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Attachment-Based Family Therapy: A Review of the

Empirical Support

Attachment-based family therapy (ABFT) is an empirically supported treatment

designed to capitalize on the innate, biological desire for meaningful and secure relation-
ships. The therapy is grounded in attachment theory and provides an interpersonal, pro-
cess-oriented, trauma-focused approach to treating adolescent depression, suicidality, and
trauma. Although a process-oriented therapy, ABFT offers a clear structure and road map
to help therapists quickly address attachment ruptures that lie at the core of family conflict.
Several clinical trials and process studies have demonstrated empirical support for the
model and its proposed mechanism of change. This article provides an overview of the
clinical model and the existing empirical support for ABFT.

Keywords: Attachment-Based Family Therapy; Adolescents; Depression; Suicidal

Ideation; Research

Fam Proc 55:595–610, 2016


T he mechanical-based model of cybernetics and the biological-based model of general

systems theory pushed us to look beyond intrapsychic processes for sources of illness
and strength. These theories, however, did not provide a clinically meaningful framework
for understanding the interpersonal and emotional motivations that drive the quality of
family relationships. In contrast, Attachment Theory (Bowlby, 1969) describes how the
life-long interactions between individual needs and relational experiences determine the
quality of family life and individual development. For Bowlby, what happens in relation-
ships shape one’s internal working model or expectations of self and other. These models
in turn influence how individuals behave in relationships; a transactional process that
continues throughout the life span.
Attachment theory also provides a model for understanding therapeutic change. The
theory proposes that psychological growth results from a mixture of improving self-reflec-
tion and self-understanding combined with promoting new, more positive, experiences in
actual relationships. Given this interactional model of change, many individual and family
therapists have turned to attachment theory to describe the therapeutic process (Dia-
mond, Diamond, & Levy, 2014; Fosha, 2000; Hughes, 2007; Johnson, 2004; Lieberman,
2004; Solomon & Siegel, 2003; Young, Klosko, & Weishaar, 2003). In individual therapy,
however, the therapist serves as the secure base—the “good parent” who resuscitates the

*Couple and Family Therapy, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.

Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions, Philadelphia, PA.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jody Russon, Drexel University College
of Nursing and Health Professions, 3020 Market St. Suite 510, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
E-mail: [email protected].

Family Process, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2016 © 2016 Family Process Institute
doi: 10.1111/famp.12241

patient’s trust in others and confidence in oneself. However, the individual therapist’s
empathic and consoling statement of “it is not your fault” pales in comparison to the vali-
dation a child receives when the parent says, “it was not your fault.” In family therapy,
the actual family members sit in the room together with the opportunity for each person
to better understand and change their role in the family process. Therefore, from an
attachment perspective, individual and relational change occurs through the restoration
or refurbishing of healthy, trustworthy, reliable, and emotionally sensitive parent–child
relationships (Kobak & Sceery, 1988).
Attachment-based family therapy (ABFT; Diamond et al., 2014) capitalizes on the
innate, biological, and existential desire for meaningful and secure relationships. There-
fore, we do not start therapy with problem solving or behavioral management. Instead,
like emotion-focused couples therapy (Johnson, 2004), we work to uncover what experi-
ences (e.g., abuse) and relational processes (e.g., harsh criticism) have damaged trust in
family relationships. We uncover these “traumas” and help the family have an authentic,
honest, emotionally engaged, and regulated conversation about these relational disap-
pointments. Topics might include varying degrees of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or life
circumstances like divorce, parental depression, or loss. At one level, these conversations
help individuals resolve or work through these traumas. At another level, these conversa-
tions provide an opportunity for adolescents and parents to practice newly learned rela-
tional skills. At a third level, this conversation enacts a corrective attachment experience:
children express vulnerable thoughts and feelings and parents remain available, respon-
sive, and emotionally attuned. Engineering these attachment-promoting conversations
improves views and expectations of self and others, which, in turn, impacts how family
members interact together.
Thus, we developed ABFT to explicitly target the improvement of attachment security
as the primary mechanism of change. Still, ABFT is rooted in four family-based clinical
traditions. From structural family therapy (Minuchin, 1974; Minuchin & Fishman, 1981),
we rely on the concept of enactment. These in-session, in vivo experiences of change con-
solidate psychological and interpersonal learning. From multidimensional family therapy
(Liddle, 2010), we borrow the framework of using psychological science to inform the selec-
tion of treatment targets and our understanding of how to facilitate the therapeutic pro-
cess. From emotion-focused individual (Greenberg & Paivio, 2003) and couples therapy
(Johnson, 2004), we incorporate a focus on emotions as a key ingredient of therapeutic
change. Finally, from contextual therapy (Boszormenyi-Nagy & Krasner, 2013), we bor-
row the concept of trust as the basic fabric of family life, without which behavioral and
interpersonal problem solving will fail.
Attachment theory, however, provides the primary theoretical and clinical framework
of ABFT. Attachment theory posits that when parents are sensitive and available, chil-
dren grow up with the confidence that parents will support and protect them, while also
feeling worthy of being loved and protected. From these trustworthy relationships, chil-
dren also learn to regulate their emotions. For instance, children use parents to soothe
their anxieties and fears, thus learning to down regulate negative affect and to feel com-
fortable expressing vulnerable emotions. Over time, children begin to internalize these
relational expectations as internal working models, setting the foundation for what they
will expect from others in future relationships.
The role of secure attachment is no less important in adolescence. Rather than separa-
tion and individuation (e.g., Erikson, 1968), the central task of adolescence is to maintain
attachment while negotiating autonomy. Adolescents who keep this balance do better in
school, have fewer deviant peer relationships, and even have better health outcomes
(Allen, Moeller, Rhoades, & Cherek, 1998; Kobak, Cassidy, Lyons-Ruth, & Ziv, 2006;
Lynch & Cicchetti, 1991; Rosenstein & Horowitz, 1996). When adolescents do not have a

