Caracterizacion Fenotipica de Diatomeas

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J. Phycol.

43, 992–1009 (2007)

 2007 Phycological Society of America
DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2007.00384.x



Alessandra De Martino
Laboratory of Molecular Plant Biology, CNRS UMR 8186, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 46 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France
Laboratory of Cell Signalling, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, I-80121 Naples, Italy

Agne`s Meichenin
Laboratory of Molecular Plant Biology, CNRS UMR 8186, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 46 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France

Juan Shi, Kehou Pan

College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shangdong Province 266003, P. R. China

and Chris Bowler2

Laboratory of Molecular Plant Biology, CNRS UMR 8186, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 46 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France
Laboratory of Cell Signalling, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, I-80121 Naples, Italy

In the last few years, genome-based studies in for experimental investigations that can exploit
diatoms have received a major boost following the the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics
genome sequencing of the centric species Thalassi- described.
osira pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal and the pleio-
Key index words: AFLP; ecophenotype; genotype;
morphic raphid pennate diatom Phaeodactylum
ITS probe; model diatom; pleiomorphism
tricornutum Bohlin. In addition, molecular tools,
such as genetic transformation, have been devel- Abbreviations: AFLP, amplified fragment length
oped for both species. Despite these molecular polymorphism; CAPS, cleaved amplified polymor-
advances, relatively little is known regarding the phic sequence; CCAP, Culture Collection of Algae
genetic diversity of the available strains of these and Protozoa; CCCM, Canadian Center for the
diatoms. In this study, we have compiled a histori- Culture of Microorganisms; CCMP, Provasoli-
cal summary of the known P. tricornutum species Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine
resources and have provided a genetic and pheno- Phytoplankton; EST, expressed sequence tag;
typic overview of 10 different axenic strains. ITS2, internal transcribed spacer 2
Examination of intraspecies genetic diversity based
on internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequence
and amplified fragment length polymorphism
(AFLP) analyses indicate four different genotypes. Over the last decade, diatoms have become a rep-
Seven strains are predominantly fusiform, whereas resentative algal group to explore the biology of
one strain is predominantly oval, and another is marine phytoplankton and the phylogeny of hetero-
predominantly triradiate. Another is defined as a konts (Falciatore and Bowler 2002, Kooistra et al.
tropical strain because it appears better acclimated 2003). Genetic markers have been developed to
to growth at higher temperatures. Observations in study the diversity of planktonic diatoms, revealing
the natural environment indicate that P. tricornutum surprisingly high genetic diversity even at the popu-
is a coastal marine diatom that is able to adapt to lation level (Rynearson and Armbrust 2000, 2004,
unstable environments, such as estuaries and rock Evans et al. 2004, 2005). In parallel, over the last
pools. Because it has rarely been noted in nature, few years, genomic data from diatoms have
we have developed specific primers to amplify increased enormously, following the genome
ITS2 sequences and have successfully identified it sequencing of the centric diatom Thalassiosira
in environmental samples. These resources should pseudonana (Armbrust et al. 2004) and the pennate
become useful tools for the diatom community diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (http://genome.
when combined with the whole genome sequence, both of
and will open up a range of new possibilities which have been sequenced by the Joint Genome
Institute (Walnut Creek, CA, USA). In addition,
>10,000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) have been
generated from both species and have been
Received 3 November 2006. Accepted 17 April 2007. organized in a searchable diatom EST database
Author for correspondence: e-mail [email protected]. (; Mahes-

G E N O T Y P E S AN D P H E N O T Y P E S O F A MO D E L D I A T O M 993

wari et al. 2005, Montsant et al. 2005). Another MATERIALS AND METHODS
100,000 ESTs have been generated from P. tricornu- Accessions and culture conditions. Nine different accessions of
tum by Genoscope (Evry, France) from a range of P. tricornutum were obtained from the culture collections of the
cDNA libraries prepared from cells grown in Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine
different conditions ( Phytoplankton (CCMP,, the Culture
diatomics/EST/). These data have already revealed Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP, http://www.ccap., and the Canadian Center for the Culture of Micro-
several surprising peculiarities of diatom biology organisms (CCCM,
that likely reflect specialized evolutionary html). An additional pennate diatom described as Nitzschia
adaptations to the marine environment (Armbrust closterium forma minutissima, harvested from coastal waters near
et al. 2004, Montsant et al. 2005). For example, Dalian, Yellow Sea, China, by Xuecun Qu was obtained from
transgenic P. tricornutum lines have been used to the Microalgae Culture Collection of Qingdao University
study the response of diatoms to nutrients (MACC).
All of the accessions were axenic except two (NEPCC 640,
(Falciatore et al. 2000) and, more recently, to study MACC B228), which were made axenic by treatment of the cells
calcium signaling and cell–cell communication in with 50 lg Æ mL)1 streptomycin (Sigma Inc., St. Louis, MO,
response to allelochemicals (Vardi et al. 2006). The USA) +50 lg Æ mL)1 ampicillin (Sigma). Cells were grown in
species has also been used for studies of protein batch in flask cultures with a photon fluence rate of 60–
targeting to diatom plastids (Kilian and Kroth 80 lmol Æ m)2 Æ s)1 provided by cool-white fluorescent tubes
2005). (F 36 W ⁄ 33 640 4000 K; Claude, Blanc Industry, Franco Belge
d’électricité, Malakoff, France) in a 12:12 light:dark (L:D)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum has the unusual prop- photoperiod at 19C. Cells were subcultured in f ⁄ 2 medium
erty of being pleiomorphic, and this plasticity is without additional silicic acid for routine growth of the cells
related to the atypical nature of the cell wall, (Guillard 1975) or in artificial seawater medium (ASW;
which is only poorly silicified compared with other Falciatore et al. 2000) for physiological analyses. Cells were
diatoms (Lewin et al. 1958, Borowitzka and counted in a Malassez chamber. Clonal cultures were gener-
Volcani 1978). The species appears to be unique ated from single cells originally isolated using a pipette in an
in that it does not have an obligate require- Axiovert inverted light microscope (Zeiss, Jena, Germany). The
clone Pt1 8.6 used for genome sequencing has been deposited
ment for silicic acid. Nothing is known about at CCAP, with the accession number CCAP 1055/1, and at
the physiological significance of these characteris- CCMP, with the accession number CCMP2561.
tics. Furthermore, despite the abundance of Marine samples were collected by surface pump into carboys
genome information, the basic biological features and filtered onto Sterivex (0.2 lm pore size; Millipore Corp.,
of P. tricornutum are relatively poorly studied, in Billerica, MA, USA). After filtration, filters were stored at )80C
particular its life cycle and its ecological relevance. until DNA extraction. The DNA was extracted from the filters
using the Gentra PureGene (Gentra Systems Inc., Minneapolis,
These are serious shortcomings, given the likely MN, USA) tissue protocol (information provided by Bess Ward,
convergence of several areas of diatom research Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, NJ, USA).
toward this species now that a whole genome Ribotype analysis. Genetic analysis of the nine P. tricornutum
sequence is available. accessions was performed by sequencing the fast-evolving
Our aim in the present study was to better define internal transcribed spacer region, ITS2, and the beginning
the P. tricornutum accessions that are available in of the 28S rDNA, including the highly variable D1 region
(Coleman 2003). The rDNA regions comprising the 3¢ end of
stock centers around the world. The first objective the 5.8S, the hypervariable ITS2 and the 5¢ end of the 28S,
was to trace the species in a historical context, including the variable D1 region, were amplified by PCR with
which we considered important to provide a single the universal forward primer ITS3 (5¢-gcatcgatgaagaacgcagc-3¢)
reference source that documents the recorded and reverse primer TW13 (5¢-ggtccgtgtttcaagacg-3¢). The PCR
observations of P. tricornutum and describes the ori- amplification was performed on lysates of P. tricornutum cells as
gins of different strains available in different stock described in Falciatore et al. (1999), using 2.5 U of Pfx high-
centers. This information should permit each labo- fidelity enzyme (Invitrogen, Cergy Pontoise, France) following
the manufacturer’s instructions. The PCR fragments were
ratory using P. tricornutum to know the origins of purified with the QIAEX II kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA,
the strains being used. Subsequently, we have USA) and directly sequenced by MWG-Biotech (Ebersberg,
sought to characterize the phenotypic traits and Germany). The PCR fragments were sequenced in both
genetic diversity of 10 different accessions. This has directions and checked with three different forward and
revealed that certain accessions have specific charac- reverse primer pairs specific to the sequences (F1: ITS3 primer,
teristics that can be exploited experimentally F2: 5¢-acccgctgaatttaagcatataat-3¢, F3: 5¢-ggtggtaaattccatctaaagc-
ta-3¢; R1: TW13 primer, R2: 5¢-gttagtttcttttcctccgcttaa-3¢, R3:
to explore particular aspects of diatom biology. 5¢-aactctcttttcaaagttctgttgcatc-3¢). Complete sequences of 5.8S
Furthermore, the availability of 10 characterized rDNA and ITS2 from the diatom from the Yellow Sea were
P. tricornutum accessions can permit the search for obtained after PCR amplification with a forward primer
polymorphisms of functional significance, as has that was specific to the ITS1 sequence (F4: 5¢-acccaaac-
been championed in Arabidopsis (Mitchell-Olds and ccaaccacgacgg-3¢) and the reverse primer R2, cloning into
Schmitt 2006). Finally, we have developed a PCR pBluescript II KS ()), and sequencing with T7 primers.
Sequence alignments were made using the BioEdit program
primer set that can be used for the detection of the (version 6.0.5; Hall 1999).
species in the marine environment, which should Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS; Scott and
be useful to clarify the ecology and biogeography of Amasino 1998) analysis of the region denoted ITS2-D1 was
P. tricornutum.
994 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

