4A - Trastornos Infancia y Adolescencia
4A - Trastornos Infancia y Adolescencia
4A - Trastornos Infancia y Adolescencia
Childhood psychopathology continues at a fare better than those in the control condition
high and constant rate. Between 17% and 22% (63% posttreatment probability, ES = 0.46).
of youth (under the age of 18) have experi- The strongest treatment effect was for anx-
enced a diagnosable emotional, behavioral, or iety (0.61), weakest for depression (0.29), and
developmental problem (Kazdin & Johnson, nonsignificant for multiproblem treatments
1994). This translates to more than 14 million (0.15). The findings underscored the benefits
youth in the United States suffering significant of psychological treatments, as well as the need
impairments (Prout & Fedewa, 2015). Children for improved therapies and more representa-
are a critically underserved population despite tive, informative research (Weisz et al., 2017).
ample recognition of the growing rates of at- Although psychotherapy studies of children and
risk, suicidal, and antisocial behaviors, and sub- youth show efficacy when compared with no
stance abuse (Prout & Fedewa, 2015). treatment (Lebow, 2008), effectiveness drops
To complicate matters further, treatment when conducted in real-world settings.
dropout rates for children and youth have been Complicating child psychotherapy is the
found to be as high as 40–60% (Prout & Fedewa, issue of development, which is shifting and
2015), and there are conflicting viewpoints changing, making stable measurements diffi-
on whether child psychotherapy is effective cult (Lebow, 2008). The child therapist must
(Weisz et al., 2017). For example, a large meta- be familiar with human development because
analysis covering 447 studies (30,431 youths) much of what is viewed as problematic in chil-
and synthesizing 50 years of research findings dren, with the exception of severe psychopa-
found that youth in the treatment condition thology or extreme behaviors, might be normal
342 Specific Disorders and Populations
developmental deviation. In addition, many of all of the presenting problems and complex
the symptomatic manifestations in normal chil- circumstances. Since children are not simply
dren and in child development, such as temper little adults, their treatment cannot be scaled-
tantrums, enuresis, specific fears and anxieties down adult treatment. Developmental stages,
and sleep disturbance tend to disappear as a systemic environments, referral reasons, and a
function of development and maturation. multitude of additional factors require a flex-
Another factor that contributes to the ible, integrative approach to therapy. In addi-
differences between child and adult therapy is tion, an integrative approach with youth will
that the child’s personality is less likely to be set frequently involve other systems in the child’s
than the adult’s. The child’s defenses are not life, such as parents, family members, and
as well established, are more pliable, and re- school personnel, and require blending indi-
spond better to therapeutic intervention once vidual, parent, family, and community formats
a therapeutic relationship and cooperation is as well.
established. On the other hand, because of the
rapid changes, child clients may be labile, with
a wider range of normal emotional and behav- THE INTEGRATIVE APPROACH
ioral responses and inconsistency in responding
Foundational Concepts
to therapy.
Compounding the difficulty of treatment “Psychotherapy integration is central to child
with children still further is a different motiva- treatment, although at times it is not clearly
tion than adults have. While adults have some identified or developed both in the research lit-
awareness that a personal problem exists, chil- erature and practice” (Krueger & Glass, 2013,
dren may not recognize or agree that there is p. 331). The more interventions and systems
a problem, nor voluntarily initiate therapy. that can be combined, the more modalities
Other adults will make this determination for involved in the treatment, the more likely the
treatment, resulting in varying degrees of ac- overall therapeutic goals are realized (Prout &
ceptance, compliance, and resistance from the Fedewa, 2015). The treatment focus necessitates
child. In addition, the child usually has little looking at “which set of procedures is effec-
understanding of the therapeutic process and tive when applied to what kinds of patients
treatment objectives and may even have a dis- with which set of problems and practiced by
torted view of and misinformation regarding which sort of therapists” (Barrett, Hampe, &
therapy. Miller, 1978, p. 428). Because child psycho-
Another major difference between child therapy demonstrates high levels of symptom
and adult therapy is that the child has limited severity and comorbidity, along with parent and
verbal and linguistic development, which in family stressors, a multidimensional approach
turn relates to limitations in cognition and ab- is necessary (Kazdin, 1996, Kelley, Bickman, &
stract thinking. Children may not think in ab- Norwood, 2010).
stract terms, may lack skills to articulate their In addition, an integrative approach to
thoughts and emotions, and may not have a suf- child psychotherapy facilitates broadening the
ficient receptive vocabulary to fully understand therapist’s theoretical conceptualization of the
what is being asked in an interview or session. child’s presenting problems and helps to im-
Thus, talk therapy with children often fails un- plement a variety of interventions (Krueger &
less play or play-based interventions are used as Glass, 2013). In contrast to linear models of
a medium of treatment (Drewes, 2009). psychopathology (Gold, 1992; Pine, 1985), in-
These and additional complexities in child tegrative theories of psychopathology conceptu-
psychotherapy virtually require integrative alize it from the viewpoint of multicausation.
