Survey On Power Optimization Techniques For Low Power Vlsi Circuit in Deep Submicron Technology

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International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.

1, February 2018


T. Suguna and M. Janaki Rani

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Dr.M.G. R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, India

CMOS technology is the key element in the development of VLSI systems since it consumes less power.
Power optimization has become an overridden concern in deep submicron CMOS technologies. Due to
shrink in the size of device, reduction in power consumption and over all power management on the chip
are the key challenges. For many designs power optimization is important in order to reduce package cost
and to extend battery life. In power optimization leakage also plays a very important role because it has
significant fraction in the total power dissipation of VLSI circuits. This paper aims to elaborate the
developments and advancements in the area of power optimization of CMOS circuits in deep submicron
region. This survey will be useful for the designer for selecting a suitable technique depending upon the

leakage power, low power, voltage scaling, power gating, transistor stacking, adiabatic logic.

Energy efficiency is the critical feature of modern electronic systems, due to desirability of
portable devices, demand for reliability and performance, to extend battery life, need to reduce
package cost, to reduce Green cost etc. [1]. Advancements in scaling with reduced threshold and
supply voltages lead to increased leakages in MOS transistors. Many studies presented that
leakage power consumption is up to 40% of total power consumption in nanometre technology
[2]. To overcome the power dissipation problem many researchers have proposed different ideas
from the device level to the architectural level. However, there is no universal way to avoid
trade-offs between power, delay and area. Thus, designers are required to choose appropriate
techniques that satisfy application and product needs. In VLSI circuits, to control the power
consumption supply voltage plays an important role. Supply voltage scaling without scaling of
threshold voltage degrades the performance of the device [3]. The reduction of threshold voltage
and supply voltages proportionally retains the performance. The threshold voltage reduction leads
to five times higher leakage current [4]. The requirements for power optimization continue to
increase significantly and the motivations to optimise power differ from application to
application. Power consumption has become primary design issue and needs suitable power
management in the design of digital circuits where switching and standby mode affects the

DOI : 10.5121/vlsic.2018.9101 1
International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
performance of system. The design of a low power circuits mainly focuses on a problem occurred
due to the performance, power dissipation and chip area.

This paper is organised as follows in section I we discussed about the sources of power
dissipation in CMOS. In section II we mention the power optimization at different levels of
abstraction broadly. In section IIII we focussed on different power optimization techniques. In
section IV we presented the advanced power recovery technique and in section V we concluded
about the selection of different techniques for different approaches.


2.1 Sources of Power Consumption

The main sources of power consumption, that affect CMOS circuits are dynamic power and
standby power.

The following equations define the power within the device:

Ptotal = Pdynamic + Pshort + Pleakage

Pdynamic = α*C *Vdd2 * f

Pshort = α(β/2) (V-2Vth)3 *f *Trf

Pleakage = (Idiode + Isubthreshold) *Vdd

α = Switching Activity, C = Total Load Capacitance, Vdd= Supply Voltage f = clock

Frequency, β= Gain Factor, Trf = Rise/Fall Time (gate inputs), Vth = Threshold Voltage.

Fig:1 Sources of Power Consumption in CMOS

Dynamic power or active power is the power consumed by the device when it switches from one
state to another state actively. It consists of switching power due to charging and discharging the
loads on the device and short circuit power, consumed during output transitions due to current
flowing from the supply to ground. Leakage power is actually consumed when the device is both

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
static and switching, but generally the main concern with leakage power is during inactive state of
device. This is the power which should be concentrated more in deep submicron design of device
as it exponentially depends on size of the device [5]. Fig.1 shows both dynamic power and
leakage power consumption that occur in CMOS circuits. In deep submicron technology sub-
threshold leakage current is problematic because it increases as transistor threshold voltages (Vth)
decrease. At 90 nm, leakage power can represent as much as 50 percent of the total power
consumed by a chip, depending on the design. In addition, high leakage power can exponentially
increase reliability related failures, even in standby which is represented in fig 2.

