NCR Format
NCR Format
NCR Format
Date Replied Date Replied
SI No. Date Received from M/s Ref.
SPML # Building Name Service Subject Action Final Status Action to beTaken Remarks
By Arma by SPML
58 2-Apr-15 NCR-058 Building C Electrical Damaged Electrical Conduits - Building C 7-Apr-15 7-Apr-15 YES CLOSED Accepted
60 4-Apr-15 NCR-060 Building C Electrical Damaged Electrical Conduits - Building C 27-Apr-15 29-Apr-15 YES CLOSED Corrective action Implemented
65 7-Apr-15 NCR-065 Building BD Electrical Damaged Electrical Conduits - Building BD 8-Apr-15 9-Apr-15 YES CLOSED Corrective action Implemented
78 22-Apr-15 NCR-078 Building C Electrical Damaged Electrical Conduits - Building C 27-Apr-15 29-Apr-15 YES CLOSED YES
86 6-May-15 NCR-086 Building C Electrical Damaged Electrical Conduits - Buildng C 13-May-15 14-May-15 YES CLOSED Work completed, see attached photos
Damaged Electrical Conduits - Building A, BD Provide boxes for all newly casted
130 6-Sep-15 NCR-130 All Buildings Electrical 7-Oct-15 10-Oct-15 Closed CLOSED
and C areas immediately after curing.
148 1-Sep-15 NCR-148 Building A Electrical Damaged Electrical Conduits in 5F Building A 3-Sep-15 5-Sep-15 Closed CLOSED -
155 7-Sep-15 NCR-155 Building A HVAC Damaged fire Reted Ducts Building A 19-Sep-15 21-Sep-15 Not approved Closed Corrective action not yet carried out
159 10-Sep-15 NCR-159 MEP Electrical Damaged Cable Trunking and Improper Storage 15-Sep-15 16-Sep-15 Closed CLOSED Avoiv Such Situations
176 NCR-176 Bulding BD Electrical Wire Pulling Without Conduit Fixing Building BD CLOSED
Violations of NCR - Fabrication of Ducts in the Noted fabrication of ducts at site is not
194 11-Nov-15 NCR-194 All Buildings HVAC 30-Nov-15 5-Dec-15 Closed CLOSED
Site - Building BD & A allowed.
196 12-Nov-15 NCR-196 Building C Electrical Cable Pulling Without Containment in Building C 26-Nov-15 28-Nov-15 Closed CLOSED -
Balcony drains damaged - Building BD - 1st Ensure all the services are protected
199 17-Nov-15 NCR-199 Building BD Civil - MEP 30-Nov-15 1-Dec-15 Closed CLOSED
floor to avoid any damages.
No protection provided for the puddle flanges in Ensure that all the inspected serious
200 17-Nov-15 NCR-200 MEP - Civil 5-Jan-16 7-Jan-16 Closed CLOSED
the slab - Building A are protected to avoid delays
Building A
211 4-Jan-16 NCR-211 Building C Plumbing Water Diustribution line damaged - Building c 30-Jan-16 1-Feb-16 Closed Closed
212 4-Jan-16 NCR-212 Building C HVAC Duct Installation obstructed - Building C 30-Jan-16 1-Feb-16 Closed Closed
226 27-Jan-16 NCR-227 MEP Electrical Inappropriate Supporting for Containment 21-Mar-16 22-Mar-16 Closed CLOSED