Sex and Spirituality

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Dimension beyond the known

Sex and Spirituality


Sex and Spirituality

© 2010, Taoshobuddha

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Cover design and graphics: Anand Neelamber

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The word Taoshobuddha comes from three words, ‘tao,’

‘sho,’ and ‘Buddha’. The word Tao was coined by the
Chinese master, Lau Tzu. It means that which is and
cannot be put into words. It is unknown and
unknowable. It can only be experienced and not
expressed in words. Its magnanimity cannot be
condensed into finiteness. The word Sho implies, that
which is vast like the sky and deep like an ocean and
carries within its womb a treasure as ‘Bliss’. It also
means one on whom the existence showers its blessings.
And lastly the word Buddha implies the Enlightened
One; one who has arrived home and whose
consciousness is not clouded by thoughts, emotions, and
sentiments together or individual!

Thus, Taoshobuddha implies one who is existential, on

whom the existence showers its blessings and one who
has arrived home. The Enlightened One!

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1. Preface 8
2. Sex and Spirituality 12
3. Krishnamurti on Sex 15
4. Sex the bio energy 20
5. Sex and Brahmacharya 29
6. Sex and Awareness 37
7. Witness the key to Transformation 42
8. Repressed sexuality – Problems 49
9. Super consciousness is the ultimate 50
10. Sex Sublimation and
Transcendence 58
11. Yoga and tantra opposing way of
meditation 63
12. Living with Totality 67
13. Tao being natural 72

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ex is natural, spontaneous and the very

source of all life. There are things and
states beyond it. Beautiful spaces
beyond it too are there. Sex brings joy and
misery too. Both joy and misery is mixed with
sex because sex is a mixture of the heaven
and the earth, and body and soul. Sex brings
both. It gives you wings one moment, and cuts
off your wings next moment. One moment it
brings ecstasy, and next moment you have
fallen into a deep agony. One moment you are
on the sunlit peak, and the next moment you
are groaning in a dark valley. Sex is both.
Going beyond this is the Ultimate.

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ex is not an end in itself; sex is the

beginning. To progress, more steps are
On 23 March, 2010 the Supreme Court of
India gave a very significant judgment that:
‘Live-in, pre-marital sex no offence.’ The Court
observed that the live-in relationships
between the adult couples cannot be treated
as an offence.
‘When two adult people want to live together
what is the offence. Does it amount to an
offence? Living together is not an offence. It
cannot be an offence,’ said a bench
comprising Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan,
Justice Deepak Verma and Justice B S
In giving the memorable judgment the Court
came up with a beautiful example of an
analogy from the Hindu mythology, the court
said; even Lord Krishna and Radha lived
together. The apex court said there was no
law which prohibits live-in relationship or
pre-marital sex.

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ne in whom sex is transformed and has

attained the ultimate neither
encourages sex nor does he condemn
it. He has simply tried to make sense and give
meaning to sex. And a process, which is
basically directed toward finding a meaning,
is essentially spiritual in nature. Generally,
sex is either condemned or taken for granted;
there is hardly any conscious effort to know
what it means, what is this universal creative
Spirituality is all about search for the meaning
– meaning of that which is, why it is, and why
it is the way it is? And in that search for the
meaning one automatically sees that which is
meaningless. Seeing the meaninglessness, one
intelligently drops the meaningless.
As far as sex is concerned, on the one hand we
are culturally blind in not seeing what sex is;
and on the other hand we are meaning-blind,
that is, not knowing what this life energy
means. Osho cultivated a kind of intelligence
to know what sex is all about and how to deal
with this energy spiritually.

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ex is the dimension of spirituality

beyond the realm of the known. Sex is
most spontaneous and natural energy
mocked, disfigured, blamed and continuously
criticized by the society, power and the
religious custodians. To understand sex you
have to go to the dimension beyond the
known. Breathing and meditation is the
vehicle to take you to that unknown and
unknowable realm.

Whenever sex is understood this indomitable

energy will transform and in the process life
will becomes a marvelous journey of the
spirit. However in the absence life will remain
a misery. ALL is too little that the world can
give: because its power and knowledge are
the gifts of Time. These cannot fill the spirit’s
sacred thirst. The world and its affairs cannot
bring into life’s closed room the Immortal’s
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air and fill the finite with the Infinite. All that
denies this must be torn out and slain and
crushed the many longings for whose sake we
lose the One for whom our lives were made.

Sex is the manifestation of the existential bio

energy at the lowest rung. At the lowest rung
the energy represents the earth element.
Alike earth the other elemental elements
water and fire are also relevant. It is only
when these three elements are saturated the
journey reaches the realm of emotions. The
lower has to be sanctified only then the
energy gives rise to the positive elements.
And finally the energy connects to the sky
elements. When the earth and the sky
elements are merged into one another love is
born. Love is the ultimate flowering of this
existential energy.

First, love gives you unity in your innermost

core. Then you are no more a body. No more a
mind, no more a soul. You are beyond.

You are simply one. Unnamed, undefined,

unclassified! No more determinate, definable,
no more comprehensible.

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A mystery, a joy, a surprise, jubilation, and a

great celebration! A BEING ALONE!

The soul’s experiment of joy and grief and

thought and impulse lighting the blind act,
venture on the roads of circumstance.
Through inner movements and external
scenes travelling to self across the forms of
things into creation’s centre he had come. The
spirit wandering from state to state finds here
the silence of its starting-point in the formless
force and the still fixity.

This present work is an effort to bring clarity

and insights into this specific topic on which
ancient sages like Vatsayan has created the
classic. Ajanta and Ellora caves were created.
Even these have not been understood by the
baser minds and these sculptures were
mocked and criticized as pornography.
Human mind is quite ready to turn sex into
pornography very easily and thus keeps man
from understanding this.

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This work is the beginning of the series in the

process of human transformation and a
deeper understanding of sex and spirituality
so that man can evolve to understand the
subtlety of the subject.



