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Beasy Corrosion Simulation

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The Application of BEASY Software to Simulate Cathodic Protection of

Pipelines and Storage Tanks


Mohammed Al-Otaibi

B.Sc., King Abdul-Aziz University, 2004






(Materials Engineering)



November 2010

© Mohammed Al-Otaibi, 2010


Cathodic protection is used in the mitigation and control of corrosion in the

petrochemical and oil industries. To test and predict the level of metal protection

effectively, various simulation and testing methods have been developed to provide

timely and cost effective solutions. The purpose of this study is to match the data

generated by the BEASY software with the experimental output data so that the BEASY

software can be applied in the field with a high degree of confidence.

In the first experiment, Boundary Element Analysis software BEASY has been utilized to

test sacrificial cathodic protection. Pure zinc was used to protect a mild steel plate in an

aqueous solution. Next, high silicon cast iron or copper was connected to a mild steel

plate both of which were protected by a zinc anode. In the final application experiment of

sacrificial cathodic protection, the BEASY software was used to investigate the failure of

the magnesium anode in an alkaline solution. The possibility to use aluminum alloy as an

anode instead of magnesium was also studied.

As for the impress current cathodic protection, the BEASY software was used to

simulate a small section of carbon steel pipe segment which was protected in sand soil by

a high silicon cast iron anode. Additionally, a real impress current cathodic protection

system designed for 12 pipes protected with six anodes has been simulated.

The results of from the simulation and the experimental data generated by the performed

experiments have confirmed the soundness and applicability of the BEM BEASY

software in the industrial applications.

Table of Contents


Table of contents………………………………………………………………….....…..iii

List of tables ……………………………………………………………………….….….v

List of figures ………………………………………………………………...…….…....vi

List of symbols………………………………….………………………………………...x


1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 1

2.1 Scope and objective................................................................................................. 2

2 Literature review ........................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Cathodic protection ................................................................................................ 4

2.1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 4
2.1.2 Sacrificial cathodic protections.......................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Impress current cathodic protection (ICCP) ...................................................... 8

2.2 Numerical simulation of cathodic protection ....................................................... 9

2.2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 9
2.2.2 Boundary element simulation software ........................................................... 11
2.2.3 Mathematical aspect of the Boundary Element Method…......…..…………...11

2.3 Simulation of different structures ....................................................................... 17

2.3.1 Simulation of the offshore structure ................................................................ 17 Ships.......................................................................................................... 17 Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)............................... 19 Offshore oil structures............................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Pipelines........................................................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Storage tanks.................................................................................................... 23 Above- ground storage tanks .................................................................... 23 Buried tanks .............................................................................................. 25
2.3.4 Simulation of the well casing........................................................................... 25

2.4 Issues associated with modeling of cathodic protection .................................... 26

2.4.1 Cathodic protection interference...................................................................... 26
2.4.2 Optimum location of the anodes and reference electrode................................ 29
2.4.3 The influence of coating .................................................................................. 31

3 Experimental aspects ................................................................................................... 33

3.1 Sacrificial cathodic protection ............................................................................. 33

3.1.1 Single cathode and single anode ...................................................................... 33
3.1.2 Two cathode and single anode......................................................................... 36
3.1.3 Application of Internal sacrificial cathodic protection .................................... 37

3.2 Impress current cathodic protection................................................................... 39

3.2.1 Simulation of pipe segment ............................................................................. 39
3.2.2 Application of impress current design ............................................................. 43

3.3 Potentiodynamic test procedures......................................................................... 44

4 Computer modeling ..................................................................................................... 46

4.1 Sacrificial cathodic protection ............................................................................. 48

4.1.1 Single cathode and single anode ...................................................................... 48
4.1.2 Two cathodes and single anode ....................................................................... 53
4.1.3 Application of internal sacrificial cathodic protection..................................... 56

4.2 Impress current cathodic protection................................................................... 58

4.2.1 Simulation of pipe segment ............................................................................. 58
4.2.2 Applications of impress current design............................................................ 60

5 Results and discussion ................................................................................................. 62

5.1 Sacrificial cathodic protection ............................................................................. 62

5.1.1 Single cathode and single anode ...................................................................... 62
5.1.2 Two cathodes and single anode ....................................................................... 68
5.1.3 Application of internal cathodic protection ..................................................... 70

5.2 Impress current cathodic protection................................................................... 75

5.2.1 Simulation of pipe segment ............................................................................. 75
5.2.2 Application of impress current design ............................................................. 79

6 Summary and conclusion ............................................................................................ 86

References ........................................................................................................................ 89

List of tables
Table 3.1 Chemical compositions of the synthesized ground water……...……………..34

Table 3.2 Chemical Compositions for HSCI…………………………….……………...37

Table 3.3 Galvalum III chemical compositions……………………………….….......... 38

Table 3.4 Chemical analysis for the tank solution...…………………………………….39

Table 3.5 List of pipes diameters……………………………………………………......44

Table 5.1 Experimental current drainage output values …….………………………..…68

Table 5.2 Simulation output values for current drainage…………………………….….69

List of figures

Fig. 2.1 Polarization curve for anodic and cathodic reaction [Wrobel, 2004]...………........4

Fig. 2.2 Schematic polarization diagram for a sacrificial cathodic protection [Jones,

Fig. 2.3 Cathodic protection by impress current density, Iapp for steel in natural aerated

Fig. 2.4 Governing equation and boundary condition [Wrobel, 2004],[Santana-Diaz,

2005 B].…………………………………………………………...……….…….12

Fig. 2.5 Flow chart of the iteration algorithm in solving a cathodic protection
problem using BEM [Yan, 1992]……..….……….……………………………...16

Fig. 2 6 The geometry of Ship [Sun, 1996]…………...……………..…………………....18

Fig. 2.7 Triangular grid for the U-shaped model [Purcar, 2003]………...….………….....23

Fig. 2.8 Anodic Interference [Metwally, 2007]……...………………...………….............27

Fig. 2.9 Cathodic Interference[Metwally, 2007]...………...….…………………………..27

Fig. 2.10 Combined Interference [Metwally, 2007]..….…….………...……………….…28

Fig. 2.11 Induce Interference [Metwally, 2007]..………….……………..………….……28

Fig. 3.1 Schematic illustrating the experimental setup.…………………….………...…...35

Fig. 3.2 Photo of the experimental setup…….…...……………………….……….….…..35

Fig. 3.3 Four Pin Method to Measure the Soil Resistivity…………...….………..………40

Fig. 3.4 Lay down of the pipeline in the soil…………………………………...……….…41

Fig. 3.5 Natural potential measurement of the pipe….…………...…………………….....42

Fig. 3.6 Schematic diagram of the pipe segment experiment……………………...….......42

Fig. 3.7 Schematic illustrates the pipes and anodes position……….………….…..……...43

Fig. 4.1 Flow-chart for the BEASY process basic steps [BEASY, 2009]….……...……...47

Fig. 4.2 Geometry of the single cathode & single anode experiment…….…...……….….48

Fig. 4.3 Meshing generation for single cathode and single anode model.….…………......49

Fig. 4.4 Polarization curve of zinc anode with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure………………………………...50

Fig. 4.5 Polarization curve of mild steel with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure…...……………………….…..50

Fig. 4.6 Boundary element types [BEASY, 2009].………......…….……………….…….53

Fig. 4.7 Geometry of two cathode and single anode model……...………………….……54

Fig. 4.8 Meshing of the two cathodes and single anode geometry………………….….…54

Fig. 4.9 Polarization curve of the copper with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure………………………………...55

Fig. 4.10 Polarization curve of the HSCI with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure …………………..…………....56

Fig. 4.11 Geometry portrayal of the sacrificial anodes and internal tank

Fig. 4.12 Meshing of the sacrificial anodes and internal tank cathode………….………...57

Fig. 4.13 Geometry of the impress current anode and pipe segment ……………….…....58

Fig. 4.14 Meshing of the impress current anode and pipe segment………………….…...59

Fig. 4.15 Geometry for the pipes and anodes of the design.………….……………….….60

Fig. 4.16 Meshing generation of the pipes, anodes, and the soil box……………………..61

Fig. 5.1 Comparison of experimental and simulation potential readings of the


Fig. 5.2 Comparison of experimental and simulation potential results of the mild
steel sheet. ………………………………………………………………………..64

Fig. 5.3 Polarization performance of the mild steel sheet.…………………………...…...65

Fig. 5.4 Potential distribution for the single cathode single anode (mV)..…………….….66

Fig. 5.8 Current drainage curve of the materials………………………………..………...69

Fig. 5.9 Open Circuit Potential for magnesium and aluminum alloy, 60 0C in the
tank electrolyte (Table 3-4)…………………………………………...…….…...71

Fig. 5.10 Potentiodynamic Polarization curve for magnesium and aluminum alloy
anodes, 60 0C in the tank electrolyte (Table 3-4)………………….....…………..71

Fig. 5.11 SEM morphology for the Magnesium surface layer………………...……….....72

Fig. 5.12 EDX analysis for the Magnesium surface layer………………………...……....72

Fig. 5.13 E-pH (Pourbaix) diagram for the magnesium-water system at 60 0C, (a) and (b)
lines are H2O limits)……………...…………………………………………..….73

Fig. 5.14 Potential distribution in the tank with magnesium anodes (mV)…………….…74

Fig. 5.15 Potential distribution in the tank with aluminum anodes (mV)……………...…75

Fig. 5.16 Natural potential of the pipe segment (the unit is mVCu/CuSO4)…………………76

Fig. 5.17 Potential distribution on the cathode (mV Cu/CuSO4)……………………………..76

Fig. 5.18 Potential of the pipe and anode (mV Cu/CuSO4)…………………………….…….77

Fig. 5.19 Potential distribution on the whole system (mV Cu/CuSO4).…..……………….....77

Fig. 5.20 Voltage gradient vs. distance between cathode and anode……………………..78

Fig. 5.21 Average potential (mV Cu/CuSO4) of the pipelines with 1 Amp……………..……79

Fig. 5.22 Average potential distribution (mV Cu/CuSO4) on the pipeline using 2 Amp……..80

Fig. 5.23 Average potential distribution (mVCu/CuSO4) of the pipelines in third stage…......81

Fig. 5.24 Actual potential distribution on the pipelines (mV Cu/CuSO4)………...……….…82

Fig. 5.25 Potential distribution (mV Cu/CuSO4) on the coating pipelines with 1A……….....83

Fig. 5.26 Potential distribution (mV Cu/CuSO4) on the coating pipelines with 0.5 A…….....84

List of symbols

A area (m2).
A matrix includes unknowns H and G.
a molecular mass (g mol-1)
B matrix includes known variables.
b Tafel slope (mV)
c concentration (mol m3)
d diameter (cm)
D diffusion coefficient (m2 s-1)
e vector of error in iteration process
E electrochemical potential (mV)
Ea electrochemical potential on the anode surface (mV)
Ec electrochemical potential on the cathode surface (mV)
E* fundamental solution of the potential (mV)
E mj potential in m-th iteration associated with node j (mV)

E mj +1 potential in m+1-th iteration associated with node j (mV)

∆E mj increment of potential in m-th iteration associated with node j (mV)

