Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: The Body Chapters 15 + 17 and Themes (con’t) Grade: 10
Subject: English Strand: Applied Location: Room 125 Time: 75 Mins Date: Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Lesson Plan Description – (one/two paragraphs with general details about what you will do and how you will do it)
This lesson will focus on a reading of chapters 15 and 17 in Stephen King’s The Body. Chapter 16 will be skipped due
to its irrelevance to the plot. A short discussion of the chapters will take place to ensure students are extracting
meaning from the text. At this point, students should have a good understanding of the characters.
The second part of the lesson will be a continuation of the prior lesson. Students will present the work they did
yesterday to the rest of the class. Students should take notes on each other’s work to ensure they have notes on all of
the themes discussed.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
Oral Communication
2. Speaking to communicate
use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations (numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, refined when
necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3) have expectations that match assessment
Oral Communication
2.1. Purpose
communicate orally for several different purposes, using language suitable for the intended audience.
2.3 Clarity and Coherence
communicate in a clear, coherent manner appropriate to the purpose, subject matter, and intended audience
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language
that students can readily understand)
Highlight/circle ones that are assessed: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, self-regulation
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student
worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan
where appropriate.
“Intro to Themes” worksheet – shared with them on Google Drive
copies of the Novella
Welcome class and present the Agenda for the day. Contribute by expressing what you remember.
Quickly have the students summarize what happened
Read chapters 15 and 17 pausing after each chapter Listen to the teacher while they read. Be ready to
to revisit some of the major plot points, character answer questions about what has happened in the
development and some difficult vocabulary. chapters covered today.
“Are there any words that are used that
you are unfamiliar with?” Make note of any questions you have as they come up.
“Can anyone tell me what happened in
this chapter?”
“Now that we’ve begun to talk about
themes, is there anything in this chapter that
might contribute to one of the themes we
looked at yesterday?”
(40 Minutes)
Break briefly to allow students some time to relax their Break to relax their minds.
(5 Mins)
Begin to have the pairs present their work. Try and get If it is their turn to present. They should be ready to
through as many as possible. explain what they have found.
Try and have them explain their thoughts. Don’t
just let them read it off their paper. Make sure If it is not their turn, they can either take notes on the
they can explain how each point relates to the other themes being presented or finish their own if they
theme. are not done. (The teacher will ultimately make a
(20 Mins) handout with all the themes for them based on what
the students have come up with, so if they don’t take
good notes they will not be screwed)
If we don’t get through all the pairs presentations today we will continue tomorrow (this will likely be the case). In
the next lesson we will continue reading as well.
The Character Profile Assignment will be handed out either in the next lesson or the lesson following it. Students
will need an understanding of characters and themes for the assignment.
Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:
This lesson went very well I think. The class seemed to enjoy the chapters that we read today, and I was really impressed with the work that they had gotten done
the day before. I was able to get through 5 sets of pairs showing off their work, so I know that I will be able to finish off the rest tomorrow.
The Teacher:
I was so happy to see that some of the students who typically struggle were proud of the work they’d done while presenting. It reassured me that the effort I put
in yesterday, helping them do their work was worth it.