An Introduction To Spread Tow Reinforcements: Part 1 (11 - TD$DIFF) - Manufacture and Properties
An Introduction To Spread Tow Reinforcements: Part 1 (11 - TD$DIFF) - Manufacture and Properties
An Introduction To Spread Tow Reinforcements: Part 1 (11 - TD$DIFF) - Manufacture and Properties
Fredrik Ohlsson
Product Development Director
Spread tow reinforcements are being increasingly used within all kinds of industries working with
composites and especially those using carbon fiber. In Part 1 of this two-part article Fredrik Ohlsson of
Oxeon AB outlines the construction and manufacture of spread tow reinforcements and discusses their
benefits over other reinforcements.
developed a spread tow technology which is not based on tradi-
tional yarn handling looms. Products using this technology are
sold under the brand name TeXtreme[23_TD$IF]1, and were introduced to
the market in 2004 by Oxeon AB.
TeXtreme spread tow carbon fiber tapes in various widths [2_TD$IF](Picture courtesy
The theory behind TeXtreme woven spread tow fabric is rela- of Oxeon.).
tively simple. By arranging the fibers in the woven structure in the
straightest orientation possible, both in the plane and also out of
the plane, the fiber properties can be exploited in the most efficient also align tightly next to each other. With proper techniques
way for carrying tensile and compressive loads. TeXtreme per- combinations of several tows can create a wide tape material in
forms are mechanically similar to a UD cross-ply construction in the requested width and weight with almost no spacing between
many ways; the difference is that TeXtreme, being a fabric, exhi- the tows as can be seen in Fig. 3.
bits exceedingly high draping ability and because of its integrated Spread tow tapes are preferably stabilized with a binder material
nature it is not subject to delamination. to keep the spread tows from falling back into their narrow yarn
Through a controlled operation fiber tows of usually 12k and shape upon handling. The binder material can be thermoplastic,
heavier count are gently spread to form a tape of certain width and thermoset or fibrous based materials.
stabilized to prevent the tape folding back into the original tow/ The main constructional differences between spread tow fabrics
yarn form. Because of the spreading action the tapes obtained are and the traditional tow/yarn woven carbon fabrics are shown in
extremely thin. These tapes are used as warps and wefts for Fig. 4.
producing spread tow fabrics.
Spread tow reinforcements are constructed of spread tow tapes
that are interlaced in a plain, twill or satin weave pattern. In a
similar way to traditional fabric reinforcements a set of warp tapes
are combined with a set of weft tapes. The tapes in a spread tow
fabric can be of widths from about 20 mm upwards.
There are various production methods available to produce the
spread tow fabrics. Some are based on modified looms, while other
are specially developed to handle spread tow tapes.
FEATURE Reinforced Plastics Volume 59, Number 4 July/August 2015
Compared to conventional carbon [4_TD$IF]fiber tapes using tows placed next one another the spread tow tapes are spread into a thinner, more evenly distributed
unit [5_TD$IF](Diagram courtesy of Oxeon.).
A significant characteristic of spread tow fabrics is the low crimp Spread tow fabrics with fiber orientations other that [26_TD$IF]08 and
angle that results from the interlacing of very thin tapes. 908 are available. Fabrics are available with fiber angles oriented
The thinner the tapes, the lower the crimp angle and the straighter in +[27_TD$IF]a/b degrees, for example [28_TD$IF]+458/458.
the fibers will be presented, making the best use of the fiber
properties. Mechanical property improvements
Because the spread tow fabrics are constructed from thin and The relatively lower mechanical performance of traditional woven
wide tapes the crimp frequency is also kept low, even when reinforcement fabrics is known and can be attributed to crimp
considering a plain weave structure. With the crimp frequency angle and crimp frequency. These factors, which adversely affect
low the interlacing points are few, therefore reducing risks such as the performance of a woven material for composites applications,
possible pin holes and areas of resin shrinkage. The cover factor are virtually eliminated by weaving spread tow tapes.
compared to traditional yarn woven reinforcements is significantly TeXtreme has been tested by the independent research institute
higher in a spread tow fabric. Swerea SICOMP. They carried out tests comparing the mechanical
Fig. 5 compares fabric cover factor (fabric density) of traditional properties of different composite reinforcements: spread tow,
1k with flat tow and TeXtreme produced using 12k tows. As can be NCF, plain weave 1k and 3k, and woven UD. TeXtreme proved
observed, the traditional fabric and flat tow fabric have air gaps/ to provide better or equal mechanical performance to other com-
openings at every interlacing point whereas TeXtreme is solid. posite reinforcements in six out of seven tests.
