63.tabuena vs. Court of Appeals

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JOSE TABUENA, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and documents.

Nowhere in her testimony can we find a recital of

EMILIANO TABERNILLA, JR., respondents. the contents of the exhibits.

Evidence; Evidence not formally offered cannot be considered _______________

by the Court unless it has been duly identified by testimony
duly recorded and second, it has itself been incorporated in the *
records of the case.—The mere fact that a particular document
is marked as an exhibit does not mean it has thereby already 651
been offered as part of the evidence of a party. It is true that
Exhibits “A”, “B” and “C” were marked at the pre-trial of the VOL. 196, MAY 6, 1991 651
case below, but this was only for the purpose of identifying
them at that time. They were not by such marking formally Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals
offered as exhibits. As we said in Interpacific Transit, Inc. vs.
Aviles, “At the trial on the merits, the party may decide to Same; Courts; Courts are not authorized to take judicial notice
formally offer (the exhibits) if it believes they will advance its in the adjudication of cases pending before them of the
cause, and then again it may decide not to do so at all. In the contents of the records of other cases, even when such cases
latter event, such documents cannot be considered evidence, have been tried or are pending in the same court, and
nor can they be given any evidentiary value.” Chief Justice notwithstanding the fact that both cases may have been heard
Moran explained the rationale of the rule thus: x x x The offer or actually pending before the same judge; Exceptions.—The
is necessary because it is the duty of a judge to rest his findings respondent court also held that the trial court committed no
of facts and his judgment only and strictly upon the evidence reversible error in taking judicial notice of Tabuena’s
offered by the parties at the trial. We did say in People vs. testimony in a case it had previously heard which was closely
Napat-a that even if there be no formal offer of an exhibit, it connected with the case before it. It conceded that as a general
may still be admitted against the adverse party if, first, it has rule “courts are not authorized to take judicial notice, in the
been duly identified by testimony duly recorded and, second, it adjudication of cases pending before them, of the contents of
has itself been incorporated in the records of the case. But we the records of other cases, even when such cases have been
do not find that these requirements have been satisfied in the tried or are pending in the same court, and notwithstanding the
case before us. The trial court said the said exhibits could be fact that both cases may have been heard or are actually
validly considered because, even if they had not been formally pending before the same judge.” Nevertheless, it applied the
offered, one of the plaintiff’s witnesses, Cunegunda exception that: x x x in the absence of objection, and as a
Hernandez, testified on them at the trial and was even cross- matter of convenience to all parties, a court may properly treat
examined by the defendant’s counsel. We do not agree. all or any part of the original record of a case filed in its
Although she did testify, all she did was identify the archives as read into the record of a case pending before it,
when, with the knowledge of the opposing party, reference is
made to it for that purpose, by name and number or in some Property; Ownership; Tax receipts and declarations of
other manner by which it is sufficiently designated; or when ownership for taxation purposes are not incontrovertible
the original record of the former case or any part of it, is evidence of ownership; they become strong evidence of
actually withdrawn from the archives by the court’s direction, ownership acquired by prescription when accompanied by
at the request or with the consent of the parties, and admitted as proof of actual possession of the property.—It is true that tax
a part of the record of the case then pending. It is clear, though, declarations are not conclusive evidence of ownership, as we
that this exception is applicable only when, “in the absence of have held in many cases. However, that rule is also not
objection,” “with the knowledge of the opposing party,” or “at absolute and yields to the accepted and well-known exception.
the request or with the consent of the parties,” the case is In the case at bar, it is not even disputed that the petitioner and
clearly referred to or “the original or part of the records of the his predecessors-in-interest have possessed the disputed
case are actually withdrawn from the archives” and “admitted property since even before World War II. In light of this
as part of the record of the case then pending.” These uncontroverted fact, the tax declarations in their name become
conditions have not been established here. On the contrary, the weighty and compelling evidence of the petitioner’s ownership.
petitioner was completely unaware that his testimony in Civil As this Court has held: While it is true that by themselves tax
Case No. 1327 was being considered by the trial court in the receipts and declarations of ownership for taxation purposes
case then pending before it. As the petitioner puts it, the matter are not incontrovertible evidence of ownership they become
was never taken up at the trial and was “unfairly sprung” upon strong evidence of ownership acquired by prescription when
him, leaving him no opportunity to counteract. The respondent accompanied by proof of actual possession of the property. It is
court said that even assuming that the trial court improperly only where payment of taxes is accompanied by actual
took judicial notice of the other case, striking off all reference possession of the land covered by the tax declaration that such
thereto would not be fatal to the plaintiff’s cause because “the circumstance may be material in supporting a claim of
said testimony was merely corroborative of other evidences ownership.
submitted by the plaintiff.” What “other evidences”? The
trouble with this justification is that the exhibits it intends to PETITION to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.
corroborate, to wit, Exhibits “A”, “B” and “C”, have
themselves not been formally submitted. The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