F Faraday’s constant = 96485 A s mol-1

H ,G square matrices of influence coefficient of system geometry.
I current density (A cm-2)
Ia current density on the anode surface (A cm-2)
Ic current density on the cathode surface (A cm-2)
I* fundamental solution of the current density (A cm-2)
Ia1 current density generated by iron oxidation (A cm-2)
Ic1 current density generated by oxygen reduction (A cm-2)
Ic2 current density generated by hydrogen evolution (A cm-2)
I mj current density in m-th iteration associated with node j (A cm-2)

I mj+1 current density in m+1-th iteration associated with node j (A cm-2)

∆I mj increment of current density in m-th iteration associated with node j

(A cm-2)
J Jacobian of the system of equations
k conductivity (S m-1)
l length (cm)
N number of nodes on the boundary
n number of electrons required for the reactions
R resistance (Ω)
rc corrosion rate (g m-2 day-1)
r distance from the source point (cm)
RP pipe electrical resistance per meter (Ω m-1)
t pipes wall thickness (cm)
u mechanical mobility (m2 N-1 s-1)
X matrix includes unknowns I and E
xi position or length (cm)
z charge (coulomb)

Greek Symbols
α ,β constants characterizing polarization curves (mV)
Γ boundary surrounding the electrolyte
Γa anode surface boundary
Γc cathode surface boundary

δ ij Kronecker delta,

ε allowable error in iteration

ξ source point (position on the geometry)
η over potential (mV)
ρ resistivity (Ω-cm)
Ω homogeneous electrolyte


First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Akram Alfantazi for his

direction and guidelines during the course of my thesis development. Without his support

and encouragement, I would not have been able to finish the research work. I was always

happy to know that Dr. Alfantazi was there for me in case I did not move forward with

my study fast enough. His intellect and insights have inspired me in the right direction. I

also thank Dr. Edouard Asselin for his valuable discussions and directions during the

research work.

Throughout the research and writing process, there were many occasions that I

was not able to progress. Whenever that happened, my wife was also there for me. I

regret not spending more time with my lovely two kids, Yasser and Jana.

I truly enjoy working at Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) that

provided funding for my study at UBC. Without their financial assistance, it would be

challenging to study abroad. I thank Mr. Ali Al-Hazemi for his support. I look forward to

going back and working for SABIC.

Chapter 1


Cathodic Protection (CP) is a technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making

it work as a cathode of an electrochemical cell. There are two types of the CP: Sacrificial

Cathodic Protection that occurs when a metal is coupled with a more reactive (anodic) metal

and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection which involves the application of an external

direct current (DC) through long-lasting anodes. However, to justify the use of a CP system,

there ought to be some means of testing it before in-field application.

The simulation of cathodic protection provides a prediction about the system performance

before installation. This technique reduces the dependency on the individual experience of a

CP Engineer and on the simple formulas that are used in designing the CP system. Moreover,

a cathodic protection simulation gives useful parameters: e.g. degree of protection, corrosion

rate, DC power supply rate etc. to improve integrity of the CP system. Historically, numerical

methods have been demonstrated to be powerful tools in the analysis of corrosion problems

since the early 1980’s. They started by the Finite Difference Method (FDM); then Finite

Element Method (FEM) was used; finally Boundary Element Method (BEM) makes the

simulation simpler. The BEM has a number of advantages over the other two methods (FDM

and FEM). These advantages include [Santana-Diaz, 2006]:

 The meshes are only on the surface, so mesh generation can be used with confidence,

and a CP model can be constructed quickly and inexpensively.

 The BEM gives the solutions on the boundary and at the specific internal points if

required. Since, for CP analysis, the solution is only required on the surfaces. It

analyzes the results better than the FEM which automatically gives results for all

nodes (internal or boundary).

 BEM methods are very effective and accurate for modeling infinite domains as is the

case for long pipelines.

There are practical examples that validate the simulation of cathodic protection. A number of

metallic structures have been modeled by the BEM: namely, ships, off-shore oil structures,

Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO), pipelines, tanks and well casing.

Furthermore, there are issues that ought to be considered in the simulation of cathodic

protection systems. Potentially, the most important issues are the cathodic protection

interference, optimum location of the anodes and reference electrode and the influence of


1.1 Scope and objective

The objective of this research is to confirm the data generated by the BEASY software with

our own experimental results so that the BEASY end result data can be applied in the field

with confidence. Three experiments are conducted to ascertain the validity of the software


In the first experiment, Boundary Element Analysis software BEASY has been chosen as it is

an advanced program for modeling the cathodic protection to test sacrificial cathodic

protection. In this experiment, pure zinc was used to protect mild steel plate in aqueous

solution. Then another material (high silicon cast iron and copper) was connected to a mild

steel plate. In the final application experiment, the BEASY software was used to investigate

the failure of magnesium anodes in alkaline solution. The possibility to use aluminum alloy

as an anode instead of magnesium was studied.

Next, the BEASY software was used to simulate a small section of carbon steel pipe

segment, buried in sand soil which was protected by the high silicon cast iron anode.

Additionally a real impress current cathodic protection system designed for 12 pipes

protected with six anodes has been simulated.

Chapter 2
Literature review

2.1 Cathodic protection

2.1.1 Introduction

Cathodic Protection (CP) is a technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making

it work as a cathode of an electrochemical cell. This is achieved by the polarization of all

noble potential areas (cathodes) to the most active potential on the metal surface. Cathodic

protection is realized by making the structure a cathode of a direct current circuit.

E (V)


Cathode C
Anode A

E Corr

E Crit


IP IC I Corr IA I (A/cm2)

Fig. 2.1 Polarization curve for anodic and cathodic reaction [Wrobel, 2004].

CP is based upon bringing the galvanic potential of the metal to be protected to a level where

anodic reactions are impossible for the given circumstances. The relationship between the

potential and current density is generally described by a non-linear curve, known as

polarization curve. Fig.2.1 by Wrobel schematically depicts the polarization curve for both

anodic and cathodic reaction. Curve A represents the relation between the electrochemical

potential E and the current density I of the oxidation reaction of the metals in the given

electrolyte, with related equilibrium potential E A. Curve C represents a similar relation for

the reduction equation, with related equilibrium potential E c. The global curve G is the sum

of the elementary reactions (anodic and cathodic) arising on the metals. The corrosion

potential E corr is related to the natural corrosion of the metal at given current density Icorr.

This potential is reached when all anodic and cathodic zones are short-circuited. Fig.2.1 also

shows that if the potential is lower than E crit, for example E p, the anodic reaction is stopped

and the metal acts completely as a cathode under a protective current density Ip. [Wrobel,

2004] [Amaya, 2003].

Two Types of the Cathodic Protection (CP)

2.1.2 Sacrificial Cathodic Protection

Sacrificial Cathodic Protection occurs when a metal is coupled to a more reactive (anodic)

metal. This connection is referred to as a galvanic couple. In order to effectively transfer

corrosion from the metal structure, the anode material must have a large enough natural

voltage difference to produce an electrical current flow. Effective application of cathodic

protection can provide complete protection to any exposed areas for the life of the structure.

Fig.2.2 illustrates a simplified polarization diagram for the galvanic couple between a

sacrificial anode Ecorr(a) and the cathodically protected structure of Ecorr(C). The two are

polarized to the same potential, Esc, with the galvanic current, IG(sc), following in the couple.

At Esc the corrosion rate of the structure has been reduced from Icorr to Icorr(sc). R is the

solution resistance between a sacrificial anode and cathode structure. With a resistance R, a

potential, IG(R) R separate anode and cathode. The corrosion current density under potential

decreases from Icorr(sc) to Icorr(R) by the presence of R, and the couple current density is

reduced to IG(R).

Ecorr (c)

ESC Icorr (R)



Log Current Density

Fig.2.2 Schematic polarization diagram for a sacrificial cathodic protection [Jones, 1996].

Sacrificial Cathodic Protection systems are used where:

 The required current for protection is relatively small.

 There are constraints on the use of impress current

 Spot requirements

The most commonly used sacrificial or galvanic anodes materials are:

a) Zinc

Zinc has been used for protection in seawater since 1824. In the beginning, zinc

material that was available from the hot-dip galvanizing industry was used but was less

suitable because it became passive to zinc carbonate ZnCO3. Passivation does not occur

with high-purity zinc. Super high grade zinc is the anode material with the least

problems and consists of 99.995% Zn and less than 0.0014% Fe without further

additions. Zinc anodes for use in salt-rich media do not need additional activating

elements. In cathodic protection, zinc is used in low soil resistivity or saltwater.

[Baeckmann, 1997].

b) Aluminum

Pure aluminum cannot be used as an anode material on account of its easy passive

ability. For galvanic anode, aluminum alloys are employed that contain activating

alloying elements that hinder or prevent the formation of surface films. These are

usually up to 8% Zn and/or 5% Mg. In addition, metals such as Cd, Ga, In, Hg and Ti

are added to maintain the long-term activity of the anode. The aluminum anode is used

in the area of offshore structures where pure seawater flows with a high velocity.

[Baeckmann, 1997].

c) Magnesium

Magnesium anode is considerably less passive than zinc and aluminum alloy and has

the highest driving voltage. On account of these properties, magnesium is particularly

suitable for galvanic anode. Magnesium, however, is prone to self corrosion of

considerable extent, which increases with increasing salt content of medium.

Magnesium anodes are used in the case of higher specific resistivity of the electrolyte

and higher protection current densities. [Baeckmann, 1997].

2.1.3 Impress current cathodic protection (ICCP)

Impressed current cathodic protection involves the application of an external DC current

through long-lasting anodes. A typical source of power for an impressed current system is

AC power converted to DC by a rectifier.

In order to be effective, impressed current anodes must be designed for long life at high

current output. This requires selection of materials with very low corrosion (consumption)

rates. The typical expectation of impressed current anode life is over twenty years. Anodes

are normally installed in grouped configurations in the electrolyte. These groupings (both

horizontal and vertical) in an underground application are called groundbeds. The

groundbeds are connected to the power by a positive cable. A negative cable connects the

power source to the structure.

Fig.2.3 shows an impress current cathodic protection diagram of steel in natural aerated

water or seawater. Diffusion of dissolved oxygen to the corroding surface controls corrosion.

Because the applied current and corrosion rate are limited by IL, the Iapp is the amount of

applied current density by impress current to protect the steel.



Fe Fe2++2e-

Log Current Density

Fig. 2.3 Cathodic protection by impress current density, Iapp for steel in natural aerated water.

Advantage of ICCP:

 Can be designed for a wide range of voltage and current output.

 High ampere/year output available from single anode installation.

 Large area can be protected.

 Variable voltage and current output.

 Applicable for high resistivity soil.

Disadvantages of ICCP:

 The requirement for an outside power source

 Higher maintenance requirements.

 A significantly higher monitoring and maintenance effort is required in

comparison to sacrificial anode systems.

The outside power might come from sources such as commercial AC converted to DC

through a rectifier, thermoelectric generator, or solar panels.

The most commonly used impress current anodes are:

a) High silicon cast iron.

b) Graphite.

c) Platinum.

d) Mixed metal oxide

2.2 Numerical simulation of cathodic protection

2.2.1 Introduction

The majority of design for the CP systems in the past has relied upon simple formulas, skills

and experience of the CP engineer. Evaluations of CP systems take place after

commissioning. Moreover, after commissioning, the adjustment of a CP system will lead to

re-installation costs, production downtime and disrupted schedules. Therefore, the modeling

of a CP system will help forecast the following:

 The degree of potential protection which is provided by a CP system.