psychotherapies. Child clinicians trained in Equal weight is given to various aspects of
one theoretical orientation or a single treat- personal functioning, such as motives, affects,
ment quickly find that one size cannot fit thoughts, images, and behaviors. These are
Integrative Psychotherapy with Children 343
examined through “psychic structures, de- utilize techniques and procedures from a va-
velopmental needs, biological and matura- riety of theoretical sources in clinical work with
tional processes, intrapsychic motives and children (Koocher & Pedulla, 1977; Shirk,
conflicts, cognitive and perceptual processes 1999; Tuma & Pratt, 1982). More than half
and contents, emotions, and overt actions” of surveyed child and play therapists blend
(Gold, 1992, p. 56). Each of these components techniques (Fonagy et al., 2002; Phillips &
are “influencing, modifying, reinforcing, Landreth, 1998).
inhibiting, and perhaps even creating each The extensive research conducted on child
other” (Gold, 1992, p. 56), and they are seen sexual abuse and trauma also push for an in-
in a blended and unified whole. Such blending tegrative approach. For example, a three-prong
implies a circularity as well as the containment integrated trauma treatment (Stein & Kendall,
of multiple relationships that are seen between 2004) addressed problematic behaviors and
the cognitive, dynamic, interpersonal, and be- skill development through cognitive-behavior
havioral aspects of the person (Coonerty, 1993). therapy (CBT) interventions; integrated trau-
Because cognitive styles are in the process matic memories, emotions, and buried parts of
of formation in children, interventions must be the self through psychodynamic interventions;
tailored to match them, as well as determining and attended to the actions and reactions
what is developmentally appropriate for the in the family system that maintain dysfunc-
client and for their extended systems of family tional family interactions. In addition, because
and school. An integrative approach allows trauma memories are imbedded in the right
for the addressing of interpersonal challenges hemisphere of the brain (Gil, 2006; van der
as well as external realities of the child client Kolk, 2005), the integrative use of nonverbal
(Krueger & Glass, 2013). treatments and strategies utilizing symbolic
Rather than jumping from one treatment to language, pretend play, and creativity will help
another, the child therapist develops a prescrip- access and activate this portion of the child’s
tive, integrative approach that broadens the brain. Thus, the use expressive arts, play, and
therapist’s concept. Of course, the selection of pleasurable activities within therapy has been
treatments should not be ruled by a therapist’s found to be helpful in allowing traumatized
preferences or the staying within a comfort zone, and abused children to create their trauma
but rather through research evidence and clin- narratives (e.g., Drewes & Cavett, 2012; Gil,
ical expertise (Schaefer, 2003). The prospect of 2006; van der Kolk, 2005).
change in one sphere of functioning frequently
leads to broad reverberations and changes Defining Integrative Child Therapies
throughout multiple aspects of the client’s mal-
adaptive functioning (Coonerty, 1993). In both the child and adult literatures, psy-
In addition, the child’s family and chotherapy integration typically refers to the
macroenvironment (e.g., poverty, poor synthesis of diverse schools and methods of psy-
housing, disintegrated family structure, aliena- chotherapy. As well, integration refers to com-
tion, and disenfranchisement) add influential bining two or more therapy modalities/formats,
components to the child’s cognitive, dynamic, such as family, group, and individual therapy
and behavioral responses (Gold, 1992). This (Feldman, 1988; Reeves & Bruno, 2009).
multiple causation model helps move the cli- Involving the child’s parent into the treatment
nician from narrow theoretical constraints to process, even if only for psychoeducation, is also
address the many factors that may be causing considered integrative (Krueger & Glass, 2013).
or maintaining pathology and inhibiting a Still others refer to traditional talk therapy plus
young person’s ability to learn and function in a play therapy as integrative. Finally, but not
healthy manner. exhaustively, working across systems of care
Integrative treatments are not new to child (such as a school setting along with the home
therapy. Surveys indicate that child clinicians environment) is sometimes called integrative
344 Specific Disorders and Populations
(Cook, 2007). In this chapter, we embrace all and family systems orientations in treating
four types of integration in child work. adolescents (Grehan & Freeman, 2009;
Krueger & Glass, 2013; Stricker & Gold, 1996).
There are several avenues toward devel-
Exemplars of Integrative Child Therapies
oping an integrative treatment with children.
