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IELTS WRITING 7/1/2017 ............................................................................................................ 3

IELTS WRITING 12/1/2017 .......................................................................................................... 6
IELTS WRITING 14/1/2017 .......................................................................................................... 9
IELTS WRITING 21/1/2017 ........................................................................................................ 13
IELTS WRITING 11/2/2017 ........................................................................................................ 17
IELTS WRITING 18/2/2017 ........................................................................................................ 21
IELTS WRITING 25/2/2017 ........................................................................................................ 24
IELTS WRITING 4/3/2017 .......................................................................................................... 26
IELTS WRITING 18/3/2017 ........................................................................................................ 29
IELTS WRITING 25/3/2017 ........................................................................................................ 33
IELTS WRITING 30/3/2017 ........................................................................................................ 36
IELTS WRITING 8/4/2017 .......................................................................................................... 40
IELTS WRITING 20/4/2017 ........................................................................................................ 43
IELTS WRITING 22/4/2017 ........................................................................................................ 45
IELTS WRITING 29/4/2017 ........................................................................................................ 47
IELTS WRITING 6/5/2017 .......................................................................................................... 51
IELTS WRITING 13/5/2017 ........................................................................................................ 54
IELTS WRITING 20/5/2017 ........................................................................................................ 57
IELTS WRITING 25/5/2017 ........................................................................................................ 60
IELTS WRITING 3/6/2017 .......................................................................................................... 63
IELTS WRITING 8/6/2017 .......................................................................................................... 66
IELTS WRITING 17/6/2017 ........................................................................................................ 70
IELTS WRITING 24/6/2017 ........................................................................................................ 73
IELTS WRITING 8/7/2017 .......................................................................................................... 77
IELTS WRITING 15/7/2017 ........................................................................................................ 80
IELTS WRITING 20/7/2017 ........................................................................................................ 83
IELTS WRITING 29/7/2017 ........................................................................................................ 86
IELTS WRITING 3/8/2017 .......................................................................................................... 90
IELTS WRITING 12/8/2017 ........................................................................................................ 94
IELTS WRITING 19/8/2017 ........................................................................................................ 97
IELTS WRITING 26/8/2017 ...................................................................................................... 101
IELTS WRITING 9/9/2017 ........................................................................................................ 105
IELTS WRITING 16/9/2017 ...................................................................................................... 109
IELTS WRITING 21/9/2017 ...................................................................................................... 112
IELTS WRITING 30/9/2017 ...................................................................................................... 114
IELTS WRITING 5/10/2017 ...................................................................................................... 118
IELTS WRITING 14/10/2017 .................................................................................................... 120
IELTS WRITING 21/10/2017 .................................................................................................... 124
IELTS WRITING 28/10/2017 .................................................................................................... 128
IELTS WRITING 2/11/2017 ...................................................................................................... 131
IELTS WRITING 4/11/2017 ...................................................................................................... 134
IELTS WRITING 11/11/2017 .................................................................................................... 137
IELTS WRITING 25/11/2017 .................................................................................................... 139
IELTS WRITING 2/12/2017 ...................................................................................................... 143
IELTS WRITING 9/12/2017 ...................................................................................................... 145
IELTS WRITING 14/12/2017 .................................................................................................... 147
IELTS WRITING 16/12/2017 .................................................................................................... 149


The chart shows the average daily minimum and maximum levels of air pollutants in 4 cities 2000.


micrograms per m3

150 Min SO2

113 Max SO2

104 100 Min N2O
Max N2O
59 54
47 52
50 39
30 25
10 14
Los Angeles Calcutta Beijing Mexico City

Sample answer

The given bar chart presents the daily minimum and maximum levels of SO2 and N2O which caused
pollution in 4 different cities (Los Angeles, Calcutta, Beijing and Mexico City) in the year 2000. Overall,
Mexico City was by far the most contaminated by the two mentioned pollutants among the four cities.

In Los Angeles, the quantity of SO2 emitted into the atmosphere was the lowest of all cities, with a
minimum average of 2 micro-grams per m3 and a maximum average five times as much, at 10 micro-
grams. The levels of N2O emissions were much higher with the maximum daily average level reaching
up to more than 100 micro-grams per m3. Meanwhile, the atmosphere in Mexico City was severely
polluted by SO2 and N2O emissions with the daily minimum and maximum averages of 80 and 113
micro-grams per m3 respectively.

In contrast to Los Angeles and Mexico City, the amount of pollution caused by N2O in Calcutta and
Beijing was less than that caused by SO2. The daily average maximum figures for SO2 emissions were
59 micro-grams per m3 in Calcutta and 130 micro-grams per m3 in Beijing while the average maximum
figures for N2O were just over 50 micro-grams per m3 in both cities.


Topic: Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample answer

In many universities, distance learning through an online platform is provided for students as an option
to replace traditional classrooms. In my view, although such a development could be detrimental in a
number of ways, overall, I believe it to be an essential step forward.

On the one hand, this method of remote learning, without the need for regular face-to-face contact
with teachers in a classroom, is negative for two reasons. Firstly, students who study online do not
develop comprehensively in the way that other students who attend classes at school do. During online
courses, it is difficult for students to make friends or attempt to compete with their peers. This is often
linked to the fact that those learners seem to undervalue the significance of interaction and rivalry with
classmates in an educational environment, which are actually regarded as great stimuli for scholastic
success. Secondly, participants of online learning programs have a tendency to procrastinate more and
poorly allocate an appropriate amount of time to complete assignments. This form of studying
requires tremendous self-discipline as well as excellent organization and time management skills as
students usually struggle with balancing their coursework with other priorities, and quickly become
unmotivated without direct guidance from instructors.

On the other hand, online learning is proving to be a great alternative, although traditional universities
are still widely considered as the best way to acquire knowledge and a qualification. Access to all
resources within a traditional course is offered, which empowers learners to freely choose from a wide
range of different subjects, from science to economics. Furthermore, lower costs and the widespread
presence of the Internet allow unlimited numbers of participants, regardless of not only their financial
background but also current living location. For example, Coursera is a website that offers a variety of
courses at reasonable prices and presents valid certification for participants upon completion of each

In conclusion, though there are some drawbacks to studying via online courses, I do believe that this
method is a revolutionary step in contemporary tertiary education systems.

(335 words)

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Regular face-to-face contact with teachers in a classroom: tương tác trực tiếp với giáo viên trên


2. The significance of interaction and rivalry with classmates in an educational environment: ý

nghĩa quan trọng của sự tương tác và cạnh tranh với bạn cùng lớp trong môi trường giáo dục

3. Tremendous self-discipline as well as excellent organization and time management skills: tính

kỷ luật cao cùng với kĩ năng kiểm soát thời gian và sắp xếp công việc hiệu quả

4. Access to all resources within a traditional course: Có thể truy cập tất cả các nguồn kiến thức

trong một khóa học truyền thống

5. Lower costs and the widespread presence of the Internet: giá rẻ và sự xuất hiện khắp nơi của




The chart shows the proportion of renewable energy in total energy supply in 4 countries from 1997
to 2010.

Australia Sweden Iceland Turkey

1997 2000 2010

Sample answer

The given bar chart presents data about the percentages of renewable energy with regards to the total
energy production in four different countries (Australia, Sweden, Iceland and Turkey) in three years;
1997, 2000 and 2010.

Overall, Sweden and Iceland witnessed an upward trend in the use of renewable energy sources in the
three examined years. It can also be seen that among the four countries, this type of energy was most
popular in Iceland.

In 1997, almost half of the total energy produced in Iceland came from renewable resources. This figure
continued to climb steadily to 60% in 2000 and more than 70% in 2010. Meanwhile, in 1997, only
approximately 5% of the entire amount of energy produced was generated from natural resources in
Sweden, who experienced a similar trend to that of Iceland in regards to proportion of renewable
energy produced.

Regarding Australia, nearly 10% of the energy supply was from renewable resources in 1997, and this
figure decreased slightly to around 5% in 2010. Similarly, the percentage of renewable energy used in
Turkey experienced a decline over the years from approximately 37% in 1997 down to just under 35% in


Topic: It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for a high proportion
of young people.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

There has been a difference of opinions regarding the accessibility of tertiary education to the majority
of young people. In my view, dispensing university educational services on such a large scale brings
about no practical values to society, and in addition, is rather unfeasible to carry out.

Firstly, widespread entry into university does not seem really useful to a country since it is necessary for
the government to take the needs of both the youth and the economy into consideration. In many
countries, especially Germany, vocational training has gained more popularity among young people
because it enhances employment opportunities as well as job security upon completion. Furthermore,
if everyone could gain admittance to college, it would lead to imbalances in the workforce that would
greatly damage the economic structure of a country. This is because there is little chance that university
graduates would choose blue-collar jobs such as working in factories, over the jobs that they are
qualified for.

Secondly, I think that it is impossible to provide almost all young people with access to tertiary
education. In Vietnam, the demand for entering college never ceases to grow. This puts the government
in a dilemma of whether they should risk allocating their resources and therefore face the possibility of
bankruptcy due to exorbitant education costs in many financially independent universities, such as the
Foreign Trade University or the National Economics University. Furthermore, it is simply unrealistic for
universities to accommodate such a sudden increase in the number of students on campus, not to
mention the fact that most departments are currently short-staffed.

In conclusion, I strongly oppose the idea of supplying entry to a high proportion of young people owing
to the arguments presented above.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Dispensing university educational services on such a large scale: phân phát dịch vụ giáo dục ở

quy mô lớn như vậy

2. Enhance employment opportunities as well as job security: gia tăng cơ hội việc làm cũng như

bảo hiểm nghề nghiệp

3. Imbalances in the workforce: những bất cân bằng trong lực lượng lao động

4. Exorbitant education costs: chi phí giáo dục quả đắt đỏ

5. Financially independent university: đại học độc lập tài chính



The charts show the sources of electricity produced in 4 countries between 2003 and 2008. Summarise
the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


4% 4%
14% Fossil fuel
44% Hydro power
Nuclear power





Sample answer

The given pie charts detail information about the proportion of three different sources of electricity in
four countries (India, Sweden, Morocco and Vietnam) from 2003 to 2008.

Overall, Vietnam and Morocco did not use any nuclear power for electricity production. It can also be
seen that while fossil fuels were the largest source of electricity supply in Vietnam and India, they only
occupied a relatively marginal proportion in Morocco and Sweden during the examined years.

In Vietnam, 56% of the total amount of electricity was produced from fossil fuels, while the figure for
Morocco was only 5%. The rest of the electricity, in both nations, was produced solely from hydro

In India however, electricity from fossil fuels contributed to 82% of the entire quantity of
electricity produced, which was also the highest figure for fossil fuel use among the four countries.
Meanwhile, fossil fuels were only responsible for 4% of the total generated electricity in Sweden, with
hydro power and nuclear power contributing 52% and 44% respectively.


Topic: In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts while boys like science.

What are the reasons for this trend and do you think this tendency should be changed?

Sample answer

There has been a marked difference in subject preferences between girls, who often enroll in art based
courses, and boys, who have a tendency to study some form of science. There are a number of elements
that may cause this issue, and I personally feel that it is best not to apply any changes to this tendency.

The aforementioned situation can be attributed to gender-specific personalities and competence.

Firstly, female students are usually attracted to subjects that require tremendous self-discipline and
patience such as language classes while male students share a common interest in several fields that
need considerable analytical abilities to excel at, for example math or physics. Secondly, it has been
proven that each of the two sexes shows distinct competence and excellence in their favored subjects.
In general, most students prefer to choose classes that they are best at, which is why boys and girls
choose different courses to study.

In my view, it is rather unnecessary to make changes to this trend. Initially, students choose the
environment where they can best cultivate their skills and abilities. Therefore, if they were forced to
take part in unwanted classes, it would produce undesirable outcomes, especially resentment or
negative attitudes toward study at school. Furthermore, students, regardless of gender, should have
their freedom to choose. In other words, they should be at liberty to decide what courses they can
attend so that they will feel that they are respected and listened to.

In conclusion, distinct characteristics and differing levels of competence between males and females are
the main causes for the tendency toward choosing particular courses to study at schools and
universities, and I believe that students should be entitled to participate in any class they desire.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Gender-specific personalities and competence: năng lực và tính cách đặc trưng theo giới tính

2. Considerable analytical abilities: khả năng phân tích cao

3. Show distinct competence and excellence: có những năng lực và sự xuất sắc khác nhau

4. Cultivate their skills and abilities: nâng cao kỹ năng và khả năng

5. Resentment or negative attitude toward study at school: sự hằn học và thái độ tiêu cực với

việc học ở trường

6. To be entitled to participate in any class they desire: có quyền tham gia bất kì môn học nào mà

họ muốn



1980 1990

10% 12%



37% further education


Sample answer

The given pie charts detail the proportion of Australian secondary school graduates who were
unemployed, employed or pursuing further education, in 1980, 1990, and 2000.

Overall, from 1980 to 2000, the proportion of Australian students who were employed grew, while there
was a decline in both the proportion of those pursuing higher levels of education and those who were

In 1980, half of the Australian secondary school leavers chose to continue their education. After a 10-
year period, this number dropped to only 38% and remained almost unchanged in 2000. Meanwhile, the
figures for those who were unemployment were the smallest, at only 10% in 1980, 12% in 1990, and
finally dropping back down to 8% in 2000.

On the other hand, over the years Australia saw an increase in the percentage of students who received
a job after graduation from secondary school, from 40% in 1980 to 55% in 2000, which was the largest
figure among all examined categories.


Topic: Nowadays young people spend too much of their free time in shopping malls. Some people fear
that this may have negative effects on young people and the society they live in.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

As countries and cities become more and more developed, the occurrence of large shopping malls is on
the rise and due to factors such as advertising and boredom, young people are being lured into
shopping malls where they are aimlessly wasting their time and money. Personally, I believe that this
can have a number of detrimental impacts on young people and the society they live in.

Firstly, by spending time in shopping malls, young people are exposing themselves to large amounts of
advertising and products which only drives their desire to purchase and consume more. Young people
will end up feeling that they need to have things that, in reality, they don’t, and this can create an
unhealthy state of mind, and a consumeristic attitude to life. As a result, the society they live in will
suffer from the many drawbacks of consumerism such as wasted energy and resources, and landfills
full of goods that have been overproduced.

Secondly, not only is spending too much time in shopping malls having a negative impact on the minds
of today’s youth, but it is also having many negative impacts on their physical health. Young people who
spend too much time wandering around shopping malls are missing out on important time that could be
spent outdoors playing sport or participating in other recreational activities. It is well known that those
who spend time outdoors involved in such activities mentioned above will enjoy a much healthier
lifestyle and be less at risk of suffering from a range of common diseases caused by a sedentary
lifestyle, such as obesity and diabetes.

In conclusion, I believe that parents need to spend more time teaching their children about the
importance of spending their free time wisely, and avoiding the pitfalls of a consumeristic lifestyle.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. To be lured into: bị dụ dỗ làm gì

2. Aimlessly wasting their time and money: vung phí tiền bạc và thời gian

3. Exposing themselves to: làm cho chính họ

4. Drive their desire to purchase and consume more: làm cho họ muốn mua và tiêu dùng nhiều


5. A consumeristic attitude: thái độ tiêu dùng quá đà

6. Suffer from the many drawbacks of consumerism: chịu những tác hại của chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng

7. A negative impact on the minds of today’s youth: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực vào tâm lý giới trẻ ngày


8. A sendentary lifestyle: lối sống ít vận động



France Germany England

Other goods
France Germany England

Sample answer

The given bar charts indicate the proportion of money that people in France, Germany and England
spent on food and other products in 1998 and 2008.

Overall, it can be seen that all three countries saw significant increases in the proportion of purchases of
both food and other goods over the examined period.

In 1998, approximately 15% and 10% of the money French citizens spent was on foodstuffs and other
goods, respectively. After 10 years, figures for both categories dramatically climbed to 40%. In Germany,
there was a mild increase of 5% of money spent on food, at 25% in 1998, and 30% in 2008. The figures
for money spent on other goods were approximately 5% lower during the same years.

In England however, buyers spent only 10% on food in 1998 and 15% in 2008. Meanwhile, the figures for
money spent on other goods experienced a surge from about 8% in 1998 to 35% in 2008.


Topic: It is better for college students to live far away from home than live at home with their parents.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

There has been a topic of debate as to whether it is better for students to live independently away from
their parents whilst studying at university. Although some people agree with this, my firm conviction is
that it depends on the culture of the region where the students are from.

This practice is popular in Western-based societies, like the US or the UK. Independence from parents at
a young age is largely accepted and encouraged, especially when students reach the age of eighteen and
are able to earn a living on their own. A large majority of students seek temporary employment near
their school to earn money or gain valuable work experience, while others will spend time participating
in university clubs and activities on campus. This element, I believe, is closely linked to their further
development and future success.

