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June 2016; vol. 3 (Issue 3): 275-287.

www.onlinepbe.com ISSN 2394-0859

Review Article

Dendrimers: a potential carrier for targeted drug delivery

Awani Kumar Rai, Ruchi Tiwari, Priyanka Maurya*, Pooja Yadav

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur, U.P., India

*For correspondence ABSTRACT

Priyanka Maurya,
Research Scholar Novel drug delivery system aims to deliver the drug at a rate directed by
Pranveer Singh Institute of the needs of the body during the period of treatment, and target the active
Technology, Kanpur, U.P., entity to the site of action. A number of novel drug delivery systems have
India. emerged encompassing various routes of administration, to achieve
Email: priyankamaurya controlled and targeted drug delivery, dendrimer carriers being one of
[email protected] them. Dendrimers are highly branched, star-shaped macromolecules with
nanometer-scale dimensions. It is a novel three dimensional structure and
these three components are: a central core, an interior dendritic structure
(the branches), and an exterior surface with functional surface groups. It is
also improve the physical, chemical properties due to their structure. Its
other properties like very small size, polyvalenc, monodispersit, stability
make it an appropriate carrier for delivering drugs with precision and
selectivity. The terminal groups are modified to attach biologically active
substances for targeting purpose. Dendrimers are suitable for a wide range
of targeted drug delivery, controlled drug delivery, gene delivery and
industrial applications. Cationic surfaces of dendrimers show cytotoxicity,
derivatization with fatty acid or PEG chains, reducing the overall charge
density and minimizing contact between cell surfaces and dendrimers can
reduce toxic effects. Different types of products are formulated by using
dendrimers for treatment of many diseases. The present review has
focused on the different strategies of their synthesis, different methods of
drug entraptment, drug delivery and targeting, its applications, interactions
involved in formation of drug-dendrimer complex along with
characterization techniques employed for their evaluation, toxicity
Received: 28 March 2016
Revised: 01 April 2016 Keywords: Dendrimers, Targeted drug deliver, PAMAM, PPI, Synthesis,
Accepted: 14 April 2016 Divergen, Convergent, Application

Introduction branches. In the recent past it has been found

that the properties of highly branched
Polymer chemistry and technology have macromolecules can be very different from
traditionally focused on linear polymers, which conventional polymers. The structure of these
are widely in use. Linear macro-molecules only materials has also a great impact on their
occasionally contain some smaller or longer applications. First discovered in the early 198 by

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Rai AK. et al. Pharmaceutical and Biological Evaluations 2016; vol. 3 (3): 275-287.

1980’s by Donald.1 These hyperbranched Ideally targeted drug delivery system should
molecules were called dendrimers. The term have following characteristics:
originates from ‘dendron’ meaning a tree in
Greek. At the same time, Newkome’s group.2  Should be biochemically inert (non-toxic)
 Should be non-immunogenic.
Tomalia and co-workers, in the beginning the  Should be physically and chemically stable
research on dendrimers focused on the synthesis, in vivo and in vitro conditions.
characterization, and properties of perfect  Should have restricted drug distribution to
dendrimers of higher generations. For the target cells or tissues or organs and should have
synthesis of dendrimers constructed by step-by- uniform capillary distribution.
step sequences, two fundamentally different  Should have Controllable and predictable
strategies, the divergent approach and rate of drug release and also Drug release should
convergent approach, were employed.3 not affect the drug action.
Dendrimer chemistry is a rapidly expanding  Should have therapeutic amount of drug
field for both basic and applicative reasons. release.
From a topological viewpoint, dendrimers  Should have minimal drug leakage during
contain three different regions: core, branches transit.
and surface. Another important property of  Carriers used should be bio-degradable or
dendrimers is the presence of internal cavities readily eliminated from the body without any
where ions or neutral molecules can be hosted. problem.
Such a property can potentially be exploited for  The preparation of the delivery system
a variety of purposes, which include catalysis should be easy or reasonably simple,
and drug delivery.4 reproductive and cost effective.5
Types of drug targeting
Targeted drug delivery
These two approaches are used for drug
Target drug delivery system may also be targeting. An ideal targeted drug delivery
referred to as smart drug delivery system.8 Is the approach would not only increase therapeutic
currently used form of drug delivery system efficacy of drug but also decrease the toxicity
where the pharmacologically active drug (or associated with drug to allow lower doses of the
pro-drug in some cases) is targeted or is drug to be used in therapy.6
delivered specifically to the site of action.
Targeted drug delivery extensively used for Active targeting
selective and effective localization of
pharmacologically active moiety at pre- Active targeting means a specific ligand–
determined target in therapeutic concentration, receptor type interaction for intracellular
while restricting its access to non-target normal localization which occurs only after
cellular linings, thus minimizing toxic effects bloodcirculation and extravasations. This active
and maximizing therapeutic index. Targeting of targeting approach can be further classified into
drugs also help us to bypass first pass three different levels of targeting which are,
metabolism so a drug can be administered in a
form such that it reaches the receptor sites in  First order targeting refers to restricted
sufficient concentration without disturbing in distribution of the drug carrier systems to the
extraneous tissue cells. Products based on such a capillary bed of a predetermined target site,
delivery system are being prepared by organ or tissue e.g. compartmental targeting in
considering the Specific properties of target lymphatics, peritoneal cavity, plural cavity,
cells, Nature of markers or transport carriers or cerebral ventricles and eyes, joints.
vehicles, which convey drug to specific
 Second order targeting refers to selective
receptors and Ligands and physically modulated
delivery of drugs to specific cell types such as
tumour cells and not to the normal cells e.g.