Child therapy calls for the therapist to wear In what follows, we consider several exemplary
many hats and be skillful in changing from integrative child therapies according to the four
one therapeutic stance to another in order to routes: technical eclecticism, theoretical inte-
meet the needs of the child and of others in the gration, assimilative integration, and common
child’s life (Coonerty, 1993; Drewes, 2011a). factors (Norcross & Alexander, Chapter 1, this
At one moment, the therapist may find herself volume).
intensely involved in a deeply evocative and Technical eclecticism is prescriptive in that
often intense therapeutic relationship with the it selects the best treatment for the client and
child client in which the therapist deals with the problem. It has been described as more
the child’s internal struggles, sets limits, and practical than theoretical (Norcross, 2005),
acts as an educator or mediator with the child. with the emphasis on predicting for whom
Then, in the next moment, the therapist needs particular interventions work well, rather
to engage with a parent or school psychologist than why they work well. Exemplars here ap-
or classroom teacher. These often conflicting plied to children include multimodal therapy
and rapidly changing roles lead many child (Lazarus, 2006) and systematic treatment selec-
therapists to adopt an eclectic prescriptive style tion (Beutler, Consoli & Lane, 2005; Consoli
in which therapeutic interventions are chosen & Buetler, Chapter 7, this volume).
and then changed according to the most Technical eclecticism, utilizing prescrip-
pressing external demand (Coonerty, 1993; tive play therapy for child treatment, is seen
Drewes, 2011b). in the case study of an 11-year-old autistic girl
Initially, child treatment consisted of taking with behavioral difficulties (Kenny & Winick,
adult models and extending them downward 2000). Using a sequential approach, treatment
to children (Krueger & Glass, 2013). In partic- methods were chosen that built on one an-
ular, cognitive and behavioral approaches were other over time, rather than blending them to-
utilized to address behavioral management gether within one session. In this case study, the
problems through use of behavior modifica- rapport- building component of nondirective
tion techniques, along with addressing parent– play therapy was used with directive techniques
child relationship issues. Examples include in targeting maladaptive behavior and providing
modifications of the adult psychodynamic to- parent education. The rationale for using a flex-
gether with behavior therapy to treat child be- ible integrative approach was due to the mul-
havior problems, using behavior modification tidimensional aspects of the child’s behaviors
techniques along with parent–child relational along with her developmental delays. Different
dynamics (Feather & Rhoads, 1972; West & treatment approaches were combined into a co-
Carlin, 1980), and the development of a psy- herent intervention sequence (Shirk, 1999).
chodynamic understanding of the meaning of Treatment for trauma has several effective
the child’s behavior (Krueger & Glass, 2013). integrative approaches for children. Trauma-
One of the first integrative attempts was de- focused integrative play therapy (Gil, 2009) is
velopmentally based psychotherapy (Greenspan, a promising manualized, technically eclectic
1997), which merged an understanding of devel- treatment for children who have experienced
opmental abilities with self-regulatory abilities complex trauma (Krueger & Glass, 2013).
into a primarily psychodynamic approach. Evidence-based trauma-focused cognitive beha-
Likewise, assimilative psychodynamic psycho- vior therapy (Cavett & Drewes, 2012; Cohen,
therapy maintains a strong psychodynamic Mannarino, & Deblinger, 2006, 2012; Drewes
base while integrating cognitive- behavioral & Cavett, 2012) is integrated with expressive
Integrative Psychotherapy with Children 345
techniques, directive and nondirective play, of empowerment that occurs due to abuse
and mindfulness interventions. (experiential mastery plan). The therapist
Theoretical integration takes the best flexibly integrates directive and nondirective
elements of two or more approaches to therapy approaches. Because of all the various teaching
and blends them with the expectation that the components, knowledge of cognitive behavioral
result will be more than the sum of the sepa- therapy, somatic therapies and mindfulness,
rate therapies. The emphasis is on integrating and family systems and attachment theories
the underlying theories along with an integra- are required. The therapist is not required to
tion of therapy techniques. Exemplars are Ellen be expert in every model, but a working know-
Wachtel’s (2014) psychoanalytic-behavioral- ledge of how to conduct dyadic interventions
relational integration and the transtheoretical and psychoeducational components in working
model, which matches principles or processes with the parent is needed.
