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SPEAKING PART 1............................................................................................................................... 8

TOPIC 1: DECORATION .................................................................................................................. 8

TOPIC 2: CONCENTRATION........................................................................................................... 9

TOPIC 3: CHANGE ......................................................................................................................... 10

TOPIC 4: CHILDHOOD ................................................................................................................. 11

TOPIC 5: SUNGLASSES ................................................................................................................. 12

TOPIC 6: LAUGHTER .................................................................................................................... 13

TOPIC 7: HAPPINESS .................................................................................................................... 14

TOPIC 8: HOUSEWORK AND COOKING .................................................................................... 15

TOPIC 9: TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 16

TOPIC 10: WEATHER..................................................................................................................... 17

TOPIC 11: WORK AND STUDIES .................................................................................................. 18

TOPIC 12: HOMETOWN ................................................................................................................ 20

TOPIC 13: DRAWING AND ART GALLERY .................................................................................. 21

TOPIC 14: MIRRORS ...................................................................................................................... 22

TOPIC 15: DREAMS ....................................................................................................................... 23

TOPIC 16: EMAILS/ LETTERS ....................................................................................................... 24

TOPIC 17: SPORTS ......................................................................................................................... 25

TOPIC 18: TAKING PHOTOS ........................................................................................................ 26

TOPIC 19: CINEMAS ...................................................................................................................... 27

TOPIC 20: STREET MARKETS ...................................................................................................... 28

TOPIC 21: MOBILE PHONES ........................................................................................................ 29

TOPIC 22: TIME MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................. 30

TOPIC 23: WEBSITES..................................................................................................................... 31

TOPIC 24: LOSING AND FINDING THINGS ................................................................................ 32

TOPIC 25: DAILY ROUTINE .......................................................................................................... 34

TOPIC 26: CARS ............................................................................................................................. 35

TOPIC 27: MEMORY ...................................................................................................................... 36

TOPIC 28: ADVERTISEMENT ....................................................................................................... 37

TOPIC 29: BORING THINGS ......................................................................................................... 38

TOPIC 30: COLLECTING THINGS................................................................................................ 39

TOPIC 31: ARTS.............................................................................................................................. 40

TOPIC 32: OUTER SPACE AND STARS ........................................................................................ 41

TOPIC 33: CHOCOLATE ............................................................................................................... 42

TOPIC 34: MUSIC........................................................................................................................... 43

TOPIC 35: STAYING UP LATE ...................................................................................................... 44

TOPIC 36: MORNING TIME .......................................................................................................... 45

TOPIC 37: JEWELLERY ................................................................................................................. 47

TOPIC 38: KEYS ............................................................................................................................. 48

TOPIC 39: LIBRARY ....................................................................................................................... 49

TOPIC 40: NOISE ........................................................................................................................... 50

TOPIC 41: SMALL BUSINESS ........................................................................................................ 51

TOPIC 42: HAPPY .......................................................................................................................... 52

TOPIC 43: TIDY .............................................................................................................................. 53

TOPIC 44: FAMILY & FRIENDS.................................................................................................... 54

TOPIC 45: T-SHIRT ........................................................................................................................ 55

PART 2&3 ............................................................................................................................................ 57

CORE QUESTIONS BY SIMON ........................................................................................................ 57

TOPIC 1: DESCRIBE A PERSON ...................................................................................................... 59

1. Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably/well................................................................ 59

2. Describe a person you know who is from a different culture....................................................... 60

3. Describe a friend from your childhood who you remember very well ......................................... 61

4. Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting ............................................... 62

5. Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants ............................................................... 63

6. Describe an interesting old person you know .............................................................................. 64

7. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with........................................... 67

8. Describe a person you have met who you like to work or study. ................................................. 69

9. Describe a character from a film ................................................................................................. 71

TOPIC 2: DESCRIBE AN OBJECT .................................................................................................... 76

1. Describe an object that you think is beautiful .............................................................................. 76

2. Describe a photo you took that you are proud of......................................................................... 77

3. Describe a program you like to watch ......................................................................................... 78

4. Describe something you had to share with others ....................................................................... 79

5. Describe a piece of technology that you feel is difficult to use .................................................... 79

6. Describe a gift you received......................................................................................................... 82

TOPIC 3: DESCRIBE AN EVENT/TIME ........................................................................................... 86

1. Describe a time when you needed to search for information ....................................................... 86

2. Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment............................................................ 86

3. Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something ........................................................ 87

4. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g in a park, on the beach etc.) .............. 88

5. Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding) .................................... 89

6. Describe a festival or national holiday in your country .............................................................. 90

7. Describe a time when you succeeded in doing something that was difficult ............................... 90

8. Describe a historical period you want to know more about. ....................................................... 91

9. Describe a time when you received some positive feedback. ....................................................... 94

10. Describe your first day at school. .............................................................................................. 97

11. Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something ............................................ 100

12. Describe a time you were late for a meeting............................................................................ 102

TOPIC 4: DESCRIBE AN ACTIVITY .............................................................................................. 107

1. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently ................................................... 107

2. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young ................................ 107

TOPIC 5: DESCRIBE A PLACE ....................................................................................................... 111

1. Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium) that you have been to ............................. 111

2. Describe the home of someone you know well that you often visit ............................................ 112

3. Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors/travelers ........ 113

4. Describe a city you would like to go to for a short time ............................................................ 114

5. Describe a place you visited that was affected by pollution ...................................................... 116

6. Describe a noisy place you have been to. .................................................................................. 118

7. Describe a favorite place in your house where you can relax. .................................................. 120

TOPIC 6: OTHER TOPICS ................................................................................................................ 123

1. Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store ............................................. 123

2. Describe a disagreement you had with someone ....................................................................... 124

3. Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed .................................................... 125

4. Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again.................................... 126

5. Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting ......................................... 127

6. Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college) ......................................... 128

7. Describe something you did that made you feel proud .............................................................. 129

8. Describe a complaint that you made .......................................................................................... 132

9. Describe an unusual meal you had ............................................................................................ 134

10. Describe a website you often visit ............................................................................................ 136

11. Describe something you did with someone or a group of people ............................................ 137

12. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well ........................ 139

13. Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy .......................................................... 142

14. Describe a development in the area where you live................................................................. 144

15. Describe an advertisement you do not like .............................................................................. 146


Bộ tài liệu này sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn câu trả lời mẫu cho 45 chủ đề Speaking part 1,
51 chủ đề Speaking part 2 và 25/51 chủ đề Speaking part 3. Phiên bản đầy đủ sẽ dành
riêng cho các bạn đăng kí khóa học của IELTS Xuân Phi. Đây là tài liệu vô cùng chất
lượng và tâm huyết được biên soạn bởi đội ngũ Học thuật của IELTS Xuân Phi và được
kiểm tra, nâng cấp bởi giám khảo IELTS David Lang. Vì vậy, học viện rất mong các sĩ
tử có thể tận dụng tối đa tài liệu này và đạt band điểm cao (8.0+) cho kỹ năng Nói, một
kỹ năng khó nhằn nhất trong kỳ thi IELTS.

Trong mỗi chủ đề sẽ có các mục như sau:

Câu hỏi của chủ đề - Câu trả lời mẫu.

Cách sử dụng tài liệu:

• Bước 1: Tự brainstorm ý tưởng cho câu trả lời của mình.

• Bước 2: Đọc câu trả lời mẫu.

• Bước 3: Tham khảo ý tưởng và ghi chép từ vựng ở bài mẫu phù hợp với ý tưởng
của bản thân vào 1 cuốn sổ rồi học thuộc từ vựng.

• Bước 4: Tự brainstorm lại ý tưởng dựa trên những ý tưởng tham khảo và từ vựng
mới đã học được. (Chú ý: chỉ ghi từ 5-6 từ khóa, không ghi cả câu)


1. What are the decorations like in your home?

Inside my house … everything is kind of on the simple side these days. Just some
comfy furniture, a few old paintings and a handful of plants to add in a bit of green.
I try to keep it low-key and minimalist.

2. What kind of decorations do you prefer?

I don't have any one particular style but I do prefer kind of rustic and simple over
modern and ornate. For example, some exotic plants in terracotta pots or an old
painting with a wooden frame around it. I don’t want anything too trendy that will
go out of fashion the next day.

3. Do Vietnamese people like redecorating their homes?

I’d say generally no since a lot of work and money goes into that. But there are some
exceptions - if someone comes into a lot of money or sometimes around Lunar New
Year people will do a big spring cleaning and might then add something like a new
coat of paint or new rugs.

4. What’s your favourite colour when decorating your home?

I like more neutral colors that aren’t overpowering and can blend well with the
furniture. So that would be pale greys, blues, off-white maybe. It also depends on
the room - I’d only want a pure white in the bathroom, for example, white in the
living room would make me feel like I live in an office.


1. When do you need to be focused?

I most need to be focused …. when I’ve got a big assignment coming up, I suppose.
If it’s the night before a paper is due then I have to switch off my phone, stop texting
friends, cancel my Netflix account and really get down to business with my back
against the wall.

2. What can distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?

Oh, tons of things! What first comes to mind is naturally social media - scrolling
through Facebook, TikTok, messaging friends. Also, YouTube, I love watching cat
videos and sports highlights from The World Cup. When I want to be distracted, it’s
no problem to find a way.

3. What do you do to help you concentrate?

The technique I usually use is to set myself a clear time limit and a reward at the
end. For example, maybe I give myself 20 minutes to study a vocabulary list and
then afterwards I reward myself by watching a video on YouTube or ringing up a
friend to chat.

4. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

I would say sometimes because the thing I was supposed to be focused on can be so
boring sometimes that I need something to distract me from the boredom such as a
YouTube video or Instagram.


1. Do you like changes?

I wouldn’t say I like changes per se… they might be bad changes, at least for me
anyway. If my company wants me to work longer hours, that’s not a good change
or if they totally change our computer operating system, that’ll cost me a lot of time
in the short-term at least.

2. What do you plan to change next year?

I hope to change some of my diet and exercise habits because over the past year or
so I’ve been steadily gaining weight and not getting in enough exercise to offset my
poor diet. With any luck, I can shed a few pounds this year.

3. Have there been any changes to your hometown?

There haven’t been all that many noticeable changes, other than the fact that there
are more skyscrapers and there will be a new metro system coming soon. I guess
those are pretty big developments but they’ve been so incremental over the years
that I haven’t taken that much notice.

4. Have there been any positive changes in your country recently?

What first comes to mind is average income is steadily rising, meaning that people
here can afford more luxuries like smartphones and imported cars. The rising
standards of living apply to all segments of society, though naturally people at the
top benefit the most.


1. Did you have a lot of friends when you were a child?

Yeah, I did, I used to play with my friends at recess and after school. Sometimes I’d
head over to a local park or a friend’s house or have my friends over too. I’ve always
been sociable and outgoing and made friends easily.

2. Where did you live when you were a child?

Back when I was a kid, I lived in a three-storey house in an alley just off a busy road
on the west side of town. It was rather big, as I remember it, and even though the
facade was starting to wear down, it still looked nice to my eyes.

3. Did you enjoy your childhood?

I would, yes, for the most part… I’ve got tons of happy memories with friends and
family - typically when we were on holiday or taking a field trip. There were rough
moments as well but on the whole I have a lot to look back on fondly.

4. What is your most vivid childhood memory?

There’s one memory that really stands out to me - the first time I flew. We took a
trip to Thailand when I was little and it was such a crazy experience for a young kid.
I remember the plane taking off, being scared while it was shaking but being excited
when it lifted off and the turbulence passed - I had chills that I still remember to this


1. Do you like wearing sunglasses?

Yeah, sure, every once in a while. Especially if it’s really sunny and I’ve got a bunch
of errands to run outside or I’m at the beach on holiday. I’m not that into the aesthetic
but they’re useful from time to time.

2. What types of sunglasses do you own?

I have a couple of pairs but my favorites are rectangular-rimmed with dark black
lenses for extra UV protection from the sun. I think I can pull them off pretty well -
when I check myself out in the mirror, I’m impressed at least, haha.

3. Where can you buy sung glasses?

If you want to get a pair from really well-known brands like Oakley or Ray-Ban,
then you should buy them from authorized sellers to be safe - there are lots of knock-
offs sold here in Vietnam by street vendors. Those are passable too though if you
don’t want to shell out too much.

4. Do people in your contry buy sunglasses?

I’d say most people don’t - people here prefer to wear hats because that blocks the
sun from your whole face. But it comes down to individual preference - some people
don’t leave home without their sunglasses during the daytime.


1. What kinds of things make you laugh?

Some things that make me laugh are the anecdotes my friends tell, funny videos
online like cat videos or people singing on TikTok and random memories that crack
me up in hindsight. However, I’d say I’m pretty introverted and don’t spend as much
time laughing as the average person - I tend to find things amusing more than funny.

2. Do you usually make your friends laugh?

I’m not really known for cracking a lot of jokes or playing pranks on my friends. I
think I’m more the type of person who chimes in with a witty remark or pun from
time to time rather than someone who can captivate everyone with a story that has
everyone in stitches.

3. Do you like watching comedies?

Yeah, from time to time to blow off steam and veg out. Some of my favorites include
Seinfeld, Community and How I Met Your Mother - though I’m not totally caught
up with any of them.

4. Is laughter important?

I would say yeah because humans need to laugh to lighten up and not take
themselves too seriously. Not to mention, its importance for mental and emotional
health. It would be a boring, stressed-out world if nobody laughed.


1. Is it easy to make you happy?

I’d say generally it is since many things brighten up my day such as food, movies
and hanging out with friends. I’m easy to please and I keep things in perspective -
we live in the best period in world history in terms of the average standard of living
- by far - so what’s there to complain about?

2. What do you do when you are happy?

I’m low-key when I’m happy. You won’t find me jumping around but I can be happy
just chilling at home with a piece of cake, some tea, and a good movie on Netflix. A
good movie is often the hardest one to get my hands on …

3. What makes you unhappy?

I don’t like when people hurt other people for no good reason. That really gets under
my skin because I just don’t get it. I also don’t like it when I get in trouble for a
rather simple, one-off mistake - for instance if I forget to take out the trash one night
but I normally remember every night.

4. Do you think money can make people happy?

Only to a point since people can buy the things they like with money, but there are
limits to how happy things will make you. To be truly happy, you need a strong
support network made up of good friends, family and a healthy working
environment - as well as some hobbies you can enjoy on your own.


1. Do you think money can make people happy?

Yeah, I’ve had a keen interest in cooking for years now. I live on my own so I cook
a lot and try to avoid the temptation of ordering from outside. Sometimes I invite
my friends over for a dinner party. I like the attention to detail involved in cooking
- everything else melts away when I’m cooking - not just the food!

2. Did you help with the cleaning when you were young?

Yeah, I did my part. Because my parents are quite strict, I didn’t get an exemption
from doing chores. As my parents said over and over again, getting my hands dirty
is a good way to prepare for the future and not end up being a spoiled brat.

3. Do you have breakfast at home everyday?

Not really. I often skip breakfast even though I’ve always heard it’s the most
important meal of the day. I might grab a quick sandwich on the way out the door
but I’ve usually got too much going on to dedicate time to cooking in the morning.
I’d rather get in some extra shut-eye.

4. Do you want to cook home well?

Definitely. Cooking’s not only a vital life skill but also an outlet for creativity. It
requires you to take advantage of all 5 senses and be totally locked in. If I get really
good at it, it’s also a way to show off to friends and family.


1. Do you use computers or cellphones?

Well, my answer would be both because I use them non-stop. I can’t really settle on
which one I use more off the top of my head. I’ve always got my phone on me so I
can send messages, find directions and check the time. However, when it comes to
word processing and entertainment, I prefer a computer. Because it’s portable, I can
bring it anywhere and get work done on the go.

2. What electronic devices have you bought lately?

Oh, I just bought a robot vacuum last month. It’s by far the most advanced household
appliance I own and was a bit on the expensive side. But in hindsight I’d say it’s
worth it - it motivates me to keep my place cleaned up so that my vacuum isn’t
judging me for being a slob!

3. Are there any devices you want to buy?

Recently, I've been looking forward to a brand-new cellphone. My current phone is

showing its age and lags a lot - for many apps I can’t download the newest updates
any more. I’ve got my eye on an iPhone 14 because of the sleek look and all the new
security features as well as the top-of-the-line camera.

4. What are the benefits of technology? Do you think it is important in your life?

Absolutely! I’m not even sure where to start… I guess with communication. Thanks
to the proliferation of the internet, people nowadays can interact with those in other
countries in an instant. This is mainly for staying in touch but it could also help you
meet new people. That’s just the tip of the iceberg though as it can be used for
research, productivity, entertainment and taking photos and videos.


1. What is the weather like where you live?

Because of seasonal weather patterns, if we’re talking about summer, then the
temperature really gets intense. In winter, it doesn’t get that cold but you still need
either a light or heavy coat. In the fall and spring, the weather is more temperate but
there’s more rain and you’ll end up soaked if you forget your raincoat.

2. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

To be honest, I’m much more of a fan of cold weather. On a really scorching day, I
get sweaty and sometimes I get headaches if I’m not hydrating well. On cold days,
I can just layer up and I’m fine basically - with the heat, I can hardly walk around
without collapsing!

3. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

I’d go with the former given the chance because high humidity is a hassle for getting
everything done. You sweat, feel sticky all the time, and then smell bad. There’s
really no drawback to dry weather that comes to mind other than the fact it might be
a bit hot.

4. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

Yeah, I’m in the habit of checking the weather before I head out every day. I give it
a quick look on my phone or ask my smart speaker. I really hate getting stuck in a
downpour without an umbrella or wearing something heavy on a really scorching


1. Do you work or are you a student?

Well, currently I’m working a part-time job as a teaching assistant in an English

center in Hanoi. I’ve been doing it for the last 3 years or so and I’ll probably keep
up with it for a few more minimum.

2. What work do you do?

In being a part-time teaching assistant, I basically tell the students to behave, help
them with any problems and collect their schoolwork.

3. What subjects are you studying?

My area of specialization is English linguistics, which means I mainly learn about

subjects related to phonology, grammar and English for specific purposes.

4. Why did you choose that job?

For a few reasons. Firstly, I majored in English linguistics. Secondly, I’ve been
passionate about English ever since I was in high school. On top of that, my job is
well-paying relative to other entry-level work so I’ve got nothing to complain about.

5. Why did you choose to study that subject?

Studying English is a way for me to keep my mind active - I’ve always had a knack
for languages and I’ve heard it’s one of the best ways to keep your mind young -
learning a new language that is.

6. Do you like your job?

I have a love/hate relationship with it. One rewarding aspect is that I get to meet
people from all walks of life. In the classroom, that makes for an inclusive, dynamic
environment. But it can be a slog too if I’ve got a lot of classes in succession.

7. What do you like about your studies?

The main thing I like is that I learn a lot about not just English but also about the
world at large and I get the chance to improve my critical thinking and problem-
solving skills.

8. What do you dislike about your studies?

I found it challenging when I started out as it was so theoretical and I couldn't get a
handle on a lot of the really abstract concepts. That’s why I had a hard time dealing
with it when I was a freshman. By the time my sophomore year came along, I’d
managed to get my head around it for the most part.


1. Please describe your hometown a little. What is your town well-known for?

I was born and raised in Quang Ninh province, in Northern Vietnam. We’re known
for our seafood and a variety of tourist attractions ranging from the rock formations
in Ha Long to Tuan Chau Island.

2. Do you like your hometown?

I really really love my hometown as I have many great memories there as a kid and
teenager. Now I’m a city person but I often reminisce about the rural area where I
grew up - my friends, family, my childhood house, the neighbors down the street -
all of that.

3. When did you leave your hometown?

I lived there from the time I was a kid until I entered university and moved to Hanoi.
I’d love to move back someday given the chance but the economic realities of my
job might make that tricky - I can earn so much more working in Hanoi.

4. Do you think you will move back home?

I don’t think so. I’d much prefer to live in Hanoi because of the job opportunities
and everything the city has to offer - the nightlife, restaurants, entertainment options
and just the general vibe of a modern, highly-populated city.

5. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

I’m not totally opposed to the idea. The atmosphere in the countryside is cleaner
than in the capital where I am now and I can see myself settling down there later
when I start a family or after I retire and want a more tranquil lifestyle.


1. Do you like painting or drawing?

I’m more of a fan of drawing if I had to choose one of the two. It has always come
easy to me.

2. What kinds of things do you like to draw?

I like drawing portraits given the choice. I really like the challenge of attempting to
capture an expression and use that expression to convey a person’s personality. I’ll
give a landscape a shot every now and then but those are less interesting to me.

3. What do you know about paintings?

When it comes to painting, I don’t really know the first thing about it. In elementary

school we had some lessons on it but it was more or less just finger painting and
messing around in class - nothing really stuck for me.

4. Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?

Definitely. They’re a great chance to spend quality time with family or friends. The
last place I went to was a local art gallery that was exhibiting new paintings from a
Vietnamese artist. He’d done a lot of dark, strange portraits that I think came out of
the post-Covid lockdown period and reflected that isolation and despair. Dark stuff
but good!

5. When was the last time you visited a museum?

If my memory serves me right, I last visited a museum 2 months ago. It was part of
a school field trip so all my classmates came along and we had to take notes on the
artifacts there to do a group project and presentation later.


1. Do you usually take a mirror with you?

Yep, I always take a mirror with me. I prefer a small and handy mirror I can use to
take a thorough look at my makeup and touch myself up if need be. Though with
phones nowadays I don’t really need a mirror - it’s more a fashion accessory I

2. How often do you use a mirror?

Every day without fail. In the morning, I check myself out in the mirror to make sure
I’m looking presentable before I head out for my day - if I’m not up to par, I’ll comb
my hair or look for an outfit that matches me better.

3. Do you like looking at yourself in a mirror?

As I said earlier, looking at myself in a mirror is sort of my morning ritual, so yeah.