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selective drug delivery to kupffer cells in the


 Third order targeting refers to drug delivery

specifically to the intracellular site of targeted
cells e.g. receptor based ligand mediated entry of
a drug complex into a cell by endocytosis. 6

Passive targeting

It refers to the accumulation of drug or drug-

carrier system at a particular (like in case of anti-
cancerous drug) site whose explanation may be
attributed to physicochemical or pharma-
cological factors of the disease. Hence in case of Figure 1: Structure of dendrimers.9,10
Three dimensional projection of dendrimer of core shell
cancer treatment the size and surface properties architecture for G=4.5 PAMAM dendrimer with principle
of drug delivery nanoparticles must be architecture component(I)core,(II)interior and (III) surface
controlled specifically to avoid uptake by the
reticulo-endothelial system (RES), to maximize The dendrimer shell is the homo-structural
circulation times and targeting ability. For spatial segment between the focal points, the
attaining such conditions the optimal size should “generation space”. The “outer shell” is the
be less than 100 nm in diameter and the surface space between the last outer branching point and
should be hydrophilic to circumvent clearance the surface. The “inner shells” are generally
by macrophages (large phagocytic cells of the referred to as the dendrimer interior.10
RES)2 Other examples include targeting of anti-
malarial drugs for treatment of leishmiansis, In dendrimers, the outer shell consists of a
brucellosis, candiadsis.7 varying number of pincers created by the last
focal point before reaching the dendrimer
Structure of dendrimers surface. In PPI and PAMAM dendrimers the
number of pincers is half the number of surface
Dendrimers are built from a starting atom, such groups (because in these dendrimers the chain
as nitrogen, to which carbon and other elements divides into two chains in each focal point ).10
are added by a repeating series of chemical
reactions that produce a spherical branching End group is also generally referred to as the
structure. As the process repeats, successive “terminal group” or the “surface group” of the
layers are added and the sphere can be expanded dendrimer. Dendrimers having amine end-
to the desired size by the investigator. The final groups are termed “amino-terminated
entity is spherical macromolecular structure dendrimers”.10
whose size is similar to blood albumin and
Ideal properties of dendrimers
haemoglobin.Dendrimers possess three separate
architectural Components.9  Dendrimers are monodisperse macro-
molecules, unlike linear polymers.
 An initiator core
 Dendrimers have some unique properties
 Interior layers (generations) composed of
because of their globular shape and the presence
repeating units, radically attached to the interior
of internal cavities. The most important one is
the possibility to encapsulate guest molecules in
 Exterior (terminal functionality) attached to the macromolecule interior.
the outermost interior generations.The structure
 Dendrimers have been applied in in vitro
of dendrimers are shown in Figure 1.10
diag- nostics. Dade Internati-onal Inc. (U.S.A.)
Dendrimers consist of three basic components:
has in- troduced a new method in cardiac testing.
the shell, pincer and end group (Figure 1).
Proteins present in a blood sample bind to