of change to the child’s stage of change Both parent– child interaction therapy
(DiClemente & Prochaska, Chapter 8, this (Eyberg, 1988; Krueger & Glass, 2013) and
volume). The latter has been subject to hun- child parent relationship therapy (Bratton et al.,
dreds of outcome studies, including with chil- 2006) are evidence- based, parent training
dren and their families. programs that exemplify theoretical integration
One of the earliest theoretically integra- for young children presenting with behavioral,
tive treatments for children was cognitive be- emotional, and family problems. Children’s
havioral play therapy (Knell, 1993). It blends problem behaviors are addressed by modifying
cognitive and behavioral interventions into contributing negative parent–child interaction
play therapy, with the child’s development patterns (Bell & Eyberg, 2002). Nondirective
informing treatment (Drewes, 2009; Knell, play and behavioral contingencies are central
1993). Problematic behaviors are seen as to treatment, and concepts such as attachment
stemming from maladaptive thoughts which and social learning theories inform the treat-
impact the child’s feelings and subsequently ment approach (Krueger & Glass, 2013).
behaviors. These maladaptive thoughts can Assimilative integration has also taken root in
be modified by using play- based tasks and child therapy, whereby psychotherapists work
applications in therapy while incorporating primarily from their favorite theoretical orien-
evidence- supported techniques from cogni- tation and then selectively incorporate methods
tive and behavioral orientations (Krueger & from other models. Therapists maintain a home
Glass, 2013). theory and incorporate techniques from other
An example of theoretical integration theoretical orientations, often reinterpreting
is ecosystemic play therapy, developed by the meaning of the technique through the lens
O’Connor (2001). The clinician considers the of the home theory. This integrative path is fre-
child, his or her problems, and the therapy quently favored by those child clinicians trained
process within the framework of the child’s ec- in a single approach. Rather than discard their
osystem. It incorporates key elements of the an- theoretical foundation as they discover its lim-
alytic, child-centered, and cognitive-behavioral itations, clinicians gradually incorporate parts
models of play therapy, as well as elements and methods from other approaches and mold
of Theraplay (Jernberg, 1979; Jernberg & these into a new form.
Booth, 1999). Assimilative integration is common within
Another exemplar of theory integration is child treatment but can be difficult to identify
flexibly sequential play therapy for traumatized when the integration is not explicitly acknowl-
children (Goodyear-Brown, 2010). A variety of edged. Many unacknowledged integrations
treatment techniques give the child the space occur in treatments that have strong evi-
in which to disclose and adjust to the sharing dence base that identifies them solely as CBT
of the trauma content (continuum of disclo- but that employ play techniques (Krueger &
sure), as well as to restore the child’s lost sense Glass, 2013).
346 Specific Disorders and Populations
Coming largely from a systemic orientation, the use of an integrative model that utilizes play
Ellen Wachtel (2004) integrates family systems, therapy within family work with adoptive chil-
behavioral, and psychodynamic approaches for dren. The commonalities across each of these
the treatment of children and their families. treatments are the use of play therapy princi-
She conceptualizes the child’s difficulties ples, which are utilized within sessions and at
as embedded in and reinforced by family home with the parent and child, along with
interactions, although the treatment focuses psychoeducational principles of parenting.
mainly on the child as the identified patient Of course, these four pathways to integrative
rather than the family system. Similarly, an ad- treatment are not mutually exclusive. Consider
olescent case study illustrated this integrative the work of Goldenthal (2005) who created a
model to guide child work by adapting it to the model that integrated psychodynamic, behav-
client’s developmental age (Clement, 2011). ioral, and contextual theories. At first blush it
The therapy draws from cognitive-behavioral, appears a classic example of theoretical integra-
person-centered, and positive psychology tion; however, the psychotherapy was prescrip-
orientations. tive in recommending the right intervention to
A good example of assimilative integration is the right child in the tradition of technical ec-
seen in a play therapy case study within a school lecticism. Furthermore, the treatment focuses
setting which blended three theories into a co- on the therapeutic relationship—the quintes-
hesive treatment driven by the child’s and/ sential common factor—as the central change
or family’s needs (Fall, 2001). Child-centered agent (Krueger & Glass, 2013).
play therapy (the home theory) was buttressed All told, the multiple routes to integration
with evidence-based Adlerian play therapy and in child psychotherapy offer clinicians several
cognitive-behavioral methods along with cor- ways through which they can conceptualize
responding techniques (Fall, 2001), and this patient concerns, address both interpersonal is-
was shown to be effective. Research has shown sues and environmental factors, and select from
that play therapy interventions prove useful in a rich array of efficacious clinical methods.
meeting the treatment needs of children and Consequently, the clinician can select
families (Landreth et al., 1996). interventions and use them in a coordinated
Common factors is an approach to integra- and efficient manner (Krueger & Glass, 2013).