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Two sides of the same coin

oth, sex and spirituality may look to be

different and separate, but essentially
they are interconnected. Perceptions
may differ, but intrinsically they are not
opposites, they are not antagonistic, they are
not in conflict with each other – rather, they
are part of a continuum. While sex is basically
universal life energy, a creative a healing
energy or simply creativity, spirituality is a
miraculous alchemy – it is the ultimate
manifestation of transformation. Seeing this
clearly is necessary for us to making it easier
to explore briefly the mystery of sex and

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Sex is not created or manufactured by us. It is

actually a gift from the Divine. It is God’s gift
to enjoy, celebrate and ultimately transform.
And yet, almost universally, we apply double
standard in accepting it as a given reality. We
show untrue, a hypocritical and a rather
schizophrenic attitude towards sex.
Next to God, sex is the most misunderstood
subject. And, if I were to replace the word God
with Spirituality, then next to Spirituality, Sex
is the most misused term. Sages have seen Sex
as spiritual and spirituality as a sublime form
of sex energy. It is seen as orgasmic union,
enlightenment, the dissolving of male-female,
yin-yang polarity. The transformation of this
creative energy into spirituality can be
accomplished through a miraculous alchemy
of meditation.
Osho puts the whole issue in a clear
perspective. He says: Sex is the energy. So I
will not say sexual energy because there is no
other energy. Sex is the only energy you have
got. The energy can be transformed it can
become a higher energy. The higher it moves,
the less and less sexuality remains in it. And
there is an end peak where it becomes simply

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love and compassion. The ultimate flowering

we can call divine energy, but the base, the
seat, remains sex. So sex is the first, bottom
layer of energy and god is the top layer. But
the same energy moves.

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Why has sex become so important in our life? It

has been so, not only in the present period, but
always. Why has sex been so deeply embedded
in man? Apart from producing children, I am
not talking of that. Why? Probably it is the
greatest pleasure a human being has.
Demanding that pleasure, all kinds of
complications arise; volumes have been written
with explanations of the psychological
complications. But the authors have never
asked the question as to why human beings
have made this thing so extremely important in
their lives.

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Question: Why does sex play such an

important part in each one’s life in the

Jiddu Krishnamurti - There is a particular

philosophy, especially in India, called Tantra,
part of which encourages sex. They say
through sex you reach Nirvana. It is
encouraged, so that you go beyond it - and
you never do.

Why has sex become so important in our life?

It has been so, not only in the present period,
but always. Why has sex been so deeply
embedded in man? Apart from producing
children, I am not talking of that. Why?
Probably it is the greatest pleasure a human
being has. Demanding that pleasure, all kinds
of complications arise; volumes have been
written with explanations of the
psychological complications. But the authors
have never asked the question as to why
human beings have made this thing so
extremely important in their lives.

Our life is in a turmoil, it is a constant

struggle, with nothing original, nothing

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creative - I am using the word ‘creative’ very

carefully. The painter, the architect, the wood-
carver, he may say he is creative. The woman
who bakes bread in the kitchen is said to be
creative. And sex, they say, is also creative. So
what is it to be creative? The painters, the
musicians and the Indian singers with their
devotion, say that theirs is the act of creation.
Is it? You have accepted Picasso as a great
painter, a great creator, putting one nose on
three faces, or whatever he does. I am not
denying it or being derogatory, I am just
pointing it out. That is what is called creation.

But is that entire creativeness? Or is

creativeness something totally different? You
are seeing the expression of creativeness in a
painting, in a poem, in prose, a in a statue, in
music. It is expressed according to a man’s
talent, his capacity great or small; it may be
modern Rock or Bach - I am sorry to compare
the two! They are quite incomparable.

We human beings have accepted all that as

creative because it brings fame, money,
position. But I am asking: is that creativity?
Can there be creation, in the most profound

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sense of that word, so long as there is

egotism, so long as there is the demand for
success, money and recognition - supplying
the market? Do not agree with me please. I
am just pointing out. I am not saying I know
creativity and you do not; I am not saying

I am saying we never question these things. I

say there is a state where there is creation
in which there is no shadow of self. That is
real creation; it does not need expression,
it does not need self-fulfillment; it is
creation. Perhaps sex is felt to be creative
and has become important because
everything around us is circumscribed, the
job, the office, going to the church, following
some philosopher, some guru. All that has
deprived us of freedom and, further, we are
not free from our own knowledge; it is always
with us, the past.

So we are deprived of freedom outwardly and

inwardly; for generation upon generation we
have been told what to do. And the reaction to
that is: I’ll do what I want, which is also
limited, based on pleasure, on desire, on

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capacity. So where there is no freedom, either

outwardly or inwardly, especially inwardly,
we have only one thing left and that is called
sex. Why do we give it importance? Do you
give equal importance to being free from
fear? No. Do you give equal energy, vitality
and thought to end sorrow? No. Why? Why
only to sex?

Because that is the easiest thing to hand; the

other demands all your energy, which can
only come when you are free. So naturally
human beings throughout the world have
given this thing tremendous importance in
life. And when you give something, which is
only one part of life, tremendous importance,
you are destroying yourself. Life is whole, not
just one part.

If you give importance to the whole then sex

becomes more or less unimportant. The
monks and all those who have denied sex
have turned their energy to god but the thing
is boiling in them, nature cannot be
suppressed. But when you give that thing all-
importance, then you are corrupt.

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We are afraid to discuss sex. Why are we so

morally afraid of this subject? It is because of a
presupposition that man may become sexual
just by talking about sex. This view is totally
wrong. There is, after all, a vast difference
between sex and sexuality. Our society will only
be free of the ghost of sex when we develop the
courage to talk about sex in a rational and
healthy manner. Only then sex will be
transformed into something sublime.

ex is considered a taboo in almost all the

societies, sects and religions. Talking
about sex is considered profane and
undivine. Your priests and so called religious

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do not use these words much to talk about


I have heard once there was a so called saint

who started visiting the village where
prominent Chandoolal lived. Chandoolal
being the most prominent one became the
host for the saint. His discourses were
regularly attended by Chandoolal’s wife and
the son who has to accompany the mother.
One day it happened during the session the
young boy felt the urge for wash room. So he
asked the mother to accompany him to the
washroom. The swami heard this. Afterwards
he told Chandoolal’s wife to teach the child
manners. Such words are profane and should
not be used. Whenever there is urging for
washroom instead of saying directly it should
be said that ‘I want to sing a song and things
like this.’

Time went on the visit of the swami became

more frequent. The swami even started
staying at the residence of Chandoolal. The
wife became his devotee and deposed total
trust in the swami. At the same time with
much difficulty the child learnt the new

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lesson. Each time whenever he has to go to

the washroom he would say, ‘I would sing a
song’ the mother would understand and the
swami was also very pleased.

