Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Amin Manouchehrian, Ming Cai

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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040

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Analysis of rockburst in tunnels subjected to static and dynamic loads

Amin Manouchehrian a, b, Ming Cai a, b, c, *
Bharti School of Engineering, Laurentian University, Sudbury, P3E 2C6, Canada
MIRARCO, Laurentian University, 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, P3E 2C6, Canada
State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071,
Hubei, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The presence of geological structures such as faults, joints, and dykes has been observed near excavation
Received 11 January 2017 boundaries in many rockburst case histories. In this paper, the role of discontinuities around tunnels in
Received in revised form rockburst occurrence was studied. For this purpose, the Abaqus explicit code was used to simulate dy-
25 June 2017
namic rock failure in deep tunnels. Material heterogeneity was considered using Python scripting in
Accepted 26 July 2017
Available online 5 October 2017
Abaqus. Rockbursts near fault regions in deep tunnels under static and dynamic loads were studied.
Several tunnel models with and without faults were built and static and dynamic loads were used to
simulate rock failure. The velocity and the released kinetic energy of failed rocks, the failure zone around
the tunnel, and the deformed mesh were studied to identify stable and unstable rock failures. Compared
Numerical modeling with models without discontinuities, the results showed that the velocity and the released kinetic energy
Geological structure of failed rocks were higher, the failure zone around the tunnel was larger, and the mesh was more
Static load increase deformed in the models with discontinuities, indicating that rock failure in the models with disconti-
Dynamic disturbance nuities was more violent. The modeling results confirm that the presence of geological structures in the
Tunnel vicinity of deep excavations could be one of the major influence factors for the occurrence of rockburst. It
can explain localized rockburst occurrence in civil tunnels and mining drifts. The presented methodology
in this paper for rockburst analysis can be useful for rockburst anticipation and control during mining
and tunneling in highly stressed ground.
Ó 2017 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction et al., 1981; Ghose and Rao, 1990; Hedley, 1992; Young, 1993;
Gibowicz and Lasocki, 1997; Blake and Hedley, 2003; Zhang et al.,
Mankind’s life is very dependent on the Earth’s materials. 2012; Andrieux et al., 2013). In some cases, these violent unstable
Continuous mining over the past years has depleted most surface failures have resulted in loss of life and total collapse of mine panels
and shallow reserves and forced us to go deeper inside the Earth for (Chen et al., 1997; Whyatt et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2009; Zhang et al.,
more natural resources. Mining conditions are difficult in deep 2013). Violent rock failure can occur locally in isolation, which may
grounds; it is harder and more risky to mine at depth. One of en- not affect the general stability of a mine, but poses a great threat to
gineering hazards of mining at depth is rockburst. A rockburst is an personnel in the area. Modern mining operations take available
unstable failure of rock associated with a sudden release of energy, measures to reduce the likelihood of unstable rock failures, but
and it imposes a great danger on the safety of workers and complete elimination of unstable rock failures is difficult in practice
investment. due to the uncertainty in rock stress, strength, stiffness, and other
Case histories in mining have documented violent rock failures mechanical properties (Cai, 2013). Over the past five decades, re-
that were accompanied by rapid ejection of debris and broken searchers have studied unstable rock failure and rockbursting using
rocks into working areas of mine openings and tunnels (Shepherd various means such as analytical, numerical, experimental, and
statistical approaches (Sun et al., 2007; He et al., 2010, 2012; Li
et al., 2012, 2013, 2014; Tao et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2014; Zhao
and Cai, 2014; Xiao et al., 2016). However, many conditions lead-
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Cai).
ing to rockburst occurrence are not fully understood and further
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chi- studies are needed to understand the mechanisms of rockbursting
nese Academy of Sciences. so as to control and mitigate rockburst risk.
1674-7755 Ó 2017 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
1032 A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040