tion that identifies clinical principles or change
processes shared by several psychotherapies in
the hope that these robust commonalities will ASSESSMENT AND FORMULATION
form the foundation of successful treatment. In
a review of more than 50 publications, it was The basic task of assessment in child inte-
found that 41% of the proposed commonalities grative psychotherapy is similar to any other
had to do with change processes, while only model of working with children: a compre-
6% were attributed to client characteristics. hensive assessment through multiple sources
The strongest consensus across therapies was and methods that collects data on the child’s
the development of a therapeutic alliance, op- development (including in utero and birth his-
portunity for catharsis, acquisition and prac- tory), presenting problems and circumstances
tice of new behaviors, and the client’s positive underlying them, strengths and weaknesses of
expectancies (Grencavage & Norcross, 1990). the child and family as a whole, spiritual and
Practice Wise is a web-based program that helps community resources, cultural components,
identify common factors across evidence-based and the family system (Coonerty, 1993; Drewes
child treatments and then matches them to the & Schaefer, 2015). A crucial component in in-
clients’ needs (Chorpita, Becker, & Daleiden, tegrative assessment is that the child therapist
2007; Chorpita et al., 2011). involves both the parents/ caregiver and the
The attachment- focused developmental child as active collaborators in treatment and
psychotherapy of Hughes (1997) encourages treatment planning. The child therapist needs
Integrative Psychotherapy with Children 347
to be attuned to important connections and sys- the purpose of the assessment, acknowledging
temic interplay, working like a skilled detective the vital contexts and attuning to cultures of
to piece together a coherent picture that is mul- the family system. Child therapists can utilize
tilayered and multiconnected. Indeed, each numerous assessment approaches including
puzzle piece represents only a single dimension standardized tests, rating scales, interviews,
(Coonerty, 1993). Thus, careful assessment, observations, projective techniques, and in-
be it conducted through formal measures or formal assessment in order to develop a
informal observations, is critical to make the complete picture from multiple angles and
optimal selection of interventions and to coor- informants,
dinate communication among those providing There are numerous formal norm-
services. referenced, standardized psychological as-
Treatment planning is based on develop- sessment tools for use with children. Popular
mental awareness of the child in order to pro- normative assessments include the Behavior
vide direction throughout all stages of therapy, Assessment System for Children, Third
monitor progress, and know when termination Edition, which offers a structured develop-
can occur. Having a developmental framework mental history for ages 2–21 (Kamphaus et al.,
prevents establishing unreachable goals and 2014), Connors Comprehensive Rating Scales
permits the selection of appropriate content and for ages 6–18 (Kollins, Epstein, & Connors,
the level of therapeutic interaction that is best 2014), the Achenbach System of Empirically
suited to the child. Furthermore, as suggested Based Assessment for ages 6–18 (Achenbach
earlier, the child therapist also needs to be & Resorla, 2014); Child and Adolescent
sensitive to developmental delays in children, Needs and Strengths (CANS, 1999), and the
particularly in cognition and language, that Devereaux Behavior Rating Scale for ages 5–18
impact treatment planning and differentiate (Naglieri & Pfeiffer, 2014). These assessments
them from behavioral or emotional disorders. can be done during an intake with the parent/
Psychological testing is not necessarily a prereq- caregiver.
uisite for treatment but frequently proves useful Observations within the initial sessions with
and, of course, is demonstrably more reliable the child can obtain data and frequency counts,
and valid than informal assessment. as well as provide information for informal
Verbal treatment is ineffective with young hypotheses generation and in vivo identifica-
children because of their limited abstract tion of strengths and weaknesses. Play- based
thinking and development; consequently, use of assessments allow the child therapist to look
non-verbal play therapy is critical for effective at the quality of the child’s play and to iden-
treatment (Coonerty, 1993). Verbal treatment tify consistent or clinically significant themes.
is ineffective in early childhood (4–7) because The child’s perceptions of her parents/family,
there is a primitive level of development, ego- events, and environmental/ systemic settings
centric thinking, a present- time orientation, (including school) are examined. In addition,
along with the child struggling to develop a the quality of the expression of affect, ability
constant sense of self and other. The child uses to regulate affective range, and intensity and
internal fantasy without a clear fantasy/reality level of enjoyment, as well as the ability to
boundary. In middle childhood (8–13), while soothe, sustain, focus, shift and inhibit atten-
children may become more verbal, there is a fas- tion, and levels of impulsivity and frustration
cination with rules and complexities of the real are observed. The child’s maintenance of phys-
world along with the emergence of formal oper- ical boundaries, as well as the richness or pau-
ations; abstract reasoning; and problem solving city of play content, level of dependent versus
that needs to be developed and utilized through independent interactions, and whether the age
play-based activities (Drewes & Schaefer, 2015). level and developmental level are congruent
Assessment instruments and the integrative with the play and child’s physical abilities are
process with children must be consistent with all assessed. Informal assessment tools include
348 Specific Disorders and Populations
applying them to meet the particular needs of critical when working with children. The child
his or her clients (Schaefer, 1999). therapist’s behavior in the session, as well as
his or her attitude toward the client, are keenly
perceived and reacted to by children. The rela-
THERAPY RELATIONSHIP tionship needs to be fostered and built through
transparency, honesty in sharing information,
The therapeutic relationship remains integral nonintrusiveness, reliability, attunement, and
to the effectiveness of child work. Indeed, the curiosity about the client’s internal experience,
most robust research (and clinical) finding in coupled with the use of play and humor within
the child psychotherapy literature is the strong sessions. Critical, especially with trauma work,
association between the therapeutic alliance is the sensitive timing and depth of therapeutic
and treatment outcome. A recent meta-analysis interventions.
