Footprints 6. Unit7 Vocabulary

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Donate spend earn waste win bank account save money box

1. You do this action when you spend too much money on something you don´t need.
2. You do this action when you are better than everyone else in a competition. You
receive a price. ______________________________
3. You do this action when you give some money to help a group or organization.
4. You do this action when you use money to pay for something.
5. This is where a bank puts money when they look after it for you.
6. You do this action when you put your money in a money box or a bank account every
week. ______________________________________________

Survey borrow interest advert price

1. The money you receive from a bank for putting your money there.
2. The amount of money you need to pay if you want to buy something.
3. Something that is on TV or in the newspapers which asks you to buy something.
4. Some questions which ask for people´s opinions.
5. To use something which belongs to another person and then give it back.

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