I don’t think of myself as a vain person but I want to make a good impression. Some
days I don’t always look the best - if I’ve had a late night out I might have bags
under my eyes and I get a few more wrinkles on my face every year.

4. Do you use a mirror before buying clothing?

Yeah, generally. If I’m shopping, I’ll typically try on an outfit and if I’ve got a friend
with me I ask them what they think and then take a good look in the store mirror.
Otherwise, how would I know if it looks good on me?

5. Do you think a mirror is a good decoration?

Mirrors can be a good decoration sometimes. For instance, in my bedroom I have a

round mirror with an ornate brass frame around it that looks classical in style. That
brightens up the room a bit.

6. Have you ever bought a mirror?

I bought a compact mirror once at a flea market. I carry it around with me in my

purse to this day and it’s certainly come in handy over the years.


1. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Not at all. My memory is like a sieve so all of my dreams pretty much have already
vanished by the time I roll out of bed in the morning.

2. Do you think your dreams affect your life after you wake up?

I think so. If I have a nightmare the night before, sometimes that can put me in a bad
mood for the rest of the day or conversely, I might feel grateful to be out of the
nightmare when I wake up. A really positive dream can set the tone for the day as

3. Do you think dreams have special meanings?

Yes, I do, and I think psychology backs this up. I don't know exactly, but in some
ways, they represent your repressed fears, angers, hopes, anxieties from the day
before. I don’t know how much I would read into specific meanings in dreams but I
think they certainly reflect something real going on in your life.

4. Do you like hearing other people’s dreams?

Yeah, because I really enjoy the process of working out what is going on in someone
else’s psyche - I’ve always fashioned myself as kind of an amateur therapist. But
then again - sometimes it can be a bit of a bore to hear about where you flew in your
dream or the weird thing you ate - that’s meaningless to me.

5. Do you share your dreams with others?

Yes, once in a while. But only on rare occasions because people usually aren’t that
into hearing about your dreams, I think. Only if it’s funny or there’s a good reason
to turn it into a story.


1. How often do you use email?

I send out emails more or less every day. I would email my work colleagues, my
boss and my friends back home. Sometimes I would send more official emails
to government addresses if I’m applying for a visa for example.

2. What do most people in your country use email for?

I guess it’s not that different from anywhere else in the world - for work mainly but
sometimes for staying in touch with friends. For friends, messaging or calling is
much more common though. Email is a typically formal means of communication
for the most part.

3. What are the advantages of email?

What first comes to mind is the speed - you can send off an email with the click of
a button. But there are tons of other advantages: you can save drafts, edit them,
forward emails, add attachments such as documents or PDFs and search through
your old emails - that’s just off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more.

4. Are there any disadvantages?

Sure. For one, it’s easy to overlook an email. The other week I was emailed about
an important appointment in the morning and totally missed it later that afternoon
when I was supposed to be there. I’m not sure you can lay the blame for that one
totally at the feet of emails. The other disadvantage would be the many scams -
phishing emails and the like.

5. Do you think that email will replace letter-writing?

It largely already has done that - who still takes the time to write letters these days?
Maybe a handful of older people or really sentimental people but otherwise it’s all
about email or messaging now.


1. Do you like watching sports programs on TV?

Yeah but … I’d rather watch live sports over catching them at home. At a live event,
the feeling of fandom really comes out and I enjoy cheering on a team with
thousands of like-minded fans. That atmosphere is something else.

2. Do you like to watch live sports games?

As I was saying, I’m much more into live sports - especially football, I’d single that
one out. When the national team here in Vietnam has a big match, I always try to
get my hands on a couple of tickets.

3. What is the difference between watching sports events at home and at the

There are a number of differences - I covered some of them before - but the cheering
for a team and against the other team is the main one that comes to mind. If you’re
wary of being in a crowd in these Covid days then staying at home is a good back-
up. Cheaper too.

4. Do most people in your country like sports?

Yes, though I can’t speak for everyone. I think most age groups do some sports -
young kids play all kinds of sports at school, young people often have amateur
football leagues to play in and a lot of old people enjoy playing badminton or table
tennis or just doing a simple aerobics workout at a local park.

5. What was your favorite sport when you were young?

As I was born and raised in the countryside, I was into all kinds ranging from
volleyball and judo to badminton and football, but the one I liked best was
swimming. I remembered in summer, my mom would take me to a local swimming
pool near my house a couple of afternoons a week and I’d get in some laps and
splash around with friends for a couple of hours.


1. Do you like to take photographs?

Not really. I’m not that good at striking a pose and I feel really self-conscious
because I don't consider myself particularly photogenic.

2. What do you like to photograph?

I’ll typically take the most photos on holiday and then usually of landscapes. For
instance, I love visiting Sapa and when I’m up there I always get shots of the rice
paddies, the rolling hills, the water buffalo - and the local ethnic minorities too.

3. How do you keep your photos?

All in the cloud these days. My go-to is Google photos because after I take a few
snaps, it automatically syncs with my Google account and stores them online - this
way I know I’ll have them forever - I could always lose my phone or an external
hard drive.

4. Do you ever delete or, if on paper, throw away any of your photos?

Yeah, from time to time. If take a bunch of selfies, 90% are invariably bad and I
don’t want a permanent record so I delete them. If I’m using a DSLR then I wipe
the memory card after downloading the best shots.


1. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

Well, to be quite honest… I would have to say that it really depends. It comes down
to how much I have to get by on that month - if I’ve got a little money set aside, I
might head off to the cinema once or twice a month. For instance, I just saw an
awesome movie made by a Vietnamese director set in the Mekong Delta based on
some famous short stories.

2. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?

Actually, it was a pretty rare occurrence. My parents gave me the impression of

always being busy and I couldn't go on my own. We only went on special occasions
- birthdays and the like.

3. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

With my best friend. She’s big into movies so I’ll just wait around for her to invite
me - usually when a new blockbuster comes out, she’s pretty basic - and then carve
out some time to go with her.

4. Do you like to go to the cinema with your friends?

I find that a bit on the lonely side so I’ll typically ask a friend. The other week we
went to see a movie that translates roughly into English as ‘Glorious Ashes,’ a movie
with really good production values, acting, writing, etc. I’m glad I went along with
my friend.

5. What kinds of movies do you like best?

I like all sorts of movies, but comedies above all else. One of my all-time favorites
is Anchorman. I’ve watched it three or four times already but it still cracks me up.


1. Are there many street markets in your country?

Uh-huh. Street markets are a way of life in Vietnam and we couldn’t get by without
them. Walk down any street or side alley in Vietnam and you’re bound to find people
selling fruit, veggies, knock-off sunglasses, live chickens, whatever!

2. What do street markets sell?

Everything under the sun you can think of. The most popular markets are for
groceries - fruit and veggies and meat and rice. There are also lots of little markets
with clothing, footwear, and so on where you can get suspect goods for dirt cheap

3. What is the difference between street markets and supermarkets?

One key difference would be supermarkets carry imported products while traditional
markets sell mostly local items. At street markets, the prices are cheaper but the
tradeoff is that the goods are less trustworthy - don’t buy a luxury Hermes bag off
the street!

4. Do you prefer shopping in a shopping mall or at a street market?

To be honest, I would rather go shopping at a street market because it feels more

local to me. If you go to a mall, you’re just buying the big brands and contributing
to rich people in the US - if you buy locally, then you are making a difference in
someone’s life and doing your part to contribute to society.


1. What was your first mobile phone?

I personally got my first mobile phone - a Nokia - when I was a high school student.
Even that one was a bit on the pricey side back then for me but my parents shelled
out for it after I got good marks one year. It was a small basic phone that cost
something in the range of 800,000 VND.

2. How often do you use your mobile phone?

More than I should! I stay in touch with family throughout the day, check the news
all the time, send messages to friends and when I’ve got some downtime I watch
videos online, scroll through TikTok or stalk my crushes on Instagram.

3. Do you use your mobile phone for texting or calls?

To be honest, I get much more of a kick out of video calls. If I’m working on a
school project, then I’ll ring up my partner and chat by video. I also call my mom
and dad every now and then though I put that off for as long as I can.

4. Can you describe your mobile phone?

I’ve got an iPhone at the moment. It’s one of the newer models with all the fancy-
looking cameras on the back of it. The display is gorgeous and sleek - the design
standard that Apple is known for and that so many of us are willing to pay so much
extra for.

5. Will you buy a new mobile phone in the future?

Well, I should stop pouring money down the drain by buying new phones when the
newest model is out - especially since my old one still works fine. But the social
status element of it is important to me.


1. How do you usually organize and plan your time?

Well, I always make a to-do list for the next day before I turn in since I have a
tendency to be absent-minded the next day - a habit I’ve picked up over the years.
Jotting down a quick list gives me peace of mind and a sense of control and then I
can rest easy knowing the next day is at least planned out.

2. Is it easy to manage time for you?

More or less - my dad instilled in me the importance of time management from a

young age. I try my best not to procrastinate, though that natural human impulse
creeps in every now and then.

3. What is the hardest part about making plans?

I think it comes down to time. There’s never enough to fit everything in. Whenever
I’m drowning in stress, it’s just about impossible to squeeze someone or something
in on short notice. I can’t just go out to the cinema or meet up for coffee if I’m
already falling behind with my schoolwork.

4. What is the latest plan that you made?

Well, I’m planning on heading over to Hon Bay Canh this year to get away from it
all. It’s a bit off the beaten track and contains the largest turtle sanctuary in Vietnam.
I’m hoping I can carve out the time and money but it’s still very much up in the air.


1. What kinds of websites do you often visit?

I’m mostly into looking up new recipes and learning about nutrition. I love coming
across something new - like the other week I happened upon a claypot recipe for
Mackerel and steamed mushrooms in a soy-based sauce with just a bit of sugar in it.
I tried it out and it wasn’t bad at all.

2. What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Well, I can’t generalize across the whole country but I think that social media sites
are naturally the most popular, followed by video streaming sites like Netflix and
YouTube. But taking the current Covid-19 pandemic into account, I guess one that
is more frequently accessed today would be the Ministry of Health Portal, where
people can learn about the newest restrictions, protocol, and quarantining

3. What is your favorite website?

Without a doubt, my go-to website is YouTube and it has been for ages. It’s the best
- for both entertainment and education. I’m a bit of a night owl and that’s in no small
part to YouTube - I’m always coming across something that keeps me up - like the
other day, when I found some videos of real-life police interrogations - I couldn’t
take my eyes off them.

4. Are there any changes to the websites you often visit?

Yeah, YouTube doesn’t get revamped very often in terms of graphic design or
layout, but visitors do see different suggested videos every time they visit the site.
I’m not sure those count as changes per se but the experience is different every time
you open it up.


1. What should people do if they find something?

Of course, lost things must be returned to the rightful owner at all costs - reasonably
speaking. You should first check whether or not there’s a way to contact the owner
- such as a phone number in a wallet, and then contact him or her and hand over
whatever went missing. If there is no contact information available, hand it over to
the nearest police station or lost and found.

2. Is it ok to keep an item that you found?

No, technically and morally I guess not. I’ve lost expensive things before and looked
for them in vain, so I know the feeling - it sucks. In certain cases, the object may
have more sentimental value than its actual cost - in those cases especially it really
hurts if someone doesn’t return what you lost. If it’s a winning lottery ticket though
it’d be pretty hard to be that honest of a citizen…

3. What should people do to find what they lost?

I think people should try to remain calm, it’s not the end of the world. Panicking
won’t help. You can look around the possible places where the item may have gotten
lost and retrace your steps, and then as a last resort report the missing items to the
nearest police station. You might even try posting on social media. If someone reads
that post and finds your missing item, they might return it - stranger things have

4. What things do people usually find?

Hard to say - it could be anything from a phone to a purse or a pair of nice

headphones or cheap ones…. Little things you carry around all the time and can
easily slip out of your bag are most common - oh I guess sunglasses would be on
that list because I’ve lost a ton over the years. ID cards too.

5. Have you ever lost something?

Yes, it was a nightmare as I lost my phone once. I immediately contacted the bank
to block all my internet banking services and I updated my passwords for my email,

social media, etc. After that, I googled “Find My Phone” to pinpoint the location.
Fortunately, I finally found it at a local pub where I met my friends the day before
and it really made my day to get it back no hassle.


1. What is your daily study routine?

Yeah, I have a fixed routine that I more or less stick to when I can. I get up early,
try to get the day off on the right foot by doing some reading for my classes. Then I
do the most intensive work that requires the most concentration. For the rest of the
day, I just work through my busy-work and listen to music at the same time.

2. Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, in fact I’m trying to fix my sleeping routine right now. In the past, I pulled a
lot of all-nighters, and then would doze off in class during the day sometimes. Now,
I turn off my computer at 10, read a book and put on some ambient noise to fall
asleep faster.

3. What’s your favorite time of the day?

My favorite time of the day would have to be after 7 p.m, when I come back home
from school and catch up with family. That helps me recharge and feel grounded.

4. Do you like to plan what you will do each day?

Yeah, because it gives me a feeling of control and organization. But at other times,
I sometimes feel robotic following a plan. It’s good to be spontaneous and not just
rigidly - stubbornly - stick to what you jotted down on a slip of paper - that’s no way
to live your life.

5. Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?

I used to have a fixed schedule when I was a student… but recently, since I started
work, I’ve been trying to be more disciplined with my time. It’s tough though as my
working hours are always up in the air. I rarely get in dinner at the same time every
day for example - but what does it really matter in the end?


1. What is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?

I once traveled from Paris to Frankfurt, Germany by car and the journey took 6
hours, the longest amount of time I’ve ever been in a car. The journey itself wasn’t
particularly comfortable since I had to sit at the back of the car - not much leg room
for me to wriggle around.

2. Do you like to sit in front or back when traveling by car?

I prefer to sit in the front because I like to see the landscape as I’m driving by and
get an idea of where I am. By sitting up front I can also chat with the driver and
check out the local businesses - things I might miss when I’m driving myself.

3. When do you travel by car?

I don’t have a car myself as they’re bad for the environment and really, really slow
to get around in cities. I really only hail a cab when it’s raining or I’ve got a bunch
of luggage for example and need to get to the airport. There’s really no point in
wasting time getting around in a city by car.


1. Are you good at memorizing things?

I’m usually good at memorizing things, though it doesn’t come to me naturally.

Normally I have to make an effort to memorize something, usually through a
mnemonic trick.

2. Why do people often forget small things?

People often forget small things because they treat them as rather inconsequential to
their lives. If it’s trivial - like the name of someone you just met and don’t expect to
get around to seeing again - what’s the point? I think it’s just human nature and
nothing to be ashamed of.

3. How can you make sure you don’t forget things?

One way I would remember things is to jot down a list of what I need to do or get.
That way I can always refer back to the list and check whether or not I forgot
anything. This is what I do when I’m out grocery shopping for instance.


1. Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet advertisements?

I’m not really all that interested in advertisements on either platform because I find
them a bit of a nuisance so I try to avoid them wherever they come up. If they’re on
TV then I get up and tidy up the house a bit or grab some water. If they’re on a
website then I just ignore them and move on to whatever I’m doing online.

2. What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?

I particularly dislike advertisements selling medications because they’re typically

not honest about what they do to your body. They often exaggerate the efficacy of
the medicine and minimize the side-effects to convince consumers.

3. Do you share advertisements with others?

I don’t share advertisements with other people because nobody ever really does that.
It would be weird to advertise to my friends. The only exceptions would be if it’s a
product that is really up their alley and on sale one week – or if it’s a funny ad but I
can’t think of that last time that came up.

4. Do you want to work in advertising in the future?

Absolutely not – I think working in advertising is being part of the problem, not the
solution. I think it’s ethically repugnant to mislead people and there are so many
other career options I can’t understand why anyone would ever want to work in
marketing or advertising given the choice.


1. What kinds of things are boring to you?

Hmmm tough one but there are a few things that just don’t hold my interest - I’m
not really into anime or discussing politics or comics for example. Other people
might like them but they’re just not for me.

2. What will you do when you feel bored?

Whenever I’m bored, I find something else to do that’s more interesting. For
example, I’ll log into Netflix to watch a TV show whenever I feel bored if I’m stuck
at home. I might go for a walk too. If it’s a situation I can’t get out of, then I’ll just
put up with it for the time being.

3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

The most boring thing I ever did when I was young was paint my bedroom wall. It
was so boring to me because I only had one color to use and I was doing the same
motion over and over again with the paint roller to cover the wall. It was so boring
that I almost fell asleep doing it.

4. Do you think school is boring?

Going to school can be boring at times because some of the lessons aren’t that
interesting and can get tedious. Also, going to school is something we’ve go no
choice about. However, that boredom can be balanced by the fact that we get to see
our friends everyday which is always fun.


1. Do you collect things?

From time to time. I actually have a collection of old postage stamps from the UK
that I gathered over the three years I was in university there. Some of them date as
far back as 1910.

2. Are there any things you keep from childhood?

I still have my old childhood photos - they’re valuable to me in that they remind me
of a simpler time in my life. I also hang onto some of my old miniature cars because
they also remind me of my days as a kid.

3. Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?

I do tend to have trouble tossing out old things. I always think to myself that they
might come in handy in the future - though they rarely do. Also, some items have
sentimental value and I’ve developed a strong emotional attachment that keeps me
from chucking them out.

4. Where do you usually keep things you need?

I usually keep my things in a storage closet since it’s spacious enough to fit tons of
stuff inside. It’s mostly full of old childhood mementos and other knick-knacks I’ve
accumulated over the years.


1. What forms of visual art are popular in your country?

Traditionally, pictures created with unique materials such as lacquer and fabric are
commonplace. These days however, we are beginning to embrace modern art forms
such as graffiti and photography.

2. Are there any differences between the art in your country and the art in Western

The biggest difference between Vietnamese and Western art is that we use more
unconventional materials such as lacquer and fabric. Thus, our art is usually more
experimental because of this.

3. Do you want to be an artist?

I would not want to become an artist because I have a lousy eye for composition and
color. I do not know which color goes with which and I do not know which patterns or
shapes to use to make a beautiful picture.


1. Have you ever learnt about outer space and stars?

I did learn about outer space in elementary school. I learned about the solar system as
well as the types of stars and extraterrestrial objects that are commonly found. However,
that’s where my knowledge of outer space ends.

2. Are you interested in films concerning outer space and stars?

I do have an interest in movies set in outer space. One of my favorites of all time is The
Martian, in which a NASA astronaut played by Matt Damon has to survive on Mars
after being left stranded there by accident.

3. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

I do not want to venture into space in the future because the thought of floating in the
darkness of space somewhat frightens me. Therefore, I’m more than happy with staying
on Earth thanks.


1. Do you like chocolate?

Yes, I do. Chocolate is my favorite kind of sweet treat in the world. I do especially like
dark chocolate as long as it doesn’t have over 80% cocoa in it.

2. Did you like chocolate when you were a child?

My love for chocolate began when I was a kid so yes, I did like it back then. I would
eat it almost all the time but my parents were worried that I was getting fat so they
compelled me to eat less of it.

3. Have you ever given chocolate as a gift to someone?

I gave chocolate as a gift to people many times before, mostly during special occasions
like birthdays or Christmas. It is pretty much my go-to gift for people since it is easy to
find and pretty cheap.

4. How popular is chocolate in your country?

It is a fairly popular treat in Vietnam, although local snacks and fruits like sunflower
seeds, papaya, watermelon and dragonfruit are more commonly eaten. However, we are
starting to make our own chocolate and become less dependent on imports from abroad.


1. How often do you listen to music?

I listen to it almost everyday. My life would be rather dull without it. I have my own
Spotify account so I can listen to music on my phone or computer whenever I like.

2. What kind of music do you like most?

I have a strong preference for classic rock, mostly British bands like the Beatles, the
Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. However, I’m open to newer genres like
hip hop and techno.

3. When do you listen to music?

I mostly listen to it in the morning and afternoon when I’m working. Music helps me to
concentrate on whatever I’m doing at the moment. At night, I prefer to watch TV to be
entertained because it is more stimulating.

4. What types of music are most popular in your country?

Among the youth, they are highly receptive to music from abroad such as American and
British pop as well as K-pop. Older people however like music produced by local artists
like My Linh and Hong Nhung as that’s what they grew up listening to.


1. How often do you stay up late?

I mostly stay up late during the weekends as I have no work to do. I would usually go
out on the town with my friends hopping by bars and pubs till the break of dawn.

2. When did you last stay up late?

I last stayed up late last Saturday. I was watching a Premier League match between
Tottenham and Manchester City on TV and it was on from 3 to 5 am.

3. How do you feel after staying up late?

I normally feel exhausted after staying up late, especially after having one too many
drinks. I would then feel desperate to have a good night’s sleep, going as far as ignoring
brushing my teeth and not taking off my clothes.

4. Does anything make it difficult for you to fall asleep?

When it is too noisy or too bright in my bedroom, I would have trouble falling asleep
and when I don’t get enough sleep. I wouldn’t be able to work effectively and would
struggle to stay awake.


1. Do you often get up early in the morning?

Yes, out of necessity. I have to be at the office at 8 am so I would wake up at 6:30 so

that I can have enough time to get ready for work.

2. What do you usually do when you get up early?

I would first go to the bathroom to relieve myself then brush my teeth vigorously.
Afterwards, I would change my clothes for going to work, grab my necessary things
such as my wallet, keys and phone and then leave my house.

3. What did you do in the morning when you were little? Why?

When I was a toddler, I would go to the park with my parents and run around in the
morning because they wanted me to enjoy the fresh air and the best that nature has to
offer. I enjoyed doing it back then but as I grew older, I went to the park less and less.

4. Are there any differences between what you do in the morning now and what you did
in the past?

In the past, I would normally go out for some exercise in the morning before going to
work. Nowadays I don’t do that anymore because my workload has gotten larger and I
need to devote my full attention to it to finish it.