652 Ramon Dimen for petitioner.

652 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Dionisio A. Hernandez for private respondent.
Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals
The petitioner faults the decision of the trial court, as affirmed her death, following which the petitioner, her son and half-
by the respondent court, for lack of basis. It is argued that the brother of Juan Peralta, Jr., took possession thereof. The
lower courts should not have taken into account evidence not complaint was filed when demand was made upon Tabuena to
submitted by the private respondent in accordance with the surrender the property and he refused, claiming it as his own.
Rules of Court.
The trial court rejected his defense that he was the absolute
The subject of the dispute is a parcel of residential land owner of the lot, which he inherited from his parents, who
consisting of about 440 square meters and situated in acquired it even before World War II and had been living
Poblacion, Makato, Aklan. In 1973, an action for recovery of thereon since then and until they died. Also disbelieved was his
ownership thereof was filed in the Regional Trial Court of contention that the subject of the sale between Peralta and
Aklan by the estate of Alfredo Tabernilla against Jose Tabuena, Tabernilla was a different piece of land planted to coconut trees
the herein petitioner. After trial, judgment was rendered in and bounded on three sides by the Makato River.
favor of the plaintiff and the defendant was required to vacate
the disputed lot.1 Tabuena appealed to the respondent court, complaining that, in
arriving at its factual findings, the trial court motu proprio took
_______________ cognizance of Exhibits “A”, “B” and “C”, which had been
marked by the plaintiff but never formally submitted in
Rollo, pp. 59-72; decided by Judge Gerardo M.S. Pepito. evidence. The trial court also erred when, to resolve the
ownership of the subject lot, it considered the proceedings in
653 another case involving the same parties but a different parcel of
VOL. 196, MAY 6, 1991 653
Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals The said exhibits are referred to in the pre-trial order as
As the trial court found, the lot was sold by Juan Peralta, Jr. Plaintiff proceeded to mark the following exhibits: Exh. “A”,
sometime in 1926 to Alfredo Tabernilla while the two were in letter dated October 4, 1921 addressed in Makato, Capiz,
the United States. Tabernilla returned to the Philippines in Philippines; Exh. “A-1”, paragraph 2 of the letter indicating
1934, and Damasa Timtiman, acting upon her son Juan’s that the amount of P600.00—the first P300.00 and then another
instruction, conveyed the subject land to Tabernilla. At the P300.00 as interest since October 4, 1921; Exh. “A-2”, is
same time, she requested that she be allowed to stay thereon as paragraph 3 of the letter; Exh. “B”, a Spanish document; Exh.
she had been living there all her life. Tabernilla agreed “C”, deed of conveyance filed by Tomasa Timtiman and
provided she paid the realty taxes on the property, which she
promised to do, and did. She remained on the said land until
Alfredo Tabernilla in 1923; and Exh. “C-1”, paragraph 4 of Sec. 35. Offer of evidence.—The court shall consider no
Exh. “C”. evidence which has not been formally offered. The purpose for
which the evidence is offered must be specified.
In sustaining the trial court, the respondent court held that,
contrary to the allegations of the appellant, the said exhibits The mere fact that a particular document is marked as an
exhibit does not mean it has thereby already been offered as
654 part of the evidence of a party. It is true that Exhibits “A,” “B”
and “C” were marked at the pre-trial of the case below, but this
654 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED was only for the purpose of identifying them at that time. They
Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals were not by such marking formally offered as exhibits. As we
said in Interpacific Transit, Inc. vs. Aviles,3 “At the trial on the
merits, the party may decide to formally offer (the exhibits) if it
were in fact formally submitted in evidence as disclosed by the believes they will advance its cause, and then again it may
transcript of stenographic notes, which it quoted at length.2 The decide not to do so at all. In the latter event, such documents
challenged decision also upheld the use by the trial court of cannot be considered evidence, nor can they be given any
testimony given in an earlier case, to bolster its findings in the evidentiary value.”
second case.
We have examined the record and find that the exhibits
submitted were not the above-described documents but 2
Ibid., pp. 27-29; Gonzaga-Reyes, J., ponente, with Bellosillo
Exhibits “X” and “Y” and their sub-markings, which were the and Marigomen, JJ., concurring.
last will and testament of Alfredo Tabernilla and the order of
probate. It is not at all denied that the list of exhibits does not 3
186 SCRA 385.
include Exhibits “A”, “B” and “C”. In fact, the trial court
categorically declared that “Exhibits ‘A,’ ‘A-1,’ ‘A-2,’ ‘B,’
‘C,’ and ‘C-1,’ were not among those documents or exhibits
formally offered for admission by plaintiff-administratrix.”
This is a clear contradiction of the finding of the appellate VOL. 196, MAY 6, 1991 655
court, which seems to have confused Exhibits “A,” “B” and Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals
“C” with Exhibits “X” and “Y”, the evidence mentioned in the
quoted transcript. Chief Justice Moran explained the rationale of the rule thus:

Rule 132 of the Rules of Court provides in Section 35 thereof

as follows:
x x x The offer is necessary because it is the duty of a judge to rule “courts are not authorized to take judicial notice, in the
rest his findings of facts and his judgment only and strictly adjudication of cases pending before them, of the contents of
upon the evidence offered by the parties at the trial.4 the records of other cases, even when such cases have been
tried or are pending in the same court, and notwithstanding the
We did say in People vs. Napat-a5 that even if there be no fact
formal offer of an exhibit, it may still be admitted against the
adverse party if, first, it has been duly identified by testimony _______________
duly recorded and, second, it has itself been incorporated in the
records of the case. But we do not find that these requirements Moran, Comments on the Rules of Court, Vol. 6, 1970 Ed., p.
have been satisfied in the case before us. The trial court said 21.
the said exhibits could be validly considered because, even if
they had not been formally offered, one of the plaintiff’s 5
179 SCRA 403.
witnesses, Cunegunda Hernandez, testified on them at the trial
and was even cross-examined by the defendant’s counsel. We 6
TSN, April 17, 1980, p. 32.
do not agree. Although she did testify, all she did was identify
the documents. Nowhere in her testimony can we find a recital 656
of the contents of the exhibits.
Thus, her interrogation on Exhibit “A” ran:
Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals

ATTY. LEGASPI: What is this Exh. “A” about? that both cases may have been heard or are actually pending
A The translation of the letter. before the same judge.”7 Nevertheless, it applied the exception
Q What is the content of this Exh. “A”, the letter of the sister that:
of Juan Peralta to Alfredo Tabernilla?
Court: The best evidence is the document. Proceed.6 x x x in the absence of objection, and as a matter of
convenience to all parties, a court may properly treat all or any
She also did not explain the contents of the other two exhibits. part of the original record of a case filed in its archives as read
into the record of a case pending before it, when, with the
The respondent court also held that the trial court committed no knowledge of the opposing party, reference is made to it for
reversible error in taking judicial notice of Tabuena’s that purpose, by name and number or in some other manner by
testimony in a case it had previously heard which was closely which it is sufficiently designated; or when the original record
connected with the case before it. It conceded that as a general of the former case or any part of it, is actually withdrawn from
the archives by the court’s direction, at the request or with the
consent of the parties, and admitted as a part of the record of U.S. vs. Claveria, 29 Phil. 527.
the case then pending.8
It is clear, though, that this exception is applicable only when,
“in the absence of objection,” “with the knowledge of the VOL. 196, MAY 6, 1991 657
opposing party,” or “at the request or with the consent of the Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals
parties,” the case is clearly referred to or “the original or part of
the records of the case are actually withdrawn from the
dismissed by the trial court for failure of the plaintiff to
archives” and “admitted as part of the record of the case then
substantiate its allegations. It has failed to prove that the
pending.” These conditions have not been established here. On
subject lot was the same parcel of land sold by Juan Peralta, Jr.
the contrary, the petitioner was completely unaware that his
to Alfredo Tabernilla and not another property, as the petitioner
testimony in Civil Case No. 1327 was being considered by the
contends. Even assuming it was the same lot, there is no
trial court in the case then pending before it. As the petitioner
explanation for the sale thereof by Juan Peralta, Jr., who was
puts it, the matter was never taken up at the trial and was
only the son of Damasa Timtiman. According to the trial court,
“unfairly sprung” upon him, leaving him no opportunity to
“there is no question that before 1934 the land in question
belonged to Damasa Timtiman.” Juan Peralta, Jr. could not
have validly conveyed title to property that did not belong to
The respondent court said that even assuming that the trial
him unless he had appropriate authorization from the owner.
court improperly took judicial notice of the other case, striking
No such authorization has been presented.
off all reference thereto would not be fatal to the plaintiff’s
cause because “the said testimony was merely corroborative of
other evidences submitted by the plaintiff.” What “other It is true that tax declarations are not conclusive evidence of
evidences”? The trouble with this justification is that the ownership, as we have held in many cases. However, that rule
exhibits it intends to corroborate, to wit, Exhibits “A”, “B” and is also not absolute and yields to the accepted and well-known
“C”, have themselves not been formally submitted. exception. In the case at bar, it is not even disputed that the
petitioner and his predecessors-in-interest have possessed the
disputed property since even before World War II. In light of
Considering the resultant paucity of the evidence for the private
this uncontroverted fact, the tax declarations in their name
respondent, we feel that the complaint should have been
become weighty and compelling evidence of the petitioner’s
ownership. As this Court has held:
7 While it is true that by themselves tax receipts and declarations
Rollo, p. 25.
of ownership for taxation purposes are not incontrovertible
evidence of ownership they become strong evidence of
ownership acquired by prescription when accompanied by property, being a bachelor and fond only of the three dogs he
proof of actual possession of the property.9 had bought from America. That is specious reasoning. At best,
it is pure conjecture. If he were really that unconcerned, it is
It is only where payment of taxes is accompanied by actual curious that he should have acquired the property in the first
possession of the land covered by the tax declaration that such place, even as dacion en pago. He would have demanded
circumstance may be material in supporting a claim of another form of payment if he did not have the intention at all
ownership.10 of living on the land. On the other hand, if he were really
interested in the property, we do not see why he did not have it
The tax receipts accompanied by actual and continuous declared in his name when the realty taxes thereon were paid
possession of the subject parcels of land by the respondents and by Damasa Timtiman or why he did not object when the
their parents before them for more than 30 years qualify them payments were made in her own name.
to register title to the said subject parcels of land.11
In comparison, all the acts of Damasa Timtiman and Jose
The Court can only wonder why, if Alfredo Tabernilla did Tabuena indicate that they were the owners of the disputed
purchase the property and magnanimously allowed Damasa property. Damasa Timtiman and her forebears had been in
possession thereof for more than fifty years and, indeed, she
_______________ herself stayed there until she died.12 She paid the realty taxes
thereon in her own name.13 Jose Tabuena built a house of
Republic vs. Court of Appeals, 131 SCRA 533. strong materials on the lot.14 He even mortgaged the land to the
Development Bank of the Philippines and to two private
Heirs of Celso Amarante vs. Court of Appeals, 185 SCRA persons who acknowledged him as the owner.15 These acts
585. denote ownership and are not consistent with the private
respondent’s claim that the petitioner was only an overseer
11 with mere possessory rights tolerated by Tabernilla.
Samson vs. Court of Appeals, 141 SCRA 194.

658 It is the policy of this Court to accord proper deference to the

factual findings of the courts below and even to regard them as
658 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED conclusive where there is no showing that they have been
reached arbitrarily. The exception is where such findings do
Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals
not conform to the evidence on record and appear indeed to
have no valid basis to sustain their correctness. As in this case.
Timtiman to remain there, he did not at least require her to pay
the realty taxes in his name, not hers. The explanation given by
the trial court is that he was not much concerned with the
The conclusions of the trial court were based mainly on have persuaded the trial judge to rule in his favor and dismiss
Exhibits “A”, “B” and “C”, which had not been formally the complaint.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The appealed
_______________ decision is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, with costs against
the private respondent. It is so ordered.
Rollo, p. 64.
Exh. “7”.
Rollo, pp. 39-40.
Exhs. “12,” “13” and “14.”


VOL. 196, MAY 6, 1991 659

Tabuena vs. Court of Appeals

as evidence and therefore should have been totally disregarded,

conformably to the Rules of Court. The trial court also erred
when it relied on the evidence submitted in Civil Case No.
1327 and took judicial notice thereof without the consent or
knowledge of the petitioner, in violation of existing doctrine.
Thus vitiated, the factual findings here challenged are as an
edifice built upon shifting sands and should not have been
sustained by the respondent court.

Our own finding is that the private respondent, as plaintiff in

the lower court, failed to prove his claim of ownership over the
disputed property with evidence properly cognizable under our
adjudicative laws. By contrast, there is substantial evidence
supporting the petitioner’s contrary contentions that should

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