However, in many Asian countries such as Vietnam, where traditional values of strong family bonds play
a significant role in the lives of the youth and the national ethos, I suspect that it could bring more harm
than good. It is, however, common for family members to live separately when they are pursuing
tertiary education because most universities in Vietnam are located in major or municipal cities.
Students from other provinces have to stay in dormitory accommodation or rent a room off campus in
order to complete their study. I consider this to have a detrimental impact on family relationships
because it can possibly lead to the unfortunate disappearance of the country’s long-standing culture.

In conclusion, I do consider that living close to schools and universities, away from family, is beneficial
for a student’s studies, though it can have a significant negative impact on family relationships
depending on the student’s cultural background.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Earn a living on their own: Tự mình kiếm sống

2. Earn money or gain valuable work experience: Kiếm tiền hoặc kiếm kinh nghiệm làm việc quý


3. Pursue tertiary education: Theo học đại học

4. The unfortunate disappearance of the country’s long-standing culture: Sự biến mất đáng tiếc

của văn hóa lâu đời của một quốc gia

5. Cultural background: Lý lịch văn hóa



The table shows the proportion of female and male aged 15 and aged 75 from 1911 to 2001 in the UK.

1991 1961 2011

Total Population
36.070.364 46.196.200 56.065.700

% People aged 15 1,86% 1,48% 1,23%

Females aged 15 335.730 333.900 333.700

Males aged 15 334.241 349.400 354.400

% People aged 75 0,23% 0,55% 0,70%

Females aged 75 47.351 254.900 210.100

Males aged 75 34.012 160.200 181.300

Sample answer

The table gives information about the percentages of males and females at the age of 15 and 75 in the
UK during the years 1911, 1961 and 2011.

Overall, there was a decrease in the proportion of people aged 15, whereas the figures for those aged
75 increased throughout the period. In addition, there were significantly more elderly women than men.

Regarding those aged 15, the number of females experienced an overall downward trend, beginning
with 335,730 in 1911 and finishing with 333,700 in 2011. The opposite was seen for males, as the
number of 15 year-olds increased from 334,241 in 1911 to 354,400 in 2011.

For those aged 75, the female population was significantly larger than the male, and there was a similar
trend between the two genders. Starting at 47,351 females and 34,012 males in 1911, the figures for
females surged to a peak of roughly 255,000 and 160,000 for males in 1961. Following this, the number
of females aged 75 decreased to 210,100 people, while that of their male counterparts continued to rise
to 181,300 in 2011.


Topic: Government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to
develop the country.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

It is said that government funding for education should give preference to science-based subjects over
others, in an attempt to help boost a country’s future development and progress. Although an increase
in scientific developments can have many benefits to national progress, this essay disagrees that science
is the primary contributor.

There is no question that the advent of modern science has brought with it a number of improvements
to the way that countries and societies function. For example, increases in electrical and computer
based technologies have led to much more streamlined and efficient workplaces. Computers and
computerized machinery can now do the work of what would have previously been carried out by
humans, allowing greater efficiency and higher productivity output. Another benefit that modern
science has granted is the development of renewable energy. Sources of renewable energy, such as
solar and wind generated power, are beginning to help ease the planet’s reliance on fossil fuels.

That being said, an increase in scientific education and development must not be the main measure of a
country’s progress. It can be seen that the study of many other disciplines of education can also
attribute to a countries progress. Take, for example, the Arts and Humanities. Subjects such as History
and Philosophy have allowed us to gain a better understanding of humanity and can help to gain more
insight into how we can move forward as a race. Other subjects such as the Arts, allow societies and
individuals to express themselves creatively through mediums such as music, film and other art forms. It
can be argued that this can also help to improve the quality of people’s lives and therefore help towards
a countries overall development.

In conclusion, although developments in science have led to many beneficial advantages for most
countries, science alone is not the key contributor to a country’s progress. In my opinion, most countries
would benefit greater from a more well-rounded education, with emphasis on all disciplines, not only
that of science.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Boost a country’s future development and progress: Đẩy mạnh sự phát triển trong tương lại

của một quốc gia

2. The advent of modern science: Sự xuất hiện của khoa học hiện đại

3. Electrical and computer-based technology: Công nghệ điện tử máy tính

4. More streamlined and efficient workplaces: Nơi làm việc hiệu quả và tiết kiệm hơn

5. Greater efficiency and higher productivity output: Hiệu suất công việc tốt hơn và năng suất đầu

ra cao hơn

6. Ease the planet’s reliance on fossil fuels: Giảm dần sự phụ thuộc vào năng lượng hóa thạch

7. The main measure of a country’s progress: Thước đo chính cho sự phát triển của một quốc gia

8. Gain more insight into: Hiểu hơn về điều gì

9. Well-rounded education: Một nền giáo dụng toàn diện



Topic: Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution;
however, others think there are other ways.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Sample answer

While international car-free days are thought to effectively reduce levels of air pollution, some people
believe that there are other alternatives that are more effective. This essay will discuss both of these

It is true that exhaust fumes from cars are a major cause of air pollution as they contain a relatively
high proportion of pollutants such as CO2. By having some days without cars on the road, no harmful
smoke will be released into the atmosphere, and this will therefore improve the air quality. This policy is
extremely effective in big cities around the world, such as Beijing, which is well known for its dirty air
smog filled atmosphere. Since this car-free day policy has been introduced, the air quality of the city has
greatly improved.

On the other hand, local governments should try to further encourage the use of public transport, such
as subways and buses, as they effectively produce a smaller quantity of pollutants, which in turn is less
likely to impact the air quality. In addition to this, the disposal of waste, especially plastic waste which
emits toxic fumes if burned, should be closely regulated and monitored. The final and most effective
way of reducing air pollution is to use sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy sources, such as
solar or wind power, to replace fossil fuels in the long term.

In my view, these measures are all effective in addressing the problem of air pollution, but only to a
certain extent. Such a problem needs to be dealt with by a number of different approaches and I believe
that only implementing one approach will be ineffective.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Exhaust fumes: Khí thải

2. Relatively high proportion of pollutants: Hàm lượng chất gây ô nhiễm cao

3. Encourage the use of public transport: Khuyến khích sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng

4. Plastic waste: Chất thải plastic

5. Emit toxic fumes: Thải ra khí độc

6. Use sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources: Sử dụng những nguồn năng

lượng bền vững và thân thiện với môi trường



The maps below show information about the change of Riverage college 30 years ago and now.

Sample answer

The maps indicate several significant changes in Riverage College over a period of 30 years.

Overall, it is noticeable that the college has been changed substantially, with some new additional
features being added to the site and a number of rooms being converted for different uses.

The only facilities that haven’t been changed on the site in the 30 years are the Sport Hall, the Library,
and the Reception. The terrace located between the library and the Sport Hall still remains in place
though the adjacent flower garden is now a set of steps. The old car park has been removed and trees
planted in its place.

The four office rooms previously located above the Reception have since been replaced with an Art class
room, and the offices combined into one larger space now located above the library, where the
refectory once was. Below the library a café has now replaced what was once the common room, and a
new room has also been constructed underneath the Reception which is now used as a Music room.


Topic: Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international
organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed.

Discuss these views and give your own opinion.

Sample answer

There is a difference in opinions as to what form of international aid is more effective for third world
countries. In my view, support in the form of money shows less practicality than other types of useful
aid and consultancy.

On the one hand, I understand why some people argue that it is best to provide financial assistance to
developing countries. Firstly, financial aid from developed countries enables governments of poorer
nations to implement important infrastructural development, such as healthcare systems, fresh water
and power supplies. This can help to avoid stagnation of development and help a country to foster
economic progress. Secondly, when state income from taxes is inadequate, foreign cash injections are
vital to maintain effective administration systems by paying salaries for government staff members in
all sectors of a nation’s government.

On the other hand, I do agree with those who believe that other forms of assistance should be
given. Sustainable growth does not merely depend upon money, but on how a country is governed and
directed, particularly diplomacy and the resolution of serious issues like poverty, crime, and
unemployment. In this spectrum, less developed countries certainly do not have enough experience,
which emphasizes the need for direction and consultancy from other more experienced governments
and organizations. Furthermore, even if financially supported, third world countries still need experts in
the fields of science, law and medicine in order to help maintain their development in such areas.
However, scientists, lawyers and doctors can only be trained, and professional and systematic
education and training programs are therefore more practical and suitable in the context of developing

In conclusion, owing to the aforementioned arguments, it seems to me that instead of monetarily

assisting poor countries, global help should come in other forms such as advice and education.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Third world countries: Những nước đang hoặc chưa phát triển

2. Consultancy: Sự tư vấn

3. Provide financial assistance: Cung cấp hỗ trợ tài chính

4. Financial aid: Hỗ trợ tài chính

5. Infrastructure development: Sự phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng

6. Avoid stagnation of development: Tránh trì trệ

7. Foster economic growth: Gia tăng phát triển kinh tế

8. Foreign cash injections: Nguồn tiền nước ngoài

9. Maintain effective administration systems: Duy trì hệ thống quản lý hiệu quả

10. Sustainable growth: Phát triển bền vững

11. Diplomacy and the resolution of serious issues: Ngoại giao và việc giải quyết những vấn đề

nghiên trọng

12. Professional and systematic education and training programs: Chương trình giáo dục và đào

tạo chuyên nghiệp và có hệ thống



The graph below gives information about U.S. government spending on research between 1980
and 2008


Expenditure ($ billions)

15 Health

10 Energy
General Science

1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008


Sample answer

The line graph provides information about the U.S government’s expenditure on research in five fields
(Health, Space, Energy, General Science and Other) over the period from 1980 to 2008.

It can be clearly seen that the US government spent the largest amount of money on research into
Health while the least amount of money was spent on researching General Science.

Starting at $10 billion in 1980, the government expenditure on research into Health slightly dropped
over the next four years before continually rising again to a peak of nearly $25 billion in 2004. Despite
declining back down to approximately $18 billion in 2008, expenditure on Health research was by far the
highest. The amount of money spent on researching General Science however was the lowest of all
research categories, beginning at $2.5 billion in 1980 and rising to just over $5 billion by 2008.

Meanwhile, there was also an increase in the money that was spent on research into Energy and Space,
from approximately $5 billion and $6 billion in 1980 to around $7.5 billion and $9 billion in 2008,

respectively. In contrast, the only field that experienced an overall decrease in expenditure was that of
research into other areas, which fell from approximately $7.5 billion in 1980 to about $5 billion by 2008.


Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should
have freedom to do any sports or activity.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Sample answer

Opinions diverge widely on whether dangerous sports should be prohibited due to the potential hazards
to participants. While I understand this argument, my view is that people should have the right to
participate in any sport they choose.

The principal reason in favour of a ban on extreme sports is that such activities are usually accompanied
by a high chance of serious injury or death. A mountain climber, for example, is always in danger of a
fatal fall even with the protection of climbing equipment. Furthermore, some of these sports not only
render the players injured, but also the cheering spectators. Take car racing for example. In Japan in
2004, a Formula 1 race car crashed and debris from the crash flew into the crowd and caused serious
injuries to both the racer and spectators.

However, I believe that people should be free to take part in any sport that they choose, and it would be
wrong to stop climbing enthusiasts from challenging themselves and enjoying the invigorating
experience of standing on top of a mountain peak. If these sports were previously banned, the world
would not have witnessed the amazing feat of the first official ascent of Mount Everest in 1953. In
addition, those who participate in these activities have to undertake rigorous training and experience
for long periods of time to ensure they are in peak physical and mental condition in order to take up
these hazardous sports. Therefore, the concern of the risk element becomes somewhat reduced.

In conclusion, it would be wrong to ban extreme sports, and I think that people should have the right to
take part in any sport they want for the aforementioned arguments.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. A high chance of serious injury or death: Khả năng bị chấn thương hoặc tử vong cao

2. The protection of climbing equipment: Sự bảo vệ của các thiết bị leo núi

3. Climbing enthusiasts: Những người yêu thích leo núi

4. Invigorating experience: Những trải nghiệm tràn đầy năng lượng

5. The amazing feat: Những thành tựu lớn

6. Undertake rigorous training: Trải qua đào tạo kỹ càng



70000 18%

People leaving Ireland

Unemployment rate
40000 10%

30000 8%


0 0%
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

People leaving Ireland Unemployment rate

Sample answer

The chart gives information about the percentage of unemployed Irish citizens and the number of
emigrants leaving the country from 1988 to 2008.

Overall, there was a significant decline in the unemployment rate in Ireland, and in addition to this, the
number of those leaving the country also reduced over the examined period.

Regarding Ireland’s rate of unemployment, after a mild decrease from roughly 17% in 1988 to 13% in
1990, it experienced a slight recovery to about 15% over the following two years. The figure then
plummeted to 4% in 2000, followed by a six-year period of stability. However, the unemployment rate
of Ireland increased to nearly 6% in the final year.

Starting with approximately 60,000 emigrants in 1988, this number fell to about 55,000 in 1990 before
plunging to over 32,000 two years later. The number of Ireland’s emigrants continued to go down to
around 27,000 over the next 12 years, and suddenly surged back up to 50,000 in 2008.


Topic: The best way to solve world's environmental problem is increase the cost of fuel.

Do you agree or disagree and give your own opinion?

Sample answer

It is believed that traffic and pollution issues would be best tackled by inflating the price of petroleum. In
my opinion, this idea is completely flawed and there are several reasonable alternatives.

Clearly the price of fuel has little to do with pressing problems of traffic and pollution. The inevitable
demand for time efficience and safe commuting in the modern world makes the change of fuel prices
become rather insignificant, which proves the ineffectiveness of the suggested policy. In other words,
even if the price were increased, people would still travel by their preferred form of transport on a
daily basis and the problems of traffic and pollution would remain. Additionally, this solution could
easily trigger social disagreement and resentment. This, coupled with the reluctance of using expensive
fuel to travel every day, could be counter-productive and this proposed idea would become irrelevant.

On the other hand, alternatives to increasing the price of petrol show greater effectiveness. Firstly,
governments could implement certain regulations restricting the use of private vehicles such as cars
and turn people to using public transportation. This would relieve many roads from heavy traffic
congestion by reducing the number of vehicles on the road, which in turn alleviates the problem of
pollution caused by exhaust emissions. Secondly, in many cities around the world, cycling has proved to
be an effective, environmentally friendly form of alternative transport and should be encouraged more
in other major cities. Certain infrastructure, such as separate zones for cyclists, should be created to
help avoid the overload of traffic during rush hour when the number of vehicles can exceed the road’s

In conclusion, I believe that heightening the price of fuel used for travelling to address traffic and
pollution problems is somewhat absurd; and that there is a number of other more suitable and effective

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Pressing problems of traffic and pollution: Những vấn đề đáng quan ngại về giao thông và ô


2. Time efficience and safe commuting: Tiết kiệm thời gian và di chuyển an toàn

3. Travel by their preferred form of transport: Đi lại bằng loại hình phương tiện họ muốn

4. Trigger social disagreement and resentment: Rấy lên sự bất đồng từ xã hội

5. Regulations restricting the use of private vehicles: Quy chế giảm thiểu sự sử dụng phương tiện

cá nhân

6. Relieve many roads from heavy traffic congestion: Giảm tải đường phố khỏi ách tắc giao thông

7. Separate zones for cyclists: Khu vực riêng cho lái xe đạp

8. Exceed the road’s capacity: Vượt quá trọng tải của đường



The charts below give information on the ages of people when they got married in one particular
country in 1996 and 2008.

Age when getting married (by age group) 1996


%people getting married


6 Male

16 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44

Age when getting married (by age group) 2008


%people getting married


6 Male

16 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44

Sample answer

The bar charts compare the percentages of males and females, in a particular country, getting married
according to six different age groups (16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44), in 1996 and 2008.

It is clear that the proportion of both men and women getting married under the age of 30 decreased
slightly, while the opposite was true for those aged 30 and older. In addition, 25-29 was the most
popular age range for women to get married, while for men it was 30-34 and 35-39.

In both years, 16-19 year olds were the lowest percentage of people getting married, with women at
less than 0.5% in 1996 and about 1% in 2008. Noticeably, no men in this age group got married. The
figures for those aged 20-24 also reduced over the years from approximately 6% to 3% for women and
just over 2% to just under 2% for men. Meanwhile, the figure for 25-29 year old women remained
unchanged at about 12%, as opposed to a slight drop to 8% in the figure for men.

Regarding older age groups, a considerable rise to 8% and 11% respectively could be seen in the
proportion of 30-34 year old females and males getting married. However, while the number of men
who got married aged 35-39 increased by 4%, to 11% in 2008, only 3% of women in that age group
married in 2008. Finally, the figures for both genders in the 40-45 age group remained relatively
unchanged over the examined period.