performed with TaaI or HincII ⁄ SnaI (Fermentas). ITS2 Biorad was used to shoot cells on petri dishes. Several
sequences have been deposited in GenBank with the following parameters were tested to shoot the oval and the triradiate
accession numbers: DQ085801 (Pt1), DQ085802 (Pt2), accessions, with a range of delivery pressures between 1100 and
DQ085803 (Pt3), DQ085804 (Pt4), DQ085805 (Pt5), DQ085806 2000 psi and two shooting distances: the top level (6 cm) and
(Pt6), DQ085807 (Pt7), DQ085808 (Pt8), DQ085809 (Pt9), and the intermediate level (9 cm). M17 tungsten microcarriers
DQ655656 (Pt10). (Bio-Rad) were used for transformation of all accessions and
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). AFLP analysis morphotypes.
was carried out as in Vos et al. (1995) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions (AFLP Analysis system II; Invitro-
gen). The first step of amplification was performed with 300 ng RESULTS
of genomic DNA extracted from exponentially growing cells
according to the procedure previously described (Falciatore Historical overview. Now that a whole genome
et al. 1999). MseI primers with three selective nucleotides and sequence is available, P. tricornutum is likely to
EcoR1 primers having two selective nucleotides were used for become even more utilized than at present, and so
PCR. Primer labeling was performed by phosphorylating the 5¢ we believe it to be important to clarify the available
end of the EcoR1 primers with c33P-ATP and T4 kinase P. tricornutum species resources in a historical,
(Invitrogen). Following PCR amplification, reaction products genetic, and phenotypic context, both to avoid erro-
were checked on a 1% agarose electrophoresis gel and then
analyzed on a 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel. After a
neous classifications in the future and to permit
prerun of 30 min at 50 W, samples were run at 65 W in a sequi- resources to be utilized to the maximum for physio-
gen GT Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis Cell, 38 · 50 cm (Bio- logical studies that can also exploit intraspecific
Rad, Division Bio-Recherche, Marnes la Coquette, France) for polymorphisms for functional studies of diatom
2 h. After separation of the bands, the gel was dried and genes.
exposed to an X-ray film for 1–3 d. All AFLP analyses were Phaeodactylum tricornutum was first described as a
performed at the same time on the different accessions with
different pairs of primers, and the polymorphic bands were
new genus with a single unique species by Bohlin in
confirmed by analysis of two different genomic DNA samples. 1897. He found it in samples collected off Plymouth
The presence or absence of polymorphic bands was visually (UK) as well as in Baltic rock pools. He described
recorded and compiled in a binary data table. only triradiate morphotype cells with three arms, a
Light and epifluorescence microscopy. Microscopy was yellow–brown chloroplast, and a weakly silicified
performed with an Axioskop-2 epifluorescence microscope exterior. His description does not reveal whether he
(Zeiss), with differential interference contrast or with epifluo- also found fusiform or oval cells, but the star shape
rescence using filter sets for YFP (XF104-2; Omega Optical,
Brattleboro, VT, USA). Images were captured with an Axiocam was probably more noticeable and distinguished the
MRc camera (Zeiss), and cell size and shape parameters were species from other phytoplankton cells. Since this
measured with the Axiovision 4.1 software (Carl Zeiss S.A.S, Le first description, the species has been isolated and
Pecq, France). described on several occasions in a range of loca-
TEM. Frustules from the different accessions were exam- tions worldwide and is now available in several algal
ined by TEM. Exponentially growing cells were fixed with culture collections. Below and in the supplementary
formaldehyde (final concentration 0.8%) for 1 h at room
temperature and washed four times with distilled water by
material, we present what we believe is a compre-
centrifuging at 6000g for 10 min. Organic material was elimi- hensive list of P. tricornutum accessions that are avail-
nated by treating the cells with 16% HNO3 (v ⁄ v) and 48% able worldwide, with a focus on the 10 strains that
H2SO4 (2:1 v ⁄ v) for 2–3 min, and cells were then carefully have been extensively analyzed in our laboratory.
washed several times with distilled water until the solution The Blackpool strain and derived accessions (Pt1): This
reached neutral pH. Monoclonal cultures corresponding to strain was harvested off Blackpool, UK, ca. 1956 and
each morphotype isolated from single cells of the accession Pt8
were also examined after different acid treatments with varia-
identified by S. Coughlan. We received this strain as
tions in time and ⁄ or acid concentration. A drop of the cleaned accession CCMP632 from CCMP in March 2001 and
material was placed on a Formvar Ni-coated 200 Mesh grid denoted it as Pt1 (Table 1). Nine monoclonal cul-
(Agar Scientific Ltd., Essex, UK) and observed with a Philips tures of Pt1 were subsequently generated, and one
TEM 400 microscope (Philips, Eindhoven, the Netherlands). with a fusiform morphotype, denoted Pt1 8.6, was
SEM. Whole cells were examined by SEM. Cells were fixed selected for genome sequencing (http://genome.
with glutaraldehyde (1% final concentration), rinsed with It was then
distilled water to remove salts and fixatives, dehydrated in a
graded ethanol series (ethanol: 10% for 15 min, 25% for sent to CCAP (Oban, UK) in December 2004 and
15 min, 50% for 15 min, 75% for 15 min, 95% for 15 min, given the accession number CCAP 1055/1. It was
100% for 60 min), and critical-point-dried. Preparations were subsequently sent from CCAP to CCMP, which gave
coated with a complete layer of gold-palladium and observed it the accession number CCMP2561.
with a scanning electron microscope (Philips 505 SEM; The Plymouth strain and derived accessions (Pt2,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands). Pt3): E. J. Allen collected this strain off Plymouth
Diatom transformation. Diatom cells were cotransformed by
the biolistic method with the vector for resistance to phleomy-
sometime before 1910, probably in 1908 (informa-
cin pAF6 (Falciatore et al. 1999) and an expression vector for a tion from M. Jutson, manager Plymouth Algal Cul-
cytosolic eYFP (kindly provided by Anton Montsant). The ture Collection, Plymouth, UK). In a subsequent
sequence encoding eYFP was obtained from the vector pEYFP- publication (Allen and Nelson 1910), the authors
N1 (Clontech, Mountain View, CA, USA) and cloned between did not provide any description or illustrations, and
the FcpB promoter and the FcpA terminator of P. tricornutum they identified it wrongly as Nitzschia closterium
(accession number Z24768). The hepta-biolistic system from
Table 1. Origin and morphotype characteristics of the 10 accessions of P. tricornutum.

