150,000 which can be expended over 2 or 4 years.
 The CHS/Pfizer Care Until Cure – $75,000 per year per project to a maximum $150,000 which can be expended over 2
or 3 years.
 CHS – Novo Nordisk Psychosocial Research - $20,000 - $40,000 for 1 year

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: November 1, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 15, 2017

Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO) Seed Funding Grant
POGO offers annual Seed Funding grants of up to $15,000 to facilitate or support feasibility studies, the development of
preliminary data to enable applications to other granting agencies, or self-contained studies.
Interested applicants should email Dina Skvirsky [email protected] expressing their intent to submit a full application. The
registration email must contain the following:
 Project Title
 Name of the primary investigator and all co-investigators
 A half page lay summary of the proposed project

Funding Details: up to $15,000

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 6, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: November 3, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 17, 2017

Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO) Fellowship Training

POGO has established two research fellowships:
1) PhD/Post-Doctoral Fellowship – The PhD/Post-Doctoral Fellowship will be awarded to either an applicant working
toward a PhD or to a post-doctoral research candidate, with a background in any of the relevant disciplines (including
medicine and nursing). While applicants may have training and/or experience in areas not directly related to POGO
activities, they will be required to demonstrate relevance to pediatric oncology.
Funding Details: A yearly salary of $45,000 (Post-Doctoral), or $30,000 (PhD) and the ability to apply for $5,000 in
project specific one-time operating support. (1 fellowship of 1 to 3 years duration)

2) Clinician Scholar Award – The Clinician Scholar Award is open to licensed clinicians and health practitioners of any
discipline working in the field of pediatric oncology. Applicants may have limited research experience although they
have a strong interest in research.
Funding Details: A yearly salary of $55,000, and the ability to apply for $5,000 in project specific one-time operating
support. (1 fellowship of 1 or 2 years duration)

Interested applicants should email Dina Skvirsky [email protected] expressing their intent to submit a full application. The
registration email must contain the following:
 Type and duration of Fellowship Award
 Project Title
 Name of primary investigator and all co-investigators
 A lay abstract of the project (not to exceed ½ a page)

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 6, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: November 3, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 17, 2017

Alzheimer’s Association – International Research Grant Program

The driving force behind the Alzheimer's Association International Grants Program is their desire to improve quality of life for
people affected by Alzheimer's. Key goals include:
 Achieving new insights into the basic biology of Alzheimer's and other dementias
 Using these insights to identify novel approaches to risk assessment, diagnosis and treatment
 Improving care and support for those living with the disease
 Furthering our understanding of brain health and prevention
They seek to:

 Foster a diverse, inclusive scientific community that meet the needs of researchers at every career stage, from new
investigators to current thought leaders.
 Design a nimble program offering grant categories that evolve to reflect a rapidly accelerating field.
 Ensure the quality of their funded research through rigorous peer review and the oversight of their Medical and
Scientific Advisory Council.
 Support all scientifically legitimate avenues of investigation to nurture a robust pipeline of fresh ideas.

Funding Details: up to $60,000 per year for 2 to 3 years.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 9, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: November 14, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 28, 2017

European Respiratory Society (ERS) Marie Curie Post-doctoral Research Fellowships (RESPIRE 3)
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the
Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713406
RESPIRE3 is an international, inter-sectoral and inter-disciplinary programme providing Marie Skłodowska-Curie post-doctoral
research fellowships to early stage scientists with the potential to become the leaders of tomorrow in the respiratory field. It is
co-funded by the European Union (EU) and builds on the success of the previous RESPIRE1 and RESPIRE2 programmes.
Fellowship candidates can choose between two options, both offering attractive working conditions and a strong focus on
career development:
 2-year European Fellowships - open to candidates of any nationality to come to or move within Europe
 3-year Global Fellowships - also now on offer

Funding Details: The ERS RESPIRE3 grant covers the following allowances (full-time rates), covered throush ERS/EU co-funding:
 Living Allowance €56’400.-
 Mobility allowance €14’600.- for moving to a new country & career development
 Family allowance (only if applicable) €6’000.-

Additional Details
Internal HRS Deadline: November 17, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: December 1, 2017

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS): RTFCCR/LLS Patient-Focused Prevention

The Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society are partnering once again to
launch an international competitive grant to advance breakthroughs in prevention for blood cancers. The grant is focused on
addressing four critical topics:
 Clinical Trials
 Biomarker Evaluation
 Use experimental systems
 Drug the “undruggable”
The grants must be translational in nature. Ideally, the applications will have a clinical trial proposed, or could lead to a clinical
trial. Applications that are solely laboratory-based without consideration of using patient samples or future clinical testing will
not be accepted for review.