safe and protective parenting environment, they lack this essential developmental context
where interpersonal problem-solving and emotion regulation is learned, thus putting
them at risk for a number of psychiatric disorders (Cicchetti & Toth, 1995; Sheeber, Hops,
& Davis, 2001).


Although ABFT is an interpersonal, process-oriented, trauma-focused approach, ABFT
offers a clear road map for therapists. The therapy unfolds around five well-defined thera-
peutic tasks. Task 1, the relational reframe (one session) helps move the family from focus-
ing on the patient’s symptoms to focusing on improving the relationship between parent(s)
and adolescent. In part, every family therapy model has to sell the idea that the family as
a whole is instrumental in helping one member recover from mental illness. In ABFT, we
motivate parents and adolescents by asking them to recall how the depression/suicide
and/or traumas have created distance between each other. We then amplify that desire for
closeness (e.g., attachment and caregiving). Discovering what has damaged trust in the
relationship becomes the initial goal of therapy.
Task 2 is the adolescent alliance-building task (two to four sessions). Initially, these ses-
sions focus on getting to know the adolescent’s strengths and interests. Then, the thera-
pist helps the adolescent develop an attachment rupture narrative. This conversation
explores how the ruptures in attachment security fuel or exacerbate the depression/sui-
cide and inhibit the adolescent from turning to his or her parents for support and protec-
tion. We do not blame the parents for these ruptures. Instead, we help the adolescent to
better understand and articulate the deeply felt injustices and disappointment that he or
she may not have fully understood and/or expressed to his or her parents. The task ends
with empowering and preparing the adolescent to use Task 4 to express these thoughts
and feelings in a more mature and regulated manner so that the parents can better listen
to these concerns.
Task 3 builds an alliance with the parents (two to four sessions). We initially join with
parents by discussing current stressors that are impacting their life: romantic relation-
ships, employment, mental health issues, etc. The therapist offers empathy and support
for these challenges and also helps parents see how these stressors might affect their par-
enting practices. We also explore how the parents’ own history of attachment ruptures
might impact their parenting. We use both conversations to activate parental caregiving
instincts (e.g., their desire to love and protect their child). We leverage this desire to moti-
vate their receptivity to learning new, emotion-focused, attachment-promoting parenting
skills (Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 1996).
Task 4, the attachment task (one to four sessions), is the central mechanism of the ther-
apy. Here, the adolescent expresses his or her grievances in a more regulated and mature
manner. Even if the parents do not fully agree with the adolescent’s point of view, most
parents feel relieved that their adolescent is speaking directly about conflict rather than
acting out, isolating themselves, or engaging in self-harm. As adolescents receive empathy
and understanding from their parents, internal working models of parents’ availability
begin to be revised. This experiential, emotionally charged “corrective attachment experi-
ence” challenges their negative expectations of parents and replaces them with a more
secure base script about what to expect from parents and other relationships. Several of
these conversations maybe needed to build up more confidence in the relationship.
Task 5, the autonomy-promoting task (1–10 sessions), helps family members practice
new relational skills, thus consolidating the newly formed secure base. It is one thing to
talk openly about past interpersonal disappointments, but another to change interaction
patterns in the present and prepare for similar conversations in the future. Thus, the

Fam. Proc., Vol. 55, September, 2016


therapist shifts attention to promoting the adolescent’s autonomy (e.g., school, hobbies,
and work) and/or working through other causes of depression/suicide, such as being bul-
lied or divorce. The therapist pushes the adolescent to take developmentally appropriate
responsibility for himself or herself while challenging the parents to find the right balance
of support and encouragement. Conversations may also focus on identity formation topics,
including race, gender, sexual identity, and/or religion.

Although ABFT operationalizes family therapy processes that have relevance for many
disorders, most of our research has focused on depression and suicide, specifically for low-
income, minority youth. Depression may be the most common disorder for adolescents in
mental health agencies, yet few family interventions models have been tested with this
population. Youth suicide is less common, but more severe in its consequence and thus
has offered an interesting challenge for intervention development. For both depression
and suicide treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapies, with or without medication, have
been the primary modalities investigated.
Based on 15 years of research, ABFT is now listed on the National Registry of Empiri-
cally Proven Practices (http://www.samhsa.gov/nrepp). This registry catalogs all the treat-
ments that have received some level of empirical evidence and are ready for
dissemination. Below, we review these studies including outcome, efficacy, effectiveness,
and process research. The majority of clinical trials have been conducted with low-income,
minority populations at the Center for Family Intervention Science at Drexel University,
formerly at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania,
Department of Psychiatry. A majority of the process studies have been led by Gary Dia-
mond, both at out center and at Ben Gurion University in Israel.