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immunoglobulins which are fixed by dendrimers The divergent growth reaction of dendrimer can
to a sheet of glass. The result shows if there is be shown in Figure 2.23
any heart (2.5 and 3.5) are weaker.
 Anionic dendrimers, bearing a carboxylate
surface, are not cytotoxic over a broad
concentration range.11
 Dendrimers are Inert and non-toxic.
 It is Biodegradable.
 Non-immunogenic.
 Able to cross barriers such as intestine,
Figure 2: Divergent method.23
blood-tissue barriers, cell membranes etc.
 Able to stay in circulation for the time Convergent method
needed to have a clinical effect.
 Able to target to specific structures. Convergent dendrimer growth begins at what
 Compatible with guest molecules. will end up being the surface of the dendrimer,
 Must protect the drug until it reaches to the and works inwards by graduall- y linking surface
desired site of action and release the drug.12 units together with more. When the growing
wedges are large enough, several are attached to
Types of dendrimers a suitable core to give a complete dendrimer.
convergent growth method has several
Dendrimer can be differentiated on the basis of advantages like relatively easy to purify the
their shape, end functional groups and internal desired product, occurrence of defects in the
cavities which can be classified in Table 1.13-20 final structure is minimised, does not allow the
formation of high generation dendrimer because
Technology of dendrimers stearic problems occur in the reactions of the
production dendrons and the core molecule.21

Divergent method The convergent growth reaction of dendrimer

can show in Figure 3.23
As mentioned earlier, the first applied method of
dendrimer synthesis was the divergent method
proposed by the Tomalia group21. In this method
growth of dendrimers originates from a core site.
The core is reacted with two or more moles of
reagent containing at least two protecting
branching sites, followed by removal of the
protecting groups, lead to the first generation Figure 3: Convergent method.23
dendrimers. This process is repeated until the
dendrimer of the described size is obtained. By Double exponential and mixed growth
this approach the first synthesized dendrimers
were polyamidoamines (PAMAM), also known In this approach two products (monomers for
as starbust dendrimers.22 both convergent and divergent growth) are
reacted together to give an orthogonal- ly
The major disadvantage of this approach is that protected trimer, which may be used to repeat
the incomplete growth and the side reactions the growth process again. Strength of double
lead to imperfect dendrimers. To minimize these exponential growth is more subtle than the
side reactions and imperfections, it’s ability to build large dendrimers in relatively
recommended to use a large excess of reagents. few steps.24

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Table 1: Type of dendrimers.

S.NO. Type of Synthesis Example Identification

1. PAMAM (Poly Divergent Dendritech These are spheroidal or ellipsoidal in shape.13 It
Amido TM has high solubility and reactivity due to incidence
Amine) (USA) of a number of functional end groups and empty
Dendrimer internal cavities.14,15

2. PPI (Poly Divergent Asramol by Its core structure is based on Di amino butane with
Propylene DSM primary amines as end groups and tertiary
Imine ) (Netherlands) propylene amines as center. These are
Dendrimer commercially available up to G-5 and are
extensively used in material science and biology.16
3. Chiral Convergent chiral The chirality of the dendrimers was based
Dendrimer dendrimers upon the building of constitutionally different but
derived from chemically alike branches
pentaerythritol to chiral core.17
4. Multilingual Convergent VivaGel These are the dendrimers which hold multiple
Dendrimers copies of a particular functional group on their
5. Tecto Divergent Mercapto These were made up of core dendrimers, which
Dendrimers can be surrounded by other dendrim-ers, which
execute a specific function leading to a smart
therapeutic system used for diagnose the diseased
state and deliver API to the accepted diseased
6. Hybrid Divergent Hybrid dendritic These dendrimers have characteristic of both
Dendrimers linear polymer, dendritic and linear polymer.18
7. Peptide Convergent Beta Peptide dendrimers are those which hold amino
Dendrimers Casomorphin acid as branching or interior unit.
(human) These are used for the diagnostic purpose and
vaccine delivery.19
8. Frechet-Type Convergent Frechet type These were based on polybenzyl ether hyper
Dendrimers dendron azides, branched skeleton. Carboxylic
TM acid group attached on the surface of dendrimers
Priostar that provides site for further functionalization and
also improve the solubility of dendrimers.19
9. PAMAMOS Convergent SARSOX These are silicon containing commercial
(Poly and dendrimers which are inverted unimolecular
Amidoamine Divergen micelles and contains exterior hydrophobic
Organosilicon) organosilicon (OS) and interiorly hydrophilic,
Dendrimers nucleophilic polyamidoam-ine.19
10. Multiple Convergent vaccine and These are dendron-like molecular assembly
Antigen and diagnostic based upon a polylysine frame. Lysine with its
Peptide Divergent research alkyl amino side-chain performed as a excellent
Dendrimers monomer for the overture of frequent branching