Ortlepp (1997) classified rockbursts into five types (strainburst, with implicit and explicit solvers, making it applicable for solving a
buckling, face crush/pillar burst, shear rupture, and fault-slip large variety of physical and engineering problems (Dassault-
burst). In a broad sense, they can be grouped into three rockburst Systems, 2010). Manouchehrian and Cai (2016a) simulated uniax-
types, i.e. strainburst, pillar burst, and fault-slip burst. Strainbursts, ial and poly-axial compression tests using the Abaqus explicit tool
which are due to stress concentration and strain energy accumu- and demonstrated the suitability of the tool for simulating unstable
lation and release, can be assessed based on stress or energy or dynamic rock failure. In this study, Abaqus explicit tool is used to
consideration (Mitri et al., 1999). Pillar bursts can be assessed by simulate rockburst in deep tunnels.
comparison of local mine stiffness to pillar’s post-peak stiffness A key characteristic of geomaterials is material heterogeneity,
(Zipf, 1996). Fault-slip bursts, which are larger seismic events in which cannot be readily modeled in Abaqus through GUI. Fortu-
general, can be assessed based on potential movement (slip) of the nately, Abaqus provides scripting capability for introducing mate-
fault, slip rate, and seismic moment (Sainoki and Mitri, 2014). rial heterogeneity into models. In this section, a simulation of rock
Rockburst case histories reveal that rockburst damage is often failure processes in compression using homogeneous material
localized and not uniform. In other words, the damage extent in a models is presented first, followed by a simulation of rock failure
tunnel caused by a rockburst varies at different locations. The processes in compression using a heterogeneous material model.
localized rockburst damage originates from the complex mecha-
nisms that drive rockbursts and the contribution of influence fac- 2.1. Homogeneous model
tors on rockburst occurrence. Many factors influencing rockburst
damages have been identified, but no one knows the exact condi- To study rock failure using Abaqus, the laboratory tested me-
tion for the occurrence of a rockburst in a complex underground chanical parameters of T2b marble (Table 1) are used as the base
setting (Kaiser and Cai, 2012). case. T2b marble is the host rock of the diversion tunnels at the
It has been recognized that a deep underground opening is more Jinping II hydropower station in China (Zhang et al., 2012).
burst-prone when it approaches a geological discontinuity such as Unconfined and confined compression tests are simulated to
fault, dyke, and contact (Hedley et al., 1992; Snelling et al., 2013). investigate the failure mechanism of homogeneous rocks. An
Some studies have been conducted to explain the influence of elastoplastic Mohr-Coulomb strain-softening model with homo-
structural planes on rockburst. For example, Zhang et al. (2013) geneous material properties is used to model the strength of the T2b
conducted a numerical study that considered a fault near the marble. Table 2 presents the calibrated parameters for defining the
drainage tunnel of the Jinping II hydropower station in China to strain-softening behavior of the rock in the homogeneous model. A
explain a rockburst that occurred in the drainage tunnel. They rectangular specimen with a height of 250 mm and a width of
showed that the presence of the fault near the tunnel could affect 100 mm is used for simulation. A plane strain model is used. In the
the rock failure. However, they could not estimate failure intensity unconfined compression test simulation, one end of the specimen
(in terms of ejection velocity of broken rocks and released kinetic is fixed in the maximum stress direction and the other direction is
energy). In another study, Zhou et al. (2015) conducted some lab- free (roller constraint), and a constant velocity of 0.03 m/s is
oratory experiments to explore the role of weak planes on rock- applied directly to the other end to load the specimen. The same
burst damage in tunnels. In their study, the role of weak planes on end boundary conditions are applied to the specimens in the
rockburst damage observed in the intake tunnels of the Jinping II confined compression test simulations and the confinements
hydropower station was explained by their observations from applied are 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 20 MPa, and 40 MPa. In the developed
laboratory shear test results. They stated that weak planes could homogeneous model, a uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of
induce rockburst in tunnels with three possible mechanisms 113.6 MPa, a friction angle of 30 , and a cohesion of 32.9 MPa are
including fault-slip, shear rupture, and buckling. Manouchehrian calculated, which are similar to the reported laboratory test data
(2016) used numerical models to study rockbursts near fault re- (Table 1).
gions in deep tunnels. It shows in this study that weak planes Fig. 1 shows the failure pattern in the homogeneous models
around a tunnel may change the loading system stiffness of the indicated by the plastic shear strain. The figure shows that
failed rocks and induce rockbursts because when there is a weak confinement does not affect the failure patterns in the homoge-
plane near an underground opening, a large volume of rock is able neous model because all of them show distinct shear failure.
to move more freely than that without a weak plane. Despite that the mechanical parameters of the T2b marble are
In this paper, the influence of geological weak planes on rock- captured by the homogeneous model, it fails to capture the splitting
burst occurrence in tunnels that are subjected to static load in- failure under low confinement.
crease and dynamic disturbance is investigated using Abaqus2D
explicit models. In Section 2, model responses between homoge- 2.2. Heterogeneous model
neous and heterogeneous materials are studied. In Section 3,
simulation of rockburst in tunnels without and with a nearby weak In order to overcome the deficiency of the homogeneous
plane or fault is conducted. Static load increase and dynamic models, Manouchehrian and Cai (2016b) introduced heterogeneity
disturbance are considered in the models and the mechanism of
rockburst in each loading condition is explained. A comparison of
results between the models with and without a weak plane is also
Table 1
presented. Physico-mechanical properties of the T2b marble (Zhang et al., 2014).