Accession Strain reference in Date of Accession numbers of

name permanent collectionsa Location of sampling collection Characteristics of collection site Major morphotype characterized strainsb

Pt1 CCMP632 Off Blackpool, UK ca. 1956 Coastal water, close Fusiform 95%–100% CCAP 1055 ⁄ 3,
54.0000N–04.0000W to estuaries CCAP 1055 ⁄ 1c
Pt2 CCAP 1052 ⁄ 1A English Channel, Prior 1910 Coastal water, close Fusiform 95%–100% CCMP2557
(PCC 100, SAG off Plymouth, UK to estuaries
1090-1a, UTCC 162) 50.3620N–04.1700W
Pt3 CCAP 1052 ⁄ 1B Brackish clonal culture 1930s Clonal bacteria-free isolation. Oval 60%–75% CCMP2558
(SAG 1090-1b) isolated from Plymouth Growth on freshwater, Clonal
strain (Pt2), UK soil extract
Pt4 CCAP 1052 ⁄ 6 (UTEX 646, Island of Segelskår, near 1951 Brackish water, isolated from Fusiform 95%–100% CCMP2559
SAG 1090-6) Tvarminne, Finland a supralittoral rock pool Clonal
Pt5 CCMP630 (NEPCC 738) Gulf of Maine, Cape 1972, Shallow tidal creek with wide Fusiform 95%–100% CCAP 1055 ⁄ 2
Cod Bay, West Dennis, winter ranging salinity Clonal
Chase Garden Creek,
Pt6 CCMP631 (NEPCC 31) Nantucket Bay, off Woods ca. 1956 Seawater tank with wide Fusiform 95%–100% CCAP 1055 ⁄ 4
Hole, MA, USA ranging salinity
Pt7 CCMP1327 Great South Bay, off Long 1952 Polluted seawater (duck industry). Fusiform 95%–100% CCAP 1055 ⁄ 6
Island, MA, USA Enclosed bay with low salinity.
40.6600N–73.2500W Isolated during bloom of
Nannochloropsis ⁄ Nannochloris
Pt8 NEPCC 640 Jericho Beach, Vancouver, 1987, Coastal water. Sample collected Triradiate 80%–85% CCAP 1055 ⁄ 7,
BC, Canada March with a plankton net 2 feet CCMP2560
40.6600N–73.2500W from surface
Pt9 CCMP633 Territory of Guam, 1981, From the shore, water Oval 60%–75% at CCAP 1055 ⁄ 5
Northern Mariana Feb. temperature 25C 15C–19C; but
Islands, Micronesia fusiform 80%–95%
13.8333N–144.7500E at 25C–28C

Pt10 MACC B228 Dalian, Yellow Sea 2000 Polluted seawater Fusiform 95%–100% CCAP 1055 ⁄ 8,
(industrial area and CCMP2928
seaside resort)
All the information indicated was provided by the person who isolated the strain or by people from the different culture collections.
CCMP, Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton; CCAP, Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa; SAG, Sammlung von Algenkulturen der
Universität Gottingen, Germany; NEPCC, North East Pacific Culture Collection; UTEX, Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas at Austin; MACC, Microalgae
Culture Collection of Qingdao University; UTCC, University of Toronto Culture Collection of Algae.
Bold indicates our source of each isolate.
Accession numbers of our strains deposited in culture collection.
Clonal isolate used for genome sequencing (
996 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

