02-21-18 Edition

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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 • XVIII, Edition 158 www.smdailyjournal.com

Displaced Foster City day care finds home

Popular facility headed to San Mateo campus in compromise over land battle
By Austin Walsh of Trustees is set Thursday, Feb. years, is being forced off the site first school in Foster City, and President Audrey Ng said she was
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF 22, to approve allowing Foster by the district in preparation of under these circumstances we are pleased with an opportunity to
City Preschool and Daycare new school construction. leaving,” said Singh. strike a deal with the day care.
A new home may have been Center’s opening on the Parkside Day care administrator Surinder According to terms of an exclu- “I’m very glad that an agreement
found for a popular Foster City day Elementary School campus in San Singh said while she would prefer sive use agreement coming before has been reached. It’s an immense
care center facing displacement to Mateo. to remain in Foster City, the dis- the board for approval, Singh said relief for the parents who are con-
make way for construction of the The day care, which has operated trict’s offer to make space avail- she will rent four modular class- cerned about where their kids will
city’s next elementary school at the Charter Square shopping able on the San Mateo campus rooms and pay for restroom and go to school,” she said.
campus. center in Foster City near the seems a suitable compromise. fencing installations to adequate- Should trustees bless the agree-
The San Mateo-Foster City intersection of Shell and Beach “It’s not easy. The emotions are ly prepare the San Mateo site.
Elementary School District Board Park boulevards for more than 40 running very high. We were the For her part, school board See DAY CARE, Page 20

Trump urges
a ban on gun
bump stocks
President to meet with students, teachers and
state and local officials to address gun violence
By Catherine Lucey “We must
and Ken Thomas move past
tired debates
WASHINGTON — President and focus on
Donald Trump said Tuesday that he evidence based
has signed a memo directing the solutions and
Justice Department to propose security meas-
regulations to “ban all devices” ures that actual-
like the rapid-fire bump stocks Donald Trump ly work, ”
involved in last year’s Las Vegas Trump said.
massacre. The announcement came days
Seeking to show action days after the shooting deaths of 17
after a deadly school shooting in people at Marjory Stoneman
Parkland, Florida, Trump spoke Douglas High School. The device
during a White House ceremony Trump referred to was used in the
ANNA SCHUESSLER/DAILY JOURNAL recognizing bravery by the
San Bruno resident Vittorio D’Urzo in the kitchen of Trattoria Da Vittorio, his second restaurant on San Carlos’ Laurel nation’s public safety officers. See TRUMP Page 19
Street. After his first restaurant in San Francisco received praise for its simple recipes and attentive service, D’Urzo
is hoping to offer the same casual dining atmosphere in San Carlos.

Simple recipes, casual ambiance reign Half Moon Bay set

Italian restaurant owner opens second Trattoria Da Vittorio location in San Carlos to tackle beach trash
By Anna Schuessler So in opening his second restau- remembers well from the casual Program will employ homeless people to keep coast clean
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF rant, Trattoria Da Vittorio, at 617 restaurants, or “trattorias, ” he By Zachary Clark April 1, and was approved by the
Laurel St. last month, D’Urzo is experienced growing up in south- DAILY JOURNAL STAFF council earlier this month.
A gleaming counter lined with hoping to replicate many of the ern Italy. Litter has always been a problem
wine bottles, a wood-fired pizza same elements that propelled his For D’Urzo, preserving the right In response to a surge of visitors at Half Moon Bay’s beaches, but
oven and friendly, attentive staff first restaurant, which shares the balance of attentive customer leaving trash on Half Moon Bay has worsened over the last couple
are just some of the ingredients same name, into success. By creat- service with an informal ambiance beaches in recent years, the city is of years, as visitor traffic seems to
that have captivated patrons of the ing a bar and casual dining spot at is not unlike maintaining the sim- launching a coastal cleanup pro- have increased exponentially, said
Italian restaurant Vittorio D’Urzo what was formerly two Italian plicity of the Calabrian cooking gram that will also provide jobs Councilwoman Debbie Ruddock.
has owned in San Francisco’s West restaurants, Locanda Positano and he serves at his restaurants. for homeless people. Public Works Director John
Portal neighborhood for the last Gusto, D’Urzo is hoping to foster The litter/coastal cleanup pro-
five years. the warm, inviting atmosphere he See D’URZO, Page 19 gram is a one-year pilot slated for See TRASH, Page 20
002 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 8:28 PM Page 1

2 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

“In scandal, as in robbery, the
receiver is always as bad as the thief.”
— Lord Chesterfield, English author and statesman

This Day in History

Black Muslim leader and civil rights

1965 activist Malcolm X, 39, was shot to

death inside Harlem’s Audubon
Ballroom in New York by assassins
identified as members of the Nation of
In 1 4 3 7 , James I, King of Scots, 42, was assassinated in
Perth by a group of conspirators led by Walter, Earl of
Atholl; his 6-year-old son succeeded him as James II.
In 1 5 1 3 , Pope Julius II, who commissioned Michelangelo
to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, died nearly four
months after the project was completed.
In 1 6 1 3 , Mikhail Romanov, 16, was unanimously chosen
by Russia’s national assembly to be czar, beginning a
dynasty that would last three centuries.
In 1 8 8 5 , the Washington Monument was dedicated.
In 1 9 1 6 , the World War I Battle of Verdun began in France
as German forces attacked; the French were able to prevail
after 10 months of fighting.
In 1 9 4 5 , during the World War II Battle of Iwo Jima, the
escort carrier USS Bismarck Sea was sunk by kamikazes
with the loss of 318 men.
In 1 9 4 7 , inventor Edwin H. Land publicly demonstrated REUTERS
his Polaroid Land camera, which used self-developing film Artists perform during the 134th Carnival parade in Nice, France.
to produce a black & white photograph in 60 seconds.
In 1 9 5 8 , the USS Gudgeon (SS-567) became the first
American submarine to complete a round-the-world cruise,
In other news ...
eight months after departing from Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Teen gets six Cameron Park Fire Fighters December’s Thomas fire. A mountain
In 1 9 7 2 , President Richard M. Nixon began his historic Association’s annual crab feed on Feb. lion cub also was treated for singed
visit to China as he and his wife, Pat, arrived in Beijing. months for smuggling 17 said they were upset to see the paws.
In 1 9 7 5 , former Attorney General John N. Mitchell and Bengal tiger cub into U.S. firearm on display as a raffle item. The One bear was pregnant, but officials
former White House aides H.R. Haldeman and John D. Sacramento Bee reported that some said last week that they weren’t sure if
Ehrlichman were sentenced to 2 1/2 to 8 years in prison for SAN DIEGO — A California teen has even left the event in protest.
the baby was born yet.
their roles in the Watergate cover-up (each ended up serving been sentenced to six months in In a statement Tuesday, the Cameron Veterinarians treating the animals
a year and a-half). prison for smuggling in a Bengal tiger
cub from Mexico. Park Community Services District had stitched fish skins to their burned
The defense attorney for 18-year-old apologized for its insensitivity to paws, then wrapped them with bandag-
Birthdays Luis Valencia told the court Tuesday in people
that killed
by a shooting last
17 at a Florida high
es of rice paper and corn husks.
Officials decided on the treatment after
San Diego before his sentencing that
his client had had a lapse in judgment school and by other mass shootings. reading about trials on human burn
and wanted the endangered tiger as a Authorities say the suspect in the victims in Brazil that placed treated
pet. Florida shooting used an AR-15. skins from tilapia, a ubiquitous
But prosecutors argued Valencia’s General Manager Jill Ritzman said species of fish, on the injuries to
cellphone data showed he was running the district understands the gun raffle soothe pain and promote healing.
an animal smuggling business and was a “poor choice” and will review its Doctors routinely graft skin from
boasted about getting thousands for policies. humans and pigs to burns, but fish
monkeys, jaguars and lions. skins have the advantage of being
The 6-week-old cub was found on the Two bears burned in California more readily available.
Actor Kelsey Actor William Comedian-actor passenger-side floor in Valencia’s car wildfire spotted in the wild One of the bears initially would lie
Grammer is 63. Baldwin is 55. Jordan Peele is 39. in August at a San Diego border check- down continuously to spare her burned
point. GOLETA — Officials tracking two paws, said Jamie Peyton, chief of the
Former Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is 94. Fashion Tigers are endangered and it’s illegal bears that were badly burned in the integrative medicine service at the
designer Hubert de Givenchy is 91. Movie director Bob to import them without a permit. largest wildfire in California history University of California, Davis’ vet-
Rafelson is 85. Actor Gary Lockwood is 81. Actor-director The tiger cub was named Moka and say the animals are settling back into erinarian school. After the fish-skin
Richard Beymer is 79. Actor Peter McEnery is 78. U.S. Rep. now lives at the San Diego Zoo Safari their home in the wild after receiving treatment, the bear stood up and was
John Lewis, D-Ga., is 78. Film/music company executive Park unusual treatment for their injured walking around with its companion,
David Geffen is 75. Actress Tyne Daly is 72. Actor Anthony paws. Peyton said last month.
Daniels is 72. Tricia Nixon Cox is 72. Former Sen. Olympia California group apologizes Recent photos and GPS tracking data The results argue for more trials of
J. Snowe, R-Maine, is 71. Rock musician Jerry Harrison (The for fundraiser with AR-15 show the female bears appear to be in the fish skins for burns, the vets said.
Heads) is 69. Actress Christine Ebersole is 65. Actor William good health as they move through Los The mountain lion was too young
Petersen is 65. Country singer Mary Chapin Carpenter is 60. CAMERON PARK — Leaders of a Padres National Forest northwest of when injured to be able to survive in
Actor Kim Coates is 60. Actor Jack Coleman is 60. Actor community district are apologizing for Los Angeles, news station KABC-TV the wild, and officials planned to turn
Christopher Atkins is 57. Rock singer Ranking Roger is 57. a firefighting fundraiser that included reported Friday. him over to a care facility for lifelong
Rock musician Michael Ward is 51. Actress Aunjanue Ellis is an AR-15 rifle as one of the raffle The adult bears were released into the confinement, the California
49. Blues musician Corey Harris is 49. Country singer Eric prizes. forest last month after getting care for Department of Fish and Wildlife said in
Heatherly is 48. Rock musician Eric Wilson is 48. Some people who attended the third-degree burns they suffered in January.


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these four Jumbles,
Feb. 17 Powerball Fantasy Five We dn e s day : Mostly cloudy in the
one letter to each square, 33 34 36 morning then becoming partly cloudy.
to form four ordinary words. 13 26 39 44 62 2 25 28
Highs in the lower 50s. North winds 5
LAMAL Daily Four to 15 mph.
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

Feb. 20 Mega Millions Wednes day ni g ht: Partly cloudy in

17 19 23 24 43 14 1 9 8 6 the evening then becoming mostly
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC cloudy. Lows in the lower to mid 40s.
All Rights Reserved. Mega number
Daily three midday Thurs day : Mostly cloudy. Highs in the
SOYBS Feb. 17 Super Lotto Plus 5 0 1 lower 50s.
19 27 34 36 39 17 Thurs day ni g ht and Fri day :Partly cloudy. Lows in the
Daily three evening upper 30s to mid 40s. Highs in the mid 50s.
Mega number

0 5 7 Fri day ni g ht: Mostly clear. Lows in the lower to mid

ELOSSN The Daily Derby race winners are Winning Spirit, No. Saturday thro ug h Sunday : Partly cloudy. Highs in the
9, in first place; Lucky Charms, No. 12, in second place; upper 50s. Lows in the 40s.
and Big Ben, No. 4, in third place. The race time was Sunday ni g ht: Partly cloudy in the evening then becom-
clocked at 1:40.28. ing mostly cloudy. Lows near 40.
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003 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 6:40 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 3

Top educator preps for stepping away Police reports

Wear, are they
County Superintendent Anne Campbell reflects on time as key elected school official A resident claimed that their roommates
have stolen their clothes on Cypress
By Austin Walsh authority in allocating share in financing local schools. Avenue in San Mateo, it was reported at
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF state money to the best Looking ahead, Campbell suggested she 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14.
interests of their school would favor further exploration of such an
San Mateo County Superintendent Anne community, Campbell opportunity, while recognizing the corporate
Campbell’s approaching departure from her said guidance is required in labor lobby’s significant sway may preclude
post as the area’s top education official is not assuring the state’s broad- the effort from gaining much traction. During SAN MATEO
due to a waning passion for public school er education goals are her time in office, Campbell said she’s wit- B urg l ary . A vehicle was broken into
matters. attainable. nessed momentum build behind the idea overnight on La Selva Street, it was reported
Instead, the official first elected in 2010 Implementing the local which once may have been inconceivable. at 4:41 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13.
figures the local school community would control accountability Ultimately though, Campbell acknowl- Burg l ary . A residence was broken into
benefit from a fresh perspective offered by her Anne Campbell plan is a huge job and edges these are likely not her battles to fight.
Once she moves out of office, the educator while the residents were at the hospital on
eventual successor heading the San Mateo cumbersome process Marina Vista, it was reported at 11:41 a.m.
County Office of Education. which continues evolving since its introduc- said she has no plans to rejoin the full-time
tion roughly four years ago, said Campbell. workforce. Tuesday, Feb. 13.
“Over time, an organization benefits from
“We have policymakers who have a vision Instead, Campbell said she hopes to even- Sto l en v ehi cl e. A vehicle was stolen on
new leadership,” said Campbell, who
announced last year she would not seek re- but it is not yet based in practice,” said tually visit Japan next fall. More immediate- East Santa Inez Avenue, it was reported at
election. Nancy Magee and Gary Waddell, her Campbell, whose office is primarily charged ly, she looks forward to loading up with her 9:38 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13.
cabinet members at the county office, have with helping local districts manage their wife and new dog in the camper trailer they Mi s de me an o r warran t . A South San
since launched campaigns to fill her void. state education obligations. recently purchased and traveling the nation. Francisco man was cited and released for
Recently, the office’s staff has focused on When she’s gone from office in pursuit of a
With Campbell’s term officially ending driving with a suspended license and having
assuring local districts identified by the state simpler life, Campbell offers her eventual
next January, the lifetime educator stands to successor an easily digestible piece of advice two misdemeanor warrants out of San Mateo
wrap a career spanning four decades. Beyond as those needing to improve academically or County and South San Francisco on Third
culturally are able to effectively implement which was essential to her career.
her eight years in the county office, she “Focus on the kids and what’s best for Avenue it was reported at 12:25 a. m.
worked as a teacher at Abbott Middle School the necessary changes. Tuesday, Feb. 13.
them,” she said. “That’s got to be your North
in San Mateo, a counselor at Hillsdale High Though Campbell said she is proud her
School and principal at Ralston Middle office is a supplementary resource, she said
School in Belmont before becoming the more necessary for local school systems than
superintendent of the Belmont-Redwood county assistance is greater state funding.
Shores Elementary School District. Despite recent gains in the amounts shared
Campbell took over the position from her by Sacramento, public schools across
predecessor Jean Holbrook following an California remain woefully underfunded, said
unopposed campaign. With a guilty smile, Campbell. While acknowledging districts
Campbell admitted in the early stages of her with high concentrations of students who
career she was unfamiliar with the county need additional assistance enjoy greater
superintendent’s responsibilities. access to more funding under the local control
Fast-forward to her final months, system, Campbell suggested even broader
Campbell’s enthusiasm for fulfilling the changes may be in order.
office’s support role as an intermediary With an assumption that the state’s general
between local school districts and state law- fund is stretched as thin as possible with lit-
makers remains evident. tle room to drum up more school dollars,
Bridging the gap that can exist between the Campbell said an examination of the state’s
state Capitol and local school campuses is tax code may be necessary.
more important than ever in the local control Most notably, Campbell said she believed
era, when even the best laid plans can present Proposition 13 could be tweaked to generate
hurdles, she said. While lauding lawmakers’ additional money from corporate land owners
willingness to grant local districts greater which currently may not be paying their fair
004 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 12:41 PM Page 1

4 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

[email protected] t
005 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 7:48 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 5

Investigation of state senator finds six misconduct cases REGIONAL GOVERNMENT
By Kathleen Ronayne and rent a room in leagues will vote as soon as Thursday •  The S an Mat e o Co un t y
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS his house, and asked on whether to censure, suspend, expel Mo s qui to and Vecto r Co ntro l
several of the or reinstate him. Mendoza will be Di s tri ct Bo ard o f Trus tees in
SACRAMENTO — A California sena- women invasive allowed to defend himself on the Senate January named a new president, vice
tor likely engaged in unwanted flirta- questions about floor. president, board secretary and assis-
tious or sexually suggestive behavior their dating lives. Several accusations against Mendoza tant board secretary. The trustees
with six women he worked with, The investigation first became public last fall in a report elected to these positions took
including four subordinates, according does not name any by the Sacramento Bee as the office on Feb. 14, and will serve for two years.
to an independent investigation of the women, (hash)MeToo movement took hold in Jo e Gal l i g an, who previously served as vice president,
was named president. Galligan was appointed by the city
released Tuesday. Tony Mendoza although some have California’s Capitol. The investiga-
of Burlingame in 2014. Wade Les chy n, appointed by the
The investigation, which was con- previously spoken tion outlines three other cases that
ducted by outside lawyers at the to media. Four worked for Mendoza, weren’t publicly known. city of Belmont in 2014, takes Galligan’s place as vice
Senate’s request, found Democratic while a fifth is a lobbyist and a sixth Mendoza has stubbornly defended president of the board. Kati Marti n, appointed by the
Sen. Tony Mendoza “more likely than was a Senate fellow in another office. himself and sued the Senate last week city of Half Moon Bay, was re-elected as secretary of the
not” engaged in behavior such as offer- Mendoza has been out on suspension for suspending him amid the investiga- Bo ard o f Trus tees , while Kat Li o n, appointed by the
ing a 19-year-old intern alcohol in a during the investigation and did not tion. The investigation cleared him of city of Redwood City, was re-elected as assistant secretary.
hotel suite at a Democratic Party event, immediately comment on the investi- allegations he fired three staff members
suggesting a young woman in a Senate
fellowship take a vacation with him
gation’s findings.
The Los Angeles-area senator’s col-
who reported his behavior toward the
Senate fellow last fall.
Local briefs
Man pleads not guilty to
California attorney general backs changing money bail system charges he assaulted sheriff’s deputy
By Don Thompson ruling that the because he couldn’t make $350,000 A homeless man pleaded not guilty Friday to accusations he
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS state’s bail system bail on charges of stealing $5 and a spit on and punched a sheriff’s deputy three times in a San
unconstitutionally bottle of cologne from a neighbor in a Mateo County jail cell last month, prosecutors said Tuesday.
SACRAMENTO — Judges must con- di s c r i m i n a t e s senior housing complex. The appeals Joshua Kendall, 37, was in a safety cell at 9:24 a.m. Jan. 17
sider suspects’ ability to pay when against poor sus- court last month ordered a new hearing when a deputy opened the cell to give Kendall some water.
they set bail amounts, California pects who languish to decide whether Kenneth Humphrey Prosecutors allege Kendall was angry and spit on the
Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in jail. Bail is should be jailed while awaiting trial on deputy’s face. The deputy tried to restrain Kendall but Kendall
Tuesday, adding momentum to ongo- money or property charges including robbery and residen- allegedly grabbed the deputy’s uniform and punched the
that can be forfeited tial burglary. deputy three times in the face.
ing talks aimed at finding a better way
The pair allegedly struggled on the ground until correction-
to make sure suspects show up in court. Xavier Becerra if suspects fail to “It’s long past time to reduce our
al officers intervened. Prosecutors allege the deputy suffered
Judges should only keep suspects in appear for trial. dependence on cash bail and stop
He said he won’t appeal in the case incarcerating nonviolent offenders for bruises and that everything was captured by jail video cam-
jail awaiting trial if they are dangerous eras. Kendall is being held on $25,000 bail. He is set to be in
or are likely to flee, Becerra said. of a 64-year-old San Francisco suspect no reason other than them being
court again March 6.
He sided with a recent appeals court jailed for more than eight months poor,” Becerra said. Kendall’s attorney Ross Green could not immediately be
reached for comment.
Some fear drought cuts could erase water rights Ghost Ship defendants
By Jonathan J. Cooper Members of the state Water It comes after U.S. officials declared
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Resources Control Board delayed a that nearly half the state, all of it in plead not guilty in party deaths
decision about whether to bring back the south, is back in drought just OAKLAND — Two California men have formally entered
SACRAMENTO — A proposal to what had been temporary water bans months after emerging from it. not guilty pleas on involuntary manslaughter charges in the
make California’s drought-era water from California’s drought, spanning Officials from several irrigation and deaths of 36 partygoers at a massive warehouse fire in the San
restrictions permanent could allow the 2013 to 2017. The plan is part of an water agencies said the restrictions are Francisco Bay Area.
state to chip away at long-held water effort to make water conservation a reasonable, but not the plan to impose An Alameda County Superior Court judge on Tuesday set a
rights in an unprecedented power grab, way of life, with climate change them under the state Constitution’s July 16 trial date for Derick Almena and Max Harris, who the
representatives from water districts expected to lead to longer, more severe prohibition on the “waste or unreason- judge previously determined had a “substantial” role in man-
and other users told regulators Tuesday. droughts. able use” of water. aging the Ghost Ship warehouse.