Density, Young’s Poisson’s UCS Cohesion, Friction Post-peak

2. Rock failure simulation using Abaqus
r (kg/ modulus, ratio, n (MPa) c (MPa) angle, modulus,
m3) E (GPa) 4 ( ) Epp (GPa)
Unstable rock failure is a dynamic phenomenon and should be
2780 55 0.27 110.7a 32.6 29 150b
treated as a nonlinear dynamic problem. Studies have shown that
the explicit numerical method is more suitable than the implicit UCS of the T2b marble was reported between 100 MPa and 160 MPa in Zhang
et al. (2014). This value was calculated according to UCS ¼ 1sin4 for the present
numerical method for solving nonlinear dynamic problems study.
because the issue of convergence is eliminated. Abaqus is a FEM b
Post-peak modulus (Epp) of the T2b marble is extracted by digitizing curves
(finite element method)-based numerical tool which is equipped presented in Zhang et al. (2014).
A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040 1033

Table 2 Fig. 1a shows the photographs of the failed T2b marble speci-
Strain-softening parameters of the homogeneous model. mens in laboratory tests (Zhang et al., 2014) and Fig. 1c presents the
Cohesion Tension cut-off snapshots of the plastic strain obtained by numerical models. It is
Cohesion yield Shear plastic Tension cut-off Tensile plastic
seen that in the heterogeneous model, the failure modes change
stress (MPa) strain stress (MPa) strain from splitting failure at zero confinement to shear failure at high
confinements. The homogeneous material models cannot capture
32.2 0 5.5 0
0.01 0.2 0.1 0.001 axial splitting at zero confinement but the heterogeneous material
model successfully captures this failure mode. Hence, the hetero-
geneous material model in Abaqus enhances its capability for
into Abaqus models. In the following simulation, the material solving geotechnical engineering problems.
properties E, c, and 4 of each element were assigned randomly,
following normal distribution functions. The coefficient of variation 3. Rockburst simulation
(COV) associated with each variable is 5%. The heterogeneous
model was used to simulate the mechanical properties of the T2b Tunnels in deep grounds are usually subjected to large static and
marble (Table 1). A UCS of 113.5 MPa, a friction angle of 29.7, and dynamic loads. In this condition, tunnels are more prone to failure.
cohesion of 32.7 MPa were estimated from the heterogeneous Rockburst case histories have shown that rockburst can be trig-
model, which were similar to the laboratory test results. gered by either static load increase or dynamic disturbances

Fig. 1. Failure patterns at different confinements from (a) laboratory tests (Zhang et al., 2014), (b) homogeneous model, and (c) heterogeneous model (modified from
Manouchehrian and Cai (2016b)).
1034 A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040

(Salamon, 1983; Udd and Hedley, 1987; Young, 1993; Ortlepp and Table 3
Stacey, 1994; Kaiser et al., 1996; Ortlepp, 1997; Andrieux et al., Rock mass physico-mechanical properties.

2013). The possibility of rockburst occurrence is increased when a Density, Young’s Poisson’s UCS Cohesion, Friction
geological weak plane exists near a tunnel (Hedley, 1992). Being r (kg/ modulus, ratio, n (MPa) c (MPa) angle, 4
able to simulate rockburst triggered by static and dynamic loads is m3) E (GPa) ( )

important for rock support design. In this paper, rockbursts in 2500 20 0.2 69.3 20 30
tunnels triggered by static load increase and dynamic disturbance
are simulated.
Table 4
Parameters with COV ¼ 5% for defining the post-peak behavior of the rock mass.
3.1. Rockburst triggered by static load increase Cohesion Tension cut-off