The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose,
and can even be damaging.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

It has been argued that a complete restriction on all forms of advertising would be of great value for
society as a whole, due to its apparent lack of usefulness and sometimes harmfulness. In my opinion,
this assumption is highly subjective, and therefore I completely disagree with it.

To begin with, to claim that commercials have no use and are detrimental to consumers is completely ill-
founded. We are living in a world where new products with distinct and revolutionary features to
better our lives and solve everyday problems are being released almost every day. We cannot deny the
fact that such products would remain relatively unknown unless advertising was used to reach
customers on a large scale. As a result of advertising, many businesses will thrive, and in turn, pay taxes
to the government which will help contribute towards a variety of governmental systems, such as
education, healthcare and social security. Such systems help to ensure the well-being of all citizens.

From another perspective, dependency on the advertising industry is inevitable for any nation to
prosper. Once commercials, by law, undergo a prohibitive order, unemployment rates would increase
and the burden would fall on the state. For example, Coca Cola dispenses thousands of employment
opportunities in advertising throughout its branches across different regions around the world. If
adverts are forbidden, an unthinkable number of workers, such as marketers, would either be driven to
other jobs or become unemployed. The government, as a result, have to provide temporary financial
support for those people. In other words, banning all forms of advertising would have many undesirable
implications on society.

In conclusion, it is unreasonable to presume that advertisements are irrelevant and need to be

prohibited for the sake of societies best interests.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. A complete restriction on all forms of advertising: Cấm tất cả các hình thức quảng cáo

2. Its apparent lack of usefulness and sometimes harmfulness: Thiếu sự hữu dụng và đôi khi sự

gây hại

3. Distinct and revolutionary features: Những đặc điểm khác biệt và mang tính cách mạng

4. Businesses will thrive: Doanh nghiệp sẽ phát triển nhanh

5. Contribute towards a variety of governmental systems: Cống hiến vào nhiều hệ thống chính


6. Undergo a prohibitive order: Trải qua lệnh cấm

7. Dispense thousands of employment opportunities: Đem đến hàng ngàn cơ hội việc làm

8. Provide temporary financial support: Cung cấp sự hỗ trợ tài chính tạm thời



The charts show the main methods of transport of people travelling to one university in 2004 and

Summarise the information be selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

2004 2009
3% 4%
33% Bus
16% Walking

* car parking charges in the university 2006

** new bus stop in the university in 2008

Sample answer

The given pie charts compare the percentage of students using five different means of transportation
(Car, Train, Bus, Bicycle, and Walking) to travel to a particular university during 2004 and 2009.

It is noticeable that travelling by train was the least favored form of transportation, while there was a
change, from cars to buses, for the most commonly used form of transport over the five year period.

In 2004, just over half of students traveled to the university by car, with only a third taking a bus. The
remaining students rode a bike, went on foot or took a train, with the figures being 9%, 4%, and 3%

However, with the construction of a new bus stop in 2008 and the introduction of car parking fees in
2006, in 2009 the number of students commuting by car dropped to 28%, and consequently the number
of students travelling by all other methods increased. Those travelling by bus increased to 46%, bicycle
user’s rose to 16%, and both train travelers and walkers increased by 1% and 2% respectively.


Topic: Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies.
To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements?

What measures can be taken to protect them?

Sample answer

These days, due to a highly competitive commercial market, people are exposed to an ever increasing
amount of advertising. I believe that people are highly susceptible to modern day advertising and
marketing techniques, and that certain actions need to be taken to ensure the wellbeing of consumers.

Advertising has become a multibillion dollar industry, and much research has gone into its development
and effectiveness in order to help businesses sell more products and services. And although advertising
can provide many benefits to the consumer, it can also have quite a negative impact on individuals and
society as a whole. One of the negative effects advertising can have is that it can lead people to buy
things that they don’t actually need or even necessarily want. Advertising techniques can make us feel
as though we really need to have something and this can cause people to make impulsive purchases,
which they may not have made if they had made a more thorough decision.

Furthermore, in societies where advertising laws are more relaxed, people are faced with large amounts
of advertising containing many subliminal messages and explicit content. For instance, it is well known in
the advertising industry that sex sells. Creating sexual themes within advertisements can influence
people’s thoughts about not only the product but ideas associated around it. This can have many
negative influences on the minds of people, and in particular children, potentially forming certain
negative beliefs and ideas about such topics.

In conclusion, for these, and many other reasons, I believe that Governments and other organisations
need to monitor how companies are promoting their products and services in order to protect innocent
consumers. This can be achieved through the regulation of the content of advertisements and the
regulation of the space where advertisements occur, such as billboards and posters. Individual
companies also must take responsibility regarding their advertisements to ensure that they do not
contain subliminal or explicit material that might negatively affect consumers.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. A highly competitive commercial market: Thị trường thương mại rất cạnh tranh

2. A multibillion dolar industry: Ngành công nghiệp tỉ đô

3. Have a negative impact on individuals and society as a whole: Có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến các

cá nhân và xã hội nói chung

4. Advertising techniques: Kỹ thuật quảng cáo

5. Make impulsive purchases: Mua hàng mà chưa suy xét kỹ càng

6. Form certain negative beliefs and ideas: Tạo ra những niềm tin tiêu cực nhất định

7. Regulation of the content of advertisements and the regulation of the space where

advertisements occur: Sự kiểm soát nội dung quản cáo và sự kiểm soát những nơi mà có quảng




Topic: Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language.

Do you think this is a positive or negative social development?

Sample answer

At present, there are thousands of languages being spoken in the many regions of the globe. However,
perhaps in the foreseeable future, only one common language will exist as a means of communication.
In my opinion, although this development would help to increase international communications, it
would be highly detrimental to the diversity of our species.

If we all spoke the same language, it would be the bridge to harmony and understanding between
different cultures and countries. It would eliminate the key hurdle that keeps groups of people separate
because we all have a sense of familiarity through language. We could therefore better comprehend
different cultures that used to be somewhat misinterpreted due to a linguistic barrier.

Nevertheless, if there were one common language, a part of a country’s core identity would be
sacrificed. Language not only is the way people living in the same society communicate but
also symbolizes their origins and defining characteristics. Vietnamese people, for example, have been
known for their heroism and patriotism through the words of their anthems, while most people think of
France as a land of romance because French is considered to be the language of love.

Cultural diversity and historical values would also be put at stake as a consequence of this trend.
Dialects in any part of a country carry unique stories and lessons of the past which are closely linked
to religions, beliefs, and lifestyles. And a world that uses only one language would be the ground for the
likely unfortunate disappearance of those precious aspects of life.

In conclusion, although a single global language would help to ease language barriers between nations, I
believe it would be a major threat to human identity, culture and history.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. A means of communication: Phương tiện giao tiếp

2. International communications: Giao tiếp toàn cầu

3. The bridge to harmony and understanding between different cultures and countries: Cầu nối

đến sự hài hòa thấu hiểu giữa những nền văn hóa và quốc gia khác nhau

4. A linguistic barrier: Rào cản ngôn ngữ

5. A country’s core identity: Bản sắc của một quốc gia

6. Symbolize their origin and defining characteristics: Tượng trưng cho nguồn gốc và đức tính

7. Heroism and patriotism: Chủ nghĩa anh hùng và lòng yêu nước

8. Cultural diversity and historical values: Đa dạng văn hóa và giá trị lịch sử

9. Regions, beliefs, and lifestyles: Tín ngưỡng, niềm tin và lối sống



Topic: Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more likely to get
a satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

It is said that those who pursue and continue with a particular career choice early in life are more likely
to experience greater fulfilment in regards to their work than those who tend to switch jobs more
regularly. In my opinion, career satisfaction is not determined by when someone chooses a career path
or for how long someone pursues it. This essay will outline some important factors believed to be

Choosing a career early in life and pursuing it for an extended period of time can have many great
benefits. For example, starting a career early can provide someone with a better financial situation later
in life, and hence greater satisfaction. In addition to this, remaining on a particular career path for a
long period of time may allow someone to advance to the top of their chosen field through promotion,
which may also possibly lead to greater career fulfilment.

On the other hand, those who change jobs or career paths more regularly may also experience many
benefits. For example, some people’s personalities are not suitable for staying in a particular job for long
periods of time, and they may need to change career paths more regularly to stay satisfied. In addition
to this, choosing a career path can be an overwhelming decision for young people without much real
world experience, and therefore exploring a range of different career paths early on may lead them to
eventually finding a career that will be more suitable for them in the long term.

In conclusion, how one person gains satisfaction from their career may be different from another. Some
may gain job satisfaction from how big their salary is, how far they have advanced within a particular
company or field, or how much fame or praise they have earned. Others may be just as content or
satisfied in knowing that their chosen career is beneficial towards serving the needs of others. Either
way, I believe that choosing a career early in life and staying on this career path does not guarantee job
satisfaction later in life.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Experience greater fulfilment: Trải qua cảm giác trọn vẹn lớn hơn

2. Remain on a particular career path for a long period of time: Làm một công việc trong một thời

gian dài

3. Greater career fulfilment: Cảm giác trọn vẹn với công việc lớn hơn

4. An overwhelming decision: Một quyết định nặng nề

5. Explore a range of different career paths: Khám phá nhiều ngành nghề khác nhau

6. Guarantee job satisfaction: Đảm bảo sự thỏa mãn trong công việc



The diagram below shows the recycling process of plastics.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

Sample answer

The given diagram illustrates the process of plastic recycling.

Overall, there are essentially six stages in the plastic recycling process, beginning with the buying, using
and discarding of new plastic products and ending with newly recycled products entering the market

In the first stage, new products displayed in shops are purchased, used and thrown away. Plastic bags,
along with other garbage, are sent and buried in landfill sites. Plastic bottles and containers however,
are collected for recycling. After being gathered, the plastic bottles are then taken to sorting houses
where they are divided into different categories.

Once the plastic has been sorted, it is then loaded onto trucks and transported to factories where it is
processed and made into new plastic products. These new, recycled plastic products are then finally
distributed back to retail shops where they are sold, reused and discarded once again, thereby
continuing the process.


Topic: Some people say that what children watch on TV influences their behaviour while others say
the amount of time children they spend watching Tv influences their behavior.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Sample answer

Some people suggest that it is not how much time children spend watching television that has an impact
on their behaviour, but rather the content of what they watch, while others disagree. Personally, I think
both of these factors can have an impact on a child’s behaviour, especially when the two factors are

Firstly, over the last decade or two, there has been a steady increase in the amount of inappropriate
content that has been allowed to be televised. Television programmes and commercials these days are
full of graphic violence, sex scenes and sexual connotations, amongst other topics that are considered
unsuitable for children’s viewing. Even cartoon programmes these days are full of violence. Young
children are the most affected by this issue due to the fact that they are still learning and developing
ideas about the world. Being exposed to such content can negatively shape their views and personal
relationships, and therefore affect their behaviour.

However, not only does the content of what children watch affect their behaviour but also how much
time they spend watching television. In most modern societies it is very common for young children to
spend hours of their day with their eyes glued to the television screen. Many children watch television
as soon as they wake up in the morning and as soon as they come home from school. Many parents
even consider the television to be like a baby-sitter, something to keep their children occupied.
Unfortunately, this has many detrimental effects on children’s behaviour, the primary reason being
that most children suffer from a severe lack of outdoor activity and exercise, which are vital for a
child’s well-being and development.

In conclusion, I believe that both what children watch and how much time they spend watching
television can impact their behaviour. Governing authorities should consider more stringent regulations
when it comes to television programme content and parents need to be more careful about how much
time their children spend watching television every day to avoid the negative implications that it can
have on their children’s behaviour.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Inappropriate content: Nội dung không phù hợp

2. Televised: Phát trên TV

3. Graphic violence, sex scenes and sexual connotations: Hình ảnh bạo lực và tình dục

4. Unsuitable for children’s viewing: Không phù hợp cho trẻ em

5. Negatively shape their views: Định hình cái nhìn một cách tiêu cực

6. Their eyes glued to the television screen: Dính mắt vào màn hình TV

7. Detrimental effects: Ảnh hưởng xấu

8. The primary reason: Lý do hàng đầu

9. A severe lack of outdoor activitiy and exercise: Thiếu hoạt động ngoài trời

10. Vital for a child’s well-being and development: Cần thiết cho sự phát triển của trẻ

11. More stringent regulations: Quy định nghiêm ngặt hơn

12. Avoid the negative implications: Tránh những hệ quả xấu



The chart below shows the number of films produced five countries in three years.





40 2009




Sample answer

The bar chart provides information about movie production in five different countries (labelled A-E)
from 2007 to 2009.

Overall, country A had the highest number of films produced. It is also notable that while there was a
decline in the figures for country A and D, the opposite was true for those of country B, C and E.

In 2007, around 86 films were made by country A. The figure remained unchanged one year later before
slightly decreasing to exactly 80 films in 2009. Starting at about 15 movies in 2007, the number of films
released by country D fell to just under 10 in 2008 and rose again to 12 in 2009.

However, the opposite trend could be seen in the figures for the other countries. Between 2007 and
2009, the number of movies made by country B witnessed a rise of 20 movies from 50 films to 70 films.
Similarly, despite standing at only under 10 films in 2007, the number of movies made by country C
underwent a gradual increase to 18 movies by 2009. As for country E, the figure only experienced a
minimal rise from around 9 movies in 2007 to 11 in 2009.


Topic: Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so medical service
should not be run by profit-making companies.

Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample answer

These days many people feel that good health and well-being is essential to all people and therefore
healthcare services should not be run by privately owned companies, whose main objective is to make
profit. Personally, while I do agree with this statement, I also believe that private healthcare services do
have many advantages.

Firstly, public hospitals in most countries are usually overcrowded and underfunded which can put a lot
of pressure on doctors, nursing staff and patients to recover quickly so that more people can be treated.
When people choose private healthcare services it can help to reduce the burden on the public system,
and as a result can also help to reduce the amount of money required by the government for funding. In
addition to this, those who choose to pay for private healthcare services will experience many benefits,
such as the quality and speed of treatments, short waiting times for appointments and operations, and
more private and comfortable facilities.

However, while there are a number of benefits to private healthcare, there are also a number of
drawbacks. To begin with, private healthcare insurance is very costly and many people simply cannot
afford it. In addition, private healthcare insurance is usually paid on a monthly basis, whether you use
the system or not, and therefore many people pay thousands of dollars each year for private healthcare
but never need to use the facilities or services. Many people consider this to be a waste of money.
Furthermore, some people also argue that private healthcare services create inequality between citizens
of a nation as only the wealthy can afford the best and quickest treatment available.

In conclusion, I believe that as long as governments do their best to provide a good standard of
healthcare facilities and services for the general public, then private healthcare services can also exist
and provide many advantages that will outweigh the disadvantages.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Overcrowded and underfunded: Quá đông và không được đầu tư đầy đủ

2. Private healthcare services: Dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe tư nhân

3. Reduce the burden on the public system: Giảm thiểu gánh nặng vào hệ thống công

4. Private healthcare insurance: Bảo hiểm sức khỏe tư nhân

5. A waste of money: Phí tiền

6. Afford the best and quickest treatment available: Chi trả việc chữa bệnh tốt và nhanh nhất



The bar chart below shows the percentage of government spending on roads and transport in 4
countries in the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005.

Percentage of government spending on road and transport

(1990 - 2005)


20 1990

15 1995

Italia Portugal UK USA

Sample answer

The given bar chart shows the proportion of government expenditure on road and transport in four
countries (Italy, Portugal, UK, USA) every five years between 1990 and 2005.

Overall, it can be seen that governments in mainland Europe spent far more money on roads and
transport than those in the UK and USA. It is also clear that the UK spent the least amount of money on
roads and transport in all measured years.

In 1990, Portugal spent the most amount of money on roads and transport at approximately 27%,
followed by Italy at about 22%, while the USA and UK both spent only around 10% of their government
budget. In 1995 however, all countries reduced their road and transport spending by between 1-3%.

By 2000 while Portugal continued to reduce its road and transport spending down to around 22%, Italy
had increased its spending to approximately 23%, overtaking Portugal as the leading spender on
transport infrastructure in 2000. The UK and USA had both increased spending in 2000 by about 3%. In
2005, all countries except USA further reduced their spending with Portugal, Italy, UK and the USA at
20%, 19%, 8% and 15% respectively.


Topic: People should look after their health for personal benefits, rather than a duty for a society.

What extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

It has been argued that people today should care for their own personal health purely to enjoy the
personal benefits that are gained from having good health, rather than as a duty to others in their
society. Personally I believe that people should take good care of their health not only to reap the
associated benefits, but also as a way of helping to uplift the lives of the citizens within their own cities
and countries.

