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PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

Design A Low Power And High Throughput Error Detection And Data
Correction Architecture By Razor II Method

Senthilpari1, P. Velrajkumar 2, Diwakar3, Joseph Sheela Francisca4, Gautam5

Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anand Institute of Higher
Technology, Chennai
Faculty of computing and informatics, Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia,
MEASAT satellite Systems SDN BHD, Cyberjaya Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Senthilpari, P. Velrajkumar, Diwakar, Joseph Sheela Francisca, Gautam: Design a low
power and high throughput error detection and data correction architecture by Razor
II method -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(9). ISSN 1567-
Keywords: Error-recovery system, Error-Detection, Razor, Propagation delay, Power

The proposed error detection and correction circuit designed due to the existing
circuits accommodate the worst-case delay. To prevent Error in the system, detect and
determine violation to maintain correctness to help on the fly mechanisms. The proposed
circuit is to present speculative error detection technique along with an error recovery
mechanism. Circuits are wanted to oblige the delay and to get to be deficient in their
execution. To enhance the execution, they oblige fly system to forestall, identify and correct
errors. In this paper, low power speculative error detection and error recovery architecture are
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

to be developed. The main aim of the circuit is to reduce delay, power and area. This paper
demonstrates their ability to operate under worst-case accommodation. The proposed error
correction and detection circuit give 226nW, propagation delay 1ps, throughput 792MHz..

1. Introduction
The enforcement of I.C. designers laid a great exertion in diminishing the
energy utilization of VLSI systems and suspension gave the inclusive
demand for higher speed and more efficient electronics. Circuit and
architectural techniques are using the difference in the consumption of VLSI
system [1]. Even though the standard method of pipelining is valid and
reliable, but the clock frequency is not flexible, and it always stays at the
critical path of the framework. In few others, they improve their adaptability
to bypass the critical path in the system and more to design. In contrast,
other circuit technique focuses more on decreasing the margin to the
frequency of the clock because of voltage, thermal vibration, and process.
The sources of the changing variant have many different characteristics
which can be vigorous to realize. It is essential to understand that diverse
variation sources have their attributes which cause Error to be recognized,
and recovery methods are utilized [1]. There are two main variations, such
as random variation and systematic variation, respectively. Random
variation can be a label under static dynamic. Mostly for line end roughness
effect and the non-predictable voltage fluctuations could show in
unpredictable variation performance. Static random variation is a random
dopant fluctuation that gives effect to the transistor threshold voltage (Vth).
Moreover, the dynamic random variations can be voltage vacillations,
usually not sure which way the voltage will change, and even though we
know how it will change after some time. It is difficult to say how it will
precisely influence a specific circuit. The second major of variation is
Systematic variations [2]. Systematic variations can adequately describe and
displayed as they are indeed known and unsurprising. Sources of variation
in CMOS circuits are static variation and dynamic variation. Static variation
usually is fabricated dies, which results in more significant power
consumption and a maximum frequency of degradation and usually has
many problems in sub-100nm technologies. The local and global procedure
variation impacts in feature size, the rate of the transistors can shift
drastically from dying to die or gadget to gadget. A few planners use
procedures to lessen the timing edges and enhance speed. However, others
utilize the same methods to spare dynamic energy by diminishing VDD and
working at perfect or lower rates. The examination had figure out that
minimum energy accomplishes when VDD enters the subthreshold, where
can figure out how to attain ten reductions in energy per computation [2]. It

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will be harder to anticipate in influential CMOS dies passes on because of