Cohesion yield Shear plastic Tension cut-off Tensile plastic

In this section, models are developed to study the influence of stress (MPa) strain stress (MPa) strain
weak planes on rockburst occurrence and damage numerically. A
22 0 3 0
realistic simulation can be conducted using 3D (three-dimensional) 0.01 0.2 0.01 0.005
models to study the stability of a long tunnel near geological
structures. However, when the modeled weak plane near the tun-
nel is parallel to the tunnel axis, the problem can be treated as a 2D
shear failure zones located at 3 and 9 o’clock because the maximum
(two-dimensional) plane strain problem. A circular tunnel with a
in situ principal stress direction is vertical.
radius (r) of 5 m is modeled. In the numerical model, the outer
Fig. 4a shows the velocities of the element nodes around the
boundary width and height are 15 times the tunnel diameter to
tunnel at the beginning of Step 10 (at the time of failure). The figure
exclude the effect of the outer boundary on stress redistribution
shows a maximum velocity of 1.78 m/s in one node at the tunnel
around the tunnel (Fig. 2). In this study, the model also includes a
surface and the minimum velocity of the failed elements is 0.14 m/s.
fault with a varying length.
In this study, the velocities of all failed elements around the tunnel
Before tunnel excavation, in situ stresses are applied to the outer
during the running time are tracked and then an average velocity
boundaries and then the boundaries are fixed with roller con-
(Vmax) is calculated. The maximum of the average velocity (V max )
straints. Tunnel excavation is then simulated. The horizontal (sx)
during the running time is picked to interpret the results. In this
and vertical (sz) in situ stresses are assumed to be 30 MPa and
case, the average of maximum velocity of the failed elements
60 MPa, respectively. Gradual excavation of the tunnel is simulated
around the tunnel is V max ¼ 0.58 m/s. When failure is stable, the
by stress reduction at the tunnel boundary in ten steps. This sim-
ejection velocity of the failed rocks is low (Milev et al., 2002). The
ulates tangential stress increase due to tunnel advance.
maximum kinetic energy per unit volume (KEmax) of the failed
An elastoplastic Mohr-Coulomb strain-softening model with
rocks, which can be used as an indicator of rock failure intensity, is
heterogeneous material properties is used to model a rock mass
0.65 kJ/m3. Judged by the maximum of the average velocity and the
with its physico-mechanical properties presented in Table 3. In the
maximum kinetic energy per unit volume, failure can be consid-
heterogeneous model, the mean values of E, c, and 4 are 21 GPa,
ered as stable in this case; if it were in the field, the failure would be
22 MPa, and 31, respectively, and the COVs of them are 5%. The
in the form of spalling, spitting, or shallow slabbing.
parameters for defining the strain-softening behavior of the rock
Next, a fault with a dip of q ¼ 45 , a length of l ¼ 80 m and at a
mass are presented in Table 4.
position of d ¼ 2.5 m from the tunnel wall is added to the model
Firstly, a tunnel without any adjacent geological structure is
(see Fig. 2). A Coulomb model with a friction coefficient of 0.4 and
modeled. Shear and tensile failures around the tunnel, indicated by
zero cohesion is used to model the fault. It should be noted that the
the maximum principal plastic strains, are illustrated in Fig. 3. The
modeled fault is assumed to be straight and the fault’s waviness
figure shows a nearly symmetric failure around the tunnel, with
that exists in reality is neglected. Therefore, interlocking between
the two faces of the fault is not considered. This simplification
σ z = 60 MPa makes the fault easier to slide. Hence, this model can be considered
as an extreme case and the calculated V max and KEmax are the upper
bound values.
Development of rock failure around the tunnel as static stress
Host rock increases, from Steps 1, 4, 9, to 10, is shown in Fig. 5. The figure
(150 m × 150 m)


σx σ x = 30 MPa

(r = 5 m )

0 10 m

(a) Shear failure. (b) Tensile failure.