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Hypercores and branched monomer growth bonds. covalent attachment of drugs to the
surface groups of dendrimers through chemical
This method involved the pre-assembly of bonds offers the opportunity for a better control
oligomeric species which can be linked organic over drug release than that can be achieved by
methodologies.25 In this approach two products simple encapsulation/electrostatic complexation
(monomers for both convergent and divergent of drugs into/with the dendrimers. Naturally, a
growth) are reacted together to give an problem may arise as a consequence of coupling
orthogonally protected trimer, which may be large numbers of drugs to the dendrimer surface
used to repeat the growth process again. by covalent conjugation,that is, the insolubility
Strength of double exponential growth is more of the resultant product.This problem often can
subtle than the ability to build large dendrimers be resolved through the concomitant attachment
in relatively few steps.22,11 of short PEG chains.28
Click chemistry

Dendrimers have been prepared via click

chemistry,employing Diels-Alder reactions.26
Click chemistry was first introduced by K. Barry
Sharoless of the Scripps Research Institute in
2001 and describe chemistry modified to
engender substances rapidly and consistent by
combination of small units collectively. It is not
a solitary reaction, but was intended to imitate
nature, that can also generate molecules by
joining small modular units.27 Figure 4: Drug entrapment with
Drug entrapment with dendrimers Potential strategies for interactions between dendrimers and
drug molecules (A) electrostatic interactions or covalent
Simple encapsulation conjugate, and (B) simple encapsulation.

The ellipsoidal or spheroidal shape, empty Electrostatic intraction

internal cavities, and open nature of the
architecture of dendrimers make it possible to The high density of functional groups (such as
directly encapsulate guest molecules into the amine groups and carboxyl groups) on the
macromolecule interior (Fig. 4). These empty surface of dendrimers may be expected to have
potential applications in enhancing the solubility
internal cavities usually have hydrophobic
properties, which make it suitable to interact of hydrophobic drugs by electrostatic
with poorly-soluble drugs through hydrophobic interaction. In recent years, nonsteroidal
interactions. In addition, there are nitrogen or antiinflammatory drugs with carboxyl groups,
oxygen atoms in these internal cavities, which including ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diflunisal,
naproxen,and indomethacin, have been widely
can interact with the drug molecules by
been complexed with dendrimers by electrostat-
hydrogen bond formation. In view of these
specific properties, the relationship between the ic interactions. Studies on other drugs, such as
internal cavities of dendrimers and drug some anti-cancer drugs and anti-bacterial drugs,
molecules may involve physical encapsulation, have also been reported.28
hydrophobic interaction, or hydrogen bonding.28
Characterization of dendrimers
Covalently conjugation
The dendrimers are characterize by different
In this case, the drug is covalently bound to methods and that characterization is given in
dendrimers, and its release occurs via chemical Table 2.29-51
or enzymatic cleavage of hydrolytically labile

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Table 2: Characterization of dendrimers.