 The corrosion rate.

 The anode consumption rate.

 The total current demand and how it changes with time.

 The life expectancy of an anode.

 The optimum location of anodes.

 The optimum location of reference electrodes.

 The DC power supply capacity requirement.

Numerical methods have been powerful tools in the analysis of corrosion problems since the

early 1980’s. Numerical methods applied to corrosion problems have included the Finite

Difference Method (FDM). Finite Element Method (FEM) was also applied in this field by

Montoya [Montoya, 2005] together with Boundary Element Method (BEM). As corrosion

and cathodic protection are surface phenomena, the BEM method has distinct advantages

over the other two methods. One of the main advantages of BEM is that descritizations are

restricted only to the boundaries, making data generation much easier. The BEM is also

ideally suited for analysis of external problems where domains extend to infinity.

Therefore, the above advantages make the BEM superior than the FDM and the FEM in the

simulation of a cathodic protection system.

2.2.2 Boundary Element simulation software

A number of software based on Boundary Element Method are available to simulate

corrosion and cathodic protection: e.g. PROCOR, SEACORR, ELSYCA, BEASY, OKAPPI

and PROCAT. Some of these software are designed for a specific application. Boundary

Element Analysis System (BEASY) has been chosen based on wide acceptance by the

literature. Moreover, the BEASY software provides required options needed to simulate

many structures that are protected by cathodic protection systems. While non-BEASY

software has special versions for each structure such as tanks, pipes, or ships.

2.2.3 Mathematical aspect of the Boundary Element Method

The mathematical model of corrosion and cathodic protection based on Boundary Element

Method has been applied to the field since 1980’s. The background and the formulas were

provided by many pervious researches that come across the modeling of cathodic protection

[Chuang, 1987] [Yan, 1992] [Santiago, 1997] [Santiago, 1999] [Ramana, 1999] [Colominas,

1999] [Sun, 2000 A] [Sun, 2000 B] [Amaya, 2003] [Miltiadous, 2004] [Wrobel, 2004] [Jia,

2004] [Lacerda, 2007].

To quantify the protection potential and current density discussed in Fig. 2.1

The current density can be defined as [Wrobel, 2004]

∂ci N
Ij = − F ∑ z i Di − F 2 ∑ z i ci u i
i =1 ∂xi i =1 ∂xi

Where Ij is the component of the current density vector; F is Faraday’s constant; zi , ci , u i

and Di are the charge, concentration, mechanical mobility and diffusion coefficient,

respectively. For species i , N is the number of species and E is the electrochemical potential.

Defining the conductivity of the electrolyte in the form [Wrobel, 2004]


k=F 2
i ci u i (2)
i =1

The above equation reduces to:

∂ci ∂E
Ij = − F ∑ z i Di −k (3)
i =1 ∂xi ∂xi

The first term of the above equation represents the portion of current density sustained by

concentration gradients, and this term can be neglected in large scale simulations, because

concentration gradients exist only in the diffusion layer which is very thin compared to the

size of simulation domain. Therefore, the current density in the electrolyte is then given by:

Ij = − k Current density in electrolyte (4)

Conservation of charge gives

∂Ij ∂ ∂E
= (−k )=0 (5)
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi

If the conductivity k is constant e.g. seawater so the above equation reduces to a Laplace

equation for the electrochemical potential E [Adey, 1985]

k∇ 2 E = 0 (6)

The above equation is the governing equation for the potential distribution in an electrolyte.

I a = f (Ea )


E = E0
k∇ 2 E = 0 In = I0

Ic = f (Ec)

Fig. 2.4 Governing equation and boundary condition [Wrobel, 2004], [Santana-Diaz, 2005 B].

Consider that the CP system is designed within a homogeneous electrolyte Ω, surrounded by

a boundary Γ(Γ1 + Γ 2 + Γa + Γc) as shown in the Fig. 2.4 where the electrochemical

potential E or current density I are prescribed on Γ1 and Γ 2 respectively, while Γa

represent the anode surface and Γc is the cathode surface.

The boundary condition is

E = E0 On Γ1

In = k = I0 On Γ 2

Ia, Ea unknown on Γa

Ic, Ec unknown on Γc

We wish to solve (6) numerically as follows [Santana-Diaz, 2005 B]:

c(ξ ) E (ξ ) = ∫ E * (ξ , x) I n dΓ( x) − ∫ I *(ξ , x) E ( x)dΓ( x) (7)


Where E * (ξ , x) and I * (ξ , x) are the fundamental solution for the potential and current

density respectively and the free term c ( ξ ) depends on the boundary geometry at the source

point ξ .

E * (ξ , x) = (8)

∂E *
I * (ξ , x) = k (9)

Where r is the distance from the point xi of application of the delta function to any point

under consideration.

Since the boundary Γ is discretized into approximated number of boundary elements N

[Santana-Diaz, 2005 B]

ci Ei + ∑ Ej ∫ I * dΓj = ∑ Ij ∫ E * dΓj (10)
j =1 j =1

Where ∫ Γj
represents integration over element j .The terms H ij and Gij are obtained as

follows [Santana-Diaz, 2005 B]

H ij = ∫I dΓj

Gij = ∫ E * dΓj (12)



Hij = H ij + ciδ ij (13)

1, if i = j
Where δ ij is the Kronecker delta, δij = 
0, if i ≠ j
The following algebraic system is obtained [Santana-Diaz, 2005 B]


∑ HijE = ∑ GijI
j =1 j =1

If equation 14 applied to all nodal points along the boundary, the following equation is


HE = GI (15)

Where H and G are square matrices of influence coefficient, E and I are vectors of nodal

values of potential and current density.

Some of the elements of the vector E and vector I are known while some are unknown. By

arranging all knowns on the right hand side and all unknowns on the left,

The following matrix equation is obtained [Adey, 1985]

AX=B (16)

To partition the E and I vectors (matrices (15)) into those nodes which form the anode and

those which form the cathodes as follows [Adey, 1985]

 Haa Hac   Ea  Gaa Gac   Ia 

 Hca = (17)
 Hcc   Ec  Gca Gcc   Ic 

“a” refers to anode surface and “c” refers to cathode surface

Ia = f ( Ea ),
Ic = f ( Ec ).

Substituting equation (16) [Adey, 1985]:

 Haa Hac   Ea  Gaa Gac   fa ( Ea )

 Hca = (19)
 Hcc   Ec  Gca Gcc   fc ( Ec ) 

The resulting Eq. (19) is solved by iteration in Fig.2.5 to obtain the current density I and

potential E at all nodes on the anode and cathode.


Calculate G. H

Specify E 0 on Anode

Make Ec on cathode
Ia on anode

Calculate I on cathode
from I = f ( E ) E mj+1 = E mj + ∆E mj
I mj+1 = I mj + ∆I mj

e = GI − HE

error 〈ε Jδ = − e


E, I


Fig. 2.5 Flow chart of the iteration algorithm in solving a cathodic protection problem
using BEM. [Yan, 1992].

2.3 Simulation of different structures

2.3.1 Simulation of the offshore structure Ships

The cathodic protection of ships was the first practice of simulation because the electrolyte is

relatively uniform (Seawater) surrounding the ship body. There are two critical parts on the

ship that need to be catholically protected:

Ship Hull

Ship hull is the largest part of the ship. It has to be coated and the cathodic protection is

applied to protect the coating holidays on the surface. The anodes that protect the ship shall

be mounted on each side of the hull. Zamani [Zamani, 1988] applied the Boundary Element

Method to simulate the cathodic protection on prototype ship mathematically. He applied to a

prototype operating in the eastern fleet of Canadian navy. The difference between the

measured and the calculated potential result was 6% which is generally acceptable. Sun [Sun,

1996] has studied the optimal control of impress current which protects bare and painted

surface of a ship. The model was solved numerically by using two anodes in each side of the

ship’s hull but the prediction potential was low. Then Sun increased the number of anodes to

five to improve the potential distribution.

Fig. 2.6 The geometry of Ship [Sun, 1996].

On the other hand, another research [Rannou, 2006] used commercial software (PROCOR) to

optimize the design of cathodic protection system of military ships with electromagnetic

silencing tools that minimize the electrical field in water to optimize the protective potential.

Moreover, Boundary Element Method was used to discover the state of the coating on the

ship’s hull. This can be done by addressing the areas that act as sink of current. This

technique can be used as Non Destructive Test for the coating condition while the ship is in

service [Santana-Diaz, 2005B]. DeGiorgi et al [DeGiorgi, 1992] have been evaluating the

existing Impress Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) system conditions on a US navy ship.

The software used in this work was BEASY-CP. Similar trends were found in the

experimental and computational results. Finally, the physical scale factor that affects the

modeling of a ship’s cathodic protection was studied [DeGiorgi, 1998]. Physical scale

modeling of experimental results is used as the basis for evaluation of a model’s accuracy.

Ship Propellers

The propeller is one of the trickiest parts to polarize because it is made from an alloy that

contains different elements such as nickel, aluminum and bronze. The shape of the propeller

has significant effect on the simulation of cathodic protection. An interesting work

[DeGiorgi, 2005] has been done to study the effect of the propeller shape on the cathodic

protection simulation. Three methods are used. Boundary Element Method to solve the

model assumed that the three shapes of propellers. Discs are used in the first case. The

second case used details model for the propeller including individual blades. In the third

detailed approach, a propeller is modeled as a solid that is shaped to simulate the complex

geometry of a rotating assembly. The results show that addition of more detailed modeling of

the propeller results in a decrease in overall system current of 3A only, from 651A to 648A.

The addition of shaft geometries did not cause any further reduction in the power

requirements. Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)

The floating units are used in the offshore industry. Many of these systems are converted

tankers, or are newly built ships based on modified tankers. In the design stage of the FPSO,

it is important to consider the limited possibility of coating maintenance offshore, the

required size of anode shielding, and the hydrogen embitterment of structure steel. Osvoll et.

al. [Osvoll, 2004] also confirmed that the computer modeling is an excellent tool to evaluate

the impress current for this unit because it helps decide the size of shielding and the number

of anodes and helps detect any dark spots. They have used a commercial program based on

Boundary Element Method (SEACORR/CP) to simulate the FPSOs CP system with different

anode arrangements. Another work for galvanic anode cathodic protection design for FPSO

hull has been done [Surkein, 2004]. In that case, the Boundary Element Method was used to

confirm that the galvanic cathodic protection is suitable for this application. Offshore oil structures

The protection of offshore structures against corrosion is quite important in oil and gas

industry. One of the first modelings of the offshore structure has been done by Strommen et

al. [Strommen, 1987]. They also developed a physical model. The results of this work were

very promising in the field of cathodic protection modeling. After 15 years of working in

computer modeling of offshore CP system, Gartland et al [Gartland, 1999] concluded that

Boundary Element Method is a very convenient basis for CP modeling. The computer

modeling of cathodic protection on risers or tendons expands the use of CP simulation to

consider the metallic tension legs of a platform where anodes are mounted on the hull or

subsea structures. A commercial CP simulation was used to perform a parametric study to

identify the limitations of CP and coating that provides corrosion protection. The effect of

using titanium riser instead of steel riser was also considered. The result shows that the

computer simulation is very useful in analyzing such problems. [Osvoll,1995].