Fig. 3. Failure zones around the tunnel subjected to static load in the model without
Fig. 2. Geometry and boundary conditions of the model subjected to static load. any nearby geological structures.
A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040 1035

damage. The radius, r, of the circular tunnel is 5 m. The fault length

(l) is varied at l ¼ 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 m, resulting in l/r ratios of 0, 4,
Velocity (m/s)
8, 12, and 16, respectively. The same modeling procedure described
1.8 above is used.
1.5 The influence of l on V max and KEmax is presented in Fig. 6. This
1.2 figure indicates that an increase in the fault length results in in-
1.0 creases of both V max and KEmax. According to Fig. 6a, when l ¼ 0 (i.e.
0.7 there is no fault), V max is low (0.58 m/s) and the rock failure can be
0.6 considered as stable. V max and KEmax increase rapidly as the l/r ratio
0.3 increases. In Fig. 6, a trend change exists when l/r changes from 8 to
0.1 12. When the fault is longer (e.g. l/r ¼ 12 and 16), its end is closer to
(a) 0.0
the model boundary, and this can influence the results. The outside
boundary width and height should be at least ten times the
modeled structure to exclude the effect of the outer boundary on
Velocity (m/s) stress redistribution around the structure. In this study, in addition
9.0 to the tunnel, a fault is included in the model. In this case, building a
7.5 model that is large enough to exclude the boundary effect is
6.7 computationally expensive. In Fig. 6, the dashed line may be used to
Fault 6.0
5.2 correct the boundary effect. For example, for l/r ¼ 16, we have
4.5 V max ¼ 3.4 m/s and KEmax ¼ 6.97 kJ/m3 from the modeling results,
3.0 which can be modified to V max ¼ 2.2 m/s and KEmax ¼ 2.8 kJ/m3
2.2 from the dashed line.
0.7 Fig. 7 shows the total displacement distribution around the
(b) 0.0 tunnel at the end of Step 9 excavation (before the sidewall fails).
This figure shows that when the fault is longer, a larger volume of
hanging wall rocks can move toward the tunnel and push the rocks
Fig. 4. Velocity distributions in the elements: (a) without and (b) with a nearby fault at
the beginning of Step 10. near the tunnel wall boundary, particularly the rocks on the right
wall side. Hence, more strain energy release is possible if there is a
sudden rock failure. This explains why the unit maximum kinetic
shows initiation of tensile and shear fractures at the tip of the fault energy is high for large l/r ratios. Furthermore, the displacement
at Step 1 excavation. Then, the shear fractures propagate toward the field also indicates that the mine system stiffness is low when the
tunnel face (Step 4) and rocks between the fault and the tunnel are l/r ratio is high because the rocks surrounding the failed rocks can
ruptured. Meanwhile, tensile fractures are initiated at the bottom of have more deformation.
the tunnel. Slip of the fault due to excavation causes compression at The concept of mine system stiffness has been used by some
positions of 1e4 o’clock (Step 9). At Step 10, the failed rocks on the researchers to explain rockburst in underground mines (Aglawe,
right tunnel wall would blow out violently with a maximum ve- 1999; Wiles, 2002). Although it is difficult to calculate mine sys-
locity V max ¼ 3.4 m/s (Fig. 5) and a failure pit with a depth of 3 m tem stiffness quantitatively in a tunnel setting, an analogy to the
would be created. The maximum unit kinetic energy is 6.97 kJ/m3. loading system stiffness in laboratory testing can be made. Labo-
Tunneling near a fault with different fault lengths is simulated to ratory test results show that the modes of failure (stable and un-
understand the influence of the fault length (l) on rockburst stable) depend on the relative stiffness of the rock and the loading

Step 1 Step 4 Step 9 Step 10

(a) Shear failure.

0 10 m

(b) Tensile failure.

Fig. 5. Failure development around the tunnel with a nearby fault in various steps: (a) Shear failure, and (b) Tensile failure.
1036 A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040

Fig. 6. Influence of fault length on (a) V max and (b) KEmax. The black solid circles and triangles indicate numerical simulation results and the dash lines indicate trends of the data
extending beyond l/r ¼ 0 to 8.

