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very essential. KFC, along with McDonalds, and other major fast food chains have dominated the American
continent as well as else where. Since the 1950’s when the founder of KFC had a dream, of building an empire
in the fast food market, the company has undergone lots of changes. The company has changed ownership; it
has taken over from Pepsi and passed over to Tricon, which owns Pizza hut, Taco bell and others.
Nowadays, KFC, still dominates the chicken fast food industry while has stores in more than 100
countries operating vast profits. (De Witt 'et al.2004a) Although, due to increased conditions of life, and
differentiation of the life style of the population around the world, there is still a lots of room for expansion,
especially in countries with large population, and high development rate. KFC using the BCG matrix and
SWOT analysis to analyze what is the current position of the company and identify that the company has the
In the late 1960s the Boston Consulting Group, a leading management consulting company, designed
a four-cell matrix known as BCG Growth/Share Matrix. This tool was developed to aid companies in the
measurement of all their company businesses according to relative market share and market growth.
The BCG Matrix made a significant contribution to strategic management and continues to be an
important strategic tool used by companies today. The matrix provides a composite picture of the strategic
position of each separate business within a company so that the management can determine the strengths and the
needs of all sectors of the firm. The development of the matrix requires the assessment of a business portfolio,
The BCG or growth- share matrix imposes a two- dimensional analysis on management of Strategic
Business Units: a comparative analysis of business strength and an assessment of the environment. The business
strength measure is the business;s Relative Market share. The environmental measure is the Market Growth
BCG Matrix: The market growth rate measures industry attractiveness. Because
for the case of YUM Brand, all SBUs ( KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver’s,
A&W) are located in the same fast- food industry, the referent standard is the industry growth rate measured
against the SBUs’ growth rate. The underlying theory for examining market growth rate is the industry life
cycle. The BCG assumes that growth rates ( life cycle stages) affect a firm’s finances.
Placing products in the BCG matrix
results in 4 categories in a portfolio of a company:
1. Stars (=high growth, high market share)
Use large amounts of cash and are leaders in the business so they should
also generate large amounts of cash.
Frequently roughly in balance on net cash flow. However if needed any attempt should be made to hold share,
because the rewards will be a cash cow if market share is kept. So, KFC Malaysia is under Star position.
2. Cash Cows (=low growth, high market share)
Profits and cash generation should be high, and because of the low growth,
investments needed should be low. Keep profits high.
3. Dogs (=low growth, low market share)
Avoid and minimize the number of dogs in a company.
Beware of expensive ‘turn around plans’.
4. Question Marks (= high growth, low market share)
Have the worst cash characteristics of all, because high demands and low
returns due to low market share
If nothing is done to change the market share, question marks will simply
absorb great amounts of cash and later, as the growth stops, a dog.
The Characteristics of each SBU
Type SBU
Required Investment Net Cash Flow
Hold/ Increase
Cash Cow
Question Mark
0 or -
Very High or
Harvest or Divest Low or-
The analysis requires that both measures be calculated for each SBU. The business strength
dimension, relative market share, is included to measure competitive advantage. The KFC is falling on cash cow
where a low growth and high market share is. So, the profit and cash generation is high and because of low
growth, investments needed should be low. The funds received from cash cows are often used to help other
businesses within the company, to allow the company to purchase other businesses, or to return dividends to
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