A modern and interesting research on the application of cathodic protection simulation of a

chain connector which is a few meters long pipe fully immersed in seawater with the ratchet

on buoy side and the guide ring on the other side. A few links of chain located inside the pipe

must be cathodically protected from sacrificial anodes which can only be located on the

external part of the hawse. The space between chain links and internal part of the pipe is

narrow, resulting in a significant potential drop. To insure current distribution on the chain,

holes have to be drilled on the pipe so that more cathodic protection can reach the surface of

the links. The program successfully modeled these critical parts. [Roche, 2008]. A research

group in Italy studied the application of Boundary Element Method to offshore cathodic

protection modeling using BEASY commercial software. Their results proved the calculation

program was accurate for various geometrical configurations [Cicognani, 1990].

2.3.2 Pipelines

The protection of pipelines from external corrosion is commonly accomplished by the

combination of pipeline coating with cathodic protection, which protects those portions of

the pipelines that are inadequately coated or where the coating contains problems. The

defects in the pipeline coating that expose bare steel are termed “holiday”. The conventional

anode resistance formulas that ignore the current and potential distribution on the pipes are

inadequate for modeling pipelines with holidays. Current and potential distribution must also

be considered when modeling multiple pipelines [Adey, 2000A]. In this paper different cases

of pipelines CP system were modeled with various types of coating which show how flexible

the modeling is. On the other hand, computer modeling can be used to aid traditional

cathodic protection design method for coated pipelines [Degerstedt, 1996]. Earlier research

was done in 1994 to numerically model the cathodic protection for buried pipeline. The

mathematical model was based on Boundary Element Method and Finite Element Method.

This approach assumes that the soil was homogeneous, and local earth surface was presumed

flat. The results showed simplification of macroscopic design with the information of

potential levels along pipes, potential distribution in the soil, axial currents flowing through

pipelines. The comparison between measurements and numerical results was successful, with

maximum error of 15% [Brichau, 1994].

Orazem et al. [Orazem, 1997] also used the mathematical method (Boundary Element

Method) to model cathodic protection underground pipeline with holiday coatings. The

performance of a parallel-ribbon sacrificial anodes CP system for coated pipelines was

assessed. In the cases studied, magnesium ribbons provided adequate protection in 50 KΩ-

cm soil resistivity, but almost no additional protection was achieved by retrofitting Mg

anodes to a CP system using zinc ribbons if the zinc ribbons remained connected to the pipe.

Orizem et. al.’s study also showed the lack of sensitivity of above-ground on-potential

surveys displaying localized corrosion on the buried pipe. In Malaysia, ribbon sacrificial

anode was used also to protect the pipeline structures [Safuadi, 2008]. This particular

cathodic protection system was evaluated using 2D boundary element method. It has been

found that the current density values on the surface of the pipe are subject to change when

the factors such as soil conductivity, material of the anode, and displacement between

pipeline and anode [Safuadi, 2008]. Moreover, a very interesting study was conducted to

simulate the cathodic protection system for a buried pipe segment using 3-D Boundary

Element Method. A U –shaped vault of infinite resistivity was positioned upside down over

this pipe segment for mechanical protection purposes such as the road crossing. Fig.3.7

shows (a) triangular grid for the U-shaped one-domain triangular; (b) sketch of the two-

domain model with the first domain indicated in gray and the interfaces with the second

domain being surfaces 1,2 and 3; (c) two-domain triangulation. The electrical obstruction

effect was investigated. To limit computational efforts, two ring-shaped defects were

considered on the pipe surface. The protection level of both defects was compared for

different values of soil conductivity. The pipe coating is considered to be non ideal with 1%

defect of total surfaces. The model was successfully solved. As a result, when a U-shaped

vault is present around a pipe segment, the impact on the protection level of defects that are

positioned under the vault becomes important for low conductivity soils (σ = 0.01 Ω-1m-1 or

less). In that case, the CP level might drop by at least 100 mV [Purcar, 2003].

Fig. 2.7 Triangular grid for the U-shaped model [Purcar, 2003].

2.3.3 Storage tanks

The storage tank is usually protected against corrosion by cathodic protection when it is in

contact with electrolyte (internally) or with soil (buried or above ground): Above- ground storage tanks

Storage facilities for petroleum products usually consist of a collection of above ground

storage tanks called a tank farm. The tanks are cylindrical in shape, are constructed of steel,

and rest on the soil. The tank bottom, then, is subject to the same corrosion as are buried

pipelines. As the tank bottom is supported by the ground and is subjected only to hydrostatic

pressures, the bottom of tank can be made of thinner metal than what is used for pipelines,

which are exposed to all around pressure. Because the metal is thinner at the bottom, it can

be more easily perforated by even low rates of corrosion. While the primary current

distribution on the pipes is uniform, the primary current distribution for the circular area of

the tank bottom is inherently non-uniform. “Limitations of kinetics and mass-transfer may

cause the distribution to become more uniform; nevertheless, the tendency toward a non-

uniform current distribution compromises delivery of protective current to the center of the

tank bottom” [Riemer, 2005]. The final issue constraining design of cathodic protection

systems is that the concentration profiles for oxygen under a storage tank are cyclic in nature.

The principle cathodic reaction on the tank bottom is usually assumed to be reduction of

oxygen. When the tank is filled, the bottom of the tank is in full electrical contact with the

soil, allowing reduction of oxygen. Eventually the consumption of oxygen reduces the

oxygen content of the soil under the tank. When the tank is empty, the center rises above the

soil creating a void. The resulting bellows action replenishes the oxygen content in the soil.

The mass-transfer-limited current density for reduction of oxygen must therefore be

considered to be a function of both time and position. All these issues make the simulation of

a storage tank critical. Riemer [Riemer, 2005] has developed a mathematical model for the

tank bottom. A single tank was modeled for which protection was provided first by an anode

located far from the tank bottom, second by a series of anodes distributed around the

circumference of the tank, and third by an anode grid laid directly underneath the tank

bottom. Riemer considered two cases for each anode location. The first case considers

uniform oxygen concentration, to approximate the initial conditions when the tank is first

filled, while the second is based on the calculation of oxygen concentration. The results

demonstrate that assumption of a uniform current distribution on the tank bottom, used

previously, was found invalid. The ribbon anodes installed underneath the tank seem to be a

effective solution to protect the tank bottom [Riemer, 2005]. Buried tanks

A buried tank is smaller than above ground storage tank. It is usually protected by sacrificial

anodes (magnesium or zinc). A group from France used the finite element method to model

the cathodic protection of buried tanks. They studied different parameters that influence the

CP design such as the electrical conductivity of the soil and the quality of the tank coating.

The result showed that 2-D modeling can obtain a fairly precise description of the 3-D

performance of a buried tank. [Rabiot,1999]. A similar work by Aboobtalebi et al. studied the

sacrificial cathodic protection. The tank was protected by zinc anode and the mathematical

technique used the Boundary Element Method for modeling the CP system. They had found

that the simulation is a useful tool in the design of cathodic protection. [Aboobtalebi, 2010].

The cathodic protection for a storage tank was simulated successfully by Boundary Element

Methods with genetic algorithms.

2.3.4 Simulation of the well casing

Cathodic protection is often employed to prevent external corrosion of oil production well

casing. It is known that the total current required to protect a casing cannot be predicted with

any certainty, nor can surface measurements alone determine the level of protection at the

bottom of the casing. The actual protection level along the well bore can be directly

measured with special tools, but this is expensive both in direct cost and in lost production.

An efficient Boundary Element Method was developed to study the cathodic protection of

the well casing in a formation with layered conductivity [Lee, 1993]. The Newton-Raphson

technique as a numerical method was used to satisfy the nonlinear boundary condition [Lee,

1993]. Simulation results confirmed a weak dependency on the azimuthal direction of the

current distribution on the well casing. The maximum current occurred at the top of the well

casing and the current density gradually become smaller along the axial direction; the same is

found in actual measurements [Lee, 1993]. The simulation technique has been used to check

the possibility of utilized unused well casing as anode for cathodic protection system to

protect other new well casing. The result gives a promising means for having a quasi-uniform

distribution of the current density profile along the protected well casing axial length with

low current density requirement of the anode [Metwally, 2008].

In this chapter the examples of the cathodic protection application have been provided.

However, other issues of cathodic protection such as stray current interference, optimum

location of anodes and influence of coating, remain problematic in the real life applications.

2.4 Issues associated with modeling of cathodic protection

2.4.1 Cathodic protection interference

Cathodic protection interference and stray current are serious problems in the cathodic

protection field. One ampere of DC current discharge from the pipeline for one year may

consume 10 kg of steel. The unprotected structure is picking up the current (Pick up point) on

one side and discharge the current (Discharge point) on low resistivity side. Severe corrosion

occurs on the discharge point.

There are four types of the CP interference:

1) Anodic Interference

The unprotected structure is located on the potential gradient of the anode of another

CP system. The interference would be worst if the unprotected structure is closer to

the anode Fig.2.8.

2) Cathodic Interference

If a badly coated pipeline crosses the zone near a cathodic protection structure, the

interference might exist as Fig. 2.9.

3) Combined Interference

In this case, a foreign pipeline is passing through the anode potential gradient area

and also crossing the protected structure. The interference takes place on two parts of

the foreign pipeline close to both anode and cathode as in Fig. 2.10.

Fig. 2.8 Anodic Interference [Metwally, 2007] Fig. 2.9 Cathodic Interference [Metwally, 2007]

4) Induced Interference

Fig.2.11 shows that induced interference happens when two unprotected foreign

structure (1 & 2) passing close to a cathodic protection system. The structure 1 will

pick up the current because it is closer to the anode bed and discharges the current to

the other structure 2. Next, the structure 2 picks up the current from 1 and discharges

the current close to the cathode in the cathodic protection. This is very dangerous, and

it happen frequently in the industry.

Fig. 2.10 Combined Interference [Metwally, 2007] Fig. 2.11 Induce Interference [Metwally, 2007]

Cathodic protection interference problems/types are simulated. The modeling method used

boundary element method based BEASY software to model the different types of the

interference. Metwally et. al. had found that the software is very flexible and effective to

predict the CP interference. The software was found to be very flexible and easy to perform

simulation for cathodic protection, it’s effective to predict the CP interference [Metwally,


Early work has been done by Brichau et. al [Brichau, 1996]. A new numerical method was

created to simulate the interference. The name of this method is OKAPPI and they concluded

that the result was accurate. They had found that the software is very flexible and effective to

predict the CP interference. More types of interference (e.g. railway interference) were added

in the study. In addition, the simulation of stray current corrosion between the ship and the

piles can be made by using Boundary Element Method [Trevelyan, 1994].

