Final Project

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Lesson Plan to promote Oracy and Critical Thinking

Complete the following (the planning must include both Oracy and Critical Thinking):

Choose the context of your lesson: Face to face / Remote / Hybrid / Other: _F2F__________

● Fully online classes via videoconferencing, which are often combined with some asynchronous work students do through a
● Blended classes: students attend some classes in-person and do some work online (synchronous and/or asynchronous).
● F2f rotation: half of a class attends in-person on one day, and the other half attends in-person on the next day, and so on.
On the days they don't attend, students work on their own: online in a VLE, or with a coursebook at home.
● Hybrid classes: some students attend in-person, and some students attend online via videoconferencing from home, at the
same time.

Describe your Class profile:

Year 10
It’s a class of 36 students, 20 boys and 16 girls. They are very talkative, and they are changing their view to the English language. This is because now they
are more committed to learn and practise the language. They like working in groups, although they have specific groups to work with. They do not like to
work with other students which are not their own friends. Their level of English is elementary but just 5 students have demonstrated to have an advance
level. In this class there is 1 student with special needs, 2 permanents and 2 temporary students. The majority just know basic expressions and for them it is
difficult to talk in English because they just know a few vocabularies and expressions. Students are mostly interested in video games, sports, and music.
They work better when activities involve any of these elements. In this opportunity they will work on unit 2 called “Technology and its effects”. This
activity aims to develop oracy and critical thinking in students through grouping students and investigate certain information to opinions in front of the
whole class. This activity affects positively and maximize their learning process. First, it is a whole class activity, then it is in groups, and finally, there is a
group versus group work activity which pretends to demonstrate a well use of body language, well developed arguments, and good speaking skills by
arguing according to a chosen topic.

Describe how your lesson addresses the OA (Bases Choose your lesson duration: 45’ - 60’ - 90’ lesson. (Select the
Curriculares- Priorización Curricular): timing you prefer)

OA6: Participar en interacciones y exposiciones, recurriendo a las This is a 90 minutes lesson.

siguientes estrategias para expresarse con claridad y fluidez:
> Antes de hablar: practicar presentación, organizar la información
clave en diagramas, hacer conexiones o establecer relaciones.
> Al hablar: parafrasear, usar sinónimos y expresiones de uso
frecuente (chunks), usar rellenos temporales (por ejemplo:
anyway…; of course; right), activar uso de conectores,
autocorregirse con ayuda.
> Después de hablar: identificar debilidades, establecer metas,
registrar errores y corregirlos con ayuda de recursos.

Describe one lesson learning outcome for Oracy: Explain Success Criteria: Descriptions of what a student is
expected to do in order to demonstrate that a learning outcome
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to express in groups has been achieved.
a opposition or proposition opinion (orally) related to the motion
-They make presentations and actively contribute to the class in group
“The development of artificial intelligence will help humanity”, by
using phrases such as I agree/disagree with, or I strongly believe, discussions, using a variety of strategies (paraphrasing, use of fillers)
showing a respectful and positive attitude with him/herself, the rest to maintain fluency in communication.
of the class and with the language. -They make logic connections between ideas.
-They describe the advantages and Disadvantages of some inventions
and the technology.
-They use precise vocabulary, appropriated and elaborated verbs and
some adverbs.

Explain assumptions your students may exhibit: (25-50 words) Write anticipated problems and solutions: (25-50 words)
-Students would assume that this activity can be developed -A possible problem could be that students don’t want to talk in English in
in Spanish. For this reason, the introduction has to be clear front of the whole class  If they don’t want to talk, I can help them and
for the students in relation to the language they must use forencourage them to do it. If they use Spanish, I can redirect the
this activity. conversation and insist on using English. I can provide them the
vocabulary and expressions so then they just have to read the words.
-Students would assume that this activity can be develop Also, they could record their voice for practicing so then the teacher can
with their friends, but the groups will be selected according give them individual feedback.
to the students’ point of view.

Stage Timing Interacti Procedure (Write the step by step) Materials and resources
on Indicate procedural scaffolding Indicate Content
pattern Scaffolding

Warmer: T-Sts - Before students enter the classroom, they are asked to make Copybook, pencil, eraser,
15’ a line and then they have to enter one by one and choose a markers, whiteboard.
table with the topic he/she agrees the most. Once every
student is in a group with a certain topic, they are asked to
discover what the activity will be about. Once they give a
brainstorm of ideas, the teacher tells them what the activity is

Opening 15’ T-Sts -Teacher presents the LO of the class. Then, the teacher Cellphone or computer
explains the main instruction. They have to follow the topic with Internet, a dictionary,
idea an organize in group so each student can give an copybook, pencil.
opinion as a proposition or opposition (according to the topic
the chose). The idea is that each one of the groups give a
different opinion to support the topic.

Simulation 20’ T-Sts - The teacher models an example using a group and their Cellphone or computer
topic. She models what they have to do step by step. with Internet, copybook
Sts-Sts - Then, she asks to some students to explain what they have and pencil.
to do as a group using their own words to the rest of the
- Later, the teacher shows them a list of formal expressions
that students can use to express their opinions.
- Students start to organize their ideas, transform their thinking
to English and practice pronunciation.

Instruction 30’ Sts-Sts - Students enter the classroom and choose a motion that they -
feel related to, and then they go to sit there.
- Students are told to prepare an argumentation opinion
defending their motions, where each argumentation must be
different from other from the group.
- The teacher propose a list of formal phrases or expressions
that students can use for defending their opinions on the
- Later students practice their pronunciation by recording their
voice as much as they need. By doing this, the teacher can
give them feedback.
- Finally, randomly, a group is invited to start the
argumentation opinions.

Conclusion 10’ T-Sts Whiteboard, markers.

At the end, the teacher mentions the main ideas of the group and
draw a map of the ideas on the whiteboard. The idea is to represent
all the topics and their main opinions.

Finally, they complete a short assessment sheet where they are

asked questions like “Was your opinion difficult to prepare? Why?”

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