A Spectroscopy and Spectroscopy and spectrometry methods of

spectrometry methods characterization of dendritic polymer are as follows29-34
Ultra-violet-visible spectroscopy Provides information for monitoring the synthesis of
(UV-VIS) dendrimers. The intensity of the absorption band is
basically proportional to the number of chromophoric units.
Infra red spectroscopy (IR) Provides information for routine analysis of the chemical
transformations going at the surface of dendrimers.
Near infra red spectroscopy Provides information for the characterization of delocalize
π-π stacking interaction between end groups of modified
Fluorescence Provides information for increasingly high Sensitivity of
fluorescence used to quantify defects during the synthesis
of dendrimers.
Mass spectroscopy Chemical ionization or fast atom bombardment used for the
characterization of small dendrimers whose mass is below
3000Da. Electrospray ionization used for dendrimers which
are able to form stable multicharged species.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) Provides information to allow precise determination of the
chemical composition, structure, size and shape of
B Scattering techniques Scattering techniques for characterization of dendritic
polymer are as Follows 35-38
Small angle X-ray scattering Provides information about their average radius of gyration
(SAXS) (Rg) in solution. The intensity of the scattering also
provides information on the arrangement of polymer
Small angle neutron scattering Provides access to the radius of gyration, but may also
(SANS disclose more accurate information than SAXS. The
location of the ending groups has also been determined by
SANS experiments conducted with PAMAM dendrimers
and PPI dendrimers
Laser light scattering (LLS) It determines the hydrodynamic radius of dendrimers.
Dynamic LLS is mostly used for the detection of
C Microscopy methods Microscopy methods for characterization of dendritic
polymer are39-40
Transmission microscopy Electron or light produce images that intensify the original,
with a resolution eventually limited by the wavelength of
the source.
Scanning microscopy It produces an image by touch contact Q at a few angstroms
of a sensitive canilever arm with sample. Ex. Atomic force
D Size exclusive It allows the partition of molecules according to size.41
E Electrical techniques Electrical techniques for characterization of dendritic
polymer are as Follows 42-44
Electron paramagnetic Quantitative determination of the substitution effectiveness
resonance (EPR) on the surface of PANAM dendrimers
Electrochemistry It provides information about the possibility of interaction

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of electroactive end groups.

Electrophoresis It provides the information about the assessment of purity
and homogeneity of several types of water soluble
F Rheology and Physical Rheology and physical properties used for
properties characterization of dendritic polymer are as follows45-48
Intrinsic viscosity It is as analytical probe of the morphological structure of
Differential scanning It used to detect the glass transition temperature depends on
calorimetry (DSC) the moleculer weight, entangment and chain composition of
Dielectric spectroscopy (DS) Gives complete information about molecular dynamic
processes (α-, β).
G Miscellaneous Other methods used of characterization of dendritic
polymer are as Follows49-51
X-ray Photoelectron It provides detailed information about chemical
Spectroscopy (XPS) composition of dendrimers such as poly (aryl ether)
dendrons or PAMAM dendrimers which was obtained using
XPS. This technique is most generally used for the
characterization of layers.
Sedimentation Technique used for lactosylated PAMAM dendrimers,
measurements of dipole moments for PMMH dendrimer.
Titrimetry It is used for determining number of NH2 end groups of
PAMAM Dendrimers.

Table 3: Factors affecting dendrimers properties.52-54

S.NO. Factor Level Effect

1. Effect of pH Low Structural behaviour of PAMAM dendrimers is depended
upon pH.
At low pH (< 4) the interior is getting increasingly hollow.
Repulsion between the positively charged amines both at the
dendrimer surface and the tertiary amines in the interior
increases at high generation.

Neutral At neutral pH, back-folding occurs which may be a

consequence of hydrogen bonding between the uncharged
tertiary amines in the interior and the positively charged
surface amines.
High At higher pH (pH>10) the dendrimer contract as the charge of
the molecule
becomes neutral, acquiring a more spherical (globular)
structure, where the repulsive forces between the dendrimer
arms and between the surface groups reaches minimum

2. Effect of Salt High High concentration of salt have a strong effect on charged PPI
dendrimers. Favours a contracted conformation of
dendrimers, with a high degree of back-folding somewhat
similar to what is observed upon increasing pH or poor

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Low The repulsive forces between the charged dendrimer segments

results in an extended conformation in order to minimize
charge repulsion in the structure.

3. Effect of Solvent The solvation power of any solvent to solvate the dendrimer
is a very important parameter.
Dendrimers of all generations generally exhibit a larger extent
of back-folding with decreasing solvent quality.
The dendrimer arms induce a higher molecular density on the
NMR studies performed on PPI dendrimers concluded that a
nonpolar Solvent like benzene, poorly solvates the dendrimers
favouring intramolecular interactions between the dendrimer
segments and back-folding.