2.4.2 Optimum location of the anodes and reference electrode

The design goal of the cathodic protection system is to produce an evenly distributed

protection potential on the structure as well as to reduce the power consumption of the anode

to a minimum. The available conventional design will calculate the number of anodes needed

and assume the location of reference electrode and anodes. The constraints on the design are

the values of the potential on the structure. In order to provide adequate protection, the

potential must be less than a specified value (e.g. -850). The potential must be greater than a

specified value (e.g. -1200) to prevent over-protection. The best location of the anodes and

reference electrode can be chosen by simulation. By combining an automatic optimization

procedure with the Boundary Element Method model of the ICCP system, an optimum

solution can be obtained. Boundary Element Method has been used to select the optimum

locations for anodes on the ships, storage tanks and underground pipeliness [Adey, 2000].

The same approach was used to reach the uniform distribution of the cathodic protection

potential by changing the position of the anodes along the ship body. The simulation is a

perfect tool to show the optimum location of the anode and reference cell [Rannou, 2006].

As mentioned before in page 16, Sun studied the possibility for optimum control of impress

cathodic protection systems in ship building. He had used the Boundary Element Method to

model the system. The number of anodes increased to achieve the uniform distribution. [Sun,


Optimizing the location of anodes in cathodic protection systems to smooth potential

distribution was done. The anode has been moved to increase the symmetry of the potential

on the damages area with satisfactory results. The symmetry of the potential of the damaged

area was studied and the final values of the optimization process were validated by the results

of a scan over the whole search area. [Santana, 2005 A]. Recently, the Boundary Element

Method along with Matlab program was used to select the best location of the anode for a

sacrificial cathodic protection of a tank [Abootalebi, 2009].

On the other hand, the Boundary Element Method was used to optimize the location of the

reference electrodes in the cathodic protection system. The problem is reduced to minimizing

the power supply under the protection conditions which are taking into account by some

different scenario. First, the cathodic protection system where the electrodes have to be

located directly on the wall of the structure is considered. Next, the cathodic protection

system where the electrodes are located in the electrolyte is considered. The location of the

electrode has been modified. The optimum current to be impressed to each electrode has to

be determined. [Aoki, 1997].

2.4.3 The influence of coating

Cathodic protection system is usually used in conjunction with organic coatings on the

pipelines and other metallic structures to provide protection in regions with the coating

damages. These systems mitigate the corrosion at exposed metal surfaces. The coating in the

cathodic protection plays a major role in the accuracy of the modeling. DeGiorgi [DeGiorgi,

2002] has investigated the assumptions of the perfect painting in the modeling of cathodic

protection. This is a simplified assumption that facilitates computational modeling. The

appropriateness of this assumption for analysis of real shipboard systems has been

questioned. Physical scale model was used for comparison. The result shows that paint with a

relative polarization response of 0.1 or greater (paint effectiveness, 0=perfectly insulation,

1=bare steel) exhibits significant difference in calculation and it can’t be modeled as

perfectly insulating materials.

Moreover, the effect of coating integrity on the impress current cathodic protection system

was one of the areas that have been studied. DeGiorgi found that the electrical current

requirements increased due to damages in the coating [DeGiorgi, 1995]. Nevertheless, the

pipelines with holiday coating are easy to be recognized using the cathodic protection

simulation because they appear like a sink of the current. To prove that pipelines with perfect

and poor coating have been modeled, the pipes with coating surfaces can be modeled in

several ways. The coating can be considered to be a perfect insulator, a highly resistive

barrier to current or a selective barrier to ionic transport, allowing water, dissolved gases and

ionic species to permeate through the pipe. The effect of stray current between multiple

adjacent pipelines or with holiday in the coating of the straight pipeline was determined. The

simulation of the cathodic protection was very useful to deal with these issues [Adey,


Damages often appear on the hull of a vessel during its lifetime. In many cases, the locations

of damage are unknown. The simulation was also used to predict the coating condition of the

ship. The number of the reference cell was increased to determine how much data was

required to detect the damage. Data from the corrosion related electric and magnetic fields

can also be employed to identify the condition of the vessel. [Santana-Diaz, 2006].

The final issue regarding modeling of the cathodic protection with coating is the cathodic

protection under a delaminated coating. This issue was addressed by Allahar and Orazem. A

mathematical model was presented for the steady-state condition in a delaminated region

surrounding a circular holiday on a metal surface under cathodic protection. The linearized

governing equations for species mass-transfer and electro neutrality were discrete using

second-order difference. Oxygen reduction and distribution normal to the metal surface were

found to be negligible for delaminated region more than 3 cm. The result demonstrated that

the commonly employed assumption that concentration gradients are negligible is not valid

within the delaminated region. [Allahar, 2009].

Chapter 3
Experimental aspects

3.1 Sacrificial cathodic protection

The objective of this section is to apply modeling technique in the sacrificial cathodic

protection. This can be achieved in a three-part process. In the first part, a simple cathodic

protection sacrificial experiment was modeled with a single anode and a cathode. In the

second part, another type of cathode was added (either copper or high silicon cast iron).

Finally, an actual CP system inside a storage tank was simulated to determine the root cause

of the failure of the magnesium anode in the CP system.

3.1.1 Single cathode and single anode


This experiment was conducted to test and learn the capabilities of BEASY CP software in

the protection of a mild steel sheet, using pure zinc as the anode of this sacrificial CP system.


A simple sacrificial experiment was conducted using a mild steel sheet as the cathode and

pure zinc as an anode, both of which were immersed in synthetic ground water.


 Cathode: a mild steel sheet with the dimensions of 25.4 cm x 15.24 cm and 453.7


 Anode: a zinc bar with 20.5 cm in length, 1.25 cm in diameter, and 175.6 grams.


The experimental container held synthesized simulated ground water with chemical

composition found in Table 3-1. The initial conductivity of the electrolyte was 2.6 S/m. After

six months, the conductivity increased to 4.2 S/m.

Table 3.1 Chemical compositions of the synthesized ground water.

Element Composition (g/L)

Chloride, Cl 9.24
Sulphate, SO4 2.700
Bicarbonate, HCO3 0.107
Bromide, Br 0.055
Fluoride, F 0.0004
Sodium, Na 5.3296
Magnesium, Mg 0.8779
Potassium, K 0.2687
Calcium, Ca 0.183

Experimental Procedure

In performing this experiment, the cathode and the anode were immersed in an electrolyte

and then the natural potentials of the cathode and the anode were measured before being

connected to a standard calomel electrode (SCE) positioned in the middle of the container.

After that, the cathode and the anode were connected through external shunt resistance

(R=0.001 Ω). Next, the protection current started to flow from the zinc to the steel sheet,

causing potential polarization in the steel sheet. A fresh synthesized ground water was

continuously fed in at a flow rate of 0.9 L/min. Fig. 3.1 shows a schematic of experimental

setup and Fig. 3.2 is a photograph of the lab setup.


Zinc Solution


Fig. 3.1 Schematic illustrating the experimental setup.

Fig. 3.2 Photo of the experimental setup.

3.1.2 Two cathodes and single anode


To observe the current drainage using experimental and simulation technique, two different

materials were connected to a single sacrificial zinc anode.


As an extension of the first section, the same experimental setup was used to test current

drainage. A copper rod was connected to the steel sheet and then it was replaced by a high

silicon cast iron (HSCI) rod as the current was observed. The electrolyte composition was the

same as those in the first section.


 A pure copper rod with the following dimensions, d = 0.762 cm, l = 21.5 cm, Area=

52.38 cm2

 The HSCI rod with the following dimensions, d = 1.27 cm, l = 21.5 cm, Area= 88.3

cm2. The HSCI, whose chemical composition accords with the international standard

(ASTM A 518 Gr3) as listed in Table 3-2, was supplied by Anotec manufacturers.

Table 3.2 Chemical Compositions for HSCI

Standard ASTM A 518 Gr3

Minimum Maximum
(percent in weight) (percent in weight)

Silicon 14.20 14.75

Chromium 3.25 5

Carbon 0.70 1.10

Manganese 0 1.50

Molybdenum 0 0.20

Copper 0 0.50

Experimental Procedure

A copper rod was connected to the mild steel sheet directly both of which were connected to

the zinc anode through an amp. meter to measure the current. The circuit was connected for

24 hours. The copper rod was replaced by an HSCI rod and the same steps were repeated.

3.1.3 Application of internal sacrificial cathodic protection


The object of this experiment was to investigate the reasons for the failure of magnesium as

an anode for the sacrificial cathodic protection system in a high- alkaline solution. An

aluminum alloy anode which replaces the magnesium anode was also studied in the same



Pitting corrosion has been observed in the interior of a tank after only three years of service

in one of the SABIC petrochemical plants. The tank was supposed to be protected by

sacrificial magnesium anodes suspended from the roof. In this work, the investigation of the

magnesium anode was accomplished in two phases: first, in a study of the corrosion behavior

of magnesium in the same environment using a potentiodynamic technique and then, second,

in the modeling of the sacrificial system through a BEASY cathodic protection simulation.

The same test was performed for the aluminum alloy that was used to replace the



Magnesium: pure magnesium was supplied from a local cathodic protection company.

Aluminum Alloy: a Galvalum III anode alloy that is normally used in the cathodic protection

systems of ships was supplied by Purity Casting Alloy Company, with the chemical

compositions in Table 3-3.

Table 3.3 Galvalum III chemical compositions.

Element Percentage in Weight

Fe 0.13 max

Zinc 2-6

In 0.01 – 0.02

Si 0.08 – 0.2


The storage tank’s contents were composed mainly of potassium carbonate K2CO3, along

with other elements in low concentrations, as shown in Table 3-4, below, which gives the

chemical analysis of this solution:

Table 3.4 Chemical analysis of the tank solution.

Parameter Unit Value

Chloride mg/L 0.12
Phosphate mg/L 220
Sulfate mg/L 440
Sodium mg/L 450
Potassium % 15.9
Magnesium mg/L 15.8
Calcium mg/L 39
TDS mg/L 160165
pH - 10.5
Conductivity mS/cm 145

3.2 Impress current cathodic protection

3.2.1 Simulation of pipe segment


The objective of this test was to apply BEASY software to simulate impress current system

and to learn how to deal with the available functions.


A small section of carbon steel pipe is protected by high silicon cast iron anode that is

connected to an external DC power supply. Both cathode and anode are buried in sand soil.



Carbon steel pipeline with 60 cm in length and 6.33 cm in diameter. The wall thickness is

0.293 cm.


A bar of high silicon cast iron with 33 cm in length and 2.732 in diameter. The chemical

analysis of the anode as per ASTM A 518 Gr3 is provided in Table 3-2.


The electrolyte is represented by sand brought from the area that is close to one of the

Vancouver beaches. The resistivity of this sand is very high and was measured by a method

called Four Pens Method. The procedure of this method is simply to apply direct current to

the two ends of the container and measure the potential in-between.


Voltmeter =
6.98 V

Power supply = 0. 03 A

Fig. 3.3 Four Pin Method to Measure the Soil Resistivity.

As illustrated in the previous Figures 3.3, 0.03 Amp current was applied to the outer pins

while the voltage measurement in the internal pins was 6.98V. The conductivity can be

calculated as follows:

R= = 232.66Ω

ρ = 2π lR = 29237 Ω-cm, Where l is the spacing between the pins and equal 20 cm.

k= = 3.42 x10 −5 S / cm k is the conductivity

The purpose of measuring the resistivity is to know the electrolyte condition and to use

measured resistivity later in the BEASY software.