W. Sm. forma minutissima. This Plymouth isolate has Runmarö (information from Droop’s notebook and
been the basis for a large amount of physiological other records kindly provided by C. Campbell,
and biochemical research, but during the first half CCAP). He also stated that naturally occurring
of the last century, it was referred to as N. closterium material was always triradiate.
W. Sm. forma minutissima (for references see Lewin The Cape Cod Bay strain (Pt5): The Cape Cod Bay
1958). It was only in the 1950s that cells from these strain was collected during the winter of 1972 by
cultures were recognized as resembling P. tricornu- Petrovitch and Guillard (CCMP) in a shallow tidal
tum, and the taxonomic position of the species was creek with fluctuating salinity in the Gulf of Maine
subsequently revised by J. C. Lewin in 1958 (Woods (West Dennis, MA, USA). It was subsequently puri-
Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA) to P. tri- fied by R. Guillard and was cryopreserved by the
cornutum Bohlin emend. Since 1958, this clone and CCMP as accession CCMP630. We obtained the
others have been officially renamed as P. tricornu- strain from CCMP in November 2001.
tum. Lewin assigned it to the class of the Bacillario- The Woods Hole strain (Pt6): J. C. Lewin and R. A.
phyceae. She also described P. tricornutum as only Lewin originally isolated this strain in September
one known genus and species of a new suborder, 1956 from a seawater tank behind the Woods Hole
Phaeodactylineae, and a unique and new family, Oceanographic Institution (MA, USA) that con-
Phaeodactylaceae. The official designation is there- tained seawater enriched with a commercial fertil-
fore as follows: izer (information kindly provided by R. Guillard).
P. tricornutum Bohlin emend (Lewin 1958) They subsequently provided the first morphological
Class: Bacillariophyceae microscopic illustration of P. tricornutum using this
Order: Bacillariales strain in 1958 (Lewin et al. 1958). In their report,
Suborder: Phaeodactylineae (nov. suborder) they describe it as being morphologically identical
Family: Phaeodactylaceae (nov. family) to the Plymouth strain of N. closterium W. Sm.
Genus: Phaeodactylum (Bohlin 1897) forma minutissima. They reported two typical cell
Species: P. tricornutum forms, fusiform and oval, and noted that triradiate
Care of the Plymouth strain was passed to D. P. cells were rare. The article also contains a descrip-
Wilson (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) in 1939 who tion of the life cycle for the first time and reveals
published the first detailed account of the organism that oval cells possess a siliceous valve. From
with illustrations (Wilson 1946). He described the an ecological viewpoint, they considered that
pleiomorphic character of P. tricornutum and P. tricornutum was not a normal component of mar-
described each of the different morphotypes (albeit ine phytoplankton, and that it occurs generally
under the name of N. closterium W. Sm. forma minu- only in intertidal rock pools or seawater tanks.
tissima). He states, on the authority of M. Parke This Woods Hole strain was deposited at CCMP in
(Marine Biological Association, Plymouth), that December 1986 and given the accession number
both the triradiate and fusiform phases were fre- CCMP631. We obtained CCMP631 from CCMP in
quent in water samples from the Irish Sea off Port November 2001, and we now denote the accession
Erin. For our studies, we acquired the Plymouth as Pt6.
strain from the CCAP (Oban) in November 2001, The Long Island strain (Pt7): This isolate of
and we denoted it as Pt2 (Table 1). There are P. tricornutum was collected in 1952 by J. Ryther
several permanent stocks of the Plymouth strain (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) and
around the world (see supplementary material), and deposited at CCMP in 1952 with the accession
all are described as displaying the fusiform morpho- CCMP1327. The site of collection is described as an
type. enclosed bay with low salinity (teens to twenties)
The strain that we denote Pt3 was initially derived that was polluted from a local duck farm at that
from Pt2 in Plymouth in the 1930s as a subclonal time (information kindly provided from R. Guil-
culture of Pt2 that was able to grow in freshwater lard). We obtained CCMP1327 from CCMP in
media (information kindly provided by T. Henning, November 2001, and in our study, it is denoted Pt7.
Culture Collection of Algae at the University of The Vancouver strain (Pt8): The isolate that we
Texas at Austin [UTEX]). We received this strain as denote Pt8 was collected off Jericho Beach, Vancou-
CCAP 1052 ⁄ 1B from CCAP in November 2001, and ver, Canada, in March 1987 and deposited at CCCM
it contained principally oval morphotype cells. as accession NEPCC 640. Accession NEPCC 640 is
The Finnish strain (Pt4): The strain that we denote described as a fusiform morphotype, although the
Pt4 was obtained as CCAP 1052 ⁄ 6 from CCAP and subculture we received in November 2001 from
is described as a brackish strain of P. tricornutum CCCM was predominantly triradiate and has
that was collected by M. R. Droop (Scottish Marine remained so since then.
Biological Association, Millport, UK) in 1951 from a The Micronesian strain (Pt9): A Micronesian strain
supralittoral rock pool on the Island of Segelskår, was collected in February 1981 in the territory of
near Tvarminne, Finland. In his notebook, he stated Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia, by
that P. tricornutum often occurs in rock pools on R. A. Lewin. At CCMP, it has the accession number
skerries, and he also found it within a few miles of CCMP633, and it is typically grown at 20C–26C.
G E N O T Y P E S AN D P H E N O T Y P E S O F A MO D E L D I A T O M 997

We received this accession in June 2003, and we including the 5.8S rDNA region and a partial ITS2
denote it Pt9. sequence, from a strain of P. tricornutum of unde-
The Chinese strain (Pt10): A strain described as scribed biogeographic origin has been deposited in
N. closterium W. Sm. forma minutissima was isolated GenBank by Y. Joubert et al. (Institut des Sub-
from Yellow Sea, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China, stances et Organismes de la Mer [ISOMER] Nantes,
by X. Qu in the spring of 2000 and maintained at France). The 5.8S rDNA sequences of the 10 acces-
MACC (Qingdao, China) with accession number sions were identical to this 5.8S rDNA sequence
B228. It was provided to us by Prof. Kehou Pan, (data not shown).
Ocean University of China, Qingdao, in May 2005, Description of genotypes based on ITS2 and CAPS
and it was denoted Pt10. markers: blastn analysis of the ITS2 regions did
Other Phaeodactylum strains: A range of other not reveal any significant similarity with other dia-
strains are classified as P. tricornutum in different tom ITS2 sequences available in GenBank (based
stock centers around the world. We have not charac- on 146 ITS2 sequences from six different diatom
terized these strains because they are not axenic, species; data not shown). The ITS2 of P. tricornutum
but they are described in the supplementary mate- was also significantly longer (439–446 nucleotides)
rial. than these other diatom ITS2 sequences (which
In addition to what has already been mentioned, range from 263 to 380 bp).
records of P. tricornutum from the field have been Sequence alignments of the ITS2 region showed
reported off Port Erin in the Irish Sea; off that the 10 accessions have a high percentage of simi-
St. Andrews in the North Sea; and from the Canan- larity throughout the sequence (97%–100% identity,
éia Lagoon Estuarine System, Sao Paulo, Brazil Fig. S1 in the supplementary material). However, five
(Schaffer-Novelli and Cintron-Molero 1990), a large nucleotide positions were phylogenetically informa-
mangrove-dominated estuary. Schaffer-Novelli and tive and showed the presence of four different geno-
Cintron-Molero reported that P. tricornutum became types, which we denoted A, B, C, and D (Fig. 1a).
a predominant component of the phytoplankton Two polymorphic sites (denoted I and II) generated
following changes in salinity. It has also been differences in restriction enzyme sites, allowing the
reported in rock cavities off the French coast (at possibility to distinguish the genotypes by CAPS
Dinard; Bourrelly and Dragesco 1955). In the 2001 markers (Fig. 1, b–f). Heterogeneity of sequences was
World Ocean Database from the Ocean Biogeo- observed for genotype A, because polymorphic site II
graphic Information System (OBIS, NODC Plankton was not completely digested by SnaI in these acces-
Database,, it is reported that sions (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, and Pt9; Fig. 1d). This heteroge-
P. tricornutum has been collected in the Gulf of neity, subsequently confirmed by sequencing, could
Mexico. Several isolates of P. tricornutum have been imply either heterogeneity of these populations or
recorded in the Base de Dados Tropical (BDT), Bra- heterogeneity within different copies of ITS2 within
zil, seven of which have been collected in Aguas the genomes of these accessions.
Costeiras Ubatuba (designated Phaeo-Ub0–Phaeo- To examine further this genetic variability, we
Ub7). More information about these reports is pro- analyzed nine different monoclonal cultures derived
vided in the supplementary material. from Pt1 using CAPS markers. The results indicated
Intraspecies genetic variability of Phaeodactylum that the populations were genetically homogeneous
tricornutum. Genetic analysis of the 10 P. tricornu- (Fig. 1, e and f), which was further confirmed by
tum accessions Pt1–Pt10 was first performed by sequencing the ITS2 and D1 regions (data not
sequencing the fast-evolving ITS2 and the beginning shown), although the profile of restriction again
of the 28S rDNA, including the highly variable D1 indicated heterogeneity at locus II (Fig. 1f). The
region (Coleman 2003). Universal forward and identical restriction patterns observed from each of
reverse primers that anneal to highly conserved the subcultures of Pt1 indicate that this heterogene-
regions of the 5.8S rDNA and 28S rDNA regions ity may be due to inherent heterogeneity within dif-
were used for PCR amplification. From all acces- ferent copies of ITS2 or to heterozygosity.
sions, we obtained a unique band of 1.1 kb, and Phylogenetic trees based on ITS2 sequences and
PCR products were sequenced directly. A major generated by the neighbor-joining or parsimony
sequence of 1016 bp was obtained from all acces- methods showed the 10 accessions as four major
sions, although minor peaks were observed in the clades that confirm the presence of four different
ITS2 region (see below). genotypes of P. tricornutum (Fig. 2a and data not
28S rDNA and 5.8S rDNA sequence analysis: No shown), with genotype B (Pt4) and C (Pt5 and
differences in sequence were observed in the partial Pt10) being the most distinct genetically.
28S rDNA sequences (494 bp) among the 10 acces- High intraspecies genetic variability among genotypes
sions of P. tricornutum (data not shown). blastn revealed by AFLP: We used AFLP fingerprinting to
analysis ( showed further investigate the genetic variability among the
a high percentage of sequence similarity with the four genotypes of P. tricornutum. Pt1, Pt4, Pt5, and
28S rDNA sequences of other diatoms and brown Pt8 were chosen as representatives of each
algae. Recently, an rDNA sequence (AY574376), genotype. AFLP is a powerful method of DNA
998 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