5. Do you spend your mornings doing the same things on both weekends and weekdays?

On the weekends, I would sleep for longer because I don’t have to go to work. Other
than that, my routine still remains somewhat the same. I would still brush my teeth and
change my clothes, only this time I’ll stay at home and relax.

6. Do you get up early on weekends?

I don’t get up early on weekends because like I said before, I would sleep for longer as
I don’t have to go to work. I would normally sleep in until 9 or 10 am.

7. What kinds of professions require people to get up early?

I would say people who work in manufacturing or agriculture are required to get up
early as those sectors are very strict in starting their production processes early so that
they can meet or exceed their targets by the end of the day.


1. Do you like wearing jewellery?

Not really. I find it to be uncomfortable and garish. I instead prefer to wear a watch
since it is more useful and it is nicer to look at in its unassuming design.

2. Have you ever bought jewellery as a gift?

No, I have not because it’s way too expensive for me to afford. I instead prefer to buy
something much cheaper like a book or a box of chocolate, which are just as nice as
jewellery in my estimation.

3. What type of jewellery would you like to buy?

None of them because like I said before, they’re all too expensive to buy. If I earned
more money, then maybe I would buy a ruby ring because I like the color of it.

4. What type of jewellery is most popular in your country?

Anything that has diamonds in it, we’ll go out of our way to get it. We like the
appearance of diamonds and the connotation it brings in terms of social and financial


1. Do you have a lot of keys?

No, I don’t. I only have my house keys which are all I need. I don’t own anything else
that might need a key like a motorcycle or a miniature safe.

2. Do you always take your keys when you go out?

Yes, I do because I need them to lock and unlock the door to my house regardless of
the situation. If I didn’t have them with me then how would I be able to come inside my

3. Have you ever lost a key?

I have never lost my keys. I always check that I have them at all times and it has worked
for me so far. Also, I keep them hidden from public view in case someone wants to steal

4. Do you do anything to avoid losing keys?

I always keep my keys in either my pocket or handbag so that I know where to find
them and pull them out whenever I’m leaving or entering my house.


1. How often do you go to the library?

I hardly ever go to the library. Whenever I need to search for information, I can just use
my phone or computer and go on Google to find what I need.

2. When was the last time you went to a library?

I last went to a library nearly five years ago when I was studying abroad. I was at my
university’s library to conduct research for my final dissertation.

3. Did you go to the library when you were a child?

I did go to my school’s library quite often when I was a kid. I would go there just to
borrow books or magazines that are interesting to me.

4. How popular are libraries in your country?

Libraries are not well-visited by people in Vietnam. We instead search for the
information we need online which is faster than scouring for a particular book across
numerous shelves.


1. What type of noises do you often hear?

I would normally hear bike engines revving up, fans running, conversations within
earshot and people typing on keyboards. It mostly depends on where I am at a given

2. Are there any sounds you like?

I do like the sound of a cat meowing because it is such a cute and innocent sound that
immediately draws my attention. I would meow at a cat just to make it try to meow back
at me.

3. What kind of noise do you dislike most?

I don’t like the sound of a drill drilling against a wall because it is so loud and piercing
it just drives me insane. I would try to ignore it by listening to music through my

4. Is your area becoming noisier?

Not really. The area I live in is relatively quiet as it is away from the main road. The
loudest noise that you could ever hear in my area is a conversation between neighbours
which even then isn’t really that noisy.


1. How often do you shop at small businesses?

I shop at small businesses almost twice a week but I shop at supermarkets or malls more
often. They have a wider range of products on offer and so they have more choices for

2. Do you prefer buying things from small businesses or big businesses?

I prefer to buy stuff from small businesses because they show greater sincerity in the
products that they sell and they are usually more stringent towards quality control than
big businesses which tend to cut corners in this regard.

3. Are there many small businesses where you live?

In the district where I live, there are many small businesses owned by independent
entrepreneurs and families selling everything from sunglasses to candles. Hence there
are plenty of opportunities to support these kinds of businesses.

4. Would you prefer to work for a small business or a large business?

I would prefer to work for a small business because I like rooting for the little guys.
These big businesses are already making millions so why not let these smaller ones get
the spotlight?


1. What made you happy when you were little?

As a kid, I would always get happy whenever I got to play outside with the other kids
from the neighborhood. They were really fun to play with and the games we played
were just as exciting.

2. What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?

I think that if I get a better paying job in the near future, I’ll feel happier because I’ll
have more money to pay the bills as well as have more money to buy things I most
desire like a new phone or computer.


1. Are you a tidy person?

I like to think that I am a tidy person. I put things back where they were originally and
I organize my books and files neatly on my shelf. If that constitutes being tidy then I
guess I am.

2. Do you think people should be tidy all the time?

I think so because it teaches people the value of cleanliness and organizational skills. If
people don’t learn to be tidy then they’ll have no idea how to maintain personal hygiene.

3. Are you tidier at work or at home?

I’m tidier at work because my office is pretty strict when it comes to keeping your
workspace clean. I’m allowed to be a little bit messy at home since it is my personal
space after all.

4. How do you usually keep your place tidy?

I would clean my home at least once a week by vacuuming the floor and then washing
it. I would also clean my shelves and windows for any dust that may have been
accumulating and I would throw away things that I don’t need anymore.


1. Do you have a large family or small family?

Considering that I have my mom, dad and sister in my family, I would say that we are
an average-sized family.

2. How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family?

I would visit my parents once a week at their home downtown. I usually have dinner
with them and talk about the things that are going on in each other’s lives.

3. Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?

I have many friends in my social circle. I know some of them from my time in
elementary school and I made some new ones just recently at a party last weekend.

4. Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?

I prefer to stay alone because it’ll be more peaceful and quiet and I like to have peace
and quiet in my home. My friends are known to be loud and obnoxious sometimes so I
want to avoid that as much as possible.


1. Do you usually wear T-shirts?

I do often wear T-shirts, especially during the summer where I need something light to
wear. In the winter I would wear something heavier like a sweater.

2. Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

I do like T-shirts with pictures on the front because they make them unique from other
similar T-shirts and they add some pizzazz to the shirt as well.

3. Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?

I don’t think so because it comes across as them trying too hard to be trendy like today’s
youth. It is better for these older people to wear whatever they like and not have to be
forced to wear clothing more appropriate for young people.

PART 2&3


• Describe an object (a gift, something you use etc.)

Eg: Describe a useful electronic device that you have.

You should say:

• What it is

• How long you have used it

• What you use it for

And explain why it is useful

• Describe a person (someone you admire, a leader etc.)

Eg: Describe a famous person that you admire.

You should say:

• Who the person is

• How you got to know about him or her

• Why that person is famous

And explain why you admire that person

• Describe an event (a festival, celebration etc.)

Eg: Describe an event that you enjoyed.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who was in the event

• What you did

And explain why you enjoyed the event

• Describe an activity (a hobby, a game etc.)

Eg: Describe a sport that you enjoy

You should say:

• What the sport is

• How to play

• What equipment is required

And explain why you enjoy the sport

• Describe a place (somewhere you visit, a holiday etc.)

Eg: Describe a place that you love to visit

You should say:

• What the place is

• Where the place is

• How to get to the place

And explain why you would love to visit that place.

• Describe your favorite (book, film, advertisement, website etc.)

Eg: Describe your favourite book

You should say:

• Which book it is

• How you got the book

• What the main content is

And explain why you like the book


1. Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably/well

You should say:

• Who he/she is

• What job he/she does

• What kind of clothes he/she wears

And explain why he/she likes fashion


One person I know who likes to be fashionable wherever he goes is my co-worker

Jeffrey. Jeffrey and I work at the same insurance company as accountants and he is three
years my senior. While we don’t really hang out with each other outside of work, we
like having each other around as he is an easy-going and friendly guy. Both of us share
the same love of movies and we talk with each other a lot about them.

Like I said before, he is an accountant at Wilson Inc., a multinational insurance firm

with its headquarters in New York. He got the job from a recommendation he got from
a former executive at the firm and he majored in mathematics in UCLA as a
valedictorian. Needless to say, Jeffrey is a smart guy. He has performed so well for the
firm that he has been groomed to take executive position, specifically managing director
of the London branch. Personally, I think he should take the job because he has shown
to be capable of handling such heavy assignments.

Whenever he is working, Jeffrey likes to wear a suit from Giorgio Armani. He has 10
of them in his collection and they are in different color schemes ranging from blue to
gray. I like to think that he imagines himself as Barney, the womanizing character from
How I Met Your Mother who likes to wear a suit on every occasion. While the suits do
fit him well and they are smart, I always wondered how he could afford such expensive
clothing. I make the same amount as him and I don’t own stupidly expensive suits like
he does. Outside of work, he likes to wear polo shirts from Tommy Hilfiger and jeans
from Levi’s as they are more casual yet still stylish.

Jeffrey likes to be fashionable because he likes to show off that he is a good-looking
guy. While I do admit that he is rather handsome, it comes across as rather vapid and
shallow to me. There’s more to life than looking good, you know. He also likes to be
fashionable to attract women. They tend to be enticed by those who wear nice clothing
and Jeffrey is no exception. Many of our female coworkers flirt with him because of his
Armani suits.

2. Describe a person you know who is from a different culture

You should say:

• Who he/she is

• Where he/she is from

• How you knew him/her

And explain how you feel about him/her


As I studied in an international school throughout my childhood and adolescence, I have

made many friends from different cultures. However, as I can only talk about one
person, I’ll instead talk about my best friend Antonio. Antonio hails from Italy, more
specifically Rome. He moved to my hometown eight years ago since his father was the
Italian ambassador and the school I went to is popular among children of diplomats.
Antonio is very much a typical Italian guy; he is vocal, he’s not afraid to speak his mind
and he is passionate in his personality, which is a huge contrast to myself since I am
rather reserved and quiet. No surprise, he likes all of the popular Italian dishes such as
pizza and pasta and he is also a football fan, supporting his local team Roma.

I first met Antonio when he arrived at my school as a new student in my class. He

introduced himself to the whole class and I was then paired with him for a group
activity. We started talking to each other about where we came from and what we liked
and disliked; once we found out that we share a common love of football, we quickly
became friends and every now and then we would hang out at each other’s houses to
watch a football match. Needless to say, I like hanging out with Antonio. He is
charming, outgoing and protective of his friends and he loves to tell jokes as well.

Though we may come from different backgrounds, we never let that fact separate us, as
there is more to friendship than our cultural identity.

3. Describe a friend from your childhood who you remember very well

You should say

• Who he/she is

• Where and how you met each other

• What you often did together

And explain what made you like him/her


I have made many friends from my childhood but my closest one was a guy named
Bruno. Bruno lived in the same neighborhood as me and our families were rather close
as they often visited each other on weekends for dinner. Bruno was a tall and thin kid
as he exercised a lot and ate very healthily. I, on the other hand, was rather short and
slightly pudgy. Bruno was from a Portuguese background whereas I was from Vietnam.
Nevertheless, these differences didn’t get in the way of our friendship and we were able
to get along with each other just fine.

Besides having dinner together on weekends, we would go out in the street to play an
assortment of sports such as football, badminton and basketball. Bruno was more
athletic than I was but I still had fun playing with him as he was very much a team
player. We would also play board games at each other’s houses. My favorite was
Battleship, while his was Connect Four. Still, we were willing to play each other’s
favourite games. Finally, we love to watch movies either at home or at the cinema. Our
favorite movie genre was action so we would go out of our way to either watch a new
action movie or an old classic like something from Jackie Chan or Arnold

One thing that made me like Bruno was his sense of creating camaraderie. He knows
how to start a conversation and tells a good joke to lift everybody’s spirits up. Heck,
even one of his stupid fart jokes will be enough to get me and the neighborhood kids

laughing like mad. Another thing I liked about Bruno was how protective he was of his
friends. Whenever I or any of the other neighborhood kids got into trouble, Bruno would
always be there to save us and we would be grateful towards him. He knows how to
come up with ingenious solutions to various problems, basically a real-life MacGyver.

4. Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting

You should say:

• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• What interesting thing you did
And explain how he/she inspired you to do it


There is this friend of mine who likes to practice archery at the local target range named
Jerry. By trade he is an engineer at the company I work for, whereas I am a junior
marketing assistant. Oftentimes after work we hang out with each other at a bar over
some beers and dinner. We talked about how our boss was treating us like garbage and
Jerry would often mention to me how he does archery to relieve stress. Next thing you
know he invited me to practice shooting a bow and arrow with him on the weekend and
I accepted because I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

On one sunny Saturday morning, I drove down to the target range where local archers
would practice their craft including Jerry. Once I got there I ran down to meet Jerry and
he lent me his bow to teach me how to fire an arrow. He told me to stand with my two
legs apart and point the arrow at the intended target. Once I aimed at the target, Jerry
told me to pull back the bow as far as I could so that the arrow could fly very far. When
the time came to fire, I let go of the bow and watched the arrow fly very fast towards
the target. While I didn’t hit a bullseye, I was impressed with myself for being able to
fire an arrow and not have it fall off the target. I practiced shooting arrows for a few
minutes before I got tired of it due to having to pull back the bow so many times.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed shooting these arrows since it gave me such an adrenaline rush.

Jerry inspired me to practice shooting a bow and arrow since he told me it was his way
of releasing stress. He told me that he goes to the range every weekend to perfect his
archery skills as a way to calm himself down after an arduous work week. After trying
it myself I can say that he is very much right. Whenever I had the bow and arrow in my
hands, I felt as if time had suddenly stood still and the weight on my shoulders had
immediately been lifted off of me. So yeah, I will try to practice archery from now on
thanks to Jerry’s insistence.

5. Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants

(e.g. vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What he/she grows

• Where he/she grows them

And explain why he/she enjoys growing plants


I have a next-door neighbor who loves to do gardening in his spare time named Eddie.
He works as a repairman of electronic devices and TV yet his schedule is very flexible,
so he has enough time to tend to his garden. Having seen it myself, I can definitely say
he is quite the horticulturalist. His garden has a vast array of flowers, trees, fruits and
vegetables so much to the point of me wondering to myself where does he have the time
to grow all these plants and how can he afford them all.

First off, Eddie’s garden is at the back of his house by the veranda. On the left of it he
grows many flowers which include orchids, geraniums, chrysanthemums, roses, lilies
and tulips. All of them are colorful and beautiful to look at, that’s for sure. The center
section of the garden is where he grows his own produce. Eddie grows almost every
kind of fruit and vegetable you can think of. He grows tomatoes, spinach, potatoes,
apples, pears, onions, strawberries and blackcurrants, and that’s just the tip of the
iceberg. Needless to say, he won’t have to worry about running out of food for a while.

On the right side, Eddie grows pine trees that are small enough to fit in his house. That
way, he won’t have to worry about ordering a Christmas tree and paying so much money
for it. He can easily cut down a tree from his garden and bring it inside his house.

Eddie told me that he likes gardening and growing plants because it helps him relax. He
has said that it takes his mind off of his work responsibilities and he considers it as a
real passion of his. Eddie also told me that it is practical to have your own garden
especially when it comes to growing food. Instead of having to go to the supermarket
every time to buy fruits and vegetables, it is more convenient to have a garden where
you can grow your own produce and save a lot of money.

6. Describe an interesting old person you know

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you know this person

• What you do together

And explain why you think this person is interesting.


This topic reminds me of an old man named Wang, whom I consider really intriguing.

He is an immigrant from China. He has lived in Vietnam for years since he moved to
my neighborhood for retirement. However, it was not until last week when I met and
got to know him by chance at a block party. At the party, we had some chit chat together
and I’ve just realized that he was rather nice. He told me of his previous life, in which,
he was a former member of the Chinese Army, who served for five years and then left
his hometown to open a laundromat in Vietnam almost 40 years ago. Being touched by
the country’s friendly people and peaceful life, He decided to live here for the rest of
his life and raised a family of his own. His laundromat located downtown is still in
operation, although he no longer runs it after deciding to retire at the ripe age of 70.

Every now and then, I would visit his home to tend to his needs. He and I enjoy some
tea and discuss our lives and interests, however, what engrosses me the most is every

time we meet, there is always something about him surprise me. Turns out he shares the
same interest in playing chess as well as books since he is a bookaholic and also a big
fan of chess. He even owns a large garden at the back of his home and I help him take
care of it every weekend. I’m not bragging when praising that his garden is absolutely
gorgeous because any other words can’t describe its beauty, which is created from
various flowers and fruits with diverse colors, such as orchids, roses, oranges and
apples. I find Mr. Wang to be a pretty interesting guy because of his life story and rather
jovial attitude to life. In spite of his advanced age, he approaches every new day with
vigor and excitement. I aspire to be like him when I retire and reach my 70s.

Part 3:

• Do you think old people and young people can share interests?

I would say yes because in the end both old and young people are just that, people. They
can easily share common interests if they know where to look. For example an old man
and a young woman can bond over their love for chess, and a young boy and an old
woman can build a friendship based on their common affinity for fantasy novels. The
belief that young and old people can’t share the same interests is pure nonsense in my

• What can old people teach young people?

The old can teach the young valuable life lessons that they themselves have learned
from experience. They can teach the youth lessons about personal finance, relationships
and practical things among many other topics. For example, a senior citizen who has
been married to his wife for 40+ years can teach his grandson how to maintain a long-
lasting relationship because he has that experience.

• Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?

If we’re talking about being romantically interested then I would say yes, with the main
one being that person has a goal to attain and a new purpose in life. If a man is newly
attracted to a woman then he’ll make it his mission in life to win her heart. However,
this can bring about feelings of jealousy if another person is interested in the same
person as you so it’s ultimately a 50/50 situation.

• What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?

For one, that person can act as the de facto nanny for a family. Instead of hiring an
independent nanny which costs money, a grandparent can look after the children instead
which is doubly beneficial since it is cheaper and strengthens familial bonds. For
another, the old person can step in to resolve arguments since they have greater authority
in the household on account of their age. In most societies, the elderly have the most
decision-making power in a family so they have the authority to mediate an internal

• Is there anything that older people should learn from the younger generation?

The elderly can learn from the youth how to be more proficient in technology. Since its
usage is not going away any time soon, it would be beneficial for the elderly to know
how to use the newest devices and they can learn to do this from the younger generation
since they are the most savvy in using such technology. As a result, everyone can be on
the same page when it comes to taking advantage of technology.

• What can the younger generation learn from the older generation?

This is similar to a previous question so I’ll say the same things as before. The youth
can learn valuable lessons from the elderly about life, love and money to name a few
because they have the experience to back those lessons up. For example, a grandson can
learn from his grandfather how to manage his expenses because he has the practical
experience to prove that his advice has worked before.

• What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

For one, a person needs to be patient in looking after the elderly. Since they move and
behave slower than younger people, a caregiver must have bottomless patience to be
more accommodating towards old people’s weaker physical and mental health. For
another, a person needs to have empathy for the problems that old people are facing.
That person needs to understand what they are struggling with and why so that they can
do all they can to help.

• Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?

I think so because it’ll give them something to do and they won’t feel stuck being at
home doing nothing. However, they shouldn’t do physically strenuous jobs because
they are much weaker than they were in the past. Instead, they can do more leisurely
jobs such as a shopkeeper or a baker and they can set their own schedules to
accommodate their age.

7. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

You should say:

• What party it was

• How you met this person

• What you talked about

And explain why you enjoyed talking with him or her


7 years ago, I was in college in Birmingham, England starting my bachelor’s degree. I

was living in a dorm right by the main campus and I was told by my fellow flatmates
that there was an inauguration party held every beginning of the academic year.
Naturally I was excited to join and once the day came everyone was in a jovial mood.
Everyone was drinking, dancing, talking and pulling pranks to lift up their spirits. As
the party was going down, I came across a fellow flatmate named Aidan who was sitting
by himself amidst all the festivities. He looked kind of bored with the party and wanting
to make new friends, I then joined alongside him, exchanged introductions, talked about
what we were studying and our lives in general.

It turns out that he was studying chemical engineering as a Master’s course and he’s
originally from London but moved to Birmingham as he was tired of the fast-paced
lifestyle in the capital. Aidan chose to study chemical engineering since it was his
father’s field of expertise and he shared the same passion as him. He also told me that
his parents were originally immigrants from Ireland who moved to London to start a
new life. Looking back on it now, I liked talking with Aidan because he was a good
listener and he showed great interest in others’ lives. He also liked to crack a joke every

now and then to make the conversation more fun and his jokes were quite witty indeed.
I still keep in touch with Aidan even long after we’ve both graduated from college.

Part 3:

• Under what circumstances do people meet new people?

Normally people would meet new people in public occasions such as parties, dinners or
festivals because they normally host a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces and the
familiar ones can introduce people to the unfamiliar ones as they may share mutual
acquaintances. That way, people can make new friendships with the ones they don’t
know much about.

• Where do you think people meet new people?

Like I said before, people would meet new people during public events like dinners,
parties and festivals. They host friends and friends of friends and people can meet those
friends of friends and forge new connections with them. For example, at a dinner party,
friends of the host gather together and they can become friends with each other on
account of them sharing a mutual acquaintance.

• Do you think it is difficult for foreigners to communicate with Vietnamese


I would say yes if they don’t know the language. If foreigners are fluent in Vietnamese
then no it’s not that difficult. However, these days there are more Vietnamese people
becoming fluent in English, mostly among the younger generation. So it may not be
entirely necessary to learn Vietnamese to converse with the locals.

• What types of people interact easily with each other?

For one, people who share a common interest in something can get along pretty easily.
For instance, it is pretty easy for a Manchester United fan to be friends with another
Manchester United fan since they share the same passion. For another, people who are
of the same race typically get along very well on account of them sharing the same
cultural experiences. For example, an Indian man studying abroad can easily be friends
with another Indian man because they are of the same origin.

• What kind of people are hard to get along with?