Experimental Procedure

1- The carbon steel pipe has been buried in the soil (Fig. 3.4) and the natural potential

was taken between the pipeline surface and the copper/copper sulfate (Cu/CuSO4)

reference electrode (Fig. 3.5).

Fig. 3.4 Lay down of the pipeline in the soil


Fig. 3.5 Natural potential measurement of the pipe.

2- In this step, high silicon cast iron anode was connected to the positive pole of the DC

power supply, and the carbon steel pipe was connected to the negative side. The DC

power supply was maintained to feed 1mA to the anode though the connecting to high

resolution ammeter as in Fig.3.6.

3- The potential of the cathode was taken by Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode which was

fixed above the pipe.

Pipe 15

Power -
supply + A

Fig. 3.6 Schematic diagram of the pipe segment experiment.

3.2.2 Application of impress current design

Actual design was created to protect 12 parallel pipes with 6 anodes distributed around the

pipelines. The length of each pipe is 33.3m and all the pipes are located on the utility side of

petrochemical plant to transport gases, water and raw materials e.g. ethylene. The design

takes into account that each anode produces maximum 2 ampere. This can be noticed as the

selected transformer rectifier rate (12 ampere/ 12 Volt). Fig.3.7 shows schematic for the

proposed design while Table. 3-5 provides the diameter for each pipe.

12 Pipes

Fig. 3.7 Schematic illustrates the pipes and anodes position.

Table 3.5 List of pipes diameters.

Pipes Number Pipe Diameter


1 20.32

2 7.62

3 5.08

4 5.08

5 25.4

6 7.62

7 10.16

8 10.16

9 7.62

10 7.62

11 15.24

12 25.4

3.3 Potentiodynamic test procedures

Throughout the experiments of this research, all electrochemical tests were conducted at the

ambient temperature (except for section 3-1-3 which was in 60 0C) and under atmospheric

pressure. Tests were conducted using standard glass cells containing the working electrode

(material that shall be tested) and a graphite counter electrode. The reference electrode was

Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) that interfaces to the test solution via a salt bridge that

terminated about 2 mm from the working electrode.

VersaSTAT4 potentiostat system was used to perform and analyze the Potentiodynamic

polarization curves. The system was controlled by the VersaStudio software package.

After preparing the solution and pouring it into the electrochemical cell, the tested material

was immersed in the test solution for 60 minutes in order to measure the open circuit

potential (EOCP). EOCP measurement was made between the working electrode and the

reference electrode while no current was passing through the working electrode. The

objective of this test was to find the potential at which the anodic and cathodic reaction

currents at the working electrode and solution interface were balanced. Moreover, the EOCP

measurements were needed prior to the electrochemical polarization tests to insure potential


Once the open circuit potential (EOCP) stabilized, at approximately 60 min interval the

electrode potential was swept potentiodynamically at a scan rate of 0.1667 mV/sec. All

potentials in this test were measured with respect to the Saturated Calomel Electrode (E =

0.241 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode SHE).

Chapter 4
Computer modeling

The computer modeling was done using BEASY simulation software. There are three major

stages in BEASY software:

1- Model preparation

This stage involves the definition of the geometry and the environmental conditions. The

geometry is described by subdividing the boundary of the problem (the surface of the

structure and anodes in the case of CP) into a number of elements inter-connected at

nodes. The nodal coordinate and element conductivities are defined. The size and type of

elements are chosen according to the complexity of the problem and the order of the

approximation required describing the variation of voltage or current density over the

surface of the elements. The geometry model can be set up using GiD drawing program.

2- Simulation

The computational scheme assembles the boundary element equations representing the

electrolyte and couples them with the equations derived from the polarization data. The

set of equations is then solved iteratively and the values of current density and potential,

computed at the boundary nodes. If time dependent polarization data is defined the

conditions at the nodes is predicted at different times as requested by the user.

3- Post Processing

At this stage the result obtained can be viewed graphically by the use of post-processors.

These modules can be used interactively to create:

I. Graphic display of the mesh or a solid model of the geometry with various

distributions of the anodes under consideration.

II. Solid or line color contour plots of the voltage and current density distribution.

III. Close-up viewing of both the geometry and the results at areas of interest.

IV. Plots of the variation of the voltage or current density with time at a particular


The following flow chart illustrates the basic stages for the BEASY program:

1- Read input
 Define Geometry.
 Discretise geometry (Mesh
 Constraint equations

2- Simulation:
 Compute BEM integrals H and G
 Assembly of A X=B (by applying
boundary conditions)
 Solve A X = B

3- Post-process results

Fig. 4.1 Flow-chart for the BEASY process basic steps [BEASY, 2009].

Boundary Conditions

The polarization behavior on the surface of the cathodes and anodes is described by the

definition of boundary conditions. The boundary conditions can take the form of constant

voltage, constant current (impress current anode) or linear or nonlinear relationship between

the voltage and the current density. The nonlinear relationship can be used to simulate the

real polarization taking into account the effect of environmental conditions.

4.1 Sacrificial cathodic protection

4.1.1 Single cathode and single anode

Defining the geometry

The geometry of the model was built in GiD drawing software. GiD is a drawing tool that

works as an interface between the model and the BEASY solver software. Fig4.2. illustrates

the geometry of this experiment.

Fig. 4.2 Geometry of the single cathode and single anode experiment.

Once the geometry was ready, the groups (units, zone or electrolyte, tubes, symmetry and

polarization material) were defined.

Mesh generation

The meshing was generated as the following Fig. 4.3 that separated geometry into 710


Fig. 4.3 Meshing generation for single cathode and single anode model.

Boundary conditions

The values of the potential and current density of the potentiodynamic curves (Fig.4.3 and

4.4) were inputted into the BEASY material database to solve equation (18) in Chapter 2,

Section 2-2-3 which will be used to form the matrix equation (19). Then the simulation will

follow the flowchart in Fig.2.3 in Chapter 2. For the zinc, the potential and current density of

the anodic behavior in Fig. 4.4 were inputted.

Potential (V SC E ) -0.2
Zn Zn2+ +2e
-8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0
Log Current Density (A/cm 2)

Fig. 4.4 Polarization curve of zinc anode with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure.

Linear (Tafel )

Potential (V SC E)






-8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0
Log Current Density (A/cm )

Fig. 4.5 Polarization curve of mild steel with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure.

Figure 4.5 presents the polarization curve of steel which is associated with three half cell

reactions occurring on the surface as follows [Abootalebi, 2010]:

Fe Fe2++ 2e-

H2O+ O2+2e-2OH

H2O+e- H2+OH-

According to the Tafel’s law, the following equation can be used for each half reaction [Qiu,


η = c + b log I (20)

In which η is the over potential, I is current density, b is Tafel slope and c is a constant. By

inserting η = E − Eeq in Tafel equation it changes to:

E − Eeq = c + b log I (21)

Equation (21) can be rewritten as [Abootalebi, 2010]:

E +α
( )
i = 10 (22)

In which α and β are constants characterizing polarization curves and:

β =b

α = − Eeq − C (23)

In the potentiodynamic polarization measurements of steel, the net current is [Yan, 1992]:

I net = I a1 − I c1 − I c 2 (24)

Where I a1 , I c1 and I c 2 are the current density generated by iron oxidation, oxygen reduction

and hydrogen evolution respectively. Therefore the net current in potentiodynamic

polarization measurements of steel is [Abootalebi, 2010]:

 E + β a1   E + βc1   E + βc 2 
  −  − 
 αa1   αc1   αc 2 
I = 10 − 10 − 10 (25)

Using the least square method where R2 > 0.95 to calculate the constant α and β . Applying

calculated values of α and β to equation (25):

 E + 0.0719   E + 0.8504   E + 0.2205 

  −  − 
I = 10  0.2553 
− 10  4.2846 
− 10  2.233 

This step made the test of the software more reliable, as it used the actual material behaviors

to calculate the final results.

Next the model is ready to be saved in the BEASY format. After the file was saved, the

BEASY solver program read it and then arranged the material as cathode, anode and

electrolyte. The next step was to use the material file identified earlier and then select the

conductivity in the experiment and choose the resistance that connects the cathode and an

anode. The final step was to select the conductivity and start solving the model. But before

start solving the model (step 2: simulation) the element types should be selected. There are

three types of elements as per Fig. 4.6.

Constant Element Linear Element Quadratic Element

Fig. 4.6 Boundary element types [BEASY, 2009].

The more nodes in the single element the more processing time the software takes. Therefore

the quadratic element will take more simulation time than Linear and constant elements for

the same model. Usually for corrosion and cathodic protection analysis (potential problems)

lower order elements give very satisfactory results.

4.1.2 Two cathodes and single Anode

Defining the geometry

The modeling of this part pursues the same procedure as the first part. The geometry was

built, as in Fig. 4.7. The same model was used for the copper and the HSCI.

Fig. 4.7 Geometry of two cathodes and single anode model

Mesh Generation

Meshing was generated and separated the geometry into 620 elements, as shown in Fig.4.8.

Fig. 4.8 Meshing of the two cathodes and single anode geometry

Boundary conditions

The polarization behavior of both the copper and the HSCI was tested in the same electrolyte,

using a potentiodynamic test following the procedure provided in section 3.3 (Fig. 4.9, 4.10).

The potential and current density for cathodic side of the curves were numerically input into

the BEASY material database, along with the zinc and steel data identified in section 4.1.1.

The goal of this step is to solve equation (18) in Chapter 2, Section 2.2.3 which will be used

to form the matrix equation (19) in the same section.

Potential (V SCE)

-8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0
Log Current Density (A/cm 2)

Fig. 4.9 Polarization curve of the copper with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure.



Potential (V SCE)





-9.0 -8.0 -7.0 -6.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0
Log Current density (A/cm )

Fig. 4.10 Polarization curve of the HSCI with 0.1667 mV/sec scan rate and
ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure.

4.1.3 Application of internal sacrificial cathodic protection

Defining the Geometry

Two sets of magnesium anodes were suspended from the roof. Each set included six anodes.

The system was self- controlled, which meant that the cathodic protection will work if the

solution covers both the anodes and the tank surface. The tank is typically operated with 20

% load, which ensured that the lower six anodes were immersed in the electrolyte. Fig. 4.11

demonstrates the geometry of the lower portion of the tank. The units chosen for the model

were cm, A, and mV, which were compatible with the input data (polarization curves and


Fig. 4.11 Geometric portrayal of the sacrificial anodes and internal tank cathode

Mesh Generation

The second step was to apply meshing into the geometry of the internal tank surface and on

to the anodes as well. The tank and anodes have been separated into 864 elements as show in

Fig. 4.12.

Fig. 4.12 Meshing of the sacrificial anodes and internal tank cathode.

Before the model analysis the polarization of the anodes in the same electrolyte was input

into the BEASY software. In the aluminum test, the polarization data of the aluminum was

also inputted. The last step was to select the conductivity of the tank, which was 145 mS/cm.

These steps reflect that the BEASY CP software was solving and analyzing the problem

according to the real conditions of the system.