Fig.2 Leakage power and active power at different deep submicron CMOS technologies.


An integrated low power methodology requires optimization at all design abstraction levels as
mentioned below.

3.1. System level

Qiaing Tong et al[6] discussed about power optimization at system level. System level design
consists of the mapping of a high-level system model on to an architecture. in order to achieve
about 75 % of power optimization different processing algorithms and architectures are needed
with proper executable specifications. The choice of algorithm used can impact the power cost
because it determines the runtime complexity of a program. Some of the techniques used for
system level power optimization are Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS), Memory access reduction,
branching reduction, Loop unrolling and combining, Loop unrolling and combining Hardware are

3.2. Algorithm level

Chetan Sharma et al [7] discussed that power consumption at algorithm level relates the proper
choice of algorithm, word length, modular interfaces, technology implementation, software and
hardware selection, and behavioural constrains and trade-off will minimise the power
requirement. The algorithm which is more useful is which have minimum number of operations
because it will require less hardware. By increasing concurrency, we can increase efficiency of
that device.

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018

3.3. Architecture level

Chetan Sharma et al [7] discussed that impact of low-power techniques on the architecture level
can be more significant than at the gate level. He mentioned the techniques parallelism, pipeline,
distributed processing and power management, can be used to reduce the power dissipation at
architecture level. The techniques like both parallelism and pipelining can optimise the power an
at the expense of area while maintaining the same throughput. The combination of pipelining and
parallelism can result in further power reduction, because the power supply voltage can be
reduced aggressively and also, he mentioned by multiple frequency and voltage islands, reduction
in switching activity and through logic transformations approaches can be implemented at
architecture level to reduce the consumption of power.

3.4. Gate level

Amberly Babu et al [8] discussed that at gate level we get accurate verification of power
consumption. Up to 20%of power can be saved by implementing clock gating, power gating,
clock tree optimization techniques. at gate level also we can employ logic level transformations to
reduce switching activity there by reducing power consumption.

3.5. Transistor level

Sumitha Gupta et al [9]mentioned that advanced process can built transistors with different
threshold voltages. Up to 30% of power can be saved by using a mixture of CMOS transistors
with multiple threshold voltages. There are two different thresholds are available, generally called
high Vth and low Vth. High threshold transistors are slower but leak less, and can be used in non-
critical circuits.

Fig.3 shown below gives the details of power saving, speed and error trade off at different level
of abstraction

Fig.3.Power optimization at different levels of Abstraction with power saving speed and error [9]

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018


4.1 Static Power Reduction Techniques

There are various leakage power reduction techniques based on modes of operation of systems.
The two operational modes are a) active mode and b) standby (or) idle mode. To minimize this
power, technology scaling, voltage scaling, clock frequency scaling, reduction of switching
activity, etc., were widely used.

4.1.1. Multi-Vth optimization/ (Multi Threshold -MTCMOS):

P. Sreenivasulu etal [10] discussed that MTCMOS (Multiple Threshold CMOS) is very effective
technique in reducing leakage currents in the standby mode. This technique utilizes transistor
with multiple threshold voltages(Vth)to optimise power and delay. Here low voltage devices were
used in critical delay paths to minimize clock periods. Higher voltage devices were used on non-
critical paths to reduce static leakage power without incurring a delay penalty.

Fig.4 MTCMO Stechnique [10]

He also discussed that this technique reduces several orders of magnitude reduction in leakage
power through two effects. First. if the original CMOS circuit effective leakage width is reduced
to the width of the single “off” nMOS Transistor second the increase in an exponential reduction
in leakage power can be achieved due to increased threshold voltage. in this if the sleep transistor
is turned off more strongly further reduction in leakage can be achieved.