c e

d f

Fig. 1. Genotypes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum. (a) Genetic differences in the ITS2 sequences (the numbers correspond to the nucleo-
tide on the rDNA regions [995 bp] submitted to GenBank). (b) Summary of genotypes identified by cleaved amplified polymorphic
sequence (CAPS) analysis. (c–f) Differences in profiles of restriction of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region when cut with TaaI
and SnaI ⁄ HincII in polymorphic sites I (c and e) and II (d and f). (c and d) Profiles of restriction obtained from the four genotypes
(lanes 1–4). In genotype A (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt9), there was always a fraction of DNA that was not cut by SnaI (*), even after purification of
the band and redigestion (d). (e and f) Profile of restriction obtained from nine clones of Pt1 (lanes 5–13) that were each isolated from
a single fusiform cell. The identical profiles indicate that the populations were genetically homogeneous. Again, in all the clones, half of
the amount of DNA was not cut by SnaI (*) in polymorphic site II (f).

fingerprinting because, unlike single gene binations generated a total of 330 bands (27 ± 8 for
sequences or microsatellites, it is based on the poly- each primer combination), of which 128 loci
morphism of the entire genome (Vos et al. 1995). (38.8%) were polymorphic across all P. tricornutum
Nonetheless, it is not routinely employed in marine strains. Pt5 showed the highest level of genetic poly-
genetic studies. A high degree of polymorphism was morphism with Pt4 and Pt8 (70% and 66%, respec-
observed, confirming that the four accessions were tively, of the polymorphic loci, observed with all
significantly different genetically (Table S1 in the primer combinations tested; Table S1). The
supplementary material). The 12 AFLP primer com- distance trees generated from these AFLP analyses
G E N O T Y P E S AN D P H E N O T Y P E S O F A MO D E L D I A T O M 999

a to a region of the ITS2 of P. tricornutum that highly

differs from other diatoms and does not match any
sequences by blastn analysis, were used to amplify
a short sequence of 139 bp. Fragments with the
expected size were obtained from both environmen-
tal samples, and sequencing confirmed their identity
as being from P. tricornutum (Fig. S1). This specific
region of ITS2 was identical among genotypes A, B,
and D, but contained one polymorphic site in geno-
type C that was absent in the ST30 and ST82
sequences. One of the ST82 derived sequences was
100% identical to genotypes A, B, and D, while
another showed one polymorphic site located in a
distinct position of the sequence (Fig. S1). No PCR
amplification was obtained from genomic DNA from
the centric diatom T. pseudonana or the raphid pen-
nate diatom Amphora sp. (data not shown). These
results therefore demonstrated that P. tricornutum
b could be detected in environmental samples isolated
during the spring and summer periods in the Eng-
lish Channel.
Morphotypes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Morpho-
logical variability among the accessions: The morpho-
logical characteristics of the 10 P. tricornutum
accessions are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. High
morphological variability was observed among the 10
accessions. These features have been stable for
5 years in our standard culture conditions. All cul-
tures displayed the three different shapes
Fig. 2. Intraspecies genetic and morphological variability
(morphotypes) that have been described for
among the 10 Phaeodactylum tricornutum accessions. (a) Phyloge- P. tricornutum, known as fusiform, oval, and triradiate
netic tree based on the neighbor-joining (NJ) method, obtained morphotypes (Borowitzka et al. 1977, Borowitzka
from analysis of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region and Volcani 1978; Fig. 3, a–c). However, fusiform was
(unrooted tree). (b) Phylogenetic tree of four accessions repre- usually the most abundant morphotype, representing
senting each genotype (Pt1, Pt4, Pt5, Pt8) based on amplified
fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. NJ trees (Saitou >95% of the cells in seven accessions (Table 1). We
and Nei 1987) were obtained with Treecon software (Van de Peer therefore denoted these as ‘‘fusiform accessions.’’
and Dewachter 1994) according to the algorithm of Tajima and Three accessions contained only a minority of fusi-
Nei (1984), and node statistics were supported with 1000 boot- form cells. The Canadian accession Pt8 was distinct
strap replicates.
from the others by displaying a majority of triradiate
morphotype cells, and oval cells were usually absent
confirmed that accession Pt5 (genotype C) was the in this accession. We therefore denoted Pt8 a ‘‘trira-
most distant genetically from Pt4 and Pt8 (Fig. 2b), diate accession.’’ Cultures of the English accession
in agreement with the ITS2 analysis (Fig. 2a). Pt3 and the Micronesian accession Pt9 exhibited
ITS2 primer set to detect Phaeodactylum tricornutum 60%–75% oval morphotype cells. However, cultures
in natural environments: Because the ITS2 sequence of Pt3 were initially characterized as containing
was highly conserved within P. tricornutum accessions mainly oval cells when we received the strain from
and was highly divergent from ITS2 sequences from the culture collection, whereas cultures of Pt9 were
other diatom species, we tested whether it can be initially close to 100% fusiform and became oval after
used to detect P. tricornutum in the natural environ- a few weeks in culture at 19C. When transferred to
ment. For this we decided to examine isolates col- 25C–28C, Pt9 cultures became fusiform, suggesting
lected off Plymouth (UK), because P. tricornutum that the appearance of the oval morphotype in acces-
has been reported at this location on several sion Pt9 was related to culture conditions rather than
occasions in the past (see above). Two planktonic being an intrinsic characteristic of this strain, per-
DNA samples (ST30 and ST82) from the surface of haps being induced in response to cold-temperature
the English Channel (50.15¢N, 4.13¢W) were col- stress. Furthermore, Pt3 was originally isolated from
lected on April 13, 2004, and on July 6, 2006, and the fusiform accession Pt2 by its ability to grow at low
kindly provided by Bess Ward (Department of Geo- salinity (see supplementary material). This suggests
sciences, Princeton University, NJ, USA). Specific that the oval morphotype may be able to acclimate to
primers (ITS2Pt-fwd: 5¢-tctggctgctgttcaagtgt-3¢ and low salinity. We therefore denoted Pt3 an ‘‘oval
ITS2Pt-rev: 5¢-tcggtttccgtctccagt-3¢), corresponding accession,’’ and Pt9 a ‘‘tropical accession.’’
1000 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

Table 2. Intraspecific morphological variability of the 10 accessions of P. tricornutum, based on the characteristics of fusi-
form, triradiate, and oval cells.