Richard E Thomas
March 9, 1947 - February 11, 2018
Long time Redwood City resident, Richard E Thomas, 70,
passed away on February 11, 2018, with his wife and daughter by
his side. Rich was born in Deer Lodge, Montana. He graduated
from Sequoia High School and served in the United States Air
Force from 1967 to 1971. He met the love of his life, Carolyn
Sand, while stationed at Offutt Air Force Base. They were married
at St. Francis Catholic Church in Humphrey, Nebraska. Upon
returning to California, Rich worked in real estate and tended bar where he made many
lifelong friends. Until his passing, he was a Real Estate Agent at Terrace Associates.
Rich loved his family and friends and especially loved spending time with his
grandchildren. He was a diehard Yankees fan, could tell you anything you wanted
to know about Major League Baseball and loved to listen to music, especially the
Righteous Brothers. Family and friends fondly remember his infectious smile, witty
sense of humor and overwhelming generosity.
He is survived by his wife, Carolyn; daughter Kelly (Curtis) Flaig; grandchildren
Kyle, Brandon, Paige and Kayla; mother, Wanda Thomas; brother Hank (DeOnne)
Thomas; sisters Kay Carlon and Cheryl Risley. He was preceded in death by his father,
Lloyd; brother-in-laws Tom Carlon and Todd Risley.
A memorial service will be held at Redwood Chapel, 847 Woodside Road, Redwood
City, on Friday, February 23, 2018, at 2:00 p.m.


006 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 6:51 PM Page 1

6 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Alan Russell Parsons Graveside Service at Holy Sepulchre Susan Fenech (Mei)
Obituaries Cemetery in Hayward.
Alan Russell Parsons, born Dec. 23, Susan Fenech (Mei), 60, died Thursday,
Christopher, Lauren, Grace and Madison.
1928, died peacefully Jan. 24, 2018.   Steven Lee Kelley Feb. 1, 2018, peacefully after a courageous
Alan was born the sec- battle with cancer.
ond of three children to
Marian Frances Gallagher Steven Lee Kelley, 66, died Feb. 17, Born April 6, 1957,
Marian Frances Gallagher died Feb. 17, 2018, in his home, surrounded by his loved and raised in San Carlos,
William and Marjorie
2018. She was born to James and Ella ones. California, Susan was
Parsons of Oakland. He was the husband of
After receiving a Shaughnessy on Feb. 28, the daughter of Hugo and
1929, and grew up with Kharla Kelley. They Angie Mei, and loving
Bachelor of Science shared 39 wonderful
degree in business her eight siblings in mother to Talia and
Oakland and Berkeley. years of marriage Travis.
administration from the together.
University of California, She attended St. Anthony Susan spent over 20
Catholic School and Born in San Francisco, years as a hairstylist
Berkeley, he served as a he was the son of the late
first lieutenant for the U.S. Army in Korea. Presentation High where she combined her
School. Eugene and Nadine creative flair and gift of gab, touching more
Honorably discharged in 1953, Alan Kelley. He attended
In 1949, Marian mar- hearts than hair along the way.
returned home and began a sales career in Mills High School. Steve was recently
ried Dan Gallagher. They Sue will forever be remembered for her zest
textile manufacturing. His interest turned to employed at Britannia Cal-Pacific in South for life, incredible spirit and her unyielding
moved to Millbrae in 1956 where they
the emerging field of plastics and, in 1969, San Francisco, but his lifetime passion was strength and courage in the face of adversity.
raised eight children Elizabeth, Jim, Mary,
he formed Parsons Manufacturing music and playing the drums. Sue is survived by her children Talia and
Margaret, Dan, Joe, David and Patty.
Corporation. Alan successfully built PMC, Marian enjoyed working at Mervyn’s Steve performed as a drummer with sever- Travis Fenech, and brother Dennis Mei.
creating custom vacuum-formed cases and department store for over 20 years, and al Bay Area bands from 1970 to 2018. The A memorial mass will be held 10:30 a.m.
packaging in Menlo Park. The firm contin- worked for several more years at the free spirit with which Steve played the Friday, Feb. 23, at St. Charles Church in San
ued until his retirement in 2012. Hallmark store in Millbrae before retiring. drums carried over in his life and his rela- Carlos. Reception to follow at a local restau-
In 1956, Alan married Virginia Hogan. She was predeceased by her husband Dan in tionships with family and friends. Steve rant.
Settling in the Bay Area, they raised three 2005. Marian is survived by her eight chil- will be remembered as a devoted husband,
children, Brian, Randy and Maralee. Their dren; son-in law Dave Martin; daughter-in- father, friend and entertainer. As a public serv ice, the Daily Journal
marriage ended in divorce and, in 1979, law Melena Gallagher; five grandchildren He is survived by wife Kharla, sons prints obituaries of approx imately 200
Alan married Nancy Patterson, who would Terri, Danny and Patrick Martin (Monique) Robert and Patrick and his future daughter- words or less with a photo one time on a
remain his wife and loving companion. and Elizabeth and Colleen Gallagher; and in-law, Samantha Bloom, his sisters, space av ailable basis. To submit obituaries,
Alan loved skiing, golfing, piano playing three great-grandchildren. Pamela Schmidt and husband James and email information along with a jpeg photo
and traveling the world with Nancy. They The viewing and rosary will be Thursday, Patrice Warto and husband William Warto Jr. to news@smdaily journal.com. Free obituar-
made Los Altos their home for over 30 Feb. 22, at Chapel of the Highlands, 194 Visitation begins 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. ies are edited for sty le, clarity, length and
years, enjoying family and dear friends.  Millwood Drive, Millbrae. Viewing is 5 21, with a vigil at 7 p.m., at Crippen & grammar. If y ou would lik e to hav e an obitu-
Alan is survived by his wife Nancy, son p.m. to 8 p.m. and the Rosary is at 7 p.m. Flynn Woodside Chapel, Redwood City. A ary printed more than once, longer than 200
Brian Parsons, daughters Randy Parsons The Funeral Mass is at St. Dunstan’s Mass of Christian Burial is 11:30 a.m. words or without editing, please submit an
and Maralee Parsons Sullivan, his stepson, Catholic Church, 1133 Broadway, Millbrae Thursday, Feb. 22, at St. Pius Catholic inquiry to our adv ertising department at
Randy Welsh and grandchildren Carmen, at 10 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 23, followed by a Church.  ads@smdaily journal.com.


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007 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 7:41 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL STATE/NATION Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 7

Around the nation
Investors are winners as
Florida survivors, lawmakers
companies lay out tax-saving plans
NEW YORK — It’s just what the GOP said we’d hear from
a CEO after being handed a big tax break.
on collision course over guns
By Brendan Farrington,
But when Charles Scharf announced plans last month to
spend his company’s tax savings on higher wages and tech- Josh Replogle and Tamara Lush
nology, investors began selling.
The Bank of New York Mellon CEO said he had a respon-
sibility to “share the benefit” with workers and build the PARKLAND, Fla. — Students who
“company of the future.” But investors want to share in the survived the Florida school shooting
began a journey Tuesday to the state
tax bounty as well — through higher dividends and buy-
Capitol to urge lawmakers to prevent
backs. By the end of the day, the bank’s stock was down 4.4
another massacre, but within hours the
gun-friendly Legislature had effectively
The biggest tax rewrite in three decades was sold by its
halted any possibility of banning
Republican backers as a way to help American workers, and assault-style rifles like the one used in
there have been plenty of announcements about bonuses the attack.
and plans to buy equipment and make other capital invest- The legislative action further ener-
ments to improve productivity and raise wages. But much gized the teens as they prepared to con-
more money has been earmarked for dividends and buy- front legislators who have quashed gun-
backs. control efforts for decades in a state
where 1.3 million people have con-
Uber pulls out of Morocco amid tensions cealed carry permits.
RABAT, Morocco — Uber is pulling out of Morocco — a “They’re voting to have shootings REUTERS
decision the San Francisco-headquartered company says is continually happen. These people who High school students chant and hold candles in memory of the victims of the
linked to the North African country’s failure to reform its voted down the bill haven’t experienced shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as they march around the
strict transport rules. what we did. I want to say to them, ‘It North Carolina State Capitol building calling for safer gun laws.
For nearly three years, Uber has been operating illegally could be you,”’ 16-year-old Noah
in Morocco — despite currently having 19,000 users in the Kaufman said as he made the 400-mile which accused them of being liberal his administration was working hard to
country and over 300 drivers. (640-kilometer) trip to Tallahassee. pawns. respond to the Florida rampage.
In a statement Uber said “as long as there is no real reform Three buses carried 100 students who, As the grieving Florida students Meanwhile at the Florida Statehouse,
... we are forced to suspend our operations.” in the aftermath of the attack that killed demanded action on guns, President a Democratic representative asked for a
Uber drivers have often been targets of intimidation. 17 people, want to revive the gun-con- Donald Trump on Tuesday directed the procedural move that would have
Videos have captured Uber drivers in Casablanca sur- trol movement. The teens carried sleep- Justice Department to move to ban allowed the Republican-controlled
rounded by regular taxi drivers, awaiting the authorities, ing bags and pillows and hugged their devices like the rapid-fire bump stocks House to consider a ban on large-capac-
and in some instances the clashes have become violent. parents as they departed, many wearing used in last year’s Las Vegas massacre. ity magazines and assault-style rifles
Bouchaib Abdel Moughit of Casablanca’s Taxi Union burgundy T-shirts in their school col- It was a small sign of movement on the such as the AR-15 that was wielded by
voiced relief at Uber’s departure: “For three years, they ors. gun violence issue that has long tied the suspect, Nikolas Cruz.
stole our living. The competition was unfair.” They spent the seven-hour ride Washington in knots. The bill had been assigned to three
checking their phones, watching “We must do more to protect our chil- committees but was not scheduled for a
videos and reading comments on social dren,” said Trump, a strong and vocal hearing. The House quickly nixed the
Around the state media about the shooting, some of supporter of gun rights. He added that Democratic motion.

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008 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 7:54 PM Page 1

8 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 NATION/WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Government bombing of Damascus U.S.: North Korea canceled

meeting with Pence at last minute
Around the world
“At the last minute, DPRK officials decided
WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike
suburbs in Syria kills more than 100 children’s suffering and our outrage,” the
Pence was all set to hold a history-making
meeting with North
not to go forward with the meeting,” said
State Department spokeswoman Heather
Nauert, using an acronym for the North’s for-
By Philip Issa Bassem Mroue Korean officials during mal name, the Democratic People’s Republic
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.N. children’s agency said in a terse state- the Winter Olympics in of Korea. “We regret their failure to seize this
ment about the carnage. South Korea, but Kim opportunity.”
BEIRUT — Government forces bombed Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Jong Un’s government
the northeastern suburbs of the Syrian cap- appeared to endorse the unrestrained canceled at the last Insiders: Russia troll farm
ital for a second straight day on Tuesday, assault, which he said was backed by the minute, the Trump admin-
killing more than 100 people and raising Russian air force. “In keeping with the istration said Tuesday.
even zanier than indictment says
the specter of a full-scale offensive that existing agreements, the fight against ter- A potential meeting MOSCOW — A Clinton-Obama sex tape
could spell catastrophe for the nearly rorism cannot be restricted by anything,” between Pence and the using body doubles. A Facebook page pro-
Mike Pence moting Texas independence riddled with
400,000 residents trapped under siege. he said. North Koreans had been
Rescuers raced to reach survivors in the Russia has been an unwavering ally of the most highly anticipated moment of the grammatical mistakes.
devastated Damascus suburbs known as Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces and vice president’s visit to Pyeongchang, South The U.S. indictment centered on a Russian
eastern Ghouta as warplanes and helicopter was instrumental to the all-out assault in Korea, where he led the U.S delegation to the troll farm only scratches the surface of the
gunships circled overhead, bombing hospi- late 2016 that ejected rebels from their opening ceremonies. Ahead of Pence’s visit, agency that allegedly produced content to
tals, apartment blocks, markets and other enclave in eastern Aleppo, Syria’s largest Trump officials had insisted they’d requested sway the presidential election — and glosses
civilian targets. The suburbs are the last city before the war — an outcome that no meeting with North Korea, but notably over how unconvincing some of its stunts
major stronghold for rebels in the capital Lavrov said could serve as a model for east- left open the possibility one could occur. could be.
region. ern Ghouta. There was no indication that a meeting had Many of the more eye-popping accounts of
At least 250 civilians were killed during Pro-government forces have been amass- indeed been planned — and then canceled on the Internet Research Agency’s activities
the 48 hours of unrelenting onslaught that ing since the weekend on the perimeter of short notice — until Tuesday, more than a have come from former employees.
began Monday, including 58 children, the rebel-held region, a collection of towns week after Pence returned to the United One, Alan Baskaev, told Russian televi-
according to the Syrian Observatory for and farmland that once provided grain and States. The State Department said that Pence sion channel Rain that the agency made a
Human Rights monitoring group. Another fruit to the capital before nearly five years had been “ready to take this opportunity” but video that looked like a U.S. soldier shoot-
1,000 people were wounded, it said. of warfare turned it into a landscape of would have used it to insist Pyongyang aban- ing a Quran and hired actors in an abortive
“We no longer have the words to describe havoc and despair. don its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile bid to fake a sex tape of Barack Obama and
programs. Hillary Clinton.

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009 0221 wed:1030 FRI 64 2/20/18 6:05 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 9

Letters to the editor
the drop of a hat and council can act
A national disgrace
Don’t make The benefits of
t is one of the strange ironies of modern life that
however it wishes in spite of a poli- during an era in which we find ourselves so con-
things less affordable cy. The policy unequivocally states housing at Oyster Point
cerned about the psychological needs of our own
Editor, the rotations shall be determined by Editor, children we seem to be failing in our collective responsi-
Burlingame should charge develop- the number of votes received in the Some interesting issues were raised bility for meeting the human needs of all of our children.”
ers an impact fee to mitigate the cost general election. in your Dec. 28 article on the Oyster — Eda LeShan, “The Conspiracy Against Childhood.”
of upgrading the city’s infrastructure Mayor Papan stated the council had Point housing development in South It was appalling to read in the Feb. 3 Mercury News about
affected by the project (“City looking an election process and they took a San Francisco. the number of children in the United States who die of child
at residential building fees” in the vote and the votes were not sufficient Oyster Point Development, LLC has
abuse — “Child Abuse Deaths On the Rise.” According to
Feb. 16 edition of the Daily Journal). to elect a vice mayor. There is no proposed building 1,200 units of much-
needed housing at Oyster Point as an the report, “Two years ago, a commission created by
It should not go to a “slush fund” such council voting prescribed in the Congress concluded that the United States lacks coherent,
whose purpose is yet to be deter- policy or anywhere else. She and the alternative to a build out of additional
commercial and R&D space. We con- effective strategies for reducing the number of children who
mined. Charging an “affordable hous- city attorney seem incapable of read- die each year from abuse and neglect. Although the number
ing fee” would likely be passed on to ing and understanding the rotation template a vibrant, mixed-use communi-
ty that puts more workforce and afford- of such deaths reported by the Department of Health and
the buyers or renters, making the policy or the meaning of the word Human Services has hovered around 1,500 to 1,600 annual-
“shall.” They are trying to dupe us. able housing near jobs and public trans-
development less affordable. It could ly in recent years, the commission suggested that the actual
All this calls into question her qualifi- portation, which will mitigate traffic
also discourage construction of new congestion and reduce long commutes. number may be as high as
housing altogether, causing even cations and suitability to be mayor. 3,000 a year.” Then, on
How can one conclude otherwise Residents can bike or walk to work
more of a shortage. I think the propo- or use convenient shuttle services to Feb. 14, an editorial
nents of this measure are well mean- when she willfully violates one of the bemoaned the tragic death
most important of all city policies? and from public transportation alterna-
ing, but it might just backfire. tives such as BART, Caltrain and of a 3-year-old foster child
What policy is next to be violated to by meth overdose that needs
SamTrans bus service. The project aims
serve a political or personal whim? to be investigated thor-
Tim Donnelly to get at least 40 percent of residents
Politics cannot be allowed to prevail oughly. 
out of their cars and onto alternative
Burlingame in this case.  transportation modes. Wouldn’t you think that
When we consider services and the something immediate and
Lou Sandrini movement of children to schools east drastic would have been
A community mourns and Millbrae of Highway 101, it should be noted done about the problem
we all wonder ... who’s next? that school traffic would generally run long ago? But it seems that,
Editor, outside of peak hours and in the oppo- in many areas, the deaths of
The front page of the Feb. 15 edi- Gun store site direction of traffic generated by so many children has sim-
commercial and R&D facilities. The ply been accepted as an
tion of the San Mateo Daily Journal Editor,
project also proposes to provide $76 unfortunate phenomena. This is an indication of how little
headline: “A community mourns and This might go against the current million in fees and benefits to the city
wonders why.” Shouldn’t it have read: sentiments, but I think the sporting we value our most precious national resource. It’s absolute-
to fund police and fire services, open ly outrageous that, especially in a country as wealthy and
“A community mourns and we all goods store that wants to sell firearms space and schools.
wonder ... who’s next?” It is only a in San Carlos may have a point in supposedly highly civilized as ours that this phenomenon
Oyster Point Development has exists. From serious neglect to outright slaughter, there are
matter of time before all of the their lawsuit against the city (“City already started $60 million of infra-
“assault style weapons” are aimed at may face lawsuit for gun store deci- many children who are suffering and dying.
structure investment in the area includ- According to the DHHS, this included 1,700 fatalities in
our beloved capitol buildings until we sion” in the Feb. 20 edition of the ing such improvements as new streets
actually see some real change occur. Daily Journal). I do not know if they 2016 that resulted from many kinds of child abuse. We are
and utilities, expanding the existing
Might be fun to see these “caring were required to “take steps other gun informed that “parents acting alone, together, or with other
Bay Trail, and developing new parks
public officials” diving for cover just stores in the city were not.” That may and open space. individuals were the perpetrators in 78 percent of the
like kids at schools around the coun- be true. It is provable they signed a We look forward to working closely deaths. Seventy percent of the victims were younger than
try seem to have to do with much too 10-year lease and spent $125,000 to with city officials, residents and the 3.”
much frequency. improve the space when the city said biotech community to ensure this plan Why? Probably the most obvious answer is that so many
“Oh by the way, sorry for the late delivers on their vision for South San teen girls and women who are completely irresponsible are
heads-up, but you can’t open here.” It Francisco. having babies that they are unwilling or unable to care for
John Marconi
is quite possible all these allegations properly. I can think of several reasons why this occurs. 1).
San Bruno Too many parents do not do their jobs responsibly, provid-
are true and San Carlos will lose this Clara Tang
lawsuit to the tune of millions that ing the essential care that a baby and child needs even to
Executive vice president, Oyster Point survive, often because of parental addiction to alcohol and
Politics in Millbrae could be spent better elsewhere. The
city moving the goalpost in the mid- Development, LLC other drugs. 2). Religious organizations that condemn con-
Editor, dle of the game is OK by some. South San Francisco traception and try to block attempts by Planned Parenthood
Millbrae Mayor Gina Papan should More important to “win the issue” and other similar organizations to educate teens, women
resign immediately. Her egregious than follow established law. Like col- and men about it. Isn’t it a greater sin to produce a child
refusal to follow the city’s policy for luding with the Russians, though ille- Do dogs and cats love us? who will not be cared for properly than it is to prevent the
mayor/vice mayor rotation trashes gal, was justified to save the republic Editor,  pregnancy in the first place? 3). A media that has no qualms
the public trust, jeopardizes city gov- in the view of some. That’s different Having shared my life with both about promoting irresponsible sexual activity and often
ernance and does irreparable damage — breaking established judicial dogs and cats, I agree with Ken White’s presenting females as sex objects and men as unabashed
to employee morale and confidence precedence is OK, as long as our column “Cats love us” in the Feb. 12 predators. 4). The lack of comprehensive sex education in
by setting such a terrible leadership strong feelings are more important edition of the Daily Journal that our schools that teaches not only the physical aspect, but also
example. than the other person’s equally strong furry friends love us. His examples of the psychological and moral issues involved. 
Trying to justify her actions, she feelings. At least cities in conserva- the ways our canine and feline compan- This brings to mind Pierro Ferrucci’s wonderful book,
has been deceitful, misleading and tive areas will have some cover to ions express affection and gratitude is “The Power of Kindness” and what he has to say about the
improperly used the city attorney, ban Planned Parenthood clinics. I can spot on. Those who have spent quality importance of responsibly raising children. He offers some
Mr. Conneran, to do her bidding. Mr. assure you their community feels as time with our pets realize they view us crucial reasons that children need to be valued so that fewer
Conneran should be fired for acquiesc- strong about that as San Carlos does as more than mere food processors or grow into the kinds of neglectful parents as described
ing to her request. He is representing about a legal sporting and gun store caregivers, but love us unconditional- above. He writes: “For decades we have known that a baby
her personal interests and not the opening, laws be damned.  ly. Humans can certainly learn a lot cannot survive without a mother’s warmth. Physical
city’s interest. Maybe an ethics vio- from our four-legged buddies.  warmth — to be touched, cuddled, protected, caressed,
lation. On behalf of Mayor Papan, rocked — is not a luxury, but a necessary condition of life.
the city attorney suggested city poli- John Dillon Beverly Paterson If babies do not get it, they die, and if they do not get
cy is simply guidelines, does not enough of it, they do not thrive. As they grow up, they
San Bruno San Mateo become fearful, neurotic, aggressive and possibly crimi-
constrain council, can be changed at
Also of interest: “The sense of belonging — that is, the
OUR MISSION: feeling that we are part of a whole greater than ourselves,
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most with which we are physically, mentally and spiritually
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010 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 5:34 PM Page 1