It so happened one day while the swami was

staying at the residence of Chandoolal the
wife had to go somewhere urgently but she
could not carry the son. So she requested the
swami to take care of the son for whom the
swami had developed fondness. The swami
agreed willingly. In the middle of the night the
child got up with the strong urge and tried to
wake the swami who was fast asleep and
even snoring. Reluctantly the swami woke up
and hushed the child to go back to sleep as
this was not the time to sing songs. The
helpless child went to sleep but a little while
after he woke up the swami again that he
must sing now. If I do not sing now it will
start singing on its own. The swami tried to
convince the child to sing in the morning
instead of singing in the night and disturbing
his sleep. But the child insisted that he has to
sing now. With no choice the drowsy swami
told the child to sing the song softly in his
ears. The swami was sleepy. So when the

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child started singing the song and the swami

felt the warmth of the song he immediately
woke up and want to know what is this all
about. The child wanted to sing but instead
this …. He got angry at the child same time the
mother came and heard the entire matter.
The much angry swami started throwing
words for the mother that she could not teach
manners to the child. At this the mother
reminded the swami that it was he who had
told her not to use ugly phrases instead use
the phrase ‘sing a song’ and when the child
has learned now you are complaining.

Such is the situation of your so called

religious persons. Deep down they may be
filled with ugly thoughts but on the surface
they pretend. In such a society sex will remain
a taboo and humanity cannot go beyond.

As an individual you are born under certain

planetary arrangements which determine the
level of health and growth pattern. This bio
energy at its base is known as sex energy. It is
in this form bio energy has become a taboo in
almost all religions and cultures. The process
of transformation of this energy is called

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Kundalini. By nature this existential bio-

energy moves downwards. And when the
direction of this energy changes from
downward movement to upward movement
it is said Kundalini is aroused. Therefore
Kundalini arousal is just the beginning of the
process of transformation. Kundalini has two
ends. We know the lower end. But the other
or higher end is hidden from human cognition

Paulo Coelho writes in one of his blogs, “Why

sexuality is a taboo for most religions? Why
should we repress something that was given
by God to us in the name of God, we don’t
know why?”

Sex is craved, desired, dreamed about, wished

for; yet it is hated as a sin and condemned at
the same time. Sex is one of the most
repressed terms, so much so that people do
not even utter the word in society. Sermons
are given that sex is bad and satanic. Also it is
considered as filthy, sin and even hated by
God. If that be the case then why sex instincts
are given to mankind. Such instincts are
natural. The only thing that is required of you
is to place in the right place. Sex and

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Spirituality, these two words are used in

conflict to one another. It is considered a
taboo and a sin. Every other day there is news
in the media of sex crimes and scandals in
cities, towns, offices, in a church or in some
ashram. It is highlighted in a most perverted

On the other hand, in some parts of the world,

some tribal communities practice sex rituals
but in secrecy due to fear of disapproval and
in these communities sex crimes and eve-
teasing are not even heard of.

Tantra does not define sex as a need.

Tantra regards sex as a powerful
instinctual return to our ultimate reality,
one of the highest forms of meditation.

We are afraid to discuss sex. Why are we so

morally afraid and depressed of this subject?
It is because of a presupposition that man
may become sexual just by talking about sex.
This view is totally wrong. There is, after all, a
vast difference between sex and sexuality.
Our society will only be free of the ghost of
sex when we develop the courage to talk

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about sex in a rational and healthy manner.

This is the first step towards transformation.

It is only by understanding sex in all its

aspects that we will be able to transcend this
bio energy. Only then you will be spiritual in
the real sense of the word. Only then the
flowering of the being will happen. You
cannot free yourself from a problem just by
closing your eyes to it. Only a madman thinks
his enemy will vanish if he closes his eyes.
The ostrich in the desert thinks in this way.
The ostrich thrusts his head into the sand
and, since he cannot see his enemy, he thinks
his enemy is not there. Such logic can be
forgiven in the case of the ostrich, but not in
case of a man.

As far as sex is concerned, man behaves no

better than the ostrich. He thinks that by
closing his eyes, or by ignoring, sex will
vanish. If such miracles could happen, life
would be very easy indeed. However in
reality nothing disappears just by pulling
down the curtains. On the contrary, this is
proof that we are scared of sex, and the
reason is that its attraction is more powerful

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than our resistance. Because we feel we

cannot conquer sex, therefore it is better to
shut our eyes to it.

Shutting one’s eyes is a sign of weakness, and

the entire humanity is guilty of it. By closing
his eyes man blatantly has entered into
innumerable inner conflicts. The devastating
results of this war with sex are too well
known to be enumerated here. Ninety-eight
per cent of mental illness, or neurosis, is the
outcome of the suppression of sex. Ninety-
nine per cent of the women suffering from
hysteria and related illnesses suffer from
sexual disorders. The major cause of fear, of
doubt, of anxiety, of the stress and strain on
contemporary man, is the pressure of passion.
Man has turned his back on an inherent and
powerful urge. Without attempting to
understand sex, we have closed our eyes to it
out of fear. And the results have been
catastrophic indeed.

To see the truth of this, man need only scan

his literature, the mirror of his mind. If a man
from the other planet were to come here and
go through our literature, by reading our

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books and our poetry, or see our paintings, he

would be surprised. He would wonder why all
our art and literature is centered on sex.

‘Why are all poems, novels, magazines and

stories saturated with sex? Why is there a
half-naked woman on every magazine cover?
Why a half naked woman is the most potent
promotional media. Why bikini clad girls
constantly advertise even the male items,
cars, and tyres. And now why bikini clad girls
be the source of entertainment in games like
cricket and others. Why is every movie
concerned with lust?’ he would certainly ask.

He would be perplexed. The alien visitor

would wonder why man thought about
nothing but sex. He would be even more
confused if he met a man and talked to him,
because the man would try very hard, to
impress upon him that he was totally
innocent of the existence of sex. The man
would talk of the soul, of God, about heaven,
about emancipation, but he would not say a
word about sex, although his whole being
would be filled with ideas about sex. The alien
would be stunned to learn that man has even

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invented a thousand and one devices to

gratify a desire about which not a breath is

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ithout the understanding of sex one

cannot transcend and attain to the
state of Brahmacharya.
Understanding leads to transcendence.
Everyone talks of religion, soul, and things
like this while the eyes go on searching for
someone awaited. The very look is full of
sexuality. Man goes on talking about celibacy
but no fragrance wafts through his being.

