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Name : Zahra Zulianty Herdiansyah Planck remained in Germany throughout teh

war. He died in Gottingen on October 4,

Class : X MIA 1 1947.
Questions 1-10 1. In which of the following fields did Max
Awarded the Nobel prize for physics Planck NOT make a significant
in 1918, German physics Max Planck is contribution?
best remembered as the originator of the a) Optics
quantum theory. His work helped user in a
new era in theoretical physics and b) Thermodynamics
revolutionized the scientific community’s
understanding of atomic and sub-atomic c) Stastistical mechanics
processes. d) Biology
Planck intriduced an idea that led to e) Physic
the quantum theory, which became the
foundation of twentieth century physics. In 2. Theword “revolutionary” as used in line
December 1900, Planck worked out an 13, means…
equation that described the distribution of
radiation accurately over the range of low to a) Dangerous
high frequencies. He had developed a
b) Extremist
theory which depended on a model of
matter that seemed very strange at the time. c) Momentous
The model required the emission of
electromagnetic radiation in small chunks or d) Militarist
particles. These particles were later called
e) Journey
quantums. The energy associated with each
quatum is measured by multiplying the 3. It can inferred from the passage that
frequency of the radiation, v, by a universal Planck’s work led to the development of
constant, h. Thus, energy, or E, equals hv. which of the following?
The constant, h, is known as Planck’s
constant. It is now recognized as one of the a) The rocket
fundamental constant of the world.
b) The atomic bomb
Planck announced his finding in
c) The internal combustion engine
1900, but it was years before teh full
consequences of his revolutionary quantum d) The computer
theory were recognized. Throughout his life,
Planck made significant contributions to e) The phone
optics, thermodynamics and stastistical
mechanics, physical chemistry, and other 4. The particles of electromagnetic radiation
fields. In 1930, He was elected president of given off by matter are known as…
the Kaiser Wilhelm society, which was a) Quantums
renamed the Max II. Though deeply
opposed to the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler, b) Atoms
c) Electrons 8. The word “emission” as used in line 8
d) Valences
a) Giving off
e) Neutrons
b) Holding on to
5. The word “universal”, as used in line 10
most nearly means… c) Throwing away

a) Planetary d) Taking back

b) Cosmic e) Hold up

c) Worldwide 9. Planck’s constant, expressed in a

mathematical formula, is…
d) Always present
a) e = v/h
e ) Free
b) E = h/v
6. The implication in this passage is that…
c) e = h-v
a) Only a German physics could discover
such a theory d) E = hv

b) Quantum theory, which led to the e) h = e/v

development of twentieth century physics, is
basically a mathematical formula 10. What is known as Planck’s constant?

c) Planck’s constant was not discernible a) v

before 1900 b) h
d) Radiation was hard to study c) e
e) He was elected president of the Kaiser d) E
Wilhelm society
e) B
7. “An idea” as used in line 4, refers to…
11. The film ____ appearing at the local
a) A model of matter theater is my favorite.
b) Emission of electromagnetic radiation a) now
c) Quantums b) is
d) The equation that described the c) it
distribution of radiation accurately over the
range of low to high frequencies d) was

e) High frequencies e) here

12. For her birthday, the child is____a 16. . The man __________ a picture is my
talking doll. father

a) getting a) take

b) get b) iis taking

c) got c) who takes

d) got from d) took

e) get from e) was took

13. The bread _________ baked this 17. Alice : Hi Adam! Do you know where my
morning smelled delicious. mother is?

a) has Adam : She’s ……. the theatre.

b) was a) Under

c) it b) At

d) just c) In

e) now d) On

14. . Sun ________ from the East e) In front of

a) it rises 18. Dini: I had five pounds ...... my pocket.

b) is rising Adam : Poor you. Then, should I treat

you for this time?
c) which is rising
a) In
d) rises b) At
c) On
e) rising
d) Below
15. Orang utans spend their time foraging in e) In front of
the jungle and ___________ for food they
happen to find.

a) look

b) looking

c) the look

d) looks

e) looks
19. Alice : I saw a stranger ...... the trees 23. She never helps anyone _________
there. having a lot of money.