10 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Walmart’s plunge sinks retailers, breaking streak

By Alex Veiga 10-year Treasury held at 2.88.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Walmart posted the biggest
High: 25,179.01 loss in the Dow and S&P 500.
The biggest drop in Walmart’s Low: 24,884.19 The tumble represents the
stock in 30 years and losses in Close: 24,964.75 stock’s worst single-day drop
other sectors pulled U.S. indexes Change: -254.63 since January 1988. Investors
lower Tuesday, snapping a six- were disappointed with the retail
OTHER INDEXES giant’s fourth-quarter results,
day winning streak.
S&P 500: 2716.26 -15.96 which missed Wall Street’s
The losses deepened in the last
hour of trading into a broad sell- NYSE Index: 12,763.33 -111.04 expectations as the company
off that erased early gains led by Nasdaq: 7234.31 -5.16 wrestled with slower e-commerce
technology companies. NYSE MKT: 2509.73 -22.28 sales during the busiest time of
Walmart plunged 10 percent Russell 2000: 1529.99 -13.56 the year.
after reporting weak online sales Wilshire 5000: 28,187.63 -149.99 The stock shed $10.67, or 10.2
and disappointing earnings. percent, to $94.11.
Grocery store operators, retail- 10-Yr Bond: 2.89 +0.01 Several big retailers also fell,
ers, health care companies and Oil (per barrel): 61.77 +0.09 including Target, which slid
industrial stocks accounted for Gold : 1,331.40 -24.80 $2.22, or 3 percent, to $72.86.
much of the market’s slide. Ross Stores dropped $2.19, or
“Investors have been lulled 254.63 points, or 1 percent, to back some of those gains early and they also can threaten stock 2.7 percent, to $77.98.
into a false sense that stock mar- 24,964.75. The Nasdaq lost 5.16 Tuesday as trading reopened after prices by making bonds more Gap declined 5 percent after the
kets are not volatile,” said Doug points, or 0. 1 percent, to a long holiday weekend and appealing versus stocks. clothing chain said the head of
Cote, chief market strategist for 7, 234. 31. The Russell 2000 investors began sizing up com- “Some of the broader concerns the Gap brand will leave the com-
Voya Investment Management. index of smaller-company stocks pany earnings while keeping an on investors’ minds right now pany. Jeff Kirwan, who has been
“Last week was one of the best gave up 13.56 points, or 0.9 per- eye on the bond market. are looking across to the bond with the company since 2004,
weeks in years, and as we go back cent, to 1,529.99. The yield on the 10-year market and seeing the 10-year had led the namesake brand since
to normal volatility, you’re The S&P 500, a benchmark for Treasury, which is used as a Treasury starting to approach the end of 2014. The Gap said
going to see what you would many index funds, capped its benchmark for mortgages and that 3 percent level,” said Bill Kirwan had failed to achieve “the
expect: normal ups and downs.” strongest week in five years on other loans, has been rising in Northey, vice president at U.S. operational excellence and accel-
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Friday, recovering more than half recent months from a low of 2.04 Bank Wealth Management. erated profit growth” that the
index fell 15.96 points, or 0.6 of the losses it suffered in a percent in September. Higher Bond prices, which had been company expected for the Gap
percent, to 2,716.26. The Dow plunge at the beginning of this bond yields indicate investors declining early Tuesday, ended up brand. The stock lost $1.66 to
Jones industrial average slid month. Stocks began giving expect more risk of inflation, little changed. The yield on the $31.61.

Gap’s CEO of its namesake Google plans to expand

Walmart’s battle with Amazon brand stepping down
Business briefs
data center in Oklahoma
IHOP owner’s profit jumps
saps its fourth-quarter results NEW YORK — Gap says the
president and CEO of its namesake
business is stepping down and it’s
due to new tax law benefit
PRYOR, Okla. — Google is plan-
ning to open another four-story
data center in Oklahoma, bringing
By Anne d’Innocenzio counter’s better-than-expected GLENDALE — DineEquity, the
looking for a replacement. the company’s total investment in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sales at its established stores and owner of the Applebee’s and IHOP
Jeff Kirwan, who joined Gap in restaurant chains, reported that its the state to at least $2.5 billion.
higher customer traffic as online
2004, took the helm of the retail- fourth-quarter profit soared as it The company recently announced
NEW YORK — Walmart is get- services linked to its stores attract
er’s brand four years ago. benefited from the recently- plans to spend $600 million on the
ting bruised in its battle with more shoppers.
Brent Hyder, Gap executive vice changed tax law that slashed cor- additional data center at Google’s
online leader Amazon. The company’s mixed results president of global talent and sus- campus at the MidAmerica
raise concerns its push to narrow porate tax rates.
The world’s largest retailer on tainability, will serve as interim The company also announced Industrial Park near Pryor, about 40
Tuesday reported a smaller-than- the gap between itself and brand president. miles (64 kilometers) northeast of
Amazon.com Inc. may be losing Tuesday that it would officially
expected fourth-quarter profit as it Gap, once the cool brand in the change its name to Dine Brands Tulsa.
wrestled with slower e-commerce steam. This despite it making huge 1990s, has lost its way as it wres- “We hit a home run on the initial
Global Inc. later this week.
sales during the busiest time of the investments in both its digital tles with stiffer competition from phase,” Mayor Jimmy Tramel told
DineEquity reported fourth-quar-
year. The results underscore the business and its stores, where it the likes of fast-fashion players ter net income of $85.5 million, the Tulsa World . “Now the city is
company’s challenges in a fiercely has taken steps like lowering like H&M. or $4.67 per share, in the last always running the bases, running
competitive retail landscape. prices. The brand saw improving sales three months of 2017, up from the bases toward something more,
Its stock took a beating, falling Walmart’s e-commerce sales in its fiscal third quarter, but Gap $21.3 million, or $1.18 per share, something better, a new building, a
10.2 percent to post its biggest growth in its U.S. business slowed Inc.’s CEO says it needs a new in the same period the year before. new project.
single-day percentage drop in 30 to 23 percent during the fourth leader to take it to the next level. The company said much of that “They are a huge part of the com-
years. Its decline was a big factor quarter, a sharp decline from 50 The San Francisco company also increase was due to a $66.6 mil- munity, and I mean that in every
in a drop of 1 percent by the Dow percent in the third quarter. It operates Old Navy and Banana lion tax benefit. aspect.”
Jones industrial average. noted last year’s results got a big Republic stores. Gap’s shares fell Shares of DineEquity Inc. soared Officials declined to give a time-
The fourth-quarter profit num- boost from its acquisition of nearly 4 percent to $31. 96 in $12.19, or 22 percent, to $66.86 line for the project or how it would
bers overshadowed the dis- online retailer Jet.com. morning trading. in midday trading Tuesday. affect job totals.


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<<< Page 13, Sharks earn fifth win in

six games with 3-2 victory over Blues
Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018

Gritty showing on Tuesday for U.S. women

Vonn takes bronze in women’s downhill U.S. women hang tough in short program
By Pat Graham looking at a higher finish THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that nobody else in the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS before Ragnhild Mowinckel competition attempts it.
of Norway turned in a sur- GANGNE- Karen Chen bobbled
JEONGSEON, South Korea — Lindsey prise silver-medal per- UNG, South her opening triple lutz,
Vonn cast a quick glance toward the sky formance as the Korea — Bradie which was supposed to
after finishing what was 19th racer on the Tennell fell dur- feed into a triple toe,
likely her final Olympic course. ing her opening forcing her to adjust the
downhill run, shrugged Then again, jump combina- rest of her routine to
her shoulders after seeing shocking fin- tion at the squeeze in another com-
ishes seem to be Py eo n g ch an g
her time and shook a
Olympics, a mis-
Karen Chen bination jump.
friendly index finger at the norm on this All three Americans
her good friend. hill. Ester take so rare that the showed tremendous resilience in holding
No one could catch Ledecka of Czech reigning U.S. champion their programs together.
Sofia Goggia of Italy. Republic made a late couldn’t remember the Tennell, the first skater on the ice for the
Goggia won the charge last week from last time it happened. short program Wednesday, wound up with
Lindsey Vonn women’s downhill back in the pack to take Mirai Nagasu fell trying to the lead for more than two hours with her
Wednesday at Jeongseon Alpine Center and land her signature triple axel, which she
Vonn earned bronze. The American was See SKI, Page 16 pulled off in the team event but is so hard See SKATE, Page 16

Appeal denied
Louisville hoops must vacate
2013 national championship
By Gary B. Graves strong case —
precedent —
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Louisville that supported
officials are not happy with the our argument.”
NCAA’s decision that mandates the Louisville may
school vacate its 2013 men’s bas- have presented a
ketball championship in the wake strong case, but
of an embarrassing sex scandal, the NCAA had its
and interim President Greg Postel Andre McGee own convic-
did not hide his disappointment. tions.
It’s the first time a Division 1 The decision by the governing
men’s basketball program has body’s Infraction Appeals
been stripped of a national title. Committee ruled that the NCAA
While acknowledging the scandal has the authority to take away
was unacceptable, Postel believes championships for what it consid-
the school’s cooperation with the ers major rule violations. In the
TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL NCAA should have counted for eight-page decision, the NCAA
No. 11-seed Carlmont held off Milpitas for a 59-51 win more than it did. also refuted Louisville’s position
in Tuesday’s CCS Division I boys’ basketall opener. But Tuesday Louisville that the governing body exceeded
Left: Scots forward David Bedrosian puts up a layup. announced that an NCAA appeals its boundaries and didn’t follow
Above: Scots forward Seiya Mirande floats a hook shot. panel had upheld sanctions its own precedent established in
against the men’s program. As a other cases.

Scots win rowdy one

result, the Cardinals have to Louisville now must forfeit its
vacate not only the champi- third NCAA title, victories and
onship, but 122 other victories income from 2011-15, part of the
and return about $600,000 in con- timeframe during which the viola-
ference revenue from the 2012-15 tions occurred. The decision is the
NCAA Tournaments. culmination of the NCAA’s inves-
Carlmont takes down Milpitas in CCS hoops opener “I cannot say this strongly
enough: We believe the NCAA is
tigation that followed allegations
in a 2015 book by escort Katina
By Terry Bernal Not only did the Scots squander a and contributed three big assists simply wrong,” Postel said Powell that former Cardinals bas-
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF 13-point lead they held at the start to lead the Scots into Thursday’s Tuesday. “We disagree with the ketball staffer Andre McGee hired
of the fourth quarter, allowing second-round game. They travel to NCAA ruling for reasons we clearly
The Central Coast Section play- Milpitas to close it to a one-score No. 6 Los Altos for a 7 p.m. tipoff. stated in our appeal. And we made a See NCAA, Page 14
offs opened Tuesday and, for the margin. Trash talking and physi- “He’s our guy,” Carlmont head
Carlmont Scots, that means it’s cal play devolved into Carlmont coach Ron Ozorio said. “He’s our
“Sho time.”
It wasn’t always pretty as No.
11-seed Carlmont (11-14 overall)
opened CCS Division I boys’ bas-
getting slapped with two technical
fouls in the closing period.
A no-nonsense effort by guard
Sho Takahashi kept Carlmont on
quarterback. We rely on him so much,
maybe too much. But he’s maybe one
of the best ball handlers in the PAL.
And he can do that kind of thing.”
Dubs eye home stretch By Brian Mahoney
ketball play at home Tuesday with point, though. The versatile jun- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
a 59-50 win over Milpitas (10-14). ior scored a team-high 14 points See SCOTS, Page 15
The Golden State Warriors are

Orlando Cepeda hospitalized in Bay Area also in the unusual position of pur-
suers, after red-hot Houston passed
them for the league’s best record
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS an 80th birth- seasons, beginning with the with 10 straight wins leading into
day event for Giants. He also played for St. the All-Star break. But nobody
SAN FRANCISCO — Hall of Hall of Famer Louis, Atlanta, Oakland, Boston would count out the Warriors, not
Famer Orlando Cepeda has been W i l l i e and Kansas City. with their star-studded group that
hospitalized in the Bay Area. McCovey last A seven-time All-Star who played has won two of the last three titles.
The San Francisco Giants said month. in three World Series, Cepeda was The Warriors were hurt by the
Tuesday the 80-year-old Cepeda Cepeda, who the 1958 NL Rookie of the Year longer-than-usual time it took to
had been taken to a hospital late earned the with San Francisco and NL MVP in reach the break. They were just 6-4
Monday. The team had no further nickname “The 1967 with St. Louis. In 1961, he in their last 10 games and at 44-14
details. Orlando Cepeda Baby Bull, ” led the NL with 46 homers and 142 KYLE TERADA/USA TODAY SPORTS already have more losses than they
Cepeda has been a regular at was a first RBIs. Cepeda was a .297 career hit- Steph Curry said the Warriors are
Giants home games and attended baseman during his 17 big league ter with 379 home runs. ready to hit the ground running. See NBA, Page 14
012 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 11:32 PM Page 1

12 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Cañada back to playoffs With West Coast in the rearview

By Terry Bernal

After nearly letting their second straight postseason

mirror, Masters is on the horizon
appearance slip away, the Cañada Colts snuck into the By Doug Ferguson
California Community College playoffs, and will open with THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
a home game at that.
Despite losing four of their last five regular-season PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — It
games, the Colts open the playoffs on took until the start of the Florida
their home court at the College of San swing — seven tournaments — for a
Mateo. Cañada (14-14 overall) is seeded PGA Tour event in 2018 to not feature
No. 15 in the 18-team Northern at least one of the top three players in
California field, and will host No. 18 the world. Not that anyone cares at the
Feather River (18-9) Wednesday at 7 p.m. Honda Classic.
Entering the final three weeks of the Tiger Woods is playing.
season, Cañada was holding strong in Woods has picked up a new nick-
second place in the Coast Conference name in golfing circles during his
Mike Reynoso North. Then the Colts plummeted, losing return to golf: The Needle.
four straight in games to Ohlone, Las He doesn’t just move it. He is it.
Positas, San Francisco and Foothill. Television can’t (and shouldn’t) Above: Tiger Woods lines up a putt Feb.
In the Colts’ Feb. 16 season finale at Chabot, they sal- keep the camera off him. He was on the 15 at Riviera Country Club.
vaged a 93-49 victory to get back in the win column for the opposite end of the course at Torrey Right: Dustin Johnson plays his shot
first time since Jan. 26. Pines and visible everywhere because Feb. 10 at Pebble Beach Golf.
“The Chabot game was a must-win for us to get in the of a gallery that stretched from tee-to- was as close to regaining the form of be to win. And then he won a playoff at
playoffs,” Cañada head coach Mike Reynoso said. “If we green on every hole. Crowds either last spring, which was the best he ever Torrey Pines.
lost, it would have put our chips in someone else’s basket; thinned or dispersed — safe money is played. But after a lackluster week in Watson switched to the Volvik golf
on the former — after he missed the cut Abu Dhabi (tie for ninth), he wasn’t ball of the yellow, green and pink
See COLTS, Page 15 at Riviera. sharp at Pebble Beach and failed to win variety. He says that was never an
That doesn’t figure to change any- after sharing the 54-hole lead with Ted issue, pinning last year’s problems on
time soon, certainly not before the Potter Jr. In his title defense at a health issue that caused him to lose
Masters, though Woods likely will Riviera, he was slowed by a triple some 20 pounds, and ultimately lose
play only twice before then. Until he bogey (first round) and double bogey power and then confidence. He was
improves on a world ranking at No. (final round) on the fifth hole. No. 117 in the world before winning at
544, he is not eligible for the two Even so, he became the fifth player Riviera, a reminder of how good he can
World Golf Championships over the since 1986 to stay at No. 1 for an be.
next month. entire year. He has had at least a share Much like Day, the fact Watson
This will be a different kind of road of the 54-hole lead in three of his last wants to be an elite player again is
to the Masters for him. five official events, and was within half the battle.
In the rearview is a West Coast five shots at the other two.
Swing that showed glimpses of who is With six weeks to go before the Climbing
surging and who needs work, but very Masters, he’s still the player to beat. Jordan Spieth has been trying to
little clarity except for the sky. From reset his putting stroke for close to a
Hawaii to California, weather was Surging year. He’s good enough that he still
never an issue. Neither were ballistic Jason Day and Bubba Watson won won the British Open because he made
missiles. tournaments and got back into the putts when he needed, which is part of
conversation. his greatness.
Dustin Johnson Day made the wrong kind of history What set him back was mononucleo-
Johnson made it clear he is not stay- when he finished last year out of the sis late last year, which cost him time
ing in the same house for the Masters, top 10 after starting it at No. 1. His in the gym and on the range. He is get-
where last year he slipped down the mother was battling lung cancer, ting closer to where he wants to be
wooden stairs while wearing socks and which disrupted the early part of the with the putter, but he has yet to finish
not only wrenched his back, he year. Mainly, though, Day saw No. 1 closer than five shots of the winner in
wrecked his year. Johnson never let on as a burden and wound up losing the his four starts this year. Spieth likely
how much momentum he lost from discipline that makes him look has three starts in March ahead of
that fall. unbeatable at times. Day said he was Augusta. He has won each of the last
He started the new year with an ready to get back to the top, and he three years before getting to the
eight-shot victory and suggested he knew the only way to get there would Masters.