I would say it is difficult to get along with people who are arrogant because they think
they are better than everyone else and they can’t empathize with others. They’ll talk
highly of themselves and care little about what others have to say. I would also say it is
difficult to get along with people who lie all the time because you can’t trust a word
they say. Trust is important in a relationship and if it’s not there, then what’s the point
in maintaining such a relationship?

• Do people now have enough time for communication?

I would say yes, but there is less and less of it nowadays because people are living a
hectic lifestyle and are burdened with a heavy workload that they need to get through.
With whatever amount of time they have left, they tend to spend it conversing with
other people about general topics such as work, current events and pop culture.

• Does technology make it easier to communicate with family and friends?

On the whole, I would say yes since it facilitates greater convenience in communication.
For example, when a student is studying abroad, he can easily talk with his family
through the phone or computer at any time despite the geographical barriers. Therefore,
familial bonds can still be maintained despite the vast distance between members.

8. Describe a person you have met who you like to work or study.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• Where you work/study together

• What you often do together

And explain why you like so much to work/study with him/her.


I work at an accounting firm as a junior accountant downtown and it has about 100
employees as part of its staff. However, out of all of them, I’m only really close with
one guy and his name is Jimmy. Like me, he is also a junior accountant and he’s two

years my senior. He lives rather close to the office so he could easily walk there as
opposed to myself who has to take the bus to get there because I live further away.
Unlike me, he is happily married and has two kids studying in kindergarten. I on the
other hand live alone in my apartment and am fine with it. Jimmy joined the firm two
years ago after working in a financial consultancy company for half a decade. He told
me he wanted to work in accounting as it was less stressful for him.

At work, we would go over the accounting numbers for our clients who range from
small businesses to global conglomerates. We would examine a client’s revenues, costs
and profits and determine whether or not they are financially stable and advise them on
how to maintain that stability. Outside of work we would normally hang out at the local
bar and talk about work, our personal lives and current events. Sometimes, we would
have dinner together with our other colleagues from work and do the same thing. I like
working with Jimmy because not only does he care about work to a high degree but also
he’s a great conversationalist and likes to listen to others as he is very sociable.

Part 3:

• What kinds of co-workers do people like to work with?

In general, people like to work with co-workers who are friendly and cooperative
because they are easier to get along with and they can help them with anything they
need, such as particularly difficult tasks. If one’s co-workers are annoying and
disruptive, then it will be much more difficult to enjoy working with them since their
behavior towards others is rather poor.

• Which one is more important to you at work, development in work-related skills

or recognition from your supervisors?

I think both skill development and recognition from your superiors are equally
important; none is greater than the other. Developing work-related skills is important
because they are necessary for an employee to complete their tasks to the best of their
ability. Recognition from one’s supervisors is also important because it validates the
hard work they have done and it gives them motivation to continue putting their effort
in their job.

• Do you think managers should be friends with their subordinates?

I would say yes to a degree because in that way, the bonds between staff members can
be strengthened and managers can more easily empathize with their junior staff.
However, they shouldn’t be too close because it is necessary to maintain a hierarchy in
the workplace and the subordinates should still recognize the authority of their

• Should children be allowed to choose whom they want to sit with or should it be
decided by the teacher?

I think children’s seating arrangements should be dictated by the teacher because it

encourages children to make new friends and not always stick to the ones they are
already closest to. If children are given free rein to sit wherever they want, they’ll more
than likely sit with their best friends on account of their familiarity with them. Also,
they’ll more likely be disruptive during the class because they’ll start chatting with them
a lot.

9. Describe a character from a film

You should say:

• What character it is

• Who acted as the character

• When you saw the film

And explain whether you like this character.


There have been many iconic characters in movies throughout the years such as Luke
Skywalker, Indiana Jones, Iron Man and Batman but today I’m not gonna talk about
any one of them. Instead, I’ll talk about another iconic character on the same level which
is James Bond. He is a spy working for the British government tasked with stopping
bad guys and their plans for world domination. He also goes by his iconic codename
007. He is described as a handsome gentleman who likes to live the high life of luxury,
fast cars and loose women, yet is still dedicated to finishing the mission at all costs.

Though he originally started out as a book character created by Ian Fleming in the
1950s, he became a movie character audiences would love in his first movie Dr. No,
which was released in 1962.

Since then, there have been 25 movies in the James Bond franchise released in the span
of 60 years with six actors playing the role. My favorite actor who played the role is
Daniel Craig since he brought a great mix of hard-edged brutality and vulnerability to
the character. His debut as the character Casino Royale is my favorite in the franchise
as it brought a semblance of realism to James Bond and the story, tackling real-world
issues such as terrorism. I first saw it when I was 10 years old on DVD and I loved it so
much that I rewatched it about 10 times as I grew up. Needless to say, I love the
character of James Bond because he is effortlessly cool and he gets to do things that
mere mortals like me would never dream of doing in our lives.

Part 3:

• Is it interesting to be an actor/actress?

It is understandable why some would like to be an actor/actress because it is an outlet

where they can express themselves creatively and they can be challenged in portraying
characters that are vastly different from their reallife personalities. Personally, I don’t
find it that interesting because I get very shy when performing or presenting something
in front of many people.

• What can children learn from acting?

Children can learn presentation skills from acting. For example, when acting on stage,
the performers have to use their body language, facial expressions and a loud voice to
convey the story clearly to the audience. These skills are equally applicable to doing a
presentation in front of an audience because it is meant to convey a particular message
or theme to them.

• Why do children like special costumes?

Children like to wear special costumes because they allow them to imagine themselves
as the characters who wear these costumes. For example, when a young boy wears the

Batman costume, he can imagine himself as Batman. When a young girl wears the Sailor
Moon costume, she can pretend to be Sailor Moon for that special occasion.

• What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and those who
earn little?

One major difference between actors’ salaries is the projects they perform in. Actors
who get paid a lot tend to star in widely-seen movies and TV shows, which usually
include major franchises as opposed to those who get paid very little. For example,
actors like Robert Downey Jr. and Dwayne Johnson earn millions for the movies they
star in. Another difference is that actors who are paid a lot are more recognized than
those who are not. Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise for instance make millions of dollars for
their movies and are more widely known as opposed to unknown actors in a theater
troupe making only hundreds.

• What are the differences between acting in a theatre and in a film?

When acting in a theatre, the performers have to be much more expressive to more
clearly tell the story to a large audience. This usually means that they have to speak
louder and move more exaggeratedly. When acting in a film, the performers are allowed
to be more subtle because they are only performing in front of a camera and they don’t
have to project so much in their expressions and body language.

• What makes a good actor?

I think the defining mark of a good actor is their performances must stay true to the tone
of the story being told. For example, if the story is about a subtle exploration into a
man’s feelings after losing his father but the performance is over the top and
unbelievable, then the actor is terrible because he failed to understand what the story is
about and what the tone of it should be.

• Are drama series popular in your country? Why?

I would say yes. Vietnamese people love to watch drama shows both from home and
abroad. They love watching these kinds of shows because their stories are immediately
captivating to audiences and they leave them wanting more. Some examples of drama

show that are popular in Vietnam include those from Korea like Crash Landing on You
and those from America like Stranger Things.

• What is the difference between young people's and old people’s favourite TV
dramas? Why?

Older people tend to like dramas that emphasize the performances and story whereas
younger audiences tend to like dramas that feature more action and spectacle. This
seems to be the case because younger audiences have less patience with shows that are
more about the story, dialogue and performances. For example, older audiences are
more likely to enjoy a show like The Sopranos than younger audiences because of the
aforementioned reasons.

• Do you think TV dramas reflect what happens in the reality of society?

Most of the time these TV dramas are reflective of what is going on in the world because
they want to be true to the world we live in and remind people of the collective issues
humanity has to face. For example, a show like When They See Us is intended to
address the racism against black people in the US in both the past and the present,
especially when it comes to its justice system.

• Do you think people will change their preference of TV dramas when getting

I think so. I think that as people get older, they’ll more likely prefer shows that are
slower in pace and place greater emphasis on character and dialogue than action and
spectacle. They’ll start to find these big, blockbuster-esque shows rather silly and move
on to enjoying shows that care more about telling a captivating story with more relatable

• What is the difference between foreign dramas and ones in your country?

Foreign-made dramas are better produced than those made in Vietnam because they
have larger budgets and better equipment. Since the Vietnamese film and television
industry is not as sophisticated or advanced as that of other countries like the US and
Korea, our shows look like they were shot for cheap using not-so-fancy equipment that
gets the job done.

• What is the influence of foreign TV shows on people in your country?

Foreign TV shows are especially influential in teaching new languages to Vietnamese

people. These days they are commonly used as an educational tool to learn languages
like English, Korean and Japanese. For example, young people in Vietnam would watch
Friends to get a grip on everyday American English vernacular whilst they would watch
Naruto to understand the grammatical nuances of Japanese.


1. Describe an object that you think is beautiful

You should say

• What it is

• Where you saw it

• What it looks like

And explain why you think it is beautiful


One time while I was traveling in the UK in the coastal town of Brighton, I came across
an old warship which to me was beautifully constructed. It was specifically the HMS
Speedy which was captained by Sir Thomas Wilson during the colonial era. Captain
Wilson was celebrated for his daring exploits such as capturing ships belonging to other
European powers as well as his countless victories against pirates in the Atlantic Ocean,
all the while using the HMS Speedy as his main ship.

Like I said before, I saw the ship in the town of Brighton, which is a famous resort town
in the UK. Many tourists from the UK and abroad visit there because it is very
picturesque with a nice beach and interesting sites such as the Royal Pavilion and the
Palace Pier. The ship itself looked rather grand and imposing. It was built using oak
which was both a strong and light type of wood and so it could easily float while also
resisting cannonballs being fired at it. It was painted in a combination of brown and
black, with the hull being black and the decks being brown all over. The sails were
weaved from cloth and they were white all over. They were also rather large as they had
to be so that they could catch enough wind to push the ship forward.

When I first saw the HMS Speedy, I thought it was such a beautiful ship because for
one, it was pleasing on the eye. The color scheme brought out the majesty of the ship
and the use of oak added a sense of ruggedness to the ship which I quite admire. I also
thought it was a shining example of humanity’s capacity to build something big. The
ship has demonstrated that we can build big things that are practical despite their size.

2. Describe a photo you took that you are proud of

You should say:

• When you took it

• Where you took it

• What is in this photo

And explain why you are proud of it


I remember taking a photo of a vast landscape that I was proud of. It was taken around
3 years ago while I was on holiday. I was hiking in the Sierra Nevada mountains in
southern Spain for about 3 hours straight and I wanted to take a break. The mountain
range is a popular tourist spot in southern Spain as people can go skiing there and it
contains the tallest mountain in the country which stands at 3.5 km high. I was there
with two of my friends and my sister as we all enjoy a good hike, especially one that
challenges our endurance.

As for the photo itself, it was a wide angle shot of the mountains and valleys below
them. The mountain tops were covered in snow whilst the valleys below were green and
lush with vegetation. Also, the sky was overwhelmingly blue and the sun was shining
bright on the land, making it glow with pristine beauty. I took the photo with a wide-
angle lens so that my camera could capture all of the landscape in a single frame. As for
the camera itself, it was my trusty Canon EOS 50D, which has many functions that can
be used depending on the situation. The image quality is very sharp, meaning that the
pictures themselves are very clean to look at.

I was proud of that photo because for one, it was just a beautifully composed photo. The
mountains, land, sky and sun were all clear to see and it manages to highlight the
splendor that nature has to offer. For another, it was taken during rather difficult
circumstances. It was during a 3-hour hike in the mountain tops where oxygen is rather
scarce and the slopes are so steep. Nevertheless, I managed to overcome these obstacles
and take the photo.

3. Describe a program you like to watch

You should say:

• What it is

• What it is about

• Who you watch it with

And explain why you like to watch it


A program I like to watch on TV is Succession on HBO. It airs every Sunday at 9pm

and it recently won many awards for its acting and writing. It is about a patriarch of a
billionaire family who plans to step down from his position as CEO of his company and
his four children plot against each other to take over that company. The oldest child
wants no involvement in the company, the second oldest has the most experience
despite being a screw-up, the second youngest behaves rather petulantly and delights in
mocking his siblings, and the youngest is the most cunning and ambitious of the four.
In the meantime, the family has to navigate numerous deals to ensure that their company
can survive. What ensues is hilarity, darkness, betrayal and redemption for each of the
main characters.

I watch the show alone most of the time because not many of my friends or family know
about it. Also, whenever I tell them about the plot of the show they react with disinterest
and they would prefer to watch something more action-packed or funny like a superhero
show or sitcom. However, I don’t mind watching it alone because I find it more
peaceful. It’s better to soak in the show when there’s no one to comment on it every ten

I love the show because for one, the dialogue is highly entertaining to listen to. Everyone
has the opportunity to either make a snarky comment or put somebody down with an
insult and it is written in a way that is so clever that you can’t help but want to use that
dialogue in your everyday life. For another, I like the setting of the show. It is set within
the media and political landscape of America, which has always fascinated me because
of how influential it is on American and global society.

4. Describe something you had to share with others

You should say

• What it was

• Who you shared it with

• Why you had to share it with others

And explain how you felt about it


When I was in high school, everyday I would bring minty chewing gum as it helps me
to release stress after a difficult class or assignment. Also, it just tastes really good and
it lets me enjoy the fresh air a bit more. However, I couldn’t have it all to myself as my
friends and classmates also had a hankering for chewing gum for the same reasons as
mine. Thus, I had to share my gum with them because they didn’t have their own.

Like I said before, I shared my chewing gum with my friends and classmates. Whenever
we would meet for lunch or for studying after school, they would always be ready to
ask me for some gum and I would happily oblige to give them some. As such, I sort of
became a gum ATM to my friends. While most of the time they didn’t have their own
gum, some of them did but wanted to taste mine instead because it tasted better than
theirs and once again, I would give them some of my gum.

I wouldn’t say I had to share my gum as that implies I was forced to. I did it out of my
own volition because I’m a person who likes to share my things to others if they ask
nicely. If they didn’t, then I would be right in not sharing my things and I don’t want to
be forced to share. I don’t really have strong feelings about sharing my gum with other
people; it’s just something that I did because I think it’s a nice thing to do. I think it’s
nice to share things but only voluntarily; if someone is forced to share then they would
be less inclined to do so.

5. Describe a piece of technology that you feel is difficult to use

You should say:

• What it is

• What you got it for

• How often you use it

And explain how you feel about using it


One piece of technology that I struggle to use is my motorcycle. I got it as a present

from my friend who told me that I needed one to get around town easier. However, it’s
been almost 15 years since I last drove a motorcycle since I had gotten used to
commuting on my bicycle in addition to other modes of transport like taxis and buses.
I enjoyed being on a bicycle throughout those 15 years as it was a great form of exercise,
better for the environment (as it doesn’t need any fuel) and it was less expensive to
maintain. Nevertheless, I tried going on my new motorcycle and let me just say, it was
a bit difficult to get it started.

It took me seven turns of the key to start the engine so that was taxing. What’s more, I
almost fell over many times trying to find my balance while accelerating. It was difficult
for me to find my sense of balance as I would swerve the steering wheel wildly from
left to right. Despite this, I would drive my motorbike at least twice a week to and from
work and I had gotten into a few close scrapes while on the road. Fearing for my life
from that point on, I then told my friend that I intended to sell the new motorcycle to
someone else because I couldn’t drive it at all. Needless to say, he was sad about it but
he understood my predicament. I guess I’ll stick to riding my bicycle to go to and from

Part 3:

• What technology do people currently use?

In daily life most people use smartphones and computers to do their work or to
communicate. They would use those devices to send messages or make calls to others
and they would write stuff on those devices as well. Some jobs utilize specialized
technology to complete necessary tasks. For example, a photographer would use a
camera to take pictures while a factory worker would use electronic tools to assemble

• Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

Large companies launch new products frequently to maintain their sales figures and to
compete with each other. For example, Apple and Samsung often release new
smartphone offerings to compete for customers’ attention and their money. Such
competition allows for greater variety in the marketplace since it would be unfair for
one company to have complete control of a market.

• Why are people so keen on buying Iphones even though they haven’t changed
much from one to the next?

I would say that people do this because they see the iPhone as a trendy product and they
want to project themselves as such. They feel that if they don’t buy the new iPhone then
they’ll be behind everyone else and be stuck with the current version that they have,
despite it having the exact same functions and features as the new one.

• In what ways has technology changed your society?

One way would be that it has made daily tasks more convenient to a degree. For
example, people can shop online through their computers or phones instead of going to
the store and have their purchases delivered to their doorstep. Another way would be
that it has expedited the way we work. For example, workers in a factory can assemble
things faster and more precisely thanks to the introduction of electronic tools that can
speed up the production process.

• How has technology changed the way we communicate?

In some ways technology has made communication more convenient. Instead of having
to travel long distances to meet a friend, a person can talk to that friend through his
phone or computer. However, it has also facilitated greater isolation between people
since they may be less inclined to meet each other in person thanks to the convenience
technology brings.

• How has technology changed the nature of long-distance relationships?

Technology has helped close the gap that is inherent in a long-distance relationship.
Friends or lovers who live far apart can still talk with each other through their phones,
computers or tablets, thus they can still keep close contact with each other despite the

geographical barriers. Therefore, maintaining a long-distance relationship will be less
of a chore.

• What are the limitations of technology when it comes to interpersonal


For one, people can be so immersed in using technology that they may inadvertently
isolate themselves from others and not make much of an effort to reach out. They may
struggle to have a face-to-face conversation with another person. For another, it can be
easy to misinterpret a message sent online because when conversing with somebody in
person, that other person uses their facial expressions or body language to convey a
message more clearly, which is not the case with online communication.

6. Describe a gift you received

You should say:

• What it is

• How you got it

• What you did

And explain how you felt about it


On Christmas Day almost eight years ago, I received a sweater from my aunt. It was a
wool sweater that she knitted and decorated herself. The sweater was white all around
except for the front where emblazoned on it was the shape of a red bird. Specifically, it
was a sparrow since they are frequently seen flying around my aunt’s neighborhood. It
looked rather shaggy since there were strands of wool sticking out, but it didn’t really
matter because it was nice and warm. Ever since I got that sweater, I wear it every winter
and now it is one of my favorite pieces of clothing that I own.

I didn’t really do anything to earn that sweater. Actually, that’s not entirely true. What
I did was I behaved nicely and supported my aunt as much as I could. The sweater was
given to me as a reciprocal expression of her adoration of me as a family member. As
for why I was given the sweater, my aunt often knits her own clothing and gives it to

her friends and family as gifts. I will also say that she is very good at knitting. She can
make the most complex patterns out of any material she can get her hands on such as
wool, cotton, polyester, you name it. As for whether I liked it, I would say yes since it
has a really cool design, it keeps me warm through the winter and I still have it to this
very day.

Part 3:

• Should employees have their own goals?

I would say yes because it’s the only way to push forward in life. If people have
something to work towards, they will very likely strive to achieve it and make
significant progress along the way. For example, if a worker wants to be the best in his
field, then that worker will persevere in attaining that goal until he feels satisfied with
what he has achieved along the way.

• How should bosses reward employees?

Obviously, bosses should reward employees with a hefty salary for the good work they
have done. However, there are other kinds of rewards that are just as valid. For example,
if a company manages to exceed their sales target for the month, the boss should reward
their staff with a nice dinner someplace or a really cool gift such as a watch for each
member. It all really depends on what the boss likes to give and what they can get.

• What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?

It depends on the context. For example, if a high school student manages to do

exceedingly well in their academic performance, then it would be right to reward them
with a scholarship to a prestigious university abroad. For another example, if a young
worker manages to exceed his targets for the month, then it would be appropriate to
reward him with a bonus on top of his monthly salary.

• What is the purpose of gift giving?

I would say it is intended to show appreciation for the one you are giving the present to.
For example, a child would give a scarf to his mother to express his love for her. On top
of that, it is a tradition across different kinds of occasions and holidays, such as
Christmas and birthdays.

• How has gift giving changed since your grandparents’ time?

In the past, people would go out of their way to find the most extravagant or amazing
gift they could find, no matter how much it cost. It was intended to be the ultimate token
of appreciation for the recipient of the present. However, these days, people are much
less extravagant with the gifts they give. Sometimes they wouldn’t give a gift at all since
either it is too expensive or they can’t muster the effort to find one.

• How important is gift giving in a relationship?

I would say it is important since a gift is a form of affirmation for the strength of the
relationship. However, I wouldn’t go as far as to say it is the most important thing in a
relationship since there are other factors such as communication, mutual understanding,
having common likes and dislikes and general chemistry between the two people in

• What is more important when it comes to giving a gift, cost or effort?

I would say effort because it is much more demonstrative of a person’s appreciation for
another. For example, it would be so easy for a wife to buy an expensive watch for her
husband; however, if she were to make her own gift for him such as a scarf or a painting,
it is much more telling of how much the wife loves her husband.

• Do you think it's suitable to give money as a gift?

I would say yes since it is a useful gift in itself. Money can be used to purchase anything
you want or need. However I can understand why some might say it is a lazy gift to give
since it shows that the person giving it has put little to no effort in finding a nice gift.
Still, I don’t think it is an invalid gift to give to someone.

• Do you think it's a good idea for people who are doing business with each other
to exchange gifts?

I would say yes because it shows that they have mutual respect for each other as
businessmen. However, when these gifts are given in exchange for rather dubious
business favors, then I have a problem with that because it is akin to essentially a bribe
and if those favors aren’t repaid then it will present a major problem for both parties.


1. Describe a time when you needed to search for information

You should say:

• What information you needed to search for

• When you searched for it

• Where you searched for it

And explain why you needed to search for it


Well, my specialization requires loads of research work and findings on the Internet,
not to mention the numerous deadlines I have to meet so I must say that browsing the
web has gradually become my habit now. Today, I would like to share with you a time
when I found information for my midterm essay of English and American literature.