Adam : So did I. He seemed about doing a) otherwise

something suspicious.
b) however
a) Among
b) Between c) inspite of
c) In front of d) instead
d) Behind
e) Under e) which

20. _________ being very rich, he never 24. You shouldn’t go out __________ it’s
shows off. raining heavily.

a) Other than a) for

b) Despite b) already

c) Instide c) which

d) Otherwise d) because

e) Other e) but

21. I am not feeling well,_____________I 25. My mother _______ I went to the market
will come to the party. for shopping.

a) because a) or

b) however b) neither

c) since c) either

d) unless d) and

e) for e) when

22. _____________ I had my lunch, I 26. Thomas was not telling the truth.
didn’t miss Pizza. ________ he was shouting at me.

a) Although a) Provided

b) Moreover b) Moreover

c) Finally c) Although

d) Already d) In order to

e) Ready e) Which is
27. Please come on time, _________ we Questions 31-40
may miss the flight.
Whereas literature in the first half of
a) otherwise the eighteenth century in America had been
largely religious and moral in tone, by the
b) therefore latter half of the century the revolutionary
c) so fervor that was coming to life in the colonies
began to be reflected in the literature of the
d) but time, which in turn served to further
influence the population. Although not all
e) because writers of this period supported the
Revolution, the two best-known and most
28. We should avoid oily food
influential writers, Ben Franklin and Thomas
____________ be healthy.
Paine, were both strongly supportive of that
a) finally cause.

b) in order to Ben Franklin first attained popular

success through his writings in his brother's
c) consequently newspaper, the New England Current. In
these articles he used a simple style of
d) for
language and common sense
e) which argumentation to defend the point of view of
the farmer and the Leather Apron man. He
29. I will give you my car _____________ continued with the same common sense
you come back before 5’o clock. practicality and appeal to the common man
with his work on Poor Richard's Almanac
a) as
from 1733 until 1758. Firmly established in
b)because his popular acceptance by the people,
Franklin wrote a variety of extremely
c) although effective articles and pamphlets about the
colonist's revolutionary cause against
d) provided England.
e) in order to Thomas Paine was an Englishman
30. ___________my mother was sleeping, working as a magazine editor in
I prepared tea on my own. Philadelphia at the time of the Revolution.
His pamphlet Common Sense, which
a) As appeared in 1776, was a force in
encouraging the colonists to declare their
b) Unless independence from England. Then
c) Besides throughout the long and desperate war
years he published a series of Crisis papers
d) Despite (from 1776 until 1783) to encourage the
colonists to continue on with the struggle.
e) Although The effectiveness of his writing was
probably due to his emotional yet 34. It is implied in the passage that
oversimplified depiction of the cause of the
colonists against England as a classic a) some writers in the American
struggle of good and evil. colonies supported England during the
31. The paragraph preceding this passage
most likely discusses… b) Franklin and Paine were the only
writers to influence the Revolution
a) how literature influence the
population c) because Thomas Paine was an
Englishman, he supported England against
b) religious and moral literature the colonies

c) literature supporting the cause of d) authors who supported England

the American Revolution did not remain in the colonies during the
d) what made Thomas Paine's
literature successful e) His pamphlet Common Sense,
which appeared in 1776
e) Thomas Paine was an
Englishman working as a magazine editor in 35. The pronoun "he" in line 8 refers to
a) Thomas Paine
32. The word "fervor" in line 2 is closest in
meaning to b) Ben Franklin

a) war c) Ben Franklin's brother

b) anxiety d) Poor Richard

c) spirit e) Thomas Paine’s sister

d) action 36. The expression "point of view" in line 9

could best be replaced by
e) debate
a) perspective
33. The word "time" in line 3 could best be
replaced by b) sight

a) hour c) circumstance

b) period d) trait

c) appointment e) scary

d) duration

e) minutes
37. According to the passage, the tone of d) describe the literary influence
Poor Richard's Almanac is during revolutionary America

a) pragmatic e) Ben Franklin first attained popular

success through his writings in his brother's
b) erudite newspaper, the New England Current.
c) theoretical Questions 41-45
d) scholarly Robert Moog was an American
e) divergent inventor who developed the Moog
Synthesizer. It was one of the first
38. The word "desperate" in line 16 could synthesizers to gain widespread use as a
best be replaced by musical instrument. Moog’s synthesizers
were an important pa Line of musical
a) unending innovation in rock and jazz music in the
1960s and 1970s. Robert Arthur Moog was
b) hopeless
born in Queens, a borough of New York City
c) strategic 75 years ago. He became fascinated with
electronics as a teenager, particularly an
d) combative early electronic music instrument called the
theremin. Moog studied physic and
e) usefull
electrical engineering at Queens College
39. Where in the passage does the author and Columbia University, both in New York
describe Thomas Paine's style of writing? City and later received a Ph.D. in
engineering physic Cornel University in
a) lines 4-6 Ithaca, New York. In 1954, while still an
undergraduate student, Moog formed his
b) lines 8-9
own company to sell theremins and
c) lines 14-15 theremin kits.