Length size = a
Accession name Width size = b (lm) a⁄b Morphology

Fusiform morphotype
Pt1 a = 19–24 6.4 ± 0.7
b = 2.9–3.9
Pt2 a = 19–24 7.4 ± 0.6
b = 2.8–3.3
Pt3 a = 19–24 6.9 ± 0.3
b = 3.1–3.4
Pt4 a = 19–24 7.5 ± 0.6
b = 2.5–3.6
Pt5 a = 25–30 9.0 ± 1.1
b = 2.5–3.4
Pt6 a = 15–19 5.5 ± 0.3
b = 2.8–4.1
Pt7 a = 15–19 4.8 ± 0.6
b = 3.2–4.8
Pt8 a = 14–22 5.8 ± 1.0
b = 2.4–3.5
Pt9 a = 16–20 5.0 ± 0.8
b = 3.1–5.2
Pt10 a = 15–20 5.6 ± 0.9
b = 2.6–4.6

Oval morphotype
Pt3 a = 7.7–9.3 2.5 ± 0.4
b = 2.5–3.9
Pt9 a = 5.9–8.2 1.9 ± 0.3
b = 2.8–5.1
Accession name Length of each arm: a, a¢, a¢¢ (lm) a ⁄ a¢ and a ⁄ a¢¢ Morphology

Triradiate morphotype
Pt8 in batch culture a = a¢ = a¢¢ = 6.6–8.4 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1

Pt8 in shaken culture a = a¢ = 5.3–8.2 1.0 ± 0.1 0.8 ± 0.1

a¢¢ = 8.1–11.0

a, a¢, a¢¢, and b, the minimum and maximum values of length or width of cells; a ⁄ b, the average values of length ⁄ width in fusi-
form and oval cells; a ⁄ a¢¢ and a ⁄ a¢, the average length of two arms in triradiate cells (number of cells examined = 60). Growth
conditions are described in Materials and Methods.

Concerning the fusiform morphotypes, when cells Siliceous frustules: The micromorphology and
were grown in the same laboratory conditions, three nanostructure of diatom frustules is usually well
major fusiform morphologies were observed (Fig 3, conserved within species and is used for descriptive
d–m; Table 2). In addition to differences in the size systematics. Phaeodactylum tricornutum cell walls have
and shape of fusiform cells, the oval cells of Pt3 the peculiarity of being only poorly silicified. After
differed from those of Pt9 in that they were longer acid treatment of cells derived from monoclonal
and thinner (Fig. 3, n and o). Moreover, Pt9 oval cells cultures of each morphotype, we observed that only
grown at 19C for several months tended to aggregate oval cells grown in the presence of silicic acid pos-
in clusters of hundreds to thousands of cells within a sessed a silicified cell wall organized into a typical
gelatinous matrix (Fig. 3, p and q), with round cells frustule (Fig. 4, a–f). Siliceous frustules were never
typically present in the center of the aggregates observed in fusiform or triradiate cells (Fig. 4, g
(Fig. 3r). We also observed plasticity of shape within and h), nor in oval cells grown in the absence of
triradiate cells in cultures of Pt8. In particular, con- silicic acid (Fig. 4i). The silicified cell wall of oval
stant shaking of cultures resulted in the appearance cells displayed typical features of silicified valves
of cells with nonsymmetrical and unequal arm from raphid pennate diatoms, with a feather-like
lengths (cf. Fig. 3, s and t). The observed morpho- structure, although this frustule was rather reduced,
logical plasticity indicated that cell architecture was in agreement with previous observations (Lewin
able to vary in response to changing culture condi- et al. 1958). It was characterized by a longitudinal
tions and was not strictly genetically based. and median slit, known as the raphe, and a large
G E N O T Y P E S A N D P H E N O TY P E S O F A M O D E L D I A T O M 1001

central nodule with uniseriate striae containing sim- among the accessions. The frustule covered the
ple areolae, like the raphid diatoms Sellaphora sp. length of the oval cell wall, although the expansion
and Navicula sp. (Behnke et al. 2004). The apical of silicified material on the lateral sides was highly
valve was slightly curved, producing a shape charac- variable (Fig. S2 in the supplementary material;
teristic of the genus Cymbella. We observed hooked Table 3). Valve morphology also varied significantly
external polar raphe endings (Fig. 4c). within one monoclonal population (data not
The number of costae and areolae per microme- shown). It is therefore not easy to identify any sig-
ter were strictly conserved in all 10 accessions, there- nificant differences among the accessions. This is
fore representing a specific micromorphological, probably a consequence of the ability of oval cells to
taxonomic characteristic that could be useful for be only facultatively silicified, and it probably also
the identification of P. tricornutum (Table 3). Never- reflects varying degrees of silicification during the
theless, the size of the frustule was highly variable life cycle.
Scanning electron micrographs of Pt3 oval cells
a c
indicated that only one valve of the oval cells pos-
pl b pl
sessed a raphe (Fig. 5). In general, no raphe was
pl observed in triradiate and fusiform cells (Fig. 5).
However, in spite of the absence of an organized
siliceous frustule, we nonetheless found a raphe in
triradiate cell walls that was oriented longitudinally
d e f along two arms (Fig. S3 in the supplementary mate-
rial), an observation that had also been mentioned
previously (Wilson 1946) and that could correspond
to the differentiation of an oval cell into a triradiate
General physiological features of Phaeodactylum tri-
cornutum. Cell growth: Because certain physiological
features can be characteristic of particular ecotypes
or genotypes, we examined the growth characteris-
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
tics in a range of conditions. When cells of different
g h i accessions were grown in ASW without silicic acid in
acclimated culture conditions, we did not observe
significant differences in growth among fusiform
accessions (Table 4). They all displayed a maxi-
mum average growth rate (d)1) of 0.97 ± 0.06

Pt4 Pt5 Pt6

Fig. 3. Pleiomorphic character of Phaeodactylum tricornutum
j k l m and intraspecies morphological variability. (a–c) The three mor-
photypes of P. tricornutum cells. (a) Fusiform cells typically con-
sisted of a central body extended at both ends with two thinner
arms. The central body contained the main organelles, in particu-
lar one nucleus in a central position and a single, large golden-
brown parietal plastid (pl). (b) Two oval cells. Compared to the
morphology of the fusiform morphotype, oval morphotype cells
Pt7 Pt8 Pt9 Pt10 appeared like the central body without the arms. (c) Triradiate
cells consisted of a central body and three divergent arms of usu-
n p r ally equal length with radial symmetry. The three arms were not
arranged in the same plane but were derived from the central
body like a pyramid. Their cytology was similar to fusiform cells,
with the plastid often localized at the base of two arms and usu-
ally spread in one of these arms. (d–m) Fusiform cells from the
s 10 different accessions. Three major fusiform morphologies were
observed. The three English (d–f) and the Finnish (g) accessions
were similar to each other in being long and thin. Cells from
Pt3 Pt9 Great South Bay (i), Nantucket Bay (j), Vancouver (k), Microne-
sia (l), and the Yellow Sea (m) were all characterized as short
o q and fat fusiforms. In contrast, fusiform cells of the Cape Cod Bay
Pt8 (h) were, on average, significantly longer and thinner than all
t the other accessions. (n and o) Morphology of oval cells from
Pt3 (n) and tropical accession Pt9 (o). (p and q) Aggregate of
oval cells from tropical accession Pt9 grown at 19C. (r) round
cells observed in the center of Pt9 cell aggregates. (s and t) Trira-
diate cells from the triradiate accession Pt8 grown in batch cul-
ture (s) and under agitation (t). Photographs were taken with
Pt9 Pt9 Pt8 differential interference contrast microscopy. Scale bars, 3 lm.
1002 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