As far as I remember, the essay was about “materialism in The Great Gatsby”. It’s such
a tough time for me as literature is not my thing and the deadline was coming near so I
had to burn the candle at both ends to finish it on time. At first, I believed with such
topics, books at my school library were the best choice; however, it turned out to be
limited to some extent. Therefore, I decided to look up related sharings on the internet.

I spent 3 days on my laptop and surfing a lot of websites with relevant content.
Fortunately, after various failures in searching out appropriate information, I discovered
a website named “”, which provided reliable theories and prior
successful thesis of the same topic in a very convenient way, facilitating my essay

If it had not been for that website, I wouldn’t have gotten a flying-color score in the
subject. I also realized that being patient and working smartly with the internet can
enable us to take advantage of it.

2. Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment

You should say:

• What the appointment was for

• Who you made it with

• Why you forgot/missed it

And explain how you felt about the experience


It has been 2 months since I missed an appointment to take photos for my university
class graduation. I was supposed to meet my classmates on Saturday of our last semester
like we had discussed and planned before. However, I was totally snowed under because
I had just got a new job at that time. There were numerous things to learn so I had to
roll up my sleeves to perform well at work. Plus, a lot of upcoming projects and
deadlines were assigned to me so I worked diligently and completely forgot the
appointment with my friends. I felt extremely disappointed with myself for forgetting
such a special occasion with my university classmates. They had stood by my side for
almost 4 years, supporting and encouraging me through thick and thin. They weren’t
mad at me but I knew they were so sad. After this occasion, I promised myself that I
need to maintain a work-life balance to avoid unwanted situations.

3. Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something

You should say:

• When it happened

• What you waited for

• Why you made the decision to wait

And explain how you felt about the decision


Waiting for someone or something to happen is a common situation in our daily lives.
Today I would like to share with you an occasion when I had to make a decision to wait
for my parcel on Shopee.

In case you don’t know, Shopee is acclaimed as the leading e-commerce platform in
Southeast Asia, which provides consumers with a variety of products and very
reasonable shipping fees. I needed to purchase skincare products to soothe my irritation
but unfortunately, the shipping time was longer than expected due to COVID-19
pandemic. As a consequence, although wondering whether I should cancel my order or
keep it, I had to make up my mind to wait for it because I desperately needed those
products. It was a frustrating experience but I think the long wait was worth it. After 2
weeks, I finally received my order and my skin condition has improved.

After all, I’ve learned a valuable lesson in patience because as long as we are persistent
enough to wait for something, there will always be a ripe time, when we could grasp
favorable opportunities and achieve success in life.

4. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g in a park, on the beach etc.)

You should say:

• Where are when you saw the plastic waste

• Why there were a lot of plastic waste

• What you did after you saw them

And explain what your thoughts were about this


Plastic waste has posed a serious threat to the environment. However, it’s common to
see plastic waste everywhere because some people throw them here and there
unconsciously. Today, I want to talk about a time when I visited a tourist attraction and
saw a lot of litter around.

Last year, I visited Bai Chay beach, which is a famous beach in Ha Long city, Vietnam.
My friends and I were all drained due to our hectic schedule during our semester so we
decided to spend our vacation taking a short day-off there, where both domestic and
international tourists can have a whale time walking under the sunlight, enjoying the
refreshing atmosphere from the ocean and sunbathing. However, as we approached the
beach, we felt extremely awful that it was covered by loads of plastic products. The fact

that people dump their bottles and containers carelessly did not only destroy the scenic
beauty but also deteriorate the marine environment.

Being responsible citizens, we approached the tourist department and requested him to
keep this place clean by advising the visitors and notifying them. All in all, after that
experience, I realized that environmental protection isn’t the sole responsibility of the
authority and individuals should join hands to tackle this long-term problem.

5. Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding)

You should say:

• When it happened
• Who gave you money
• Why he/she gave you money
And explain how you felt about it


I’m going to talk about the time that I received cash as a gift.

If I’m not mistaken, it was my 18th birthday that my parents gave me money as a
present. Since the first time the airpods 2 were released, I always wanted to have them.
However, this product is prohibitively expensive so I can’t afford to buy a pair. On the
occasion of my birthday as well as my high school graduation, my parents secretly
accumulated money for purchasing the airpods. It was the first time in my life that I
received such a huge amount of money as a present. My parents made my birthday a
special day as the money was carried in a beautiful envelope with my name on it. I was
on cloud nine and so touched, that tears started rolling down my cheeks. Next day, my
brother and I immediately went to a mobile phone store and bought the airpods. Out of
excitement, I snapped a picture of the airpods and posted it on facebook to share my
happiness to my relatives and friends.

I was really grateful for my parents for their affection and care they had shown me. I
also loved them because of their unconditional love and support. They understand my
needs even though I don’t tell them. That gift is indeed special to me but even more so
is the person who gave it to me.

6. Describe a festival or national holiday in your country

You should say:

• When the festival occurs

• What you did during it
• What you like or dislike about it
And explain why this a festival or national holiday is important


My favorite holiday is Tet, which is one of crucial national celebrations in Vietnamese

culture. We celebrate this holiday annually in January or February according to the
Gregorian calendar.

While some think that Lunar New Year is such a cliché occasion to describe, I find it
quite intriguing. You know, Tet is the biggest celebration in Vietnam so on that day, all
schools and shops are closed and workers have a two-week or one-week dayoff. That’s
why everyone want to make use of this long vacation to unwind as well as reunite with
their families.

On top of that, Tet also has various precious manners such as making Banh Chung,
worshipping at family antar or visiting ancestors’ graves. However, what interests me
the most is Tet food like nem ran, banh giay, banh tet, you name it. Though eating them
multiple times every Tet holiday, I never get bored and also gain a lot of weight thanks
to the exquisite taste of these delicacies.

Tet is my favorite celebration since it is one of the rare occasions that I can have
opportunities to return to my homeland, meet my family members and enjoy quality
time with them as well as get away from it all after hectic schedules in the city.

By and large, Tet is definitely the most significant day for all Vietnamese people in
general and for me in particular. This is a time to slow down, reflect on our past year’s
gains and failures as well as get ready for the new year.

7. Describe a time when you succeeded in doing something that was difficult

You should say:

• What you succeeded in

• When you succeeded

• Who helped you do it

And how you felt when you succeeded


I’m going to talk about a time I managed to finish a very challenging task at work.

A few days ago, I was assigned a task, which required me to accomplish it in one week.
The task was to compose band 8.0 answers for several IELTS speaking questions. At
first, I thought it would be a piece of cake as I had done it before; however, when I
started writing some samples, I realized that it was the deadline that mattered the most.
It was too tight, which made my task even more daunting. As if it wasn’t bad enough,
another problem was that I had to correct innumerable essays a day so I was totally in
panic. The scarcity of time drove me crazy and stressed me out. Consequently, I had to
burn the midnight oil to ensure the deadline and turned to help from other people in my
academic team.

Finally, my teammates and I successfully raced against the clock. We completed the
task on time and promptly shared the material for learners on social media like
facebook, tiktok, etc. Although I felt so exhausted after the task, it will definitely be one
of the most unforgettable memories in my life.

8. Describe a historical period you want to know more about.

You should say:

• Which period is it?

• When did it occur?

• Why are you interested in it?

• Who all were involved in it?


When I was in school, history was a compulsory subject and me and my classmates had
to learn about key events in our nation’s history. However, there weren’t really any
lessons pertaining to global history in the curriculum so we missed out on learning about
major worldwide events such as the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and the Cold
War. One particular period in history that I would like to learn more about is the era of
European colonization in the previous millennium. As suggested by the title, it was a
period when European kingdoms scrambled to colonize every part of land in the world
to exploit various resources to trade and consume. It took place between the 18th and
20th centuries and it involved some of the heavy hitters such as Britain, France, Spain,
Portugal and Germany.

During that period, those countries were in a race to occupy as much land as possible to
support their economy by mining that land for its resources. As such, they had to scour
all over the world for such precious land, going as far as South America and Asia. In
the process of exploiting that land, the colonizers had to hire the local people to do the
work for them and they were often subjected to poor treatment and abject brutality at
their hands. Despite this, I find it fascinating to learn about this particular period in
history because of how much it has shaped our present. For example, countries such as
Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Peru have Spanish as their main language thanks to
them being colonized by Spain. The same can be said for Canada, America and
Australia having English as their main language thanks to British colonization.

Part 3:

• How is history taught in Vietnam?

I would say that Vietnamese history is generally passed down from generation to
generation through history lessons at school and the occasional word-of-mouth
anecdote. Like other countries, in Vietnam, students spend a lot of time learning about
past wars, leaders, big events and so on. These lessons typically involve some reading
in a textbook, maybe a short writing assignment and then lectures from teachers in class
- class discussions are pretty rare but it depends on the school in question.

• Is there any difference between teaching history through books and movies?

Well, definitely, on the one hand, textbooks are dry and monotonous with lots of dates,
names, and places to memorize. A typical complaint amongst students is that there is
too much to remember. On the other hand, movies demand more attention and are way
more engaging - that’s one of the reasons that Hollywood makes them and teachers will
sometimes let the class watch them in class as a reward. But they tend to be at best a
little historically inaccurate - so teachers have to clarify some parts, I’m sure.

• Why are there many children who do not like to learn history?

I suppose the first reason would be the traditional way history is taught - in my country
at least. In Vietnam, school children have to listen to endless lectures but it’s often in
one ear, out the other. Also, a lot of the events aren’t relevant anymore. Kids don’t hear
about them in the news and would rather follow news that is important to them - about
new movies and singers and products they want to buy. Since it’s hard to know if what
you learn in history class is really true, and it’s boring, it’s hard to work up much

• Do young people like historical stories in your country?

I’d say in general - not really - though it’s hard to speak for everyone in a nation of
nearly a hundred million. As far as I can tell though - most people don’t read old books
about history - even historical fiction. And the movies that come out about history aren’t
the most popular. This might be the lingering effects of learning about and being bored
by history lessons at school. To most people, the main interaction they have with history
is just the street names - which come mostly from history.

• Do you think history matters in a country’s future development?

I couldn’t agree more because it’s crucial to not repeat the mistakes of the past. What’s
that quote? Those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
Something like that. There are a lot of examples of this - especially when it comes to
foreign policy. Countries can look at how they interacted in the past with other nations
and then alter their strategy to move forward. This is especially true in places like the
Middle East where there has been a lot of conflict in the past and they need to sort
through those issues to have a bright future.

• Are there other ways people can learn about history, apart from at school? How?

With the advent of the Internet and advanced technology generally, people can
learn about history via online media. For example, people can watch loads of videos
related to historical events on YouTube shared by schools and other organizations. It’s
also possible for the public to learn about history by visiting museums and well-
preserved historical sites. In Vietnam, there are certain cities like Hue, Hanoi, and Hoi
An that are famous for their old architecture and if you hire a tour guide, I’m sure they
could take you around and tell you all about the historical events that happened there.

• Do you think history will still be a school subject in the future? Why?

Yes of course, I’d argue it will always be a core subject. There are certainly more
immediately useful subjects, like math and science and art, but history forms the basis
of a person’s understanding of the world and their own place in it. Without that
background knowledge, you’ll feel slightly out of touch at all times with the world and
your ancestors and even with popular culture - like when there are references in a
popular show that you don’t get.

9. Describe a time when you received some positive feedback.

You should say:

• When it was

• What the feedback was related to

• Who gave you the feedback

And explain how you felt about it.


When I was in college around 7 years ago, I had to write an essay for my course which
was philosophy. It was about the strengths and weaknesses in the belief of nihilism and
it had to be almost 3,000 words long. I had worked on it for five days straight since the
deadline was rather tight in that I had to submit it by the end of the week. I did my
research exhaustively and I had to write my essay non-stop to the point where I was
almost about to fall asleep by the end. It was my final paper of the academic year and it

was the most important since it decided whether or not I would pass my course.
Needless to say I put as much effort in it as possible which was a lot.

When I sent it in, I waited for about a week for the results and feedback to come back
and when they came, I was elated since most of it was positive overall. My professor
noted that my essay was well-organized and easy to follow, therefore he wasn’t lost as
to what the arguments were and why. He also noted that the arguments were well-
researched and convincing so there was no doubt regarding their validity. Finally, my
professor also liked the examples I used to support my arguments in which I use quotes
and events in history to demonstrate the value and lack thereof in nihilism. Like I said
before, when I received that feedback, I was happy because it validated the hard work I
put into my essay and if the feedback was more negative then I would’ve felt crushed
and more eager to give up on my effort.

Part 3:

• Do children need encouragement as they grow up? Why?

I suppose encouragement plays an important role in a child’s formative years but I’m
no expert honestly. Children need motivation when they encounter challenges
especially. For example, when I was a child, I wasn’t good at math so whenever I had
to work through difficult questions, my father always gave me little pep talks to boost
my confidence. It’s counterintuitive but I suppose this could also be counter-productive.
Kids need to develop their own resilience and self-reliance and not just seek the praise
and support of their parents. So, balance is needed.

• Which kind of feedback do people tend to believe, positive or negative feedback?

Hmm, trick one… it depends. When a person needs motivation, then they are more
likely to believe positive feedback as it will give them a boost - whether it’s true or not.
However, when a person is more self-critical and looking to make changes in life then
they might be more open to criticism. Of course, most people generally just believe the
positive parts and discount the negative comments - unless they have really low self-

• Do you think public recognition is important for people nowadays?

Sure, that’s a tried and tested truth. I don’t know the reasons why but it seems natural
to me that a person would crave some external validation for their work. It can even
serve as a motivator - people work hard in order to secure the esteem of others. For
instance, when a student is honored in front of the whole school for a good performance,
he will feel motivated to get better results in the future. So in the end, I guess achieving
things in life is a sign of deep insecurity.

• Do you think those who have received public recognition should take on more
social responsibilities?

Yes, definitely. The more public recognition people get, the more social responsibility
they should assume. This is because they can be a positive role model as most people
imitate the actions of well-known personalities. If a celebrity engages in volunteering,
donating to the poor or looking out for the environment, there will be a huge positive
influence on the public. For example, My Tam is a widely acclaimed singer in Vietnam.
So, when she was involved in volunteer programs in remote areas in 2020, it inspired
thousands to follow suit and either volunteer themselves or at least donate some money.

• Do you think positive feedback is more useful than negative feedback?

In my opinion, both kinds of feedback are more or less equally important, though I’d
give a slight edge to positive. When it comes to positive feedback, compliments and
praise can lift a person’s mood and make them more productive in their work and study.
Meanwhile, through negative comments, people can become more aware of their
weaknesses and improve them. For example, whenever I get negative feedback about
my work from my boss, I can acknowledge my shortcomings and usually avoid making
the same mistakes later on.

• Should bosses give positive feedback to employees? Why?

I believe that positive comments play a vital role in work productivity so bosses should
give them to their subordinates so that they feel appreciated, and have a sense of
recognition. It shows employees that their bosses notice and value their hard work, and
they get credit for a job well done. That will motivate them to keep working hard in the
future, though of course it’s just one form of motivation needed.

10. Describe your first day at school.

You should say:

• Where the school was

• What happened

• Who you talked to

Explain how you felt on that day


My first day of school took place around 19 years ago. I was joining the 1st grade at my
local school after being in kindergarten at a different place. The school was located
downtown about 15 minutes away from my home. It consisted of one main building and
a courtyard where students can play sports or outdoor games. It is also very green since
there are many trees and plants dotted around the walls of the school, thus keeping it
from being visually drab. The school has 5 grades from the 1st to the 5th with 3
classrooms for each grade. By the end of 5th grade, students then proceed to middle
school and then high school.

When I first arrived at my new school, I was greeted by my soon-to-be teacher and
classmates. The teacher was a lady named Ms. Wallace and she was very welcoming
towards me. She made sure that I was getting accustomed to the new environment and
showed me around the school. My new classmates were eager to talk to me as the new
kid since they were interested in where I came from and what my likes and dislikes
were. Thus, I was able to make new friends quickly. Shortly afterwards, there was an
inauguration ceremony where the principal made a speech about what it means to start
school and how important it was to study in it. At that moment I felt both unsure and
excited about starting school because while I’ll get to make lasting memories with my
friends there, I also knew that I had to work hard to succeed in my education which
meant doing assignments and homework which I wasn’t thrilled about.

Part 3:

• What are the reasons for job changes?

A couple of main reasons come to mind. Firstly, a person might feel unsatisfied with
their salary and other benefits. They may receive quite a low salary that doesn’t cover
their cost of living - especially if they have a family to look after. The company may
also not offer fringe benefits such as health insurance and medical leave. Secondly, they
might want to acquire new skills and push themselves out of their comfort zone. As
each occupation allows them to master certain skills, people, especially young people,
are more likely to move from company to company to accumulate new experience and
develop themselves.

• Are big companies better than small companies? Why?

I reckon that large corporations are a wiser option for the majority of job seekers. Big
companies are more likely on average to provide workers with a professional working
environment. There is likely a training protocol in place and since the remuneration
packages are higher, the other employees and management are likely to be more
experienced and better at their jobs. Furthermore, working in large companies can give
them a golden opportunity to progress up their career ladder. They can become a
manager someday if they can showcase their talents and devotion to the company.
Though of course it’s nice to contribute to a small, local business rather than a big one…

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs?

The benefits… As I was saying before, you can acquire a diverse skill set and
accumulate practical experience which can then be applied to future positions.
Moreover, this may give them a chance to pursue their passion and ultimately be more
satisfied with the work. On the other hand, there are several downsides. One of them is
that recruiters may feel reluctant to hire them if they are seen as unreliable and likely to
leave again after a short stint at a company. Another disadvantage is that they may not
receive a good salary if they bounce around too much. It takes time to work up at any
one company.

• What should parents prepare for their kids when they first go to school?

Parents should ensure that their children are in a good mental state to start their formal
education. Normally, children play with their siblings at home and their social skills

might be under-developed. On the first day of school, everything, everyone is new. In
this new environment, many kids may feel scared and cry, so I believe that it is a good
idea for parents to encourage their children by telling them stories about their own first
day at school.

• How do children socialise with each other?

In the same ways as all people - by talking, playing and hanging out. Of course, kids
spend more time playing with toys and playing games together and talking about their
favorite dolls or robots or cartoons. The kids I’ve come across can turn anything into a
toy or game - regardless of what it is. Over time, certain kids get closer together and
become best friends or form groups where they like to play with each other.

• Is socialisation important for children?

Yes, socialisation plays a crucial role in the healthy development of children. When
they talk with other kids, they can build confidence and improve their communication
skills - useful skills for later in life. Kids who remain on their own all the time are likely
to have trouble communicating, playing and opening up to others. These issues can
persist later in life and make a person more introverted and shy - kids should aim to be
extroverted and outgoing.

• Do you think students should be taken to school by their parents or go by


Although by bringing their children to school, parents can ensure the safety of their
kids, I still believe that students should go to school on their own to be more
independent. They’ll have to deal with certain situations on their own like taking care
of their bicycles and learning to follow the traffic rules. Therefore, not only can they
become more responsible but they’ll also sharpen their decision-making skills when
they run into trouble and have to figure out a way around it.

• Should children rely on their parents or be independent?

Of course, it’s much better for children to be independent rather than overly reliant on
their parents. Self-reliance allows them to learn to handle problems on their own and
improve important soft skills. For example, a child who solves mathematical questions

herself instead of asking for hints or guidance from her parents, will be better positioned
to do well on tests. The more areas of life that they take ownership over, the more
confidence they will have tackling issues as they come up in life later.

• How can children become more independent?

To become more self-reliant, when they face difficulties, children should seek out a
possible solution on their own first. If they still have no idea of how to solve their
problem, at that time, they can seek help from their parents. This enables them to get
into the habit of dealing with their own problems independently and will ultimately help
them acquire problem-solving skills which will be crucial for future work and life.

• What is the effect if parents interfere with their children’s lives too much?

Too much parental involvement will make children dependent. Lots of children get used
to their parents doing the laundry, cooking and cleaning the house, and then have a
tough time doing those things on their own later in life. A lot of people call this
“helicopter parenting” and it’s really pervasive in my country. I think parents have too
much desire for control over their children and need to allow them the freedom to do
things on their own, make mistakes, fail and learn in the process.

• How does changing school affect children?

From my point of view, changing schools can have a detrimental effect on children’
academic performance and mental health. They will naturally have to spend a lot of
time getting accustomed to a new learning environment with new friends, new teachers
and new teaching methodologies, so they may lag behind their peers. Even worse, they
might lose contact with their old friends and the emotional toll this takes on a child can
be really severe - especially for young children.

11. Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something

You should say:

• Who you taught

• What you taught

• How you taught him or her

And explain how you felt about it


I remember a moment in my childhood where I taught my little sister how to play

Monopoly. I was 10 years old at that time and she was seven and I had gotten into
playing Monopoly with my friends from school. I enjoyed playing it since the objective
was to earn the most money out of everyone else in the game and who doesn’t want to
do that when they grow up? On a Saturday afternoon, I was playing Monopoly with my
friends at my house and my sister was watching me play. She saw how I and the others
could earn or spend money while playing the game and that caught her eye so she asked
if she could play and I said sure.

I then proceeded to teach her what Monopoly was about which was to earn the most
money out of all the players. I showed my sister that the main way to do this was to buy
a plot of land which was represented by the squares on the board and then proceed to
build houses or hotels which allows you to earn money whenever the other players get
to your plots since they have to pay a tax to stay there. I also taught my sister the other
ways to earn money such as buying utilities like electricity, gas and water, buying train
stations and passing Go on the board every new time. Once she understood the rules,
she got to playing Monopoly and already became good at it. I felt proud to teach my
sister a new game because in my mind it’s important to have moments like this to forge
a sibling relationship that will last forever.

Part 3:

• What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is responsibility. I mean this can be shown in
the way teachers prepare lessons, are attentive to students and keep in contact with their
parents for regular feedback. I guess good teachers should also possess deep insight into
their profession so that they can impart useful knowledge and skills to students. That’s
a given though.