system (Wawersik and Fairhurst, 1970). A soft loading system is 3.2. Rockburst triggered by dynamic disturbance
capable of storing more strain energy than a stiff loading system.
Thus, when a rock specimen fails, the failure is stable under a stiff Slab buckling has been identified as a mechanism of rockburst
loading system and unstable under a soft loading system. In spite of (Nemat-Nasser and Horii, 1982; Bardet, 1990; Ortlepp, 1993). Weak
the loading condition difference in the field and in the laboratory, planes parallel to the tunnel boundaries and the maximum prin-
we can see that an increase of l decreases the mine system stiffness cipal in situ stress may allow buckling type rockburst. When the
and as a result, unstable rock failure can occur around the tunnel. rocks in a slab are highly stressed, a small increase of stress due to
This can be clearly seen from the results presented in Figs. 6 and 7. tunnel advance or dynamic disturbance from nearby blasting or a
Reduced mine system stiffness can be considered as a main effect of remote seismic event may trigger a rockburst.
weak planes near openings in deep underground mines, which can Dynamic disturbance due to activities, such as explosion, vi-
potentially lead to rockburst (Manouchehrian, 2016). bration, and stress impact from nearby rockbursts, does influence

l/r = 0 l/r = 4 l/r = 8

Displacement (mm)
> 60

l/r = 12 l/r = 16
Fig. 7. Displacement around the tunnel in models with different fault lengths.
A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040 1037

σ z = 35 MPa that the dynamic disturbance is generated due to blasting near the
tunnel. In order to apply the blast load to the numerical model, a
time history of load has to be defined. A blast hole with a radius of
0.5 m at a distance of 30 m away from the tunnel is generated in the
Host rock model (Fig. 8), and then the blast load is applied to the blast hole
(150 m × 150 m) wall (Fig. 9a). A triangular blast load function is selected (Fig. 9b).
The peak stress of the compressive pulse and pulse duration are
Point A 200 MPa and 3 ms, respectively.
Fault The model has a finite domain and quiet boundary conditions
Blast σ x = 17.5 MPa are often used to absorb the outward propagating waves. However,
as the duration of the blasting is very short and the initial structure
d' response is the major concern, boundaries can be set at a sufficient
distance away from the tunnel and this will result in no reflected
(r = 5 m )
waves within the duration of interest or the amount of reflected
waves is so small that it can be ignored (Yang and Hung, 1997). In
the present study, the finite element model is large enough to avoid
the influence of wave reflection on the modeling results. Fig. 10
illustrates the blast wave propagation (in terms of ground motion
σz velocity) in a model without any geological structure. This figure
shows that the reflected waves within the model running time
Fig. 8. Geometry and boundary conditions in the model subjected to dynamic (25 ms) do not reach the tunnel and hence will not affect the
disturbance. results.
Firstly, a tunnel without any adjacent geological structure is
modeled. Because the stress level is lower than the rock strength,
rockburst damage. Studies have shown that external disturbances no failure occurs around the tunnel due to tunnel excavation. Then,
during underground mining can induce rockbursts (Blair, 1993; the dynamic disturbance is applied to the model and the model
Kaiser et al., 1996; Zhu et al., 2010). In this section, the influence response is recorded and analyzed. Fig. 11 illustrates the shear and
dynamic disturbance on rockburst occurrence near fault regions in tensile failures around the tunnel after the dynamic waves pass
deep tunnels is investigated. A circular tunnel with a radius of through the tunnel completely. Failure around the tunnel is in the
r ¼ 5 m is considered. As shown in Fig. 8, the model size is form of small tensile fractures at the tunnel wall. Shear failure is not
150 m  150 m (width  height) and there is a fault near the tunnel noticeable under this condition. Fig. 12 shows the ground motion
at a distance of d’. The same elastoplastic Mohr-Coulomb strain- velocity at a reference point at the position of 9 o’clock, indicated as
softening model used in Section 3.1 is used. The horizontal (sx) and “point A” in Fig. 8. The velocity drops to near zero as soon as the
vertical (sz) in situ stresses are assumed to be 17.5 MPa and 35 MPa, blast waves pass the tunnel. It should be noted that this velocity is
respectively to avoid any significant rock failure due to static load the ground motion velocity, not the ejection velocity. The ground
increase as a result of tunnel advance. Gradual excavation of the motion velocity distribution at t ¼ 15 ms in the model without any
tunnel is simulated by stress reduction at the tunnel boundary in geological structure is shown in Fig. 13a. At this time, the wave front
ten steps, using the modeling procedure explained in Section 3.1. has passed the tunnel and the ground motion velocity at the tunnel
Dynamic disturbance in ground can be produced by different wall is very small.
sources such as explosion, vibration, earthquake, and adjacent Next, a vertical fault with a length of l ¼ 20 m and at a distance of
mining activities. Specific modeling techniques are needed to d’ ¼ 0.5 m from the tunnel wall is added to the model (see Fig. 8). A
model different dynamic disturbances. In this study, it is assumed Coulomb model with a friction coefficient of 0.4 and zero cohesion
Blast load (MPa)