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013 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 9:28 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 13

MLB brief
Red-hot Sharks roll past slumping Blues
By Warren Mayes
Three-team trade sends Drury to
Yankees, Souza to Diamondbacks
Sharks 3, Blues 2
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — The Arizona
St. Louis answered at last nine games (four goals, six assists) Diamondbacks have sent infielder Brandon
ST. LOUIS — Logan Couture and Mikkel 8:23 when Barbashev against the Sharks. Drury to the New York Yankees and received
Boedker each had a goal and an assist, send- scored on a wrist shot San Jose’s Brent Burns prevented a goal outfielder Steven Souza Jr. from the Tampa
ing the Sharks to a 3-2 victory over the from the top of the right with less than five minutes left. During a Bay Rays in a three-team trade that
slumping St. Louis Blues Tuesday night. circle that sailed over scramble in front of the net, the puck hit the includes five players.
Joonas Donskoi also scored and Martin Jones’ arm. post and was sliding along the goal line
Jones made 30 saves for San Jose, which The deal was announced Tuesday, one day
Donskoi beat Hutton when Burns knocked it out.
has won five of its last six games. after former Diamondbacks outfielder J.D.
Logan Couture on a wrist shot from the This was the first meeting between St.
Martinez agreed to a $110 million, five-year
Ivan Barbashev and Vladimir Tarasenko left circle at 12:05. Louis and San Jose this season. The Blues
had the goals for the Blues, who have lost a Couture assisted on Donskoi’s first goal in swept the three-game season series last contract with Boston, pending a physical.
season-high four straight. 17 games. year, outscoring the Sharks 11-3 overall, Drury gives the Yankees a new option at
After a scoreless first period, the teams Boedker gave San Jose a 3-1 lead at 15:54 and had won four straight against the third base or second, where New York was
combined for five goals in the second. when he scored from the left side of the net. Sharks. projected to start a pair of rookies.
San Jose took a 1-0 lead when Couture Boedker has five goals in his last four Hutton made his second start in the last Arizona pitching prospect Anthony
knocked in a loose puck at 6:35. Boedker games. five games and stopped 20 shots. Banda goes to the Rays, who also get
fired in a shot from the point that goalie Tarasenko cut the margin to 3-2 on a Previously against the Sharks, he was 4-0-1 minor league second baseman Nick Solak
Carter Hutton blocked but couldn’t corral. power play when he fired in the rebound of a with a 0.98 goals-against average, a .968 from the Yankees. Minor league right-han-
Couture was on the spot and scored his 24th shot by Vince Dunn at 19:36 for his 24th of save percentage and two shutouts in five der Taylor Widener goes from New York to
of the season. the season. Tarasenko has 10 points in his career starts. the Diamondbacks.

MLB mandates pitching change for seventh mound visit

By Janie McCauley that it’s a fan issue, our broadcast partners the players’ jobs to move forward as the game
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “If it affects me, I’ll tell us that it’s a fan issue, and the independ- adapts, whether they like the decisions or not.
adjust. I don’t ent research that our broadcast partners do “I actually was listening to John Smoltz
GLENDALE, Ariz. — Managers or coaches confirm with that, that it’s a fan issue. talk about it and I agree with what he was
must make a pitching change if they head to foresee it being “Because it’s a fan issue at the end of the day, saying. He says as baseball players you
the mound for the seventh time in a game an issue.” I hope it’s an issue that you will be able to find adjust,” Posey said last week. “No matter
under baseball’s new pace of play rules. — Buster Posey
common ground with all the constituents in what it is, you adjust. I think it might affect
Commissioner Rob Manfred and execu- the game moving forward, because it is after a few people, but they’ll adjust. If it affects
tive Joe Torre explained some of the param- Torre noted that umpires will keep players all the fans that makes the engine known as me, I’ll adjust. I don’t foresee it being an
eters Tuesday, one day after MLB imposed from proceeding to see the pitcher if six Major League Baseball run.” issue. For me personally, baseball being
stricter limits on mound visits in an effort mound visits have already occurred. MLB has the right to institute rules my job, my job’s to go out and perform with
to speed up games. “From our perspective it’s important to changes absent an agreement with one year what I have. That’s kind of the way I
“I don’t see pace of games issues as harsh or go back to, first, principles. On pace of notice and made proposals during the 2016- approach it. I think ultimately though if
not harsh,” Manfred said during his annual game, I think the first and most important 17 offseason for a pitch clock and more you’re looking at it from a fan’s perspec-
visit to the Cactus League. “I see them as a fan principle is that pace of game is a fan restrictions on mound visits. tive, you want to put a product on the field
friendly issue.” issue,” Manfred said. “Our research tells us Giants catcher Buster Posey noted that it’s that they’re going to enjoy the most.”

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014 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 8:27 PM Page 1

14 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

and MVP honors. James. The Cavaliers added new pieces around Minnesota for third while still hoping Kawhi

NBA What he really wants is to be celebrating in

the postseason, not midseason.
The NBA’s sprint to the finish begins
him earlier this month, and there’s not a lot of
time left to build championship chemistry.
The Cavs went into the break with four
Leonard returns from his thigh injury, and it’s
a gap of only 4 1/2 games from there to 10th
place, where the Utah Jazz have won 11
Continued from page 11 Thursday with the straight wins, but they’re still just third in the straight.
Warriors’s pursuit of the conference and couldn’t gain any ground on The East has a close race for fourth place and
Rockets for the best the Raptors, who have won seven straight to home-court advantage in the first round
averaged over the last three seasons (13). record in teh Western
Coach Steve Kerr made it clear that his team pass the Celtics. Toronto is an NBA-best 24- between Washington and Indiana, and posi-
Conference hosting the 4 at home and could make the Cavs’ NBA tioning to be settled down the bottom of the
needed a rest and now that Los Angeles Clippers,
the Warriors had it, they’re Finals plans difficult if they have to go bracket, where Milwaukee, Philadelphia and
while Cleveland tries to through Canada. Miami hold the final three spots.
ready to try to reel in the catch Toronto and Boston
Rockets. “We would hope so, but we’ve got to get But the biggest question might be the
in the Eastern Conference. there,” Raptors All-Star guard Kyle Lowry
“We’ve got 20-some- Celtics, who slumped into the break with
LeBron James “We just added four new said. “We’ve got to finish the season strong.” three straight losses after leading the confer-
thing games before the
playoffs to chase another guys before the break, and Much of the work is already done, since ence most of the season, and now have one
championship,” All-Star we have a lot of work to do,” James said. “So I the NBA’s earlier start to this season means team ahead of them and another behind that
Stephen Curry said. “So, really don’t like to think that too far ahead. But teams are well beyond the midway point of has the momentum.
ready to hit the ground run- obviously winning championships is what it’s their schedules. They will have about 25 “The Raptors have been playing really
Steve Kerr all about. That’s what this league is all about games remaining, with so much to sort out
ning when we get back.” well. Cleveland has been playing really well.
Looking to continue the biggest postsea- and hopefully at the end of the road then I have in both conferences. But we’ve got to get back to playing really
son rivalry in modern basketball is LeBron the Cavs there to actually compete for one, to It’s a two-team race at the top of the West but well, too,” the Celtics’ Jaylen Brown said.
James who, at Sunday’s All-Star Game, again be in a finals representing the East.” things are tight well beyond that. San “So as the season moves forward, we’re look-
rose above the NBA’s best in winning a game Cleveland is the unknown, even with Antonio is just percentage points ahead of ing forward to getting back to the top spot.”

2013 title and 2012 Final Four banners were seem to be guidelines and then there’s great no longer coaching;

NCAA removed from the rafters at the KFC Yum!

Postel doesn’t feel the punishment fits the
discretion on the guidelines,” Tyra said. “It’s
very difficult to follow and set precedent. That
was certainly an unusual experience.“
• Postel estimates the return of about
$600,000 in NCAA Tournament revenue.
“This dark cloud has hung over our heads for
Continued from page 11 violations. The school’s own investigation into the more than two years, and it has had a negative
“From Day One, the university has admit- allegation revealed that violations occurred impact on our athletics program, our fans and
ted that the actions of the former operations and resulted in a self-imposed postseason ban the entire university family,” Postel said.
her and other dancers to strip and have sex
director and any others involved under previ- nearly two years ago. Louisville later “While we disagree with the NCAA’s decision,
with recruits.
ous leadership were offensive and inexcus- imposed scholarship and recruiting restric- it is time for the university to close this chap-
Former coach Rick Pitino repeatedly denied
able,” Postel said in his statement. “That is tions in an effort to mitigate further NCAA ter and move forward with a stronger commit-
knowing about the activi-
why we apologized immediately, cooperated discipline. ment to excellence on and off the court.”
ties described in Powell’s
book, but the blemish on fully with the NCAA, self-imposed penalties While the NCAA accepted Louisville’s Interim coach David Padgett said he talked
the program will never be that were appropriate to the offenses and actions, it went further with harsher sanc- to his team about the announcement and
forgotten — not after made significant changes to ensure incidents tions last June that included: texted several former players from that title
Tuesday’s sanctions. like this never happen again. • A five-game suspension of Pitino, who squad, reminding them of their achievement.
Besides taking down “Under the NCAA’s own rules, this cooper- was fired in October following Louisville’s “This doesn’t change what you did. You
the red-and-white banner ation should have been a factor in the severi- acknowledgement that it was being investi- won 16 games in a row, you went 35-5 and cut
that hung beside the ty of the punishment. Instead, it was gated in a federal bribery probe of college down the nets in Atlanta,” Padgett said he told
American flag and two ignored.” basketball. That measure included a show- former Cardinals. “You don’t need a banner to
Rick Pitino Interim athletic director Vince Tyra said the cause penalty for Pitino, whom the NCAA know you’re a national champion.”
other title flags in the
Cardinals’ downtown arena, Louisville must NCAA process was “unusual” compared to a criticized for failing to monitor McGee and The NCAA’s decision can’t erase what actu-
erase wins before and after that championship federal organization such as OSHA ignoring multiple red flags; ally happened, but it does remove some of the
along with other records. (Occupational Safety and Health • Four years’ probation, along with the tangible reminders at Louisville.
That process started almost immediately. Administration), where he said guidelines are vacation of those wins and appearances in the And with the ongoing corruption investi-
Basketball spokesman Kenny Klein con- more black-and-white. 2012 and 2013 Final Fours; gation, more changes could be looming on
firmed by Tuesday evening that both the “With the NCAA, there are bylaws which • Show-cause penalties for McGee, who is the horizon.
015 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 11:37 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 15

through the second and third quarters. The the lead to 47-44 with 3:05 remaining in reg-
CCS roundup
SCOTS Trojans totaled 17 turnovers in the game with
eight in the second quarter and — after
Carlmont went into the pressure trap to start
ulation, Carlmont seemed on the brink of
That’s when Nelson responded with one of Boys’ basketball
Continued from page 11 the second half — seven more turnovers in the biggest shots of the night, taking aim DIVISION IV
the third. with a smooth stroke to crush a 3-pointer. Harker 60, Terra Nova 54
“That’s been a problem all year,” Milpitas “It was huge,” Ozorio said. “He’s done that No. 12 Harker (12-13) used a 17-9 second-
A back-and-forth duel through the opening quarter run to eliminate Terra Nova (12-14)
head coach Champ Wrencher said. “It doesn’t for us all year. … He can light it up. When
eight minutes left Milpitas leading 18-17 from the CCS Division IV bracket. Seniors
even have to be a hard press. It just has to be Sho or Lajuan get it going we’re in good
heading into the second quarter. Then Josh Milch and Alex Pera closed out their
visible.” shape.”
Takahashi went to work. With the Scots trail- Tigers careers by each scoring in double-
ing 25-22 after a pair of free throws from It was a tough go this season for Milpitas It was the start of a 9-2 run for the Scots,
after losing its regular point guard at the who backed up the clutch 3 with a sharp hook figures. Milch netted a game-high 18 points
Milpitas senior guard DJ Gunabe — who while Pera scored 12.
totaled a game-high 22 points — Takahashi beginning of the year. To make matters shot from junior big man Ben Ledwith, fol-
drilled back-to-back 3-pointers to give worse, the Trojans lost their 6-5 starting cen- lowed by junior forward David Bedrosian
ter after a Jan. 17 win over Gunn — the even- bulling to the hoop off a lob pass from DIVISION II
Carlmont its first lead of the evening. Wilcox 79, Woodside 64
Then at the start of the second half, when tual Santa Clara Valley El Camino Division Nelson.
champs — and went on to lose seven of their San Mateo 53, Andrew Hill 44
Milpitas rallied back to tie it at 30-30, the 3- Nelson finished the game with 11 points
point touch became contagious. last eight regular-season games, finishing and senior center Seiya Mirande added 10.
tied for sixth in the El Camino Division.
“When everything is going right, we kind Tempers got the best of both teams down Capuchino 58, Del Mar 56
of just play with the flow,” Takahashi said. Nonetheless, the Trojans nearly pulled off a the stretch. Each Mirande and Bedrosian were
Takahashi initiated the most critical flow miracle over the final eight minutes against handed technical fouls in the closing min- DIVISION IV
of the night, dishing assists to juniors Jake Carlmont. utes. Summit Prep 53, North Valley Baptist 39
Kennedy and Lajuan Nelson, each of whom Milpitas opened the fourth quarter on a 10- “It’s a problem for us,” Ozorio said. “We
converted from beyond the arc as Carlmont 0 run, spurred by the 3-point shooting of sen- don’t have good behavior in those situa- Girls’ basketball
scored eight straight points amid a 17-4 run ior forward Jose Bermudez. The Trojans shot tions.” DIVISION III
to close the third quarter. well throughout at a 48.8 percent clip but did- There were no altercations on or off the James Lick 41, Hillsdale 32
Carlmont shot 44.7 percent from the floor n’t knock down a single 3 through the first court, though some postgame trash talking Soledad 57, Capuchino 45
throughout, including 7 of 15 from 3-point three quarters. Fernandez totaled three 3s in in the concourse outside the gym did result in
land. Five different Scots contributed to the the fourth period. a Carlmont player getting dressed down by a DIVISION IV
3-point tally. “It was frustrating to watch,” Ozorio said. Milpitas assistant coach. Carmel 46, Mercy-Burlingame 32
“I think our whole starting five is comfort- “We fell into the same things we’ve been “We play well,” Ozorio said. “We play this
able stepping out to the 3-point line,” doing all year.” game the right way most of the time. … But if DIVISION V
Takahashi said. “So it’s a pretty free-flowing Sloppy man-to-man defensive assign- we play a physical team, if we get pushed Anzar 50, Nueva School 23
offense. Whoever’s open, we just take it.” ments cost the Scots the most. And when around, we push back. And that’s on me. I Oakwood 29, Summit Shasta 25
Turnovers were problematic for Milpitas Gunabe danced for a baseline drive to close accept full responsibility for that.” Crystal Springs 44, Summit Prep 34

gy level,” Reynoso said. “What a thing to that was another big component of it.” we’re really potent,” Reynoso said. “In that

COLTS deal with for Skyline.”

Then, after the Feb. 2 loss to Las Positas
94-89, sophomore forward Antony Navarrete
Former Westmoor standout Sean Orr
stepped into the starting forward role, aver-
aging 22 minutes per game since then.
sense we just play and try to make the team
make mistakes. We don’t gamble. We just
try to put ourselves in a position where we
Continued from page 12 opted to leave the team. He was the Colts’ Cañada’s starting five rounds out with defend well and capitalize on the other
second-leading scorer and rebounder behind Dickerson, former Menlo-Atherton point team’s mistakes.”
sophomore Keith Dickerson. guard Eric Norton, a true freshman, sopho- Cañada has now advanced to the postsea-
and it wouldn’t have looked good.” son three times in the last four years. Last
Reynoso said the reason for Navarrete’s more guard Marcel Burton, and freshman
Two major events impacted the Colts’ sea- departure was for transfer purposes, as the guard Noah Conner. season, the Colts reached the California
son. One, neighboring Skyline College sophomore is garnering interest from a Cañada ranks third in the state in steals, a Community College Elite 8 before falling
suffered a tragedy with the death of sopho- California State Division II school that component of the team’s signature aggres- 83-65 to Las Positas. In 2014-15, they
more forward KeDraun Buckner. The 20- works on the semesters system, allowing sive defense. According to Reynoso, reached the state Final Four, falling in an
year-old died in the early morning Jan. 31. for 10 semesters of playing eligibility. though — not too aggressive. opening-round overtime heartbreaker to
Later that night, Cañada’s four-game losing Staying with the Cañada team another “When we defend the way we’re coached to Saddleback 75-68.
streak began. month would have cost Navarrete a seventh
Reynoso said several of his players were semester of eligibility.
good friends with Buckner. “He needs to worry about his future,”
“You can tell we just dropped on the ener- Reynoso said. “But during the losing streak

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016 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 12:00 AM Page 1

16 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

82.92 points, followed by Russian

Division I
Division IV
SKATE teammate Evgenia Medvedeva with
81.61. Canada’s Kaetlyn Osmond
was third with 78.87.
Division I No. 5 Carlmont (18-7) vs. TBD at Carlmont, 7 p.m. No. 6 SHP (12-12) vs. TBD at SHP, 7 p.m. Continued from page 11 Nagasu wound up ninth, with her
No.14 Sequoia (10-7-3) at No.3 St.Francis (11-3-6),3 p.m. Division III Division V
No.10 Serra (12-6-2) at No.7 North Salinas (11-5-2),3 p.m. No. 7 Burlingame (15-9) vs.TBD at Burlingame, 7 p.m. No. 5 Alma Heights (22-2) vs.TBD at Alma, 7 p.m. teammates right behind.
No.15 Aragon (6-6-8) at No.2 San Benito (9-3-8),TBA No. 8 Mills (14-10) vs. TBD at Mills, 7 p.m. No.9 Summit Shasta (12-8) at No.8 Nueva (13-9),7 p.m. To be sure, it’s easy to give up
No.12Alvarez(9-5-6)atNo.5Menlo-Atherton(12-4-3),7p.m. Division IV score of 64.01 points. Nagasu had
Division II No. 6 Terra Nova (16-9) vs.TBD at Terra Nova, 7 p.m. FRIDAY 66.93 and Chen totaled 65.90, when you train your entire life for 2
No.14 Latino College Prep (14-2-4) at No.3 Half Moon Bay Open Division leaving all three out of medal con- minutes, 45 seconds on the
(15-3-1),7 p.m. FRIDAY
No.10Westmoor (11-5-2)at No.7 Saratoga (10-6-2),3 p.m. Open Division
No. 2 Menlo (23-1) vs. No. 7 Mitty (9-15) at Fremont tention but proud of the way they Olympic ice, only for things to go
High, 5:30 p.m.
No. 12 Menlo School (11-4-3) at No. 5 Prospect (12-5- No. 6 Menlo School (16-7) vs. No. 3 Presentation (20- No. 5 Sequoia (22-5) vs. No. 4 St. Francis (18-6) at fought back. awry before you finish the opening
3), 7 p.m. 4) at Christopher High, 5:30 p.m. Santa Clara High, 5:30 p.m. element.
GIRLS “I think it’s just that each of us
No. 8 Serra (15-9) vs. No. 1 Bellarmine at Santa Clara
High, 7:30 p.m. Tennell did not participate in the
Division I Division I have been through so many experi-
team event, when the U.S. won the
No.16 San Benito (9-8-2) at No.1 Woodside (6-4-8),5:30 No. 1 M-A (19-7) vs.TBD at Santa Clara High,TBA
SATURDAY ences and ups and downs. We each
p.m. No. 2 Sequoia (19-7) vs.TBD at Santa Clara High,TBA bronze medal , so her short program
Division II Division I struggle with our individual obsta-
No.9 Carlmont (6-5-9) at No.8 St.Ignatius (11-4-4),3 p.m.
No. 3 M-A (16-9) vs.TBD at Piedmont Hills High,TBA was her Olympic debut. She landed
No.13 Sequoia (13-4-3) at No.4 Fremont (14-2-4),7 p.m. No. Aragon (12-5) vs.TBD at Gunn High,TBA cles,” Chen said. “I’m sure they’re
Division II Division III Division II everything during her early morn-
No. 3 Aragon (14-9) vs. TBD at Aragon, TBA all really different but the same in
No. 3 Terra Nova (7-5-6) at No. 14 Gunderson (12-2-2), No. 1 South City (23-4) vs.TBD at Aptos High,TBA ing practice — in fact, she had land-
5:30 p.m. Division IV Division III many ways, and I think that’s given
No. 3 Mills (20-6) vs. TBD at St. Ignatius, TBA ed just about everything since arriv-
No. 7 Scotts Valley (10-5-3) vs. No. 10 Mercy-Burlingame No. 1 SHP (13-10) vs TBD at Scotts Valley High,TBA us character, to never give up and
(16-3-1) at Skyline College,3 p.m. No. 2 NDB 12-11) vs.TBD at Scotts Valley High,TBA Division IV ing in South Korea — and that had
No. 15 Carmel (10-9-1) at No. 2 Notre Dame-Belmont No. 4 HMB (19-6) vs.TBD at Scotts Valley High,TBA No. 1 HMB (21-4) vs. TBD at Hartnell College, TBA keep going.”
given her tremendous confidence
(14-3-1), 3 p.m. Division V No. 3 Jefferson (20-7) vs.TBD at Hartnell College,TBA
No. 12 Menlo School (7-9-2) at No. 5 South City (15-2- No. 1 Priory (10-14) vs. TBD at Alma Heights, TBA Division V Alina Zagitova led heading into heading into her short program at
3), 5:30 p.m. No.2 Alma Heights (21-2) vs.TBD at Alma Heights,TBA No. 2 Priory (14-10) vs. TBD at Pinewood, TBA Friday’s free skate with a record Gangneung Ice Arena.

