Masterseal 333

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MASTERSEAL® 333 Interim Datasheet

Formerly Silaseal
Dust Arresting Treatment

DESCRIPTION The application of the first coat should continue until no

more solution will penetrate the surface. Allow to dry for
nd rd
MASTERSEAL 333 is a deep penetrating silicate 24 hours. Repeat procedure for 2 and 3 coats.
solution for sealing and dust-proofing powdery or friable During application do not allow puddles to form or
concrete and masonry surfaces. significant surface build with occur. A glaze of sheen
should not form on the surface.
RECOMMENDED FOR MASTERSEAL 333 is formulated to penetrate, not form
a surface coating. 24 hours after the completion on the
• Old concrete floors that are soft and starting to dust 3rd coat, wash and broom any excess surface material
due to inadequate curing and/or low cement away.
content. NOTE : surfaces treated with MASTERSEAL 333 can
• Powdery or friable concrete and masonry surfaces. exhibit a whitish, blotchy appearance. Where the treated
• New concrete surface to seal against oil, grease surface has been allowed to become wet up to seven
and many chemical solutions. dyas after the final coat, it can become slippery. To
overcome these surface conditions, neutralise by
FEATURES AND BENEFITS brooming a solution of 1 part hydrochloric acid diluted in
15 parts of water onto the floor.
• Dust arresting treatment. Seals and dust proofs new Hose down after 10 minutes and allow to dry.
or old concrete, floors, walls, masonry or stonework. The above procedure is also necessary before
Deep penetrating liquid hardener. Prolongs the considering overcoating with paints, render, etc. A small
serviceable life of “problem” concrete floors before test area is recommended prior to application of any
retoping is required. subsequent surface finish.
• Protects concrete surfaces by sealing and hardening Treated surface may be opened to traffic when the
concrete surfaces, providing increased durability and surface has dried completely and no tackiness remains,
resistance to abrasion. usually after 24 hours.
• Dense surface. Resists penetration of oil and grease.
Protects concrete from the corrosive effects of smoke CLEANING
fumes, mild acids, salts and many other aggressive
chemical solutions. Clean equipment promptly after use with clean water.


Preparation Coverage will vary greatly depending on the porosity and

Correct surface preparation is essential to ensure a texture of the surface of the concrete and its age. Old
successful application. Surfaces must be dry and concrete can take double the quantity of MASTERSEAL
absorbent, free from oil, grease, paint, cring compounds 333 of new concrete as will a vary rough profile at the
and other contaminants. surface.
New concrete floors As a guide:
New concrete floors that required hardening sealing or Concrete finish Old/New Coverage
dust arresting treatment should be left until they are at Wood float Old 0.17 litre/m2 (6 m2/litre)
2 2
least 28 days old then dilute MASTERSEAL 333 1 : 1 Wood float New 0.10 litre/m (10m /litre)
2 2
with clean potable water, and carefully apply by broom, Steel float Old 0.12 litre/m (8 m /litre)
2 2
mop, spray or squeegee until absorption ceases and all Steel float New 0.08 lutre/m (12m /litre)
pores are filled. Do not allow MASTERSEAL 333 to
puddle. Liquid membrane curing compound should NOT
be used when using MASTERSEAL 333, use alternative MASTERSEAL 333 is packed in 20 and 205 litre
method such as polythene film or water curing. containers.
Old concrete floors, soft stone, masonry
After surface preparation, apply 3 coats, at 24 hour SHELF LIFE
1 coat diluted 1 : 3 with potable water MASTERSEAL 333 can be stored under cover in tightly
2 coat diluted 1 : 2 with potable water closed original container for 24 months at moderate
3 coat diluted 1 : 1 with potable water temperature.

Head Office Factories Representative Offices

Plaza GRI 10th & 11th Floor Jl. Daan Mogot Km.14 Jl. Jababeka V Blok I-1 Grand Residence Office Park, Komp. Pertokoan Royal Sunggal
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-2 No.1 Cengkareng, Cikarang Industrial Estate 1st Floor Jl. Gagak Hitam No. A-12
Jakarta 12950 Jakarta 11750 Bekasi 17530 Jl. Darmo Harapan Complex 1 Ring Road – Sunggal
Tel.: (6221) 5262481, 5262505 Tel.: (6221) 6190007 Tel.: (6221) 8934339 Surabaya 60187 Medan, Sumatera Utara 20128
Fax: (6221) 5262493, 5262515 Fax: (6221) 6190741 Fax: (6221) 8934342 Tel.: (6231) 7326705 Tel.: (6261) 8447110
Fax: (6231) 7326730 Fax: (6261) 8444072
MASTERSEAL® 333 Interim Datasheet

1) MASTERSEAL 333 is strongly alkaline. Avoid
contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective
goggles, impervious footwear and gloves when
2) If poisoning occurs seek medical advice. If
swallowed, do not induce vomiting – give a glass of
3) Refer to Material safety Data Sheet for full safety
and First Aid instructions.
I M333/1/0597

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals
publication are based on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the
STATEMENT OF information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a
RESPONSIBILITY particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either
expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the
suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by
BASF Construction Chemicals either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the
NOTE owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for
carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

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