Surya Kriya

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The document describes different techniques of the Surya Kriya yoga practice including various breathing exercises, meditations, and physical postures.

The document describes three Cobra Breath techniques that involve different breathing patterns through the nose, mouth or both while visualizing energy moving through the spine.

The Cobra Breath techniques are intended to stimulate different chakras and glands in the body, expand consciousness, and arouse Kundalini energy.

Surya Kriya

1) Seats with straight spine cross-legged. The right hand rests ingyan-mudra on
the knee. Hold theleft nostril closed with your left thumb. The other fingers
arestretchedupwards.Begintobreathedeeply andpowerfully through the right
nostril.Concentrate completely on thebreathn . setze thise Exercise 3-5
minutes. Inhaleand relax.

2) Seats on the heels. Raise your armsvertically over your head, ieepalms
together. To Sat Kriyaauszuü ben, startto singrhythmically
SATNAM . Emphasize SAT if Dupull in the navel and mulbhand tsp. Relax
at NAMthesemusclesagain .Concentrate onthe "third eye". (3
minutes)th ).Thenbreathe in - holdyourbreath,tense up and imagine that
yourenergy radiatesfrom thenavel point andcirculates through the whole body.For
drinks nne.Repeatthis exercise for 3 minutes. Then breathe, mul bhand tense and
think,there ßYou all energie in the Upper ste ndraw fingertips. Relax.4) Go
to theSquat . Put your toeson the floor, your heels high,your fingers on the
floor betweenyour knees, your head straight.Inhale -thereby stretch the
legs and lift thebuttocks. Senk forehead against her kneesand let your heels
off the flooraway . Exhale - come intheoriginal frog attitude toü ck.Makethe
exercise with deep breaths,26 times. Inhale when the buttocks are up, then
relaxon the heels.

5) Seats
on his heels, put his handson his upper legs .With Voil lig
straightWirbe breathe lsäuledeep
and turn yourhead to the left. Say in thoughtsSA T.Breath of vOily, During you
d toturn head to the right, say in the spirit ofNAM. (For 3 minutes). Then inhale,the
head points forward. Relax.7)Sitin perfect meditationposture with
straighterSpine . Kon-center on the "third eye".Pull in thenavel point, hold
theposition, and tense up.Watchthe respiratory flow. When inhaling,listen to the
imaginary SAT, while exhaling, listen tothe NAM .Make a
dhese Exercise 6minutes or more.Comment:This Kriya is named after solar
energy. If you have the "solar energy",you do not need to freeze, you are
very powerful, expressive, outgoingand enthusiastic. It is the energy of self-
purification. She keeps yourweight low,Promotes digestion, clears the
mindt him clearly distinguish andmac ht him han ddevelopment
oriented. These exercises systematically stimulate the positive,constructive
powers and thus the Kundalini energy itself. Exercise 1 pulls out thesun's
breath and gives you a clear concentration. Exercise 2 releases
theenergies stored at the navel point. Exercise 3 brings up the
liberatedKundalini energy along the spine and adds to its agility.Exercise 4
implements the sexual energy. Exercise 5 opens the neck chakra,
stimulatesblood circulation to the head and affects the thyroid and
parathyroid glands.Exercise 6 moves the spine, distributing the energy
throughout the body and holdingthe magnetic fieldin balance. Exercise 7
puts you in deep, self-healingmeditation. You should do this exercise from time to
time to give your bodystrength and your concentration on many thingsWorks
to stastrengths

Surya Kriya

1.Tune in with Adi Mantra: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (I call
on myhighest self to help me do my best) -3X2.Right
Nostril Breathing-Use the thumb of the left hand to close off
theleft nostril. Right hand is resting on knee in Gyan Mudra
(Thumbtipand index finger tip joined, the other fingers are
straight). Long DeepBreathing through the Right nostril. 3 min.
This exercise draws on the“sun” breath and gives you a clear
focused mind.
3.Sat Kriya- Come onto your knees and heels in Rock
Pose. Join your hands together in Venus lock in front of
you. Extend the index fingersand raise the hands up above your
head with the tops of your armshugging your ears. Begin
chanting Sat Nam, on Sat draw in the navel point and on Nam
relax it. Continue for 3 mins. To end: Inhale, holdthe breath and
tighten the spinal column all the way up for 5-
10seconds. Rest for a minute. Then Repeat Sat Kriya. To end: Inhale,ex
hale, hold the breath out and pull mulbandh (root lock) drawing
thenavel point in and feel the energy travel up the spine and into
the head.Inhale, exhale and relax.
This exercise releases energy stored at the Navel Point.
4.Spinal Flex- Come sitting in Easy Pose. Grab hold of
your foot andshin on either side of your ankle and inhale and
flex your spine forward,exhale and flex it back, rocking back on
your sitbones. Lead from thenavel and breathe deeply. Begin
slow and gain speed as your back starts to feel more flexible.
108 spinal flexes.
This exercise brings thereleased kundalini energy along the path of
the spine and aids its flexibility.
5.Frog Pose- Come standing on your toes, squat
down with your heelstouching and off the ground. Have your
hands between your knees andfingers touching the ground. Your
head is up and facing forward. Inhaleas you straighten your legs
and lower your head to your shins, keepingyour heels up and
touching. Exhale and come back into the
starting position. Repeat for a total of 26 times.
This transforms sexual energy.
6.Neck Turns-
Come onto your knees and heels in Rock Pose. Haveyour hands
resting on your thighs and your chin tucked in slightly like
asoldier at attention. Inhale and turn your head to the left
mentallythinking Sat. Exhale and turn your head to the right
mentally thinking