Many people claim that the secret to a happy life is through achieving and maintaining good health,
and I also stand by this notion. When someone experiences good physical and mental health they are
able to enjoy their life to the fullest. Good health allows people to pursue their hopes and dreams and
enjoy human relationships with family and friends. Without good mental and physical health, these
ideals are difficult to attain.

In addition to this, today, people are suffering from mental and physical sickness and diseases more so
than ever before. This, in turn, causes a heavy load on a country’s healthcare industry and causes large
financial burdens to the country’s national budget, which comes at the cost of the tax paying citizens. If
people were to look after their health better, it would reduce such financial burdens and the money
could then be spent on other services that would benefit the quality of life for the society as a whole.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that all people should strive to achieve and maintain the highest levels of
health possible not only so that they can be happy and enjoy their own life, but also so that they can
contribute towards a more happy and healthy society around them.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Reap the associated benefits: Có được những lợi ích liên quan

2. Uplift the lives of the citizens within their own cities and countries: Nâng cao chất lượng cuộc

sống của người dân

3. Achieve and maintain good health: Đạt được và duy trì sức khỏe tốt

4. Experience good physical and mental health: Có sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần tốt

5. Cause a heavy load on a country’s healthcare industry: Tạo ra gánh nặng lên ngành y tế của

một quốc gia

6. Benefit the quality of life for the society as a whole: Có lợi cho chất lượng cuộc sống của xã hội



The diagram below shows the process of recycling glass bottles.

Sample answer

The diagram illustrates how glass bottles are recycled.

Overall, it is clear that there are three separate stages involved in the recycling process, starting with the
collection of wasted bottles and ending with new products entering the market to be purchased.

In the initial stage, all glass bottles are stored in collection points from where they are picked up and
delivered by trucks to a cleaning plant. Here, the bottles are washed with high pressure water, and then
sorted according to color (clear, green or brown) and prepared for the following stages.

The clean and sorted bottles are then transferred to a recycling plant, where they are melted in a special
glass furnace to turn the glass into liquid form. The recycled liquid glass, along with new liquid glass, is
then molded to form new glass bottles. Finally, the new bottles are ready to be used and sent to
supermarkets where they will be purchased and used by customers, thereby completing the process.


Topic: Some people think a job not only provides income but also social life. Others think it is better to
develop social life with people you do not work with.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample answer

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the impact of their occupation on their
personal life, and whether to establish friendships at work or outside of work is still a controversial
issue. My view is that work can be an ideal breeding ground for social relationships.

Firstly, it is obvious that social connections at work can be fostered when there are shared interests
between colleagues. To be more specific, most workers are motivated by money, and therefore, they
share the same goal. This shows that through work, staff can bond together over a shared interest.
Based on that, they can build up a mutual understanding of one another and gradually enhance their

Moreover, long hours in the workplace can result in improved bonding between workers. For example,
many Japanese office workers spend up to 8 to 10 hours per day at their company together. During that
time, they are successfully able to cultivate friendship which helps to improve not only their mood and
outlook at work but also their performance.

This is not to say that socialising outside of work is not beneficial. Of course, when making friends from
different walks of life outside of the workplace, people can gain a greater perspective and thus become
a more well-rounded individual. However, building relationships after working hours seems somewhat
impossible since the time available is limited. In my opinion, friendship at work is easier to maintain
compared with outside acquaintances.

To conclude, the workplace can definitely bring many great social opportunities. The public therefore
should start to consider companies and corporations more than just places to make a living.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Establish friendship: Gây dựng tình bạn

2. An ideal breeding ground for social relationships: Môi trường lý tưởng cho những mối quan hệ

xã hội

3. Bond together over a shared interest: Gắn kết với nhau qua một mối quan tâm chung

4. A mutual understanding: Sự thấu hiểu lẫn nhau

5. Improve not only their mood and outlook at work but also their performance: Cải thiện không

chỉ tâm trạng và cái nhìn mà còn sự thể hiện trong công việc

6. Gain a greater perspective and thus become a more well-rounded person: Có được quan điểm

lớn hơn và vì vậy trở thành người hoàn thiện hơn



The table below gives information about population in Australia and Malaysia in 1980 and 2002

Australia Malaysia
1980 2002 1980 2002
Total population (millions) 14.7 19.6 13.7 24.3
Male population (%) 49.9 49.9 50.3 50.6
Female population (%) 50.1 50.1 49.7 49.4
Birth rate (%) 1.5 1.3 3.2 2.2
Average annual population growth (%) 1.2 1.3 2.4 2.1
Population aged over 65 (%) 9.6 12.4 3.7 4.3

Sample answer

The given table compares a range of demographic data from Australia and Malaysia in 1980 and 2002.

In general, Malaysia had a relatively younger population than Australia, and a remarkably faster
population growth.

Looking at the table in more detail, it can be seen that the gender ratios in both countries were almost
perfectly balanced. There were slightly more women in Australia and slightly more men in Malaysia in
both years. Also, the difference in population between the two countries in 1980 was minimal, at only
about 1 million. However, the difference was around 5 million in 2002, as the population of Malaysia
almost doubled.

The two countries also differed widely in relation to the birth rate. The birth rate in Malaysia was almost
twice as high as that of Australia (3.2% and 2.2% compared to 1.5% and 1.3%). As a result, average
annual population growth in Malaysia was also higher. Another notable feature is that while the
percentages of people aged over 65 in Malaysia were approximately 4% in both years, the figures for
Australia were much higher, at 9.6% and 12.4% in 1980 and 2002, respectively.


Topic: Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like.

Is it good for children?

What are the consequences when they grow up?

Sample answer

Parental approaches to raising children surely play a key role in a child’s development. Many parents
often over-indulge their children, and I feel that this method would significantly hinder their individual
growth and later adult life.

It is human nature to love their offspring, however over-indulgence is a poor choice of rearing. Children
need to learn through reward and punishment, which means that they should be punished for what they
do wrong and rewarded when they achieve something. Punishments like withdrawal of privileges or
even those of physical nature could sometimes be needed to educate children. However, if they are
allowed to do whatever they want, they will not understand the difference between right and wrong and
become ignorant, thoughtless individuals.

Providing youngsters with whatever they desire would teach them nothing but to have no regard for
what they already have. For example, they will pester their parents to buy them a new toy if they are
bored with the one they have. This is extremely dangerous because it could be the basis of their
character when they grow up.

When there is no limit to the indulgence parents show towards their kids, these children will become
needy and dependent, and therefore are unable to live on their own. In some cultures like Vietnam,
parents pick up their kids from school even during high school, buy their clothes and cook for them at
home. Children do not have to do anything, which is mainly why many of them cannot stay away from
their parents and live independently even when they are in their twenties.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that indulgence should be limited. Otherwise, it may poorly shape
children’s personalities and restrict their ability to lead an independent life later on.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Play a key role in a child’s development: Đóng vai trò thiết yếu cho sự phát triển của trẻ

2. Over-indulgence is a poor choice of rearing: Quá nuông chiều là một cách nuôi nấng tồi tệ

3. Withdrawal of privileges: Rút lại quyền lợi

4. Pester their parents to buy them a new toy: Nài nỉ bố mẹ mua một món đồ chơi mới

5. The basis of their character: Nền tảng của tính cách

6. There is no limit to the indulgence parents show towards their kids: Không có giới hạn cho sự

nuông chiều bố mẹ hành cho con cái



The percentage of female members of parliament in

European countries (2000 - 2012)
30 Germany

25 Italy

20 France

15 UK

10 Belgium

2000 2004 2008 2012

Sample answer

The line chart illustrates the proportion of female parliament members in Germany, Italy, France, the UK
and Belgium from 2000 to 2012.

In general, all countries experienced an upward trend over the period, with Italy being the country with
the highest percentage of female parliament members in 2012.

The percentages of female members of parliament in Germany and Italy were always higher than those
of the other three countries however they also experienced a similar trend. While the figure for Italy
rose from 27% to just under 40%, that of Germany increased by only 4%, to be at about 37%, during the
examined period. Starting at 25% in 2000, the proportion of female parliament members in France
increased at a similar rate to Germany, to end up at approximately 32% in 2012.

In 2000, only around 3% of parliament members in the UK were female, however this figure rose quite
substantially to about 20% in 2008 and continued to peak at roughly 23% in 2012. The percentage of
female parliament members in Belgium also stood at 23% in 2012, however this figure only showed a
small change from its figure of around 17% in 200.


Topic: As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people
think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should cover the costs.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Sample answer

Opinions diverge widely on who should be responsible for road maintenance costs due to the
proliferation of private cars recently. While some people argue that those who use cars should shoulder
the responsibility for the improvement of road systems, I believe that such costs should be the liability
of the government.

The principal reason why car commuters should take the responsibility for these costs stems from their
overuse of roads. Compared to other means of transport like a motorcycle, a car obviously not only
occupies much more road space, but also wears the roads more due to its larger size and weight. It was
estimated in Thailand in 2015 that the number of private cars made up nearly 85% of total vehicles
commuting on the roads to and from work. As a result, the need for the expansion and enhancement of
roads is mainly to facilitate a more comfortable journey for car users. Therefore, it is reasonable to
assign the costs to car owners to pay for the maintenance and enhancement of the infrastructure.

However, I believe that the expenditure for road infrastructure projects should be incurred by the
government for the following reasons. Firstly, the main role of governments is to improve the citizens’
standard of living, and an efficient transportation system is just one of the residents’ basic needs. In
fact, the efficiency in road transport is the backbone of a country’s economy, and therefore it would be
wrong if governments did not give this top priority. Secondly, as in many countries, car buyers are
charged an exorbitant amount of tax in order to own and drive a car on roads, and therefore it is unfair
to solely lay the responsibility for road upgrade works on them. For example, people in Vietnam have
to pay almost twice as much to own a car than in other countries since taxes and fees account for 40-
50% of car prices. Therefore, it is better to use these taxes for road infrastructure investment, rather
than forcing citizens to pay for it.

In conclusion, although the argument in favor of road infrastructure costs belonging to car owners might
be convincing to some extent, I think that the government should be the one to take the full
responsibility for this.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Road maintenance costs: Chi phí bảo trì đường

2. Shoulder the responsibility for the improvement of road systems: Gánh trách nhiệm cải thiện

hệ thống đường xá

3. Facilitate a more comfortable journey for car users: Tạo điều kiện cho người sử dụng xe có

những chuyến đi thoải mái

4. The maintenance and enhancement of the infrastructure: Sự bảo trì và cải tiến của cơ sở hạ

tầng này

5. An efficient transport system: Hệ thống giao thông hiệu quả

6. Give this priority: Ưu tiên điều này hơn

7. Lay the responsibility for road upgrade works on them: Đặt trách nhiệm cải thiện đường xá lên

người sử dụng xe hơi

8. Road infrastructure investment: Đầu tư vào cơ sở đường xá



The pie charts below show the main reasons why students chose to study at a particular UK University
in 1987 and 2007.

1987 2007
Quality of resources

19% 17% Suitable degree
21% 8%
Close to parental

15% 22%
Quality of teaching

10% 35% 37%

Good sports and
social activities

Sample answer

The given pie charts illustrate information regarding the factors that affected student’s decision to study
at a particular British university, between 1987 and 2007.

In general, while having suitable degree courses remained the most important issue when it came to
college preference, the distance from their parent’s home became a significant factor over the period

In 1987, the proportion of students choosing a university for having suitable degree courses experienced
slight growth from 35% to 37% over the next two decades. The figure for quality of resources, which was
the second most common reason in the first year, however, dropped mildly by 4% to 17%. Similarly,
students tended to care less about the sport and recreational activities that were provided, with a
considerable drop from 19% to 6%, which became the least popular reason for choosing a university in

Regarding other factors, the number of students who preferred to choose a university that was near to
their parents’ houses doubled from 10% to 20% over the period. In contrast, the number of students

who were concerned with the quality of professors almost halved, dropping from 15% to 8% during the
examined period.


Topic: Some people say that it is possible for a county to be both economically successful and have a
clean environment. Others disagree.

Discuss both view and give your opinion.

Sample answer

The strength of any nation does not come without costs, one of which is upon the local environment
whose resources fuel each and every sector of the economy. And yet many people believe that a strong
economy and a clean environment can co-exist. I do not entirely deny this belief; however, I find myself
more convinced of the fact that we cannot have them both.

For years, scientists have developed ways to replace traditional sources of exploitation in many fields,
like electricity and fuel. The use of alternative renewable energy from sunlight, wind and geothermal
heat, have been applied in many areas, which helps to keep the environment away from harm. In
addition, many environmental activists say that it is certainly within our reach to minimize the damage
caused by industrial activities and protect Mother Earth. Many have even succeeded in convincing
governments to take action in such regard.

Nevertheless, we should not forget that there are things that make it impossible to relieve our
dependency on natural resources. For example, the automobile, mining and steel industry, are without
doubt taking a heavy toll on the environment on account of carbon emissions and chemical waste. But
those prove to be indispensable and irreplaceable to the progress of many economies. Furthermore,
tremendous damage has already been done, and many people fear that the environment’s state of
cleanliness cannot be restored. Take Beijing as an example. Air quality there is the worst in the world,
with thick layers of smog covering the atmosphere.

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that no matter how hard we try to preserve the environment, while
we continue to exploit its natural resources for the sake of the economy, we will never have both of
them at the same time.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. A strong economy and a clean environment can co-exist: Một nền kinh tế hùng mạnh và một

môi trường sạch có thể cùng tồn tại

2. Traditional sources of exploitation: Các nguồn khai thác truyền thống

3. The use of alternative renewable energy: Sự sử dụng năng lượng bền vững thay thế

4. Minimize the damage caused by industrial activities: Giảm thiểu tổn hại gây nên bởi hoạt động

công nghiệp

5. Relieve our dependency on natural resources: Giảm nhẹ sự phụ thuộc của con người vào tài

nguyên thiên nhiên

6. Take a heavy toll on the environment: Gây nên những tổn thất nặng nề lên môi trường

7. Carbon emissions and chemical waste: Khí thải Carbon và chất thải hóa học










1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Landline service Internet service Mobile broadband

Cellular phone service Fixed broadband

Sample answer

The line graph gives data about the number of users of five different communication services worldwide
from 1998 to 2008.

Overall, all services experienced some growth over the 10 year period, with cell phone and Internet
services experiencing the most growth and becoming the most popular forms of communication.

In 1998, the figures for cell phone and Internet users started at around 5% of the population. They both
increased over the remaining years, with cell phone service gaining the highest position in 2008, with
more than 60% percent of the population using this type of service. This number was approximately
three times as much as that of Internet service in the same year.

Meanwhile, throughout the 10-year period, little change was seen in the use of landline services, at
about 15% of the population. Also, the use of mobile and fixed broadband services was minimal before
2002. The figures for these two services rose slightly to roughly 5% of the population by the last year.


Topic: Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism
could be developed in the future.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Sample answer

Years ago, humans sent spacecraft to explore the universe and satellites into orbit around our planet,
and life on Earth has become better and better since then. Such technology facilitates global
communication, predicts weather conditions and, most importantly, brings a whole new view of the
potential of our technology and engineering. With this solid foundation, sending tourists into space is
within our grasp, and many believe a new tourism industry could be developed in the years to come.
Our climate will be affected, but I think it is an acceptable price to bring wealth and inspiration for
future generations.

Space tourism could have major consequences for the earth’s climate. The emissions from rockets are
enough to increase the temperature in areas around the launch site, and some scientists have
discovered that this also causes temperatures at the north and south poles to increase, leading to global
warming and rising sea levels.

Space tourism however, could easily become a multibillion-dollar industry that will bring great wealth to
any economy that is involved. In the past, only selected astronauts were able to fly into space, but
recently other people, particularly wealthy business figures, have become curious and aspire to have
such an experience. Once orbital flights are arranged on a regular basis and made available for people, a
great deal of money will be paid to travel into space.

Furthermore, space tourism will inspire new generations of engineers, which comes with a promise of
new technological innovations. Travelling into space was once an unreal concept until Neil Armstrong
set foot on the surface of the moon. It motivated millions of young engineers and scientists to reach a
new height in space technology, such as satellites and orbital space stations around the earth. If space
tourism were developed in the future, more and more technological breakthroughs would be expected
to come into being.

In conclusion, I think the benefits from space tourism are much more significant than the harmful
impact it may have on our climate.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Facilitate global communication: Tạo điều kiện cho giao tiếp toàn cầu

2. Predict weather conditions: Dự báo thời tiết

3. Bring wealth and inspiration for future generations: Đem đến sự giàu có và cảm hứng cho các

thế hệ tương lai

4. Have major consequences for the earth’s climate: Có hậu quả lớn đến khí hậu trái đất

5. Wealthy business figures: Những nhân vật giàu có trong giới kinh doanh

6. Technological innovations: Những đổi mới công nghệ

7. Technological breakthroughs: Những đột phá công nghệ



The chart shows information about the actual and expected figures of population in three cities,
Jakarta, Sao Paulo, and Shanghai.

