J.R.a. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue

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J.R.A. PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner, vs.

respondent. J.R.A. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal
Taxation; Tax Refunds; Tax Credit; Case law dictates
that in a claim for tax refund or tax credit, the applicant must
Decision2 dated September 20, 2005 and
prove not only entitlement to the claim but also compliance Resolution dated January 27, 2006 of the Court of Tax

with all the documentary and evidentiary requirements Appeals (CTA) En Banc in C.T.A. E.B. No. 35 which
therefor.—Case law dictates that in a claim for tax refund or denied petitioner J.R.A. Philippines, Inc.’s (petitioner)
tax credit, the applicant must prove not only entitlement to claim for refund or its unutilized input value-added tax
the claim but also compliance with all the documentary and (VAT) for the calendar year 1999 in the amount of
evidentiary requirements therefor. Section 110(A)(1) of the P7,786,61.04.
NIRC provides that creditable input taxes must be evidenced The Facts
by a VAT invoice or official receipt, which must, in turn, Petitioner is a VAT and Philippine Economic Zone
comply with Sections 237 and 238 of the same law, as well as Authority (PEZA) registered corporation engaged in the
Section 4.108.1 of RR 7-95. The foregoing provisions
manufacture and export of ready-to-wear items.4 It
require, inter alia, that an invoice must reflect, as required
by law: (a) the BIR Permit to Print; (b) the TIN-V of the
claimed to have paid the aggregate sum of
purchaser; and (c) the word “zero-rated” imprinted thereon. P7,786,614.04 as excess input VAT for the calendar year
In this relation, failure to comply with the said invoicing 1999, which amount it purportedly used to purchase
requirements provides sufficient ground to deny a claim for domestic goods and services directly attributable to its
tax refund or tax credit. zero-rated export sales.5 Alleging that its input VAT
remained unutilized as it has not engaged in any
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and business activity or transaction for which it may be
resolution of the Court of Appeals. liable for output VAT, petitioner filed four separate
The facts are stated in the resolution of the Court. applications for tax refund with the One-Stop Shop
Salvador Guevarra & Associates for petitioner. Inter-Agency Tax Credit and Duty Drawback Center of
RESOLUTION the Department of Finance.6When the same was not
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: acted upon by respondent Commissioner of Internal
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari1 are Revenue (CIR) — and in order to toll the two-year
the _______________
2 Id., at pp. 54-65. Penned by Associate Justice Caesar A.
Casanova, with Associate Justices Lovell R. Bautista, Olga Palanca-
Enriquez, concurring; Associate Justice Juanito C. Castañeda, Jr.,
1 Rollo, pp. 11-51.
separate concurring; and Presiding Justice Ernesto D. Acosta, 9 Rollo, pp. 101-105.
concurring and dissenting. 10 Id., at pp. 122-124.
3 Id., at pp. 88-93. Issued by Associate Justices Juanito C. 11 SEC. 24. Exemption from Taxes under the National
Castañeda, Jr., Lovell R. Bautista, Erlinda P. Uy, Caesar A. Casanova, InternalRevenue Code.—Any provision of existing laws, rules and
and Olga Palanca-Enriquez, with Presiding Justice Ernesto D. Acosta, regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, no taxes, local and
dissenting. national, shall be imposed on business establishments operating
4 Id., at p. 55. within the ECOZONE. In lieu of paying taxes, five percent (5%) of the
5 Id., at p. 56. gross income earned by all businesses and enterprises within the
6 Id. ECOZONE shall be remitted to the national government. x x x. (See
also id., at p. 166.)
prescriptive period under Section 2297 of Republic Act
No. (RA) 8424,8 as amended, otherwise known as the
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) — petitioner
VOL. 704, AUGUST 28, 2013 97
filed a petition for review9 before the CTA, docketed as J.R.A. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal
CTA Case No. 6249. Revenue
In its Answer,10 the CIR contended that since Section 109(q)13 of the NIRC. Hence, it is not entitled to
petitioner is registered with the PEZA, its business was credit its input VAT under Section 4.103-1 of Revenue