All religions are death-oriented and have

made man sex-oriented. And it has perverted
him from another angle as well. It shows him
the golden pinnacle of celibacy, of
brahmacharya, but does not give any
guidance in getting a foothold on the first
rung, in understanding the base, by
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understanding sex. The word celibacy comes

from Hindi word Brahmacharya. It is
described as abstinence from sex. Abstinence
from sex cannot lead to Brahmacharya. The
word Brahmacharya implies one whose
consciousness is established in ever
expanding Brahma. It is the understanding of
sex that transcends you beyond sex.

First of all, we have to recognize sex and

understand it. Only then we can comprehend
this elemental urge. And without
transcendence, or sublimation, we cannot
reach the stage of celibacy. Without
understanding this basic life-force in all its
forms and facets, all efforts to restrain and
suppress it will only help man to degenerate
as a sick and incoherent lunatic. Without
concentrating on the basic illness, we spout
the high ideal of celibacy. Man has never been
so sick, neurotic, wretched and so unhappy.

Man is completely perverted. He is poisoned

at the root. If we are observant, we will see
that a lot of poison has accumulated in man.
Perhaps it is because of his quack doctors, but
the foremost reason is his refusal to accept

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what is natural in him, and also his refusal to

accept his fundamental being. We have tried
to curb and annihilate our inborn urges in
vain and no attempts are made to transform
them, or elevate them. We have forced
ourselves to control that energy in a wrong
way. That energy is bubbling in us like molten
lava. It is always pushing from inside. If we
are not careful, it may topple us at any
moment. And do you know what happens
when it gets the slight opening?

I will illustrate with an example: A plane

meets with an accident. You are nearby and
you rush to the scene. What is the first
question that will come to your mind when
you see a body in the debris? ‘Is this person
Hindu or Muslim?’ No.

‘Is this person Indian or Chinese?’


In a split second, and first and foremost, you

will look to see whether the body is of a man
or that of a woman. Are you aware why this
question springs to mind first of all? It is
because of repressed sex. It is the repression
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of sex that makes you so conscious of the

difference between a man and a woman. You
can forget the name, or face or nationality of
someone but not the sex of the person. If I had
met you, I might forget your name, your face,
your caste, your age, your status, everything
about you but never forget the sex of a
person. You never forget whether someone
was male or female.

Have you ever had any doubt that the person

you had a conversation with, on way to work,
was a man? Why? When you forget
everything else about a person, why can’t you
erase that aspect from your memory as well?
It is because the awareness of sex is firmly
rooted in man’s mind, and in his thought
processes. Sex is ever-present, and ever-
active. Neither our society nor our planet can
ever be healthy so long as this iron curtain
exists between men and women. Man cannot
be at peace with himself so long as this
burning fire rages within him, and so long as
he sits tightly on it. He has to strive to
suppress it each moment. The fire is burning
and scorching us. But even so, we are not

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prepared to face it, or prepared to look into it.

What is this fire?

It is not an enemy, it is a friend. What is the

nature of this fire? I want to tell you that once
you know this fire it will no longer be an
enemy. Instead it will become a friend. If you
understand this fire, it will not burn you. It
will warm your homes, it will cook for you,
and it will also become your lifelong friend.

Electricity has flashed in the sky for millions

of years. Sometimes it killed people, but
nobody ever thought that this very same
energy would someday run our fans and light
our homes. Nobody could imagine these
possibilities then. But today this electricity
has become our friend. How? Had we shut our
eyes to it, we would never have fathomed its
secrets, we would never have utilized it; it
would have remained our enemy, it would
always have been an object of fear. But man
assumed a friendly attitude towards
electricity. He took it upon himself to
understand it, to know it, and slowly, slowly, a
lasting friendship developed. Had that not

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happened, we would hardly be able to

manage today.

The sex inside man is even more vital than

electricity. A minute atom of matter
annihilated an entire hundred thousand
people in the city of Hiroshima, but an atom of
man’s energy can create a new life, a new
person! Sex is more powerful than an atom
bomb. Have you ever thought about the
infinite possibilities of this force, about how
we can transform it to better mankind? An
embryo can become a Gandhi, a Mahavir, a
Buddha, and a Christ. An Einstein can evolve
from it. Also a Newton can be manifest in it.
An infinitely small atom of sex energy has a
towering person like Gandhi manifest in it!

But we are not inclined to even try to

understand sex. We have to gather immense
courage even to talk about it in public. What
kind of fear is it that plagues us, so that we
are not prepared to understand the force out
of which the whole world is born? What is
this fear? Why does sex alarm us so?

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People were shocked when a mystic speaks

about sex I wonder why one should not
discuss this subject? When this urge is
already inherent in us, why should we not
talk about it? Unless we can understand its
behavior, or analyze it, how can we hope to
raise it to a higher plane or transform it? By
understanding we can transform it, conquer
it, and sublimate it as well. Unless that
happens, we will die and still we will be
unable to free ourselves from the grip of sex.

My point is that those who forbid talk about

sex are the same people who have pushed
humanity into an abyss of sex. Those who are
frightened of sex, and have therefore
convinced themselves they are innocent of
sex, are lunatics. They have conspired to
make the whole world a gigantic asylum.

Religion is concerned with the transformation

of man’s energy. In the process religion aims
to integrate the inner being of man both his
chaste aspirations and his basic urges. It is
also true that religion should guide man from
the lower to the higher or from darkness to

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light or from the unreal to real or from

ephemeral to eternal.

But to reach somewhere, one has to know the

starting point. We have to start from where
we are. It is imperative we know this place
first. And this is more important at the
moment than the place we want to reach. In
this context, sex is the fact, the reality. Sex
indeed is the beginning. God is far from here.
We can reach the truth only by understanding
the starting point of the journey.

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Sex has nothing to do with biological age. Sex,

indeed is part of human psychology. Man has
not yet matured psychologically that biological
and mental age is same. As a result the average
mental age of a person is twelve. We have
never discovered the cause of this.

EX has nothing to do with age; you can

be six hundred or any other age and it
will still be there. It has something to do
with awareness, not with age. Remember, just
by growing old you never grow up. You may
be sixty years old biologically, but you may be
just near about twelve, thirteen, or at the
most fourteen psychologically. This is the
cause of hang-up. A person who is
psychologically fourteen is bound to be
haunted by sex, and people are stuck at

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somewhere near thirteen, fourteen. Therefore

they remain sexually haunted lifelong.