years.” Olympics or a world championships. She because of my grandfather,” Vonn said. “I

SKI Vonn captured the downhill gold at the

2010 Vancouver Olympics, but didn’t get a
chance to defend it four years later when she
has four World Cup wins — two of them at
this venue.
“I still don’t realize I’m first,” Goggia
wanted to win so much because of him, but I
still think I made him proud.”
Mikaela Shiffrin didn’t race downhill
Continued from page 11 sat out the Sochi Games after tearing liga- said. “I was really focused. I moved like a because of the altered Olympic program.
ments in her right knee. In a way, this was Samurai. Usually, I’m really chaotic but I When the Alpine combined was moved a day
her “defense.” wanted to take in every little detail, every forward to Thursday, Shiffrin elected to skip
the super-G title. She skipped the downhill
“If you think what’s happened over the particular in the morning. I believed in the downhill race rather than compete in
to step back into the snowboarding realm
last eight years and what I’ve been through myself — and then what counts, counts.” back-to-back days.
and will go through qualifying Thursday in
the parallel giant slalom. to get here, I gave it all and to come away Goggia and Vonn have struck up a friend So now Shiffrin and Vonn will meet for
Goggia finished in a time of 1 minute, with a medal is a dream come true,” Vonn over the years, with Goggia recently visit- the first time in an Olympics race during the
39.22 seconds to hold off Mowinckel by said. “You’ve got to put things into per- ing Vonn at her home in Colorado. They last individual women’s event. The com-
0. 09 seconds. Vonn was 0. 47 seconds spective. Of course, I’d have loved a gold bonded over their love of dogs — and ski bined adds the times of a downhill ——
behind Goggia. medal but, honestly, this is amazing and I’m racing. advantage, Vonn — and one run of slalom —
“I gave it all today, skied a great race,” so proud.” “Lindsey is a great skier, the greatest big advantage, Shiffrin.
Vonn said. “Sofia just skied better than I This particular track suits Goggia’s skier, a great person and a great woman,” Both are not planning to participate in
did.” aggressive skiing. She also edged Vonn in Goggia said. “It’s always an honor to take the team event on Saturday to close out the
At 33, Vonn becomes the oldest female March to win the only World Cup downhill part in the same race as her. It’s fun, too. Alpine skiing program.
medalist in Alpine skiing at the Winter contested on the hill. Afterward, we’re friends. We’ll go for a cof- On her Twitter account, Shiffrin said:
Games. The record was held by Austria’s Maybe mind games. Maybe a ploy. But fee together, talk about our work. It’s good “This. Track. Is. So. Fun! Only slightly
Michaela Dorfmeister, who was just shy of each pointed to the other as the one to watch for our sport.” bummed I’m not skiing it today cause we
her 33rd birthday when she won the down- in the days leading up to the race. Goggia Vonn has dedicated these Olympics to her have 4 girls who are ready to hammer down
hill and the super-G at the 2006 Turin referred to Vonn as “definitely the favorite.” grandfather , Don Kildow, who died in and I can’t wait to watch!”
Olympics. Goggia was behind at the top, but found November. She wears his initials “DK” on It’s been a memorable Olympics for
“I wish I could keep going. I have so much another speed near the bottom. Vonn could- the side of her helmet as a tribute. Mowinckel, who also finished with the sil-
fun. I love what I do,” Vonn said. “My body n’t match it when she raced two spots later. “It’s been really hard for me not to get ver medal in the giant slalom.
just can’t, probably can’t, take another four This was Goggia’s first gold at an emotional for so many reasons, especially American Alice McKennis finished fifth.
017 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 5:03 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL FOOD Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 17

Silky leek soup a simple meal

By Katie Workman In a large pot, heat the butter and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 tablespoon olive oil over medi-
um-low heat until the butter is
No matter how many dazzling melted. Add the leeks and garlic,
things we have the good fortune to season with salt and pepper, and
eat in our lives, we often remem- sauti, stirring frequently, for about
ber the simplest meals with as 20 minutes until they are very
much power and affection as the lightly browned and quite tender.
fanciest. A humble, pureed veg- Remove a few tablespoons of the
etable soup is among those partic- leek mixture and set aside. Add the
ular pleasures. Also, Proustian broth and 2 cups of water and
prose aside, if you’re feeling lazy, bring to a simmer over medium
you can get from a few ingredients heat. Cook until the leeks are very
to deliciousness in no time. soft, about 10 minutes.
The only work involved here is Puree the leeks and liquid in a
remembering to stir the leeks fair- blender or food processor until
ly often for 20 minutes. You’ll completely smooth, and return to
want to keep them on medium-low the pot. Do this in two batches,
heat and take the full amount of transferring the first half to a bowl
cooking time so they become if necessary (too much hot liquid
meltingly tender and only lightly in a blender or food processor is
browned; turning up the heat to not a good idea). Stir in the heavy
rush the process may result in cream, and taste and adjust season-
them burning, and they won’t get ing as needed. Serve immediately,
as lushly soft over higher heat. or refrigerate and serve chilled.
You could absolutely add some Place a small mound of the
fresh herbs here, from basil to reserved sautied leeks on top of
If you do want to add fresh herbs, they can be added at the end when you puree the soup, or just strew a few each serving, and give each bowl a
thyme to plain old parsley if you leaves, chopped or whole, on top of each serving.
want a different twist, but taste the drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle
soup as-is first. You may very well Use vegetable broth and the or two of broth or water. green parts only, thinly sliced and of any minced herbs you like.
want to stick with the simple ver- soup is vegetarian. Skip the cream well rinsed Season once more with salt and
sion where the flavor of the leeks (and use an extra tablespoon of oil SILKY LEEK SOUP 1 garlic clove, minced pepper.
shines through unobstructed (it’s a instead of the butter) and it is Start to finish: 40 minutes Kosher salt and freshly ground Nutrition information per serv-
bit richer than you might think). dairy-free and vegan. It can be Serves 4 black pepper to taste ing: 184 calories; 86 calories
If you do want to add fresh herbs, made ahead and kept in the refrig- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1 (14.5 ounce) can less-sodium from fat; 11 g fat ( 5 g saturated; 0
they can be added at the end when erator for a couple of days. Either 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus chicken or vegetable broth g trans fats); 23 mg cholesterol;
you puree the soup, or just strew a reheat over low heat, or serve extra for drizzling 3 tablespoons heavy cream 541 mg sodium; 20 g carbohy-
few leaves, chopped or whole, on chilled. It will thicken in the 6 large leeks, white and light Chopped fresh herbs to serve drate; 2 g fiber; 6 g sugar; 3 g pro-
top of each serving. fridge, so may need an extra glug (optional) tein.


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018 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 5:13 PM Page 1

18 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 FOOD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Steamed mussels are a perfect choice for weeknight meal

By Sara Moulton thing to sop up all those juices.
Mussels are the perfect choice IN SPICY COCONUT BROTH
for a weeknight meal. They’re a Start to finish: 30 minutes
terrific source of low-fat protein, Servings: 4
they’re inexpensive, they cook up 1/4 cup Thai green curry paste
quickly, and as they cook, they One 13.5-ounce can light
automatically generate tasty coconut milk
juices to whichever sauce you’re 3 pounds farmed mussels,
making. Also, farmed mussels are scrubbed
pretty easy to clean. You just toss 1 to 2 tablespoons fresh lime
them briefly in several changes of juice or to taste
fresh water and pull off any strings 1/3 cup thinly sliced scallions
(also known as “beards”) hanging 1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro
from the hinge of the shell. In a large saucepan or stockpot
Finally, bonus, if you buy farmed whisk together the curry paste and
mussels — the most common vari- coconut milk. Add the mussels,
ety available at stores today — cover tightly and bring the liquid
you’ll have chosen a sustainable to a boil over high heat. Stir often.
seafood. Here I’ve dressed the mus- After a few minutes, the mussels
sels in green for St. Patrick’s Day should start to open. Remove them
with a garnish of chopped scal- as they open and transfer them to a
lions and cilantro. large bowl. If any mussels do not
open, discard them. Add the lime
Coloring aside, the flavoring of juice to the saucepan and return all
this dish, consisting of just six of the opened mussels to the
ingredients, is Thai. The key saucepan and cook for a minute or
actors are coconut milk and Thai two, stirring, to reheat them.
curry paste, which are combined. To serve, transfer the mussels to
(Don’t confuse coconut milk with each of four soup plates. Pour one-
cream of coconut, which has lots fourth of the cooking liquid over
of sugar added.) I suggest using each portion and sprinkle one-
light coconut milk because it’s Farmed mussels are pretty easy to clean.You just toss them briefly in several changes of fresh water and pull off fourth of the scallions and cilantro
lighter in calories, but you’re wel- any strings (also known as ‘beards’) hanging from the hinge of the shell. over each one.
come to opt for the full-fat ver- Nutritional information per
sion. Thai curry paste, now avail- a mixture of typical Thai ingredi- needs to be kept in the refrigera- ingredient recipe the next time serving: 355 calories; 102 calo-
able in the international aisle of ents: lemon grass, galangal (simi- tor, but it lasts a long time and you you want to mix it up a bit on a ries from fat; 11 g fat (4 g saturat-
most supermarkets, is totally lar to ginger), chiles and makrut can use it as the base of a sauce for weeknight? You’ll have a delicious ed; 0 g trans fats); 95 mg choles-
unrelated to the curry spice mix lime leaves. When added to a liq- other seafood dishes or for chick- dinner on the table in just 30 min- terol; 1,607 mg sodium; 20 g car-
that you find in Indian or uid, it makes an instant flavorful en or meat. utes. And don’t forget to put some bohydrates; 3 g fiber; 2 g sugar;
Pakistani food. It is, as advertised, sauce. Once the jar is opened it So how about trying this six- bread on the side. It’s just the 41 g protein.
019 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 9:10 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL FOOD/LOCAL Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 19

or police to ask judges to strip gun

TRUMP Comment on
or share this story at
rights temporarily from people who
show warning signs of violence.
Pair pork with cabbage
Continued from page 1

October shooting deaths of 58 people


rately report relevant criminal infor-

“We need a comprehensive system,”
Brown said. “One of these isn’t
for a delicious main dish
in Las Vegas, and attached to a half- Trump, who visited first responders By Sara Moulton
mation to the FBI. It was introduced
dozen of the long guns found in the and some victims Friday, had focused THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
after the Air Force failed to report the
shooter’s hotel room. A legislative his comments on mental health, rather
criminal history of the gunman who
effort to ban the device fizzled out last than guns. The White House says the If you’re tired of the same old vegetable side dishes, here’s
slaughtered more than two dozen peo-
year. president will host a “listening ses- a recipe that promotes the lowly red cabbage from side dish to
ple at a Texas church.
White House officials say the presi- sion” with students and teachers on protein partner. All you have to do is cook it up sweet and sour
The White House statement comes as
dent will be meeting with students, Wednesday and will discuss school and — voila! — your side dish is now ready to walk down the
shooting survivors and other young
teachers and state and local officials to safety with state and local officials on aisle arm in arm with pork in any form: chops, smoked chops,
people press for more gun control in a
discuss ways of providing more school Thursday. They have offered no further roast, ham, Canadian bacon, kielbasa, Italian sausages.
rising chorus of grief and activism.
safety and address gun violence. details on who will attend those ses- Really, there’s nothing required — no sauces, no extras —
Their “March for Our Lives” is planned
Pressure has been mounting for action sions. other than cooking the pork and lowering it onto the cab-
March 24 in Washington.
after the Parkland shooting. Ella Fesler, 16-year-old high school Trump spent most of the weekend at bage. What makes this dish such a good partner for pork? Its
Trump has also indicated he is open student in Alexandria, Virginia, was his private Palm Beach estate, Mar-a- sourness cuts right through the meat’s natural fattiness.
to a limited strengthening of federal among the students at the “lie-in” in Lago. White House aides advised Consisting of just six ingredients, this recipe is a snap to
background checks on gun purchases. front of the White House. She said it against golfing too soon after the make — and the balance of sweet and sour is up to you. My
Over the weekend, the White House was time for change, adding: “Every shooting. But on Presidents Day, the sourpuss family isn’t a fan of sugar in savory dishes, so I
said he had spoken Friday to Sen. John day when I say ‘bye’ to my parents, I avid golfer headed to his nearby golf added just a single tablespoon of brown sugar to the cabbage.
Cornyn, a Texas Republican, about a do acknowledge the fact that I could club. The White House did not answer But if the dish then strikes you as too tart, by all means add a
bipartisan bill designed to strengthen never see my parents again.” questions about whether he was play- second tablespoon or even a tad more.
the FBI database of prohibited gun But previous gun tragedies have not ing golf.
buyers. led Congress to act. After the Las President Barack Obama took heavy SWEET AND SOUR CABBAGE
Trump spokeswoman Sarah Vegas massacre in the fall, criticism in 2014 when he went golf- Start to finish: 1 hour (25 active)
Huckabee Sanders qualified the sup- Republicans and Democrats in ing during a vacation just minutes after Servings: 4
port, stressing that talks continue and Congress talked about taking a rare denouncing the militants who had 2 teaspoons minced garlic
“revisions are being considered,” but step to tighten the nation’s gun laws. beheaded an American journalist. He 2 tablespoons olive oil
said “the president is supportive of Four months later, the only gun legis- later regretted playing golf so soon 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
efforts to improve the federal back- lation that has moved through after the killing. 1 to 2 tablespoons brown sugar (light or dark), or to taste
ground check system.” Congress eases restrictions for gun Trump watched cable television 4 cups shredded red cabbage
The main action Trump has taken on owners. news during the weekend and groused One 14.5-ounce can chopped tomatoes, preferably fire-
guns has been to sign a resolution Kristin Brown, co-president of the to club members and advisers about the roasted
blocking an Obama-era rule designed Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun investigation of Russian election med- Kosher salt
to keep guns out of the hands of certain Violence, said the measure Trump dis- dling. Black pepper
mentally disabled people. The presi- cussed with Cornyn would help to In a marathon series of furious week- In a large skillet cook the garlic in the oil over medium
dent has voiced strong support for gun enforce existing rules but would not end tweets from Mar-a-Lago, Trump heat, stirring until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the vinegar
rights and the National Rifle close loopholes permitting loose pri- vented about Russia, raging at the FBI and sugar and cook, stirring until the sugar is melted. Add the
Association. vate sales on the internet and at gun for what he perceived to be a fixation cabbage, tomatoes and 1/2 teaspoon salt and bring the liq-
The bipartisan background check shows. She’s pressing for a ban on on the Russia investigation at the cost uid to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover tightly
legislation would be aimed at ensuring assault-type weapons and for laws of failing to deter the Florida school and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cabbage is very
that federal agencies and states accu- enabling family members, guardians attack. tender, about 30 minutes. If there is still a lot of liquid in the
pan, increase the heat to medium-high and simmer, uncov-
ered, until most of the liquid is reduced. Add salt and pepper
that have taken shape in the city’s wife, Lizzy D’Urzo, as well as his 5-

Continued from page 1
downtown in the years since he last
worked there, D’Urzo noted a large
portion of the patrons who have dined
year-old daughter Isabella D’Urzo and
2-year-old son Alessandro D’Urzo, to
open another restaurant allowed him to
to taste.

at his new location since he opened its take the plunge a second time.
doors Jan. 29 are familiar faces from Knowing how difficult it was for him
Situated at the toe of Italy’s boot, the his days as a manager at Positano. to leave his San Francisco restaurant
region is known for using flavorful any time it was full of diners in its first
“It’s like coming back to town,” he
ingredients capable of carrying sauces year, D’Urzo said he expected the first
and dishes like homemade lasagna and year of his new venture to be similarly
eggplant Parmesan without many Though he had long had an interest
in cooking, D’Urzo said he started his hectic.
added spices, said D’Urzo.
career as a police officer in Italy. It “It’s very hard for me to leave this
“I don’t put all these peppers, spices place full,” he said, noting the time-
to change the whole flavor. You eat wasn’t until he moved to the United
States to join family in 2001 that he consuming nature of being the sole
tomato sauce, you need to eat the toma- owner of a restaurant. “But if it’s suc-
to, you need to taste the tomato,” he was able to explore his passion for
food, serving at and managing restau- cessful, the reward is much different.”
said. “That’s how we eat in the south of
Italy — very, very simple.” rants in the Bay Area and for a brief But despite a full schedule, D’Urzo
time in New York. said he’s enjoyed welcoming his and
Though D’Urzo has put a lot of
thought into how he will adapt ele- D’Urzo said making the leap to own- other Peninsula families to his new
ments of his San Francisco restaurant ing his own restaurant has convinced restaurant, which he is preparing to
for the new location, it’s not the first him how critical passion is to make it meet the needs of families with kids
he’s worked at the Laurel Street dining through the long hours, potential for and couples looking for a place to have
spot. Having been a manager at criticism from customers and daily date night.
Positano when it first opened in 2011, pressure of operating a restaurant full “I’m very happy to be back here in
D’Urzo knew its owner, Enzo Rosano, of some 200 people at a time. San Carlos. I feel at home here,” he
was planning to move the restaurant “Being a restaurant owner is not a said. “Hopefully, I meet their expecta-
from San Carlos to Lafayette, much job, it’s a choice of life,” he said. “You tions.”
closer to the sister restaurant Rosano had to be made for it to be in this busi- A grand opening celebration will be
opened in Danville. ness.” held 5:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at Trattoria Da
Acknowledging the many changes He said the encouragement of his Vittorio, 617 Laurel St.
020 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 9:23 PM Page 1

20 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL

profit and county services. ”