4.2 Impress current cathodic protection

4.2.1 Simulation of pipe segment

Defining the geometry

The first step in the modeling is to draw the geometry in a GiD program to allow BEASY to

read it as in Fig. 4.13



Fig. 4.13 Geometry of the impress current anode and pipe segment

Mesh generation

Once the model is ready, meshes shall be generated to discrete the model into 1145 elements

(Fig. 4.14). Then groups have to be identified such as units, anode, polarized material and




Fig. 4.14 Meshing of the impress current anode and pipe segment

At this point the model is ready to be solved; the file shall be selected and the structures were

arranged as electrolyte, cathode and anode by using the BEASY solving tools. In the impress

current system the current produced by the anode should be specified which in this case was

1 mA. The material of the cathode was identified as bare steel in the soil; moreover the

electrical resistance of the pipeline per length was calculated as follows:

R =

ρ = 1.18 E − 07Ωm , resistivity of steel

A= (d 2 − (d − 2t ) 2 d is the diameter and t is the thickness wall.

RP= 2.12E10-4 Ω/m RP is the pipe electrical resistance per meter

After the circuit has been set up in the software by choosing the anode, cathode wire

resistance values and power supply (Transformer Rectifier) rating, the next step is to identify

the conductivity of the soil that is calculated as k = 3.42 E-3 S/m.

4.2.2 Applications of impress current design

The objective of this section is to review this design by computer modeling to make sure it

provides adequate protection. Fig.4.15 shows the modeling geometry.

Anode 3 Anode 2 Anode 1

12 Pipes

Anode 6 Anode 5 Anode 4

Fig. 4.15 Geometry for the pipes and anodes of the design.

After building the model, a surrounding box that contains the pipes and anodes has to be

drawn to represent the sand soil. As per BEASY guidelines, the size of the soil box should be

20 pipe lengths. Fig.4.16 illustrates the meshing to subdivide the model into 650 elements.

Fig. 4.16 Meshing generation of the pipes, anodes, and the soil box.

Chapter 5
Results and discussion

5.1 Sacrificial cathodic protection

5.1.1 Single cathode and single anode

The experiment had been running for six months, during which period the potential of the

plate and the zinc output current were measured every week. The experimental and

modeling output were as follows:

1- Protection potential

The potential profile in Fig.5.1 showed an approximate 3.8 % error between the

experimental and the simulation readings (the first reading of experiment is for the steel

natural potential which was measured before the test started). The experimental

measurement was taken by the Standard Calomel Reference electrode (SCE).

The profile of the potential on the cathode (steel sheet) is provided in Figure 5.1, using

both the experimental and simulation methods. The error margin between the two

methods was 3.84%. The source of this error was a voltage drop caused by the

instrument, wires, and the reference electrode type. The position of the reference

electrode could be another factor in discrepancies in the potential reading.

-200 Modeling
Potentail (mVSCE)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (Week)

Fig. 5.1 Comparison of experimental and simulation potential readings of the anode.

2- Current

Fig.5.2 illustrates the current profile for both the experimental and simulated results,

which started with a 7.9% error between the experimental measurements and the

simulation’s, which will eventually finish with closer values.

As shown in Fig.5.2, the current profile was plotted for six months. It started with 61 mA,

with a fresh solution, and then decayed as the plate polarized to 0.5 mA after 24 weeks.

The results in the simulation did not deviate much from this reading, as they started with

66.9 mA and it ended with 0.32 mA in 24 weeks. There was a small deference in the

reading because the experiment was working in a very low current scale (mA), and

another error was coming from the instrument and ammeter wire resistance. At the end,

this result shows agreement between the experimental and modeling results.


Log Current (mA)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Tim e (Week)

Fig. 5.2 Comparison of experimental and simulation current results of the mild steel

3- Polarization performance

The polarization performance of the whole system was calculated, using potential against

current density which resulted from the output current dividing into the cathode surface

area. The calculation of the current density is according to the current divided by the

cathode area, so the different current density between the experimental and the simulation

results is understandable because it depended on the current obtained, but both

approaches show that cathodic protection decreased the current density to an acceptable

level. This would mean a reduced corrosion rate (this is the real objective of the cathodic




Potential (mVSCE)

-960 6.45E-7 A/cm2




0 1E-05 2E-05 3E-05 4E-05 5E-05 6E-05 7E-05 8E-05 9E-05
Current Density (A/cm )

Fig. 5.3 Polarization performance of the mild steel sheet.

Fig.5.3 shows the polarization of the steel sheet using the experimental approach. The final

current density equals 6.45E-7 A/cm2 while the current density obtained by the modeling was

4.14E-7 A/cm2. Once the current density is obtained, the corrosion rate can be calculated

using Faraday’s law [Jones, 1996]:

rc =

I = Current density.

a = Molecular mass.

F = Faraday constant.

n = number of electrons required for the reactions.

This equation enables the designer of cathodic protection system to calculate the anodes

lifespan ahead before start the installation. This valuable information output validates that

BEASY software is a powerful tool in the application of cathodic protection. On the other

hand, Fig.5.4 gives a visual demonstration of the potential distributions for the entire system.

Fig. 5.4 Potential distribution for the single cathode single anode (mVSCE).

Finally, the most important factor that is needed to evaluate the efficiency of the cathodic

protection system is the potential of the carbon steel. As per Fig. 5.4 the lowest potential in

the carbon steel plate is -1040.5 mV. This potential is more than what NACE specifies in the

criteria of cathodic protection potential which is -850 mV [NACE, 2004]. The potential result

was used by previous studies to evaluate the accuracy of the modeling technique. Brichau

found the maximum error in the potential between the simulated and measured result is 15%

[Brichau, 1994] while Zamani found that the difference is 6% between the actual and the

computed potential [Zamani, 1988].

On the other hand DeGiorgi used the current measurements to evaluate the different shapes

of the propeller as mentioned in Chapter 2 section 2-3 [DeGiorgi, 2005].

5.1.2 Two cathodes and single anode

The current flow between the zinc anode and the cathode (steel and copper or steel and

HSCI) was recorded for 24 hours as in Table 5.1 and Figure 5.8.

Table 5.1 Experimental current drainage output values.

current of Fe current of Fe current of Fe

Time (hours) (mA) & HSCI (mA) & Cu (mA)

0 61 115 125

0.1666 29 47 76

0.25 23 40.2 67

0.5 18.5 26.7 53.4

1 12.2 15.6 39.8

2 7.4 8.9 23.5

3 6.2 7.9 15.6

4 5.5 7.6 12.2

5 5 7.4 11.3

6 4.9 7.2 11.1

24 4 6.6 9

Current of Fe
Current of Fe & HSCI
100 Current of Fe & Cu
Current (mA)





0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Time (Hours)

Fig. 5.8 Current drainage curve of the materials.

Simulation Results

The net current for the model after polarization was:

Table 5.2 Simulation output values for current drainage.

current of Fe & current of Fe &

Materials HSCI (mA) Cu (mA)

Current Value 7.02 9.7


The results of the experiment and the simulation demonstrated the current drainage of the

zinc anode, when it is connected to the different materials either steel with copper or steel

with HSCI. On the experimental side, the final current running through the steel and HSCI

was 6.6 mA, while it was 7.02 mA in the simulation, which produces a 6.4% error. On the

other hand, in the experiment, the current jumped to 9 mA when the zinc anode connected to

the steel and copper rod, while the final current was equal to 9.7 mA in the simulation, with a

7.7% error. The fact that the experiment and simulation give approximately the same current

values reflects the accuracy of the BEASY simulation software. Although the HSCI rod had

a higher surface area, the current drainage was reduced by 37% when it was replaced copper

rod. Metwally et al. reduced the current drainage by approximately 50% by replacing the

copper earthling rod by aluminum [Metwally, 2008].

The soundness of BEASY software is once again confirmed for the following reasons:

1- The experimental result closely matches the output of BEASY software.

2- The result of this experiment is consistent with the output of BEASY software

because copper is seeking more current.

5.1.3 Application of internal cathodic protection

In this section both magnesium and aluminum alloy were tested and the experimental results

are as follows:


The magnesium anode was examined using electrochemical techniques (Fig. 5.9, 5.10). The

open circuit potential started around -1.9 VSCE and reached quasi steady state at -1.7 VSCE. In

Fig. 5.10 magnesium corroded at a very low current density (approximately 1E-5 A/cm2).

The magnesium started to passivate at -1.12VSCE, which is the protective potential window of

carbon steel. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) morphology of the magnesium after

the test showed a passive layer on the surface with some localized pitting dispersed (Fig.

5.11). The Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) analysis in Fig.5.12 for the

corrosion surface showed high magnesium (75%) and oxygen (23%) contents. This could be

an indication of the formation of MgO and/or Mg(OH)2 as already discussed by Pinto et. al.

[Pinto, 2010].

Potential (VSCE)






0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Time (s)

Fig. 5.9 Open Circuit Potential for magnesium and aluminum alloy, 60 0C
in the tank electrolyte (Table 3-4).


0.0 Al
Potential (VSCE)




1E-08 1E-07 1E-06 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Current density(A/cm 2
Current Density )

Fig. 5.10 Potentiodynamic Polarization curve for magnesium and aluminum

alloy anodes, 60 0C in the tank electrolyte (Table 3-4).

Fig. 5.11 SEM morphology for the magnesium surface layer after the test.

Fig. 5.12 EDX analysis for the magnesium surface layer.

The E-pH (Pourbaix) diagram for the magnesium-water at 60 0C Fig.5.13 was generated by

HSC Chemistry program version 5.11. E-pH diagram shows that the major species exist are

magnesium ions Mg2+, until the solution reaches pH value of 7.4, where Mg(OH)2

precipitates as reported by previous studies [Perrault, 1974],[Badawy, 2010]. Moreover, the

efficiency of magnesium when it’s used as sacrificial anode is 50 % [Genesca1996].

Eh (Volts)



1.5 (b)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Fig. 5.13 E-pH (Pourbaix) diagram for the magnesium-water system at 60 0C, (a) and (b)
lines are H2O limits.

Therefore, the magnesium anode was not a proper choice for protecting the carbon steel in

this environment.


Since pure aluminum cannot be used as anode in cathodic protection because it will be

passivating, an aluminum alloy was used [Baeckmann, 1997]. The open circuit potential

(OCP) for the aluminum alloy is about -1.5 VSCE (Fig. 5.9). During the potentiodynamic

polarization test, the aluminum alloy produced a high current density (0.7 mA/cm2), as

illustrated in Fig. 5.10. The behavior of the anode showed an active region for potentials

between -1.4 VSCE to -0.75 VSCE with a high current density. This is the potential protective

window for carbon steel.

Modeling results

Figure 5.14 shows the potential distribution of the tank’s internal wall protected by

magnesium anodes. The potential level was very low and almost equal to the natural

potential of the carbon steel (-440 mV). Moreover, the current produced by the anodes was

less than 1 A, and the current could not polarize the carbon steel cathode. On the other hand,

the potential on the same structure (internal wall of the tank) rises by replacing the material

of the anodes with aluminum alloy (Fig.5.15). The lowest potential was around -700 mVSCE

and it reached -850 mVSCE in some areas. The current produced by the aluminum alloy anode

was high. It reached 37A in total which is enough to polarize all parts of the tank. According

to NACE standard RP0196 [NACE, 2004], section 6, the potential protective criteria was -

850 mV between the cathode surface and the copper/copper sulfate (Cu/CuSO4) reference

electrode—or a minimum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization. These criteria were achieved,

as shown in Fig. 15, by using aluminum alloy anodes.