It is said that the average mental age of

humanity is twelve. It is unbelievable that
people get stuck so early. What happens, and
why at just near about twelve, thirteen, and
fourteen? That is the time when sex ripens in
you. But society never wants you to go
beyond that point. Every society wants you to
remain sexually starved and dwarf. A sexually
starved person is very useful for such society.
Such a starved person can be channelized in
any direction very easily because he is boiling
within. You can make him run after money.
Then money will be his sex, and then his
whole sexual energy which is starved will
move towards money. Then money will be his
beloved, his God, and for his whole life he will
run after money. And naturally, sex will haunt
him because money cannot satisfy it. You can
gather as much money as you want, but how
can it satisfy your basic urge? The society has
diverted your urge, by giving you a toy.

And that’s how we start from the very

beginning. The child is crying, he wants milk,

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and he is given a pacifier! And the poor child

starts sucking the pacifier and thinks that it is
the mother’s breast. How mean can we be?
This is sheer meanness! You are being very
political with the poor child, diplomatic, and
cunning. The poor child has no understanding
yet to make a distinction between the pacifier
and the breast. He has been deceived. Now if
later on this child one day disrespects his
mother, hates his mother, there is no wonder
in it.

You can go to any psychoanalyst and ask him,

‘What is the fundamental problem of every
person?’ and you will be surprised to know
that he will not give you some names:
neurosis, psychosis, schizophrenia, hysteria,
etc. If you ask him, ‘What is the fundamental
problem of every psychologically disturbed
person?’ He will say, ‘the mother.’ But why the
mother is the cause? She was the first with
whom the child begins interaction. And
mother is the one who started deceiving the
child. She was the first acquaintance of the
child with the world, and he cannot trust
anybody now. He cannot even trust his own
mother, how can he trust anybody else? And

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when the child was crying and he wanted to

be hugged he was given a teddy bear. A child
needs warmth as much as milk. The warmth
of love is deep physiological need of the child.

Now it is a proven scientifically that if a child

is given all nourishment but no warmth of the
body, he will shrink and ultimately die. Or
even if he survives he will remain retarded
and unhealthy for his whole life. Something
will be missing in him. He not only needs
mother’s milk, instead he needs the warmth
of the mother’s bosom, and mother’s body as
well. That warmth is now understood to be
absolutely fundamental necessity.

But when the child is crying he cannot say,

‘Mum, I want to be hugged,’ because he has no
language as yet. But his crying indicates the
need for hugs kisses, caressing, and ultimately
closeness to the mother. And he is given a
teddy bear, or he is given some toy to be
engaged with. He is being deceived from the
very beginning. He wants something, but he
gets something else. That is how we go on
distorting the children.

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By the time a child reaches sexual maturity

we start giving him ambitions. We start telling
him, ‘Come first in the university, come first in
school come first! Wherever you are,
whatsoever you are doing, you have to be the
first.’ We create a great desire in his mind to
be first anywhere he is. This is the way of
giving a new direction to his sexual energy.

The society is trying to divert his natural

energies. We start telling him, ‘Unless you
have a big car, a big house, and much money
in the bank, you are a failure.’ He starts
running after big things. He may not need a
big house. In fact a smaller house may be far
more beautiful because it can be kept cleaner
easily, and his needs are not that much that
he should have a big house of many, many
rooms. But the idea has been implanted in his
mind that ‘Unless you have a big house, very
imposing, you are a failure.’ Now the big
house becomes his symbol of fulfillment and
prestige, money in the bank becomes his
symbol of fulfillment. However these are only
empty symbols. Deep down he remains
unfulfilled. There is constant deep hankering.
The deep down consciousness is continuously

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telling him to be natural, and let his natural

energies flow in a natural, spontaneous way.

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Witness the key to


Sex cannot be fulfilled through body. For

fulfillment you have to be witness. In
witnessing sex goes beyond body. This is
transformation and fulfillment. Not only
physically instead at all levels of the being.

ex is natural and sublime energy. It

comes to you with birth. And remains
life long without being transformed and
then one day it is dissolved in the whole. You
are angry at it. Sex is not stupid. You may be
stupid! Sex is simply sex. You can be stupid
with it or you can be intelligent with it. This
has something about you, but not about sex.

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And if you call it names, or condemn, it will

persist. You will be sixty, seventy, or eighty
that won’t make any difference. In fact, the
weaker your body will become, the more the
repressed sex will explode on your conscious.

It will persist until it is transformed. Accept it.

It is a natural desire, and natural energy. Sex
is the very fountain-source of all life. Yes,
there are things beyond it, beautiful spaces
beyond it. Sex brings joy and sex brings
misery too. They are mixed with sex because
sex is a mixture of the heaven and the earth,
body and soul; hence it brings both. Sex gives
you wings one moment, and next moment it
cuts your wings. One moment it brings great
ecstasy, while another moment you have
fallen into a deep agony. One moment you are
on the sunlit peak, next moment you are
groaning in a dark valley. Sex is both.

But one has to learn the valleys and the peaks

in togetherness. And one has to learn by one’s
own experience, not by what others say, or by
what I say. Your own experience of sex will
free you of it. I am not saying be free of it; and

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never try to be free of it, otherwise you will

never be free of it.

Remember freedom from sex is a

consequence, or a by-product. You cannot
achieve it directly. It comes indirectly. You
live it with deep playfulness, or
meditativeness, as a gift of God. Then slowly
and slowly seeing the peaks and the valleys
again and again, a third point will arise in
your being. This is witness who witnesses the
peak, and the valley. Slowly, and slowly
neither peaks are important nor valleys. Your
consciousness has gone through a revolution.
You have become more centered in the
witnessing soul. That witnessing is
BRAHMACHARYA. That witnessing brings
real celibacy. It is not against sex, it is beyond

Otherwise, it will go on haunting you to the

very last moment. You will be dying and
instead of thinking of God, you will be
thinking of sex. That is why the moment you
die, immediately you are born not even
minutes are lost. Lifelong you were occupied
with sex and at the moment of death too you

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are occupied with sex. Therefore as soon as

you leave this body, the desire to enter into
another body arises, because sex can be
fulfilled only through the body.

It has nothing to do with age. It has something

to do with gaining a higher awareness, a
deeper awareness.

