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Jurnal Inpafi

Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014


XI SMA N 1 P E R B A U N G A N Y E A R 2 0 1 3 / 2 0 1 4
Jefri S Waruwu and Motlan
Physiscs Department,Faculty of Mathematics & Natural science ,
State University of Medan,
[email protected]

Physics is one of the core curricullum of high school in Indonesia. It studies
about natural phenomena. Howefer student’s achievement on high school
physics in Indonesia is still relatively low. This is possibility due to the lack
of learning and teaching aproaches. The objective of research is to know the
influence multimedia based inquiry training learning model on student’s
achievement on momentum and impulse in class XI, SMA N 1 Perbaungan,
year 2013/2014”. Based on the research find from the analysis of result it
can conclude that it has the effect of inquiry training learning model on
student’s achievement on momentum and impulse in class XI SMA N 1
Perbaungan, year 2013/2014. It means inquiry training learning model
better than conventional model to increase of student achievement.

Key Word: influence of multimedia based inquiry training learning model,

student achievement, activity.

INTRODUCTION required for the educational

New technologies, especially obligations also include moral
multimedia has an increasingly values, noble character, creativity,
important role in the learning independence and leadership, which
process. Many people believe that is very difficult in the conventional
multimedia will be bring us to a learning system. Conventional
situation where learning with learning systems are less flexible in
learning effort will be replaced by accommodating the development of
learning with fun. So the learning materials for teacher competence
process a fun, creative, not boring should be intensified to adjust course
would be the right choice for material with the latest technological
teachers. developments.
Learning system that has It is possible due to the low
made the conventional learning value of student competence by
system (teaching faculty), thick with learning delivery strategy is less
atmosphere instructional and felt less appropriate. In this case, the teacher
in accordance with the dynamics of may have little or no use of learning
the development of science and resources optimally. Among teachers
technology so rapidly. More than that in delivering instruction often ignore
the use of media, but the media is
working to increase student learning

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

motivation and in turn will improve This happens due to the lack
the quality of education students. of varied learning model of the
The role of media in teaching material to be delivered, teachers are
and learning by Gerlac and Ely less involved and require students to
(1971:285) stated that there are three engage in problem-solving lessons,
special treatment held teaching so students are less creative thinking
media, namely: (1) The media has using logic, it is also less eager to
the ability to capture, store and follow the teaching and learning
display the return of an object or activities, resulting in the subject
event, (2) The media has the ability matter presented the teacher can not
to bring back objects or events in be accepted by most students.
various ways adapted to the needs, From interviews with a
and (3) The media has the ability to physics teacher at SMAN 1
display something object or event Perbaungan, said that there are many
that has meaning. students who are less interested in
Similarly, Ibrahim (1982:12) studying physics because students
suggests the function or role of are less active in learning activities,
media in teaching and learning in addition to the models used by
include: (1) to avoid the occurrence teachers are less varied and still use
of verbal, (2) Generating interest or the traditional learning model. It also
motivation, (3) Attractive the makes learning not fun and does not
attention, (4) Overcoming the create a vacuum in the students'
limitations of space, time and size, learning process and only receive
(5) Enable students to learn and (6) lessons without any real
Making provision stimulus for understanding of physics.
learning. In order to realize the physics
Along with the times then the learning interesting and fun, the
development of science and students develop thinking skills
technology plays a very large. especially critical thinking skills,
Physics as one of the branches active and creative indispensable.
natural sciences (IPA) is the Students who master the concepts are
fundamental science that form the not only able to memorize a number
backbone for the development of of concepts that have been learned,
science and technology. Physics is but students should be able to apply
also the science that studies the parts it to other aspects to develop the
of nature and interactions in it, and concept of thinking. One model that
can be explained with simple is able to invigorate teaching
concepts. students to think actively, creative
Based on the experience of and able to think critically in the
researchers at the Integrated Field process of learning is inquiry training
Experience Program (PPLT) in SMA learning model. Inquiry training
N 1 Perbaungan, physics teachers learning model not only developing
generally prefer the reduction intellectual abilities but all this
formulas and calculations or discuss potential, including the emotional
the questions, so that students think development and skills development.
that physics is difficult, tedious and In the inquiry learning model,
less enjoyable. students are exposed to a problem
who accidentally created by the