4. Effect of 1.Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments

Concentration of performed on PPI dendrimers
Dendrimer (G4, G5) in a polar solvent like methanol show that the
molecular conformation of dendrimers upon increasing
concentration becomes increasingly contracted.
2.This molecular contraction may minimize the repulsive
forces between the dendrimer molec-ules and increase the
ability of the dendrimers to exhibit a more tight
intermolecular packing.

Factors affecting dendrimers A] Drug molecules can be physically entrapped

within the dendritic structure, which are given in
properties Figure 5.1.55
Different types of factors which are affect
B] Drug molecules can be covalently linked onto
dendrimers properties. Those factors are given in
the dendrimer surface (or) other functionalities
Table 3.52-54
to produce dendrimer-drug conjugate,which are
given in Figure 5.2.55
Mechanism of drug delivery
through dendrimers
The well-defined 3D structure and many
functional surface groups, drug molecules can be
loaded both in the interior of the Dendrimers as
well as attached to the surface groups ( as shown
in the figure). Dendrimers can function as drug
carriers either by encapsulating drugs within the
dendritic structure, or by inter-acting with drugs
at their terminal functional groups via
electrostatic or covalent bonds (prodrug). There
are broadly two mechanisms for drug delivery. 55 Figure 5.1: A Dendrimer molecule with drug
molecules loaded at terminal surface of

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Diagnostic application

 Dendrimers as MRI contrast agent.

 Dendrimers as X-Ray contrast agent.
 Dendrimer as molecular probe.22
Pharmaceutical application

 Dendrimer in pulmonary drug delivery.

 Dendrimer in ocular drug delivery.
 Dendrimers in oral drug delivery.
 Dendrimers in colon drug delivery.
Figure 5.2: Dendrimer molecules with drug  Dendrimers in intranasal drug delivery.
molecules Encapsulated within branches.  Dendrimers in pulmonary drug delivery.
Functional component  Dendrimers in transdermal drug delivery.
 Dendrimers for controlled release drug
A dendrimer of higher generations consists of delivery.
shell. A shell consists of a central core and  Dendrimers in targeted drug delivery.
alternating two layers of monomers around it.  Dendrimers in gene delivery.
Amines constitute the central core which may  Dendrimers as solubility enhancer.
sometimes be replaced by sugar. All core  Cellular delivery using dendrimers carrier.
molecules have multiple and identical reaction  Dendritic polymers are used in the
site. Amine is the simplest core molecule present purification of water.
with three functional sites. The surface of all full  Dendrimers based product in cosmetics.
generations consists of multiple amines, while  Dendrimers based commercial products.
the surface of the half generations consists of  Applications of Dendrimers in Waste Water
multiple acids.These two kinds of surfaces Treatment.22
provide the means of attachme-nt of multiple
different functional components.55
Cytotoxic issues of dendrimers in
Application vivo
 There are now more than fifty families of  Dendrimers with positively charged surface
dendrimers, each with unique properties, since groups- prone to destabilize cell membranes and
muscle damage. This method significantly cause cell lysis.
reduces the waiting time for the blood test  Generation dependent toxicity-higher
results (to about 8 min). generation dendrimers being the most toxic.
 Dendrimers can act as carriers, called  Degree of substitution, type of amine
vectors, in gene therapy. Vectors transfer genes functionality is important- primary amines being
through the cell membrane into the nucleus. more toxic than secondary or tertiary amines.12
 Besides biomedical applications dendrimers
can be used to improve many industrial
processes. The combination of high surface area Dendrimers based products
and high solubility makes dendrimers useful as
nanoscale catalysts.11 Different types of products are formulate by
using Dendrimers and some dendrimer based
Therapeutic application products are given in Table 4.56
 Dendrimer in photodynamic therapy.
 Dendrimers for Boron Neutron capture

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Table 4: Dendrimers based products.56

S.NO. Brand name Type of dendrimer Companey Application
1. Vivagel Multiple Antigen Star Pharma HIV Prevention
2. Alert ticket PAMAM US army Anthrax Detection
3. Superfect Ampiphilic Qiagen Gene Transfection
4. Startus CS Tecto Dade Behring Cardiac Marker
5. Priofect™, Priostar™ Tecto Starpharma Targeted diagnostic,
therapeutic delivery
for cancer cells

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