4.1.2. Transistor Stacking

Narendra et al, [11] showed that stacking of two OFF transistors which significantly reduce sub-
threshold leakage compared to a single OFF transistor. It is an effective way toreduce leakage
International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
power in active mode. Transistor stacking technique uses the dependence of Isub on the source
terminal voltage Vs. With the increase of Vs of the transistor, the subthreshold leakage current
reduces exponentially. If natural stacking of transistors does not exist in a circuit, then to utilize
the stacking effect a single transistor of width W is replaced by two transistors each of width W/2.
This is called forced stacking as shown in Figure 5.

Fig.5 Forced Stacking Circuit

4.1.3 Sleepy Stack Approach

J.C. Park et al, [12] described a sleepy stack technique which combines the sleep transistor
approach during active mode and the stack approach during standby mode. In this technique,
forced stacking is first implemented. Then to one of the stacked transistors a sleep transistor is
inserted in parallel. Thus, during active mode, the sleep transistors are on thereby reducing the
effective resistance of the path. This leads to reduced propagation delay during active mode as
compared to the forced stacking method. During standby mode, the sleep transistor is turned off
and the stacked transistor suppresses the leakage power. Figure 6 shows the circuit of a sleepy
stack inverter, where the S and S’ are sleep control signals.

Fig.6 sleepy stack inverter circuit

4.1.4. Sleepy Keeper Approach

Ajay Kumar dadoria et al [13] proposed sleepy keeper approach. In this approach two extra
transistors are used in parallel with sleep transistor. Over the pull up network we are using MOS
transistor which is drive by the feedback of the output circuit and PMOS transistor in pull-down
network. In this [13] technique two transistors are connected in parallel with sleep transistor.
Above the pull up network NMOS transistor is used. For this input is given from the feedback of
the output circuit. PMOS transistor is used in pull down network. It maintains proper output logic

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
since it is using feedback technique and here we can use higher Vth transistors for further
reduction of static power.

Fig.7. Two input NAND gate with sleepy keeper technique [13]
Then Ajay Kumar dadoria et al[13] proposed Modified galeor with sleepy with low and high Vth
transistors. in this the modifications are the gate of NMOS and PMOS galeor transistor has been
connected to the drain and instead of using low Vth NMOS galeor transistors high Vth transistors
are used. in this approach proper voltage swing is achieved by changing the position if inputs of
galeor transistors and applying high threshold to sleep transistors. This advantage achieved by
this technique.

Fig.8 NAND gate with galeor with sleepy approach

4.1.5. Lector approach

Narender Hanchate et al, [14] proposed a novel technique called LECTOR (Refer Fig. 6) for
reducing leakage power in CMOS circuits. He introduced two leakage control transistors(LCT) a
PMOS and NMOS within the logic gate. The gate terminal of each LCT is controlled by the
source of the other. In this arrangement, one of the LCT’s is always near its cut off voltage for
any input combination. This increases the resistance of the path from Vdd to ground leading to
significant decrease in leakage currents. This technique works effectively in both active and idle

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
states of the circuit, resulting in better leakage reduction. The experimental results indicate an
average leakage reduction of 79.4% for MCNC “91benchmark circuits.

Fig.9 LECTOR technique

4.1.6. Body Bias Technique

Xin He Al-Kadry, [15] proposed a novel concept to control power dissipation in VLSI
processors. This paper emphasizes on adaptive leakage control using body bias technique to
reduce the power dissipation of the 65 nm MOS devices. Through adding forward body biasing,
the leakage is reduced in sub-100 nm CMOS devices (unlike above-100 nm devices) while
slightly increasing the signal propagation delay. For the conditions where the circuit does not use
up the entire clock cycle, this slack can be used to reduce the power dissipation without any loss
in performance. The fact that the circuit delay remains less than the clock period provides the
opportunity to reduce power consumption of VLSI circuits. The objective is to change the voltage
of the body bias to reduce leakage, allowing the circuit to consume less power whenever the
clock edge can be met as detected beforehand.