Population size (1990 - 2000)



Sao Paulo

0 5 10 15 20 25
In millions

1990 2000 in prediction 2000 actual figures

Sample answer

The given bar chart illustrates the population of Jakarta, Shanghai and Sao Paulo in 1990, as well as the
estimated and actual figures of the populations in 2000.

Overall, the population figures were highest for Sao Paulo, while Jakarta had the lowest number of
inhabitants. Also, there were significant differences in the predicted and actual figures for 2000 in all

Starting at around 17 million people in 1990, the population of Sao Paulo, the most populous area of the
three examined cities, was expected to rise by about 4 million over the next decade. Likewise, forecasts
estimated that the figure for Jakarta would also experience an increase of 2 million to reach 11 million in
2000, while that of Shanghai would decrease slightly to 11 million people.

The actual figures, however, implied a considerable growth in the populations of all cities. To be specific,
Sao Paulo’s population reached nearly 25 million after ten years, while there were about 3 million more

residents in Jakarta. At the same time, Shanghai’s figure which was projected to decrease slightly turned
out to soar to 15 million in 2000.


Topic: Scientists predict in the near future cars will be driven by computers, not people.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Sample answer

Travelling has been greatly facilitated by a number of technological advances in recent years, and
ultimately, cars will be operated completely by computers in years to come. In my view, this can have
both positive and negative consequences on society.

One of the main disadvantages of autonomous cars is that it will have an undesirable influence on
employment rates of commercial drivers. There is little doubt that these people will be forced out of
work when autonomous cars become the favored preference. This also leads to a more pressing
concern about the associated consequences when unemployment rates proliferate, one of which is the
increasing social burden placed upon the government. Considering the unprecedentedly fast
development of car technology in recent years, such a scenario is likely to occur in the foreseeable

However, we should consider these disadvantages as inevitable factors that accompany a handful of
more significant benefits. For one, autonomous vehicles can accurately navigate their way with less
chance of making errors in judgment like human drivers do, hence, increasing the safety of passengers.
It is true that the majority of traffic accidents come from situations where speed or alcohol is involved,
which would not be the case if cars are operated by computers. Furthermore, such technology will
inspire a new generation of mechanics and engineers, in turn, leading to more inventions that will make
human life easier and more comfortable.

In conclusion, the predicted appearance of driverless cars will severely impact employment in the
transportation industry and result in large social burdens upon the government. Nevertheless, I do think
that those negative consequences are the prices we can accept in order to enhance road safety and
nurture a new era or engineering.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Autonomous cars: Xe tự lái

2. Have an undesirable influence on employment rates of commercial drivers: Có ảnh hưởng

không mong muốn lên tỷ lệ việc làm của lái xe thương mại

3. The increasing social burden placed upon the government: Gánh nặng xã càng càng ngày càng

tăng đặt lên chính phủ

4. Navigate their way with less chance of making errors in judgment: Điều hướng đường đi với ít

lỗi trong việc phán đoán đường đi



The maps below show the changes in the art gallery ground floor in 2005 and present day.

Sample answer

The maps illustrate the differences in the layout of an art gallery in 2005 and now.

Overall, the art gallery has been improved with the installation of a number of services and facilities,
with some areas of the gallery converted for other purposes.

As can be seen from the map, the cafe in the rear-left corner of the gallery has been replaced by a
gallery shop. The space for the gallery shop is smaller than the space of the old café, which allowed for a
new lift to be constructed next to the stairwell. Meanwhile, the gallery office next to the café has been
removed and made way for the installation of a new vending machine. Furthermore, the reception desk
has been moved to the center of the entrance hall, and a wheelchair access ramp added to the main

Regarding the exhibition areas, the space for exhibition room 4 has now been divided into two new
areas; one for temporary exhibitions and the other for children. However, no changes have occurred to
Exhibition rooms 1-3.


Topic: Everyone should stay at school until 18.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

Some people think that all children should stay at school until the age of eighteen. Although staying at
school until adulthood can produce a number benefits, I personally disagree with this idea for a number
of reasons, which will be outlined in this essay.

On the one hand, the idea that children should continue to study at school until the age of eighteen
does have a number of benefits. Firstly, most young people under the age of eighteen have very little
real-world experience and have very little idea of what career they will pursue, and therefore staying at
school until the age of eighteen will allow them further opportunity to develop their education and time
to decide upon a suitable career path. Furthermore, forcing children to stay at school until the age of
eighteen will create a more educated future generation of people which may help to reduce some
social and unemployment problems.

On the other hand, there are also a number of drawbacks that this idea may bring with it. For instance,
many children these days do not fit-in with the current education system and forcing them to
participate in school can cause many problems. For example, these kinds of students are usually very
disruptive in a classroom and this affects other students who are trying to learn. In addition to this,
many children choose to follow careers that do not require them to continue studying in school past the
age of sixteen. For example, for those who wish to pursue a career that requires more practical based
learning, such as a qualified builder, electrician or machinery operator, it is quite unnecessary to remain
at school until the age of eighteen.

In conclusion, although there would be a number of positive effects from children remaining at school
until a later age, I personally feel that the drawbacks outweigh the benefits mentioned above.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Have very little real-world experience: Có rất ít kinh nghiệm thực tế

2. Create a more educated future generation of people: tạo một thế hệ được giáo dục tốt hơn

trong tương lai

3. Fit-in: Hoà nhập

4. Disruptive: hay gây rắc rối

5. A career that requires more practical based learning: 1 nghề nghiệp đòi nhiều hơn về việc học

từ thực tế



The table below shows the number of cars made in Argentina, Australia and Thailand from 2003 to

2003 2005 2009

Argentina 235,088 352,759 466,089
Australia 452,163 341,268 245,624
Thailand 735,852 1,162,356 999,963

Sample answer

The table provides information about car production in three different countries over a period of 6
years, starting from 2003.

It is clear that Thailand produced the largest number of cars over the period shown. Also, while the
number of cars manufactured in Thailand and Argentina increased, the opposite was true for Australia.

In 2003, 735,852 cars were produced in Thailand, significantly more than in the Australia, with just over
450,000 cars. The figure for Argentina, however, was only about a third of the figure for Thailand and
half that of Australia, at 235,088.

Over the following six years, Thailand still remained first rank in car manufacturing among the three
countries. Their car production soared to 1,162,356 cars in 2005 before dropping back down to
approximately one million 2009. Likewise, the number of cars manufactured in Argentina increased
throughout the period to 466,089 cars, which made them become the second biggest manufacturer of
cars in the last year. The figure for Australia, however, experienced a downward trend over the period,
decreasing to just under 250,ooo cars by the end of the period.


Topic: The animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in sea.

What are the reasons and solutions?

Sample answer

Human society develops with a heavy cost on the animal world. A vast number of different species are
being pushed to the verge of extinction. Rapid industrialization along with rampant illegal hunting are
the driving forces behind such a tragedy; and ordinary people should join with governments in an effort
to protect wild, endangered animals.

By releasing massive quantities of pollutants, many heavy industries such as steel and mining are
inflicting tremendous damage on animals’ natural habitats. Forests which are home to wild animals are
being cut down to make way for factories and fuel their operation. Furthermore, exploiting oil from
oceans possibly leads to the unfortunate disappearance of many kinds of aquatic creatures. Many
incidents where large schools of fish are killed have happened in consequence of being exposed to
chemicals and chemical waste from oil and gas mining rigs located out at sea.

In addition, a lot of animals are being poached due to an increased demand for products made from
their body parts. In the wild, rhinos are illegally slaughtered for their horns which are sold at high prices.
Although laws and regulations are implemented in an attempt to protect particular endangered species,
it does not seem to be effective enough.

There are, in fact, several ways to help protect wild animals. First of all, the expansion of heavy
industries should be stopped by law to keep the natural environment for these animals untouched.
Individuals should be well-informed that their unnecessary needs are a large cause of animal suffering,
and hence, should refrain from using products made from animal skin or horn. Last but not least,
poachers should be strictly punished and more conservation areas should be constructed in order to
shelter endangered animals.

In conclusion, humans are threatening the survival of many animal species when they expand their
factories and hunt out of greed. It is imperative to put appropriate protection measures, as I have
discussed, into place.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Driving forces behind such a tragedy: nguyên nhân tác động đằng sau thảm kịch này

2. Inflicting tremendous damage on animal’s natural habitats: gây thiệt hại to lớn lên môi trường

tự nhiên của động vật

3. Unfortunate disappearance of many aquatic creatures: sự biến mất không may của rất nhiều

loài sinh vật biển

4. Poach: săn trộm

5. Keep the natural environment for these animals untouched: giữ gìn môi trường cho các loài

động vật

6. Refrain from: kiềm lại



The table below gives information on visitor statistics for 1996, 1998 and 2000 for various World
Heritage sites in Australia

Site 1996 1998 2000

Great Barrier Reef 1,670,000 2,950,000 3,200,000
Central Eastern
810,000 790,000 770,000
Rainforest Reserve
Blue Mountains 526,000 565,000 581,000
Tasmania Wilderness 450,000 475,000 483,000
Shark Bay 84,000 102,000 89,000
Macquarie Island 350 310 330

Sample answer

The table illustrates the number of people visiting six World Heritage sites in Australia between 1996
and 2000.

It is clear that the total number of visitors to those places showed an upward trend. Also, the Great
Barrier Reef was the most attractive tourist destination over the period shown.

In 1996, 1,670,000 tourists paid a visit to the Great Barrier Reef, double the figure for the Central
Eastern Rainforest Reserve. Over the next two years, there was a dramatic increase of almost twice as
many visitors to Great Barrier Reef, followed by another slight increase of about 200,000 people in 2000.
In contrast, the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve saw about 20,000 less visitors every two years.

Among the remaining destinations with much fewer travelers compared to the two first ones, the Blue
Mountains and the Tasmanian Wilderness were more popular, with approximately 500,000 visitors in
1996. The figures then increased to approximately 600,000 and 500,000 after 4 years. In comparison,
84,000 travelers chose to visit Shark Bay in 1996, exponentially higher than the figure for Macquarie
Island with only 350 visitors. While the former experienced a rise to 89,000, the latter dropped slightly
to only 330 by the end of the period.


Topic: Some people are born to be leaders, while others believe leadership can be learnt.

Discuss both views and give opinion

Sample answer

Some people think that great leaders are born and not made. Others, however, feel that leadership skills
are developed over time through training, experience and mentoring. In my opinion, good leadership
is a combination of both natural abilities and persistent practice.

Those who feel that leadership is a characteristic that some people are born with might argue that good
leaders possess optimism and energy that will encourage others to work together effectively. In fact,
some studies have shown that these characteristics are genetic, as are certain individual talents that
one may be blessed with at birth. Furthermore, people such as Barack Obama, have a certain
charisma that allows them to inspire passion and energy in others, and this particular trait is also
believed to be innate.

Nevertheless, many people consider that leadership is a skill that can be learnt. There are other
elements that make someone a great leader, such as discipline and resourcefulness, which can definitely
be developed through one’s childhood up-bringing. Furthermore, the credibility of a true leader is built
on his self-confidence and mastery of his area of expertise which only emerge after a great deal of time
and experience. Without these qualities, a leader’s capability may be questioned, and as a result, people
are unlikely to heed the leader’s direction.

Personally, I think the skills and attributes of a good leader are both genetic and enhanced through
training, experience and a lot of persistent hard work. There are many people born without natural
leadership skills that can still become good leaders in the future.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Genetic: di truyền

2. Have a certain charisma that allows them to inspire passion and energy into others: có một

sức hút nhất định mà cho phép họ truyền cảm hứng và năng lượng cho mọi người

3. Innate: sbẩm sinh

4. The credibility of a true leader is built on his self-confidence and mastery of his areas of

expertise: sự đáng tin cậy của một nhà lãnh đạo thực sự được xây dựng từ sự tự tin và sự tinh

thông về lĩnh vực chuyên môn

5. Heed the leader’s diredtion : đi theo đường lối của người lãnh đạo



The table and chart below provide a breakdown of the total expenditure and the average amount of
money spent by students per week while studying abroad in 4 countries.

Expenditure of studying abroad

Country US ($)
A 875
B 735
C 540
D 435

450 430

358 350
350 320
300 280 275
240 250 235 225
250 220

accomodation tutition living cost

Sample answer

The table and bar chart illustrate the total spending and the average expenditure per week for
accommodation, tuition and living costs of students studying abroad in four countries.

Overall, it is clear that the cost of studying in country A is the highest. Also, international students in all
countries, except for country D, have to pay the largest amount of money each week for living costs,
while they spend the least on accommodation.

Studying abroad in country A costs $875, which is $140 and $335 more than studying in country B and C
respectively. International students in country D, however, need to pay a significantly lower amount of
money ($435) than those studying in the other three countries.

Overseas students in country A spend an average of $430 per week on living expenses, while those in
country B spend only $350. In contrast, the weekly cost of accommodation in country B is $60 higher
than that of country A, at $280. The figures for tuition fees in both countries are over $300 a week.
Regarding the other two countries, the expenditures for the three categories are all below $300, with
the smallest figure being seen in accommodation in country D, at only $200 per week.


Topic: In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the history of one's own family.

Why do people want to do this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

Sample answer

People nowadays are becoming increasingly keen to learn about their family history. There are some
compelling reasons for this; and I strongly feel that this is a positive development.

Most people do research on their family history to find out whether their ancestors had similar
personality traits and to have deeper understanding about their family roots and heritage. Others
study their family history background for less significant reasons, one of which is curiosity. For example,
my uncle used to spend a great deal of time and effort tracing my family tree back to the 18th century
just out of curiosity. Also, I think that news media have a major part to play in this trend. There are a lot
of news articles and advertisements these days that encourage genealogy and convince people that it is
necessary to know about their ancestry.

In my view, this is a good way to teach children about history and how their ancestors lived, which is
linked in part to family traditions. And it is even more important for children to carry on such valuable
and unique traditions, given that this fast changing world is somehow making young generations
ignore the spiritual legacy that their ancestors left. On top of that, family history can be a fascinating
topic of discussion whenever there is a family meeting. How my grandparents struggled to raise their
offspring during the Vietnam War, for example, has become my father’s favorite subject when all my
relatives gather for a traditional holiday feast.

In conclusion, people like to study their family history for a variety of reasons as I have discussed, and
personally, I consider this a positive modern trend.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Have a deeper understanding about their family roots and heritage: hiểu sâu hơn về nguồn gốc

và truyền thống gia đình

2. Tracing my family tree: tra cứu cây gia phả

3. Geneolagy: bảng phả hệ

4. Ignore the spiritual legacy that their ancestors left: bỏ quên di sản tâm linh mà tổ tiên để lại



The graph and chart below give information about the number of new graduates and their
employment in the UK from 1992 to 2002.

The number of new graduates in the UK

1992 1997 2002

Employment status in the UK

Professional Managerial & Clerical & Sales Other
Administrative Secretarical

1992 1997 2002

Sample answer

The given graphs show a breakdown of the number of fresh graduates and their employment status in
the UK from 1992 to 2002.

Overall, the number of new graduates appears to have increased over the given period. It is also clear
from the bar graph that the majority of UK students opted to follow professional careers upon
graduating from university.

In 1992, there were roughly 165,000 British students graduating from university. This figure rose
markedly to a peak of about 195,000 in 1997, before dropping thereafter to about 180,000 students in

As far as their employment status was concerned, careers in clerical and secretarial fields saw a marginal
rise from 9% in 1992 to nearly 20% in 2002. An opposite trend is seen in jobs related to management
and administration, with the figures standing at 20% in 1992 and dropping by 1% 10 years later.
Similarly, the figure for professional careers also showed a downward trend, although much steeper,
from a peak of nearly 60% to its low of around 44%.


Topic: Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on
public transport systems.

To what extend do you agree?

Sample answer

It is argued that money should be spent on developing roads and motorways rather than on public
transport systems. Personally I think both road and public transport systems have vital roles to play in
modern society, and therefore should be equally invested in.

On the one hand, better road quality increases the level of safety and reduces traffic congestion. In
many cities and provinces in Vietnam for example, the number of road accidents is ever-increasing due
to the condition of the road’s surface. This is clear evidence that the government should spend money
improving the quality of road systems in order to ensure the safety of people. Additionally, building
wider roads and more motorways in big cities like Ho Chi Minh, where traffic congestion is still a major
problem, will help to increase the space for a larger number of vehicles, hence reducing pressure on the
city’s main roads as well as congestion.

On the other hand, better public transport systems are beneficial for the environment and people who
do not have a private vehicle. In fact, some modes of public transport like subways produce less
pollutants than cars and other private vehicles. Therefore, spending money providing people
with access to public transport will improve air quality and reduce pollution. Furthermore, for those
who do not have a private vehicle, such as a motorbike or car, buses and subways are a great choice if
they have to commute daily.