not subject to VAT as provided under Section 2411 of RA Regulations No. (RR) 7-95.14 Besides, petitioner’s
7916,12 otherwise known as “The Special Economic Zone alleged unutilized input VAT for 1999 was not properly
Act of 1995,” in relation to documented.15
_______________ The Proceedings Before the CTA
7 SEC. 229. Recovery of Tax Erroneously or Illegally Collected.— On March 16, 2004, the CTA Division16 rendered a
Decision17 denying petitioner’s claim for input VAT
In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be filed after the
expiration of two (2) years from the date of payment of the tax or refund on the ground that all of its export sales invoices:
penalty regardless of any supervening cause that may arise after (a) have no Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Permit to
payment: Provided, however, That the Commissioner may, even Print; (b) did not contain its Taxpayer’s Identification
without a written claim therefor, refund or credit any tax, where on
the face of the return upon which payment was made, such payment
Number-VAT (TIN-V); and (c) the word “zero-rated”
appears clearly to have been erroneously paid. was not imprinted thereon in violation of Section
8 “AN ACT AMENDING THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, AS 113(A)18 in relation to Section 238 of the NIRC and
AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES,” otherwise known as “Tax _______________
Reform Act of 1997.”
13 SEC. 109. Exempt Transactions.—The following shall be Unperturbed, petitioner elevated the matter before
exempt from the value-added tax:
the CTA En Banc, arguing that the export sales invoices
(q) Transactions which are exempt under international are not the sole basis to prove export sales.23 In this
agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory or under special accord, it posited that its export sales should be deemed
laws, except those under Presidential Decree Nos. 66, 529 and 1590; properly documented and substantiated by the bills of
14 Rollo, p. 123.
lading, airway bills, and export documents24 as these
15 Id. documents are the best evidence to prove the actual
16 The specific division is not indicated in the records. exportation of the goods.25
17 Rollo, pp. 163-175. Penned by Associate Judge Juanito C. On September 20, 2005, the CTA En Banc issued the
Castañeda, Jr., with Associate Judge Lovell R. Bautista, concurring.
18 SEC. 113. Invoicing and Accounting Requirements for VAT- assailed Decision,26 denying petitioner’s claim for input
Registered Persons.— VAT refund. It ruled that petitioner failed to establish
(A) Invoicing Requirements.—A VAT-registered person shall, for the fact that its 1999 export sales were “zero-rated” for
every sale, issue an invoice or receipt. In addition to the information VAT purposes as it failed to comply with the
required under Section 237, the following information shall be
indicated in the invoice or receipt: substantiation requirements under Section 113(A) in
(1) A statement that the seller is a VAT-registered person, relation to Section 238 of the NIRC, as well as Section
followed by his taxpayer’s identification number (TIN); and 4.108-1 of RR 7-95.27 Further, it affirmed the earlier
(2) The total amount which the purchaser pays or is obligated to
finding that petitioner’s export sales invoices had no
pay to the seller with the indication that such amount includes the
value-added tax. BIR Permit to Print and did not contain its TIN-V and
xxxx the words “zero-rated.” As such, the documents it
submitted were insufficient to prove the zero-rated
98 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED export sales of the goods for input VAT refund
J.R.A. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal _______________
Revenue 19 Rollo, p. 172.
Section 4.108-1 of RR 7-95.19 Having thus failed to 20 Id., at pp. 173-174.
21 Id., at pp. 176-181. Dated April 5, 2004.
comply with the invoicing requirements, petitioner’s
22 Id., at pp. 187-190.
evidence was deemed insufficient to establish its zero- 23 Id., at p. 205.
rated export sales for input VAT refund purposes.20 24 Id., at p. 204.
Dissatisfied, petitioner filed a motion for 25 Id., at p. 206.
26 Id., at pp. 54-65.
reconsideration21 which was, however, denied in a 27 Id., at pp. 59-60.
Resolution22 dated September 20, 2004. 28 Id., at pp. 61-62.