Nam. Continue slowly for 3 mins. To end: Inhale and bring

your headto the center and Relax.
This opens the throat chakra, stimulatescirculation to the head and
works on the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
7.Spinal Bends- Sit in Easy Pose. Bring your hands to
your shoulders,fingers in front, thumbs in back. The upper
arms are parallel to theground. Inhale as you bend to the left.
Exhale as you bend to the right.Do not bend forward or
backward. Continue these side bends for 3mins and then inhale
to the center and relax.
This exercise flexes the spine, distributes the energy over the
whole body and balances themagnetic field.
8.Meditate- Sit in Easy Pose in a perfect meditative posture with
thespine straight and the chin tucked. Hands are resting on the
knees inGyan Mudra. Pull the Mulbandh (Root Lock) and draw
in the navel point. Hold this lock all throughout the
meditation. (If you get tired or begin to shake you can let it go
for a couple seconds and then pick it upagain. ) In this position,
sit quiet and still with your eyes closed gazingat your third eye
point. Watch the flow of the breath. On the inhalehear Sat, on
the exhale hear Nam. Continue 6 minutes or longer. Whenyour
mind wanders, and it will wander, when you notice it just
come back to the breath and hear Sat Nam.
This will take you into a deep self-healing meditation.
Comments from Sadhana Guidelines:This kriya is named after
the energy of the sun- Surya. When you have a lotof “Sun
Energy” you do not get cold, you are energetic,
expressive,extroverted and enthusiastic. It is the energy of
purification. It holds theweight down. It aids in digestion. It
makes the mind clear, analytic andaction-oriented. The exercises
systematically stimulate the positive pranicforce and the
kundalini energy itself. This should occasionally be in
your regular sadhana practice to build the strength of your body
and your ability tofocus on many tasks.

Shambhavi Mudra Techniques & Practice

In the practice of shambhavi mudra, eyes are focussed on the
eyebrow centre, therefore it is alsocalled as "Eyebrow centre
This practice is widely quoted in the scriptures like
Gherand samhita
. You can transcend the fetters of individual ego by
practicing shambhavi mudra fora sufficiently long period of
This practice is similar to
Agochari mudra
in which we gaze at the tip of nose, therefore "AgochariMudra" is
also known as "Nose Tip Gazing". This is one of the prime
practices for Ajna ChakraBalancing.Although this practice is called
a Mudra (gesture), it is also a meditative practice. You can
performshambhavi mudra for a prolonged period of time to gain
the benefits and experiences of othermeditative techniques.

Take a comfortable sitting posture with back straight and hands
on knees. Close your eyesfor a short time and then open your
eyes and look forward at a fixed point, then look upwardas high
as possible without moving the head.

Now, focus both eyes at eyebrow centre and concentrate. Try to
suspend the thought processand meditate on Ajna chakra. It is
important that the eyes converge towards eyebrow centre.
If this is done in a correct manner, you will see two curved
images of the eyebrowcentre merging with each other at
the top of the nose and forming a solid V-shapedpoint.

Repeat Om, Om, Om with the awareness of sound vibration at
the eyebrow centre. Each Omshould be produced in a soft voice
with total awareness at the eyebrow centre. Each Omshould be
one or two seconds in duration, immediately followed by the next.
Practice forthree to five minutes.

Make sure that you do not strain eyes. Practice only as long as
you do not feel discomfort. If you feel discomfort, relax your eyes
for few seconds and continue the practice again.
Internal Awareness:

Now close your eyes but the inner gaze should remain at the
eyebrow centre.

Began to chant the 'Om' more slowly, with full awareness of
sound vibration in the eyebrowcentre. Imagine that the sound of
Om is being emitted from the eyebrow centre itself.

Increase the duration of Om effortlessly, making it long and
continuous. Refill your lungs bybreathing through nose and start
next Om. Your body should remain still.

Practice for five minutes.
Awareness of sound Vibration:

Continue to chant Om but become aware of sound reverberating
throughout the body. Try tobe aware of the sound only,
originating from eyebrow centre and passing into whole body.

Allow the sound to manifest itself fully, maintain the awareness of
the sound vibration only.

Practice for five minutes.