In conclusion, for the reasons above, I believe money would be well-spent on not only roads but also
public transport systems.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Ensure the safety of people: Đảm bảo sự an toàn của người dân

2. Pressure on the city’s main roads: Áp lực lên các cung đường chính của thành phố

3. Providing people with access to public transport: cung cấp cho người dân quyền tiếp cận

phương tiện công cộng

4. Commute daily: di chuyển đi làm hàng ngày

5. Well-spent: được chi tiêu hợp lí



The maps below compare 2 floor plans of one trade conference held in 2009 and 2010.

Sample answer

The given maps depict the differences in the layout of a trade conference during two different years,
2009 and 2010.

Overall, the most striking difference in the layout is that the concert hall and meeting room were both
replaced with a new exhibition area. Additionally, while there was a display area in 2009, it was
removed the following year.

To begin with, the concert hall and meeting room, located in the western part of the conference center
were cleared to make room for a large exhibition area. Another notable detail is that the display area
close to those two rooms was removed. Previously in 2009, there had been a registration area situated
between the main entrance and the side door, however this was moved next to the balcony and
replaced with a refreshment area in 2010.

The south-eastern part of the conference hall also witnessed a significant change in the layout.
Specifically, the balcony in the south-east corner was equipped with a lounge area. Beside the balcony, a
new concert hall, with stage and seating, replaced the exhibition area that had been built the year


Topic: The responsibility for the protection of the environment is by a transnational organization or
every country?

Sample answer

Some people argue that protecting the environment should be the duty of each individual nation, while
others believe that it should be the responsibility of a multinational organisation. Personally, I believe
that although each country needs to be responsible for the protection of its own natural landscapes,
there should also be an international governing body that monitors each country’s actions.

First and foremost, the protection of the environment should ultimately be the responsibility of each
individual nation and its inhabitants. A healthy and flourishing natural environment is essential for
healthy human societies. The people who live in a country are the ones who will mainly be affected by
environmental destruction and damage within that country, and it is therefore these people who should
be most concerned. When a country pollutes its atmosphere and water-ways with toxic emissions
from heavy industry, the burning of fossil fuels and incorrect waste disposal, the people of that nation
must breathe that contaminated air and utilise that polluted water, and this can have detrimental
effects on people’s physical health and well-being.

However, unfortunately, many countries governments are riddled with corruption and the best
interests of the people are not always maintained. Therefore, it is necessary for an international
organisation to monitor and educate people about the activities occurring within each country with
regards to environmental issues. Many people around the world simply do not realise the short and
long-term impacts that their actions have on the environment, and I believe that education is one
effective answer to help solve this problem. Another cause of concern is that the actions of one
country’s environmental destruction can have negative impacts on nearby neighbouring countries, and
this is where an international organisation can help to monitor such circumstances.

In conclusion, although environmental protection needs to be the responsibility of each individual

nation, there should also be one transnational organisation that educates and monitors environmental
concerns. There are many countries, yet only one planet, and therefore there needs to be cooperation
in order for a healthy and sustainable future.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Multinational/ international governing body/ transnational organisation: tổ chức đa quốc gia/

quốc tế

2. Pollutes its atmosphere and water ways with toxic emissions: ô nhiễm bầu không khí và đường

dẫn nước với chất thải độc hại

3. Riddle with corruption: đắm chìm trong ô nhiễm

4. Short and long-term impacts: ảnh hưởng ngắn và dài hạn



The tables give information about the average hours work by part-time and full-time men and women
in three countries in Europe in 2002 and compare them with the European countries.

Average number of hours for full-workers in 2002

Country Women Men

Greece 39.9 42.5

Netherlands 38.0 38.0

UK 37 37.5

European average 39.2 40.4

Average number of hours for part-workers in 2002

Country Women Men

Greece 29.3 30

Netherlands 29.2 28.3

UK 28 29

European average 34 32

Sample answer

The provided tables illustrate the breakdown of the average time men and women in three European
nations worked in full time and part time positions, in the year 2002.

Overall, males worked more than their counterparts in both types of jobs. Apart from this, Greek people
spent more time working than those from the other countries.

As for the average working hours of full-timers, Greece topped the list with nearly 40 hours for females
and 42.5 hours for males. This was followed by the Netherlands with 38 hours for both genders.
Meanwhile, 37 hours was the total amount of time women in the UK allocated to their work, slightly
lower than that of men with 37.5 hours. In general, in this category, male workers in Europe worked
more than female individuals.

Regarding the figures for part-time workers, it is noticeable that those from Greece still held the highest
position in the list with 29.3 hours for women and 30 hours for men. Similarly, UK males also had more
part-time hours, at 29, compared to 28 hours for females. Conversely, a reverse trend can be seen in the
numbers of men and women in Netherlands, with 28.3 hours for the former and 29.2 hours for the


Topic: Writing, reading and maths are the three recognized traditional subjects. Computer skill should
also be the fourth largest branch.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

With the use of computers in almost every aspect of life, many people argue that computer skills are
becoming an important subject at school besides the holy trinity of writing, reading and math.
Personally, I agree with this opinion for a number of reasons.

To begin with, including computer skills as a compulsory subject at school can help students be better
prepared for their future career. In this era of technology, it goes without saying that computer literacy
is an indispensable requirement that almost every recruiter seeks in a resume. Therefore, in order to
gain and secure a decent job in the future, students definitely should have a good grasp of computers
skills such as Microsoft Office or internet and social media skills.

In addition, teaching computer skills at school means providing students with a versatile tool to be able
to have access to an almost unlimited source of knowledge and information. Students with computer
skills can get access to a large amount of online materials and also take advantage of distance learning,
which facilitates self-study. For example, my 12-year-old sister can now study English pronunciation on
Youtube channels at home by herself thanks to information searching skills she was taught at primary

Finally, regarding entertainment and social life, being armed with just some basic computer skills,
students can also join social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to keep in contact with their
relatives who live far away or widen their circle of online friends. They can also approach a wide range
of music websites or online games to help relax after studying.

In conclusion, for the above mentioned reasons, I completely believe that computer skills should be
recognized as one of the more significant subjects besides the conventional ones like math, reading and

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Holy trinity: bộ ba thần thánh

2. Computer literacy is an indispensable requirement that almost every recruiter seeks in a

resume : thông thạo máy tính là một điều kiện không thể thiếu mà mỗi nhà tuyển dụng tìm

trong hồ sơ xin việc.

3. Have a good grasp of computer skills: sự thành thạo về kĩ năng máy tính

4. Have an access to an almost unlimited source of knowledge and information: có sự tiếp cận tới

một nguồn kiến thức và thông tin gần như vô hạn

5. Widen their circle of online friends: mở rộng các mối quan hệ bạn bè trên mạng



Percentage of students by family

economic background in 1991

30% low income
middle income
high income

Total number of students at university in UK






1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001

Government spending on each student (pound)






1991 1996 2001

Sample answer

The charts illustrate the number of undergraduates in the UK, government spending on each student
from 1991 to 2001, and compare the percentages of students from different family economic
backgrounds in 1991.

Overall, in 1991 the majority of undergraduates came from middle-income families. Also, in contrast to
the increased number of university students, government spending became less and less toward the
end of the period.

The proportion of university students whose family financial background fell into the middle-income
category was just over 60%, approximately twice as much as that of students from high-income families.
Meanwhile, only 8% of UK undergraduates were from families with low income in 1991.

There was a moderate rise in the number of undergraduates from over one million in 1991 to more than
two million in 1999. This figure then slightly declined to precisely 2000000 two years later.

Despite the overall increase in student numbers, government budgets allocated to support those
students fell substantially from 6500 pounds to around 4700 pounds, a decrease of 1200 pounds in only
5 years. After that, the figure experienced almost no change until the end of the period.


Topic: In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy.

Some people think that the government should have the responsibility.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

Childhood obesity has become a typical sign of deteriorating public health the world over, especially in
Western countries, where massive amounts of unhealthy food is consumed on a daily basis. In this
regard, some people believe governments should do whatever is needed to improve this situation.
However, we should not single out governments as the only ones responsible for combating the
childhood obesity crisis.

The role of a competent and responsible government is to ensure the well-being of its people. That is to
say, if there is any serious threat to the people, as childhood obesity is, the government should be the
one to acknowledge the threat, and implement effective solutions. However, apart from encouraging
regular exercise and healthy eating habits, I do not feel that the government has any further role to play.

The duty to combat childhood obesity should not fall on governments alone, as parents are, for good
reason, a greater source of influence on their children’s life. It can be seen that obese children are
often malnourished because they do not receive appropriate nutrition from their food, a truth that
reveals parents’ poor choice of diet for their kids. This fact also suggests that parents can have a direct
impact on improving their children’s health by choosing healthy eating patterns that contain less sugar
and fat. On the other hand, obesity is also caused by lack of physical activity. This can be exemplified
by the sedentary lifestyle favored by a large number of youth nowadays. Parents are the only ones who
can either encourage, or force, their children to do more physical tasks or exercise.

In conclusion, the government should of course do what they can to curb the obesity epidemic, no
matter how small their impacts might be. However, I feel that the parents of obese children are to
blame, and thus need to take responsibility for their kids’ unhealthy condition.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Childhood obesity: béo phì ở tuổi nhỏ

2. Ensure the well-being of people: đảm bảo sức khoẻ của người dân

3. A great source of influence on their children’s life: một nguồn ảnh hưởng lớn đến cuộc sống

của trẻ

4. Healthy eating patterns that contain less fat and sugar: chế độ ăn uống khoẻ mạnh chứa ít

đường và chất béo

5. Sedentary lifestyle: lối sống thụ động không thể dục thể thao

6. Curb the obesity epidemic: kiềm chế vấn nạn béo phí



Sample answer

The diagrams illustrate how the layout of a school library changed over a period of five years.

Overall, significant changes have been made in terms of the library’s interior design, especially on the
western side of the library.

A recording studio has been constructed to replace the classroom area. While the meeting room
remains in the same place after five years, the space for the borrowing and returning desk has been
separated into 2 different rooms.

In the center of the library, more private studying tables have been set up for students to study.
Additionally, there were two areas for book shelves in the north and south of the library five years ago;
however, the one in the south as well as the desk for computers on the eastern side of the room has
been converted into desks for student’s laptops. Next to this it can be seen that the library office has
been removed to make way for a new conference room.


Topic: Anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and personal calls at any time or 7 days a

Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both individuals and society?

Sample answer

Technology has come such a long way nowadays that people can make use of their mobile phone to
answer work or personal calls at any time. Although there are some negative consequences of this
development on individuals and society, I believe that they are outweighed by the positive effects.

On the individual aspect, the fact that no work calls are missed could greatly enhance one’s work
efficiency. As we are living in the era of globalisation, the international cooperation between companies
is common and necessary. Being able to make calls and discuss with business partners regardless of time
zones is a great advantage. On a larger scale, this can also contribute to the development of the
economy, thus an increase in the living standard. Furthermore, people can benefit from the fact that
their beloved ones are available for a call at any time. One could seek help from their friends and family
whenever they need, which is especially beneficial in case of emergency. And as the flow of information
between people is constant, society will be connected and move forward.

However, the drawbacks of this development should not be overlooked. Being able to answer calls all
the time means people have less privacy, even in their own home. It also means that workers have to
handle a larger amount of workload and have less quality time for their family. However, the work-life
balance could still be maintained by just a simple act of switching off one’s mobile phone whenever they
leave the office or do not want to be bothered.

In conclusion, despite a few drawbacks, the use of mobile phones for work and personal calls brings
about more benefits to individuals and society.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Enhance work efficiency: gia tăng năng suất lao động

2. Era of globalization: thời đại hội nhập hoá

3. Case of emergency: trường hợp khẩn cấp

4. Work-life balance: sự cân bằng giữa công việc – cuộc sống



The diagram below shows the development of a particular area between 1965 and the present day.

Sample answer

The two maps describe an area before and after some developments from 1965 to now.

As can be seen from the plans, the most notable change taking place in the area is the construction of a

road bridge, which replaces the ferry.

On the northern side of the road bridge, the forest on the left riverside has been cleared to make way

for a large new car park. There is also a small car park which was built on the other side of the river and

this car park can be accessed from the main road via a small path. Many houses and apartments were

constructed around the car park.

To the south of the bridge, more houses were also built along the main road. Apart from these buildings,

there are several changes which are expected to take place by 2018. These developments include a foot

bridge which runs parallel to the main road, a yatch marina and a small car park.


Topic: Students leave high school without learning the way how to manage their money.

What are the reasons and solutions of this issue?

Sample answer

There is a common problem among high school graduates these days where students are leaving school
without any knowledge or skill in personal money management. This essay will outline a number of
reasons for this trend and a number of possible solutions to help tackle the issue.

Firstly, one of the main causes of this problem is that the majority of high school students live with their
parents and are completely financially dependent upon them. Most students do not need to work to
earn money while at high school, as their parents pay for all their needs, and therefore do not gain any
understanding about the realities of earning and saving money. Usually, the only money that students
receive is from their parents and this is typically in the form of pocket-money, which is given with the
intent of it being spent. Therefore, young people only really learn how to spend money, and not how to
earn, save or manage it wisely.

However, there are a number of viable solutions to help students deal with this problem. Firstly, basic
money management skills could be included as a compulsory subject for students in their high school
years, which would help equip them with the knowledge and skills to manage their own personal
finances when they leave school, move out of home and enter employment. The second possible step
that could be taken to help curb this problem is through education at home. Parents need to take
responsibility to make sure that their children are adequately educated in such matters to ensure their
children maintain a successful and independent financial situation after graduating and leaving home.

In conclusion, although money management is a problem for a lot of school leavers, there are a number
of viable solutions to counteract this problem.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Personal money management skills: kĩ năng quản lí tiền bạc cá nhân

2. Financially dependent upon parents: phụ thuộc tài chính vào bố mẹ

3. Pocket-money: tiền tiêu vặt

4. Equip them with the knowledge and skills to manage their own personal finances: trang bị cho

họ kiến thức và kĩ năng để quản lí tài chính cá nhân

5. Enter employment: bắt đầu xin việc



Topic: As life expectancy is increasing, people work after retirement with pay. Alternatively, some
people start to work at a young age.

Are these positive or negative impacts?

Sample answer

Over the past few decades, people have become used to the idea that they will have to devote a larger
proportion of their life to working, and some of them even continue to work after the legal age of
retirement. The fact is that as human life expectancy increases, only a small number of jobs will ensure
that people are able to enjoy a comfortable retirement, and therefore, many people are choosing to
enter the workforce much earlier than before. In my opinion, this is a negative development.

I agree that starting to work at a young age is advantageous for young people, but they should only
consider this as a way of gaining experience. Having a job while studying with the aim of saving money
to enjoy retirement is both unrealistic and counter-productive. For one, most part-time jobs students
can do, like bartending or tutoring, only offer quite low salaries, certainly not enough to contribute to
their retirement. Also, many high paying jobs, such as lawyers or doctors, require a qualification that can
take up to 6 years to acquire, and therefore are not possible for young people to do at a young age.

On the other hand, people nowadays are still fit to continue working well into their sixties or even
seventies. I believe working keeps people not only mentally but also physically healthy, which is
extremely important for the elderly. For example, my grandfather admits that he felt so bored and
unhealthy after retirement that he had to set up a workshop near his house and has been working there
ever since. This example also suggests that people should not consider working at a younger age as a
way to save money for retirement.

In conclusion, I understand there are reasons for young people to start their working lives earlier than
the generations of their parents or grandparents. However, working after the retirement age is a way to
enjoy a longer life expectancy, and therefore there is no obligation to have a job and save money from
an earlier age.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Devote a large proportion of their life to working: cống hiến phần lớn cuộc đời để làm việc

2. Enjoy a comfortable retirement: tận hưởng việc nghỉ hưu thật thoải mái

3. Counter-productive: phản tác dụng

4. Mentally but also physically healthy: khoẻ mạnh cả về tinh thần và thể chất



The tables below show results of a survey of urban residents’ opinions related to various aspects of
life in 1980 and 2010.


Good Neither good or bad Bad

Education 82 17 6
Shops 75 11 14
Environment 72 20 8
Healthcare 64 24 12
Transport system 54 31 14
Accommodation 56 34 10


Good Neither good or bad Bad

Education 76 13 11
Shops 81 9 10
Environment 64 16 20
Healthcare 83 10 7
Transport system 67 22 11
Accommodation 65 17 18

Sample answer

The tables compare the data of how residents in an urban area assessed six different aspects relating to
their life in the years 1980 and 2010.