a b c a


d e f

b c

g h i

Fig. 4. TEM of the three morphotypes after acid treatment. Fig. 5. SEM of the three morphotypes. (a) Fusiform cell from
(a–f) Siliceous frustules of oval cells. The costae are arranged Pt1. (b) Two oval cells, on valve top view from Pt3. The longitudi-
roughly perpendicularly to the raphe, except in the region of the nal raphe is visible on one cell. (c) Triradiate cell from Pt8. No
central nodule where they sometimes diverge with radial orienta- raphe is visible in (a) and (c), but the junction between the two
tion (e.g., [b], indicated by white arrows). In many frustules, valves can be seen. Scale bar, 1 lm.
there was a Y ramification of one or two central costae, which
were always positioned immediately adjacent to the most central
costae (e.g., [b], indicated by black arrows). (a) Valve view of a addition of silicic acid (53 lM) did not modify the
longitudinal raphe. (b) Central nodule region (cn). (c) Polar
nodule region (pn). (d–f) Micromorphological variability of the
growth rate of fusiform accessions, nor did it alter
central region. (g–i) Valves from fusiform (g) and triradiate (h) the proportion of fusiform or triradiate cells in
morphotypes after very gentle acid treatment. Fusiform and trira- these cultures, and no significant increase of oval
diate morphotypes could be recognized, but without siliceous morphotype cells was observed (Fig. 7a, and data
frustules. In oval cells of accession Pt8 grown in the absence of not shown). However, we did observe an increase in
silicic acid, no frustule was observed (i). Black scale bar, 0.5 lm;
white scale bar, 3 lm. the number of oval but not fusiform cells in Pt3
and Pt9 cultures when silicic acid was added to the
medium (Fig. 7, b–e). The sensitivity of oval cells to
corresponding to a doubling time (d) of the presence of silicic acid was in agreement with
1.08 ± 0.06. However, both the oval (Pt3) and trira- the fact that only oval cells contain organized silici-
diate (Pt8) accessions grew significantly slower fied frustules.
(Table 4). Morphotype plasticity: Strain Pt3, originally selected
Despite these findings, the proportion of the dif- for its ability to survive at low salinity (see above), is
ferent morphotypes in each culture was remarkably characterized by an oval morphology. Conversely,
well maintained. For example, morphotype stability the tropical strain Pt9 is characterized by a change
was observed over many generations for the oval from fusiform to oval morphotype at low tempera-
morphotype of accession Pt3 and for the triradiate tures (Fig. 3, l and o). These observations indicate
morphotype of accession Pt8 (Fig. 6). Conversely, that the oval morphotype is induced in suboptimal

Table 3. Frustule characteristics of oval cells isolated from different accessions: oval accession (Pt3), fusiform accession
(Pt2), and two monoclonal cultures of triradiate accession (Pt8, clone a and b).

Accession name Length (lm) Width (lm) Length ⁄ width Costaea number Areolaeb number Costae number in 1 lm Areolae number in 1 lm

Pt3 5.2–6.9 1.5–2.0 2.7–5.5 36–50 7–10 10 14

Pt2 6.1–7.6 1.4–2.0 3.3–4.2 44–48 7–8 10 14
Pt8 (clone a) 5.3–6.1 1.2–1.4 4.1–9 40–50 5–7 10 14
Pt8 (clone b) 5.8–6.9 0.9–2.0 3.8–5.7 46–58 6–9 10 14
Number of costae on each side of the raphe.
Number of areolae between the two subcentral costae. The two values correspond to the minimum and maximum values (aver-
age number of cells observed: n = 30).
G E N O T Y P E S A N D P H E N O TY P E S O F A M O D E L D I A T O M 1003

Table 4. Differences in maximum growth rates and doubling times among fusiform, oval, and triradiate accessions.

Fusiform Oval Triradiate

Accessions Pt1 Pt2 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Average Pt3 Pt8

Growth 0.97 ± 0.04 1.08 ± 0.02 0.91 ± 0.04 0.99 ± 0.05 0.98 ± 0.03 0.91 ± 0.02 0.97 ± 0.06 0.71 ± 0.03 0.73 ± 0.04
rate (d)1)
Doubling 1.03 ± 0.04 0.93 ± 0.02 1.10 ± 0.04 1.01 ± 0.05 1.02 ± 0.03 1.10 ± 0.02 1.08 ± 0.06 1.41 ± 0.03 1.37 ± 0.04
time (d)
The data are based on three independent experiments. Growth conditions are described in Materials and Methods.

adhered to the culture flasks (data not shown). Fur-

thermore, triradiate cells were never observed in
these conditions, and a large number of ghost cells
were observed in stationary-phase cultures of Pt8,
indicating that the triradiate cells died in conditions
of nutrient starvation. Cell aggregation and polysac-
charide secretion could represent mechanisms of
physiological acclimation to protect cells during
nutrient starvation, and the round cells could repre-
sent a previously unknown resting stage in the life
cycle of P. tricornutum.
Genetic transformation of different morphotypes: In the
future, the different morphotypes and accessions of
P. tricornutum identified in this work might repre-
b sent different models for forward and reverse genet-
ics, as well as for genomic approaches in this
species. For example, the oval morphotype provides
a unique opportunity to study the silicification pro-
cess of diatom frustules in an inducible system.
Genetic transformation of P. tricornutum has only
been reported previously for the fusiform morpho-
type using the English accession Pt1 (Falciatore
et al. 1999, Siaut et al. 2007) and the Finnish acces-
sion Pt4 (Apt et al. 1996, Zaslavskaia et al. 2000, Kil-
ian and Kroth 2005). It is therefore important to
Fig. 6. Stability of the proportion of oval morphotype cells in extend genetic transformation to all morphotypes
the oval accession Pt3 (a) and of triradiate morphotype cells in and accessions. In the current study, we have been
the triradiate accession Pt8 (b). Each point represents an average able to transform all three morphotypes and all
from three experiments. Cells were grown in artificial seawater genotypes at highly similar efficiencies (data not
medium (ASW) without silicic acid.
shown), although it is more difficult to obtain trans-
formants with the triradiate morphology. Typically,
conditions and suggest that such cells may have a after transformation of a monoclonal culture of
better capacity for acclimation compared to fusi- 100% triradiate cells, only 25% of the transformants
form or triradiate cells. Moreover, in all cultures, we were triradiate, whereas the rest were fusiform.
observed that only oval cells could survive in low- Moreover, the morphology of most of the triradiate
light conditions (5 lmol Æ m)2 Æ s)1) and without clones was not stable, and they became fusiform or
enrichment of nutrients in the media (data not oval during successive subculturing (Fig. 8). This
shown). We also noted that the proportion of oval finding demonstrates that one clonal triradiate cell
cells increases significantly in stationary phase cul- can change shape to fusiform or oval cells. In the
tures compared to fusiform or triradiate cells. These cultures, we observed new transient morphotypes, in
observations were seen in all accessions, even when particular a ‘‘boomerang morphotype’’ and a fusi-
oval cells were rare or absent in the starting cul- form cell containing two oval cells inside (Fig. 8),
tures, as was the case in the triradiate accession Pt8 which we describe as ‘‘transitory morphotypes’’ dur-
(data not shown). Furthermore, the oval cells ing morphotype differentiation. This morphotype
tended to aggregate in clusters, and we sometimes instability was only rarely observed in the seven fusi-
observed rounded cells in the center of the aggre- form accessions and in the oval accession Pt3. These
gates (Fig. 3, p and q). These aggregates of hun- observations suggest that the triradiate morphotype
dreds to thousands of mixed oval and round cells may be less amenable to transformation and to
were typically surrounded by mucilage and strongly heterologous gene expression as compared to
1004 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

b c

d e

Fig. 7. Effect of silicic acid on growth of Phaeodactylum tricornutum. (a) Growth rates and doubling times of Pt1 (fusiform cells), Pt3
(oval cells), and Pt9 (oval cells) in the presence and absence of silicic acid. (b–e) Differences in growth of oval and fusiform cells from
oval accession Pt3 (b and c, respectively) and from the tropical accession Pt9 (d and e, respectively) when cells were grown in the absence
(d) or presence (s) of silicic acid. Each point represents an average of two samples. Cells were grown in artificial seawater medium
(ASW) minus (–Si) or plus silica (+Si) at 53 lM.

