1958 3451 1 SM
1958 3451 1 SM
1958 3451 1 SM
Physics is one of the core curricullum of high school in Indonesia. It studies
about natural phenomena. Howefer student’s achievement on high school
physics in Indonesia is still relatively low. This is possibility due to the lack
of learning and teaching aproaches. The objective of research is to know the
influence multimedia based inquiry training learning model on student’s
achievement on momentum and impulse in class XI, SMA N 1 Perbaungan,
year 2013/2014”. Based on the research find from the analysis of result it
can conclude that it has the effect of inquiry training learning model on
student’s achievement on momentum and impulse in class XI SMA N 1
Perbaungan, year 2013/2014. It means inquiry training learning model
better than conventional model to increase of student achievement.
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
motivation and in turn will improve This happens due to the lack
the quality of education students. of varied learning model of the
The role of media in teaching material to be delivered, teachers are
and learning by Gerlac and Ely less involved and require students to
(1971:285) stated that there are three engage in problem-solving lessons,
special treatment held teaching so students are less creative thinking
media, namely: (1) The media has using logic, it is also less eager to
the ability to capture, store and follow the teaching and learning
display the return of an object or activities, resulting in the subject
event, (2) The media has the ability matter presented the teacher can not
to bring back objects or events in be accepted by most students.
various ways adapted to the needs, From interviews with a
and (3) The media has the ability to physics teacher at SMAN 1
display something object or event Perbaungan, said that there are many
that has meaning. students who are less interested in
Similarly, Ibrahim (1982:12) studying physics because students
suggests the function or role of are less active in learning activities,
media in teaching and learning in addition to the models used by
include: (1) to avoid the occurrence teachers are less varied and still use
of verbal, (2) Generating interest or the traditional learning model. It also
motivation, (3) Attractive the makes learning not fun and does not
attention, (4) Overcoming the create a vacuum in the students'
limitations of space, time and size, learning process and only receive
(5) Enable students to learn and (6) lessons without any real
Making provision stimulus for understanding of physics.
learning. In order to realize the physics
Along with the times then the learning interesting and fun, the
development of science and students develop thinking skills
technology plays a very large. especially critical thinking skills,
Physics as one of the branches active and creative indispensable.
natural sciences (IPA) is the Students who master the concepts are
fundamental science that form the not only able to memorize a number
backbone for the development of of concepts that have been learned,
science and technology. Physics is but students should be able to apply
also the science that studies the parts it to other aspects to develop the
of nature and interactions in it, and concept of thinking. One model that
can be explained with simple is able to invigorate teaching
concepts. students to think actively, creative
Based on the experience of and able to think critically in the
researchers at the Integrated Field process of learning is inquiry training
Experience Program (PPLT) in SMA learning model. Inquiry training
N 1 Perbaungan, physics teachers learning model not only developing
generally prefer the reduction intellectual abilities but all this
formulas and calculations or discuss potential, including the emotional
the questions, so that students think development and skills development.
that physics is difficult, tedious and In the inquiry learning model,
less enjoyable. students are exposed to a problem
who accidentally created by the
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
n1 n2 2 2,5 1 2 1
note: 3 1 2,5 2
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014
Jurnal Inpafi
Vol. 2, No. 2, Mei 2014