Dallong-Galicinao vs. Castro
Dallong-Galicinao vs. Castro
Dallong-Galicinao vs. Castro
A.C. No. 6396. October 25, 2005.
11 TSN, 25 September 2005, p. 11; Rollo, p. 105. See also Order dated 25
September 2003, Id., at p. 94.
12 Id., at p. 107.
13 Id., at p. 111.
14 The Report and Recommendation was filed with the IBP by the Investigating
Commissioner Milagros V. San Juan. Id., at pp. 115-117.
Rule 8.02—A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, encroach upon the
professional employment of another lawyer; however, it is the right of any
lawyer, without fear or favor, to give proper advice and assistance to those
seeking relief against unfaithful or neglectful counsel.
15 Id., at p. 114.
16 441 Phil. 514; 393 SCRA 247 (2002).
the legal
profession in the public estimation and erode public respect
for it. These acts violate Rule 7.03, Canon 8 and Rule 8.01, to wit:
Rule 7.03—A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflect on
his fitness to practice law, now shall he, whether in public or private life
behave in scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal profession.
Canon 8—A lawyer shall conduct himself with courtesy, fairness and
candor toward his professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing tactics
against opposing counsel.
Rule 8.01—A lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use language
which is abusive, offensive or otherwise improper.
20 Atty. Reyes v. Atty. Chiong, Jr., 453 Phil. 99, 107; 405 SCRA 212, 219 (2003)
citing AGPALO, LEGAL ETHICS (1989), p. 95.