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

teacher or the results of of class VII semester 1 MTS N 3

"engineering", so students must put Terrain academic year 2009/2010.
all thoughts and skills to get the From the research that is done then
findings in the problem through the there is the influence of inquiry
research process. learning model for student learning
Learning inquiry will train outcomes in the material substance
students to express opinions and and its form of class VII semester 1
discover their own knowledge useful MTS N 3 Terrain academic year
for solving the problems. The use of 2009/2010 where the obtained value
models in an efficient and effective of posttest experimental class is
inquiry will reduce the dominance of 68.70 and obtained value control
the teacher during the learning class posttest results 59.20. The
process, and the boredom of students constraints faced by previous
receive lessons will be reduced. researchers, among others: (1)
Inquiry learning has an important students are not familiar with the
role in improving the quality of inquiry training learning model
education in schools, including before so it took an adjustment
physical education, for inquiry period with the students during the
learning not only developing learning process takes place. (2) in
intellectual abilities but all potential the group discussions there were
students include emotional some students who are silent or
development and skills development. actively participate less and less in
Thus, efforts to be made to actively group discussions. (3) the limitations
involve students in learning so as to of the tools and materials in the lab
improve the skills, understanding, because of the number of groups is
interest and learning outcomes of too much.
students in physics, one using inquiry How to overcome the above
training learning model. weaknesses researchers will now
The research has been apply the inquiry training learning
carried out by Ridwan Abdullah Sani model and trying to overcome the
and M. Zainul Abidin (2010), constraints faced by previous
entitled Influence Inquiry Training researchers by providing guidance
Learning Model for Mastering of and clarification in advance stages of
Physic Concept In Class X SMA N 1 inquiry training learning model at the
Tanjung Beringin. From the research start of the meeting at the time of
the conclude is there is the influence teaching and learning activities will
of inquiry training learning model for be started if the students still do not
mastering physic concept in class X get it researchers explain the stages
SMA N 1 Tanjung Beringin where of inquiry training learning model at
the obtained value of posttest the next meeting. First, researchers
experimental class is 6,69 and gave LKS (student worksheet) put
obtained value control class posttest more emphasis on students'
results 4,64. understanding of concepts when
The research has been carried teaching and learning take place as
out by Nurhaida Lubis (2010), well as providing some animation
entitled influence inquiry learning related to the material that will be
model for student learning outcomes taught to identify the level of student
in the material substance and its form understanding. Second, the presence

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

of a clear LKS, will allow students to The research significance this

understand what will be done in a research is for students (1)
group discussion so that students will Improving student learning outcomes
actively participate in groups and in the subjects physics, especially the
researchers will give more attention material momentum and impulse. (2)
and guidance to students who are Motivating students to engage in
noisy and disturb the current learning through inquiry training
discussion. learning model for teachers (3)
Based on the description Opening think conception of
above, researchers interested in teachers in developing teaching and
conducting research entitled. The learning model one uses inquiry
Influence of Multimedia Based training learning model (4) Feedback
Inquiry Training Learning Model on for teachers to measure the success
Student’s Achievement on of the implementation of the teaching
Momentum and Impulse in Class XI, and learning activities in the
SMA N 1 Perbaungan, Year classroom. For schools (5)
2013/2014. Improving the quality of the school
The problem statement of this through learning outcomes student
research are (1)Is the students learning and teacher performance (6)
achievement in the momentum and As feedback to improve the
impulse subject using multimedia effectiveness and efficiency of the
based inquiry training learning model learning activities.
has influence than conventional
learning? (2) How does student Model of Inquiry Training
learning activities during the inquiry Learning
training learning model in the subject Learning is a process of
matter in momentum and impulse of interaction between teachers and
SMA N 1 Perbaungan, year students. In the process, the teacher
2013/2014? gives guidance and provides many
The objective of this research opportunities to encourage students
is (1)To know the influence to learn and to gain experience in
multimedia based inquiry learning accordance with the learning
model on students achievement in objectives, the achievement of
the subject matter momentum and learning objectives showed by the
impulse in class XI SMA N 1 level of mastery of skills and
Perbaungan, year 2014. (2) To know personality formation.
the student learning activities using The learning process involves
inquiry training learning model on a variety of activities and actions that
student achievement in the subject need to be done by students to obtain
matter momentum and impulse in good learning results. Opportunities
class XI SMA N 1 Perbaungan year for doing activities and acquisition
2013/2014 (3) To know the student learning outcomes determined by
learning achievement by using approach used by the teacher-student
mutimedia based inquiry training in the learning process.
learning model and conventional Two important aspects in the
learning on momentum and impulse learning activities are:
in class XI SMA N 1 Perbaungan,
year 2013/2014.