Fig.10 Body connections of MOS devices [15]

4.2. Dynamic Power Optimization Schemes

4.2.1. Clock gating

Dushyant Kumar Soni et al[16] proposed clock gating which reduces dynamic power dissipation.
in typical synchronous circuit such as general-purpose microprocessor, only some portion of the
circuit is active at a given time. Hence by making remaining portion idle the power consumption
can be reduced. one way is to masking the clock going to idle portion. He proposed a new scheme
International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
for the same purpose by using tri state buffer and gated logic is used which is designed by the
combination of double gated with bundled inputs respectively.

Fig.11.Clock Gating Technique [15]

The power is saves in such a way that if target device clock is ON the controlling devices clock is
OFF and vice versa in this technique the clock and dynamic power is saved during negative edge
of clock as this technique is designed for positive edge
edge.. This technique by implementing on
synchronous circuits power is saved up to 20% and also reduces the hardware complexity.

4.2.2. Dual VDD

V.Sai Sri Harsha [17] discussed A Dual VDD Configuration Logic Block and a Dual VDD
routing matrix is shown in figure.12.
ure.12. In this technique the supply voltage of the logic and
routing blocks are programmed to reduce the power consumption .it can be done by
assigning low-VDD to non-critical
critical paths in the design. But whenever two different supply
voltages co- exist, static current flows at the interface of the VDDLv part and the VDDH part.
Level converters can be used to up convert a low VDD to a high VDD.

Fig.12 Dual VDD architecture[16]

4.3.3. Clustered Voltage Scaling (CVS)

Siva kumar et al[18] discussed that this technique power can be optimised without compromising
circuit performance by making use of two supply voltages. Gates in the critical path are run at the

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
lower supply, as shown in Fig. 9. To minimize the number of interfacing level converters needed,
the circuits which operate at reduced voltages are clustered leading to clustered scaling. Here only
one voltage transition is allowed along a path and level conversion takes place only at flip-flops.

Fig.13. Cluster Structure[18]

4.4.4. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS)

Siva Kumar et al [18] discussed that many circuits have time varying performance requirements
in such cases the power can be saved by reducing the clock frequency to a sufficient level to
complete the task on schedule then reducing the voltage to that level. This is called dynamic
voltage frequency scaling (DVFS). Fig.15 shows DVFS technique to save power. This technique
can be implemented by proper controlling program. [18].

Fig.14 DVFS technique [18]

4.5.5. Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS)

This is an extension of DVFS where the control loop is used to adjust voltage and frequency for
changing work load. [18]. The AVS loop regulates processor performance by automatically
adjusting the output voltage of the power supply to compensate for process and temperature
variation in the processor [18]. When compared to open loop voltage scaling solutions like
Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS), AVS uses up to 45% less energy as shown in Fig10. AVS is a
system level scheme that has components in both the processor and power supply.
International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018

Fig.15 Comparisons of fixed voltage, DVS and AVS energy saving in a processor.


5.1 Adiabatic Switching

Bhuvana et al [19] discussed that an adiabatic switching is an alternative solution to reduce power
dissipation in the digital logic shown in the Fig.12. Adiabatic offers reuse of energy stored in the
load capacitor, rather than discharging the load capacitor to the ground and wasting this energy.
Operations of adiabatic logic circuits are based on some basic rules such as never turn on a
transistor when there is a voltage potential between the source and drain terminals, and never
suddenly change the voltage across any of the transistor [19]. The adiabatic logic is widely known
as ENERGY RECOVERY CMOS logic as it uses reversible logic to conserve energy.

The energy stored in the output gets retrieved by reversing the current source direction.

Here, the constant current source is used to charge the load capacitance not a constant voltage
source as used in the case of conventional CMOS circuits. Where, R represents the on resistance
of PMOS network.

Fig. 12 Adiabatic Switching Circuit. [19]

The constant current power supply is capable of retrieving the energy back from the circuit. Thus,
adiabatic logic circuits require non-standard power supplies with time varying voltages such as
pulsed power supplies. To meet today’s power requirement, most research has focused on
building adiabatic logic, which is a promising design for low power applications at present.
International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
5.2. Classification of Adiabatic logic families

Adiabatic logic is broadly classified into two categories. They are partially adiabatic logic and
fully adiabatic logic [19].