Continued from page 1
The program will provide cleanup
support along the Coastal Trail, from
Poplar Street to Kelly Avenue and on
Year. For more information contact
the beach from Seymour Street to Free Pet ‘Fixes.’ 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. [email protected].
Kelly Street three times per week from Senior Coastsiders, 925 Main St., Half
Doughty said the problem came to a April through October, and twice per Moon Bay. Free spaying and neuter- Comic Ar ts Fest Event: The
head last year after huge numbers of ing clinic hosted by the Peninsula American Dream? 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
week from November through March, Humane Society. Surgery performed Burlingame Public Library, 480
visitors left trash on the city-managed according to a staff report.  by a licensed vet in an SPCA surgery Primrose Road, Burlingame. A graph-
Poplar Beach as well as State Park vehicle. One pet per family. Cats and ic novel memoir feature installation.
The work includes emptying trash dogs only. For more information call For more information call 558-7407.
beaches. 340-7022.
cans, graffiti removal, trash pickup FRIDAY. FEB. 23
“The community felt like half of the and horse manure removal on the Drop In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to Pledge Your Allegiance to Rotary.
Bay Area was visiting Half Moon Bay beach and trail, according to the noon. 1044 Middlefield Road, 7:30 a.m. 1825 S. Grant St., San
during the heat waves last year, ” Redwood City. Free one-on-one help Mateo. Cost $15 including breakfast.
report.  regarding laptops, e-readers, tablets, District Governor Ron Gin will dis-
Doughty said. “This blew up into a sig- “The public is very interested in and mobile phones. Meets in the cuss details regarding
nificant issue in the community every this, it’s important and we have high
Small Conference Room on the first H2OpenDoor’s donations along
floor. For more information contact with other district news. For more
weekend. Even during spring break we we do that in a meaningful way that hopes for the program,” Ruddock said, [email protected]. information contact
had significant garbage piling up and helps our staff do things we can’t do.” adding that it’s the city’s first organ- [email protected].
San Mateo Professional Alliance
significant concerns about what’s “There was equal desire to get rid of ized litter project and first project Network ing Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. Free Wellness Class for Senior s
going on at the beaches.”  litter and give a sense of dignity to coordinating with the local homeless Pacific Catch Restaurant, 243 S. B St., and Caregivers: Healthy Mouth,
San Mateo. Free admission, lunch Healthy Life. Noon to 1 p.m. 1819
Doughty said his crew of five field homeless people through employ- community. ordered off the menu. For more Trousdale Drive, Burlingame. This
workers that clean the city’s streets, ment, ” said Vice Mayor Harvey The one-year program will cost information contact mike@mike- class will focus on the importance of
foor.com. good oral hygiene to keep the
parks and various facilities lacked the Rarback.  $85,000, and each cleanup effort will mouth and body healthy during the
resources to address litter on the The program includes a partnership employ up to three workers making Toastmasters Public Speak ing and aging process. For more information
beaches.  Leadership Sk ills Development. call 697-6900.
with local nonprofit, Abundant Grace $18.50 per hour in addition to a super- Noon to 1 p.m. BKF Engineers, 255
When the City Council began think- Coastside Worker, which provides visor, according to the report. Shoreline Drive, Suite 200, Redwood A Room of Her Own: Beyond a
Shores. Learn to improve your com- Pretty Picture. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
ing about ways to address the problem, services and support to low-income In another effort to keep Half Moon munication and leadership skills. For Sanchez Art Center, 1220 Linda Mar
there was interest in having the solu- and homeless people. The nonprofit Bay clean, the city installed on Feb. more information call (202) 390- Blvd., Pacifica. The Peninsula
7555. Women’s Caucus for Art will open
tion also address the issue of home- will employ homeless people current- 14 solar-operated trash compactors at this exhibit in celebration of
lessness in Half Moon Bay, Doughty ly living in Half Moon Bay for the the Poplar Beach parking lot, which Creative Cafe: Coloring for Adults. Women’s History Month. Runs
said, adding that the council had iden- 12:30 p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South through March 25. For more infor-
coastal cleanup program. increases bin capacity from about 35 San Francisco. De-stress and enjoy mation call (408) 896-2346.
tified it as “an issue to take on” during “This contract will enable us to to 150 gallons, Doughty said. friendly conversation. For more
last year’s strategic retreat.  information contact PAL Lights and Sirens Dinner. 5
expand employment for our local Ruddock said the council is consider- [email protected]. p.m. to 9 p.m. San Mateo Event
“The council raised the idea of pro- homeless community while doing ing partnering with or forming a com- Center, 2495 S. Delaware St. (Gate
Privacy on the Internet. 2 p.m. to 3 13), San Mateo. Money raised goes to
viding some form of work program to coastal cleanup, ” Eric Debode, exec- munity group modeled after the Pacific p.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306 youth programming in San Mateo.
help those who are chronically home- utive director of Abundant Grace, Beach Coalition to clean up trash Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. Western night. $175 and up. For
less,” Doughty said. “The question was said in an email. “It’s been great to along the coast. She also said the city Free. Open for all ages. For more more information call 522-7713.
information call 877-8530.
how can we meet multiple objectives be a support for homeless people, is looking into the possibility of Live Band Studio Music Mix Class.
in helping the community and how do and we also refer them to other non- opening a recycling center. Builder or Break er: A WhiteHat 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Midpen Media
Security DevSecOps Road Show Center, 900 San Antonio Road, Palo
Event. 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. OPAL, 251 Alto. Multi-track practice, mic selec-
Parkside campus, which Singh previ- Parkside Elementary School campus Castro St., Mountain View. Learn tion, band set up, live tracks and

DAY CARE ously felt were inadequate.

The property owner and developer of
the planned school campus issued
day care launches without issue and
that she can later find another site in
Foster City to establish a second pro-
what DevSecOps is and how it can
secure the applications that drive
digital business. For more informa-
tion call (512) 373-8500.
more. $160. RSVP required. For more
information call 494-8686.
Hung Liu: All Over the Map. 7 p.m.
Continued from page 1 to 9 p.m. Sanchez Art Center, 1220
shopping center businesses notices to gram. Opposing Viewpoints. 4 p.m. Linda Mar Blvd., Pacifica. Exhibition
South San Francisco, Main Library, by renowned Chinese painter and
vacate the premises by the end of Noting the long tenure in Foster 840 W. Orange Ave., South San printmaker Hung Liu. For more infor-
ment, a tumultuous history of negotia- January, which Singh said brought City, Singh said she is looking to res- Francisco. Learn to use the online mation call 355-1894.
tions between the district and day care into question her program’s immediate idents and city officials for help to find database to help write persuasive
officials could end. essays and build stronger debates. ‘Joseph and the Amazing
future. property suitable for preserving the For more information contact Technicolor Dreamcoat.’ 7:30 p.m.
Dozens of parents, students, staffers Such uncertainty led to nearly 80 business she considers a piece of the [email protected]. Menlo-Atherton High School
Performing Arts Center, 555
and day care supporters flooded a dis- percent of her clientele leaving in community’s fabric. Sicily and Ireland Community Middlefield Road, Atherton. Cost
trict board meeting last month plead- search of another facility guaranteed to “We still don’t want to say we are Travel Information Session. 6 p.m. $14. For more information contact
to 7:30 p.m. Skyline College, 3300 [email protected].
ing with school officials to preserve offer continuing care, she said. While permanently gone from Foster City,” College Drive, San Bruno. Members
space in Foster City for the facility, or the day care was ultimately allowed to she said. of the public are invited to attend Ambigram. 9:30 p.m. Dragon
push back the construction timeline. our second informational meeting Productions Theatre Company, 2129
stay at the shopping center through Ng said with a preschool already on our not-for-credit tours for adults Broadway, Redwood City. Doors
School officials said their hands the end of February, Singh said she established at Parkside Elementary and lifelong learners to Sicily and open at 9:30 p.m. For more informa-
Ireland. For more information call tion and tickets visit dragonproduc-
were essentially tied though, claiming now must scramble to recover her lost School, day care officials may find 738-7098. tions.net.
the campus development schedule must patrons. some synergy at the campus in terms
Foster City Library Documentary Adult Crafternoon: Paper Quilling.
be preserved to build Foster City’s “I’m requesting them to come back,” of offering early education and wish to Club showing of the film, ‘The 1 p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South San
fourth elementary school, which is said Singh, noting the day care will stay there permanently. Mask You.’ 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1000 E. Francisco. Learn about the tools and
badly needed to accommodate over- But in the short term, Ng expressed Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City. For more techniques used in quilling and
retain all its staff at the San Mateo information call 574-4842. practice making basic shapes. For
crowding. location, as well as begin offering satisfaction that the concerns of the more information contact
extended hours of operation and a day care community could be resolved. Open Mic. 7:30 p.m. to midnight. [email protected].
District officials had also claimed Reach and Teach, 144 W. 25th Ave.,
they granted plenty of time for the day fuller slate of education programs. “I’m glad this is an agreement that San Mateo. California Writers Club’s Teen Advisory B oard. 4 p.m. South
Assuming the school board both parties are happy with,” she said. evening of informal readings of per- San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
care to find a new location, which sonal writings. For more information Orange Ave., South San Francisco. All
Singh disputed, alleging administra- approves the proposed relocation, call 595-8667. teens welcome. Volunteer credit
tors had made previous promises that Singh said she expects the day care The San Mateo-Foster City available. For more information con-
Learn How To Grow Fruit and tact [email protected].
space would be kept in the new campus will shutter temporarily at the begin- Elementary School District Board of Vegetables in Your Garden. 7:30
for her business. As a sign of good- ning of March and reopen in San Trustees meets Thursday, Feb. 22, in p.m. Hillview Community Center, 97 SATURDAY, FEB. 24
Hillview Ave., Los Altos. Event is free Blood Centers of the Pacific Blood
will, district administrators had ini- Mateo a couple weeks later. the district office, 1170 Chess Driv e, and open to all ages. Fore more Drive. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. San Mateo
tially offered accommodations at the Looking ahead, she is hopeful the Foster City. information call (408) 920-0884. Elks Lodge, 229 W. 20th Ave., San
Mateo. Pre-registration is highly
THURSDAY, FEB. 22 desired. For more information call
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V Smartphone Training: IPhone. 10 504-0342.
A a.m. to 12 p.m. San Mateo Senior
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
TPRW[[TccTaQQ^g Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, Last Saturday of the Month
F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
fXcWPPUUaXT]SPP]SRR^\_PaT San Mateo. Registration is required Break fast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The
6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb but the event is free. For more infor- American Legion Post 409, 757 San
mation call 522-7490. Mateo Ave., San Bruno. Breakfast
0 6 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1

with drinks is $10 for adults and $6

B20;4 A0C8=6 Whale of a Sale. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for children 12 years old and under.
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_ Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de
las Pulgas, Belmont. All proceeds
For more information call 345-7388.
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac benefit the Belmont Library. For San Bruno American Legion Post:
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^ more information call 593-5650. All-You-Can-Eat Monthly
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta Break fast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 757
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT Office of Assembly man Marc San Mateo Ave., San Bruno. Cost $10

A B > H
Berman Open House. 4 p.m. to 6 adults, $6 for children 12 and under.
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda p.m. 5050 El Camino Real, Suite 117, For more information call 344-5200.
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
VPX] Los Altos. Light refreshments will be
provided. RSVP to share ideas, ques- Legacy for Literacy. 10 a.m. to 1:30
1^]db tions and concerns about communi- p.m. Marina Branch Library, 1530

C ?
ty and legislative matters. For more Swan Court, San Mateo. Event is

4 B
FT_ _dcb
VaXS information call 691-2121. designed for children between the
h^dUUX]SccWT\. ages of 6 and 10. Free. For more
Privacy on the Internet. 6 p.m. to 7 information call 678-9872.
0C;;40BC5 58E4<
<>;;DB:BXX] p.m. South San Francisco Main
^U[[TccTab Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South K id-Proof Your iPad. 10:15 a.m. 840

2 ; D =
San Francisco. Free. Open to all ages. W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco.

For more information call 829-3860. Tips to protect information and
insure kids are using iPads for fun

Master Resource Conser vation and learning. For more information
Course. 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 455 contact [email protected].

County Center, Redwood City. Meet

> 8 0 <
in room 405, on the fourth floor. Gain Saturday Morning Yarn. 10:30 a.m.
an in-depth knowledge of sustain- 840 W. Orange Ave., South San

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ability topics and learn about local

resource conservation issues.
Francisco. Limited supplies. All levels
welcome. For more information con-

7PbQa^88]R !!  '
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Limited space, registration required.
For more information contact aan-
[email protected].
tact [email protected].
Who’s in Your Neighborhood?
!! '7
ATbTaeTS Meeting the Diverse Research

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ Melody of China in Concert. 6:30 Needs of Your Community. 10:30
7>AB4C C864A7
7H4=0< <>DB4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Foster City Library, a.m. to noon. Grace Lutheran
1000 E Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City. Church, 2825 Alameda de las Pulgas,
Melody of China will perform at the San Mateo. Free. For more informa-
library to celebrate the Lunar New tion call 306-3423.
20 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL

profit and county services. ”

Continued from page 1
The program will provide cleanup
support along the Coastal Trail, from
Poplar Street to Kelly Avenue and on
Year. For more information contact
the beach from Seymour Street to Free Pet ‘Fixes.’ 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. [email protected].
Kelly Street three times per week from Senior Coastsiders, 925 Main St., Half
Doughty said the problem came to a April through October, and twice per Moon Bay. Free spaying and neuter- Comic Ar ts Fest Event: The
head last year after huge numbers of ing clinic hosted by the Peninsula American Dream? 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
week from November through March, Humane Society. Surgery performed Burlingame Public Library, 480
visitors left trash on the city-managed according to a staff report.  by a licensed vet in an SPCA surgery Primrose Road, Burlingame. A graph-
Poplar Beach as well as State Park vehicle. One pet per family. Cats and ic novel memoir feature installation.
The work includes emptying trash dogs only. For more information call For more information call 558-7407.
beaches. 340-7022.
cans, graffiti removal, trash pickup FRIDAY. FEB. 23
“The community felt like half of the and horse manure removal on the Drop In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to Pledge Your Allegiance to Rotary.
Bay Area was visiting Half Moon Bay beach and trail, according to the noon. 1044 Middlefield Road, 7:30 a.m. 1825 S. Grant St., San
during the heat waves last year, ” Redwood City. Free one-on-one help Mateo. Cost $15 including breakfast.
report.  regarding laptops, e-readers, tablets, District Governor Ron Gin will dis-
Doughty said. “This blew up into a sig- “The public is very interested in and mobile phones. Meets in the cuss details regarding
nificant issue in the community every this, it’s important and we have high
Small Conference Room on the first H2OpenDoor’s donations along
floor. For more information contact with other district news. For more
weekend. Even during spring break we we do that in a meaningful way that hopes for the program,” Ruddock said, [email protected]. information contact
had significant garbage piling up and helps our staff do things we can’t do.” adding that it’s the city’s first organ- [email protected].
San Mateo Professional Alliance
significant concerns about what’s “There was equal desire to get rid of ized litter project and first project Network ing Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m. Free Wellness Class for Senior s
going on at the beaches.”  litter and give a sense of dignity to coordinating with the local homeless Pacific Catch Restaurant, 243 S. B St., and Caregivers: Healthy Mouth,
San Mateo. Free admission, lunch Healthy Life. Noon to 1 p.m. 1819
Doughty said his crew of five field homeless people through employ- community. ordered off the menu. For more Trousdale Drive, Burlingame. This
workers that clean the city’s streets, ment, ” said Vice Mayor Harvey The one-year program will cost information contact mike@mike- class will focus on the importance of
foor.com. good oral hygiene to keep the
parks and various facilities lacked the Rarback.  $85,000, and each cleanup effort will mouth and body healthy during the
resources to address litter on the The program includes a partnership employ up to three workers making Toastmasters Public Speak ing and aging process. For more information
beaches.  Leadership Sk ills Development. call 697-6900.
with local nonprofit, Abundant Grace $18.50 per hour in addition to a super- Noon to 1 p.m. BKF Engineers, 255
When the City Council began think- Coastside Worker, which provides visor, according to the report. Shoreline Drive, Suite 200, Redwood A Room of Her Own: Beyond a
Shores. Learn to improve your com- Pretty Picture. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
ing about ways to address the problem, services and support to low-income In another effort to keep Half Moon munication and leadership skills. For Sanchez Art Center, 1220 Linda Mar
there was interest in having the solu- and homeless people. The nonprofit Bay clean, the city installed on Feb. more information call (202) 390- Blvd., Pacifica. The Peninsula
7555. Women’s Caucus for Art will open
tion also address the issue of home- will employ homeless people current- 14 solar-operated trash compactors at this exhibit in celebration of
lessness in Half Moon Bay, Doughty ly living in Half Moon Bay for the the Poplar Beach parking lot, which Creative Cafe: Coloring for Adults. Women’s History Month. Runs
said, adding that the council had iden- 12:30 p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South through March 25. For more infor-
coastal cleanup program. increases bin capacity from about 35 San Francisco. De-stress and enjoy mation call (408) 896-2346.
tified it as “an issue to take on” during “This contract will enable us to to 150 gallons, Doughty said. friendly conversation. For more
last year’s strategic retreat.  information contact PAL Lights and Sirens Dinner. 5
expand employment for our local Ruddock said the council is consider- [email protected]. p.m. to 9 p.m. San Mateo Event
“The council raised the idea of pro- homeless community while doing ing partnering with or forming a com- Center, 2495 S. Delaware St. (Gate
Privacy on the Internet. 2 p.m. to 3 13), San Mateo. Money raised goes to
viding some form of work program to coastal cleanup, ” Eric Debode, exec- munity group modeled after the Pacific p.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306 youth programming in San Mateo.
help those who are chronically home- utive director of Abundant Grace, Beach Coalition to clean up trash Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. Western night. $175 and up. For
less,” Doughty said. “The question was said in an email. “It’s been great to along the coast. She also said the city Free. Open for all ages. For more more information call 522-7713.
information call 877-8530.
how can we meet multiple objectives be a support for homeless people, is looking into the possibility of Live Band Studio Music Mix Class.
in helping the community and how do and we also refer them to other non- opening a recycling center. Builder or Break er: A WhiteHat 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Midpen Media
Security DevSecOps Road Show Center, 900 San Antonio Road, Palo
Event. 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. OPAL, 251 Alto. Multi-track practice, mic selec-
Parkside campus, which Singh previ- Parkside Elementary School campus Castro St., Mountain View. Learn tion, band set up, live tracks and

DAY CARE ously felt were inadequate.

The property owner and developer of
the planned school campus issued
day care launches without issue and
that she can later find another site in
Foster City to establish a second pro-
what DevSecOps is and how it can
secure the applications that drive
digital business. For more informa-
tion call (512) 373-8500.
more. $160. RSVP required. For more
information call 494-8686.
Hung Liu: All Over the Map. 7 p.m.
Continued from page 1 to 9 p.m. Sanchez Art Center, 1220
shopping center businesses notices to gram. Opposing Viewpoints. 4 p.m. Linda Mar Blvd., Pacifica. Exhibition
South San Francisco, Main Library, by renowned Chinese painter and
vacate the premises by the end of Noting the long tenure in Foster 840 W. Orange Ave., South San printmaker Hung Liu. For more infor-
ment, a tumultuous history of negotia- January, which Singh said brought City, Singh said she is looking to res- Francisco. Learn to use the online mation call 355-1894.
tions between the district and day care into question her program’s immediate idents and city officials for help to find database to help write persuasive
officials could end. essays and build stronger debates. ‘Joseph and the Amazing
future. property suitable for preserving the For more information contact Technicolor Dreamcoat.’ 7:30 p.m.
Dozens of parents, students, staffers Such uncertainty led to nearly 80 business she considers a piece of the [email protected]. Menlo-Atherton High School
Performing Arts Center, 555
and day care supporters flooded a dis- percent of her clientele leaving in community’s fabric. Sicily and Ireland Community Middlefield Road, Atherton. Cost
trict board meeting last month plead- search of another facility guaranteed to “We still don’t want to say we are Travel Information Session. 6 p.m. $14. For more information contact
to 7:30 p.m. Skyline College, 3300 [email protected].
ing with school officials to preserve offer continuing care, she said. While permanently gone from Foster City,” College Drive, San Bruno. Members
space in Foster City for the facility, or the day care was ultimately allowed to she said. of the public are invited to attend Ambigram. 9:30 p.m. Dragon
push back the construction timeline. our second informational meeting Productions Theatre Company, 2129
stay at the shopping center through Ng said with a preschool already on our not-for-credit tours for adults Broadway, Redwood City. Doors
School officials said their hands the end of February, Singh said she established at Parkside Elementary and lifelong learners to Sicily and open at 9:30 p.m. For more informa-
Ireland. For more information call tion and tickets visit dragonproduc-
were essentially tied though, claiming now must scramble to recover her lost School, day care officials may find 738-7098. tions.net.
the campus development schedule must patrons. some synergy at the campus in terms
Foster City Library Documentary Adult Crafternoon: Paper Quilling.
be preserved to build Foster City’s “I’m requesting them to come back,” of offering early education and wish to Club showing of the film, ‘The 1 p.m. 840 W. Orange Ave., South San
fourth elementary school, which is said Singh, noting the day care will stay there permanently. Mask You.’ 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1000 E. Francisco. Learn about the tools and
badly needed to accommodate over- But in the short term, Ng expressed Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City. For more techniques used in quilling and
retain all its staff at the San Mateo information call 574-4842. practice making basic shapes. For
crowding. location, as well as begin offering satisfaction that the concerns of the more information contact
extended hours of operation and a day care community could be resolved. Open Mic. 7:30 p.m. to midnight. [email protected].
District officials had also claimed Reach and Teach, 144 W. 25th Ave.,
they granted plenty of time for the day fuller slate of education programs. “I’m glad this is an agreement that San Mateo. California Writers Club’s Teen Advisory B oard. 4 p.m. South
Assuming the school board both parties are happy with,” she said. evening of informal readings of per- San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
care to find a new location, which sonal writings. For more information Orange Ave., South San Francisco. All
Singh disputed, alleging administra- approves the proposed relocation, call 595-8667. teens welcome. Volunteer credit
tors had made previous promises that Singh said she expects the day care The San Mateo-Foster City available. For more information con-
Learn How To Grow Fruit and tact [email protected].
space would be kept in the new campus will shutter temporarily at the begin- Elementary School District Board of Vegetables in Your Garden. 7:30
for her business. As a sign of good- ning of March and reopen in San Trustees meets Thursday, Feb. 22, in p.m. Hillview Community Center, 97 SATURDAY, FEB. 24
Hillview Ave., Los Altos. Event is free Blood Centers of the Pacific Blood
will, district administrators had ini- Mateo a couple weeks later. the district office, 1170 Chess Driv e, and open to all ages. Fore more Drive. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. San Mateo
tially offered accommodations at the Looking ahead, she is hopeful the Foster City. information call (408) 920-0884. Elks Lodge, 229 W. 20th Ave., San
Mateo. Pre-registration is highly
THURSDAY, FEB. 22 desired. For more information call
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V Smartphone Training: IPhone. 10 504-0342.
A a.m. to 12 p.m. San Mateo Senior
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
TPRW[[TccTaQQ^g Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, Last Saturday of the Month
F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
fXcWPPUUaXT]SPP]SRR^\_PaT San Mateo. Registration is required Break fast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The
6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb but the event is free. For more infor- American Legion Post 409, 757 San
mation call 522-7490. Mateo Ave., San Bruno. Breakfast
0 6 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1

with drinks is $10 for adults and $6

B20;4 A0C8=6 Whale of a Sale. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for children 12 years old and under.
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_ Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda de
las Pulgas, Belmont. All proceeds
For more information call 345-7388.
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac benefit the Belmont Library. For San Bruno American Legion Post:
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^ more information call 593-5650. All-You-Can-Eat Monthly
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta Break fast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 757
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT Office of Assembly man Marc San Mateo Ave., San Bruno. Cost $10

A B > H
Berman Open House. 4 p.m. to 6 adults, $6 for children 12 and under.
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda p.m. 5050 El Camino Real, Suite 117, For more information call 344-5200.
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
VPX] Los Altos. Light refreshments will be
provided. RSVP to share ideas, ques- Legacy for Literacy. 10 a.m. to 1:30
1^]db tions and concerns about communi- p.m. Marina Branch Library, 1530

C ?
ty and legislative matters. For more Swan Court, San Mateo. Event is

4 B
FT_ _dcb
VaXS information call 691-2121. designed for children between the
h^dUUX]SccWT\. ages of 6 and 10. Free. For more
Privacy on the Internet. 6 p.m. to 7 information call 678-9872.
0C;;40BC5 58E4<
<>;;DB:BXX] p.m. South San Francisco Main
^U[[TccTab Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South K id-Proof Your iPad. 10:15 a.m. 840

2 ; D =
San Francisco. Free. Open to all ages. W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco.