Overall, most people had good opinions about all the given categories. Apart from that, education and
healthcare were the most highly-ranked, while shops, transport, environment and accommodation
received the highest amount of negative feedback.

In 1980, 82% of respondents said that education was good, while 75% and 72% of people rated the
shops and environment as also being good. Meanwhile, only 54% and 56% of surveyed individuals said
they were satisfied with the transport system and accommodation. They were, however, the two
aspects having the greatest number of neutral opinions, 31% for the former and 34% for the latter.
Regarding negative feedback, 14% of residents both thought the shops and transport system were bad,
which was double the number for negative feedback about education, at a mere 6%.

Over the span of three decades, the data for all aspects considerably changed. In particularly, the
opinions of healthcare services and shops were increased, to 83% and 81%, in turn holding the top
ranks. Conversely, opinions regarding the environment and accommodation decreased, with the
quantity of negative opinions climbing to 20% and 18% respectively, much higher than that of
healthcare with at only 7%. Lastly, neutral opinions related to all aspects dropped significantly over the
30 year period.


The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with parental skills.

To what extent you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

It is true that more and more young people are getting involved in crime, and the best way to address
this critical issue is an ongoing debate. There are many ways to prevent youth crime, one of which is
better parenting skills; however, those ways need to be carried out simultaneously if they are to be

On the one hand, parents are the closest people to their children and are the most likely to be able to
have an impact on their children’s behavior. In fact, the large majority of youth crime nowadays is the
result of inappropriate parenting, and a lack of childcare and crime education. Therefore, it is totally
reasonable to say that improving parenting skills will cause a decrease in juvenile offences.

However, education at home alone is not enough since there are a lot of kids who are not willing to
listen to their parents. In this day and age, children spend the largest amount of time at school, and
therefore are more likely to be influenced by their teachers or friends. For example, in my home country
of Vietnam, many high school students are susceptible to negative peer pressure. This usually leads to
the increasing use of alcohol or drugs, all of which are primary contributors to crime at this age. These
facts suggest that we should introduce education in the school curriculum about the consequences one
may face when committing an offence, as well as help children manage negative peer pressure.

In conclusion, enhancing skills to educate children at home is a good way to curb juvenile
delinquencies; however, I think there is no single best way to achieve this as different measures need to
be taken at the same time.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Result of inappropriate parenting and a lack of childcare and crime education: kết quả của việc

làm cha mẹ không đúng cách và thiếu sự chăm sóc cũng như giáo dục về tội phạm

2. Juvenile offences: phạm tội ở tuổi thành niên

3. Susceptible to negative peer pressure: dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi áp lực tiêu cực từ bạn bè

4. Curb juvenile delinquencies: kiềm hãm sự phạm tội ở tuổi vị thành niên



Topic: More and more people in the city live in homes with small spaces or no outdoor areas.

Do you think it is a negative or positive development?

Sample answer

With the growing population of cities, more city dwellers are having to live in cramped houses with no
outdoor spaces. In my opinion, this trend brings about both positive and negative aspects, however, I
believe its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, there is no denying the fact that when living in a tiny home without big windows and
sufficient green space nearby, residents will be prone to some negative feelings. This is due to the fact
that residents do not have any space for recreational activities, such as watering flowers or playing with
their pets, after dealing with a heavy workload or stressful day. They therefore may feel exasperated
within their apartments, and this can lead to a number of mental health problems such as depression.

However, although living in tiny houses possesses some downsides, the potential benefits are also
numerous. The initial advantage is that living in a small house prevents frivolous spending on items that
are only used to fill a space rather than to fulfil a function, helping people to be more disciplined with
money. Along with buying less stuff because they have no room for it, they will also avoid wasting time
on maintaining all that stuff. Small houses, moreover, encourage family bonding, creating an
environment where family members can get organized and make the home a happy place. In
comparison to larger accommodation, where there are separate rooms for each member, small homes
offer a common living space for the whole family, which will provide more opportunities for the family
to talk and share stories and feelings.

In conclusion, although small houses can be possibly detrimental to the occupant’s feelings, I still believe
that living in limited space seems to be more beneficial to city dwellers when it comes to good financial
management and family bonding.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Be prone to negative feelings: dễ có những cảm xúc tiêu cực

2. Recreational activities: hoạt động giải trí

3. Family bonding: sự gắn bố gia đình

4. Offer a common living space for the whole family: tạo ra không gian sinh hoạt chung cho cả gia




Australia's trade with China Australia's trade with Japan

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
2002 2005 2008 2002 2005 2008

Australia's trade with the US



40 Export

2002 2005 2008

Sample answer

The line graphs show data on Australian trades with three other countries, namely China, Japan and the

The initial impression from the graphs is that Australia appeared to earn the highest revenue from
exports to Japan. Additionally, Australian-American import-export values remained relatively static over
the given period.

Regarding trades between Australia and China, exports underwent a gradual decrease from
approximately 43% in 2002 to 40% in 2008. The figure for imports from China stood at about 30% and
showed an upward trend to a high of around 43%, despite having an unexpected dip of about 3% in

Australia’s exports to Japan, after remaining stable for the first three years, soared to its peak of over
AU$60 million in 2005, after which this figure halved to about AU$30 million in 2008. Meanwhile,
imports from Japan remained consistent at a value of approximately AU$37 million throughout the

Trades between Australia and the US appeared to be the most stable, with both import and export
values stabilized at around 23% and 40% respectively.


Topic: There have been many inventions in the human history, such as the wheel. Some people think
the most important thing is the internet.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Sample answer

It is true that throughout history, humans have come up with various invaluable inventions. Nowadays,
there is an opinion that among all the things that have been devised, the internet is the most significant.
Although the benefits of the internet in modern life are undeniable, I believe that its importance is still
outweighed by two other inventions, namely, electricity and computers.

To begin with, it is obvious that the appearance of the internet has brought about numerous advantages
to people’s lives. Firstly, thanks to this advanced technology, many people now have access to many
useful sources of information that are necessary for their work or study. To be more specific, nowadays,
information about various fields and aspects of life is shared freely online and available to everyone with
an internet connection. People can therefore easily search for anything that they want within a very
short amount of time. Secondly, the emergence of online-based communication tools has
revolutionised the way people communicate. By using social networking websites and applications,
people can keep in touch with their friends or relatives despite large geographical distances, eliminating
the need for old-fashioned and time-consuming tools, such as letters.

However, from my perspective, despite the mentioned merits of the internet, the role of the two
following inventions is still more significant. First of all, since first being put into use in the early 19 th
century, electricity has totally changed the lives of people around the world. This form of energy has set
the platform for many other electrical-based inventions, including a number of technological devices
and the internet, as well as become an indispensable part of the modern world. In addition, for the
internet to be as commonly used as it is now, the prevalence of computers should also be taken into
consideration. Since the first model was created, computers have played a vital role in modern society
as a tool for sending, storing, and receiving data for various purposes and even laid the foundation for
the appearance of the internet. Without this device, the internet might not have even been invented in
the first place.

In conclusion, although the benefits of the internet are obvious, I do consider that electricity and
computers are still more valuable in the world nowadays.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. The emergence of online-based communication tools: sự xuất hiện của các phương tiện giao

tiếp online

2. Eliminating the need for old-fashioned and time-consuming tools , such as letters: loại bỏ sự

cần thiết của những công cụ lỗ thời và tốn thời gian như là thư

3. Set the platform for many other electrical-based inventions/ lay the foundation for the

appearance of the Internet: đặt nền móng cho…



The pie charts indicate changes in the proportions of energy produced in a country from 1983 to 2003.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.


11% 4% Hydropower
23% Nuclear power
20% Natural gas


4% Hydropower
38% Nuclear power
24% Natural gas

Sample answer

The given pie charts depict data regarding the percentage of energy generated from five different
sources (Hydropower, Oil, Nuclear power, Coal, Natural Gas) in a particular country between 1983 and

In general, it is clear that oil was the most popular source of energy in both years despite a slight
decrease. In addition, this country also relied more on using nuclear power and natural gas by 2003.

To begin with, in 1983, oil and coal were used to produce 42% and 23% of the total energy, respectively.
Over the next 20 years, the proportion of energy produced from oil saw a slight decline by 4%, while
energy from coal also reduced by 10%.

In contrast, there was a reverse pattern in both figures for nuclear power and natural gas, which
increased by 4% and 10% respectively to collectively surpass the percentage of energy generated from
coal. On the other hand, hydropower was responsible for only 4% of energy produced in both years.


Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is positive
development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

Sample answer

Nowadays, due to globalization, international business and cultural communication have become more
prevalent on a global scale. Although some people believe that it has a negative impact on a countries
identity, in my opinion, business and cultural exchanges between countries surely has more positive
effects than drawbacks.

On the one hand, those who are worried about international trade and cultural exchange argue that this
trend is detrimental to the culture and tradition of many countries in a number of ways. To be more
specific, international trade has not been entirely beneficial for many developing and third world
countries. The reason being that, the inflow of foreign capital only for export purposes causes the
neglect of production in the domestic sector. Thus, despite large foreign investments, peoples’ lives in
these countries have been minimally enhanced. With regard to cultural exchanges, this can lead to the
possibility of losing traditions and customs in local communities. This is simply because a large number
of individuals in these communities adapt quickly to foreign cultures in the attempts to conform to
ideals not of their own, which can have devastating effects. A typical example of this in the 20 th century
is when parts of Cherokee Indian culture and heritage in the USA were lost due to the eagerness of
adapting to the culture of the European settlers.

On the other hand, I do believe that the positive outcomes of cross-cultural activities and international
trade are immense. Firstly, thanks to the rapid advancement of modern technology, internet users have
access to intellectual property, such as films and music, of other countries. The international trade and
business opportunities have helped global citizens to purchase and sell products at a competitive price,
which allows them to have far more options nowadays than in the past. In addition, borrowing from
other cultures can be a positive exchange, as it is conducive to gain a mutual respect and understanding
for new cultures. Providing that international students have opportunities to learn about other cultures,
they are more likely to not only build personal relationships, but also learn about these cultures from a
local perspective, from which they can greatly benefit.

In conclusion, I believe that protecting culture and tradition depends on each country, and these would
not be harmed from business and cultural exchanges with other nations.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Inflow of foreign capital only for export purposes: dòng tiền ngoại tệ chỉ cho mục đích xuất


2. Neglect of production in the domestic sector: sự bỏ bê sản xuất trong nước

3. Eagerness of adapting to the culture: sự háo hức thích nghi với nền văn hoá

4. Cross-culture activities: các hoạt động đa văn hoá

5. Intellectual property: sở hữu trí tuệ



The percentage of 3 types of crimes: car theft, house burglary & street robbery in England & Wales
from 1970 to 2015




Car theft
House burglary
0.6 Street robbery


1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Sample answer

The given line chart depicts information about the percentages of three separate types of crime (car
theft, house burglary and street robbery) were committed in two countries during the years between
1970 and 20oo.

Overall, the most striking feature of the graph is that the percentage of car thefts witnessed the most
dramatic change and was always higher than that of the other two crime categories during the surveyed

In more detail, in 1970, the proportion of car theft accounted for exactly 0.4%, slightly higher than that
of house burglary, at approximately 0.3%. Car theft rates witnessed a significant rise of 0.4% in the next
five years before soaring to a peak of 1.4% in 1985, which was also the highest figure for all crimes and
years in the chart. Meanwhile, the figures for house burglaries increased gradually to just under 0.4% in
the initial ten years before climbing to precisely 0.6% in 1990. There was a remarkable fall to 0.8% and
0.4% in the data for car theft and house burglary, respectively.

Figures for street robbery however, remained practically unchanged over the years, fluctuating slightly,
between approximately 0.1% to 0.18%.


Topic: Student learn far more with their teachers than other sources (the Internet or television).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

Some people say that students learn much more from their teachers than they do from other sources of
education, such as the internet or television. Personally, I believe that although people now have access
to huge amounts of information via the internet and television, teachers do play a crucial role in a
student’s learning.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that people now have access to a seemingly unlimited amount of
information via the internet. This now makes it possible for some people to completely educate
themselves in almost any area of knowledge without leaving the comfort of their own home. With the
use of such websites like Youtube, Kahn Academy, Alison, and other educational sites, people can learn
and study from a huge range of subjects and topics. In addition to this, the increase in television
channels in the past couple of decades has also provided people with further potential sources of

However, although there is a wealth of information at people’s fingertips these days, finding and sifting
through the large amounts of material, to find accurate, reliable sources can also present a problem,
and this is where teachers can be of great benefit. Part of a teacher’s job is to have good knowledge of
the subject they are teaching, and this can ensure that students learn from accurate and reliable
knowledge. Another benefit that teachers bring is guidance. Teachers are trained to guide students
through their learning, by knowing different student’s needs and abilities and the most effective
methods of teaching them, thereby enhancing the productivity of their learning.

In conclusion, although there are vast amounts of information that can easily be accessed by all people, I
believe that teachers do play a vital role in the learning process of students.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Educate themselves in almost any area of learning: tự giáo dục bản thân trong mọi lĩnh vực

2. Wealth of information at people’s fingertips: một biển trời kiến thức trong tầm tay loài người

3. Ensure that students learn from accurate and reliable knowledge: chắc chắn rằng học sinh học

nhữg kiến thức chính xác và đáng tin cậy

4. Enhance the productivity: tăng cường hiệu suất

5. Learning process of students: quá trình học tập của học sinh



The charts below show the proportion of people’s total spending in a particular European
country was spent on different commodities and services in 1958 and in 2008.

Sales in 1958 Sales in 2008

17% Housing
13% Food
18% 32% 12%
Luxury goods

Sample answer
The pie charts detail the proportion of people’s total expenditure on six different goods and services
(housing, clothing, entertainment, food, travel/transport, and luxury goods), in a European country, in
1958 and 2008.

It is clear from the charts that spending in all aspects, except clothing, changed quite substantially over
the fifty year period.

In 1958, people spent the largest portion of their spending on food, at 32%. The two other categories
that took up the majority of people’s money were housing, at 22%, and clothing at 18%. Entertainment,
travel/transport and luxury goods only comprised around a quarter of all spending at 18%, 8% and &%

50 years later spending changed quite significantly with housing now becoming the biggest expense and
taking up almost one third of total spending, at 32%. The expenditure on clothing, transport/travel and
luxury goods all increased and all took up around 16-17% of the total spending. The expenditure on food
dropped significantly to 12%, while entertainment costs were only half of that.


Topic: The aging population is good for business, the economy and society. Others disagree.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample answer

People in the modern world are experiencing a longer life expectancy, which raises questions as to
whether this is advantageous or disadvantageous to society. This essay will discuss both sides of the

On the one hand, an ageing population increases the government’s pension costs and competition for
jobs. An increase in the proportion of the elderly in the population puts greater pressure on the pension
system as it will be harder to finance their retirement. This results in the growing burden on the
Government and, therefore, taxpayers. Even more problematic is when the legal retirement age is
extended, young people will find it more challenging to seek employment. Due to this lack of young
labor, less innovation and change will take place, making organizations less dynamic and hardly able to
stay competitive.

On the other hand, the main advantage of people living longer is that there will be more volunteers in
social work. The elderly in many countries contribute free labor to community and government
projects after retirement because they are usually financially comfortable and find pleasure in giving
back to their communities and countries. Furthermore, the elderly can uphold morals and values in a
community. They can help pass on traditions and ways of life to younger generations, which is
particularly advantageous in countries like Vietnam, where cultural values are becoming less and less
significant to young people.

In my view, it is true that there are several problems associated with an ageing population; however,
those problems only do a little damage to the development of society. I personally think when people
live longer, society as a whole will be able to reap greater benefits.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Put greater pressure on the pension system: tạo áp lực lớn hơn lên hệ thống lương hưu

2. Seek employment : tìm kiếm việc làm

3. Contribute free labor to community and government projects: đóng góp lực lượng lao động

miễn phí cho cộng đồng và các dự án của chính phủ

4. Uphold morals and values in a community: gìn giữ các giá trị và đạo đức trong cộng đồng

5. Reap greater benefits: gặt hái những lợi ích lớn hơn



Waste disposal in one European country (2005 - 2008)

average amount - million tonnes

2005 2006 2007 2008

Landfill Burning Dumping at sea

Sample answer
The bar chart details the amount of waste that was disposed via landfill, burning and dumping at sea, in
a particular European country between 2005 and 2008.

Overall, it can be seen that while landfills initially were the main method of waste disposal and burning
the least used method, the trend slowly reversed over the four-year period.