• Can older or younger people learn better?

I guess younger generations because they are physically and mentally healthier, so their
minds are sharp and capable of taking on new skills and ideas more readily. A lot of the
elderly suffer from memory-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s and often forget
things and definitely find it hard to learn something new.

• What do you think is the best age for children to go to school?

From my perspective, around age 6 is the sweet spot. First and foremost, kids around
this age can walk and talk and have greater opportunities to explore and play than they
would if they started school earlier. To me, play can increase children’s motivation to
learn. On top of that, children at this age possess the self-control to take part in learning
activities. Without this discipline, class is almost pointless.

• What courses/subjects are most helpful in future work?

I suppose classes on foreign languages and intercultural communication are most useful
in this day and age. The world is becoming more and more globalized, so being able to
speak at least one foreign language will make them better future candidates when they
apply for work after university. As for intercultural communication, knowledge about
cultural norms and the ways in which people think and see the world can prevent

• Do you think students should choose subjects they like?

To a certain extent, yes. I think subjects like math, reading, and at least one foreign
language should be compulsory for all. Other subjects such as art and music should be
optional, as I think many students do not intend to work in a creative industry or see it
as a viable career path. Everything should be focused on one’s future career as that is
all that ever really matters in life.

12. Describe a time you were late for a meeting

You should say:

• What the meeting was for

• When the meeting was

• Where the meeting was

And explain why you were late


About 5 years ago, I had to attend a meeting at my office but I was so late that I missed
it entirely. To give some context, I worked at a company that specializes in imports and
exports and the meeting was about a potential partnership with a new client that
specializes in selling salmon caught from Norway to the world. At the time, my
company saw it as a golden opportunity to expand its portfolio and to boost its revenue
and they wanted me to attend the meeting as I was an expert in the Norwegian fish
market. The meeting was set to take place at 3 in the afternoon at the office so there was
no way I was going to be late right?

On that day, I had to go to the Canadian Embassy to apply around noon for a short-stay
visa because I was supposed to attend a trade expo in Vancouver the following month.
However, the application process was super long since I had to fill out numerous forms
with my personal details, my employment history and my financial details which took
me about an hour to complete. What’s worse was the line for applying was so long that
I had to wait another 30 minutes to get to my turn to meet the desk officer to hand in
my papers. To add to the frustration, when I was done with my application and heading
back to the office, there was a massive traffic jam which was caused by a bus which
toppled over. It took about 2 hours for the traffic to clear and another 30 minutes to get
to the office which at that point I had missed the meeting entirely.

• Are you a punctual person?

To be honest, I’m always running behind because I often forget things to bring with me
whenever I head out of the house. I have to go back to get my phone or my parking card
or my laptop. I’m making more of an effort these days but sometimes it’s not my fault
- I might be late due to some unexpected circumstances like getting stuck in a traffic
jam or being pulled over by the traffic police.

• Do you think it is important to be on time?

No doubt about it! Being on time is a basic courtesy you can show to others - to show
you value their time and you have your own life in order. Being punctual makes a good

impression on other people and they, in turn, are likely to be on time when meeting up
with you.

• Do you always avoid being late?

Well, I do my best but sometimes it’s unavoidable. I’ve been in the habit the last year
or so of heading out for work appointments 30 minutes sooner than I used to to have
more time just in case I get stuck in a traffic jam. That’s best case scenario though and
I do lapse into bad habits every now and then.

• Why are people often late for meetings or appointments?

The usual reasons we all hear are traffic jams, being sick, over-sleeping - we’ve all
heard them and given them at various points in our lives. I think part of it is also because
some think being early or on time is a waste since everyone comes late. Coming on time
just sets you up to be taken advantage of. I think ultimately most people just have poor
time management, so they lose track of time and it happens naturally.

• Why do people miss important events?

There is no one specific psychological or social reason but I can speculate a little.If you
get sick then that’s a good excuse. There might also be some other emergency which
comes up in life which requires attention. Apart from that, something more interesting
might come along at the same time - a better option - or they never intended to go in the
first place.

• Are people in your country often late for meetings?

I’d say yes - Vietnamese people aren’t always known for their punctuality. There are
always excuses for it. It’s part of the pace of life here and everyone expects it though at
some companies there are strict rules to counterbalance this tendency.

• What kinds of activities do you consider a waste of time?

Procrastinating, for sure. It’s human nature to be lazy and delay and dread getting on
with a task. But that in turn creates a feeling of dread and guilt and even self-loathing.
I also look down on people who worry too much when there’s nothing to worry about.

If your worry is a life-or-death situation, then share it with a friend for support. If it’s
not, then find another way to deal with it. Go for a run or have a glass of wine.

• What usually makes people feel pressured?

The reasons can vary from person to person. Some feel stressed from little financial
stresses or big ones like managing the expenses for a whole family. For students, it’s all
about trying to get into university and then applying for jobs later on. I think people
respond to stress differently so what is a big deal for one person might not be for another
and vice versa.

• Do you think young people or old people are better at managing time?

When it comes to time management, I believe older people are more economical than
their younger counterparts. This is mainly because they tend to be more disciplined and
have cultivated self-discipline over time. Older adults have so many experiences both
in their personal and professional lives and wisdom comes with age. They know what
is important and should be given top priority, and what is trivial. On top of that, they
are better at making plans, which is essential to effective time management.

• Why do young people waste more time than old people?

To be honest, I don’t think this really the case, in my experience at least. Young people
work hard and are good at multitasking. Therefore, they achieve more in life at a young
age compared with previous generations. But at the same time young people might think
they have their whole life ahead of them and wasting a day doesn’t matter. Lots of young
people are somewhat aimless and not sure what to do with all the hours in a day - if they
don't have a good job or a family to support. When they have nothing to focus on or
devote their spare time to, it’s natural for them to just do whatever to kill time and just
mess around on their phone on all day.

• How can people manage their time better?

Of course, different people have different methods to make the most of their time but
I’d say that the most common and effective practice is making clear plans. It’s crucial
to set priorities and have a timeframe for every task and goal in life, and then to stick to
the plan. There are tons of applications and sites people can utilize to plan out their time

more effectively. Apart from this, they can also master certain techniques or tricks to
curb their inclinations to procrastinate and improve their concentration abilities. When
you set your mind to doing something, it’s important to really take it seriously.


1. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently

• You should say:

• What the activity is

• Who invited you to participate in it

• Whether you asked for help in the activity

And explain what change you had in the activity


Being a lethargic person after work, I usually end up procrastinating and not partaking
in outdoor pursuits. It was recently that I went for a walk with my friends that they
persuaded me to accompany them.

I walked in a park, which has just been constructed near my house to cater the needs for
exercise for the residents there. If it hadn’t been for my friends’ invitation, I wouldn’t
recognize that jogging has numerous benefits. While walking, I could breathe fresh air
and chat with my friends, thus relieving stress after a hectic daily routine. Also, thanks
to walking, I can boost my endurance and muscle strength to improve my health, which
I have inadvertently neglected for a long time.

Eventually, after one-month walking, I shed some pounds and my body became more
vigorous. I promised that I would spend more time on physical activity like walking
because investing time for that pursuit also shows my concern with both my mental and
physical health.

2. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young

You should say:

• What it was

• Where you did it

• Who you did it with

And explain why you enjoyed it


When I was a kid, I loved to play football with the other kids in my neighborhood. Every
afternoon after school, we would have a couple of football matches before dinner and
be split into two teams of five. We didn’t play on a football pitch but rather on the streets
of our neighborhood because they offered enough space for us to run around on and
they were right by our houses so that we could get home in a jiffy.

Like I said before I played with the other kids in the neighborhood. They were roughly
the same age as me and each of them played in the positions they were best at. For
example, one of the kids named Mike played best as a striker and another kid named
Jay was best at defending. My preferred position was either a goalkeeper or defender
because I don’t really have good attacking ability but I can stop an attacking player dead
in his tracks or a ball flying into goal. Some of the players I looked up to at that time
were John Terry, Roberto Carlos, Edwin van der Sar and Victor Valdes because they
were the best at playing defensively or as a goalkeeper.

At that time, I massively enjoyed playing football with my friends because it is a fun
sport that is easy to play and encourages friendly competition between players. It was
also a way for me to remain close with my fellow neighborhood kids and because of
our time playing football together, I’m still close with them to this very day.

Part 3:

• Is it important to have a break during work or study?

Absolutely, it’s crucial to take breaks during work or study. The reason is that it can
help you unwind and recharge your battery after a lengthy studying or working period,
thus increasing productivity as well as concentration. In the long-run, it actually saves
time. At work, my colleagues and I often take a nap after lunch for an hour or so to
make sure that we won’t become office zombies in the afternoon. It doesn’t always
work to be honest.

• What sports do young people like to do now?

It’s hard for me to know or speak for so many people but from what I’ve noticed... Most
young people in Vietnam are into football and badminton - not so different from past

generations. Most schools and universities are equipped with pitches and courts. Plus,
these sports are affordable for young kids who don’t want to shell out a bunch of money
to rent expensive courts or pay for pricey equipment. That’s why it’s not unusual to see
groups of young people playing these sports together everywhere in Vietnam.

• Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?

Well, I guess so - there are definitely many more pursuits for young people in this day
and age than there were a couple of decades prior. The ones that come to mind are
different sports like bowling and archery, watching films, etc. The reason is that with
the advent of technology and more disposable income, a wide range of cutting-edge
facilities and conveniences have been created for different purposes, whereas20 years
ago, the number of these facilities was modest by comparison. For those who are sports
fanatics, gyms are ideal places but if you’re into something else, you can always find a
club on Facebook and meet people with like-minded interests.

• What type of leisure activities are popular in your country?

There are a number of free time activities in Vietnam but I would say… that the most
common are going to the cinema to catch the newest releases, visiting trendy new cafés
and restaurants, and getting in some physical exercise to balance all the relaxing out. It
all boils down to the fact that these are cheap, easy to do, and don’t take up that much
time. Also, people today are less busy than they were in past generations so they have
more time to take up a hobby or hang out with friends.

• Why is it important for people to have leisure activities?

I suppose that it’s because of the mental and physical benefits - the ones everyone is
aware of these days. For one, they help the average person to let off steam and get away
from everything weighing them down - family, work, their own expectations of
themselves. But it’s about more than just mental health - I guess the two are always
linked - but it’s important to stay fit if you want to remain active as you get older.

• Why are some leisure activities more popular than others?

Well, I reckon it’s a matter of personal preference. But some activities become
mainstream and then everyone copies each other. For instance, football is the most

popular sport in Vietnam as people and that’s why every time the national football team
wins a competition, the people always flood the streets to celebrate and enjoy the victory
together. Over time, that has a psychological influence on people in general that makes
them want to watch, talk about and play football.

• Do you think that parents should choose leisure activities for their children?
Why/Why not?

Yes, I do think that parents should have a role to play in selecting leisure activities for
their kids. This lets parents monitor their children in situations where they may
otherwise pick up bad habits or hang out with the wrong people. If a kid wants to spend
all their time on their phone or playing video games, then their parents can put a stop to
this since it’s bad for their physical and mental health in the long-term.

• Have free time activities among people in your country changed much over the
last 2 decades?

Yes, largely thanks to technology and the burgeoning middle class in Vietnam. Back in
the day we didn’t have that many modern facilities to take part in leisure activities like
watching movies or playing computer games, but at the present, our recreational
activities have become more diverse, ranging from normal outdoorsy activities to some
requiring high-tech gadgets like VR goggles. I’d always opt for the former given the
chance but I see more and more people going for the latter these days.


1. Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium) that you have been to

You should say:

• Where it is

• When you went there

• What you did there

And explain how you felt about this place


The most popular stadium in Vietnam that I want to talk about is My Dinh Stadium. It
is the most spacious stadium in Vietnam. The stadium is conveniently located in a
bustling street named Le Duc Tho. It occupies a large area, measuring about 4000 hecta.
It is not only a stadium, it is a multifunctional sport center, with a football field,
swimming pools, tennis courts and so on. The stadium was intended for only sport
purposes at first, but then other competitions and special events were also organized

The first time I went there was ten years ago, when I was given a ticket to a concert to
see Westlife - an internationally acclaimed boy band. That was also the last time I saw
them on the stage together, until 2018 when they reunited but I haven’t yet got a chance
to enjoy their concerts once more. If my memory serves me right, it was on Saturday
night, when thousands of fans, including many foreigners, packed the stadium. When
the boy band showed up, they warmed the atmosphere up with two famous songs “When
you’re looking like that” and “World of our own”. The concert lasted about 2 hours
before it ended with a standing ovation from the entire audience.

Whenever I come to visit My Dinh Stadium, I relive the moments of the concert. As a
die-hard fan of Westlife since secondary school, I was strongly impressed by their
passionate vocals and professionalism. My Dinh Stadium was also an ideal place for
the concert. Even though it was a decade ago, the lighting and sound system was

considered state-of-the-art. The stadium was so enormous, but we still saw big LED
screens. Being immersed in music vibes, it was a great experience to remember.

2. Describe the home of someone you know well that you often visit

You should say:

• Whose home it is

• How often you go there

• What it is like

And explain how you feel about the home


Today I want to talk about my grandparent’s house, which is located in Duong Lam
Ancient Village. My grandparents are currently living there but other family members
have relocated to Hanoi and other areas for personal development. We often pay a visit
to the house on special occasions in the year, such as Tet Holiday and Independence
Day. My grandparents are quite old now so everyone tries to frequent their old house to
visit them as often as possible.

It’s an ancient house in Duong Lam Ancient Village, which was the first to be
recognized as a national-level artistic site of architecture. Some houses, including my
grandparents’, are preserved with many ancient features. The house has three rooms,
whose motifs and patterns of the structure were meticulously designed by my ancestors.
The main materials of the house are wood, bamboo, and rocks, which were collected
carefully to make it durable. The combination of natural materials makes the house
unique, which allows warmth in winter and cooling in summer. I don’t remember
exactly when, but the house was built in the 18th century. High-quality materials and
constant maintenance are contributing factors to the old house being well retained after
such a long time.

The tranquility and ancient structure of the house always makes me feel nostalgic. In
the past, I was taken care of by my grandparents for around three years, and I often
played in the yard with neighbor children. For now, I have moved on to other areas and

even studied abroad, but memories are still imprinted on my mind whenever I come
back home.

3. Describe a place in your country that you would like to recommend

to visitors/travelers

You should say:

• What it is

• Where it is

• What people can do there

And explain why you would like to recommend it to visitors/travelers


I don’t want to brag about my own country, but Vietnam has many magnificent
landscapes that are must-sees for tourists. Today I want to share with you one of my
favorites, which is Nha Trang, a coastal city. Nha Trang is located in the heart of Khanh
Hoa Province, and it is also the political, economic, cultural, sci-tech and tourism center
of the region. With its long sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning bays, Nha
Trang has been listed as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world by National
Geographic and honored as one of the most attractive destinations in Asia. The city is
full of destinations and entertainment facilities to serve the needs of tourists.

Visiting Nha Trang is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many reasons. Along Tran
Phu Street, the most crowded street in Nha Trang, lies hundreds of beautiful cafes and
seafood restaurants. People can firstly enjoy fresh seafood with reasonable prices at
some famous eateries in town. The menu is quite diverse and plentiful with different
kinds of shrimps, crabs, and fishes. After seafood, tourists can satiate their food cravings
with grilled Ninh Hoa spring rolls (nem) with rice paper wraps and vegetables.
Secondly, tourists can pay a visit to famous destinations such as Po Nagar Cham Towers
to admire ancient people’s unique skills in sculpture and architecture. Tourists can also
have fun at Vinpearl amusement park on HonTre island, where they can spend their
days at a five-star hotel and dine at luxury restaurants, or enjoy thrilling games such as
slides, roller coasters, or even a pirate ship. Last but not least, people can find peace in

mind when visiting the Budda statue in Long Son Pagoda. This place enables tourists
to learn more about religions in the nation. If the time permits, I would suggest that
travelers move from Nha Trang coastal city to the south to enter Ninh Thuan province
with Vinh Hy Bay, which is a charming and peaceful bay embraced by both mountains
and blue seas. Being under-the-radar of mass tourism, this bay is pristine and

4. Describe a city you would like to go to for a short time

You should say:

• What city it is

• What you would like to do there

• Who you would go there with

And explain why you would like to go there


One city that I would like to visit for a couple of days is Manchester in northern England.
It is more specifically located in the northwest of the country, next to the cities of
Liverpool and Sheffield. Manchester is home to over 500,000 people, and it is often
labeled as the industrial and financial centre of northwestern England since it is where
all of the major companies are based for their operations in that area.

One thing I would like to do when I visit is watch a football game. Manchester is home
to two of the most successful football clubs in England, Manchester United and
Manchester City. I’m more of a United fan since I don’t like how City play the game
and the way they conduct business. It is a must for any United fan to make the trip to
Old Trafford and watch players like Marcus Rashford and Raphael Varane work
miracles on the pitch. Another thing I would like to do is visit the Science and Industry
Museum as it highlights the pivotal role Manchester played in the Industrial Revolution.
I’ve been told that people can see exhibits of modern technology at its earliest stages.

I like to visit Manchester with my friends because they are also interested in going there
and doing the things that I would like to do. My best friend Jon is a fellow United fan

and he wants to watch a football match at Old Trafford with me. I would like to visit
this city because not only is it a vibrant metropolis where there is always something
going on, but also it is helping to shape England’s cultural identity in numerous ways,
whether it would be its music or its long-standing sporting tradition.

Part 3:

• Do people prefer planned travel?

Hard to say honestly but I think that there are obviously a number of reasons why many
individuals opt for planning out a holiday. The main one is probably because a packaged
tour or clear itinerary provides a sense of safety and control. This is especially helpful
when visitors are looking to travel across multiple countries, such as exploring Scotland
and Ireland or embarking on an epic post-graduation European trip from Italy to
England since they don’t have to worry so much about the logistics. I don’t know if
those kinds of tours really exist though. On top of that, they won’t have to worry about
missing out on certain activities or sights because they can expect an expert guide to
chaperone them throughout the trip. The drawback is that it’s restrictive - you can’t just
wander around - there’s a fixed itinerary.

• Why do places with historical attractions develop tourism more aggressively?

I’d have to say that there are probably a number of factors involved besides the obvious
one of providing for local residents. There’s also helping visitors to have a deeper
understanding and appreciation of the local culture. One other less well-known
incentive might be because they give a place a sense of identity. Y’know, each historical
site has its own unique design that sets it apart from other places. Hoi An ancient Town,
for example, is famous for the architecture - the old yellowing walls and red-tiled roofs
- that are totally different from the styles of any other ancient buildings around the

• Why do you think people usually travel?

Well, it comes down to the person but there are some general commonalities. Lots of
people want to broaden their horizons and meet people from all walks of life, try
different cuisines, learn different languages and get to know new cultures. But travel

also serves as a way to unwind. Life can get monotonous if you just hang around the
same place and you might start to feel you’re stuck in a rut, and through traveling, it can
be revitalizing, refreshing.

• Why do people living in tourist cities experience more noise?

I’d say that there are two primary reasons why people in popular tourist attractions have
to endure greater noise levels generally. The first one relates to the higher volume of
traffic that comes with lots of visitors - taxis and even just people walking around and
talking to each other. Another reason is the loud music played by shops and restaurants
to attract customers. This is certainly the case in Vietnam, where it’s a common strategy
to draw attention by playing really loud club music throughout the day - not sure of its
effectiveness to be honest…

5. Describe a place you visited that was affected by pollution

You should say:

• Where the place is

• What the pollution was

• Why you went there

And explain how you felt about the pollution


Last year me and a few colleagues visited Bai Chay Beach, which was a famous beach
in Ha Long City, Vietnam. My friends and I were all drained due to our hectic schedule
from school so we decided to take a weekend getaway there. We were all stressed out
from writing our final essays and taking the final exams so we thought it would be nice
to decompress by going to the beach and basking in the sun and water.

The beach is popular among both domestic and international tourists who can have a
splendid time walking under the sunlight and enjoying the refreshing atmosphere from
the ocean. However, as we approached the beach, we felt extremely awful as it was
covered in plastic that was carelessly littered by the beachgoers. There was a wide
variety of plastic items that could be found strewn about on the sand such as wrappers,

bags, small boxes, lids and bottles. The fact that people dump their waste with such little
thought did not only destroy the scenic beauty but also deteriorated the marine
environment as fish and aquatic plants were slowly dwindling in numbers.

As me and my friends felt we had to do something about it, we approached the tourist
department office and requested the director to keep this place clean by advising the
visitors and notifying them. All in all, after that experience, it dawned on me that
environmental protection isn’t the sole responsibility of the authorities but also
individuals should join hands since they are just as if not more culpable in contributing
to the problem.

• What kinds of pollution are serious in your country?

I don’t know where to start because Vietnam is unfortunately suffering from all sorts of
pollution problems. But I guess the most severe one is the recent world record we set
for air pollution in a single day, one that has led many citizens to wear masks every time
they go out. One of the major culprits is undoubtedly more rapid industrialization and
the use of private vehicles - cars mainly - which in turn means more exhaust fumes
being emitted.

• What can individuals do to protect the environment?

Through little actions everyday I believe each individual can do their part to curb
environmental degradation. There are several things we, as individuals, can do to
achieve this. Specifically, besides not driving a car, we can also shift towards more eco-
friendly products such as those made from recycled materials like containers made from
bagasse - which comes from sugarcane. As an eco-friendly consumer, we should also
buy more organic foods and local foods as these options often are more sustainably
produced and require less transportation, which obviously means a reduced carbon

• Why should the government be involved in environmental protection?

