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B.E. (Architecture)

Time: 03:00hrs. Full Marks: 80

Subject: Computer Programming Pass Marks: 32

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.

All question Carry equal marks. The marks allotted for each sub-question is specified along its side.

Attempt any 5 Question

Q.N. 1

a) Write down the step of problem solving using computer. Write an algorithm of program that print the
odd numbers between 50 and 100. [2+2]

b) What are operators supported in C- compiler? Describes different assignment operator used in C-
programming. [2+2]

Q.N. 2

a) Describes and Draw a flow chart of execution of C- programming. [3]

b). Differentiate between getch() and getche() unformatted function. Write details notes on formatted
input and output function used in C programming. [2+3]

Q.N. 3

a) Describes the needs of control statement in programming language. Differentiate between break and
continue statement. [2+2]

b) Write a program that print whether the given number is palindrome or not using loop. [4]

Q. N. 4

a) Write a program that displays the sum of digits of numbers, using recursive function. [3]

b) How can you pass an array to the function? Explain with suitable example. [5]

Q. N. 5
a) Write a program that displays the sum of given 10 random numbers. [4]

b) Write a program that accept matrix and display the transpose of that matrix. [4]

Q. N. 6

Write short notes (Any two) [2 X 4 =8]

a) Symbolic Constant.
b) String Handling Function.
c) Assembler and Compiler.
d) Function call by reference.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Best of luck~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


B.E. (Architecture)

Time: 03:00hrs. Full Marks: 80

Subject: Computer Programming Pass Marks: 32

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as possible.

All question Carry equal marks. The marks allotted for each sub-question is specified along its side.

Attempt any 5 Question

Q.N. 1

a) Write an algorithm of program that display the given number is exactly divisible by 5 or not. Why
program documentation is need? [2+2]

b) What are Relational operators supported by C compiler? Write an program that print the number of
character in given string. [2+2]

Q.N. 2

a) Write a program that displays the circumference of circle when radius is given by user. [3]

b). Write details notes on formatted input and output function used in C programming. [5]

Q.N. 3

a) Describes do while loop with help of flowchart and syntax. Differentiate between break and continue
statement. [2+2]

b) Write a program that display whether the given number is prime or not using loop. [4]

Q. N. 4

a) Write a program that displays the Fibonacci series using recursive function . [3]

b) How can you pass an array to the function? Explain with suitable example. [5]

Q. N. 5
a) Write that display the given 10 random number in descending order. [4]

b) Write a program that accept two 2*2 matrix and display the multiplication of them. [4]

Q. N. 6

a) Write short notes on string handling function. [4]

b) What are the advantage of function and array? [4]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Best of luck~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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