For more information call 829-3860. Tips to protect information and
insure kids are using iPads for fun

Master Resource Conser vation and learning. For more information
Course. 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 455 contact [email protected].

County Center, Redwood City. Meet

> 8 0 <
in room 405, on the fourth floor. Gain Saturday Morning Yarn. 10:30 a.m.
an in-depth knowledge of sustain- 840 W. Orange Ave., South San

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ability topics and learn about local

resource conservation issues.
Francisco. Limited supplies. All levels
welcome. For more information con-

7PbQa^88]R !!  '
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Limited space, registration required.
For more information contact aan-
[email protected].
tact [email protected].
Who’s in Your Neighborhood?
!! '7
ATbTaeTS Meeting the Diverse Research

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ Melody of China in Concert. 6:30 Needs of Your Community. 10:30
7>AB4C C864A7
7H4=0< <>DB4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Foster City Library, a.m. to noon. Grace Lutheran
1000 E Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City. Church, 2825 Alameda de las Pulgas,
Melody of China will perform at the San Mateo. Free. For more informa-
library to celebrate the Lunar New tion call 306-3423.
021 0221 wed:0221 wed 159 2/20/18 12:45 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 21






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022-027 0221 wed:Class Master Even 2/20/18 3:23 PM Page 1

22 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

104 Training 105 Education/Instruction 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
TERMS & CONDITIONS Finance Associate for Genentech, Inc.,
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- South San Francisco, CA. Resp for fin'l
Caregivers Wanted
fieds will not be responsible for more
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia-
TENNIS CAREGIVERS analysis, modeling, reports, & forecasting
data. Req: MBA or rltd. Apply: Home
Home CCare
bility shall be limited to the price of one
insertion. No allowance will be made for LESSONS http://applygene.com/00455743
(Job ID: 00455743)
(650) 600-8108 The Daily Journal is looking for in-
errors not materially affecting the value
of the ad. All error claims must be sub-
2 years experience EEmail:
mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
terns to do entry level reporting, re-
search, updates of our ongoing fea-
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis-
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate
THROUGHOUT THE required. www.starlightcaregivers.com
w ww.starlightcaregivers.com tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
so welcome.
pply online or w alk-in
We expect a commitment of four to
Immediate placement 4600 EEll CCamino Real,, # 211,, LLos
amino Real os Altos
eight hours a week for at least four
Now accepting on all assignments. months. The internship is unpaid, but
intelligent, aggressive and talented in-
terns have progressed in time into
new students. paid correspondents and full-time re-
650-814-9737 Call Day
Day or Night
Night Shifts,
ts, Immediate
Shiffts Placement
Immediate Plac ement

Email Required:
Required: 2 yyears
ears paid experience
experience College students or recent graduates
[email protected] (650)777-9000 or current
current CNA Certification;
Certification; are encouraged to apply. Newspaper
experience is preferred but not neces-
Must Drive
Drive Car;
Car; Speak
Speak and write
write English
English sarily required.
Please send a cover letter describing
your interest in newspapers, a resume
RECEPTIONIST / and three recent clips. Before you ap-
ply, you should familiarize yourself
ACTIVITIES with our publication. Our Web site:
ASSISTANT www.smdailyjournal.com.

Send your information via e-mail to

Part Time [email protected] or by reg-
Pay DOE, with incentives ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul-
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales Atria Daly City
Representative needed to sell newspa- Please fax resume
per print and web advertising and event
marketing solutions. To apply, please call 650-878-9163
650-344-5200 and send resume to SALES/MARKETING
[email protected] INTERNSHIPS
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
for ambitious interns who are eager to
jump into the business arena with both
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs

[email protected]
GOT JOBS? of the newspaper and media industries.
This position will provide valuable
experience for your bright future.
Email resume
[email protected]

The best career seekers Sequoia Consulting Group in San Mateo,

CA seeks Solutions Architect. Design
read the Daily Journal. and build integration solutions between
multiple systems. Mail resume to Melissa
Ellsworth, Dir. of Talent Development,
We will help you recruit qualified, talented Sequoia Benefits, 1850 Gateway Drive,
individuals to join your company or organization. Suite 700, San Mateo, CA 94404. Please
Include job code 78581 in reply. EOE.
The Daily Journal’s readership covers a wide SODEXO AVIATION JOB FAIR
range of qualifications for all types of positions. FEB. 25th, 26th, 27th and Mar. 1st &3rd
at the Double Tree Hotel
San Francisco Airport 835 Airport Blvd.
For the best value and the best results, Burlingame, Ca 94010
recruit from the Daily Journal... How to Apply: On PC or Laptop, Go To:
and complete the STEPS:
Contact us for a free consultation
SR. FINANCE MGR., for solid waste/re-
cycling agency. Budgeting, financial pro-
Call (650) 344-5200 or jections, review of third-party contractors,
rate-setting, benefits administration,
Email: [email protected] bond oversight, insurance, capital project
cost control.


Prospecting is a key element of this position. You will develop new business
and manage the sales cycle from start to finish:

To succeed at the Daily Journal, you will need the following:


To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

022-027 0221 wed:Class Master Even 2/20/18 3:23 PM Page 2

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 23

203 public notices 203 public notices 203 public notices tundra tundra tundra
fictitiouS BuSineSS name fictitiouS BuSineSS name fictitiouS BuSineSS name
Statement #276460 Statement #276630 Statement #276731
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
as: My Busy Town, 556 San Mateo Ave., as: Radiant Beauty Events, 901 Granada as: 306 Games, 470 N. Idaho St. #306,
SAN BRUNO, CA 94010. Registered Street #3, BELMONT, CA 94002. Regis- SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Registered
Owner: Tiffany Padilla, 1708 Toledo tered Owner: Mayela Perez Fong, same Owner: Arnold Peña, same address.
Ave., BURLINGAME, CA 94010. The address. The business is conducted by The business is conducted by an Individ-
business is conducted by an Individual. an Individual. The registrants com- ual. The registrants commenced to
The registrants commenced to transact menced to transact business under the transact business under the FBN on
business under the FBN on 1/29/18. FBN on N/A. 2/20/18.
/s/Tiffany Padilla/ /s/Mayela Perez Fong/ /s/Arnold Peña/
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 1/29/2018. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 2/12/18. (Published sor-County Clerk on 2/20/18. (Published
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/14/18, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/21/18,
1/31/18, 2/7/18, 2/14/18, 2/21/18). 2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/7/18). 2/28/18, 3/7/18, 3/14/18).

fictitiouS BuSineSS name fictitiouS BuSineSS name notice of petition to

Statement #276186 Statement #276549 aDminiSteR eState of
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business William Wong
as: Substantia Law Group, 1900 S. Nor- as: Limitless Hardware, 940 El Camino Case Number: 18PRO00148
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con-
over the Hedge over the Hedge over the Hedge
folk #350, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Real, BELMONT, CA 94002. Registered
Registered Owner: Suzette S. Lin, 438 Owner: Compleat Baldwin Brass Center tingent creditors, and persons who may
Landeros Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403. of California, CA. The business is con- otherwise be interested in the will or es-
The business is conducted by an Indi- ducted by a Corporation. The registrants tate, or both, of William Wong. A Petition
vidual. The registrants commenced to commenced to transact business under for Probate has been filed by William S.
transact business under the FBN on the FBN on N/A. Wong in the Superior Court of California,
12/30/2017. /s/Bradley A. Clore/ County of San Mateo. The Petition for
/s/Suzette Lin/ This statement was filed with the Asses- Probate requests that William S. Wong
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 2/5/18. (Published in be appointed as personal representative
sor-County Clerk on 1/3/2018. (Publish- the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/14/18, to administer the estate of the decedent.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal 2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/7/18). The petition requests the decedent’s will
1/31/18, 2/7/18, 2/14/18, 2/21/18). and codicils, if any, be admitted to pro-
bate. The will and any codicils are avail-
fictitiouS BuSineSS name able for examination in the file kept by
fictitiouS BuSineSS name Statement #276547 the court.
Statement #276476 The following person is doing business The petition requests authority to admin-
The following person is doing business as: The Farm, 143 B South Blvd , SAN ister the estate under the Independent
as: Apex Pain and Wellness, 1241 E. MATEO, CA 94402. Registered Owner: Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
Hillsdale Blvd. Ste 200, FOSTER CITY, Kelly Maguire, 1200 East Hillsdale Blvd., thority will allow the personal representa-
CA 94404. Registered Owner: Michael Foster City, CA 94404. The business is tive to take many actions without obtain-
Keiichi Fujinaka, MD., A Medical Corpo- conducted by an Individual. The regis- ing court approval. Before taking certain
ration, CA. The business is conducted trants commenced to transact business very important actions, however, the per-
by a Corporation. The registrants com-
menced to transact business under the
under the FBN on N/A. sonal representative will be required to
give notice to interested persons unless
203 public notices 296 appliances 303 electronics
/s/Kelly Maguire/
FBN on 1/29/2018. This statement was filed with the Asses- they have waived notice or consented to Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this eLectRic Stove From Sears antaReS DoLLaRS Bill Changer ma-
/s/Michael Fujinaka/ sor-County Clerk on 2/5/18. (Published in the proposed action.) The independent Order to Show Cause shall be published Excellent Condition $225 chines never used for small bus. $95
This statement was filed with the Asses- the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/14/18, administration authority will be granted at least once each week for four succes- Please Call (650)244-9267 (650)992-4544.
sor-County Clerk on 1/29/2018. (Publish- 2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/7/18). unless an interested person files an ob- sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal jection to the petition and shows good ing on the petition in the following news-
1/31/18, 2/7/18, 2/14/18, 2/21/18). cause why the court should not grant au- gooD micRowave 1100 watt $40 Da- BLaupunKt am/fm/cD Radio and Re-
paper of general circulation: ly City (415) 231-4825. ceiver with Detachable Face asking
fictitiouS BuSineSS name thority. San Mateo Daily Journal
A hearing on the petition will be held in $100. (650)593-4490
Statement #276641 Filed: 1/23/2018 Hotpoint Heavy Duty Dryer excellent
fictitiouS BuSineSS name The following person is doing business this court as follows: MAR. 16, 2018 at /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
Statement #276352 working condition Burlingame $50 Call KinDLe fiRe 8 in. Case and Charger
as: Hispanic Connection Market Re- 9:00 a.m., DEPT. 28, Superior Court of Judge of the Superior Court Dan (408)656-0958
The following person is doing business California, County of San Mateo, 400 incl. 64 gig $40 Jeff (650)208-5758
search, 1056 Northwood Dr, SAN CAR- Dated: 1/23/2018
as: Hanes Hypnosis Center, 365 Mullet LOS, CA 94070. Registered Owner: Eu- County Center, Redwood City, CA (Published 1/31/18, 2/7/18, 2/14/18, maytag waSHeR excellent working motoRoLa BRavo MB 520 (android
Ct., FOSTER CITY, CA 94404. Regis- lalio Segovia, same address. The busi- 94063. 2/21/18) condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD
tered Owner: Steven A. Hanes, same ad- ness is conducted by an Individual. The If you object to the granting of the peti- (408)656-0958 card Belmont (650)595-8855
dress. The business is conducted by an registrants commenced to transact busi- tion, you should appear at the hearing
Individual. The registrants commenced ness under the FBN on Feb. 2010. and state your objections or file written mfg H20LaBS Model 300 exc cond onKyo av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital
to transact business under the FBN on /s/Eulalio Segovia/ objections with the court before the hear- counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready,
1/11/2018. This statement was filed with the Asses- ing. Your appearance may be in person Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
/s/Steven A. Hanes/ sor-County Clerk on 2/12/18. (Published or by your attorney. Please take notice that Mill- RefRigeRatoR foR Sale very good
This statement was filed with the Asses- If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- condition asking only $99 (650)520-4650
sor-County Clerk on 1/18/2018. (Publish-
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/14/18,
itor of the decedent, you must file your brae Station Self Storage lo- SamSung fLat TV 20" ex.co.incl.
2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/7/18). VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, claim with the court and mail a copy to cated at 210 Adrian Rd. Mill- Room HeateR Electric 1320 Watts, Ar-
2/7/18, 2/14/18, 2/21/18, 2/28/18). the personal representative appointed by brae CA 94030 intends to vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5.
fictitiouS BuSineSS name the court within the later of either (1) four (650)952-3500 304 furniture
months from the date of first issuance of hold an auction of the goods
Statement #276651
fictitiouS BuSineSS name The following person is doing business letters to a general personal representa- stored in self-service stor- Sewing macHine-RoyaL XL 6000 2 waLnut 3-drawer nitestands. Tops
Statement #276523 as: Premier Audio Video Technology, tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the age units by the following Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150. need work but very good cond. $20/ea
The following person is doing business 104 Franz Ct. #7, PACIFICA, CA 94044. California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days (650)342-8436. (650)952-3466.
as: 1)Private Lender Link 2)PrivateLend- from the date of mailing or personal de- persons:
Registered Owners: Alford Orozco and
erLink.com, 200 Main Street, Suite 200D, Mitsukazu A. Orozco, same address. livery to you of a notice under sectioin SHowtime RotiSSeRie used once antique Dining table for six people
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 . Regis- The business is conducted by a General 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- Nuria & Jonathan Arceo, $90. Call (650)347-1458 no ans/eave with chairs $99. (650)580-6324
tered Owner: Private Lender Link, Inc., er California statutes and legal authority message.
CA. The business is conducted by a Cor-
Partnership. The registrants com-
may affect your rights as a creditor. You Patricia Barnes, Patricia antique moHagany Bookcase. Four
menced to transact business under the
poration. The registrants commenced to FBN on N/A. may want to consult with an attorney Barnes, Gary Carter, Taufa SingeR Sewing Machine. Good condi- feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966.
transact business under the FBN on Jan- /s/Alford Orozco/ knowledgable in California law. Mahe, Travis Mbachu, Mar- tion. $45 obo. San Mateo. Please call
uary 1, 2018. You may examine the file kept by the (650)745-6309 after 5:00 pm. aRmcHaiR gooD condition $55.
/s/Rokesh Hiro Butani/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
court. If you are a person interested in cos Silva and Sharon Welch (650)266-3184
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 2/13/18. (Published .The sale will occur at the SmitH coRona typewriter and table
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/14/18, the estate, you may file with the court a
sor-County Clerk on 2/1/2018. (Publish- Request for Special Notice (form DE- M120 $25 (650)888-9314 Beige Sofa $99. Excellent Condition
2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/7/18). storage facility: Millbrae Sta- (650) 315-2319
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap-
2/7/18, 2/14/18, 2/21/18, 2/28/18). praisal of estate assets or of any petition tion Self Storage on or after unitap StanDaRD centerset bath-
or account as provided in Probate Code 03/01/2018 at 11:45am. The room chrome faucet, complete, $10, BunK BeDS for sale. Cherry Wood, 2
fictitiouS BuSineSS name (650)595-3933 years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or
Statement #276654 section 1250. A Request for Special No- descriptions of the contents
fictitiouS BuSineSS name tice form is available from the court clerk. B/O (650)685-2494
Statement #276535 The following person is doing business are household items, boxes, vacuum cLeaneR (reconditioned)
as: MIF Insurance Agency, 355 Gellert Attorney for Petitioner:
The following person is doing business John W. D’Ewart holiday décor, artwork etc. $20 Call Ed (415)298-0645 caRpet RunneR: 16ft.X26 Wide. Col-
as: Curry Project Administration Serv- Blvd., Suite 240, DALY CITY, CA 94015. or: floral design. good condition
Registered Owner: Moriwaki, Imai & Fuji- 669 Palmetto Avenue, Suite F All property is being stored
ices, 1216 De Solo Drive, PACIFICA, CA CHICO, CA 95926 weSteRn waSHBoaRD Sales made $45.00. (650)266-3184
94044. Registered Owner: Tyler B. Cur- ta, Inc., CA. The business is conducted
(530)899-7071 at the above self-storage fa- of brass and wood, Golden Beam #25-C.
by a Corporation. The registrants com- $75. phone 650-369-2486. commoDe, gooD condition. $20 obo.
ry, same address. The business is con-
menced to transact business under the FILED: 2/15/2018 cility. This sale or units may
ducted by an Individual. The registrants (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- Please call (650)745-6309
commenced to transact business under FBN on 2013. be withdrawn at any time wHiRLpooL waSHeR DRYER, GE
nal on 2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/1/18 )
the FBN on February 2, 2018. /s/Bradley Yamamoto/ without notice. Certain terms Refrigerator all working and in good con- computeR DeSK For sale $99
/s/Tyler Curry/ This statement was filed with the Asses- and conditions apply. CASH dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. (650)520-4650
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 2/13/18. (Published
sor-County Clerk on 2/2/2018. (Publish- in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/14/18, ONLY. See manager for de- wHiRLpooL-DRyeR gaS Coin Oper- computeR SwiveL CHAIR. Padded
2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/7/18). tails. This ad will run from ated Laundry $99.00 (650)948-4895 or Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
2/7/18, 2/14/18, 2/21/18, 2/28/18). February 14th until February (650)302-2456
DeSK, gD. cond. $99.99 or b.o.
fictitiouS BuSineSS name oRDeR to SHow cauSe foR 21st 2018. wHiRLpooL-DRyeR gaS Coin Oper- (650)458-3578
fictitiouS BuSineSS name Statement #276671 cHange of name ated Laundry $99.00 (650)948-4895 or
Statement #276553 The following person is doing business CASE# 18CIV00262 (650)302-2456
as: International Auto Body, 4007 Pacific SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, Dinette taBLe, 3 adjustable leaf.$30.
The following person is doing business (650) 756-9516.Daly City.
as: Las Chapinas, 3201 La Selva St. #3,
SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Registered tered Owner: International Auto Body, 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, 297 Bicycles
Inc., CA. The business is conducted by REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Dining taBLe (36"x54") and 4 match-
Ownes: Ana Bac and Leonardo Ramires, aDuLt BiKeS 1 regular and 2 with bal- ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for
same address. The business is conduct- a Corporation. The registrants com- PETITION OF
ed by a General Partnership. The regis- menced to transact business under the Wai Lee Winnie Wong 210 Lost & found loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 $250 .(650)-654-1930.
trants commenced to transact business FBN on N/A. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
/s/Steven Kotik/ Petitioner: Wai Lee Winnie Wong filed a LoSt cat. Black and White. Black Bmx mongooSe Outer Limit Bike, DReSSeR 4-DRaweR in Belmont for
under the FBN on NA. looks almost new, $29 (650)595-3933 $75. Good condition; good for children.
/s/Ana Bac/ This statement was filed with the Asses- petition with this court for a decree patch on right eye. REWARD.
sor-County Clerk on 2/14/18. (Published changing name as follows: Call (323) 439-7713. Call (650)678-8585
This statement was filed with the Asses- cHiLD’S ScHwinn BicycLe, BLue in
sor-County Clerk on 2/5/2018. (Publish- in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/21/18, Present Name: Wai Lee Winnie Wong good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189.
2/28/18, 3/7/18, 3/14/18). Proposed Name: Winnie Wong enteRtainment centeR for $50.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Books Good shape, blonde, about 5' high.
2/7/18, 2/14/18, 2/21/18, 2/28/18). new 12" girls bike w/ training wheels (650)726-4102
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave
fictitiouS BuSineSS name interested in this matter shall appear be- JameS patteRSon hardback books.
2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 mes fRee wooDen Bed frame, good condi-
fictitiouS BuSineSS name Statement #276672 fore this court at the hearing indicated
Statement #276622 The following person is doing business below to show cause, if any, why the pe- tion pictures available (650)322-9598
The following person is doing business as: International Auto Body, 1172 Mont- tition for change of name should not be nicHoLaS SpaRKS hardback books.
2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861
298 collectibles email [email protected]
as: Cheung Hing BBQ, 40 W 42nd Ave, gomery Ave., SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. granted. Any person objecting to the
SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Registered Registered Owner: International Auto name changes described above must file 80’S topS Complete Factory Set All fuLL Size Mattress Sealy Posterior,
quaLity BooKS used and rare. World very good condition $75 email:
Owner: TL BBQ, INC., CA. The busi- Body, Inc., CA. The business is conduct- a written objection that includes the rea- & US History and classic American nov- Years $99 Call Rick (415) 999-4474.
ness is conducted by a Corporation. The ed by a Corporation. The registrants sons for the objection at least two court [email protected]
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502
registrants commenced to transact busi- commenced to transact business under days before the matter is scheduled to a-team figuRineS Plus Jeep $20
ness under the FBN on March 1, 2018. the FBN on N/A. be heard and must appear at the hearing (650)591-9769 San Carlos gLiDeR rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
tHe HaLo Forerunner saga. 3 books. lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644.
/s/Tony/ /s/Steven Kotik/ to show cause why the petition should Like new. Great gift! $25. (650) 204-0587
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- not be granted. If no written objection is Lennox ReD Rose, Unused, hand
sor-County Clerk on 2/14/18. (Published timely filed, the court may grant the peti- painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, iKea DReSSeR, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
sor-County Clerk on 2/9/18. (Published in v.Logvinov, unuSuaL Journey to the 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804.
the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/14/18, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 2/21/18, tion without a hearing. A hearing on the Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus- $12.00. (650) 578 9208.
2/21/18, 2/28/18, 3/7/18). 2/28/18, 3/7/18, 3/14/18). petition shall be held on 03/08/18 at 9 sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695 iKea taBLe, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, miLLeR Lite Neon sign , work good
$59 call (650)218-6528 $ 30. (650)598-9804.
294 Baby Stuff Living Room Table, good condition.
StaR waRS Action figure: Qui-Gon
Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10 $30. (415)231-4825
fiSHeR-pRice HeaLtHy Care booster
seat - $5 (650)592-5864. Steve (650)518-6614.