Clinical Trials Research

All research starts with small pilot studies. Funding from the National Alliance
Research on Schizophrenia and Depression and from the American Foundation for Suicide
Prevention (AFSP) supported an open trial of ABFT. The study showed some initial treat-
ment efficacy, but mostly demonstrated that treatment was feasible and acceptable. This
work provided pilot data and an initial treatment manual to support funding for the next
First randomized pilot study
The R34 mechanism supported the full development of a treatment manual and the
development and validation of treatment adherence measure. It also allowed us to evalu-
ate feasibility of recruitment, randomization, and other research procedures. Until this
study, treatment research for adolescent depression mostly focused medication and cogni-
tive-behavioral therapies. This was the first family therapy study to be conducted with
depressed adolescents. It was also one of the few studies of that included a large African-
American sample (Diamond, Reis, Diamond, Siqueland, & Isaacs, 2002).
The sample consisted of 32 adolescents (age M = 14.9) between the ages of 13 and 17
who were diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD). Of the sample, 78% were
female, 31% were White, and 69% were African-American. Approximately 80% of the sam-
ple came from single-parent families, and 69% lived on less than $30,000 a year. Patients
were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of ABFT or 6 weeks of a waitlist control condition, an
acceptable research design in the 1990s. Those on the waitlist control assignment received
weekly 15-minute calls in order to monitor for clinical deterioration. Of the 16 on the

waitlist, nine of the waitlisted subjects still met eligibility at the end of 6 weeks and were
offered treatment.
Of the 16 treatment cases, 13 (81%) no longer met criteria for MDD at posttreatment,
while 7 (47%) of the 15 patients on the waitlist who completed the diagnostic interview no
longer met criteria for MDD post-waitlist (2[1] = 4.05, p < .04). Although there were not
significant differences between the groups on mean Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
scores posttreatment, there was a difference between treatment conditions with regard to
the number of adolescents who endorsed posttreatment BDI scores at a nonclinical level
(BDI < 9, 2[1] = 6.37, p = .01). Sixty-two percent of the adolescents treated with ABFT
had a BDI of 9 or less compared to 19% of those on the waitlist condition. At six-month fol-
low-up, 87% of the treated sample no longer met criteria for MDD and showed significant
reductions in depression, anxiety, and negative family functioning (cohesion and conflict).
Finally, in terms of treatment retention, 63% attended nine or more sessions, a high reten-
tion rate for a population typically characterized by high levels of early attrition (Mano,
Davies, Klein-Tasman, & Adesso, 2009).
Fully powered randomized control trial
With a grant from the Centers for Disease Control, we screened and treated suicidal
adolescents identified in primary care with the goal of diverting youth from going to the
emergency department. Several large primary care sites in our hospital offered to screen
and refer patients. This was a study of treatment integration, not collocation. Most suicide
studies focus on suicide attempters. In contrast, we focused on adolescents with clinical
levels of suicide ideation and depression; a much larger population, but no less troubling
to patients, families, and health-care providers. To increase the severity of the sample,
patients also had to exhibit elevated depression.
In this study (Diamond et al., 2010), 66 adolescents were randomized to 14 weeks of
ABFT or enhanced usual care (EUC). EUC involved assistance in obtaining a therapist in
the community, weekly tracking of depression and suicidal ideation, and access to a 24-
hour crisis line. For an early study of model validation, EUC was an ethical control group
without being a fully developed alternative treatment. The sample was 83% female and
adolescents ranged in age between 11 and 18 years (M = 15.20, SD = 1.61). Of the entire
sample, 74% identified themselves as African-American, 15% as Caucasian, 3% as His-
panic/Latino, 3% as biracial, and 5% as “other.” In addition, 73% came from single-parent
families and 43% lived on less than $30,000 a year. Sixty percent of the adolescents
reported having made a suicide attempt in their lifetime.
Compared with EUC, youth treated with ABFT exhibited significantly greater and fas-
ter reductions in suicidal ideation during treatment. These differences persisted at follow-
up with a large effect size of .97. ABFT was also associated with greater rates of clinical
recovery on suicidal ideation posttreatment. These findings were strengthened by the con-
sistency across self-report and clinician ratings. At the time, this was one of the few stud-
ies to demonstrate that a research treatment was more effective than treatment as usual
(TAU) for reducing suicidal ideation in adolescents (Ougrin, Tranah, Stahl, Moran, &
Asarnow, 2015). ABFT was even effective with the most severe youth presenting with
comorbid anxiety and a history of multiple suicide attempts. A secondary analysis showed
that youth with a history of sexual abuse also responded well to treatment (Diamond,
Creed, Gillham, Gallop, & Hamilton, 2012), a finding not supported in several CBT or
CBT + medication studies (Asarnow et al., 2009; Barbe, Bridge, Birmaher, Kolko, &
Brent, 2004; Beautrais et al., 1996; Shirk, Kaplinski, & Gudmundsen, 2009).
Results also indicated that ABFT was associated with greater rates of clinical recovery
and treatment retention. At posttreatment, 87% of patients receiving ABFT reported sui-
cidal ideation scores not only below the clinical cutoff but also in a range consistent or