Funding Details: This grant totals USD $3 million; 3-5 grants will be awarded ranging from $0.6 – 1.2 M each.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 1, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: January 18, 2018
Sponsor Deadline: February 1, 2018

Spencer Foundation: Lyle Spencer Research Awards, Advancing Understanding of Education
Practice and Its Improvement
The objective of the Lyle Spencer Research Award is to support intellectually ambitious, large-scale education research projects
across a variety of disciplines and fields. Spencer intends through this endeavor to press colleagues in the research community
to raise their level of intellectual ambition, to encourage work that is more 1) thoughtful, 2) critical of prevailing assumptions,
3) self-critical regarding his/her work and its limitations, 4) relevant to the aim of building knowledge for improved educational

Funding Details: Lyle Spencer Research Award budgets are limited to $1,000,000, including indirect costs
Additional Details
LOI deadline: October 12, 2017
Sponsor Deadline (By invite only): February 2018

Brain Canada Foundation – Parkinson Canada Platform Grant

The Platform Grant is intended to support the development and maintenance of a large-scale Canadian Parkinson Network and
Registry that is built on the foundation of the established and successful FRQS Quebec Parkinson Network, involving multiple
provinces, in the field of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, as well as its operating costs, for a period of three years.
The total amount available to support the platform grant is CDN $2,000,000. The platform will have to provide added value to
the Canadian Parkinson research. Brain Canada and Parkinson Canada will not prescribe any approaches, but wish for the
applicants to answer three questions:
 How can Canada become a leader in Parkinson’s research?
 What can be learned and implemented from models in other countries?
 How can nationwide collaborations in the field of Parkinson’s disease research be made more efficient?

Funding Details: The total amount available to support the platform grant is CDN $2,000,000.
Additional Details
LOI Deadline: November 13, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: March 16, 2018
Sponsor Deadline: March 30, 2018 (by invite only)

Weston Brain Institute Rapid Response: Canada 2018 Parkinson’s & Related Diseases – Round 1
Seed funding for novel, high-risk, high-reward translational research to accelerate the development of safe and effective
treatments for neurodegenerative diseases of aging. Principal applicants must be at or above the level of postdoctoral
researcher at a CRA qualified institution located in Canada. Project must involve the development of a therapeutic, and/or a
tool to help accelerate the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases of aging.
Program Information Session: October 10, 2017 at 1pm EDT (Register here)

Funding Details: Maximum $200,000 over up to 18 mos.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: December 4, 2017
Internal HRS Deadline: March 21, 2018
Sponsor Deadline: April 4, 2018 (by invite only)

2019 Networks of Centres of Excellence Competition

The Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) is pleased to announce the launch of a competition for NCE networks. The
funding available is $75 million over five years. Approximately 40% of the budget will be allocated to fund new networks that
meet the threshold of excellence in all criteria. While it is anticipated that at least 40% of the budget will fund new networks,
no portion of the budget will be specifically reserved for either new or established networks. As in all NCE competitions, funds
will be allocated to the most meritorious applications that meet the threshold of excellence in all criteria.
Networks must be challenge-focused and solution-driven. They are expected to foster innovative research, training and the co-
creation of new knowledge on critical issues of intellectual, social, economic and cultural significance. They must engage
partners in the design and execution of all network activities, including knowledge creation, mobilization and exploitation.
Both new and established networks are eligible to apply for funding in this competition. Established networks are defined as
NCE networks that have been awarded NCE funds for all available funding cycles and whose final NCE funding term has ended
or will end by March 2019.
Networks are expected to promote equity, diversity and inclusion within the structure of the proposed network and its

Funding Details: The total budget for this competition is currently set at $75M over 5 years ($15M/year). Approximately 40%
of this budget will be allocated to fund new networks that meet the threshold of excellence.
Additional Details
DRAFT LOI to HRS for review due: October 16, 2017
LOI due to NCE: November 15, 2017
Sponsor Deadline (By invite only): July, 2018
*If you plan to submit an LOI please notify Tracy Arabski, Associate Director, HRS, at [email protected] or ext. 22515*

MITACS Globalink Research Award – Special Opportunity

The Mitacs Globalink Research Award supports international research collaboration. Special research funding is available
for graduate students with uncertain status in their current location, to conduct research at a Canadian university.

Funding Details:

 $5,000 award from Mitacs to support student travel and accommodation expenses, research-related expenses, and
student stipend
 12-24 week project at a Canadian university Supervised by Canadian faculty
 Applications are accepted at any time and will be processed as received.

Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: Ongoing

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), Call for Proposals: International &
Interdisciplinary Research Workshops – Open Call
CIFAR is announcing the launch of a new opportunity to explore key questions of global importance that can best be addressed
through interdisciplinary, international teams. We have designed a research workshop program for short-term, time-limited
interactions of 10 to 20 people.

Funding Details: A high-level budget is required for up to a maximum of $50,000 CAD

Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: Ongoing

Simons Foundation, Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI): SFARI Explorer Award
This award program is designed to enhance our existing support of autism research by providing timely resources to enable
focused experiments highly relevant to our mission. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying autism spectrum
disorders or potential therapeutic approaches will require investigation at multiple levels, including but not limited to studies
focused on gene discovery, molecular mechanisms, circuits, anatomy, and cognition and behavior. We will consider proposals
at all of these levels.