LegaL noticeS
Love cHaiR, velour, tan. $45.
295 art 299 computers
new DeLuxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin-
BRuSHeD finiSH, 15" X 20" frame RecoRDaBLe cD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
holds 18 various size photos. Never ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, Sell! (650) 875-8159.
used. $20. 650-369-2486. (650) 578 9208
Fictitious Business Name Statements, 296 appliances 300 toys
new twin Mattress set plus frame
$30.00 (650) 347-2356

Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, aiR conDitioneR 10000 BTU w/re- “gamBina” ScaRLett O’Hara doll.
niagaRa viBRating Adjustable bed
good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons, mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG
brand $199 runs like new. (650)235-
$25. 650-888-9314.

LaRge StuffeD ANIMALS - $3 each

office SwiveL Chair, good condition.
Notice of Public Sales and More. aiR conDitioneR, Portable, 14,000
Great for Kids (650) 952-3500
RoLLeRBLaDeS, gooD condition.
$25. (415)231-4825
BTU, Commercial Cool model office type 34"X 60" heavy solid
CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces- Size 10 $25 OBO. Please call (650)745- wood with formica wood grain top $25
sories plus remote included. 6309 (650) 787-9753
Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. 20” x 16-5/8” x 33-1/2” $245 OBO.
(650)345-1835 StaR waRS Celebration 3 Darth Vader oRnate LaRge BooKcaSe: Two
$20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500

Fax your request to: 650-344-5290 coffee maKeR $15.00 white, Kitchen
Gourmet, makes up to 12 cups (650)533-
302 antiques
asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199.
oRnate maHogany headboard with
Email them to: [email protected] coLeman Lxe Roadtrip Grill -
maHogany antique Secretary desk, gold trim $60. (650)589-0764

Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- RetRo HutcH Needs refinishing other-
wise good condition. Top detaches from
(650)918-9847 elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. bottom $25. (650)712-9962
022-027 0221 wed:Class Master Even 2/20/18 3:23 PM Page 3

24 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

304 Furniture 309 Office Equipment 311 Musical Instruments 316 Clothes 318 Sports Equipment Garage Sales
SEwING STORAGE cabinet, Custom LAPTOP CASE or bag. Black. Like new. EPIPHONE LES Paul 100th GENUINE LAdIES Mink Fur Jacket, TOTAL GYM XLS, excellent condition.
made wood perfect condition $75. Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564. Anniversary Custom Electric Guitar. $50.00 Call: (650)368-0748. Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
(650)483-1222 Mint. $600.00 650 421 5469
GOLF SHOES FootJoy, brown and white
310 Misc. For Sale
SOFABEd, vELOUR, tan, Excellent
condition. $75. (808)631-1365.
FENdER MUSTANG I guitar amplifier
70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover.
saddle, 91/2, like new, $15; (650)591-
TOUREdGE REACTION ii uniflex sys-
tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons ESTATE SALES
500-600 BIG Band-era 78's--most mint, $80. (650)421-5469 new $75. Call May (650)349-0430
SOLId wOOd Dining table with exten- no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 GOLF SHOES, FootJoy, black & white
sion great piece great condition black FENdER MUSTANG ll guitar amplifier saddle, 91/2, good condition, $5; TREAdMILL-HORIzON LIKE New, limit-
Make money, make room!
$80 (650)364-5263 BESSY SMALL Evening Hand Bag With 110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover. (650)591-9769 ed use, Paid $750-Asking $450 OBO
SOLId wOOd Entertainment Center-
Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371 $130.00 (650)421-5469
KAYANO MEN’S Running shoes size 11
(650)508-8662 List your upcoming
TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In
Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
BIFOLd SHUTTERS 2x28”x79 $10.00
Epiphone Les Paul Custom
good condition $20 (650)520-7045 vINTAGE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
garage sale,
X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
(925)482-5742 BOBBY HULL Hockey Game Great
Prophecy Electric Guitar. Mint.
$625.00, 650 421 5469.
LAdIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size XL,
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439 moving sale,
TABLE 24"x48" folding legs each end.
Cont. ,1960’s $50 (415)269-4784
MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new, wOMAN’S SKI Boots, Nordica, size 8
$30 (650)592-2047.
estate sale,
Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost
$130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141
CAPTEL PHONE Message on it’s
screen. Like new used twice $25 HUGE LUdwIG Drum Set Silver Sparkle
& Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
(650) 578-9208 wOMEN’S RAICHEL ski boots, size 6 ?
yard sale,
TwIN BEd frame-black wrought iron
Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300 NEw wITH tags Wool or cotton Men's
$ 50. (650)888-5808 . rummage sale,
from Crate & Barrel $65 (650)631-1341 CASH REGISTER Parts; Much Skin Not
Guts $500 (415)269-4784
pullover sweaters
(XL) $15/each YAMAHA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
clearance sale, or
PIANO, UPRIGHT, in excellent condi-
TwIN BEd, mattress, box spring, frame
$ 50. (650)598-9804. COSTCO PLAY Pen with travel bag. tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769 PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un-
whatever sale you
Used once $35 (650)591-2981 used, about 12" long x 9" high 335 Garden Equipment have...
PIANO-1955 BALdwIN Acrosonic 36”
USEd BEdROOM Furniture, FREE. Call High, Free for anyone to pick-up $23. (650)592-2648
(650)573-7381. LIONEL CHRISTMAS Holiday expan- CHAIN SAw, 16“ ,Craftsmen ,electric,
sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 (650)295-9121. $55. (650)888-5808
TUxEdO SIzE 40, black, including white
wALL UNIT/ROOM Divider. Simple
LIONEL wESTERN Union Pass car and UPRIGHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi- shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 Reach over 83,450 readers
lines. Breaks down for transportation.
dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886. 340 Camera & Photo Equip. from South San Francisco
$25.(650)712-9962 leave message wILSON LEATHER Lady Jacket. Small,
LOREx 14” B&W Surveillance System vINTAGE LINGERIE Washboard circa like new. $45. (808)863-1136. NIKON 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel- to Palo Alto.
wALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044
upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429
Model SG14S1042C-A $75 (415)407- 1920’s The Zinc King #703. Suitable for
strumming $50 (650)369-2486
wILSON LEATHER, burgundy lady jack- in your local newspaper.
2360 RWC loction. et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136 OMEGA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
wARdROBE CLOSET with beveled
door mirror $100 or B/Offer. (650)589- LUGGAGE, REd, 21" NEW Samsonite
Spinner,$50.00. (650)729-3000
FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469 318 Sports Equipment
struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
Call (650)344-5200
zILJIAN CYMBALS with stands, 21” 15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds, vIvITAR v 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
wOOd - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99 original manual. Like new. $99 SSF
17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 NEGRINI FENCING Epee mask size M Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
& France Lames 5 epee blade $95 (916)826-5964 each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno (650)583-6636
wOOd-GRAIN LAMINATE Kitchen table (415)260-6940
3’x4’ plus 1’ leaf, 2 chairs. Photo availa-
POwERTEL PHONE for hard of hearing.
312 Pets & Animals BOLLINGER YOGA Mat. 2 blocks & 345 Medical Equipment 379 Open Houses
ble $35 (650)392-4841. strap $5 (650)888-9314
Like new used 1 month. $20. (650)871- AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from
8907 HOMEdICS dUAL Shiatsu Massage
BOw FLEx Max Trainer M-3-Very Good
306 Housewares Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid
Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162


SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit
case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
(505)228-1480 local.

ONE KENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-

$1200 asking $800 Call Michael
Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings,
20-pieces in original box, never used.
$250 per box (3 boxes available).
$45. (650)328-6709
SILK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for
mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
(650)593-2066 CHILdS KICK scooter by razor with hel- LISTINGS
met $25 obo (650)591-6842
(650)342-5630 $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
PARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx
CRYSTAL (LEAdEd glass) lamp $30.
4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best EASTON ALUMINUM bat.33 inches, 30 List your Open House
oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
Can send picture. (650)464-7860 SINK, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet, offer. (650)245-4084 in the Daily Journal.
$15.00 (650)544-5306 GOLF BAG travel protector, black, $5;
PET CARRIER for small dog or cat in ex-
308 Tools (650)591-9769
SLR LENS Pentax 28-90mm f3.5-5.6
Pentax K Mount $25 (650)436-7171
cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349-
Reach over 83,450
GOLF BALLS, good condition, 100 for
ANTIqUE IRON Hand Drills. 3 available
SLR LENS Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6 PET TAxI Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux
$10; (650)591-9769 potential home buyers &
at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron
Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171 Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for GOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all-- renters a day,
$25. Call (650)349-6059.
CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 TRAIN-COLOR PRINT by John Hugh $90.00 (650)341-8342 from South San Francisco
SHOPSMITH MARK V 50th Anniversary
Coker $50 Call (650)344-4756 PETMATE COMPASS Dog Crate used
only 1 week $40. (650)872-2244.
GOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for to Palo Alto.
$50. (650)593-4490
most attachments.
$1,500/OBO. UNIdEN HARLEY Davidson Gas Tank
phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485
in your local newspaper.
MEN'S ROSSIGNOL Skis. $95.00,
wATER STORAGE TANK, brand new, 316 Clothes good condition, (650)341-0282.
1947. $60. (650)245-7517 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $225. Call (650)344-5200
(650)771-6324 MEN’S SKI Boots, Salomon, Size 9, very
5 BOxES male & female square dance good condition. $70. (650) 591-2981.
vINTAGE SHOPSMITH and BANd clothing. Excellent Condition. As a
SAw, good shape. $300/obo. Call
311 Musical Instruments bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439. ONE dOzEN Official League Diamond
Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
CHROMATIC HARMONICA: Horner (650)771-6324. 470 Rooms
The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, dAwGS BRANd Kaymann black and
(650)278-5776. white snake print loafers size 7 (9.3”) $25 PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black
(650)369-2486 Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket- HIP HOUSING
309 Office Equipment Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
dRUM SET-PEARL FORUM Excellent FAUx FUR Coat Woman's brown multi PROGRAMMABLE ELIPTICAL Exer- San Mateo County
1950’S BURROUGHS elec. adding ma- condition, Black, Full Kit, Light Use, $425 color in excellent condition 3/4 cise Bike. Excellent Condition. Redwood (650)348-6660
chine. $30. 650-888-9314. Call Paul (650)218-6706. length $50 (650)692-8012 City (650)740-9980 $75.00
022-027 0221 wed:Class Master Even 2/20/18 3:25 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 25

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

515 office Space 625 Classic Cars
CheVY ‘86 CorVette. Automatic.
-VirtuAl oFFiCeS- 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800
$59 - $150 obo. (650) 952-4036.
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
*Business Internet *Phone Answering CorVette ‘69 350 4-SPeed. 50k
*Conference Rooms *Offices MileS. $19,000 OBO. (650)481-5296.
*Complete IT Services * Mail 5 “Hidden 43 Satiric magazine 53 Bart and Lisa’s
MerCedeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
(650) 373-2000 Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851- 1 Your business is Figures” actor since 1952 bus driver
bay Area executive offices 0878 her business Mahershala __ 45 Less harsh 54 Professor
StudebAker ’63 GT Hawk, 289 V8, 6 Tiny cut 6 Epic tale 46 Fill and then Higgins’ creator
Auto-Trans, Electric Spark, Fun Driver, 10 Jeans line 7 They may be fine
$8,500 (510)468-1839 some 56 Swedish soprano
14 Spreadsheet points 49 Converse Jenny
620 Automobiles
630 trucks & SuV’s program 8 Sit in traffic 50 Partner of pray 57 Hathaway of
JeeP 2001 Wrangler in great shape,
15 Comes to the 9 Tire gauge no. 51 Ingrid’s “The Intern”
don’t lose money rescue of 10 Tranquil
on a trade-in or
100k miles, 4x4 automatic 6 cylinder
$1500. Call (415)891-2994.
“Casablanca” (2015)
16 “The Time 11 Periodic table role 58 Winter Palace
consignment! 635 Vans Machine” race listing: Abbr. 52 “Tiny House resident
17 Like a cowboy in 12 Limited choice Hunters” cable 60 Org. for teachers
Sell your vehicle in the toYotA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con-
daily Journal’s
dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K 13 Fail to see channel 61 17th Greek letter


miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See
20 Emotional wound 18 Vegas illuminator
Auto Classifieds. craigslist for pics.
21 “At __, soldier!” 19 Nook or cranny
640 Motorcycles/Scooters 22 Quartet in 24 Peach dessert
Just $45 “Whose woods
We’ll run it bMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call 25 Many “Suits”
(650) 995-0003 these are I think I
‘til you sell it! characters: Abbr.
hondA 305 Head, 2 blocks, X-tras. know” 26 Busser’s target
$500 (415)269-4784
23 Fodder for 27 Maker of Clarity
reach 83,450 drivers MotorCYCle SAddlebAgS, Forbes, initially
from South SF to with mounting hardware and other parts alternative fuel
$35. Call (650)670-2888 25 Play a part cars
Palo Alto 26 Like an eager 28 Jelly made from
Call (650)344-5200 645 boats cowboy?
[email protected]
meat stock
2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat, 35 Riveting icon 29 “Capisce?”
excellend condition. $4,500. Call
(650)347-2559 36 Overplay a part 30 Anabaptist
bMW ‘07 X-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi-
37 Mission lead-in descendants
MAlibu 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
tion Sports package 3rd row seats re- built and re-finished. Boat and Motor. 38 Potentially 31 Velvet-voiced Mel
duced $18,995 obo Call (650)520-4650 20K obo. (650)851-0878. offensive, for 32 Like most books
CheVrolet ‘86 ASTROVAN, 63K SeA rAY 16 Ft . I/B. $1,200. Needs short 33 Recon goal
miles, $3800 (650)481-5296 Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732. 39 Tends to the 34 Palate
CheVY ‘10 HHR . 68K. EXCELLENT 670 Auto Service sauce 39 FedEx, say
CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. 40 Nerve 40 “Safe travels!”
CheVY hhr ‘08 - Grey, spunky car 41 Early 16th-
AA SMog 42 Egyptian
loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500.
(408)807-6529. century date peninsula
Complete Repair & Service
$29.75 plus certificate fee 42 Earthquake
dodge ‘99 MAintenAnCe Van, ,
$2,500 OBO Good condition. Call (most cars) 43 “Impression,
(650)481-5296 869 California Drive . Sunrise” painter
44 Like a cowboy
got An older (650) 340-0492 out of retirement?
CAr, boAt, or rV? 47 Ky. neighbor
Do the humane thing.
Donate it to the 48 Show stoppers
Humane Society.
670 Auto Parts 49 Limoges product
Call 1- 800-943-8412 bridgeStone AlenzA 235/65R17, 52 Entertainment
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
used less than 10k. (650)593-4490 show VIP
MAzdA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- 55 Builder’s map
CAble tire Chains. Stock #1038 $20
dition One owner Fully loaded Low (415)407-2360 RWC location. 59 Like a cowboy in
miles reduced $17,995 obo (650)520-
4650 MerCedeS benz 19 inch AMG Rim charge?
one only for sale $50 (650)814-9737 to 62 Area behind an
arrange pick up.
MAzdA 2016 Sky Active one owner per- altar
fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles PeerleSS tire Chains, used a few 63 Wonder
$19,995 OBO (650)520-4650 times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20
obo. (650)745-6309 Woman’s friend
MerCurY ‘92 Lo. Mi. Some wk needed. White StAr Tire Chains, never used. __ Candy
B.O. (650)250-3032. P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309. 64 Temporary tattoo
toYotA ‘06 Corolla, 146K miles, dye
$4,700. (650)302-5523
680 Autos Wanted 65 Get weepy, with
625 Classic Cars Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets “up”
Novas, running or not 66 State openly
CheVY ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard Parts collection etc.
Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 So clean out that garage 67 More curious

obo. (650)952-4036. Give me a call
Joe 650 342-2483

1 Trees that sound

like sheep
2 Corporate VIP
By Amy Johnson
3 Final Four letters
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
4 Marvelous
022-027 0221 wed:Class Master Even 2/20/18 3:25 PM Page 2

26 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

Cabinetry Construction Construction Decks & Fences Handy Help Hauling


CABINETS Fences, decks, arbors, Post Repairs
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cense number in their advertising. You
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contractor at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-
321-CSLB. Unlicensed contractors taking
jobs that total less than $500 must state
in their advertisements that they are not
licensed by the Contractors State Li-
cense Board.
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28 Wednesday • Feb. 21, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

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