Fig. 5.14 Potential distribution in the tank with magnesium anodes (mVSCE).

Fig. 5.15 Potential distribution in the tank with aluminum anodes (mVSCE).

Regarding previously mentioned issues associated with modeling of cathodic protection,

interference, location of anodes and coating, in this application, the stray current interference

cannot occur because the tank is fully isolated in this closed system. Moreover, the

possibility for the optimum control of the anodes in this application is done already by

suspending the anodes from the roof. The internal tank wall is bare steel and so there was no

influence of coating.

5.2 Impress current cathodic protection

5.2.1 Simulation of pipe segment

Experimental results

The natural potential of the pipeline was taken before connection at eight points between the

surface and Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode and the average was E = -300 mVCu/CuSO4

-298 -321 -301 -295 -303 -288 -300 -285

Fig. 5.16 Natural potential of the pipe segment (mVCu/CuSO4)

By means of connecting the circuit to the power supply the anode was setting to discharge 1

mA DC current. The instant off (off potential) of the pipeline was measured by switching off

the power supply and taking the reading immediately in approximately one second. The

potential in the cathode surface once it’s polarized was Eoff = - 630 mVCu/CuSO4 as in Fig. 5.16.

Simulation result

The simulation result demonstrates potential varying from -605 mVCu/CuSO4 to – 618

mVCu/CuSO4 as shown in Fig.5.17.

Fig. 5.17 Potential distribution on the cathode (mVCu/CuSO4)

Fig. 5.18 Potential of the pipe and anode (mVCu/CuSO4)

Fig. 5.19 Potential distribution on the whole system (mVCu/CuSO4)


Once the pipe and anode were connected to the power supply, the cathode starts polarizing

but this polarization is limited by the high resistivity of the soil. Therefore, the anode could

not feed more current, and the maximum current discharged was 1 mA. The off potential of

the cathode reached -630 mV Cu/CuSO4. The off potential had eliminated the IR drop to get

accurate results [Zakowski, 1999] [Qiu, 2004].

The best cathodic protection criterion in the case of high resistivity is to apply 100

mVCu/CuSO4 shifts from the natural potential. The system satisfied this criterion as there was

more than 300 mVCu/CuSO4 shift. Figures 5.18 and 5.19 show the reading computed by the

BEASY software which is -611 mVCu/CuSO4 with 3% error compared to the actual reading,

and since the software calculated the potential on the surface of the structure, there was no

need to consider the IR drop. A similar work was reported in the computer simulation of

cathodic protection for a section of pipeline [Kasatkin, 2003] with maximum error of 9%.

The result obtained from the software provides more details to interpolate and evaluate the

cathodic protection system. The voltage gradient between the anode and the cathode is a

decent tool that helps understand the effect of soil resistivity as illustrated in the curve below

(Fig.5.20) showing potential distribution vs. the 15 cm distance between the cathode and the

Potential (mV)

-1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Distance (cm)

Fig. 5.20 Voltage gradient vs. distance between cathode and anode.

5.2.2 Application of impress current design

A real industrial design was modeled using the BEASY CP software. The system contained

six anodes. The model was solved in several stages. In the first stage, each anode is

configured to discharge 1 Amp as in Fig.5.21. The current of the anodes will be increased

gradually until enough protection is provided.

Fig. 5.21 Average potential (mVCu/CuSO4) of the pipelines with 1 Amp.

The above figure illustrates that there are low protection areas with potential -636.6 mV

Cu/CuSO4. The maximum potential is -903.82 mVCu/CuSO4.

The next stage is to increase the current discharge by each anode up to 2 Amp as in Fig.5.22.

Fig. 5.22 Average potential distribution (mVCu/CuSO4) on the pipeline using 2 Amp.

Fig. 5.22 shows that the protection level has been increased but still there are certain areas in

the middle that do not receive enough protections. The maximum potential now is -1180 mV

Cu/CuSO4 which appears in the closest points to the lower row of anodes. Therefore, the upper

row of anodes shall be increased up to 3 Amp. per anode and the lower anodes keep the

current level.

Fig. 5.23 Average potential distribution (mVCu/CuSO4) of the pipelines in third stage.

The potential in the third stage is improving by carefully distributing the current on the

anodes as in Fig. 5.23. The lowest potential is -713.38 mV Cu/CuSO4 which it accepted as per

NACE standard because it is more than the natural potential by -200 mVCu/CuSO4. The total

current for the anodes is 15 Amp and that is more than what the designer considered for the

transformer rectifier rate (12 A). The third pipeline from the top receives more potential

(more blue color) than the second one because it’s smaller in its diameter. Fig.5.24 shows

the actual potential distribution on the pipelines from when zoomed in.

Fig. 5.24 Actual potential distribution on the pipes (mVCu/CuSO4).

As Orazem et. al. modeled the cathodic protection of an existing pipeline with sacrificial

anodes, the computer simulation is useful in cathodic protection design [Orazem, 1997].

They increased the number of sacrificial anodes (to feed more current) until the potential

exceeded -850 mVCu/CuSO4. Lacerda et. al. [lacerda, 2007] also modeled an experiment of

cathodic protection for a steel pipe with both one and two anodes. Their experimental and

modeling results demonstrate that the potential increases with growing number of anodes. In

our simulation, however, the current of the anodes increased gradually in order to achieve

better protection. Similar studies were discussed in section 2-4-2, which showed optimum

locations of anodes and reference electrodes.

But the design was for coating pipelines with 15% defect in the coating. The presence of the

coating on the surface of the pipeline will decrease the required current density. Therefore

the polarization curve of the bare pipeline will be shifted toward lower current density. The

following figure represents the potential distribution of the coated pipelines with 1 ampere

discharged from each anode.

Fig. 5.25 Potential distribution (mVCu/CuSO4) on the coating pipelines with 1A.

Fig.5.25 showed high potential on the pipelines. The minimum potential is -1198.3

mVCu/CuSO4 and the maximum potential is – 2045.8 mVCu/CuSO4 which is a high potential and

poses dangers on the coating and perhaps will lead to hydrogen embitterment and localized

corrosion later on. The best solution is to lower the supplied current to 0.5 A per anode in

order to reduce the effect of over-potential.

Fig. 5.26 Potential distribution (mVCu/CuSO4) on the coating pipelines with 0.5 A.

Fig. 5.26 reveals that by reducing the supplied current, the potential dropped down. The

lowest potential is now -920.21 mVCu/CuSO4 which is more than the NACE standard potential

criteria (-850 mV) while most of pipelines have potential less than -1200 mVCu/CuSO4. The

potential that occurs on the nearest point from the anode is still too high -1338.2 mVCu/CuSO4

and this can be avoided by moving the anode away from the pipelines.

This application indicates that BEASY software can be used effectively to simulate the

cathodic protection of bare and coated structures. Moreover the validation of the cathodic

protection design can be done before installation. The BEASY software can be used as a

learning tool to show the effect of coating on the cathodic protection system.

The modeling of cathodic protection associated with coating was studied and validated

previously in chapter 2 section 2-3-3. Degerstedt et. al. use the computer simulation to model

a 30.48m long pipeline segment with 85% coating effectiveness. [Degerstedt , 1996] Their

study incorporates three cases to represent 15% defect in coating. All cases involve

extremely small amounts of current flowing in the circuit due to the influence of coating.

DeGiorgi and Hamilton also validate perfect coating assumptions in their computer modeling

of cathodic protection [DeGiorgi, 1995].

Chapter 6

Summary and conclusion

Cathodic protection is an electrochemical technique to control corrosion. The design of

cathodic protection system relies on the experience, skills of the cathodic protection engineer

and appropriate mathematical formula. However, when an installation of the cathodic

protection system is completed, corrections or adjustments on the system will be costly. The

simulation enables the engineers to predict and test a cathodic protection system prior to

installation to prevent further costs. There are three numerical methods employed to simulate

the cathodic protection: Finite Deferent Method, Finite Element Method and Boundary

Element Method. BEM offers advantages as cathodic protection parameters include the

potential and the current density which are calculated on the boundary of the surface.

The boundary element based BEASY software was used in this study to confirm the

experimental output so that the software can be used in industrial applications. The study was

conducted on the sacrificial and impresses cathodic protection.

In the sacrificial cathodic protection, two experiments were conducted to test and learn the

capabilities of BEASY software. First, pure zinc was used to protect mild steel. The

experiment had run for six months to give the cathodic protection system enough time for

stabilizing. The experimental and simulation results match closely in three parameters

namely: potential, current and current density. In the second experiment, the current drainage

was observed on two cathodes (mild steel with HSCI or copper) connected to the zinc anode.

The results showed that the current drainage of the copper was higher. The simulation

computed the current drainage of each metal with maximum 7.7% error. As a part of the

simulation requirement, the potentiodynamic curve of zinc, mild steel, copper and HSCI

were generated.

In the application of the sacrificial cathodic protection, the BEASY software was used to

investigate the failure of magnesium anode in the storage tank containing alkaline solution.

The possibility to use aluminum alloy as an anode instead of magnesium was studied. The

magnesium anode was tested in both high pH and high conductivity solutions, and showed

passive behavior. The dominant species of the magnesium was the Mg(OH)2, as confirmed

by the E-pH diagram. Moreover, the simulation results demonstrate that the magnesium

anode cannot feed enough current to polarize the inside of the carbon steel tank. In contrast,

the aluminum alloy anode gives a current density high enough to push the carbon steel

potential to less than -700 mV.

Therefore, it is concluded that the aluminum alloy anode is more suitable for high pH and

high conductivity media. It gives a higher current rate and higher potential, as shown in the

simulation results. The BEASY software proved to be a useful tool in the simulation of the

cathodic protection system.

The experiment of impress current cathodic protection of a small pipeline segment protected

with high silicon cast iron in a sand soil was conducted. The BEASY CP software results

matched experimental measurements. The error in the potential of the cathode was only 3%.

The BEASY CP software provides more information that helps the user evaluate a CP

system. One of the most helpful tools in simulation of the impress current CP system in the

soil is the voltage gradient that was difficult to predict. The high resistivity soil worked as a

barrier for the current to move from the anode to the cathode.

Subsequently, a real cathodic protection design for 12 pipelines protected with six anodes

was simulated in two cases. In the first case, the pipeline surface was bare. The results

demonstrated that high current was required to polarize the pipelines. The BEASY gave the

user more options to change the anode current output to reach the optimum protection. The

second case was for the same pipelines with 15% coated defect on the surface. In this case,

lower current requirement caused over-potential on the surface which had some

consequences such as hydrogen embitterment. The BEASY software was a powerful tool to

assess the design: to verify the anode location and over-potential. Moreover, BEASY can be

used as a learning tool for new engineers to show the influence of coating on the cathodic


Recommendations for future work

 A pipe with a variety of coating is recommended to be tested experimentally and

simulated to calculate the accurate breakdown factor that should be used in the future

to represent the coating conditions.

 Anodic protection is widely used in the industry to protect the plant facilities e.g.

tanks and heat exchangers that are exposed to an acidic environment such as sulfuric

acid (H2SO4) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Anodic protection is achieved by raising

the potential to the passive region of the materials. It is recommended to simulate the

process of anodic protection to validate feasibility.


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