Compared to woven fabrics produced using tows, the spread tow fabrics combines flatness, thinness, improved performance and smoothness as well as
good draping ability [6_TD$IF](Diagram courtesy of Oxeon.).
Reinforced Plastics Volume 59, Number 4 July/August 2015 FEATURE
[(Figure_6)TD$IG] traditional 1k fabric (left) and the flat tow fabric (center) present lower cover factor in comparison with TeXtreme spread tow fabric (right).
[29_TD$IF]Surface smoothness
The smoothness of a composite surface depends on several differ-
ent factors, such as the type of reinforcement used, the choice of
resin, the manufacturing method and the curing parameters,
including temperature, pressure and curing-cycle variations. Sur-
face distortions often appear after a certain time as the composite is
Illustration of increased in [7_TD$IF]situ strength by using thin plies [8_TD$IF](Source: Oxeon.).
exposed to unintended post-cure.
Swerea SICOMP also performed simulation modeling and found When constructing composite materials it has often been noted
that the extremely low crimp of TeXtreme only gives a stiffness that the surface displays a sort of ‘orange peel’ pattern which often
knock-down of 0.08% compared to a cross ply UD. The low crimp intensifies as the surface is painted. Numerous fillers, gel-coat
in TeXtreme thus basically eliminates the difference in perfor- systems and different curing cycles have been developed and inves-
mance from an UD and has all the benefits of a woven fabric. tigated to reduce these defects. One way to minimize the easily seen
Fig. 6 demonstrates that the traverse strength of a UD material large pattern print-through which is created from bulky reinforce-
(dashed line) with fibers in only one direction is constant and not ments is to use surface plies with low areal weight and hence very
dependent of ply thickness. This strength is lower than that of a fine weave pattern for reduced fiber crimp and associated waviness.
ply with supporting layers in other fiber angles. The diagram The magnitude of the print-through with the use of low areal weight
however explains that when the ply thickness gets thinner it fabrics reduces but is still visibly large.
Surface smoothness comparison between glass fiber, 3k carbon fiber and TeXtreme spread tow carbon fiber fabrics [9_TD$IF](Source: Oxeon.).
FEATURE Reinforced Plastics Volume 59, Number 4 July/August 2015
In an experimental investigation made on a boat hull construc- The measurement was conducted via an Opti-Topo surface
tion with three different surface reinforcement materials, glass topography unit on a 30 mm [30_TD$IF]1 30 mm surface area. Fig. 7 shows
fiber fabric, carbon fiber 3k fabric and spread tow fabric, the latter the height differences between the various materials.
provided a relatively smoother surface compared to the traditional Due the spreading process and its thin flat layers, TeXtreme
yarn woven alternatives. All materials were temperature and hu- spread tow fabric has been shown to improve the surface smooth-
midity cycled equally before being measured. ness of composites, resulting in reduced print-through.
Reinforced Plastics Volume 59, Number 5 September/October 2015
Fredrik Ohlsson
In Part 1 of this two-part article Fredrik Ohlsson of Oxeon AB outlined the construction and manufacture
of spread tow reinforcements and discussed their benefits over other reinforcements. In Part 2 he looks at
their design possibilities, and provides some case studies.
Fiber type and Traditional woven Spread tow relatively new development but have already displayed increased
tow count fabrics (g/m2) fabrics (g/m2)
impact toughness and residual strength.
HS-1k 90–120 – There are also many different parameters to consider when
-3k 200–400 –
producing the reinforcement.
-6k 300–500 –
-12k 500–600 64–400 Optimization variables:
-48k, 60k Not available 320–600 Areal weights
IM-6k 200–400 – Fiber type
-12k 300–400 – Fiber angle
-18k Not available 76–400 Fiber distribution
-24k Not available 82–400
Tape width
HM-6k 200–500 –
-12k 300–500 60–480 Fabric width
Considering all the variations available there are several hun-
dreds of products possible, which puts larger demands on the
producer to optimize based on the actual needs for the composite
To fully exploit the design opportunities and flexibility of
spread tow reinforcements Oxeon is taking a larger role in the
process than is normally done by a converter. The company
provides a range of services, including calculation and simulation,
lay-up optimization, know-how in reinforcements, manufacturing
support and marketing support.
Case studies
Formula 1
TeXtreme spread tow fabrics have long been used in Formula 1
motor sport and in the 2014 season the majority of teams drove in
cars reinforced by TeXtreme.
TeXtreme entered this market in 2008, offering a bi-directional
The number of spread tow fabrics possible could be almost infinitely large reinforcement with a mechanical performance close to that
as the tape width can vary and many more fibers are available. of cross-plied UD tapes. This combined the drapeability of a
FEATURE Reinforced Plastics Volume 59, Number 5 September/October 2015
Images showing the number of layers needed in bi-directional construction.