Funding Details: SFARI will support applications for maximum of $70,000, including indirect costs, for one year, non-

Additional Details
Sponsor Deadline: Ongoing

Department of Defense Hearing Restoration Research Program (HRRP) Funding Opportunities for
Fiscal Year 2017
2 Awards are now available.
 Translational Research Award – Supports preclinical translational research that will accelerate the movement of
promising initiatives relevant to hearing restoration into clinical applications. In the first year of the program,
applications submitted must focus on the development of reliable in vitro human models to evaluate hearing
restoration therapies or research that translates biological regeneration initiatives into therapies that restore auditory
 Focused Research Award – Supports functional hearing restoration research that develops and validates assessment
techniques and treatment methods using patient-centric outcomes to identify potential predictive indicators for
successful treatment of functional auditory system deficits.

Funding Details:
 Translational Research Award – Maximum funding of $1,000,000 for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 3
 Focused Research Award – Maximum funding of $750,000 for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 3 years

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 25, 2017 (A pre-application is required and must be submitted through eBRAP)
Internal HRS Deadline: November 1, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: November 15, 2017

Department of Defense Reconstructive Transplant Research Program (RTRP) Funding

Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017- Concept Award
The RTRP Concept Award supports the exploration of a highly innovative new concept or untested theory relevant to
reconstructive transplantation. Applications must address at least one of the FY17 RTRP Focus Areas:
 Immune system regulation as specifically applied to vascular composite allotransplantation (VCA)
 Psychosocial considerations and challenges associated with VCA
 Development of ex vivo VCA tissue preservation strategies to extend the time between procurement and
transplantation, with a goal of 24 hours
 Development of pre-habilitation or rehabilitation strategies that improve reconstructive transplant functional
 Development of standardized quantitative functional outcome measures for VCA, especially for face transplant
 Graft clinical monitoring, acute and chronic, as applied to VCA

Funding Details: Maximum Funding of $200,000 for total costs for a maximum of 18 mos.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: November 15, 2017 (A pre-application is required and must be submitted through eBRAP)
Internal HRS Deadline: November 22, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: December 6, 2017

Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Funding Opportunities for Fiscal
Year 2017
Six new awards are available. Please refer to additional details link for more information from the DoD website. Please see
below for detailed deadlines.

Additional Details

Funding Details:
 Innovator Award II – Maximum funding of $5M for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 4 years.

 Breakthrough Award Levels 3 and 4 II:
o Funding Level 3 – Maximum funding of $2.5M for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 4 years.
o Funding Level 3 with Partnering PI Option - Maximum funding of $4M for direct and indirect costs for a
maximum of 4 years.
o Funding Level 4 and Funding Level 4 with Partnering PI Option – Maximum funding of $10M for direct and
indirect costs for a maximum of 4 years.
 Distinguished Investigator Award II – Maximum funding of $3M for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 4 years.

LOI Deadline: September 29, 2017 (A pre-application is required and must be submitted through eBRAP)
Internal HRS Deadline: December 7, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: December 21, 2017

Funding Details:
 Era of Hope Scholar Award II – Maximum funding of $2.5M for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 4 years.
 Breakthrough Award Levels 1 and 2 II:
o Funding Level 1 - Maximum funding of $375,000 for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 3 years
o Funding Level 1 with Partnering PI Option – Maximum funding of $600,000 for direct and indirect costs for a
maximum of 3 years.
o Funding Level 2 – Maximum funding of $750,000 for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 3 years.
o Funding Level 2 with Partnering PI Option – Maximum funding of $1M for direct and indirect costs for a
maximum of 3 years.
 Breakthrough Fellowship Award II – Maximum funding of $300,000 for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 3

LOI Deadline: November 21, 2017 (A pre-application is required and must be submitted through eBRAP)
Internal HRS Deadline: November 22, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: December 6, 2017

Department of Defense Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury Research Program

(PH/TBIRP) Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017/2018
Two new awards are available. Please refer to additional details link for more information from the DoD website.

Funding Details:
 Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research – Clinical Research Award (CTRR – CRA) – Maximum Funding
of $2M direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 4 years.
 Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research – Clinical Trial Award (CTRR – CTA)
o Vestibular Rehabilitation Focus Area - Maximum Funding of $2.5M for direct and indirect costs for a
maximum of 4 years.
o Cognitive Rehabilitation Focus Area – Maximum funding of $4M for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of
4 years.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 11, 2017 (A pre-application is required and must be submitted through eBRAP)
Internal HRS Deadline: December 13, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: December 27, 2017

Department of Defense Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program (OPORP) Funding
Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2017
The Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Award (OORA) supports research that evaluates the comparative
effectiveness of orthotic and prosthetic clinical interventions using patient-centric outcomes for Service members and
Veterans who have undergone limb amputation. Proposed projects should be designed to provide outcomes data regarding
orthotic and prosthetic devices, and must include the anticipated effect on patient care metrics.

Funding Details: Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Award (OORA)

 Funding Level 1 - Maximum funding of $500,000 for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 3 years.
 Funding Level 2 - Maximum funding of $2,500,000 for direct and indirect costs for a maximum of 4 years.

Additional Details
LOI Deadline: October 20, 2017 (A pre-application is required and must be submitted through eBRAP)
Internal HRS Deadline: December 18, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: January 8, 2018


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