of 42 studies of child and adolescent therapy The therapist’s role will vary depending
(3,427 clients and parents) revealed an effect on the particular approach taken and its ap-
size of (d) of 0.39 for the both therapist–child plication. Thus, the therapist may need to be
and therapist–parent/caregiver relationship directive and structured when implementing
(Karver et al., 2005). The association and pre- a behavioral approach or nondirective when
diction of treatment success did not differ by the creating rapport and a therapeutic relationship
type of treatment; that is, the alliance “works” or utilizing a more child-centered approach.
in all forms of child therapy. That is precisely the value of psychotherapy
That relationship can be enhanced by integration.
soliciting feedback from the child/family client
and by routinely monitoring outcome. This
process is the core ingredient to patient prog- METHODS AND TECHNIQUES
ress regardless of the therapeutic approach
taken (Duncan, 2013), as is therapist empathy, Integrative treatments offer systematized
collaboration, positive regard, and genuineness methods, with the majority designed for spe-
(Norcross, 2005). cific child disorders. Treatment for trauma has
Children are clearly aware that they have by far been the best developed, followed by
been brought to therapy by others who can also treatments for behavioral disorders (Krueger &
force them to attend sessions. The usual adult Glass, 2013). The therapeutic menu of methods
approach of asking questions, probing into per- in integrative therapies canvass the entire spec-
sonal feelings, or explaining behaviors usually trum of interventions. In the evidence-based
results in uncooperativeness or strong emo- tradition, we advocate that selection of partic-
tional responses. The therapist needs to explain ular methods be based on all three evidentiary
what the treatment process will be like, not only sources: best available research, clinical exper-
verbally but also through the use of play-like tise, and patient characteristics, preferences,
techniques to communicate the expectation and cultures. Research on the efficacy of
that the relationship is playful, creative, and methods aids clinical decision-making but does
not always based in verbalizations. Offering fac- not dictate it; much depends on the skill of the
tual transparency about the treatment process, therapist (Schaefer, 2003).
collaborative creation of treatment planning, As we have indicated throughout this
and a nonjudgmental approach toward engage- chapter, working with young children includes
ment will help the child to see how this thera- play-based interventions that are developmen-
peutic relationship will differ from those with tally sensitive and geared to their abilities. Play
peers, teachers, parents, and others (Prout & as therapy (child-centered, nondirective) and
Fedewa, 2015). play in therapy (directive), includes expressive
As is most certainly the case in working with arts, use of miniatures to create a scene or story
adults, creating a safe therapeutic relationship is in a sand tray, puppet play, drama role play,
350 Specific Disorders and Populations
music, art, therapeutic storytelling, dance, and several theoretical approaches, treatment formats,
movement (Drewes, 2009). and systems of care. Sammy is an 8- year-old
Hispanic boy, in foster care, who presented with
behavioral difficulties in school due to mood
DIVERSITY CONSIDERATIONS dysregulation, generalized anxiety, and depres-
sion. He struggled with his father’s death 3 years
Clearly, a child is a product of his or her nuclear before, along with his mother’s current wish to
family, extended family, neighborhood, cultural surrender parental rights so he could be adopted
and racial heritage, school, town/city, socioeco- due to the reemergence of her cancer.
nomic status, and political situation. These sys- Assessment consisted of the caregiver’s com-
temic components result in multiple causality pletion of the Child Behavior Checklist and Child
and feedback loops that significantly impact and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) and
treatment choices when working with children. the child’s completion of projective drawings and
Poverty, poor housing, alienation, disenfran- an observation of strengths and themes during
chisement, and cultural and gender identities play therapy sessions. Results of the CBCL and
critically influence the child’s cognitive, dy- CANS showed clinical indicators of externalizing
namic, and behavioral repertoire (Gold, 1992). and internalizing behaviors (depression, aggres-
Thus, child therapy attends deeply to diversity sion), with drawings and thematic play themes
considerations and seeks key opportunities to reflecting concerns about death, feelings of anger,
provide effective social intervention beyond just and lack of emotional connection in his family
changing a child’s internal chemistry or cogni- environment. Over the first four sessions, I (AAD)
tion (Lebow, 2008). The child clinician needs obtained a good sense of Sammy’s developmental
to account for the individual differences within level and emotional conflicts, as well as built rap-
each client, creating a case formulation and port and facilitated the creation of a therapeutic
treatment plan unique to each child’s needs. relationship.
