Sibayan Joaquin vs. Javellana PDF
Sibayan Joaquin vs. Javellana PDF
Sibayan Joaquin vs. Javellana PDF
Admittedly, respondent judge has taken ten months to finally decide Criminal Case
No. RTC-1150 from its submission for decision, a period clearly beyond the ninety-day
reglementary period. He could have asked for an extension of time to decide the case
and explain why, but he did not. Any undue delay in the resolution of cases often
amounts to a denial of justice and can easily undermine the people’s faith and
confidence in the judiciary. Aware of the heavy caseload of judges, the Court has
continued to act with great understanding on requests for extension of time to decide
Same; Same; Bias and Partiality; Judges, indeed, should be extra prudent in
associating with litigants and counsel appearing before them so as to avoid even a mere
perception of possible bias or partiality.—The Court shares the view and disquisition of
the Honorable Justice. Judges, indeed, should be extra prudent in associating with
litigants and counsel appearing before them so as to avoid even a mere perception of
possible bias or partiality. It is not expected, of course, that judges should live in
retirement or seclusion from any social intercourse. Indeed, it may be desirable, for
instance, that they continue, time and work commitments permitting, to relate to
members of the bar in worthwhile endeavors and in such fields of interest, in general, as
are in keeping with the noble aims and objectives of the legal profession. In pending or
prospective litigations before them, however, judges should be scrupulously careful to
avoid anything that may tend to awaken the suspicion that their personal, social or
sundry relations could influence their objectivity, for not only must judges possess
proficiency in law but that also they must act and behave in such manner that would
assure, with great comfort, litigants and their counsel of the judges’ competence,
integrity and independence. 1/5
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offshoot of a case for estafa, docketed Criminal Case No. RTC 1150, entitled
“People of the Philippines vs. Romeo Tan y Salazar,” filed by Sibayan-Joaquin
for and in behalf of Andersons Group, Inc., against Romeo Tan before the San
Carlos City RTC. Complainant averred that there was an undue delay in the
rendition of judgment in the aforenumbered criminal case, the decision, dated
16 July 1999, that had acquitted the accused Romeo Tan, having been rendered
only on the tenth month after the case was submitted for decision.
Complainant further claimed that neither respondent judge nor his clerk of
court was present during the promulgation of the decision in contravention of
Section 6, Rule 120, of the Rules of Court. Respondent judge was also cited for
impropriety by complainant because he was often seen with Attorney Vic
Agravante, counsel for the accused, whose vehicle respondent judge would even
use at times.
Required to comment on the complaint, respondent judge admitted that the
decision in Criminal Case No. RTC-1150 was rendered beyond the ninety-day
reglementary period but attributed the delay to his voluminous workload.
Respondent was handling two salas,his original station, RTC Branch 59,
designated as being a special court for heinous crimes, and RTC Branch 57. He
explained that he was suffering from hypertension which resulted in his
frequent requests for leave. Respondent judge maintained that the decision in
Criminal Case No. RTC-1150 was validly promulgated. He denied any
irregularity in the promulgation of the decision which was duly conducted by
Atty. Tarjata Ignalaga, Clerk of Court VI, of the Regional Trial Court of San
Carlos City, Negros Occidental, in the presence of accused Romeo Tan y
Salazar and his counsel, Atty. Agravante, along with Provincial Prosecutor
Estefanio Libutna, Jr., and private prosecutor Atty. Edwin Maquinto.
Respondent judge denied any close association with Atty. Agravante.
The matter was referred to the Office of the Court Administrator (“OCA”) for
evaluation. In its report of 09 September 2000, the OCA recommended that an
investigation be conducted in order to afford the parties the opportunity to
substantiate their respective claims. In its resolution of 23 October 2000, the
Court adopted the
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“1) The charge of gross ignorance of the law against respondent judge be
DISMISSED for lack of merit.
“2) Respondent judge be held administratively liable for:
“a) failure to render judgment in Criminal Case No. RTC-1150 within the period
prescribed by law (in violation of §15, ARTICLE VIII OF THE PHILIPPINE
Code of Judicial Conduct); and
“b) engaging in activities having the appearance of impropriety which unduly raise
suspicion and distrust among the people in the administration of justice (in
violation of CANON 2, RULE 2.01 AND RULE 2.03 OF THE CODE OF
1 Report and Recommendation, dated 25 May 2001, pp. 22–23.
Section 15, Article XVIII, of the Constitution provides that lower courts have
three months within which to decide cases or matters pending before them
from the date of submission of such cases or matters for decision or resolution.