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below that of a nonclinical sample of similar demographics (Reynolds & Mazza, 1999). For
EUC, only 51% achieved this level of recovery. Benefits were maintained at follow-up with
a strong effect size (OR = 4.41). This study was a breakthrough for ABFT. As one of the
only treatments showing success with suicidal youth, it helped put ABFT, and family
interventions, on the research map for adolescent depression and suicide. A major limita-
tion of the CDC study was that EUC had a low treatment dose (mean = 2.87 sessions),
while ABFT had a higher dose (mean = 9.71 sessions). Given this difference, we could not
be confident that the unique mechanisms of ABFT were accounting for the greater
improvement, or if it was an artifact of dose differential.
Second fully powered randomized control trial
To control for the low dose in the EUC sample, we obtained funding from NIMH to test
ABFT against nondirective supportive therapy (NST; Brent & Kolko, 1991). To control for
parent involvement, we added a four-session family psychoeducation component to the
NST. To further control for common factors across conditions, we used a crossover design
where the same therapists provided both treatments. In this design, patients in both treat-
ments received the same degree of empathy and support, but patients in the ABFT condi-
tion also received the active ingredients inherent to the model. To test these purported
mechanisms of change, we used the adult attachment interview (George, Kaplan, & Main,
1985) and a family interaction task as pre- and posttreatment outcome. This allowed us to
test whether ABFT changes attachment expectations and improves family interactions,
and whether or not these changes mediate long-term outcome. The results of this study
will be available within the next 2 years.

Hospital Aftercare Program Evaluation

Another study focused on patients with an actual suicide attempt. With funding from
the AFSP, we tested ABFT as an aftercare model for adolescents coming out of the hospital
after a suicide attempt (Diamond, Levy, & Creed, 2016). Twenty adolescents (80% female,
65% African-American), with a mean age of 14.9 years, who had a parent/caregiver willing
to participate were recruited from inpatient care following a suicide attempt. Of the par-
ents, 8 (40%) had an income under $30,000, 14 (70%) were single or separated/divorced,
and 7 (35%) had no more than a high school education. Families were randomized to
16 weeks of ABFT or EUC. To enhance continuity of care, we frequently met with in-
patient hospital staff (e.g., attended meetings, presented cases, offered clinical trainings
for the staff). We also responded promptly (same day) to referral calls, often meeting the
family before or at discharge from the hospital.
In terms of feasibility, we met our recruitment goals and collected research/clinical
outcome data on 90% of all randomized patients. Participants receiving ABFT were
marginally statistically more satisfied with treatment than those receiving EUC, t
(12) = 2.02, p = .07. Results showed that compared to EUC, ABFT was marginally, but
significantly, more effective at preventing future suicide attempts (0% ABFT, 16.7%
EUC (1) = 3.60, p = .058; Fisher’s exact p = .206), reducing attachment-related avoid-
ance for mothers, F(1, 9) = 3.85, p = .08, and reducing attachment-related anxiety for
fathers, F(1, 3) = 12.33, p = .04. In addition, ABFT participants received treatment fas-
ter than EUC participants, t(6) = 2.09, p = .08. Finally, compared with EUC, ABFT
was more effective at reducing attachment-related anxiety for fathers, F(1, 3) = 12.33,
p = .04. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate that ABFT is both a feasible
and acceptable aftercare treatment for youth recently discharged from the hospital
after a suicide attempt.

Effectiveness Research Project
Our first dissemination study explored the feasibility of training therapists and evalu-
ating depression in a hospital-based, outpatient mental health clinic in Stavanger Norway
(Israel & Diamond, 2013). Research therapists came to the United States for the introduc-
tory training and then were subsequently supervised by a certified ABFT supervisor in
Norway. Three therapists were trained and credentialed to provide ABFT. Adolescents
were referred to the project by central intake. Adolescents were included in the study if
they scored a 14 or greater on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D; Hamilton,
1960) and met criteria for major depression based on the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective
Disorders and Schizophrenia (Kaufman et al., 1997).
In total, 20 adolescents were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of ABFT or TAU (ABFT
n = 11, TAU n = 9). A little over 50% of the sample identified as female and all were
between the ages of 13 and 17 (M = 15.6). ABFT patients started treatment within
2 weeks after assignment and TAU families were referred back to central intake. Four of
the TAU cases received treatment and five did not. Results showed that there were no sta-
tistical differences on the BDI (z = .98, p = .32) for TAU cases that received treatment
and those that did not.
During treatment (12 weeks), youth in ABFT demonstrated significantly greater
improvement on the HAM-D (clinician-rated depression), than youth in TAU (z = 2.05,
p = .04). Analyses at posttreatment revealed that adolescents treated with ABFT had sig-
nificantly lower ratings on the HAM-D (z = 2.05, p = .04). There was also an eight-point
difference between treatment groups on the BDI, but it was not statistically significant
(z = 1.02, p = .23). However, the difference between the number of patients who moved
from clinical to nonclinical scores on the BDI at posttreatment was greater for adolescents
in ABFT at a marginally significant level, v2 [df1] = 2.88, p = .08.
The primary outcome from the study, however, was the increased knowledge about
resolving the implementation challenges. For example, shortly after the study began,
senior leadership at the hospital changed. New leadership was less invested in the study,
resulting in decreased enthusiasm and support for the study. In addition, two clinical fam-
ily psychologists left the hospital for other employment during the startup year. The new
hospital administrator mandated two other therapists to participate. One therapist was a
child, psychodynamic play therapist who usually left parents in the waiting room. These
kinds of barriers and our solutions are described in the article by Israel and Diamond
(2013). Similar implementation challenges were explored in three recent papers on imple-
menting ABFT in Australia (Diamond, Wagner, & Levy, 2016), Belgium (Santens,
Devacht, Dewulk, Hermans, & Bosmans, 2016), and Sweden (Ringborg, 2016). They
describe both nation-specific and universal challenges and solutions that stem from imple-
menting manualized therapies in new settings.