VOL. 704, AUGUST 28, 2013 99 of sales, receipts or transfers in the amount of One hundred pesos
(P100.00) or more, or regardless of the amount, where the sale or
J.R.A. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue 100
Petitioner moved for reconsideration which was, 100 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
similarly, denied in a Resolution dated January 27, J.R.A. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal
2006.29 Hence, the instant petition. Revenue
The Issue Before the Court Section 4.108.134 of RR 7-95. The foregoing provisions
The sole issue in this case is whether or not the CTA require,
erred in denying petitioner’s claim for tax refund. _______________
transfer is made by a person liable to value-added tax to another
The Court’s Ruling person also liable to value-added tax; or where the receipt is issued to
The petition lacks merit. cover payment made as rentals, commissions, compensations or fees,
Case law dictates that in a claim for tax refund or tax receipts or invoices shall be issued which shall show the name,
credit, the applicant must prove not only entitlement to business style, if any, and address of the purchaser, customer or
client: Provided, further, That where the purchaser is a VAT-
the claim but also compliance with all the documentary registered person, in addition to the information herein required, the
and evidentiary requirements therefor.30 Section invoice or receipt shall further show the Taxpayer Identification
110(A)(1)31 of the NIRC provides that creditable input Number (TIN) of the purchaser.
taxes must be evidenced by a VAT invoice or official xxxx
33 SEC. 238. Printing of Receipts or Sales or Commercial
receipt, which must, in turn, comply with Sections Invoices.—All persons who are engaged in business shall secure from
23732 and 23833 of the same law, as well as the Bureau of Internal Revenue an authority to print receipts or sales
_______________ or commercial invoices before a printer can print the same.
29 Id., at pp. 88-93. No authority to print receipts or sales or commercial invoices shall
30 Western Mindanao Power Corporation v. CIR, G.R. No. 181136, be granted unless the receipts or invoices to be printed are serially
June 13, 2012, 672 SCRA 350, 362. numbered and shall show, among other things, the name, business
31 SEC. 110. Tax Credits.— style, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and business address of
(A) Creditable Input Tax.— the person or entity to use the same, and such other information that
(1) Any input tax evidenced by a VAT invoice or official receipt may be required by rules and regulations to be promulgated by the
issued in accordance with Section 113 hereof x x x: Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner.
xxxx xxxx
32 SEC. 237. Issuance of Receipts or Sales or Commercial 34 Section 4.108-1 of RR 7-95 provides:
Invoices.—All persons subject to an internal revenue tax shall, for each SEC. 4.108-1. Invoicing Requirements.—All VAT-registered
sale or transfer of merchandise or for services rendered valued at persons shall, for every sale or lease of goods or properties or
Twenty-five pesos (P25.00) or more, issue duly registered receipts or services, issue duly registered receipts or sales or commercial
sales or commercial invoices, prepared at least in duplicate, showing invoices which must show:
the date of transaction, quantity, unit cost and description of 1. the name, TIN and address of seller;
merchandise or nature of service: Provided, however, That in the case 2. date of transaction;
3. quantity, unit cost and description of merchandise or services attributable to zero-rated sales. A “VAT
nature of service; invoice” is an invoice that meets the requirements of
4. the name, TIN, business style, if any, and address of
Section 4.108-1 of RR 7-95. Contrary to Microsoft’s
the VAT- registered purchaser, customer or client;
5. the word “zero-rated” imprinted on the invoice claim, RR-7-95 expressly states that “[A]ll purchases
covering zero-rated sales; and covered by invoice other than a VAT invoice shall not
6. the invoice value or consideration. give rise to any input tax. Microsoft’s invoice, lacking
xxxx the word “zero-rated,” is
101 Only VAT-registered persons are required to print their TIN
VOL. 704, AUGUST 28, 2013 101 followed by the word “VAT” in their invoices or receipts and this
shall be considered as a “VAT-invoice.” All purchases covered by
J.R.A. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal invoices other than “VAT Invoice” shall not give rise to any input
Revenue tax.
inter alia, that an invoice must reflect, as required by 35 Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. v. CIR, G.R. No.
168856, August 29, 2012, 679 SCRA 305, 313.
law: (a) the BIR Permit to Print; (b) the TIN-V of the 36 G.R. No. 180173, April 6, 2011, 647 SCRA 398. See also J.R.A.
purchaser; and (c) the word “zero-rated” imprinted Philippines, Inc. v. CIR, October 11, 2010, 632 SCRA 517, 525-527.
thereon. In this relation, failure to comply with the said 102
invoicing requirements provides sufficient ground to
deny a claim for tax refund or tax credit.35 102 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
In this case, records show that all of the export sales J.R.A. Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal
invoices presented by petitioner not only lack the word Revenue
“zero-rated” but also failed to reflect its BIR Permit to not a “VAT invoice,” and thus cannot give rise to any
Print as well as its TIN-V. Thus, it cannot be gainsaid input tax.37 (Emphasis supplied).
that it failed to comply with the above-stated invoicing
All told, the CTA committed no reversible error in
requirements, thereby rendering improper its claim for
denying petitioner’s refund claim.
tax refund. Clearly, compliance with all the VAT
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.
invoicing requirements is required to be able to file a
Accordingly, the Decision dated September 20, 2005
claim for input taxes attributable to zero-rated sales. As
and Resolution dated January 27, 2006 of the Court of
held in Microsoft Philippines, Inc. v. CIR:36
Tax Appeals En Banc in C.T.A. E.B. No. 35 are
The invoicing requirements for a VAT-registered
taxpayer as provided in the NIRC and revenue hereby AFFIRMED.
regulations are clear. A VAT-registered taxpayer is SO ORDERED.
required to comply with all the VAT invoicing
requirements to be able to file for a claim for
input taxes on domestic purchases for goods or

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