Be a witness, and do not call it names. Become

intelligent, and observe. Whatsoever is given
to you must have a reason, or a rhyme and
rhythm in it. Whatsoever you have got must
have something of the beyond in it. You can
only see the lower part of the ladder because
your eyes are not open and your being is not
conscious; hence you see only the lower part
of the ladder, sex. The higher part of the
ladder or beyond or the other end is the
ultimate in meditation. If you can see the
whole ladder, you will be surprised: that sex
is the door to the ultimate in sex as SAMADHI.

The very idea of SAMADHI or ultimate was

born because of those few rare people who
were able to attain to total orgasmic joy

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through sex. They became aware that there is

something in sex which is not sexual at all.

In a deep orgasmic state time disappears,

mind disappears, and ego too disappears.
Now these things have nothing to do with sex.
And because these three things disappear,
great joy explodes. That arising of joy has
nothing to do with sex either. Sex has helped,
for the disappearance of the ego, mind and
time. The ancient sages had such an
experience of sex. They have transcended
beyond sex and in the process attained the
state of Samadhi.

The names of those who experimented first

may have been lost. It must have been
thousands of years before the first tantrikas,
who attained to SAMADHI through sex, they
watched, meditated, and they saw one thing.
Sex is only a physiological triggering of a
certain process which can be triggered
without sex too, through meditation. There is
no need to go into sex. Once they had known
that the process could be triggered by other
means also like Yoga, Tao, Tantra, and Sufi
methods - once they knew that the same state

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could be attained, of no ego, no mind, no time,

without going into sex, they had found the
key. But the key was found only through
groping in sex.

Sex has been the very source of religion, and

the sexual experience has been the first
experience of SAMADHI. Therefore never call
it names. Go into it lovingly, playfully, and
meditatively. Try to understand, because
liberation comes through understanding and
in no other way.

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Repressed Sexuality
- Problem

ithout full energy there is a delay in

finding God. God is found in the
love and joy, in the juice of
creativity and enthusiasm that we experience.
And that takes energy. Without energy there
is only misery. That has been my experience.

William Blake said energy is delight. He knew.

And this fullness of energy applies also to
going inwards sitting silently doing nothing.
Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.

Ever since man breathed first people have

experimented with how sexual energy can
become your spirituality. It is proved beyond
doubt -- thousands of people have gone
through the transformation. Tantra seems to

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be the science that is, sooner or later, going to

be accepted in the whole world, because
people are suffering from all kinds of
perversions. Their repressed sexuality is the

The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha Vol-3,


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consciousness is
the Ultimate

n 23 March 2010, the Supreme Court

of India gave a very significant
judgment that: ‘Live-in, pre-marital sex
no offence.’ The Court observed that the live-
in relationships between the adult couples
cannot be treated as an offence.
‘When two adult people want to live together
what is the offence. Does it amount to an
offence? Living together is not an offence. It
cannot be an offence,’ said a bench
comprising Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan,

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Justice Deepak Verma and Justice B S

In giving the memorable judgment the Court
came up with a beautiful example of an
analogy from the Hindu mythology, the court
said; even Lord Krishna and Radha lived
together. The apex court said there was no
law which prohibits live-in relationship or
pre-marital sex.
For this judgment the ignorant ones will
continue to argue that this alright between
Krishna and Radha because they are God
incarnate. But such freedom should not be
approved for ordinary man. The difference
between Krishna and you is not that one is
incarnate while the other is not. Instead the
only difference is that of understanding and
From the time man opened his eyes into the
world of duality and diversity the issue of
pre-marital sex and live-in relationships has
been discussed and debated without any
conclusion and social acceptance. A poet has

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hr @eb becare #Zk pe< hE< huSn pe kuD #ljam nhI< ,

Har aib bechare isk pe hain husn pe kutch

ilzam nahi
All fingers are raised for LOVE. And yet no
one says anything for BEAUTY!

terI mStI _arI Aaoae< kae kae# kuD nhI< khta

yh mjma Aizkae ka i)r Kyae< muát me< bdnam sakI.

Teri masti bhari aankho kae koi kutch nahi
Yeh majma aashiko ka phir kyon muft mein
badnam hei saaqui!

No one says anything for your beautiful

Or raises any finger for beautiful Eyes
Why then this congregation of Lovers is
blamed ever!

Such is the way of society or humanity ever

since man breathed first. Beauty caused love
to arise and love caused conflict. Love knows
no barriers. But the problem arises when love

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is to be given the approval and sanction of the

The issue continues to rage forever. The
governments, the priests and the moralists
have always been against any sexual freedom
without marriage. This law applies only for
the ordinary. Still there have been powerful
ones like kings and royals also who could live
a life of freedom and the priests and moralists
would not question them. As a Hindu poet of
Ramayana wrote:

smrw kae nhI< dae; gaesa$<,

Samarath ko nahi dosh gosain.

The powerful ones cannot be blamed.
They seemed to have a divine sanction. This is
a clever rationalization.
Different code of conduct for the common has
remained in force for thousands of years and
continues even today. And this continues
even in modern societies, as people are
carrying on a deep psychological

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One who suggests individual freedom on this

issue invites criticism and condemnation,
sometimes even ‘fatwas’ or religious sanction
for condemnation and death punishment or
court cases. In spite of all this, some
courageous people continue to raise this issue
without fear and it can be discussed more
openly now. Media is playing a very powerful
role about it.
This issue Sex and Spirituality has been
generating a great interest in millions of
people worldwide. sex is central, not god, not
On 23 March 2010, the Supreme Court of
India, gave a very significant judgment that:
‘Live-in, pre-marital sex no offence.’ The Court
observed that the live-in relationships
between the adult couples cannot be treated
as an offence.
‘When two adult people want to live together
what is the offence. Does it amount to an
offence? Living together is not an offence. It
cannot be an offence,’ said a bench
comprising Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan,

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Justice Deepak Verma and Justice B S

In giving the memorable judgment the Court
came up with a beautiful example of an
analogy from the Hindu mythology, the court
said; even Lord Krishna and Radha lived
together. The apex court said there was no
law which prohibits live-in relationship or
pre-marital sex.
In 2005, a famous South Indian actress,
Khushboo, in an interview to one magazine,
had expressed her views on freedom of sex,
allegedly endorsing pre-marital sex. Her
views offended so many moralists and many
court cases were filed against her. She had
approached the apex court seeking quashing
of about 22 criminal cases filed against her.
The argument of the counsel was that her
comments allegedly endorsing pre-marital
sex would adversely affect the minds of young
people leading to decay in moral values and
ethos of the country.
“Please tell us what is the offence and under
which section. Living together is a right to
life,” remarked the court apparently referring