In 2005, disposing of waste via landfill was significantly the most preferred method of disposal with
1800 million tonnes of trash being buried. The amount of trash dumped at sea was only a third of this, at
600 million tonnes, while the amount of trash that was burnt was around 500 million tonnes. In 2006
the amount of waste buried in landfills had reduced substantially by 600 million tonnes, to 1200,
however the amount of waste that was burnt or disposed of at sea only increased by 50-100 million

In 2007, the waste the was buried and dumped at sea both dropped to about 900 and 600 million
tonnes respectively, while the amount of trash burnt rose to around 700 million tonnes. By 2008,
burning of waste was the preferred method of disposal, at 900 million tonnes, with landfill waste down
to only 600 million tonnes, a third of the figure from four years earlier, and only approximately 550
million tonnes of waste dumped at sea.


Topic: It is difficult for people in the cities to get enough physical exercise.

What are the causes and solutions?

Sample answer

In recent years, maintaining physical fitness and overall well-being has become one of the top priorities
for people. One of the most effective method is exercising, yet many city dwellers find it challenging to
exercise frequently. This essay will analyze some of the reasons as well as propose some feasible
solutions to this concern.

On the one hand, a lack of physical exercise is caused by several factors. First, a large proportion of the
city population devote all their time to working and such a commitment reduces the amount of spare
time and energy for exercising. In addition, the sedentary lifestyle that many young people nowadays
prefer is another contributor to this issue. Since most teenagers and young adults are used to spending
most of their time sitting in front of the TV screens or surfing social networking sites, physically
exhausting activities seem unnecessary and unappealing.

On the other hand, there are numerous measures that the government could do to improve the
situation. To begin with, a new law that shortens the average working hours should be introduced. If
workers are allowed to leave work early, they will be able to spend time pursuing healthy activities and
habits. Secondly, more financial resources should be allocated to educating city residents, especially the
young generations, about the paramount importance of physical exercise. An online propagation
campaign about the potential health risks of sedentary behaviors on popular websites such as
Facebook and Twitter, for example, will serve as a warning for people who do not exercise enough and
in turns, encourage a healthier lifestyle.

To sum up, citizens of many big cities, although fully aware of the vital role of physical exercise, still
confront many difficulties in making it a habit, and two main solutions including reducing working hours
and raising people’s awareness can help tackle this problem.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Maintain physical fitness: Giữ sức khỏe thể chất

2. City dwellers: Người sống ở thành phố

3. The sedentary lifestyle: Lối sống ít vấn động

4. Physically exhausting activities: Những hoạt động tốn thể lực

5. Pursuing healthy activities and habits: Theo đuổi những hoạt động và thói quen tốt cho sức


6. An online propagation campaign: Chiến dịch truyền thông online

7. The potential health risks of sedentary behaviors: Những rủi ro sức khỏe của những hành vi

lười biếng



Topic: People in many countries are spending less time with their family.

What are the reasons, and effects of this?

Sample answer

In many parts of the world nowadays, family members are spending less time together. My essay will
outline a number of reasons for this trend and a number of its associated effects.

One of the main reasons is that adults are too occupied with their work and social relationships. In
countries like Japan where people spend the major proportion of their life working, many adults tend to
stay at work until late evening and hardly have enough time to have dinner or to watch TV with other
family members. Meanwhile, young children in this day and age are under great pressure from study;
and children typically in Asian countries usually spend 10 hours a day and 6 days a week at school, not to
mention extra classes in the evening. The amount of everyday homework those children have to do is
also excessive, and therefore they cannot think of anything else, let alone spending time with their

There are several impacts from this trend, and they all tend to be detrimental. Firstly, young children
who do not have time with their siblings or parents are often more vulnerable to social pressures, such
as bullying, because they do not receive enough affection and encouragement from their family. In
reality, those children may grow up with low self-esteem and sometimes depression. Secondly, family
relationships will greatly suffer because it will become more difficult to bridge the generation gap
between parents and children without family bonding time. This usually leads to conflicts and

In conclusion, people are having less and less time with family largely due to work and study pressures,
and the impacts of this on both individuals and families are severe.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Be under great pressure from studying: chịu nhiều áp lực từ việc học hành

2. Are often vulnerable to social pressure: dễ bị tổn thương trước áp lực xã hội

3. Grow up with low self-esteem and somtimes depression: lớn lên với sự tự ti và thing thoảng là

trầm cảm

4. Bridge the generation gap: nối liền khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ



The pie chart below shows information about where coffee is produced, consumed and where is
profit goes.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.


18% 19%
South America
Central America

44% Oceania


27% 11%
South America
Central America

27% 11%

Sample answer

The pie charts show a breakdown of the production and consumption of coffee in particular regions, and
how the profits are distributed.

The initial impression from the charts is that whilst Central America is recorded to be the number one
coffee producing region, it is Europe that consumed that highest amount of coffee. Additionally, the
majority of the profit earned from this industry goes to the shippers.

As far as coffee production is concerned, 44% of coffee is produced in South America, making it the
leading supplier of coffee world-wide. This is followed by Africa (19%), Asia (18%) and Central America
(17%). Meanwhile, Oceania only constituted a modest 2% of the total coffee production. Regarding
coffee consumption, Europeans appear to consume the most coffee, with the figure accounting for
more than half. This is in marked contrast to the figures for North America and Japan at only around
10%. The remaining 27% belongs to other unspecified regions.

Profits made from the production, transport and sale of coffee are not evenly shared among the all
those involved in the process. Shippers received as much as 55% of the profits, which is also the highest
proportion of the profits. Sellers ranked second with 25%, while the remaining 20% is evenly divided
between explorers and producers.


Topic: The news media have become too much influence in people lives today and this is a negative

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

The news media have long been a great part of our lives. In my opinion, contrary to its original objective
of ‘spreading factual news to people’, the media nowadays do more harm than good.

Television and the press, whether conventional or online-based, have influenced virtually every aspect
of our lives. Pop fans rely on tabloids to keep themselves informed of their idols’ lives. Those who are
more concerned with global affairs say that the tensions between Israel and Palestine could not reach
them without the assistance of the news media. Indeed, the media have become our extended eyes
and ears, and it is not an overstatement to say that a day without reading a paper or surfing the internet
and we would be completely ignorant of what’s happening in the surrounding world.

Sadly, such great influences have gradually driven our society in a negative way. Firstly, the media
submerge our society in a horrendous, ever-changing whirlwind of terror and anxiety. Too much news
coverage of terrorism, war, killings and racism can be found on every news site on the internet, and its
impact is so strong that it causes great distress to citizens and can incite violence among many
individuals. Furthermore, our perceptions and perspectives are likely to be manipulated by the news
media, for they are our only source of information. Indeed, we form our opinions about a particular
event based on what we gather from media reports, regardless of the degree of authenticity. Distorted
news leads to distorted minds, social unrest, unjust judgment and global conflicts; which all take their
roots from distorted news.

In conclusion, I believe that the news media has a direct influence on our minds and lives, and it appears
to be detrimental to our way of thinking. Therefore, people need to make good judgments over what
they read in their daily newspaper.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Without the assistance of the news media: mà không có sự trợ giúp của phương tiện truyền


2. Submerge our society in a horrendous, ever-changing whirlwind of terror and anxiety: nhấn

chìm xã hội chúng ta trong một vòng xoáy khủng khiếp và không bao giờ thay đổi của sự lo lắng

và nỗi sở hãi

3. Causes greate distress to citizens and incite violence: gây ra nỗi đau buồn và khuyến khích bạo


4. Degree of authenticity: mức độ tin cậy

5. Take their roots from distorded news: bắt nguồn từ tin tức không đáng tin cậy



Topic: Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available
through the Internet, and they can study just as well at home.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

Since there is a wealth of information available on the Internet, students can study by themselves at
home just as effectively as they do at school; and therefore some people believe that schools are not
needed anymore. In my view, much as I agree that students can study well at home with the help of the
Internet, I feel that schools play a vital role in our society and cannot be replaced no matter what.

There are ways for children to learn from the Internet, most of which are either free or affordable for
almost everyone. One great way is from online newspapers and video websites such as National
Geographic and Youtube, which offers a variety of topic areas suitable for people of different ages.
Children can learn a great deal of knowledge about culture, science, and many other areas which they
are taught at schools. Also, they can participate in online courses favored by a growing number of
youths nowadays. This type learning is even more advantageous in the sense that children can flexibly
choose to study whatever subjects they are interested in.

That being said, my conviction is that formal education is irreplaceable in any society. It is true that
students can acquire knowledge at home very easily with the help of the Internet; however, lack of
teachers’ guidance and peer support is a clear disadvantage to this form of learning. These factors are
extremely important to a child’s intellectual development, which emphasizes the necessity of school
environments. Furthermore, knowledge and skills are not the only things to expect from formal
education but social relationships and mental development. Children who go to school and establish
friendships can both have fun and improve their learning outcomes.

In conclusion, the Internet is a good way for young children to study at home, but I think that claiming
schools are irrelevant to children’s learning because of this is merely absurd.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. A wealth of information: Rất nhiều thông tin

2. Online newspapers and video websites: Báo mạng và các trang web video

3. A great deal of knowledge: Lượng lớn kiến thức

4. Flexibly choose to study whatever subjects they are interested in: Linh động chọn học bất cứ

môn gì họ thích

5. Acquire knowledge: Lấy kiến thức

6. Lack of teachers’ guidance and peer support: Thiếu sự hướng dẫn và hỗ trợ của giáo viên và

bạn bè

7. A child’s intellectual development: Sự phát triển trí tuệ của một đứa trẻ

8. Formal education: Giáo dục trường học

9. Social relationships and mental development: Các mối quan hệ xã hội và sự phát triển tinh thần

10. Establish friendships: Thêm bạn mới

11. Improve their learning outcomes: Cải thiện kết quả học tập

12. Irrelevant to children’s learning: Không liên quan đến việc học của trẻ em



Topic: People think that children nowadays have more freedom.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer

It is generally believed that children nowadays are granted more freedom than those in the past. While I
think, to a certain extent, they do have the freedom to do some things that their parents and
grandparents were probably not allowed to do in the past, I do believe they are in fact being put in a
different cage that only exists in modern society.

Indeed, children nowadays have fewer boundaries in several aspects of their lives which were once
considered inappropriate. Compared to 30 years ago when kids who dyed their hair were considered
rebellious, school children nowadays are able to attend school with whatever hair color they choose,
since most modern schools have relaxed their rules regarding students’ appearance. Furthermore,
some parents who are less strict with the way they raise their children even go so far as to let their kids
decide almost everything affecting their lives, from what to eat for breakfast to which secondary school
they will study at. Therefore, it is not an overstatement to say that children in this day and age are
technically treated like adults, given the amount of leeway they are granted.

However, the 21st century has established other confinements that restrict children’s freedoms. Firstly,
the fear of insecure surroundings has made parents hesitant to let their children out of their sight or
control. Playing football with the neighborhood kids is no longer a beautiful image in parents’ eyes since
they have become too concerned with the possibility of their children being kidnapped or murdered,
and therefore, many parents arrive at the conclusion that it is better to have their children by their
protective side. Secondly, children these days tend to confine themselves to the virtual worlds of
computer games and social networking sites. They voluntarily narrow their worlds to a handful of
platforms, like Instagram, Facebook and online games, with their lives centered around updating their
status, posting selfies and being involved in online virtual warfare, and as a result, they are becoming
enslaved to such platforms.

In conclusion, children these days are indeed free of some restrictions, however have to deal with other
issues related to modern times. Good parenting should aim to give children both extended freedom
and, at the same time, protect them from other potential hazards that lurk in our modern day societies.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Put in a different cage: bị giới hạn theo một phương thức khác

2. Have relaxed their rules regarding student’s appearance: nương nhẹ luật ăn mặc

3. Confinements: sự giam hãm

4. Center around: xoay xung quanh

5. Become enslaved to such platforms: bị phụ thuộc vào …



Topic: Some people think that children should start school at a very early age, but others believe that
chilren should go to school until they are older.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample answer

People have different views about whether children should start their formal education as early as
possible or delay it until they are older. Personally, I believe an early commencement of study would be
far more beneficial than a later start.

Firstly, starting school at a young age would generate a number of positive outcomes. Undeniably, the
younger an individual is, the easier it is for them to acquire new knowledge and information. As a result,
these children would have a head start over their peers pursuing higher education. Besides this, they
would have more opportunity to figure out their natural talents. Most Vietnamese children, for
example, are sent to kindergarten at the age of 3 or 4 where they are taught basic skills such as addition
and subtraction. After a couple of months, those showing potential will be further cared for by teachers
with an aim to train them to become specialized students who can represent their school in national and
international competitions in the not-too-distant future.

On the other hand however, several individuals advocate a later start to formal schooling due to a
number of reasons. It is believed that commencing school at a later age will offer kids more time to
learn many things via their parents at home. As a result, these children will become more mature and
integrate more easily into the educational environment in the upcoming years. In addition, it might also
be more beneficial for children to have a childhood in which they can cultivate their own skills and
interests through normal activities at home.

Personally, I believe that such ideas are flawed because delaying schooling reduces the opportunity for
social interaction. Despite being safe with their parents at home, children would have fewer chances to
engage in extracurricular activities which would equip them with vital soft skills including teamwork
and communication skills. Not to mention, while not at school, many children tend to lead an unhealthy
lifestyle as their free time is devoted to online games, which gradually isolate them from society.

To conclude, I do believe that it would be well-advised that parents send their children to school at an
early age.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. An early commencement of study: việc học sớm

2. Head start: khởi đầu trước

3. Formal schooling: việc học chính thức

4. Vital soft skills including teamwork and communication skills: kĩ năng mềm quan trọng bao

gồm kĩ năng làm việc nhóm và giao tiếp

5. Well-advised : khôn ngoan



The graph below shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in a European country
between 1987 and 2007.

Overseas visitors to three different areas in a European

Thousands country between 1987 and 2007
50 the coast
the mountains
20 the lakes
1987 1992 1997 2002 2007

Sample answer

The given line graph depicts information about how many foreigners visited three separate regions in a
European nation, during the span of a 20-year period from 1987 to 2007.

Overall, the most notable detail is that those three regions all attracted an increasing number of
foreigners. In addition, the lakes’ tourist figures witnessed the most dramatic change among those

In more detail, at approximately 10,000 visitors in 1987, the quantity of foreign travelers who were
attracted to the lakes gradually rose to around 50,000 in 2000, before peaking at approximately 75,000
tourists in 2002, This figure then dropped back down to approximately 50,000 people in 2007.

With regards to tourist numbers in coastal and mountainous areas, the overall figures increased,
however mountainous areas remained the least attractive travel option out of the three. In 1987, the
number of those who chose the coast as a travel destination stood at 40,000, compared to only 20,000
travelers who went to the mountains. In the next 14 years, the coast witnessed a slight decrease in the
quantity of visitors by a few thousand, which was followed by a significant climb to around 60,000
people, whereas the number of those visiting mountainous areas went up remarkably to 30,000 in 2001.
In the final 6 years, while the quantity of overseas tourists going to the coast rose moderately to above
70,000, there was a slight climb in those who paid a visit to the mountains to about 35,000.


Topic: The users of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are replacing face-to-face contact in this

Do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample answer

It is claimed that modern technological tools for communication, including social media, are gradually
replacing direct contact among people. From my perspective, the drawbacks of this trend totally
overshadow its merits.

To begin with, it is true that the emergence of social networking websites and applications such as
Facebook have revolutionized the way people contact one another. To be more specific, nowadays,
regardless of geographical distance, people from most places on the planet can send messages or make
use of video calls to keep in touch with their loved ones, eliminating the need for people to gather in
one place for face-to-face conversations. In terms of business, thanks to the invention of online-based
communication tools, including Facebook and Viber, people working in enterprises can conduct their
meetings via the internet, also eliminating the need for people to be in the one place to conduct a
meeting. As a result, face-to-face conversations are gradually being replaced by virtual communication

However, the aforementioned merits are totally eclipsed by the potential negative drawbacks of this
trend. Firstly, in this technological era, with the development of online communication tools, it can be
seen that many people are substituting their real-life relations with digital communication. In fact, a
large number of young people nowadays tend to prefer making friends via means of social media, such
as Facebook and Twitter, to gathering at a real place. In the long term, this would gradually alienate
people from communities, which could even lead to social isolation and a lack of many interpersonal
skills. Secondly, literacy skills of many people could also be negatively affected due to the lack of social
interaction and ways to transmit formal messages. It is true that most individuals, especially teenagers,
often use informal language with several emoticons when communicating on social networking.
Consequently, their ability to read and write in situations that require formality is greatly reduced.

In conclusion, although social media has brought some benefits for society, the drawbacks of overusing
such advanced technology to replace real-life communication is much more significant.

Vocabulary highlights:

1. Direct contact = face to face contact: liên lạc trực tiếp

2. Virtual communication exchange: trao đổi thông tin qua mạng

3. Substituting their real-life relations with digital communication: thay thế mối liên hệ ngoài đời

bằng giao tiếp trên mạng

4. Alienate people from communitties: xa lánh con người khỏi xã hội


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