the impact of static variations get to be more unsafe [3].
Dynamic variations usually are characterized by the way they fluctuate over
the long run. A few sources of variety, for example, supply voltage changes
may frequently differ (on the request of a couple of clock cycles) [4] while
others, for example, maturing fluctuate over vast times of time for the most
part in the quite a long while [5]. Since, their dynamic and hard to foresee
nature, it gets to be much harder to plan flexible systems to battle these
variations. The first stage of the paper is to identify the design method to
design an error detection circuit. The second stage is to locate and designs
an error correction circuit. The number of transistors used to design the
components must be less to achieve less area occupying design [6-7]. For
Error detection circuit Razor 1 circuit is used and modified to produce better
circuit. While for error correction hamming theorem and parity bit are used.
The third stage of the paper is to simulate and analyze the schematic and the
layout of the designs. This finding error stage can separate further into two
divisions. The first part will be constructing the schematic of the propose
error detection and error correction circuit. The LVS (Layout vs Schematic)
simulations carried out on the layout that had been generated to analyze the
output results for both error detection and error correction circuit. The
results generated from the simulation will be used as the calculation for the
outputs such as propagation delay, power dissipation, output power, D.C.
power, area efficiency, EPI, latency, throughput and power delay product
(PDP). Different kind of sizes will illustrate their advantages in precise
output such as voltage and current. The final stage of the papers is to discuss
the output results of the simulation. Any drawbacks or limitations of the
proposed error detection and error correction architecture are discussed as

2. Design methods
Design is the passage through which creativity realized. It is necessary to
understand the different aspects of fundamental laws to practical
considerations that conduct it. There are some fundamental principles of
low power design [8, 9] that are by using the smallest geometry of the
highest frequency devices or the lowest possible supply voltage.
2.1 Error Detection Circuit
A Razor I flip-flop circuit is used metastability detection circuits [10]. The
configurations of the metastability indicator are expanding process variation
because it expected to make a reaction to the flip-flop outputs. Other than
that, it additionally obliges the utilization of more significant devices which
near to harmful effects of the area and power dissipation of the Razor I flip-
flop. So, the additional or included danger of metastability at
the restored signal that will spread to pipeline control logic, conceivably
major to flip-flop disappointment. The micro-architectural domain is to
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

successfully place the timing issue and design in Razor I, which shown in
Figure 1.
Rather than showing both corrections in flip flop and also in error detection,
Razor II shows the only detection in flip flop. Still, the correction in it is an
architectural replay [11]. Although the price of the IPC penalty gets higher
during recovery, these allowed the complication and the size reduces
Architectural replay is a conventional method that consists of better
performing microprocessors to help in the operation, for example, out-of-
request execution and branch prediction. Besides, that is easy to overwhelm
the remaining framework, which helps recap in the timing errors event.
These methods need for pipeline restore signal, whereas expressively
unwinding the timing imperatives on the error-recovery way [12]. This
Razor II characteristic is agreeable to utilize in better-performance
The procedure of Razor II flip-flop comprises a positive level latch contrast
with the master-slave flip-flop [13]. It describes that any changes on the
input information of the decisive clock stage with timing mistake. Rejection
of master latch expressively brings down the clock-pin limit by reducing its
energy furthermore overhead area. Other than that, it additionally offers the
opportunity to the Razor II flip-flop to regularly find the Single Event
Upsets (SEU) sensibly and registers without the overhead. So, it gives lower
area value [14].

Figure 1: Razor II Flip Flops

The main text starts at the top of the page and continues in a Errors are
recognized with watching changes to the output of the latch all through the
higher clock stage if information transitions happen through the higher
clock stage. The transition detector utilizes a progression of inverters joined
with transmission gates to produce a progression of beats that stand like the
inputs to a gate or element [15]. The detection clock will discharge the yield
node, and an error hailed if the information reaches after the starting time of
the latch. Besides, the data path flip-flop is replacing from Razor with the
use of level latch evacuate the requirement for metastability detection
circuit. On the off chance that the metastability detector and master-slave
flip-flip eliminated. Razor II would show enhanced area and also power
over Razor I.

PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

2.2 Proposed Error Detection Circuit (Razor II)

Figure 2 shows the detection clock generator, and Figure 3 shows Razor II
flip-flop transition detector. The transition-detector as demonstrated in
Figure 3 uses a delay-chain to produce a 'verifiable' beat out of an increasing
and a decreasing transition at latch node which is N. The beat is after that
caught from a component OR gate to deliver the error signal. Two beat
generators are obliged to notice the changes in both headings. The AND
gates needed for the production, that gathered with the piece of the
assessment value [16]. A valid sample is the best generator for the
increasing transitions at node N, uses the inverter, I3, and the transmission
gate, TG2, to make obliged delay. The nodes are D1, and D3 are the inputs
of the comparing AND gate, as shown in Figure 3.
Additionally, the beat generator for the decreasing transition uses gates I2
and TG1. Here D0 or D2 is the comparing AND gate. For specific purposes,
the delay chain for every beat generator guarded by changing the TG1 and
TG2 in the delay chains through the TD-TG VDD pin.
The error reset signal is pre-charges the variable hub in the OR-gate to
catch consequent moves on the latch hub. The reset created when design
recovery on account of a timing error. With the use of reset motion rather
than a clock for pre-charge lessens the total clock-pin capacitance [17]. In
this way, the variable hub is restrictively pre-charged in the midst of
recovery, on account of a timing error. A cross-coupled inverter pair is used
as a hook structure to shield the variable hub from discharge because of