Adherence Research
As part of our 2002 study (Diamond et al., 2002), we developed the first ABFT adher-
ence measure (Diamond, Diamond, & Hogue, 2007). This study examined the fidelity of
ABFT for depressed adolescents. Trained observers used the Therapist Behavior Rating
Scale (3rd version; Diamond, Hogue, Diamond, & Siqueland, 1998) to code therapist
behaviors in 45 sessions of ABFT and 45 sessions each from two empirically based treat-
ments for adolescent substance abusers: multidimensional family therapy (MDFT) and
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Results indicated that ABFT therapists thoroughly
employed essential ABFT interventions, such as focusing on vulnerable affect, highlight-
ing attachment-related themes, and promoting adolescent-parent reattachment through
in-session enactments. In accordance with the sequential nature of the treatment, these

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interventions were used more extensively during the early stage of treatment, when there
is a greater focus on repairing attachment. ABFT was perfectly discriminable from CBT,
with ABFT therapists using more restructuring and repairing attachment interventions
and CBT therapists using more signature CBT interventions, such as cognitive monitoring
and homework. ABFT was also discriminable from MDFT, with ABFT therapists placing
a greater emphasis on repairing attachment. These results helped validate that ABFT can
be learned and delivered with fidelity and can be differentiated from other treatments.
Interestingly, our thinking about adherence measures has evolved since this first study.
In the TBRS-3, we had one measure with five essential treatment processes, one for each
task. However, we do not expect the processes of one task to necessarily show up in other
tasks. Therefore, for our next generation of adherence, we developed an adherence mea-
sure for each task.

Process Research
In 2002, we wrote a “manifesto” about how to dismantle and test the proposed mecha-
nisms of ABFT (Diamond & Diamond, 2002). The ABFT model is built in a unique way
that actually isolates and amplifies processes in therapy. Each task has a primary change
mechanism and all sessions are associated with a task (e.g., a given task may take
3 weeks). This clinical model helps therapists remain clear about what processes they are
focused on at any given time in treatment. In addition, because we video tape each session,
we have a vast library of identified tasks, allowing us to design task- or process-specific
studies. The common factors are present in all tasks: empathy, support, admiration, accep-
tance, etc. We are developing coding tools for each task measuring the relative success of
that task (e.g., did we accomplish the desired goal of that task?). We will also develop a
battery of cross-task coding measures (e.g., emotional processing, and alliance). This will
allow us to evaluate if task success is associated with the success of future tasks or with
treatment outcome. These kinds of studies also helped us better understand the subtle
moment-by-moment processes, decision rules, and pitfalls within each treatment task.
Below, we review a few of the studies to demonstrate the kinds of methodologies and find-
ings that characterize this line of research.
Task 1: relational reframe
One study focused on the relational reframe task (Diamond, Siqueland, & Diamond,
2003). We sought to understand what processes were involved in shifting the treatment
focus from “adolescent as the problem” to “strengthening family relations as the solution.”
We developed a parent and adolescent pre- and postsession self-report questionnaire to
assess changes in clients’ views of responsibility for causing and correcting the problems
that brought them to treatment. The questionnaire was given to consecutive families at
the first treatment session at a community mental health clinic. The depressed adoles-
cents rated conflicts with parents as high in contributing to the problem. In addition, they
rated themselves and parents as very responsible and willing to help solve the problem.
Interestingly, parents rated themselves as low in contributing to the problem, but capable
and willing to help solve the problem. These data highlighted that the adolescent would
welcome an interpersonal treatment focus, but that parents needed more “winning over”
to a family-based treatment.
Because the families generally rated themselves high on having an interpersonal con-
struction of the problem pretreatment, the measure was not sensitive to postsession
change. Therefore, eight parents were interviewed after the first session using a videotape
recall method (Elliott, 1984). Among other things, parents approved of the initial siding
with adolescents, but expected more equanimity in later sessions. However, parents did