Play is a universal expression of children, Our treatment goals were to help Sammy (1) to
and it can transcend differences in ethnicity, build rapport and a therapeutic alliance, along
language, and other aspects of diversity. It is with offering control in selection of materials and
important for clinicians to be aware of cul- tasks and a release from traumatic material; (2) to
tural differences that may exist. A study of play reduce his anxiety, anger, depression, become
therapists found that they rated themselves as aware of emotional triggers, and develop alterna-
not being knowledgeable about racial iden- tive coping skills; and (3) to deal with unresolved
tity and feeling competent in using this know- grief and loss over his father and the pending loss
ledge clinically (Drewes, 2005). This may also of his mother.
prove the case for many other child therapists. The treatment plan was to use child-led psy-
All child clinicians need to be sensitive re- chodynamic play therapy to accomplish the
garding diversity in the assessments used and first cluster of therapy goals, CBT methods for
interventions chosen (especially with regard to the second cluster, and bereavement or trauma
what population it was normed on), as well as work for the third. Parent–child dyadic therapy
inclusive in the techniques and materials used in the systemic tradition was also utilized to help
in treatment. Having culturally, racially, and Sammy and his mother talk about the events of
ethnically diverse therapeutic toys and materials his father’s death and to better understand his
is crucial (Drewes, 2005). mother’s wishes to have him adopted. In addition,
the therapist maintained contact with Sammy’s
school setting and foster home parents for infor-
mation regarding his progress and to coordinate
follow-through on treatment recommendations.
The following case illustrates integrative child Sammy was seen in individual weekly therapy
psychotherapy in that it simultaneously blended over the course of 2 years for 75 sessions. The
Integrative Psychotherapy with Children 351
45-to 55- minute sessions were structured and The next 10–15 minutes allowed for work on di-
divided into components which allowed for the rective CBT-based techniques to address treatment
integrative use of several treatment approaches. goals. The next 20– 25 minutes were child- led,
In the initial session, the therapist was trans- which allowed Sammy to select what he wished
parent in sharing with Sammy what was learned to play with and how and what emotional mate-
of his history and why he was being seen, as well rial he wished to convey. The last 5–10 minutes
as what the therapy time would be like. Using were for clean-up and a closing ritual of bubble
a balloon to blow in all his anxious and angry blowing or deep breathing techniques for affect
feelings, Sammy saw how the big balloon was regulation and transitioning from the session.
like his head and heart containing so many upset In this first session, Sammy used his child-
feelings that he felt like he would “pop.” By letting led, nondirective time to create in the sand tray,
out the air a little at a time, safely and slowly, and utilizing miniatures of all aspects of life (people,
seeing how much smaller the balloon was getting, houses, trees, vehicles, etc.) to create a scene
Sammy better understood that this was like the showing me what his world was like. During
therapy time together, where he could let out his other sessions, Sammy often used toys, puppets,
angry feelings in a safe, slow, and manageable art materials, and clay to express his feelings,
way with the therapist’s help. often nonverbally. But he frequently preferred to
Next, we assessed what he felt he needed use the sand tray when there were deep conflicts
to work on, and a treatment plan was jointly around his father’s death and worries about his
created. Using strips of paper to write on, the ther- mother that he did not want to talk about, but
apist and Sammy worked together on selecting rather wanted to show.
three problems each about home, school, and Over the course of treatment, Sammy delved
his family for a total of nine items we would take more deeply into his feelings and memories re-
on in therapy. One blank piece was left which garding his father and his death when he was 4½
would allow Sammy to spontaneously address years old. There were missing details to the nar-
something not covered. Sammy wrote on each rative of his father’s death, as well as information
strip of paper the goal selected and decorated lacking as to what happens when someone dies
an envelope in which the paper strips would be and even where his father was buried.