Figure 2: Razor II Detection Clock Generator

PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

Figure 3: Transition Detector in Razor II

At the point when utilizing Razor II circuits, this is essential to be known of
the exchange offs that exist in attaining to right uses of timing window that
permit Razor II to check errors effectively. If a short route exists in the
combinational rationale and it reaches the error signal before the clock-edge
of the computation an existing it, a wrong error can trigger. To, right this;
buffers are embedded in the agile approach to verify that each way can be
accurately gotten [18]. The razor II circuit can ensure a base timing limit
(hold time) of the shadow latch met. However, inserting buffers likewise
prompt extra power and area. Razor II circuit designed in the VLSI CAD
tool platform. However, several gates created using PMOS and NMOS to
make sure highly efficient with lower delay. The diagram of the designed
Razor II circuit shown in Figure.4.

Figure 4: Razor II Proposed error detection circuit

From the circuit, data bit D0, D1, D2, D3 are used to identify errors while
check bit C0, C1, C2, C3 are used to correct the errors. Once the Razor II
circuit designed using the stated method, it's verified with button and lamp.
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

The area of the Razor circuit is 0.644nm. The numbers of transistors are 17
NMOS and 31 PMOS.
2.3 Proposed Error Correction Circuit
When the Error is detected, a particular form of procedure needed to
approach for the Error noticed to be handled systematically and in a proper
manner. This section describes the design and implementation of the
proposed error correction circuit. A one-bit comparator circuit used in this
architecture. The comparator circuit compares the two bits and gives high
output if A bit greater than B bit, which is known as F= AB'. The proposed
Error Correction Circuit show in Figure 5. The design obtained using the
DSCH2 method, as stated earlier. The circuit uses three NOT gate, six AND
gate, four OR gate and two 2-to-1 Multiplexor circuit to give the output
logic. The MUX takes in 2 input to produce the cumulative output data with
the help of the selection input, either logic "1" or logic "0". The MUX
designed in order of selection input and its complement. The output of the
MUX circuit is one of its inputs [18]. A 2-to-1 multiplexer Boolean
equation shows in Equation 3.1. Where A and B stands for the two inputs,
selector input is S, and the output gives as Z:
𝑍 = (𝐴. 𝑆̅) + (𝐵. 𝑆) (1)
As shown in Figure 4 proposed error correction circuit, the error correction
inputs are given in the input sector of a0, a1, a2 and a3, respectively. It can
be feed either logic low or logic high. These four inputs are data bits or error
bits stream for the circuit. Then, the data bits pass into one bit 2-to-1
comparator circuit. The error bits stream is compared by two bits
consequently. Using the given data bits, the A greater than B one-bit
comparators compare the first value with the second value, which is in
sequential order. The circuit is because the error bits maybe one or zero in
the logical terms. If A is greater than B in logical wise, the comparator
circuit gives logic "1" otherwise logic "0". According to the parity check,
the comparison has done from a higher value to lower value. After that, the
comparing values sent to the two-input OR gate as one of the inputs.

PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

Figure 5: Proposed Error Recovery Architecture

The correction bits D1, D2 D3 and D4, are feed into the second input of OR
gate. The correction bits also called check bits. The OR gate value corrected
by check bits depends upon comparison results. Then, all the output values
from the OR gate passed through two AND gate as a correct value. The
MUX circuit uses the corrected gate output to produce the cumulative
output data. The corrected gate output again feeds into selection input of
multiplexer circuit which is to correct on original outputs.
The designer is using the error recovery method, the Error Detection circuit
designed. This section explains the design and implementation of the
proposed error detection circuit, which is Razor II and proposed error
correction circuit.