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to Article 21 of the Constitution relating to

right to life and liberty.
In his discourses in 1968 Mystic Osho shook
the whole country when he talked on the
topic of ‘From Sex to Super-consciousness’
publically. These talks became his first
controversial book which invited large scale
criticism and condemnation from those
priests and self-appointed moralists who had
not bothered even to read the book. Such
moralists go on criticizing Osho even without
reading a single line spoken by Osho.
Osho had not preached any licentious
freedom to indulge in sex, but he had talked
about understanding the sex-energy,
befriending it and transforming it to a higher
level of consciousness.
He said: It is a long way from sex to Samadhi.
Samadhi is the ultimate goal. Sex is only the
first step or beginning. And I want to point
out that those who refuse to recognize the
first step, or censure the first step, cannot
even reach the second step. They cannot
progress at all. It is imperative to take the first

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step with consciousness, understanding and

But he warned; sex is not an end in itself; sex
is the beginning. To progress, more and more
steps are required.
This book From Sex to Super-consciousness,
even though it has been giving bad name to
our beloved master, has been published in
many editions, has remained bestseller and
has opened the minds of educated society. It
is because of these beautiful and insightful
Osho discourses that now India can discuss
this central issue of our life with
India owes this spirit of courage and
fearlessness to Osho. We must remember that
the goal is not sex—free or not free—but
super consciousness.

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‘No condemnation, but exploration is the way.

No taboo, but play. No fear, but adventure ... No
indulgence, but awareness!’

ex has remained most confused

misleading and misunderstood subject
matter. There was no clear
understanding. Not only the subject was
condemned and avoided instead it was
misinterpreted by the priests and the society.
Osho is the only master who gave a new
meaning and explained Sex and God in
togetherness as ‘Godliness’, and finally got
together in crystal clear light.

To Osho ‘No condemnation, but exploration is

the way. No taboo, but play. No fear, but
adventure ... No indulgence, but awareness!’

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This should be the approach towards sex, as

for anything else in life. Only with this
approach, we may get through our limits and

But why all the societies and religions are

making so much fuzz about sex?

Even the Dalai Lama admitted that he does

not know anything about it because, in the
Tradition where he belongs to, sex is the
source of all kind of instinctive violence!

It is true that sex is such a powerful force that

can drive people to act anything. But how to
master its power, if we do not know it,
remains the basic question?

All around the news media are full with news

of Christian priests and nuns abusing kids or
Indian gurus playing with the innocent
submission of their female devotee.

Women have met unfair treatment reserved

in most of the Islamic societies and last, but
not least, how many seducing women we see
in the publicities of the consumerist world –

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West or East without difference inviting to

buy cars, furniture or other material goods?

Of course when you repress sex or you

channel it in a certain direction, you can
control a lot of all the human instincts and
actions. But one thinks that in a more free
sexual oriented society, things will be good
but it is not necessary so.

If you go to Cuba for example, or to Africa, or

to some ex Sovietic countries where the sex
repression is not happening as in other places
you do not necessary find a more democratic
way of living!

Also if you go to some North European

countries where the level of civil rights and
sex freedom is very much advanced there is
not always happiness and contentment in the
people you meet on the road!

We have forgotten that Sex is the beginning,

but not the end. Of course, it is much better to
live in a society where the taboos and
religious manipulation do not exist ... but if
we do not add other values more than

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pleasure by itself; we will not go much further


Let us enjoy sex and dance fully with its

ecstasy ... then let us open our wings and fly in
the sky of infinite and silent orgasm!!! For this
breath is the way.

Question: How can a novice use breath in daily

life to experience and explore tantra?

Answer: In the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, there

are several methods that use breath
awareness as meditation.

‘When in worldly activity, keep attention

between two breaths, and so practicing, in
a few days be born anew,’

This is a meditation which is specifically

meant to be done while engaged in worldly
activity, so it is perfect for anyone just
beginning their exploration into Tantra. When
we move into meditation, in essence we are
witnessing the body mind and emotions, and
as we become more and more attentive, we
will become aware of the gaps in-between

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thoughts. As we dive into the gap, we discover

a space beyond mind, beyond time, an eternal
space of deep bliss and fulfillment. This
meditation on the space between breaths has
the ability to take us into the eternal now very
easily. And as a result, the way we perceive
and experience the world changes. We may
find ourselves watching it like a film, with a
sense of detachment and even a sense of
humor, as if we are watching an amusing
theater production.

Often, people who do not know the blessings

which arise when we practice regular
meditation will say that they cannot meditate
since they do not have enough time. With this
meditation, there is no excuse to postpone.
The meditation can be practiced no matter
what situation you find yourself in, whether it
is a visit with the mother in law, a trip to the
dentist, or a board meeting in the office. Try it
and discover the profound difference it can
make in your life.

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Yoga and Tantra

Opposing way of

Tantra uses both awareness and love as divine

gateways into the ultimate truth. Yoga has a
tendency to only use awareness.

And mantra and yantra are two arms of

Tantra, helping the aspirant to quickly attain
to a deep understanding of universal life

oga and Tantra are considered two

opposing ways to meditation. Yoga
means union. In essence Tantra and
Yoga spring from the same root. However,
Yoga has taken the position of the more male

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oriented approach, while Tantra includes

both male and female approaches to life love
and spirituality. Therefore, I believe Tantra is
of tremendous benefit, since both men and
women can discover their true nature
through it. Tantra uses both awareness and
love as divine gateways into the ultimate
truth. Yoga has a tendency to only use
awareness. This approach can become dry
and desert like if used on its own. The Yogi
has a tendency to turn towards asceticism, for
example, while the Tantrika may be found
dancing and singing in the graveyard.

Yantra, Tantra and Mantra are woven

together in an exquisite tapestry of living
truth. The Yantra is a geometric symbol which
carries a wealth of meaning. It is a complete
spiritual discourse given in a pictorial aspect.
This pictogram resonates deep inside our
subconscious. As we all know, one picture is
worth a thousand words. The deep meaning is
immediately absorbed into the part of the
brain which existed before language. The
Yantra will help us in discovering resonance
with universal life principles and to access the
font of genius deep within our brain.