kept. Each session when he entered, the envelope Once monthly, his mother joined Sammy for
would be put out, and Sammy would get to pick family therapy. His mother discussed with him
one of the pieces of paper for us to focus on. He where his father was buried and details sur-
could put back the paper and select a different rounding his illness and death. The foster parents
one only once before we had to work on it. Then, were willing to take Sammy to the grave, where
after we talked about the issue or used a directive he had a closing ceremony and left a letter to his
technique, he would strip off a small piece of the father (that we worked on in therapy) telling him
paper and put it back. This way he saw that we his feelings and that he missed him. Sessions with
were making progress on the goal, but were still Sammy’s mother allowed for discussion about
not yet finished with it. why she wanted him adopted, how she had only
Prior to having Sammy enter the treatment one relative available who was not a viable re-
room, the therapist would meet for 5–10 minutes source, and that she wanted to know he was in
with the foster parent(s) regarding how Sammy a good home. This was her second bout with
was doing in their home, at school, and on visits cancer, and she was unsure that, even if she went
with his mother. We would also discuss treatment into remission again, she would ultimately not die
strategies and interventions. Then, after the foster from the disease in the near future and leave her
parent(s) left, Sammy came into the session. The son an orphan with no place to go. His mother
next 5 minutes were “check in” time to talk about also spontaneously shared the unknown fact that
the week, share any information received from his she had been in foster care as a child and was
foster parents that needed to be conveyed, and adopted as well. This was a good experience for
follow-up on any CBT homework assignments. her, and she wanted to place Sammy in a loving
352 Specific Disorders and Populations
home. We worked out an “open” adoption in Child behavioral therapy and outcome re-
which Sammy and his mother maintained contact search have begun to incorporate a more inte-
around holidays and birthdays with the consent of grative approach, with assimilative integration
the adoptive parents. becoming more commonplace within CBT
Through the healing powers of play and inte- (Krueger & Glass, 2013). In general, a trend
grative treatment, Sammy learned and applied has emerged of CBT integrating aspects of
better coping strategies, accessed his previously other treatments, while integrative treatments
unexplored conflicts around his father’s death, ex- frequently utilize CBT methods.
perienced catharsis in getting out his anger and
rage over feeling abandoned, gained power and
control over his anxieties, and developed compe- FUTURE DIRECTIONS
tence, self-control, and a greater sense of himself.
Through CBT techniques, he performed creative Integration is clearly gaining hold in child
problem-solving, behavioral rehearsal, and coun- psychotherapy, but much work remains to be
terconditioning of negative affect. done. More outcome research is needed, espe-
By the end of treatment, an adoptive family cially research identifying change mechanisms
was found, and we worked toward his successful of successful child psychotherapy, as well as
adoption. Sammy still remains with his adoptive the prescriptive matching of those change
family and has periodic contact with his biolog- mechanisms to varying clinical circumstances.
ical mother. Just prior to termination, the CBCL Further research is needed to illuminate
and CANS were completed by the foster parents. which specific uses of play are most effective
Results showed Sammy’s behavioral functioning with specific presenting problems and within
within the average or normal range. Furthermore, the blending of treatment approaches. Based
his acting out behaviors in school significantly di- on our clinical observations and those of our
minished, going from daily aggressive and phys- colleagues, we expect that future research
ical outbursts to minimal verbal outbursts on a looking into these complex processes will wind
quarterly basis, and he reduced his sadness and up providing empirical support for integrative
anxiety as seen in his frequent smiling, involve- treatments.
ment in sports, and positive-themed drawings. Clinically, many cognitive-
treatments for young children would benefit
from the incorporation of other approaches,
especially less directive techniques. Treatment
OUTCOME RESEARCH and research would also be better informed
if the play- based techniques included the
In spite of the growth of psychotherapy integra- anchoring theories behind their application.
tion, there is little outcome research on explic- Perhaps the most severe obstacle to inte-
itly integrative child therapies (Schottenbauer, gration comes from territoriality of the purists
Glass, & Arnkoff, 2005; Seymour, 2011), with who hold their single theory to be the best. We
few systematic reviews of integrative treatment advocate for work toward common definitions
for children (Krueger & Glass, 2013). That’s and language in psychotherapy to decrease
the bad news. The good news is that by using, the inconsistency of terminology. In that way,
in part or in whole, evidence- based child a commonly understood experience can be
therapies, integrative clinicians can harvest implemented in practice and measured in re-
the fruits of that vast outcome research. While search (Seymour, 2011).
there is moderate but clear support for the ge- There still is inadequate training in inte-
neral effectiveness of child therapies, there grative child therapy in university and intern-
continues to be a need to take a cautious and ship settings. Consequently, student clinicians
thoughtful approach to child treatment (Prout are not fluid in thinking about using sev-
& Fedewa, 2015). eral different approaches and do not feel
Integrative Psychotherapy with Children 353
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cent years, the clinical practice of child inte- adolescent-needs-and-strengths-cans.
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