As you practice more, you can lengthen the duration of practice


The key technique in the Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga system is the Cobra
a p reciou s gif t to hu man k ind fro m Bab aji, a Hi malyan yog i
of g reat po wer and wisdom. Kriya masters have said that a
million disease-free years of life on this planet are required to
evolve a perfected brain capable of experiencing
CosmicConsciousness. Kriya practice enables one to move at a much
faster pace, since eachCobra Breath produces one year of spiritual
maturation. The Cobra Breath pullsShakti (or magnetic) energy into
the spine, changing the electromagnetic propertiesof the cerebrospinal
fluid, allowing Kundalini to move up the spine. As the
brain bathes in this magnetized fluid, the nervous system is transformed,
and you awakento a new consciousness.The teaching of the Cobra
Breath is an oral lineage passed from teacher to teacher for thousands
of years. This tradition is strictly adhered to for reasons of safety
inmanipulating Kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is the most
powerful energy in the body and is nothing to trifle with. This ancient
breath technique was long held secret because of its great power.
Traditionally, methods as powerful as Cobra Breath weregiven only to
very advanced students after long years of preparation, and then
under clo se sup erv ision of a ma ster -teach er. It is no w time
to mak e th ese secr et and profound methods more available,
protected as they are by a self-selection process.Those who are not
ready for them aren’t usually interested.The Cobra snake is chosen as
the symbol of the Cosmic Cobra Breath. Kundalinienergy has often been
depicted in ancient drawings as a serpent coiled three and onehalf times
at the base of the spine. Kundalini is Life Force, or
Consciousness, andalso it is sexual energy. When sexual energy
is aroused, the serpent may climb upthe spine to the higher centers
of the brain, expanding the consciousness. The
cobrasnake is cho sen sp ecifically because it flares its h ead
b ef o re strik in g . Th is actsymbolizes the expansion of
consciousness. A corollary of this symbolism is foundin traditional
depictions of the Hindu God Shiva. He is always shown with a
Cobrasnake wound around his body, usually around his neck, but
sometimes around hisarm or waist. He, and his followers; the
wandering Sadhus in India; often carry atrident, or three-pronged
spear. The three blades represent the male, the female anddivine union,
as in the meaning of the circuit of breathing used in the Cobra Breath.
The first cobra breath technique
With the tip of the tongue touching the upper part of the teeth, inhale
through themouth feeling a cold energy coming up through the
back part of the spine up toKu tasth a. This up ward mo v emen t
of Pran a is help ed b y Mu la Bandh a which is practiced after
the breath leaves the Muladhar Chakra and by a moderate form
of Uddiyana which is practiced after the breath passes beyond
the Manipura
Chakra.Th e energ y go es th rough th e Med ulla toward s Ku tas
tha. Ho ld you r b reath and swallow, pulling your chin back and
slightly down. After about 3 seconds or more,take a sniff and begin
exhalation. The energy is visualized moving from
Kutasthaupwards and over the middle of the skull -- keeping
close to it. When the flow of

energy reaches the Fontanelle, the Mula Bandha and Uddiyana are
released, energytravels down the back of skull. Smile, opening
thus the Medulla where the energyreturns inward. Keep your smile
while the energy flows downward to Muladhar. The"Awww" and "Eeee"
sounds are made by the breath as it goes up and down. Repeatat least 12
The second cobra breath technique
Inhale through the nose visualizing the energy ascendi ng through
a channelsituated in front of the spine. As the energy passes
through each Chakra, a subtle pulsing of the Vairoli Mudra is
performed. The tongue is up in a simple form of Kechari
Mudra. The energy travels up through the tongue to pause at the
Pinealgland. Cobra breath one stimulates the Pituitary gland,
while Cobra breath twostimulates the Pineal. As the energy
ascends Om Na Mo Bha Ga Va are mentally placed in each Chakra.
After placing Va in the center of the head the breath is held.The face
turns right, then left and then the chin is lowered to chest. After
a fewmoments, head is returned parallel and the Mantra continues (Te
Va Su De Va Ya)as th e en erg y trav els do wn f ro m the Medu lla
th rough th e back of the spin e to Muladhar. At the start of the
exhalation, tongue is relaxed and a slight expulsion of air (similar to
Kapalabhati) is released at each Chakra with the "EEE"
sound. Soundand b reath are f luid all th e way d own , ju st
accentuated to fu rther sharp en the awareness of each Chakra.
Repeat at least 12 times.
The third cobra breath technique
Inhale equally through the mouth and nose in three portions.
With the first portion, draw the golden light in through Kutastha and
store it in Vishuddhi. Inhaleagain, this time a larger portion
bringing golden light in and store in Anahata. For the last time
inhale again, this is the largest inhalation, the golden light is stored
inManipura. Beginning with the first inhalation, make a slight Mula
Bandha and witheach successive intake of breath, tighten it. When the
inhalation is complete, pause,collect your attention at the base of the
spine and, exhaling, intone "Om" out loud.During exhalation Mula
Bandha and Kechari Mudra are released. The golden lightare guided up
through Sushumna and out through the crown. Repeat at least

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