5.2.1. Partially Adiabatic logic

In partially adiabatic or Quasi adiabatic circuits, some charge gets transferred to the ground i.e.
some heat is dissipated. Hence a part of the energy is only 4255being able to recover, but these
circuits are easy to implement as compared to fully adiabatic logic circuits.

Some partially adiabatic logic families are: -

1. Efficient Charge Recovery Logic (ECRL)

2. 2N-2N2P Adiabatic Logic

3. Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic (PFAL)

4. Clocked Adiabatic Logic

5.2.2. Fully Adiabatic

In fully adiabatic circuits, all the charges on the load capacitance gets recovered and feedback to
the power supply. Due to which fully adiabatic circuits become slower and complex as compared
to partial adiabatic circuits [20].

Some fully adiabatic logic families are: -

1. Pass Transistor Adiabatic Logic (PAL)

2. Two Phase Adiabatic Static CMOS Logic (2PASCAL)

3. Split-Rail Charge Recovery Logic (SCRL).

Yet some complexities in adiabatic logic design perpetuate. Two such complexities, for instance,
are circuit implementation for time-varying power sources needs to be done and computational
implementation by low overhead circuit structures needs to be followed.

There are two big challenges of energy recovering circuits; first, slowness in terms of today’s
standards, second it requires ~50% of more area than conventional CMOS, and simple circuit
designs get complicated.

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018

Fig.13 Variation of power dissipation with frequency for different fulladder circuits using different
adiabatic logic [21]

Fig .13 shows the comparision of performance of different adiabatic logic adder circuits with
traditional CMOS adder circuits for different full adder circuits. Y.sunil gavaskar reddy et al[21]
mented and their analysis shows that designs based on adiabatic principle gives superior
performance when compared to traditional approaches in terms of power even though their
transistor count is high in some circuits. So for low power and ultra low powerr requirements
adiabatic logic is an effective alternative for traditional CMOS logic circuit design.

In this paper we presented various power optimization techniques almost in all levels of design. It
can be concluded that the important performance parameters such as dynamic power, leakage
power, propagation delay and the PDP are strongly inter related.

Table.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Power Optimization Techniques

Technique Advantages Disadvantages

MTCMOS [10] Power efficient with no effect on speed More area
Transistor Easy to implement, leakage saving, easy to Propagation delay increases
Stacking [11] fabricate
Sleepy stack [12] Single threshold transistors, less delay Needs to control circuits, area
compared to transistor stacking increases, less power savings
LECTOR [14] Control circuit is not required. Best power Delay increases
savings in both the modes of operation
Body bias [15] More power savings Complexity in implementation
Clock gating [16] Medium power savings, less effect on speed Complexity in implementation
Dual Vdd [17] Medium power savings Effects on speed, control circuitry
is required
DVFS [18] More power savings Complexity in implementation
Adaptive voltage Efficient in power savings, Effects in speed
scaling [18] Improves performance compared to DVFS.
Adiabatic [21] More power savings More area

International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.9, No.1, February 2018
Optimization of one parameter needs trade-off of other 3 parameters. To meet today’s power
requirement, most research has focused on building adiabatic logic, which is a promising design
for low power applications [21]. We can say here that adiabatic approach is advanced technique
for power reduction and it is giving better results than conventional methods. Domino logic is
mainly applied to have high speed operation. For this also there are many reduction techniques
and observed than power can be save for this logic also. Finally, we can conclude that this study
provides an appropriate choice for power optimization techniques technique for a specific
application by a VLSI circuit designer.


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T. SUGUNA is a research scholar in E.C.E department, Dr M.G.R Educational and

Research Institute. Her area of research is in design of low power VLSI circuits.

M. JANAKI RANI working as professor in E.C.E Department, Dr M.G.R Educational

and Educational Research institute. She has 28 years of teaching experience. Her
teaching interests includes VLSI design, embedded systems Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers, Digital Electronics, Solid State Devices, VLSI Testing and Verification


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