Canon 3 of the Code of Judicial Conduct holds similarly by mandating that the
disposition of cases must be done promptly and seasonably. Admittedly,
respondent judge has taken ten months to finally decide Criminal Case No.
RTC-1150 from its submission for decision, a period clearly beyond the ninety-
day reglementary period. He could have asked for an extension of time to
decide the case and explain why, but he did not. Any undue delay in the
resolution of cases often amounts to a denial of justice and can easily
undermine the people’s faith and confidence in the judiciary. Aware of the
heavy caseload of judges, the Court has continued to act with great
understanding on requests for extension of time to decide .cases.
The Investigating Justice has seen impropriety on the part of respondent
judge in his close association with a counsel for a litigant; thus:
“Giving respondent judge the benefit of the doubt, and presume that his close
associations with lawyers practicing within the territorial jurisdiction of his court are all
normal and do not in any way unduly influence him in the discharge of his sworn duties,
the Court cannot just leave respondent judge’s acts and consider them proper.
“It is expressly provided under the CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT that:
‘x x x x x x x x x
‘Rule 2.01.—A Judge should so behave at all times as to promote public confidence in the
integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.
‘x x x x x x x x x
‘Rule 2.09.—A Judge shall not allow family, social or other relationships to influence judicial
conduct or judgment. The prestige of judicial office shall not be used or lent to advance the private
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terests of others to convey the impressions that they are in special position to influence
the judge.’
“Hence, a judge’s official conduct and his behavior in the performance of judicial
duties should be free from the appearance of impropriety and must be beyond reproach.
One who occupies an exalted position in the administration of justice must pay a high
price for the honor bestowed upon him, for his private as well as his official
conduct must at all times be free from the appearance of impropriety. Because
appearance is as important as reality in the performance of judicial functions, like
Caesar’s wife, a judge must not only be pure but also beyond suspicion. A judge has the
duty to not only render a just and impartial decision, but also render it in such a manner
as to be free from any suspicion as to its fairness and impartiality, and also as to the
judge’s integrity.
“It is obvious, therefore, that while judges should possess proficiency in law in order
that they can competently construe and enforce the law, it is more important that they
should act and behave in such2 a manner that the parties before them should have
confidence in their impartiality."
The Court shares the view and disquisition of the Honorable Justice. Judges,
indeed, should be extra prudent in associating with litigants and counsel
appearing before them so as to avoid even a mere perception of possible bias or
partiality. It is not expected, of course, that judges should live in retirement or
seclusion from any social intercourse. Indeed, it may be desirable, for instance,
that they continue, time and work commitments permitting, to relate to
members of the bar in worthwhile endeavors and in such fields of interest, in
general, as are in keeping with the noble aims and objectives of the legal
profession. In pending or prospective litigations before them, however, judges
should be scrupulously careful to avoid anything that may tend to awaken the
suspicion that their personal, social or sundry relations could influence their
objectivity, for not only must judges possess proficiency in law but that also
they must act and behave in such manner that would assure, with great
comfort, litigants and their counsel of the judges’ competence, integrity and
WHEREFORE, (a) the complaint against respondent Judge Roberto S.
Javellana for ignorance of the law is DISMISSED for
2 Report and Recommendation dated 25 May 2001, pp. 20–21.
being without basis; (b) said respondent is found administratively liable for
failing to render judgment in Criminal Case No. RTC1150 within the period
prescribed therefor and is hereby imposed a FINE of TWO THOUSAND
PESOS, with warning that a repetition of same or similar acts will be dealt
with more severely than herein imposed; (c) the respondent, finally, is
ADMONISHED to constantly be circumspect in his conduct and dealings with
lawyers who have pending cases before him.
Notes.—The fact that the trial judge believed the prosecution’s evidence
more than the defense’s does not indicate that he was biased. (People vs.
Tabarno, 242 SCRA 456 [1995]) 4/5
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A judge must preserve the trust and faith reposed in him by the parties as
an impartial and objective administrator of justice and when he exhibits
actions that give rise, fairly or unfairly, to perceptions of bias, such faith and
confidence are eroded, and he has no choice but to inhibit himself
voluntarily. (Garcia vs. Burgos, 291 SCRA 546 [1998])
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