I’m afraid that just individual citizens’ attempts to adjust their habits won’t be enough
to save the planet so it’s up to the government to make long-lasting systemic changes.
Bureaucrats are responsible for industrialization policies, which regulate the amount of

carbon being produced by various industries, a major contributor to pollution compared
with the negligible amounts made by citizens. Therefore, whole-scale changes to our
national energy grid, tax breaks for green businesses, and higher taxes for cars are some
examples of visionary policies that could actually make a difference as they get to the
root of the problem.

• Is it important to teach students about environmental protection at school?

Absolutely yes. I believe that the fate of the Earth depends on our children and with the
help of environmental programs at schools, they will have the ability to make a
substantial difference in the future. As long as we don’t leave them too much of a mess
to clean up. Students should be introduced to the environmental impact of their daily
actions and the concept of sustainability from an early age so that they can stay informed
about potential future hazards such as water and air pollution. From there, they will be
more motivated to adopt lifelong, eco-friendly habits. Without such education, the crisis
is only likely to worsen.

• Do you think it is a good or bad idea to relocate factories far from cities?

I think it’s a great idea for several reasons. The chief one is that it can mitigate the
detrimental effects of industrial production on residents’ health. That’s the key one.
Plus, land prices and human resources in suburban and urban areas are also much more
economical, which is beneficial to the businesses. Nonetheless, some of the possible
disadvantages of relocating businesses are also worth discussing. Workers in urban
areas are abundant but they might lack professional skills - that could be a big problem
for some companies. On top of that, moving to other areas also means moving away
from some enterprises’ loyal customer base so a location change might not be feasible
in these specific cases.

6. Describe a noisy place you have been to.

You should say:

• What it is
• When you went there
• What you did there

And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place


There was one time around 6 years ago where I went to a nightclub with some friends
of mine. We were there to celebrate making a massive million-dollar deal at our
company with a new client and we always did this whenever we made such lucrative
deals. The nightclub was called The Snail and it was a popular spot in the downtown
area. Most of the patrons were usually high society types - businessmen, politicians,
stockbrokers and socialites. Sometimes a celebrity would visit the club and they would
attract the attention of everyone else there. However on that night, there was no such
person there but the club was still buzzing all the same.

Like I said before I went to this club with my friends from work. They were Ronnie,
who was the VP of the company and Clint, the chief accountant. Ronnie was friends
with the owner of The Snail so he got us the VIP section. However, what I didn’t like
about the club was the noise level which was head-splitting. The music was playing so
loud and the bass that was pulsating through the speakers was so deep it almost felt like
I was getting punched in the chest. Even worse, what added to the noise was the constant
conversations going on between people in the club. The voices of the other patrons
bounced around the walls which made it very hard for me to hear my friends talking.
As a result of this experience, I swore off going to nightclubs and I now prefer going to
bars or restaurants which are comparatively less noisy.

Part 3:

• Do you think it is good for children to make noise?

Well, I’d say yes because it’s a way of communicating and expressing themselves and
having fun. For example, toddlers who are relatively new to this world, and are just
beginning to find their voice and identity definitely do enjoy being noisy and screaming
at high-pitches when they’re upset or yelling to make other people aware of their
presence. Or when children play with each other, they usually yell all the time and laugh
out loud. The noisier the more fun the thinking goes I guess. But to be honest, it drives
me up the wall to be around a bunch of screaming kids.

• Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?

There are some situations where this is true - when it seriously disturbs other people.
For example, when in a library, if children can’t sit still and constantly break out into
laughter or are too talkative, it can disrupt the quiet atmosphere required for
concentration and learning. That’s what librarians are for - to shush kids and other noisy
people. But children should be free to make noises during their playtime and to be kids.

• What are some common sources of noise?

In my opinion, human activity is the main source of noise, especially in densely

populated urban areas. To be specific, traffic noise is arguably the biggest one that we
have to cope with on a daily basis. The streets of Hanoi are always buzzing with the
honking and engine sounds from motorbikes or cars passing by - it can be a nightmare.
In addition, there’s always noise coming from busy construction sites because of the
equipment - bulldozers, air compressors, jack hammers, loading trucks, the workers
themselves, and so on.

• What are the effects of loud noise?

There is little doubt that noises at loud levels can be really harmful. The ear-splitting
noise of industrial machinery is closely linked to occupational risks such as hearing loss
and poor mental health. Furthermore, the risk of developing more serious conditions
related to stress, hypertension, and depression can also rise with prolonged exposure to
disruptive noise from traffic or entertainment venues. Loud speakers, TVs, and washing
machines can produce noise indoors that can disturb our work, study, conversation, rest,
and sleep as well.

7. Describe a favorite place in your house where you can relax.

You should say:

• Where it is

• What it is like

• What you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel relaxed at this place


In my house, I have a special place where I can relax, which is my bedroom. To give
some context, I live in a three-story house with my parents right by a small alley. It is
painted white on the outside and it has a small garden at the front of it. On the inside,
the house has a living room, an atrium, a dining room and the kitchen on the ground
floor. Go one floor up and you’ll find my bedroom, my dad’s office, a bathroom and
my parents’ bedroom. When you reach the top floor, there’s a guest bedroom and a
storage closet. Like I said before, my bedroom is on the second floor at one end of the

In my bedroom, there is my bed which is on the bottom right corner of the room. I also
have a TV and a PlayStation 4 directly facing the bed which allows me to comfortably
watch TV or play games on my bed. Right next to the TV is my desk where I do my
work and on the desk is a lamp and some of my mementos from childhood such as
pictures from previous trips and school certificates. Finally, on the left wall is my
cabinet where all my clothes are kept. Whenever I’m in my room, I would usually watch
TV or play on the PS4 to pass the time. However, on school nights I would do my
homework and finish it as early as possible so that I can have some free time. I feel
relaxed in my room because it is my sort of happy place where I can lie on my bed,
decompress and escape from my problems for the time being. Being in my room helps
put my mind at ease.

• Why is it difficult for some people to relax?

I personally believe that this is because we live in a busy world that makes it hard to
really unwind. We spend hours working at hectic jobs, dealing with problems that come
up, and having too much on our plate without enough time dedicated to rest. Over time
this can lead to elevated stress and increase chances of conditions like depression. A
non-stop pressured life physically interferes with the body’s relaxation mechanisms as

• What are the benefits of doing exercise?

Everyone knows that exercising is essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body as
well as preventing disease. Research has proven time and time again that walking for at
least thirty minutes each day can boost your metabolism, resulting in weight loss. And
it also stimulates the release of hormones including endorphins which help reduce stress
and lift up a person’s mood. Accordingly, we can be more productive at work and lead
healthier lives.

• Do people in your country exercise after work?

For sure, everyone tries to get in some exercise outside of their work. Most people head
over to a gym to get in a workout - or to play sports with friends. Some people like
jogging on their own - it’s a cheap way to stay fit that just requires a good pair of running
shoes to get started. That’s the kind of habit that is hard to keep up but if you can do it,
it can become a lifelong passion - I know lots of really committed runners.

• What is the place where people spend most of their time in their home?

The bedroom, I’d say, just by default. People unwind there - lying in bed on their laptop
or phone. Some people have space to lay out a yoga mat and do some exercise. Lots of
people have TVs in the bedroom too. And it’s the most private place in the house for
most people - they know they will be left alone there and can enjoy some me-time
without any distractions. And naturally everyone sleeps there and that takes up a good
8 hours or so each day.


1. Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store

You should say:

• When it happened

• What you bought

• What problem you had

And explain how you felt about the experience


I have to admit that I am a shopaholic by nature. I usually shop for fashionable items
and try to grab as many items on sale as possible to fill my wardrobe. Today, I would
like to narrate an embarrassing experience that I had in a clothing store of a big local
brand in Vietnam.

It happened two months ago when I was excited to go shopping in Lotte Shopping
Center in Hanoi. This shopping mall is the largest in the city, which is conveniently
located in Dao Tan Street. There are hundreds of major brands inside the shopping mall,
and on their 8th birthday, there was a supersale for all items. Every shopaholic flocked
there to grab their favorite clothes, bags, or footwear. This was an ideal time for me to
hunt designer items with affordable prices.

I went to the BOO store first, and grabbed some popular items with a 50% discount. As
everyone was after different articles and the changing rooms were always occupied, it
took me nearly one hour to pay for my clothes. I decided to purchase two dresses and
three skirts, and headed for the cashier. Unfortunately, my bank card did not work as
the staff tried several times with the wrong pin code. I tried to remember the last time I
changed it, but my mind went blank. I stood motionless because I realized that I didn’t
carry enough cash. There were many customers waiting in line for the cashier, so I
convinced them to allow me to pay a deposit and come back later, but they could not
help me because of the store policy. I could not do anything but leave the store and
shopping mall without any items.

After that incident, I made another bank card with an online payment system. I think it
won’t not happen again as I’m well-prepared for upcoming sale seasons.

2. Describe a disagreement you had with someone

You should say

• Who you had the disagreement with

• What the disagreement was

• What happened during the disagreement

And explain how you felt about it


Personally, I would have to say that I am a calm and sociable person, so I rarely have
arguments or disagreements with anyone. But sometimes, I need to propose my opinion
against my colleagues or friends, and I would tell you one time.

It was when I worked with my team on my Master’s degree program. As a postgraduate

student, I had to work with other classmates on research projects and disagreements
were bound to happen. The workload of a research project was really overwhelming, so
it needed to be equally divided between three members. All things considered, I was
assigned as the team leader and other two members would be in charge of writing the
proposal, then certain parts of the paper were distributed to me and them. At first,
everyone agreed on the division of labor and deadlines, so I hoped everything would go
smoothly. The first stage was normal as our proposal was accepted and we started to
write different parts.

To meet deadlines, I had to pull an all-nighter to research and read articles. However,
one of my friends did not complete her work as assigned. The part was one of the most
important pieces to make the research worthwhile, but she did not say anything until the
last minute. I and the other team member were furious and asked her for an explanation.
She told us she was tired of my leadership but I begged to differ. I was very supportive
back then, so I could not agree with her. We started having an argument and she blocked
both of us from social media and email. We could not get into contact with her, and we

had to complete her tasks in order to not fail the final assessment. Luckily, we had
successfully handed in our assignment. I reported my friend’s behavior to the
supervisor, and let her decide my friend’s grade. After all, we were all given good marks
as I treasured her contribution in the first place. I thought she had her reasons, and I was
ready to listen. I admitted my weaknesses as a leader, and luckily we could become
friends again.

3. Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed

You should say:

• What it was about

• When you had it

• What the teacher did

And why you enjoyed the lesson


I have enrolled in many English courses over the years, only a few of which were
actually high-quality and helpful. One of the lessons I remember the most, was one
during my senior year in high school which was delivered by Mrs. Hanh - The most
inspirational teacher in my educational life. As far as I knew, she was one of the most
renowned professors in Vietnam. Since we were preparing for the national English
examination, she was asked to handle us with extra classes for more advanced
knowledge. Although she looked no longer young, there seemed to be no generational
gap between us. I remembered she came into the class with the brightest smile from an
educator that I had ever seen. To sincerely confess, her introduction speech did not
attract us right from the beginning. However, when we started the lesson, the content
was really overwhelming and appealing to me, which was also the reason why I enjoyed
the lesson. She assigned us with no model test or exercise, but instead she led us to the
adventure of the history of the English language. Every moment in time, she integrated
the lesson with cultural values and stories around English. She enlightened in me that
linguistic absorption was not only about vocabulary or grammar, it was about many
other affairs. What she did was reignite the passionate flame for English inside me.

4. Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again

You should say:

• What type of movie it was

• What it was about

• Where you watched it

And explain why you would like to watch it again


I love watching movies as a way to relax after a day of hard work. I am curious about
space exploration and science fiction movies, so today I will tell you one of my all-time
favorites, which is entitled Ad Astra. The words come from Latin for “To the Stars”.
It’s a 2019 American science fiction film produced by James Gray. He’s one of the
world’s most famous film directors, who has won lots of prestigious awards. I saw the
film when I went out with a like-minded friend who is studying astronomy at university.
At first, I was reluctant to see this film as I did not have time, but I had a change of heart
after watching its trailer. The effects were ground-breaking, and the plot was touching.

Starring Brad Pitt, who is a world-famous actor, the story follows an astronaut – Roy -
who ventures into space in search of his lost father. The father was actually a former
astronaut who had an obsessive quest to discover intelligent alien life at all costs. His
obsession once threatened the Solar System and all life on Earth, and he has become
lost ever since. In the late 21 st century, the Solar System was struck by a mysterious
asteroid, threatening all human life on earth. Suddenly, the US Space Command is
informed of the information by Roy’s father, who is believed to be dead 16 years ago.
Roy agrees to travel to Mars where he can attempt to find his father, or at least
communicate with him. Roy found out that his father was the station's sole survivor.
His father explains that the spaceship was damaged in the galaxy. There is no
extraterrestrial (alien) life out there, and human-beings are alone in this universe.
Clifford admits to Roy that he never really cared about his family and does not consider
Earth his home. Roy left the space afterwards, seeing his father drifting away into space.

Like many movies about space, it was quite difficult to understand with only one time
of watching. To me, it poses a possibility that there may be no life outside of Earth, so
humans should try to protect their surroundings as much as they can. I want to re-watch
the movie another time to see whether there are other hidden messages (Easter eggs)
that the director wants viewers to know.

5. Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting

You should say

• When you read it

• What the story or novel was about

• Who wrote it

And explain why you think it was interesting


A recent book that I read which I found interesting is The Bourne Identity by Robert
Ludlum, who is best known for writing spy thrillers. It is considered to be one of the
best books in the spy genre and it has been adapted into a blockbuster movie released
in 2002 with Matt Damon as the titular character. I first got it when I was traveling back
home from the UK to Hanoi a couple of years ago. While I was walking around
Heathrow Airport waiting to board my flight, I was in need of some new reading
material and I then came across a bookstore. They had a sale going on for older books
being sold at a 50% discount and then I saw that The Bourne Identity was on sale. I had
wanted to read the original book since I loved the movie so much so I took the plunge
in buying the book and then started to read it on the flight back home.

The book is about a man named Jason Bourne who is found floating unconscious in the
sea and is then resuscitated by a fisherman. However, Bourne has no memory of who
he is as he suffered a brain injury. As he reaches shore, he gradually discovers that he
has excellent martial arts skills and a number of false identities, all of which were the
result of his participation in a secret CIA program that trains agents to be deadly
assassins for the US government. Since the CIA doesn’t want anyone to know about

this program, they are hellbent on killing Bourne as he is living evidence of it and thus
Bourne has to go on the run.

I love The Bourne Identity because of its fast pace. There is never a dull moment where
the story slows down to a grinding halt and it gets boring. There is always something
going on that either pushes the story along or develops the characters. I also love the
book for its tension. There are numerous moments where you can never be really sure
whether Jason Bourne will make it out alive or not and that can serve to heighten the
drama and excitement of the book.

6. Describe an important thing you learned (not at school or college)

You should say:

• What it is

• When you learned its

• How you learned it

And explain why it was important


Indeed, learning is a lifelong process, and as an innovative person, I love to pick up

knowledge regarding any concept. Here, I would like to talk about an important thing I
have learnt, not in school or college. That crucial thing is cooking. Actually, I have been
interested in cooking since my childhood. However, being in the kitchen was not my
cup of tea. So, I generally watched cooking videos on youtube and helped my mother
with kitchen chores to improve my cooking skills. However, it was nearly impossible
to follow the instructions from internet-based materials as professional chefs and
content creators have many unfamiliar and nowhere-to-be-found utensils and
ingredients. Moreover, thinking that a male should not be in the kitchen, my mom taught
me simply nothing about cooking. But things changed on a summer vacation that I spent
in my hometown. The vacation lasted one month and I stayed with my grandmother.
Once, when my grandma was preparing our meal, I tried to sneak into the kitchen,
meticulously looking at her way of cooking and even raising my voice to ask about her
techniques. Unlike my mother, she welcomingly responded to all of my requests. She

then promised to pass down all her abilities written in what she called “The cooking
bible.” And in the next one month, I learnt a library of cooking tips from her, even in
the cuisine of other nations. This cooking ability now seems indispensable to me as I
am about to become an exchange student for the next semester, which requires me to
do a lot of cooking myself to survive in such an unfamiliar place.

7. Describe something you did that made you feel proud

You should say:

• What you did

• When you did it

• How difficult it was

And explain why it made you feel proud


Some time ago, I was getting into baking and I would learn to bake different kinds of
cakes and pastries as a hobby. A little bit later, a friend of mine who knew about my
new hobby asked if I could bake a chocolate cake for his son’s birthday. Out of
politeness, I said yes and immediately afterwards I bought the necessary ingredients of
chocolate, eggs, flour, milk and yeast. I then gathered some bowls to mix the ingredients
in, a baking tray and a tin to hold the cake batter and bake it in the oven.

The first step I took was to mix the ingredients together at the right amounts so that the
consistency was balanced between smooth and fluffy. Secondly, I poured the batter into
the tin and finally I put the tin on the tray and slid it into the oven. I set the oven to 180
degrees Celsius and let it bake for about 45 minutes. After those 45 minutes were up, I
pulled the tray out and tasted a small piece of the newly baked cake. I was happy with
how it turned out but it was all down to how my friend’s son liked it. When I arrived at
the birthday party the next day with the cake, the boy tasted a piece of it and said he
loved it so much. That made my day and I felt proud with how the cake turned out since
I did my best to make it satisfying to taste. It also wasn’t that difficult to bake the cake
since I had plenty of practice beforehand.

Part 3:

• Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?

I think both work and life goals are equally important in their own ways. Life goals are
important in that they ensure personal development and character building. Work goals
are just as important as they are necessary in advancing one’s career. Both contribute to
the development of a person across all aspects and neither really supersede each other.

• Have your life goals changed since your childhood?

I would say yes to an extent. When I was a kid, I had dreams of going to Harvard and
wanting to become a pilot for an airline. Needless to say I had an active imagination.
As I grew older, my life goals were less fantastical and more realistic. Instead of aspiring
to go to Harvard, I opted for going to not an uber-prestigious but still good college in
England. Instead of dreaming of becoming a pilot, I aspired to become a writer for a

• Does everyone set goals for themselves?

I would say yes because they are the only way a person can move forward in their lives.
Goals are necessary in building character and for personal development so if a person
does not set goals for himself then how can they improve as people? For example, a
worker can set a goal to be the best in his field and if he achieves that, he’ll become a
better person by the end of it.

• Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?

I would say yes since material rewards are a clearer indication that someone is doing
good work as opposed to, say words of encouragement. For example, if a salesperson
manages to exceed his sales targets for the month and is rewarded with an expensive
watch, then it is a more tangible sign that he is doing very well at his job. If that
salesperson is just rewarded with kind words for instance, then it would ultimately feel
less meaningful.

• What makes people feel proud of themselves?

People tend to feel proud whenever they accomplish a goal or do something
monumentally difficult. This is usually because they overcame the obstacles that stand
in the way of that particular goal or task and the feeling of overcoming those obstacles
can be akin to that of euphoria and elation and they can be satisfied with the fact that
they achieved something important in the end.

• What qualities are needed to become successful?

For one, a person needs to be perseverant in achieving their goals. They must
continually make an effort to pursue their targets and if they don’t, then they’ll never
reach those targets and succeed. For another, a person needs to be passionate about the
work they are doing. If they do not enjoy what they do, then they’ll be much less
inclined to work hard to achieve their goals in their work or maybe in their lives in

• Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

I would say the way people achieve success has changed somewhat since luck plays a
more important role these days. While there are still people who succeeded on the basis
of their hard work, there are others who succeeded by pure accident. For example, it is
now possible for someone to forge a career in comedy out of a video they made years
ago that went wildly viral by pure coincidence.

• How important is goal-setting to achieve success?

I think it is important to set goals for yourself to achieve success because it’ll give you
something to work towards. Goals can serve as objectives for a person to achieve in
order to attain a larger target. For example, if somebody wants to lose 5 kilograms by
the end of the month, he’ll need to set a series of goals to reach that target which can
include tasks like cycling 20 kilometers three times a week and running 10 kilometers
four times a week.

• Is it important for society to celebrate individuals who have achieved success?

I think so because it promotes a more communal spirit as opposed to knocking

somebody down because they achieved success and you didn’t. It’s a beautiful thing
when we can celebrate somebody for their achievements because it demonstrates our

capacity for supporting others in both their highest and lowest moments. For example,
people often idolize footballers like Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo because of what
they managed to achieve on the pitch.

8. Describe a complaint that you made

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who you complained to

• What you complained about

And explain why you make a complaint about


One time I was out having dinner with a friend at a bistro downtown. This was not long
ago, like about 5 months. The bistro was near the city center square and it was a popular
spot frequented by both locals and tourists alike. They specialized in serving French
and Italian cuisine with their signature dish being the steak and fries. On this occasion,
it was actually my first time being at this bistro despite hearing many things about it
being good. My friend recommended it to me having been a regular guest there over
many years.

Cut to this dinner we were having and my friend somewhat goaded me into ordering
the steak and fries since it was the signature dish of the restaurant. I then ordered the
steak and waited for it to come for about 20 minutes, having high expectations of it
being good. When it arrived, it did look very appetizing and I then dug into it. While
the fries were excellent, I was somewhat miffed at the fact that the steak was a bit too
rare. So then I called the waiter and complained politely to him that the beef was too
rare to my liking. The waiter understood and then quickly brought the steak back to the

I made that complaint to the waiter because I tend to dislike steak that is cooked rare. It
feels a bit icky to bite something that isn’t well-cooked. I prefer to eat steak that is

cooked medium and no higher. I’m not mad enough to enjoy beef that is well-done
because it is so dry and tasteless.

Part 3:

• What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?

The service we like to complain about the most is e–commerce services like Amazon,
Shopee and Lazada. A big reason why we like to complain about them is their incessant
advertising across all platforms like magazines, TV and the Internet. They appear
almost all the time to the point that they are drilled into our heads. Another reason is
that their customer service is subpar. A lot of the complaints we make to these services
never get addressed at all, which annoys us when it shouldn’t.