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

1. Aspects of the learning 4. Administrator, who

outcomes of behavior change on responsibility to whole student
students. in the classroom.
2. Aspects of the learning process 5. Influence, which led the current
that quantity of experience set of students think the purpose
intellectually, emotionally and of which is expected.
physically on students. 6. Manager, which manage
According Gulo, in Trianto learning resources, time and
(2007; 135), inquiry learning model class organization.
is a series of learning activities that 7. Rewarder, that rewards the
involve the maximum throughout a achievement of students in order
student's ability to find and to increase morale.
investigate the systematic, critical, To stimulate the thinking of
logical, analytical, so that they can learners, it is necessary to know what
formulate their own findings with they know and how students think.
confidence. Only then can develop
The main targets of inquiry students'ability to think in the
learning model are (1) the maximum process of inquiry. Often teachers
student involvement in the learning expect their students to follow their
process, (2) the directionality of own way of thinking, and not
activities in a logical and systematic teachers follow the students thinking.
learning objectives, (3) develop a So that teacher can be as role
confident attitude of students about effectively, the introduction of
what was found in the inquiry student ability is indispensable,
process. especially the way he thinks, the way
General condition that they respond to it.
requisite for emergence of inquiry Inquiry training learning
training learning model for students model is designed to engage students
are: directly into the scientific process in
1. Social aspects in the classroom a relatively short time. The results
and open atmosphere that invites Schlenker, in the Joyce and Weil
students to discuss. (1992, 198), suggesting that the
2. Inquiry training learning model inquiry training learning model can
focuses on the hypothesis. improve the understanding of
3. Use facts as evident science, productive creative thinking,
(information, facts). and students become skilled in
To create such conditions, the obtaining and analyzing information.
role of the teacher is follows : Achievement of learning
1. Motivator, which give stimulus objectives that have been formulated
to be active and enthusiastic containing cognitive, affective, and
student thinking . psychomotor. Gagne, as has been
2. The facilitator, who showed the cited by Dahar (1988:163), in Trianto
way out if there are obstacles in (2007:129), that the learning
the process of student thinking. outcomes achieved, include five
3. Asker, to sensitize students capabilities:
mistake the meaning of their 1. Intellectual ability, the ability
actions and give confidence in shown by the students about
yourself. intellectual operation that can be

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

done, for instance traffic that it was as efficient as recitation or

discrimination, concrete concept lectures accompanied by laboratory
and definition concept. experiences. Ivany (1969 ) and
2. Verbal information (declarative Collins (1969) reported that the
knowledge) knowledge presented method works best when the
as proportions (the idea) and are confrontations are strong, arousing
static, such as facts, events genuine puzzlement, and when the
personally, and generalizations. materials the students used to explore
3. The attitude is a trait that could the topics under consideration are
be learned and can affect a especially instructional. Both
person's behavior toward objects, element and secondary students can
events or other living profit from the model (Voss, 1982).
4. Motoric skills, including the In an intriguing study. Elefant (1980)
ability of physical activity, motor success carried out the model with
merging with intellectual skills, deaf children, which suggest that the
such as using microscopes and method can be powerful with student
tools biuret. who have severe sensory handicaps.
5. Cognitive strategies, is a process
of control, which is an internal Syntax
process used by students to select Inquiry training has five
and pay attention, learn, phase . the phase is :
remember and think. No Phase Teacher
Affective traits are related to Activities
the development of attitudes and
1 Phase one : Teacher explain
feelings, motivation and
Confrontation inquiry
encouragement from within to do
with the problem. procedures and
something such as curiosity, interest
on multiple tasks which students discrepant even
perceived as a challenge, willing to
take risks to make mistaking or 2 Phase two : Data Teacher verify
critical by other students, not easily gathering- the nature of
broken hope, respect themselves and verification. object and
others. conditions, and
then verify the
occurence of the
Inquiry Training Design problem
Inquiry training designed to situation.
bring student directly into the 3 Phase three : Data Teacher isolate
scientific process through exercise gathering- relevant
that compress the scientific process experimentation. variables and
into small period of time. Schlenker ( hypothesize and
1978 ) reported that inquiry training test causal
resulted in increased understanding relationships.
of science, productivity in creative 4 Phase four : Teacher
thinking, and skill for obtaining and Organizing, formulate rules
analyzing information. He reported formulating and or explanations
that it was not more effective than explanation.
conventional method of teaching in
the acquisition of information, but