3. Results and discussion

This results and discussion section are the continuous development and
design of the proposed system, which deals with the experimental views of
the Error Correction Circuit and Razor II. In the previous section, the details
of the circuits are explained statistically. As per design methodology, test
bench created and proved using unknown and known output values of the
test bench. The circuit explained in two paths that are layout level and
circuit-level simulation.
3.1 Validation Process and Simulation Results
The proper VLSI CAD tools check the validation of the corresponding
output and output validation of the inputs and after that verified schematic
and the layouts. This CAD tool performs an analysis of the digital
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

characteristics such as output voltage, output power, average current power

delivered in the component, power dissipation, total chip area, propagation
delay, Energy Per Instruction (EPI), Power Delay Product (PDP), latency
and throughput used in the proposed circuits. The experimental details of
the correction circuits and proposed error detection explained in the
following sections.
3.2 Proposed Error Detection Circuit – Simulation Results (Razor II)
In Figure 6, it shows different input patterns are tested for the circuits, and
the design does satisfy the functionality of the Razor II. When the given
check bit is similarly, there will be no error while the check bit in series
produces errors and need to be corrected from the timing diagram [18]. Q
and D is a button from D flip flop design. When the data bits are enabled,
and the no error bit are enabled. According to correction bit, the errors
rectified whenever the data bits are enabled, whenever the reset is used to
bring the circuit to the original state so that the results will not be

Figure 6: Timing Diagram of the Proposed Error Detection Circuit

The projected Razor II imposed into Layout VS Schematic (LVS)
simulation for different input patterns. We implement the design with VLSI
CAD tool to evaluate the performance of this low power multiplier for
different feature sizes of CMOS design rule technology. The final results
and simulation results of performance for the four feature sizes are given in
Table 1. The other performance parameters, namely Latency, Energy per
Instruction (EPI), and Power Delay Product (PDP) calculated, and the
results have been tabulated in table 1.
The LVS has measured for different feature size. According to table 1, the
65nm feature size has given a better performance than other feature sizes.
The CMOS 65nm feature size provides power with dissipation is 1.50µW,
which is achieved in 51.6%, 58.21%, 90.58% than 90nm, 120nm and

PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

180nm feature size, respectively. Similarly, the propagation delay, chip size,
EPI, latency, throughput and PDP than other feature sizes. The error
correction circuit achieved than other existing circuits. The proposed circuit
has the lowest power dissipation, lower total chip area and lower power
delay product. It achieves the aim of the paper, which is to achieve circuit
with low power, small area and low delay.

Table 1: The simulation results and performance analysis results of

Proposed Razor II

Output variable Proposed Razor II

(Feature size)
65nm 90nm 120nm 180nm
Output Voltage, 0.689 0.992 1.193 1.978
Average Current, 0.265 0.389 0.484 0.724
Output Power, 252.0 389.0 581.0 1448.0
PD (µW) 1.50 3.10 3.59 15.928
td(ps) 1.25 2.57 2.91 3.5
Area(µm2) 517 638 767 2716
EPI (fJ) 18.90 39.75 62.57 186.59
Latency, T(ns) 19.01 20.02 20.08 20.06
Throughput, R(G) 0.209 0.199 0.1995 0.1994
PDP (fWs) 4500 3100 3590 1592.8

Figure 7 is shown the LVS graph of voltage vs time obtained from the
simulation of the proposed Razor II, which measure between sum and input
gives a more excellent performance. For the feature size 65 nm, the output
voltage from Figure 7 is 0.689V. Based on the NMOS technology, the
output needs to be VDD /2 for linear operation [19]. This proposed error
detection gives higher output voltage that is more than a linear region
voltage due to the actual arrangement of NMOS transistors and reduced
critical path in the circuit. The critical path increases the parasitic
capacitance is reduced, therefore decreases the delay of output (spike).
There is no transition delay between the output data (spike).

PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

Figure 7: LVS graph of Voltage vs Time of the Proposed Error Detection

Circuit of Feature Size 65nm
3.3 Analytical Results (Razor II)
After getting a layout simulation from CAD tools, we use parametric
analysis to get a relationship of output voltage with power dissipation
(mW), final voltage (V) and maximum IDD current (mA) using Error as an
output. For 65nm, the dissipation power is increased with the voltage. The
power dissipated for zero voltage is 0.290mW. For 90nm, the dissipation
power is slightly increasing with the voltage. The power dissipated for zero
voltage is 0.430mW. For 120nm, the dissipation power is slightly
decreasing with the voltage. The power dissipated for zero voltage is
0.600mW. For 90nm, the dissipation power decreases with the voltage. The
power dissipated for zero voltage is 3.250mW.
3.4 Proposed Error Correction Circuit
The input is given here is A0, A1, A2 and A3 according to the truth table.
The input is passing through two bits comparator to check higher value
(A>B). The bits are corrected by check bits and feed into multiplexor circuit
to produce actual output. From Figure 8, we can see that A0 and C1 are
related to ER1. Same goes to A1 and C2 to ER2, A2 and C3 to ER3 and
finally A3 to C4 to ER4.

PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

Figure 8: Timing Diagram of the Proposed Error Correction Circuit

With the use of the DSCH2 platform, we construct a 4-bit truth table using
A0, A1, A2 and A3 as input. The truth table is shown in Table 2., which
used for checked with hamming code technique. The error bit has to be
given an unwanted error signal due to unfit in the system.[22] The noise or
unwanted disturbance in the circuit the original bits are received in the form
of Error. The X-OR technique to both bits of output and correct the error bit
to the original bit.
Table 2: Truth Table from Error Correction Circuit
Inputs Outputs

2 1 0 1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

The proposed error recovery circuit further imposed to Layout VS

Schematic (LVS) simulation for various input patterns. Then, the results
obtained from the simulation, followed by an analytical discussion of the
results were shown in table 3. The performance of this low-power circuit
has implemented the design with VLSI CAD tool for different feature sizes
of CMOS design rule technology to evaluate the results. The simulation
results and calculated results of performance for the four feature sizes are
given in Table 3.
Figure 9 shows the LVS graph of voltage vs time obtained from the
simulation of the proposed Razor II layout for feature size 65nm. The LVS
graph of voltage vs time measure between input and sum gives a better
outperformance. It also shows output voltage for the respective feature size.
According to NMOS technology, the output must be VDD /2 for linear
operation. This proposed error detection gives better output voltage that is
more than the linear region voltage due to the proper arrangement of NMOS
transistors and reduced critical path in the circuit. This kind of arrangement
in the proposed circuit the parasitic capacitance values are reduced,
therefore decreases the delay of output (spike). The transition delay
increases when the feature size is increase due to the area size. Using the
LVS graph of voltage vs time, we can get the output voltage for the
respective feature size.

Figure 9: LVS graph of Voltage vs Time of the Proposed Error Correction

Circuit of Feature Size 65nm
PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

The values for the designed Error Correction circuit are taken from the
layout structure. The analyses are made for the in-depth sub-micron process.
The result obtained for the 4 CMOS technology fixture size is summarized
in Table 3. The Ultra Deep Sub Micron (UDSM) feature size (180 nm, 120
nm, 90 nm and 65 nm) simulated results are shown in Table 3.
For the feature size of the 65 nm, the output voltage is 0.696V. It is
calculated from Voltage vs Current graph. The corresponding output voltage
for 90 nm, 120 nm and 180 nm is 1.001V, 1.197V and 1.988, respectively.
Simulation layout results check the Average Current and Output Power. The
65 nm feature size gives the lowest average current while 180nm gives the
highest average current due to transistor channel complete. The delivered
power is calculated using the standard equation. For 65 nm, the output
power dissipation 0.226μW is calculated from subtracts the value of total
power of the circuit and power delivered in the component (output node) of
the circuit. Therefore, the output power dissipation obtained for the
corresponding technologies is 0.298 µW, 0.126 µW, and 1.972 µW,
respectively. Feature size 120nm gives the lowest value of power
dissipation. The circuit signal propagation delay is measured from the
output signal of the designed error detection circuit, correspondingly the rise
time and fall time of the output signal. The propagation delay acquired is
1ps for all the four technologies.
Table 3 also illustrates the total area of the designed gate. The total chip
area has been calculated in terms of transistor area, interconnect area, wire
area, input and output pad area. For the 65 nm CMOS technology feature
size, PDP is 0.226 fWs. The results obtained for the corresponding CMOS
technology feature sizes are 0.298 fWS, 0.126 fWS and 1.972 fWS,
respectively. The overall best feature size for the proposed error correction
circuit is CMOS technology 65nm. It achieves the aim of the paper, which
is to achieve circuit with low power, small area and low delay.
Table 3: The simulation results and performance analysis results of
Proposed Error Detection Architecture.
Output variable Proposed Error Detection Architecture (Feature size)
65nm 90nm 120nm 180nm
Vo(V) 0.696 1.001 1.197 1.988
IDDAvg(mA) 0.002 0.008 0.013 0.081
Po(µW) 1.618 8.306 15.687 163.0
PD (µW) 0.226 0.298 0.326 1.972
td(ps) 0.896 0.916 1.562 8.963
Area(µm2) 330 385 738 2349
EPI (fJ) 19.29 40.473 62.993 2349
Latency, T(ns) 5.051 5.012 4.999 5.008
Throughput, R 0.792 0.798 0.800 0.799
PDP (fWs) 0.226 0.298 0.126 1.972

PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

4.3.1 Proposed Error Correction Circuit – Analytical Results

Parametric analysis from VLSI CAD tools is used to get a relationship of
output voltage with power dissipation (mW), final voltage (V) and
maximum IDD current (mA) using multiplexer circuit Out1 as an output.
The parametric analysis is used for all four-feature size 65nm, 90nm, 120nm
and 180nm to find the difference between them. The proposed circuits
satisfy the equation power (P) equal to the voltage (V) multiply current (I),
P = IV. Power is directly proportional to voltage. For 65nm, the final
voltage is slightly decreasing with the increasing output voltage. The final
peak voltage is at 0.4 VDD with value 0.325V. For 90nm, the final voltage
graph is decreasing until 0.2VDD and increasing after that exponentially
[23]. The final peak voltage recorded at 0.6 VDD with value 0.625V. For
120nm, the final voltage graph is rising to 0.5 VDD and decreasing after
that. The final peak voltage is at 0.5 VDD with a value of 0.650V. For
180nm, the final voltage is slightly increasing with the increasing output
voltage. The final peak voltage is at 0.8 VDD with value 0.890V. For all the
four-feature size the max IDD current is increased with the voltage. Voltage
is directly proportional to current. The graph gets steady after 0.6V. For 65
nm. For 90 nm, the chart gets steady after 0.4V. For 120nm, the chart gets
steady after 0.6V. While for 180 nm, the graph gets steady after 0.6V.
In summary, max IDD current stabilize after 0.40 to 0.60 output voltage of
respective feature size. For 65nm, the graph increases first then decreases
until it achieves a secure frequency value. The stabilize frequency node is at
0.164 GHz. For 90nm, the graph falls first then grows until it meets
maintain frequency value. The stabilize frequency node is at 0.202 GHz. For
120nm, the graph increases until it achieves maintain frequency value. The
stabilize frequency node is at 0.164 GHz. For 180nm, the graph increases
and decreases until it reaches preserve frequency value. It shows there is an
unwanted impulse at the starting value of the graph. The stabilize frequency
node is at 0.162 GHz. In summary, the frequency node gets maintain after a
specific output voltage of respective feature size.

4. Conclusions
The main aim of this paper is to design low power error detection and data
correction architecture. The error correction and detection circuits are Razor
II circuit proposed and simulated. The proposed error detection and error
recovery architecture show a significant improvement in terms of power
dissipation, area and Energy Per Instruction (EPI) value. Apart from the
reduction in low power, low area and low delay are also achieved.
Theoretical systems give a better description of circuit delay with
acknowledged timing to enhance throughput or possibly hypothesize timing
impelled errors. Usually, error detection and data recovery can be a dispute,
mainly when working under a sub-threshold region. The essential strategies
that accepted will keep on being utilized. In the futures, a well-designed
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Razor Circuits gives lower power dissipation less occupying area and the
Multiple Issue using the pipeline technique that matched with higher-level
techniques, for example, error-correcting codes

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PJAEE, 17 (9) (2020)

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