like the treatment focus. The interviews more clearly elucidated the role that emotions
played in the relational reframe process. Eliciting strong, often vulnerable emotions asso-
ciated with these conflicts helped to challenge negative and often rigid cognitions about
problems and about the adolescents themselves (Greenberg & Safran, 1987). In particular,
the greatest clinical leverage occurred when parents came to understand how ruptures in
the parent–adolescent relationship contributed to the depression. Understanding the ado-
lescent’s desire to be loved helps resuscitate an emotional connection that motivates par-
ental commitment rather than abandonment.
Another study of the relational reframe explored its impact on parents’ problem con-
structions and the reciprocal impact of parents’ problem constructions on therapists’ use
of the relational reframe (Moran, Diamond, & Diamond, 2005). Looking across five early
therapy sessions, we found that relational reframes led parents to construct problems in
interpersonal terms in at least two of their six subsequent speech turns. There was partial
support for the hypothesis that reframes led to shifts in parents’ constructions, from
intrapersonal to interpersonal. In good but not poor alliance sessions, parents’ interper-
sonal problem constructions led therapists to use relational reframes.
In another study of the relational reframe, we examined the association between thera-
pist relationship-facilitating and attachment-oriented interventions on one hand and the
valence (i.e., positivity–negativity) of parents’ attitudes toward their depressed adolescent
on the other hand in a sample of 13 sessions of ABFT (Moran & Diamond, 2008). Parental
negativity is associated with the onset and maintenance of adolescent depression. Reduc-
ing parental negativity is a primary focus of ABFT. Lag sequential analyses revealed that,
in good alliance sessions, relationship-facilitating interventions, such as empathy and pos-
itive regard for the parent, were associated with parents’ nonnegative attitudes toward
their adolescent in the five speech turns subsequent to the intervention. Attachment-
oriented interventions, such as relational reframes, addressing core relational themes,
and highlighting vulnerable emotions, were also intermittently associated with nonnega-
tive parental attitudes in good alliance sessions. No such effects were evident for the com-
parison interventions. This study represents a first step in the process of testing specific
strategies for reducing parental negativity in family therapy.
Task 2: adolescent alliance
Currently, we have no completed studies on the adolescent alliance task. Several disser-
tations on this task, however, are underway.
Task 3: parent alliance
The parent–therapist alliance is an important factor in determining the effectiveness
and efficacy of therapy. Time alone with the parents helps therapists build a strong alli-
ance that helps motivate them to learn emotion-focused parenting skills. A strong alliance
with parents is also a robust predictor of treatment retention and outcome (Friedlander,
Escudero, Heatherington, & Diamond, 2011). We have conducted several process studies
about the parent alliance task.
In one study that included both Task 2 and Task 3, we sought to understand both
the contribution of general therapeutic alliance and specific ABFT alliance processes to
outcome (G.S. Diamond et al., 2003). Twenty-three individual sessions with adolescents
and 23 individual sessions with parents in the ABFT 2002 outcome study were
assessed using a modification of the VTAS (Hartley & Strupp, 1983) and a new mea-
sure with ABFT-specific items. For the adolescents, none of the ratings of VTAS were
significantly correlated with depression outcomes, but there was a trend toward associ-
ations between alliance and a decrease in parent–adolescent conflict. For the ABFT-
specific items, there was a trend for adolescent agreement on individual goals to be

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associated with change in self-reported depression. Adolescent agreement on family

goals was not associated with change.
For the parent, overall parent alliance was significantly related to both parents’ rating
of improvement in adolescent depression and agreement on individual and family goals
for treatment. Having a positive view of therapy (or more specifically not having a nega-
tive view of therapy) was related to the mother’s ability to articulate and agree on individ-
ual goals for herself in therapy. We also found that when the therapist initiated the goal of
improving family functioning, adolescents reported improvement in both cohesion and
perceived attachment to parents. This finding suggests that if the therapist retains his or
her focus and the therapeutic framework is meaningful, relevant, and accurate, he or she
can succeed in improving family relationships, regardless of whether the adolescent ini-
tially agrees to these goals.
Another study explored whether therapists’ adherence to five different components of
the parent alliance-building (PABT) task was associated with (1) changes in parent–thera-
pist alliance and (2) treatment retention (DeLuca & Diamond, 2014). It was hypothesized
that higher scores on adherence would be associated with higher alliance scores and
greater retention in treatment. Results revealed that the intergenerational component of
the PABT was associated with changes in parent–therapist alliance (p = .54). The Com-
mitment component was correlated with an improved alliance at the halfway point
(p = .01). These results supported the first hypothesis. In support of the second hypothe-
sis, results also revealed that the Preparation component (p = .024) and the Total of all
the components (p = .040), for the whole task, were positively correlated with treatment
Finally, in a recent study on Task 3 and Task 4, it was found that the strength of the
parent–therapist alliance formed during alliance-building sessions alone with the parents
predicted the degree to which parents were able to subsequently employ new and produc-
tive parenting skills in subsequent conjoint sessions (Feder & Diamond, 2016). This
research on the processes surrounding parental change, and its impact on adolescent
change, has emphasized the importance of engaging parents in this therapy.
Task 4: the attachment task
A task analysis study about repairing attachment allowed for a more comprehensive
development of the clinical model for Task 4 sessions (Stern & Diamond, unpublished dis-
sertation). Specifically, this exploratory, hypothesis-generating pilot study (N = 3) used
Task Analysis methods (Rice & Greenberg, 1984) to help refine parent–adolescent reat-
tachment. The Attachment Task aims to repair long-standing parent–adolescent rela-
tional conflicts that may be associated with adolescent depression. As a supplement to the
development of an ideal clinical model of the task (Diamond & Stern, 2003), videotapes of
two successful and one unsuccessful Attachment Task episodes were coded with the Struc-
tural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB; Benjamin, 1974). The SASB analysis helped
refine and embellish our evolving model of the task, suggesting that the Attachment Task
success was associated with high parent affiliation and autonomy. There was also partial
support for a phase model of the task, in which successful sessions were associated with a
parent disclosure phase that showed both independence and warmth.
Task 5: autonomy promoting
Currently, we have no process studies looking at Task 5. One area we would like to
explore, however, is that of identity development. Many of our patients are from racial or
sexual minority communities. We are interested in whether and how parents talk with
children about issues of race, discrimination, sexuality, and identity development in

general. We hope to plan studies that will identify, dismantle, model, and evaluate how
these conversations go.