d) lines 18-20 Soon after, Moog began working on

a keyboard instrument that could replicate
e) lines 21-24 the sound of any musical instrument
electronically. Working with American
40. The purpose of the passage is to composer Herbert Deutsch, Moog
a) discuss American literature in the introduced the prototype Moog Synthesizer
first half of the eighteen century at a convention in 1964. The device
represented a significant advance over
b) give biographical data on two previous electronic synthesizer because of
American writers its use of new semiconductor technology,
which made it smaller and considerably
c) explain which authors supported cheaper than earlier machines. The Moog,
the Revolution as it was known, was soon in demand by
musician all over the world.
In 1964, Moog began a 43. The pronoun “it” paragraph 2
collaboration with American refers to…
composer and organist Walter
Carlos (now Wendy Carlos), who a) electronic synthesizer
released the bestselling electronic b) a keyboard instrument
music album Switched-On Bach in
1968. Rock groups such as the c) prototype of Moog Synthesizer
Beatles and Yes and jazz musicians
such as Herbie Hancock and Chick d) new semiconductor technology
Corea began incorporating Moog
e) jazz music
Synthesizer into their recordings, a
trend that increased when the 44. The paragraph following the passage
company introduced the compact most likely discusses…
and portable Minimoog in 1970. A
Moog Synthesizer was also a) collaboration between The Moog
prominently featured on the and other musicians
soundtrack to the movie A
b) the description of compact and
Clockwork Orange in 1971.
portable Mini Moog
Encyclopedia of World Biography,
2008 c) the improvement of Moog
41. The word “prominently” in paragraph 3
can easily be replaced by … d) trend in the music industry about
a) significantly
e) Moog’s synthesizers were an
b) perfectly
important pa Line of musical innovation in
c) accurately rock and jazz music in the 1960s and
d) excellently
45. The main idea of paragraph three is …
e) truly
a) the Moog’s collaboration in music
42. 2. The passage describes theremin as field
a/an …
b) the Moog in the movie soundtrack
a) prototype of Moog Synthesizer
c) the introduction of Minimoog
b) initial electronic music instrument
d) the collaboration of The Moog
c) musical instrument to replicate the with music groups
e) Robert Arthur Moog was born in
d) instrument of electronic tool Queens, a borough of New York City 75
years ago.
e) jazz musicians
Questions 46-50 To avoid being the victim of a pickpocket,
it’s important to be very cautious and alert
Throughout history, people have when in the midst of large gathering of the
been the victim of pickpockets. Today, pick people.
pocketing is the one of the most rapidly
increasing crimes. Pickpockets are 46.The best title for the passage would be…
increasing in number and developing better
methods to Line practice their skill. a) Pickpockets are well dressed
Approximately one million Americans lose b) Jingle Bell Schools
money to pickpockets every year, and none
is really safe from a skilled pickpockets. His c) Pickpockets
victims, or ‘marks’ as they are called, can be
rich or poor, young or old. d) The hanging of pickpockets

During the eighteenth century, e) Pickpoets from England

pickpockets were hanged in England, large
47. The hanging of pickpockets were not
crowds of people would gather watch the
continued because …
hanging, which was supposed to be a
warning to other pickpockets. However, in a) they were large crowd of people
time the practice was discontinued. The
reason: while people were attentively b) it was against humanity
watching the hanging of a pickpockets,
c) the police were not at the hanging
other pickpockets skillfully stole the money
of spectators. d) it was not effective to stop pick
Police official say that the most
efficient pickpockets come from South e) its’s a cruel
America. Many of these expert pickpockets
are trained in special school called ‘Jingle 48. 9. Pick pocketing is … crime.
Bell Schools’. A pickpocket’s graduate from
a) an old
J. B. S when he is able to steal a wallet from
a dresses dummy (mannequin) that has b) a modern
bells inside its pockets.
c) a temporary
Even the most well dressed, respectable
person may be a pickpocket. Some of the d) a contemporary
favorite places of pickpockets are banks,
airports, racetrack, supermarkets, elevators, e) a long lasting
and train and bus stations. Oftentimes a 49. South Americans pickpockets are the
pickpocket will work with another most efficient ones because …
pickpockets as his partner. Another kind of
pickpockets works outside or inside bars a) they are well-trained
and specialize in stealing from women is
called a ‘purse snatcher’. b) they are handsome

c) they are well-dressed

d) they are respectable

e) they are modist

50. ____________ it is very cold there, we

have postponed our visit.

a) Since

b) Yet

c) Due to

d) Because of

e) Now

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