0 1.0 m

0 0.5 3.0 Time (ms)
(a) (b)

Fig. 9. (a) The blast hole and (b) the triangular blast load function.
1038 A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040

Fig. 10. Ground motion velocity distribution in a model without any geological structure.

is used to model the fault. Fig. 14 illustrates shear and tensile fail- advance or dynamic disturbance from nearby blasting or remote
ures around the tunnel. Tensile fractures parallel to the tunnel wall seismic events may trigger rockburst.
are formed due to the blast wave. In addition, pushing action from Tunneling near a fault with different blasting loads is simulated
the blast wave resulted in slab buckling and created some shear to understand the influence of blast load on rockburst damage. The
failures. The energy stored in the slab is released when failure oc- blasting loads are varied at 100 MPa, 150 MPa, 200 MPa, and
curs due to the slab flexure (Qiu et al., 2014). This energy is added to 250 MPa. The same modeling procedure described above is used.
the amount of released energy due to failure at the tunnel wall and The influence of the blasting loads on the ground motion velocity at
makes the failure more violent. However, the dominant failure “point A” is illustrated in Fig. 15, showing that the ground motion
mode under this condition is axial splitting. Fig. 12 indicates that velocity is higher when the blasting load is larger. This implies that
the ground motion velocity at “point A” increases to 5.14 m/s after rock failure triggered by large dynamic disturbance is more violent
the blast wave passes the tunnel wall. It implies that the failed rocks than that by smaller dynamic loads.
might be ejected due to violent rock failure.
It can be understood from Figs. 11e14 that the rock failure is
more violent if weak planes create slabs that are facing the
incoming dynamic waves near the tunnel. When the rocks in the 6
No Structure
slabs are highly stressed, a small increase of stress due to tunnel
With Structure
Ground motion velocity (m/s)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (ms)

Fig. 11. Failure zones around the tunnel subjected to dynamic disturbance in the Fig. 12. Ground motion velocity at “point A” in the models with and without a
model without a nearby geological structure: (a) Shear failure, and (b) Tensile failure. geological structure.
A. Manouchehrian, M. Cai / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 1031e1040 1039

(a) (b)


Velocity (m/s)

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

Fig. 13. Ground motion velocity at t ¼ 15 ms in models (a) without and (b) with a geological structure.

histories but their role in rockburst occurrence is still not fully

Rockbursts in tunnels with nearby geological structures under
static and dynamic loads were studied using the Abaqus explicit
code. Several tunnel models with and without faults were devel-
oped, and static and dynamic loads were applied. The peak particle
velocity and the released kinetic energy of failed rocks, the failure
zone around the tunnel, and the deformed mesh were studied to
identify stable and unstable rock failures. When a weak plane was
0 10 m Fault presented in the model, it resulted in more released kinetic energy
and higher element velocity, indicating that rock failure became
more violent. The modeling results also indicated that the failure
(a) Shear failure. (b) Tensile failure. became more violent when the weak plane was longer.
It shows that if weak planes near the tunnel are positioned
Fig. 14. Failure zones around the tunnel subjected to dynamic disturbance in the parallel or sub-parallel to the tunnel wall, rock slabs are created
model with a nearby geological structure: (a) Shear failure, and (b) Tensile failure.
which can change the failure mechanism at the tunnel wall. The
energy stored in the slab is released when failure occurs due to the
7 slab flexure, resulting in more released energy which in turn makes
the failure more violent.
6 The approach presented in this study can capture dynamic
response of a rock mass. In particular, it can estimate released ki-
Ground motion velocity (m/s)

5 netic energy and this can be useful for dynamic rock support
Conflict of interest
The authors wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of
2 interest associated with this publication and there has been no
significant financial support for this work that could have influ-
1 enced its outcome.

0 Acknowledgments
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Blast load (MPa) Financial supports from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council (NSERC) of Canada (CRDPJ 418932-11), Vale, LKAB,
Fig. 15. Influence of blasting load on the ground motion velocity. CEMI, MIRARCO, and the Open Research Fund of the State Key
Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Insti-
tute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
4. Conclusions (Grant No. Z015001) for this work are gratefully acknowledged.

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