Mechanisms of Change
One underinvestigated area in family intervention science concerns testing of the pur-
ported mechanism of change. To address this in ABFT, Shpigel, Diamond, and Diamond
(2012) conducted a secondary analysis with data from our 2010 study. They sought to
explore the relationship between changes in parenting behaviors on one hand and changes
in adolescent attachment and psychological symptoms on the other hand. More specifi-
cally, the study examined whether ABFT was associated with decreases in maternal psy-
chological control and increases in maternal psychological autonomy granting from the
first session of therapy (Relational Reframe Task) to the fourth session of therapy (first
Attachment Task), and whether such changes were associated with changes in adoles-
cents’ attachment schema and psychological symptoms. Eighteen suicidal adolescents and
their mothers received 12 weeks of ABFT. Adolescents reported perceived maternal care
and control, attachment-related anxiety and avoidance, and depressive symptoms at base-
line and 6, 12, and 36 weeks. Results indicated that across the first four sessions, mater-
nal psychological control decreased and maternal psychological autonomy granting
increased. This increase in autonomy granting was associated with increases in adoles-
cents’ perceived parental care from pre- to mid-treatment and decreases in attachment-
related anxiety and avoidance pre- to posttreatment. Decreases in adolescents’ perceived
parental control during the treatment were associated with reductions in adolescents’
depressive symptoms from pretreatment to 3 months posttreatment. These results sug-
gest that ABFT impacts adolescents’ well-being and improves attachment to parents. Fur-
ther, this study lends support for specific change mechanisms underlying the treatment,
particularly in reducing parental control and criticism and increasing parental psychologi-
cal autonomy granting and care.

Generalizing ABFT to Other Populations

Although ABFT has been well validated with depressed and suicidal adolescents, this
patient population presents with a wide range of clinical challenges. Many of our patients
struggle with a history of trauma, eating disorders, substance use, or victimization due to
their sexual identity (Levy, Russon, & Diamond, 2016; Wagner, Diamond, Levy, Russon,
& Litster, 2016; Winley, Ogbaselase, Kodish, Okunrounmu, & Ewing, 2016). ABFT is flex-
ible enough to incorporate these comorbid conditions. First, attachment is a fairly univer-
sal process that underlies the vulnerabilities of many psychiatric disorders. Research has
shown that patients with insecure attachment are more at risk for eating disorders, hav-
ing a history of trauma, and even externalizing disorders such as delinquency and sub-
stance use (Illing, Tasca, Balfour, & Bissada, 2010; Ogle, Rubin, & Siegler, 2015;
Schindler, Thomasius, Sack, Gemeinhardt, & K€ ustner, 2007). Second, once attachment
ruptures are on the mend and the family can work better as a team, tackling any chal-
lenge becomes easier within ABFT. Within Task 5, the manual permits the flexibility to
add new treatment goals or even new treatments (with or without a new therapist).
Regardless of the content focus, the framework of negotiating or finding the right balance
of attachment and autonomy guides the treatment plan. Two specific populations that we
have given some empirical attention to are adults with unresolved anger toward a parent
(Diamond, Shahar, Sabo, & Tsvieli, 2016) and suicidal gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth
(Diamond, Diamond, et al., 2012). Finally, we did some initial pilot work to adapt ABFT to
work with anxious youths in collaboration with our good colleague, Lynne Siqueland,
Ph.D. (Siqueland, Rynn, & Diamond, 2005).

Fam. Proc., Vol. 55, September, 2016


Young adults with unresolved anger

One very interesting study compared ABFT with EFT for helping young adults work
through unresolved anger toward their parents (Diamond et al., 2016). The study explored
whether EFT’s two-chair, imagined conversation with one’s parents (Greenberg, 2010)
had any greater or less effect in facilitating productive processing of primary adaptive
emotions and attachment needs than the ABFT in vivo actual conversation with one’s par-
ents. Both treatments assumed that productive emotional processing involves moving
from global distress or secondary anger into primary maladaptive emotions such as fear or
shame, followed by the activation of primary adaptive emotions such as anger, sadness, or
compassion. However, in contrast to EFT, productive emotional processing in ABFT is not
conceived of as an end in and of itself, but rather as a way to prepare the young adult to
communicate their previously unexpressed primary adaptive emotions and unmet attach-
ment needs directly to their parents in conjoint therapy sessions. It is assumed that the
acknowledgment or validation directly from the parents may help resolve the anger more
than the imaginal resolution during the two-chair technique of EFT. The study also exam-
ined whether greater amounts of productive emotional processing predicted more favor-
able treatment outcomes. Thirty-two young adults (M age = 25.6) suffering from
unresolved anger toward a parent received 10 weeks of either EFT of ABFT. Self-report
measures were collected at baseline, mid-treatment, and posttreatment assessing unre-
solved anger toward one’s target parent; state anger, attachment anxiety, and avoidance
in relation to their target parent; and psychological symptoms. These measures were
again completed at mid-treatment and immediately posttreatment. Participants were
recruited through advertisements posted in two cities stating the “anger must be fre-
quently aroused, have persisted for at least 12 months, and currently interfere with the
quality of their relationship with their parent.” Participants were told that their parent
would have to agree to attend some treatment sessions.
Results showed that while both treatments led to significant and equivalent decreases
in anger resolution, state anger, attachment anxiety, and psychological symptoms, only
ABFT evidenced a trend toward decreases in attachment avoidance. EFT evidenced signif-
icantly more emotional processing. Although the amount of productive emotional process-
ing did not explain the unique decrease in attachment avoidance in ABFT, greater
amounts of productive emotional processing predicted greater decreases in psychological
symptoms (but not other outcome measures) across both treatments. We had expected
that ABFT might have had more emotional processing given the intensity of having diffi-
cult conversations with one’s parents. However, EFT had more emotional processing. Pos-
sibly imagined conversations are idealized and go just as the participant wants and needs.
Family conversations, however, are more complex and have to account for the parent’s
capacity for emotional attunement. Still, this was the first study to examine emotional
processing in family therapy and the findings encourage more research.

Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth

We have done some preliminary work with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) suicidal
youth. We began this work when we found that nearly 30% of participants in our 2002 out-
come study (Diamond et al., 2010) identified as LGB. We also found, clinically, that ABFT
worked well for this subpopulation. To expand this work, Dr. Gary Diamond obtained
funding from the AFSP to further adapt ABFT to meet the unique needs of suicidal, openly
LGB youth, and their parents (Diamond, Diamond, et al., 2012).
In Phase I of the study, a treatment development team modified ABFT to meet the
unique needs of LGB suicidal youth. The treatment was adapted to (1) include more indi-
vidual time working with parents in order to process their disappointments, pain, anger,

and fears related to their adolescent’s minority sexual identity; (2) address the meaning,
implications, and process of acceptance for both parents and adolescents; and (3) heighten
parents’ awareness of subtle yet potent invalidating responses to their adolescents’ sexual
In Phase II, 10 suicidal LGB youth were offered 12 weeks of LGB-sensitive ABFT. Ado-
lescents’ report of suicidal ideation, depressive symptoms, and maternal attachment-
related anxiety and avoidance were gathered at pretreatment, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks
(posttreatment). Seven of the 10 families completed a full course of treatment. The study
showed that this population can be recruited and successfully treated with a family-based
therapy. Preliminary outcome data indicated significant decreases in suicidal ideation, F
(2, 14) = 38.16, p = .001, d = 3.76; depressive symptoms, F(2, 14) = 3.78, p = .05, d = .67;
and maternal attachment-related anxiety, F(2, 8) = 10.89, p = .005, d = 1.25; and avoid-
ance, F(2, 8) = 4.31, p = .05, d = 1.50. This is the first family-based treatment adapted
and tested specifically for suicidal LGB adolescents. Although promising, the results are
preliminary and more research on larger samples is warranted.

Anxiety Disorders
Attachment-based family therapy has also been tested to treat disorders other than
depression and suicidality. For example, ABFT was used in a sample of teens diagnosed
with anxiety disorders (Diamond, Diamond, et al., 2012; Siqueland et al., 2005). In this
study, ABFT and CBT techniques were combined to make a new treatment specifically for
anxious adolescents and their families. In Phase I, a manual was developed, therapists
were trained, and an open-trial pilot study was conducted to determine feasibility and
acceptability. In Phase II, a randomized design was used to determine the feasibility of
implementing individual CBT and CBT-ABFT. The majority of patients for this study
were recruited at the University of Pennsylvania, from an outpatient program dedicated
to treating adolescent anxiety and depressive disorders.
Outcomes showed that CBT-ABFT was successful in addressing adolescent anxiety as
assessed by clinically evaluated decreases in self-report of depressive symptoms (Hamilton
Anxiety Rating Scale; Hamilton, 1959) and anxiety symptoms (Beck Anxiety Inventory;
Beck, Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988). Forty percent of participants in CBT-ABFT no
longer met symptoms of depression or anxiety with 80% continued improvement at follow-
up. There were no significant differences between conditions for psychiatric symptoms;
however, those adolescents in the CBT-ABFT condition reported decreases in psychologi-
cal control, whereas those in the control group reported increases. This could suggest that
treatment gains could be further assimilated within the combined treatment, although
further research in this area is warranted (Siqueland et al., 2005).

Attachment-based family therapy is an empirically supported treatment designed and
developed specifically for repairing attachment ruptures that have damaged trust in the
parent–child relationship. ABFT focuses on family factors, such as parental rejection and
criticism, low parental warmth, and adolescent-parent conflict; all of which are associated
with a host of adolescent problems. The model aims to both help improve individual (ado-
lescents and parents) functioning and interactional processes that create a context for
individual development. ABFT has strong empirical support demonstrating the efficacy of
the model, as well as preliminary data regarding effectiveness. Additionally, ABFT has a
long history of process research that has helped us better understand some of the micro-
changes within the therapeutic conversation that contribute to treatment success or

Fam. Proc., Vol. 55, September, 2016


failure. This research has set the foundation for our training program which supports the
dissemination of ABFT in eight different countries (www.abfttraining.com or http://www.-
drexel.edu/familyintervention/abft-training-program/overview/). ABFT is a proven treat-
ment for depressed and/or suicidal youth and their families. Additionally, ABFT seems to
have relevance for other presenting problems in a variety of clinical settings.

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