• Would you buy things in the shops which you have complained about before?

I wouldn’t buy something that I complained about before because it is a sign that a
product is bad in some way. I don’t see the point in buying something that I had
grievances over in the past because it would be torturous for my life if I did. For
example, if I complained about my TV being broken, then it would be enough to
convince me to not buy that particular TV again.

• Complaint online or in the shop which is better complaint by talk or writing

I think that complaining to the shop directly is more effective because they are more
likely to pay attention to the complaint and rectify their problem faster. If someone were
to complain online, then that grievance will more likely be ignored because the store
will not take it that seriously and focus on more pressing matters like their sales numbers
and marketing strategies.

• Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?

I like to think so because as long as the complaints are valid and constructive, the
companies offering these products or services will take them into account and work
towards making them better. However, if the complaints are general and mean for no
particular reason, then they will not be helpful for companies to take meaningful steps
to ameliorate their products or services.

• Are there any disadvantages to setting up customer service?

I think it’s more advantageous than disadvantageous to set up customer service as it

serves as a direct line of communication between a company and its customers. Instead
of going through third-party channels to communicate with a company, customers can
easily reach out to its customer service division and make queries or complaints to them.
So no, I don’t think there are genuine disadvantages to setting up customer service.

9. Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

• When it was
• Where you had the meal
• What happened during the meal
And explain why it was unusual


I remember a meal I once had that was so unusual, it still gives me shivers to this day.
This was when I was on holiday in France about 5 years ago. I was there visiting a friend
of mine who lived in Provence, a region of France that is celebrated for its food the
world over. When we were together, we basically explored the region through its nature
and its culture. We were basically wining and dining our way through the French
countryside while savouring the landscape along the way.

One night, me and my friend were visiting a farmer who was a lifelong acquaintance of
his from childhood. He invited us to his house for dinner and he wanted us to try his
nettle and snail soup. It was made with snails, nettles, bay leaf, carrots and beef stock.
When I smelled it, it was so pungent that it almost activated my gag reflex but I was
strong enough to hold it back. Come dinner time and we were served with not only the
soup but also some fresh bread, roasted vegetables and some cold cuts. I tasted the soup
and I’ll say this, it is an acquired taste. It took some time getting used to but once I got
the hang of it, I started to like it quite a bit. Still, the thought of putting snails and nettles
together in a soup was way too strange for me to comprehend. Other than that, the dinner
proceeded without a hitch and we were all merrily eating and drinking away. The meal

was rather unusual looking back since the headlining dish of the snail and nettle soup
was so foreign to me as a delicacy people would enjoy.

Part 3:

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?

One advantage of eating in restaurants is people can get to try cuisines that are different
from their own. As restaurants serve food from a variety of different countries and
cultures, they can serve as an outlet for people to discover new flavors and ingredients.
One disadvantage of eating out is it is generally more expensive than eating at home.
Some restaurants charge higher than average prices for most typical meals because they
may use premium ingredients or novel cooking techniques.

• Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?

I think so because it is a cheaper alternative than eating out all the time. Other than
having to buy ingredients and groceries, it costs no money to cook at home and the food
itself is readily available to you. Also, it is more preferable to eat at home if you happen
to be introverted and are reticent about going out and meeting new people. Like I said
before, the food is readily available at home so there isn’t much of an incentive to eat

• Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?

I think that young people like to equally spend time with both their families and friends.
With their families, young people can share their developments and problems with them
and they can get advice from their families on what to do to solve these problems. With
their friends, young people can bond with them over shared interests and experiences
and they can confide their problems to each other as well.

• What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?

One benefit is it reinforces a communal spirit among the diners. They can forge bonds
with each other by having conversations during the meal and each person can chime in
with their opinion and be heard by everyone. Another benefit is that it is less expensive.
When eating at a friend’s house, the food doesn’t cost anything as it is made by the

friend. When eating at a restaurant, the diners can split the bill amongst themselves
instead of having one person pay for everyone.

• Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days,
compared to the past?

I think so because people are getting busier day by day. They have heavier workloads
to get through these days and as such they have little time to cook a proper meal. Instead
they opt for ready-made meals or eating out to satisfy their food-related needs as it is
less time-consuming. It is a shame because cooking can be an enjoyable activity and it
is a vital survival skill for people to acquire.

• Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?

One reason why some people choose to be vegetarians is they are appalled by how farm
animals are treated and they believe that all life is sacred so it is wrong to kill an animal
for food. As such, they choose to take a stand against such cruel treatment by not eating
meat. Another reason is a vegetarian diet is generally more healthy than an all-round
diet. A vegetarian diet is rich in vitamins, which are essential to our health and some
people believe that consuming more vitamins is beneficial in the long term.

• Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to eat in
the past?

I would say yes, but not radically so. People still eat the staples and traditional dishes
of their home country because that’s what they grew up eating; however, thanks to
globalization, they are now more receptive to international cuisines. For example,
people in Vietnam are now open to eating Western foods such as pizza, pasta and
hamburgers as they were introduced by foreign expats and Western food chains like
McDonald’s and Pizza Hut, even though they still eat their national dishes and staples
like rice and noodles.

10. Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

• What the website is

• How you first found out about it

• How often you visit it

And explain why you like it


A website that I like to browse almost everyday is Reddit. It is basically a website that
hosts forums for almost any topic that you can think of, whether it be the news, food,
movies, music, art, politics or science to name a few. It is a place where anyone can
host discussions regarding their favorite topics and people of disparate backgrounds can
talk to each other about those topics. For example, there is a forum on Reddit dedicated
to Dungeons and Dragons and anyone who plays that game can engage in conversations
with each other about the rules and characters of the game.

I first found out about it through my friends in high school who visited it pretty much
everyday. I was curious as to what they were browsing and they told me that they were
on Reddit, which hosts forums for almost everything. Seeing how it was designed and
the kinds of things they were talking about, I was interested in signing up and joining
the conversation. Once I became an official Reddit user, I subscribed to multiple forums
about movies, music, video games, food, international news, photography and cats. I
now go on Reddit almost everyday, although I don’t really make posts or comments on
it. I’m what is described as a ‘lurker’, where I basically skulk around various forums to
see what people are talking about.

I like going on Reddit because it is a great hub where people can come together to talk
about their favorite things. It is also a place where two people of radically different
backgrounds can become newfound friends over their shared love of a particular thing.

11. Describe something you did with someone or a group of people

You should say:

• What it was
• Where you did it
• Who you’re with
And explain how you felt about it


When talking about doing something in groups, it’s not exaggerating that I’m quite
experienced. So today I will tell you about an activity I worked on with Hoa, a university
friend of mine.

To the best of my recollection, Hoa and I worked together as volunteer sellers at a fair
organized at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology. Specifically, the fair started at about
7 am and finished at 4 pm. Besides, there was also a 1-hour lunch break for all
participants at 12 a.m. Our duties included managing the store we were initially assigned
and selling handicrafts made by the disabled for visitors, and we were thoroughly
instructed by the store owner. Despite that since I was completely out of my depth when
it came to selling and persuading people to buy things, I felt so confused and clumsy at
first. Fortunately, thanks to the enthusiastic support of my fellow volunteer and the store
owner, I could overcome my weakness and collaborate with them smoothly.

Standing from early morning till late afternoon, my feets were extremely painful and
almost numb but I was so proud of myself and blissful that our hard work paid off. Our
products were sold out in the blink of an eye. That day marked not only a record-high
revenue of our sales team, around 70 million Vietnam dongs but also the first time I
worked in a group. What’s more, I’ve learned valuable experiences and lessons,
especially teamwork and communication skills. I really hope I can have more
opportunities to participate in such useful activities in the future.

Part 3:

• What kinds of jobs need people to work in a team?

I’d say more or less all jobs. If I had to single one out…. it’d be jobs to do with IT,
marketing, and human resources. For all these jobs, it’s important to work closely with
clients but also with your co-workers. If you’re doing marketing, someone will have to
come up with the content or designs, a manager will need to micromanage, there will
be people working on the analytics and targeting audience segments - and all these
people have to stay in touch and help each other out.

• How do you get along with your neighbors?

Personally, I do my best to be as friendly and outgoing as possible. I do it through little
actions like offering to help if I see them struggling with something like balancing a
baby on their hip while rolling the garbage cans out. Small gestures mean a lot - a lot
more than over-the-top grand ones.

• What can parents do with their children to make them happy?

Hmm, what immediately comes to mind for me would be offering them unconditional
love rather than positive or negative reinforcement. By letting your kids express
themselves freely, they will figure out on their own what makes them happy. Parents
are just there to serve as guides and helpers in this process. And mold them in the long
term into well-adjusted adolescents and later adults.

• How can children improve their social skills?

I’d say the best way is to make sure they get plenty of time to socialize by going
outdoors, doing sports, doing extracurricular activities like campings or going on
picnics. What’s more, parents should also restrict time spent on phones as excessive
hours in front of screens can exert a detrimental effect on their interpersonal and
teamwork skills. A good example of this would be during COVID-19 pandemic, when
children had to use their devices for online learning every day, leading to their less
interaction with people around and reduced communication skills. That’s how it
appeared to me at least - and I think I saw some articles online about that too.

12. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well

You should say:

• What it was

• When you heard it

• How you knew it

And explain how you felt about it


Well, I received some good news from my soulmate Annie that she got a job offer from
Apple, which is a multinational tech behemoth in the world. You know, it is very

competitive to land a job in this corporation as it requires potential candidates to not
only have outstanding academic qualifications but also to attend in-depth interviews for
hours, so I took a lot of pride in her.

At that time, we were seniors at the university, and it was exactly in the middle of finals.
To be honest, we were up to our ears in finals and thesis. Needless to say, it was a nerve-
racking time because we felt vague about our future careers after graduation. Therefore,
when I heard the news, I knew that she could relieve her burden and stress.

Actually, she had applied for that position since the beginning of the semester, but she
felt insecure after having face-to-face interviews. I remembered that night, I suddenly
got a call from her, and she was so eager to tell me about that news. She said that she
had been so anxious when checking the inbox via email, and she couldn’t believe it
when she saw that she was hired. She even took a screenshot of her computer and shared
it with me to confirm that this piece of information was true. We were over the moon
and talked to each other for more than two hours regarding this news and our future

It was definitely the best news of the year. Getting a job at Apple meant she would have
a lucrative income and good prospects. Hence, she was excited about the future without
worrying about the money. To this day, although she hasn’t worked for this company,
she still keeps this lucky email in her inbox to remind her of that special occasion.

Part 3:

• Is it good to share about yourself on social media?

Well, I think it really depends on your objectives. Like, for instance, if you’re selling
some products and services, then part of your marketing strategy should include letting
your potential customers know about them. So posting fun and useful things like
pictures or your experiences are effective tools - for instance if you sell clothes online
and want to keep friends, family, followers updated. If you’re just connecting with
friends and family, then posting about your day-to-day life is a nice easy way to stay in
touch. However, it can be taken to an extreme and that can lead to addiction or in very

rare cases make you vulnerable to online crimes - people can steal your private
information and then engage in identity theft.

• What kind of good news do people often share in the community?

Well in Vietnam, citizens tend to report on key milestones in life. For instance, people
usually post information about big big events such as engagements, weddings,
graduations, and birthdays. Such posts often get a lot of attention from relatives and
friends and they usually react or leave positive comments to wish the posters well. On
top of this, news about getting a promotion at work or landing a new job is also popular
as people generally want to inform and celebrate with others. Nothing to do with
showing off of course…

• Do most people like to share good news with others?

I’d say generally yes though I can’t speak for everyone. Sharing good news means
sharing happiness. Sharing is part of the process. This type of news fosters positive
feelings of satisfaction that can boost your self-esteem and make you feel less alone in
life. For instance, telling your friends and family about a new job is likely to make them
feel excited for you - they can live through you vicariously for a minute. And your own
happiness will then grow and last longer as a result.

• How do most people get their news in your country?

I would say that in this age of technology and the Internet, people mostly get their news
from various media outlets. For example, on Facebook, many government pages have
shared up-to-date information about both international and national affairs, which
allows their citizens to keep informed of these events and adjust their own plans
accordingly. This has replaced the role of traditional newspapers in the vast majority of

• How has social media changed the way we get and share the news?

Well, obviously there are a number of clear differences about the way people obtain and
spread information. In the past, people did exchange information mainly through word
of mouth or via printed newspapers. Therefore, that information was potentially
unreliable or readers needed a few days to keep track of current events around them.

But in modern society, we can easily stay abreast of current affairs both domestically
and internationally within minutes through ipads and smartphones. This helps the
general public become more generally cognizant of the world and broadens their

• Do you think printed newspapers will disappear in the future?

I’m not sure I think they will even though it seems obvious… because I think
newspapers still play an indispensable role in our lives. Due to their reliability.
Newspapers have a more stringent editorial process and tend to be more factually
accurate - not nearly as much fake news as on the Internet nowadays. For people that
tech has left behind - older people like my grandparents, they find it really complicated
to read online newspapers on their smartphones. They’re still in favor of reading
physical papers instead.

13. Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy

You should say:

• What it is

• How often do you do it

• Is it easy to stick to that routine

And explain how you feel about it


Well, I am a health-conscious person. Therefore, I definitely have a daily routine, which

I find most beneficial for my health. It’s doing yoga.

Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep
breathing. After a long time worrying about my weight, I have decided to take up this
sport to shed some pounds. I intend to do yoga on a daily basis in the morning so I try
my best to wake up early and spend at least 15 to 30 minutes on this activity. Needless
to say, this practice requires people to be patient as there are many steps to do. First is
wearing yoga clothes. Next is doing some stretches to warm up. I prioritize some
exercises related to burning calories or promoting my spine and bones because they can

help me to boost both physical and mental health. On top of that, I feel really thankful
for myself owing to my little but determined effort to turn yoga into my daily ritual. It’s
not a piece of cake to stay in this habit, but just thinking that a couple of minutes spent
on a yoga mat will bring immediate and irrefutable benefits motivates me so much.

Now, I feel a lot sprier, and my energy levels are up. My endurance has been enhanced
significantly, I can exercise for longer and get lean more easily without interrupting any
biological mechanism of my body like fasting or going on a diet. More importantly, my
mood has improved a lot. I gradually feel calmer and less mentally ill. Therefore, it is
100% that I still want to stick to this routine thanks to its advantages to my health in the

• What routines do people have at home?

Naturally it varies from person to person. But most people, in the morning, have to go
through the normal routine of getting up, showering, brushing their teeth, having
breakfast, and getting dressed for work or school. When they come back home in the
evening, they might do any number of things. Lots of kids have homework to get out of
the way and can then engage in recreational activities such as playing video games or
chilling with friends. Many young people and adults, on the other hand, will take
advantage of this quality me-time after a hard day at work by cooking for themselves
and enjoying a quiet evening reading or watching a movie - those are just a couple
possibilities though.

• What routines do the elderly have?

I’d say that older people might value routines more than other age groups, except young
children. They often have a more fixed daily schedule, one that’s more balanced and
healthier. In the morning, lots of them get up early to do some simple exercise like yoga
or taking a walk. Then, they might prepare breakfast for their family and do some
tidying up around the house - doing the dishes or sweeping the floor. A lot of old people
are really into gardening or have some old-fashioned habits such as reading newspapers
or playing chess during the day with friends. In the evening, after having dinner, they’re
more likely to turn in earlier compared to younger people.

• What are the benefits of having a routine for kids at school?

I think it’s mainly about fostering good future work and study habits. When kids have
a set routine, they learn to organize their time and take responsibility. If the routine is
disturbed, then their whole day can end up out of watch. As they get older, this can help
them a lot when they embark on a professional career. That’s the goal at least - it’s hit
and miss how many kids actually keep these habits up as they get older.

• Do you think it is good to have a 9-to-5 job?

It’s hard to generalize for everyone but I’d say that it’s a good option. First, these jobs
can offer excellent work-life balance. Many employees find it more productive to spend
a particular period of time (8 hours per day) devoting themselves to work and then they
can compartmentalize and enjoy their personal life by spending quality time with family
members and friends. Having this set period of time for work forces individuals to get
everything done before they head home for the day. The time limit means that they
really have to focus in on what they’re doing and that can boost their problem-solving
abilities and efficiency.

14. Describe a development in the area where you live.

You should say:

• What the development is

• When/where you noticed it

• How long it took to complete it

And explain how you feel about it


My hometown used to be a quiet place but it has changed a lot over time. There are
many new facilities and amenities constructed in this area, making it more vibrant and
energetic. One of them is Aeon Mall shopping center.

I first saw this mall when I visited my friend’s house. I was really impressed that the
building was extremely spacious and cutting-edge. This place serves for a multiple of
purposes, where customers can purchase a wild range of items from luxurious to popular

brands from both local and global merchandisers. The food stalls here are also very
diverse as people can enjoy the dishes of many countries around the world such as Japan
or Korea. Nevertheless, what interests me the most is the amusement areas for both
adults and childrens, regarded as an ideal place for people to let off steam at the

However, not everyone knows that it must took about 2 years to build this mall until it
officially opened to the public in 2019. Not a long time for a big project like Aeon Mall
but such a great effort.

All in all, I love this place for several reasons. For one, I can browse all the shops and
buy any items from clothes, cosmetics to foods. For others, Aeon Mall is also a suitable
place for me to spend quality time with my beloved ones, dropping by a coffee shop to
chat with my friends or having a cozy dinner with family at any eatery here.

Part 3:

• What transportation do you use the most?

I commute to work by bike just about every day. I do it mainly because it’s
environmentally friendly and I’m trying to be more conscientious. Obviously, bikes
don’t burn fossil fuels in the ways that private vehicles like cars do. It’s also quite a bit
cheaper. No gas, no fees for parking, no expensive repairs - so I can set aside some
money every month this way.

• Is public transportation popular in Vietnam?

Yes, to a degree and among certain segments of the population. Buses are cheaper than
using a private vehicle or booking a Grab. Tickets cost next to nothing and there are a
million routes that will take you all around the city. You can save a lot by taking buses
and you don’t have to stress about paying for repairs if the bus breaks down - something
you will have to worry about if you own a car or a motorbike.

• What could be improved in public transport services?

There are several ways to make public transport a more attractive option to my mind.
The first one is increasing their frequency and ease of access. The time spent waiting
for the bus is a major part of a person’s total transit time; more buses would save time

and in turn encourage more people to use public transport. But the buses themselves
have to be more attractive options. For example, in Vietnam, some buses are quite old
and sometimes don’t have air conditioning - when they get crowded on a scorching hot
day, it can be an awful experience - a memorable one. Fix these issues and maybe more
people would be convinced to give up driving cars.

• What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?

The one that first comes to mind for me personally is parks. There’s so much you can
do at parks! No matter your age. The elderly can get in some light exercise by strolling
around while younger people can play sports like badminton or have a picnic with
friends or family. I think cities would be much nicer places to live in if local
administrators prioritized having lots of open green spaces - and kept them well-
maintained - then people would be able to get away from the hectic pace of life of cities
without leaving the city itself.

15. Describe an advertisement you do not like

You should say:

• What type of advertisement it is

• What product or service it advertises

• Where and when you first saw it

And explain why you don’t like it


These days, we see ads everywhere we go. Many are appealing and easily go viral
among the public, but there are some advertisements that irritate people like the
commercial of the Kangaroo corporation.

The first time I saw this ad was when the final match of Champions League between
Barcelona and Manchester United occurred several years ago. To be honest, I’m a die-
hard fan of football and a supporter of Manchester United football club, so when this
team went to the final match, I was so eager to watch them. Until now, the feeling of

frustration still come back to me when reminishing about that day, when the match took
place and this ad interrupted right after my father and I sat in front of the box.

To tell you more detailedly, this commercial is advertising the latest water purifier of
the Kangaroo brand. It is a vintage advert which is only 5 seconds long with quite loud
jingles and the slogan “Kangaroo - the best water purifier in Vietnam”. The ad uses only
two colours: yellow words and green background.

Indeed, this advertisement is quite tedious and ridiculous compared to recent ads which
have attractive visuals and hilarious stories. I can’t bear this ad as it appeared too many
times before the match and during the 15-minute interval with a lengthy duration of up
to 30 times. At that time, listening to the deafening sound of the commercial became
such a sheer torture for me.

Although after the match, this ad caused a barrage of criticism among the public, the
brand is ironically still a common name in every Vietnamese household these days.

Part 3:

• What kind of things are advertised most in your country?

That would probably be consumer electronics. On just about every site I visit, I see
adverts for new smartphones, laptops, desktops, iPads, etc. Maybe the reason is that in
our current technological society, everything involves the internet. People can shop
online, pay their bills through apps, order delivery for dinner, and get work done with
the aid of a smartphone or computer - not to mention the uses of social media.

• Are newspaper or online ads more effective?

I suppose that online advertising is a much better choice for marketers compared to print
advertising. Firstly, everyone is online these days all the time - searching for
information and chatting with their friends, so it’s the most practical, viable method for
business owners to get the message and their products out there. They can easily reach
millions of customers and target specific audience segments using more advanced tools.
Fewer people read newspapers and you can’t really determine who you are reaching
with the same level of specificity.

• Why do some people hate advertisements?

I think that is more or less all people, to be honest. Ads are ubiquitous and irritating -
they get under your skin. Pop-ups on websites, auto-playing ads on YouTube - those
are all annoying interruptions to the content you want to be engaging with. Plus, they
may not be the target customer of this advert, so they are truly useless distractions.

• Is music useful in advertising?

Yeah, I suppose it is and that’s why so many companies use music in their ads. A song
can draw attention and increase the chances that it will be memorable and persuasive.
For instance, Shopee, a famous e-commerce platform, has remixed the popular song
“Baby Shark” in their latest advert, and lots of people have shared it on social media -
ironically and unironically I think. Even if you think the ad isn’t affecting you, it has
wormed its way into your brain and might influence your buying decisions and habits
later on.


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