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

5 Phase five : Teacher analyze Note :

Analysis of the inquiry strategy ______ Instructional Effect
inquiry process. and develop --------- Nurturant effect
more effective
ones The format of the model
promotes active, autonomous
learning as the student formulate
Instructional and Nurturant Effect question and test ideas. It take
courage to ask question, but it is
This model promotes hoped that this type of risk will
strategies of inquiry and the values become second nature to the
and attitudes that are essential to an students. They will also become
inquiring mind including: more proficient in verbal expression
1. Process skill ( observing, as well as in listening to others and
collecting, and organizing data; remembering what has been said.
identifying and controlling Although its emphasis is on process,
variables; formulating and testing inquiry training result, too, in the
hypothesis and eplanations ; learning of content in any
inferring). curricullum area from which
2. Active, autonomous learning. problems are selected.
3. Verbal expressiveness.
4. Tolerance of ambiguity; RESEARCH METHOD
persistence The research is conducted in
5. Logical thinking. Senior High School (SMA N) 1
6. Attitude that all knowledge is Perbaungan that were active in the
tentative. Academic Year 2013/2014. The time
The chief learning outcomes of this research is 20 until 30
of inquiry training are the processes September 2013. With two class,
involved observing, collecting and selected by cluster random sampling.
organizing data, identifying and One class as experiment class using
controlling variables, making and Inquiry Training Learning Model
testing hypotheses, formulating and another class as control class
explanation, and drawing inferences. using Conventional Model.
The model splendidly integrates
these several process skill into a Research Design
single, meaningful unit of Tabel Two Group Pretest-
experience. Postest Design (Arikunto 2010 : 125)
Group Pre Test Treatment Post Test
C √ Y √
SPIRIT OF Note: E= Experimental Group
INQUIRY C = Control Group
X= Applying Multimedia Based
AUTONOMY IN LEARNING Inquiry Training Model
Y= Applying conventional learning
AMBIGUITY For hypotesis test using t test
one part as follows (Sudjana, 2005:

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

X1  X 2 Table Post Test score in Experiment and Control class

tcount =
1 1
s      Experiment Class Control Class
 n2   n2 
Score F1 S1 Score F2 S2
With S is Total varians
(n1  1) s12  (n2  1) s22 1,5 0 1,5 1
s 

n1  n2  2 2,5 1 2 1

note: 3 1 2,5 2

=Average value of experiment 3,5 2 3 3

class 4 7 3,5 4
3,86 1,24
=Average value of control class 4,5 3
4,89 1,28
4 5
n1 = total of student in experiment
5 4 4,5 1
n2= total of student ing control class 6 4 5 3

= Varrians for experiment class 6,5 3 5,5 1

= Varrians for control class 7 1 6 1

Pre-test data of both classes are 7,5 1 6,5 1
shown in Table. TOTAL 23 TOTAL 27

Table Pre test score in Experiment

and Control class Normality and Homogenity Test

The result of normality test in

Experiment class Control class
S S experiment and control class
Score F1 Score F1
described below :
1,5 4 2 4 Table Normality test of pre-test data
2 4 2,5 4 in Experiment class and Control
2,5 7 3 4 class
3 6 2,72 0,81 3,5 4 3,36 1,11
Pre-Test Data
3,5 2 4 2 Class Conclusion
Lcount Ltable
4 3 5 4 Experiment 0.1543 0.1682 Normal
Control 0.1510 0.1798 Normal
5 1 5,5 1
Total 27 Total 23 Base on table, get the results
of hypothesis testing two parties in
α=0.05 obtained price tcount = -0.29
and ttable = 1.99 . Because – ttable<
tcount< ttable it is -2,01< -1.31<2,01
so Ho accepted so can be concluded
the initial student ability in
experiment class and control class is