The number of layers needed in quasi-isotropic construction.
Reinforced Plastics Volume 59, Number 5 September/October 2015 FEATURE
traditional fabric with intermediate modulus and high modulus Normally, placing unidirectional fibers on the bias is very time
fibers in areal weights that were lighter than those available from consuming as the unidirectionals need to be cut and placed
1k high strength fibers. manually at the exact angles desired. The spread tow tapes in
The lightweight 1k fabrics that were used previously displayed a TeXtreme fabrics are always perfectly aligned, so putting down
relatively poor cover factor leading to excessive usage of padding +45/ 45 became very efficient.
and fillers to handle defects in the thin single or sandwich skins. Another time-saving aspect is the handling properties of TeX-
Spread tow fabrics have reduced this extra work a lot and have also treme, especially of the dry cloth. Conventional dry materials have
removed the weight associated with the filler. nothing but a selvedge to hold them together, which means that as
soon as you start cutting them they need to be handled very gently
America’s Cup if they are not to fall apart. With TeXtreme cloths this is not a
The America’s Cup has always been a quest for better and lighter problem thanks to the binder that keeps the fabric together. An
structures and the 34th edition of the competition was no excep- additional advantage is the increased toughness resulting from the
tion. What was different from previous campaigns was that the interleaved spread tows of unidirectional fibers.
financial climate at the time dictated that cost-effective solutions The results were good, as ORACLE TEAM USA won the 34th
had to play a larger role. To meet these demands Oracle Team USA Americas Cup in the summer of 2013.
turned to TeXtreme spread tow carbon reinforcements, with
which substantial weight savings were ultimately realized (Fig. 5). Ice hockey
The New Zealand-based boat builder Core Builders Composites Bauer Hockey has been using TeXtreme spread tow fabrics since
constructed and built the AC72 for ORACLE TEAM USA. 2007. Starting with a goalie stick and moving it into player sticks
One of the paradoxes with carbon fiber reinforcements and and new models, TeXtreme is now a vital part of all premium sticks
prepreg is that the less they weigh the more expensive they become. produced (Fig. 6).
This is especially true for traditional woven cloths and unidirection- TeXtreme has provided Bauer Hockey with a number of
al prepregs with fiber areal weights lower than 200 g/m2 – and once improvements.
below 100 g/m2 the price per kilo of fiber increases rapidly. ‘By using TeXtreme, BAUER has benefitted from the standard
TeXtreme is less expensive than traditional 1k carbon woven weight savings and mechanical improvements,’ says Adam Gans,
reinforcements and brings unique benefits in terms of weight Director of Product Development for sticks at BAUER Hockey Inc.
savings and surface finish, which is critical to the untreated and ‘At the same time, we have found the surface finish to be notice-
unpainted surfaces that a weight-driven program demands. Car- ably better with TeXtreme than with conventional 3k weaves. In
bon unidirectionals can go lower in areal weight – commonly the APX stick TeXtreme has contributed to the lighter blade and to
available down to 50 g/m2 and in some cases even lower. However, the torsional stiffness that prevents blade deflection when shoot-
all the laminates used in Oracle Team’s AC72 require reinforce- ing, which increases accuracy and improves balance.’
ments in at least two directions, and consequently a 80 g/m2 ‘TeXtreme has not only helped us make the sticks lighter it has
TeXtreme fabric offers a 20% weight saving compared with two also aided in improving the mechanical properties to provide
layers of 50 g/m2 UD tape. better dynamic response, balance and consistency that no other
There were other advantages with using TeXtreme fabrics over carbon fabric could do. TeXtreme has been a valuable ingredient in
two layers of UD tape. First there was reduced labor costs. It was giving players a higher performance stick, and giving us the extra
possible to put down half the number of plies as opposed to the technical and marketing value that is expected from a Bauer stick.’
two layers of UD tape. Depending on the application TeXtreme
was used both at +45/ 45 and 0/90. Surf boards
When developing a high-performance kiteboard, the technical
demands are quite challenging. The board has to be extremely
The ORACLE TEAM USA AC72 boat winning the 34th America’s Cup (picture Bauer Hockey Vapor APX2 Limited Edition reinforced by TeXtreme (picture
courtesy of ORACLE TEAM USA/Guilain GRENIER). courtesy of Bauer Hockey).
FEATURE Reinforced Plastics Volume 59, Number 5 September/October 2015
Future developments
A lot has happened in the first ten years that spread tow reinforce-
ments have been available on the market. This new category of