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Mantra is complimentary to Yantra, as it will

dance together with the unspoken truth and
help it to become manifest through our
conscious mind and expression. Words carry
immense power when uttered with clear
intent. In a sense, a mantra used in the
appropriate way, will help us in becoming a
co-creator with Godliness. The words of many
mantras have been carefully crafted by great
mystics to support us in the attainment of our
true being. As we repeat the mantra, we begin
resonating with the master who first created
the mantra, as well as falling in tune with the
life principles expressed by the mantra.

In a sense, mantra and yantra are two

arms of Tantra, helping the aspirant to
quickly attain to a deep understanding of
universal life principles.

Not everyone is so lucky as to have the

presence of an enlightened master in their
lives. For those times of drought, Mantra and
yantra will help support the aspirant to
remain in tune with universal truth. The
master himself is a living yantra, and is the
embodiment of the ultimate mantra. If we

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are with a master, we probably won’t feel the

need to practice mantra. The fulfillment of
being with the master is so profound. And if
the master is not there, and we find ourselves
seemingly alone, Mantra and Yantra will help
us find our way back home.

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Life is a way of harmonious living with totality.

ife is a way of harmonious living with

totality. I have heard one morning in a
garden, a strange event happened.
There were small grass flowers that had
grown, well protected by the protruding
stones of a stone wall. Sheltered by the wall,
those flowers never knew storms or the light
of the sun. They were living a sheltered life,
not knowing the rains, or the stars that
twinkled in the night, but they were very safe,
there was no danger for them.

One of the grass flowers lost his head and one

day peeped out. He saw a rose flower rising
upwards towards the sky. A deep desire arose

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in that grass flower, ‘Can I not be a rose

flower? Cannot I rise upwards too?’ So in the
night he prayed to God to make him a rose
flower. God told him that he should not be
mad, that he was so well-protected, and that
the rose flower blossoms in the morning and
withers in the evening and falls, whereas
when he blossoms he lives on for weeks on
end, he does not wither easily.

The grass flower replied, ‘That I understood.

We stay blossoming because we do not really
blossom in the first place. And the grass
flower is not so juicy from the very beginning,
so we do not wither away easily. No, I want to
blossom like a rose flower, I want to have
velvety petals like the rose flower. I do not
want to live under the shadow of this stone
wall, I want to rise up in the open sky even for
a moment, but I want to rise.’

The grass flower was adamant. The

neighboring grass flowers also tried to
persuade it, saying, ‘Have you gone mad? Such
a thing has never been done in our family and
tradition. This is an old custom; we just live
here, buried in the stones. Even our

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forefathers never thought of going out in the

open sky, nor did their forefathers. It is not
written in our scriptures. What madness! It
seems you have gone crazy! You are spoiled
by the company of others. Remain within
your limits. It is dangerous to step out of this
place. You will die. Do not you see how much
trouble rose flowers have to endure? The day
before there was a storm and all the rose
flowers were lying flat on the ground. One
day when it was raining, all the rose petals
were found weeping. If there are high-speed
winds, the rosebush gets shaken to its very
roots. We remain safe and happy.

The grass flower, however, did not agree. It

said, ‘No, even for a day, but I want to be a
rose flower.’ And when one does not agree,
what can God do? God can do something only
when one agrees. If you do not agree, he is
helpless. So in the morning the grass flower
became the rose flower. Soon the sun rose,
the clouds gathered in the sky, and a strong
wind began to blow. All those grass flowers
began to shout at the new rose flower from
below: ‘Oh you crazy flower! Now you will
die! For a moment’s happiness you lost your

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permanent comfort. Just for a moment, just to

be a rose flower, you gave up your safety!’

Soon after, thundering rains came with very

strong winds. The thin stems of the rose
flower started moving this way and that, and
the rose petals began to fall. Even the leaves
fell off. After some time the roots of the
rosebush, wet and weak, became uprooted
and it fell over. While it was dying, a grass
flower bent down and said, ‘You fool! Now
have you come to your senses or not? For the
sake of a moment’s experience under the sky,
how much did not you suffer?’

The dying rose flower replied, ‘Friends, what I

have known during these few moments, I
never knew during a long life under the
shadow of the stones. Rising for a moment
towards the sky, struggling against the
storm... maybe for a moment, but to stand
facing the sun under an open sky! That
struggle with the storm with my delicate
branches! A few moments of blossoming but
really blossoming! The joy I experienced, the
juice I felt - I am full of gratitude to God! And
shame on you that you will never know what

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life is and what it means to struggle and live

during a storm! You will live behind your
safety wall and die there. Your life is unlived.’
Revolution in Education, Chapter-6

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ao implies that which remains

unknown and unknowable and
therefore cannot be expressed. And
when it manifests thousand and one things
happen. It its essence ‘Tao’ is synonymous
with the Hindu of saying that sound the
primordial sound the uncreated existential
sound existed even before the creation came
into existence, it exists now and shall exist
even when the creation comes to an end.

Tao has no methods; it is anti-method,

because Tao means that which is natural. The
method always creates the artificial; the
method is always against nature. Nature
needs no method, nature means that which
already is. You need not discover it, you need
not create it. You need not practice it; in fact,

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if you practice it you will miss it, because all

practicing will be of the mind and will create
more conditionings.

A Taoist life can be lived but cannot be

practiced. It is a sheer understanding. These
trees are Taoists, the animals are Taoists, and
they have never heard about Tao, they have
not been reading Lao Tzu. They are not
following any path; they are not trying to
enter into any way: they are simply in it! We
are also in it. Relax, rather than practicing.
Aglow nature to take possession of you; do
not try to grab nature, do not be active, be

And that is where everything has gone wrong:

those methods. If you practice them too long
you will go very far away from Tao. Live it but
do not practice it. Enjoy the small things of
life - food, sleep, walking, working, and loving
and just forget all about goals.

There is nowhere to go and no one to go.

From the very beginning we are there. And
there is no way to enter into Tao because we
are in it. Trying to enter Tao is like a dog

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trying to catch its own tail: he will go crazy!

And Taoists go crazy because Tao is one thing
and to be a Taoist is another. Tao is not
Taoism. It has no ism, no philosophy, that's
the beauty of it. It is not a religion either: it is
just pure life!

But it is very difficult for the mind to be

natural. That is why I have given you the
name: if you practice, you will be conditioning
yourself. Go beyond all conditioning both
good and bad, moral, immoral. Just relax and
be a child and suddenly you will find: Tao is
here, Tao is now.

Don’t Bite My Finger, Look Where I'm Pointing, Chapter-26

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