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

Table Normality Test of Post-Test Tabel Hypothesis Test of Pro-Test

Data in Experiment and Control Data Average tcount ttable Conclusion

Class Experiment Have different

Class 4,889 2.073 2.070
Post-Test Data significant
Class Conclusion Control
Lcount Ltable Class 3,869
Experiment 0.1623 0.1682 Normal
Control 0.156 0.1798 Normal
With test criteria is :Ho
accept if tcalculate < t (1-  ) where t (1-
Table Homogeneity Test of Pre-Test
Data S Fcount Ftable Conclusion  ) get from distribution table t with
Experiment independent degree (dk) = n1 + n2 – 2
and the probability (1-  ) with  =
1.76 1.89 Homogen
Class 0,05 for another value of t Ho not
accept, so multimedia based inquiry
In table, Fcount < Ftable it’s training learning model has influence
mean of sample in this research have in student learning achievement.
homogeny or can be represented all
population. DISCUSSION
The result of analysis
Table Homogeneity Test of Post Test research data showed that have the
Data S Fcount Ftable Conclusion
influence of multimedia based
1.03 1.891 Homogen
inquiry training model on student
1,550 learning achievement on momentum
& impulse in class XI SMA N 1
Based on table, get Fcount< Perbaungan. At the beginning of the
Ftable it’s mean of sample in this research are given a pretest to
research have homogeny or cab be experiment and control class,
represented all population. obtained the average of pretest of
Hypothesis Test experiment class is 2,722 with
standard deviation 0,88 and the
Table Hypothesis Test of Pre-Test average of control class is 3,369 with
Data Average tcount ttable Conclusion standard deviation is 1,110. In the
normality testing for pretest obtained
Experiment 2,72 -1,31 2.01 Initial studentin experiments with Lcalculate= 0.0834
Class ability is same
and Ltable = 0.156, so obtained Lcount
Control Class 3,36 < Ltable , then both of classes are
normally distributed ( the calculation
is attached in appendix). In the test
Base on table, get the results of homogeneity is obtained Fcount = 1.76
hypothesis testing two parties in and Ftable = 1.891 so that Fcount <
α= 0.05 obtained price tcount = -0.29 Ftable (1.76< 1.89), then both of
and ttable = 1.99. Because – ttable< sample come from homogeneous
tcount< ttable it is -2,01< -1.31<2,01 group calculation results attached in
so Ho accepted so can be concluded appendix). Then the result of initial
the initial student ability in ability test (pretest) between
experiment class and control class is experiment class and control class
same. with similarity test two parties is
obtained - ttable <tcount< ttable (-2.012
<1.315<2.012) which means that the

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

initial ability both of sample groups based inquiry training model. Or in

are similar. other words, the activity of inquiry
Having given a different training had no effect on the value of
treatment, then students is given the student learning outcomes in the two
test again (posttest), the average categories of activity. Therefore, to
value of posttest in experiment class ensure that the good influence of
using multimedia based inquiry inquiry training model for student
training model is 4,889 with standard learning outcomes are needed
deviation 1,660, while the average activity indicator that more complete
value posttest in control class with observations. In this case the
conventional learning is 3,869 with researchers only observed 4 aspects:
standard deviation is 1.550. This the purpose of experiment, tools &
research used the t test two parties to materials, hypothesis, procedure,
determine there were differences of results, conclusions.
samples’ learning achievement when
treated with multimedia based CONCLUSION
inquiry training learning model in Base on the research find
experiment class and conventional from the analysis of result and
learning in control class. The results hypothesis test, it can conclude that
of hypothesis testing from the data (1) Inquiry training learning model
obtained tcount> ttable or 2.073 >2,070. has the effect on student’s
At significant level α = 0.05 achievement on momentum and
From above, we see aspects impulse in class XI SMA N 1
assessed during the process of Perbaungan, year 2013/2014. It
learning is how students find the means inquiry training learning
destination lab, equipment and model better than conventional
materials, hypothesis, procedure, model to increase of student
result and conclusion. During the achievement. (2) Student activity
process of inquiry learning takes frequency in experiment class with
place, the activity of the students inquiry training learning model after
seemed more excited and passionate two times meeting concluded to good
because researchers are always category. While the students activity
motivating students. But still there in control class have conventional
are student activities that appear in learning after two times meeting is
the learning process but not observed concluded to less category. (3) Base
by the observer because of limited on t test, find that has significant
aspects assessed in the observation influence in student achievement
sheet. In the learning process, there is using inquiry training learning model
a student activity like collect data, especially in material momentum &
test hypothesis and drawing impulse class XI SMA N 1
conclusions. Attempts to do is to Perbaungan T.P 2012/2013.
complete the observation sheet in
accordance with the learning process SUGGESTION
with inquiry training learning. Suggestion from the reserach
This indicates that the value is (1) for next research, it will be
of the results obtained by the better to make the good plan in group
students learn not only from organization, it should be the
activities conducted multimedia member of group each group only 2-

Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014

3 people. It can make them in active.

(2) In the collection of data in
research, find that student need a
long time because they still not
understand the step-step in
worksheet. It will be better the next
researcher want to continue this
research, using the worksheet with
good comunicative and make student
easy to understand.


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Evaluasi Pendidikan, Penerbit
Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.

Dahar, R.H., (1996), Teori-teori

Belajar, Penerbit Erlangga,

Ely, G., (1971), Teaching and Media

Systematic Approach, New
Jersey Prentice Hall, Inc.

Gulo, W., (2004), Strategi Belajar

Mengajar, Grasindo, Jakarta.

Joyce & Weill, (1996),Model Of

Teaching 5th Edition, Printed in
the USA .

Ibrahim., 1982. Media Instruksional,

FIP IKIP Malang, Malang.

Sudjana., (2005), Metoda Statistika,

Penerbit Tarsito, Bandung.


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