fusiform and oval morphotypes. This phenomenon 2005) and its subsequent choice as the second dia-
may be because transformation imposes a stress on tom for whole genome sequencing (http://genome.
triradiate cells that triggers a change to the fusiform We therefore
or oval morphotype. These results again suggest that consider it important to compile a summary of the
the different morphotypes correspond to different species resources currently available to researchers
phenotypes. and to provide a genetic and phenotypic overview of
their characteristics. This compilation should (i)
allow laboratories working with P. tricornutum to
know the origin of their strains, (ii) permit scientists
Although P. tricornutum is generally not consid- interested in studying specific characteristics to
ered to be widely distributed in nature, it has been choose the appropriate accession, and (iii) open up
extensively used for physiological and biochemical possibilities to use P. tricornutum accession resources
research in diatoms for several decades, and as a to search for polymorphisms of functional signifi-
food source for the aquaculture industry because of cance in genes of interest.
its ease of cultivation and its rich oil content. As is We decided to focus principally on stock center
clear from the historical summary reported here, sev- accessions that were unialgal and axenic, and that
eral isolates have been collected around the world had a known geographical origin and date of collec-
over the last century and maintained as permanent tion. In total, we have characterized 10 different
stocks in algal culture collections. In more recent accessions, which constitute a species complex in
years, P. tricornutum has entered a new era following that they represent four different genotypes that dis-
the development of molecular tools for functional play different phenotypic characteristics. For exam-
genomics (Maheswari et al. 2005, Montsant et al. ple, two accessions are characterized by differences
G E N O T Y P E S A N D P H E N O TY P E S O F A M O D E L D I A T O M 1005

in the dominant morphotype: an oval accession growth conditions are associated with morphotype
(Pt3), and a triradiate accession (Pt8). Another can transformations, and so this strain represents useful
be defined as a tropical accession (Pt9) because it material for studying how pleiomorphy is related to
appears better acclimated to growth at higher tem- culture conditions.
peratures. Our analyses indicate that changes in In addition, we have documented the isolation of
the clonal population (denoted Pt1 8.6) that was
a used for genome sequencing, because this is likely
to become the strain of reference for future molecu-
lar studies, and we have developed a PCR primer
that can be used to detect P. tricornutum in field
Our analyses have revealed only limited correla-
tions between morphology, biogeography, and phy-
b logeny (Table 1; Figs. 2 and 3). For example, even
though the tropical accession (Pt9) has a morphology
different from the English strains (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3) and
is derived from a very different geographical location,
it clustered with them in the same clade; whereas the
Finnish strain (Pt4) did not, in spite of its similar fusi-
form cell morphology and closer geographical loca-
tion (Fig. 2a; Table 1). The three American strains
were collected in close proximity, but the Cape Cod
Bay strain (Pt5) did not cluster with the others, con-
sistent with its distinct morphology characterized by
long fusiform cells. Conversely, the Cape Cod Bay
strain (Pt5) and the Chinese strain (Pt10) clustered
d together, in spite of being characterized by very dis-
tinct biogeographies and morphologies. Although
Cape Cod Bay, Great South Bay, and Nantucket Bay
are found in the same geographical area, the Cape
Cod Bay strain had been collected 20 years after the
other two accessions.
Only limited correlations were found between
e morphotype and genotype. The fusiform cells from
the three English strains (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3) had similar
morphologies and clustered within the same clade,
although Pt3 cultures contain mainly the oval mor-
photype (Figs. 2a and 3). Conversely, although Pt8
cultures were characterized by a majority of triradi-
ate cells, the strain clustered with the two American
f strains (Pt6, Pt7).
Phaeodactylum tricornutum is therefore character-
ized by a high intraspecies morphological variability,
related to the high level of pleiomorphy that charac-
terizes the species. Furthermore, the abundance of
oval and triradiate cells in the Pt3 and Pt8 strains,
respectively, might not be genetically determined
but could correspond to distinct ecophenotypes
(see below).

Fig. 8. Morphotype diversity and differentiation in a clonal

population of transformed cells from Pt8, expressing cytosolic
eYFP. In this clone, transformed cells were 100% triradiate after
transformation (a). During subcultures, we observed an increase
h of triradiate cells with short arm and ‘‘boomerang morphotype’’
(c and d), then a majority of fusiform cells (e) and oval cells (f).
We observed the differentiation of ovals cells within a fusiform
cell (g and h), showing that the cytosolic-YFP is located exclu-
sively in the oval cells and not in the arms of the mother fusiform
cells. Left panel: bright-field views; central panel: chl-derived red
autofluorescence; right panel: eYFP fluorescence. Scale bars,
3 lm.
1006 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

The limited correlations observed between mor- to draw conclusions about phylogenetic relation-
phology, genotype, and site of collection may imply ships, and so intrapopulation variability among cells
that heritable changes have occurred during culture derived from a single clone could be related either
of the different strains in the laboratory. This to the variability in size of different daughter cells
phenomenon has been very poorly studied in phyto- or to the variation of silicification of their cell walls.
plankton species. For P. tricornutum, the fact that However, all the accessions of P. tricornutum have
many of the strains were isolated a long time ago identical striation patterns and densities (Table 3)
and have been subsequently distributed to different that do represent good criteria for the identification
stock centers around the world could allow such of the species.
divergence to be examined. The limited information about P. tricornutum
In spite of the significant morphological variabil- distribution in nature indicates it to be a coastal
ity that was observed among different strains, the species that most often occurs in unstable environ-
high level of ITS2 sequence similarity that we ments, such as estuaries or rock pools. The ability of
observed between them is similar to what has been the species to adapt to changing environmental con-
reported in other diatoms (Lundholm et al. 2003, ditions could be related to the pleiomorphic charac-
Behnke et al. 2004, Orsini et al. 2004) and implies ter of the cells, and our results indicate that the
that all 10 accessions belong to the same species. three morphotypes are indeed physiologically differ-
Our data from AFLP analysis is generally consistent ent. The oval morphotype appears to be induced as
with the ITS2 analyses and also revealed levels of an acclimation response to suboptimal growth con-
polymorphism similar to what has been seen in ditions, as evidenced by the fact that Pt3 was
other diatoms (de Bruin et al. 2004). Four distinct selected by growth in low salinity and is oval, that
genotypes could be detected, and Pt5 appears to be the tropical strain Pt9 is oval at low temperatures,
most different from the others, based on genetic and that oval cells accumulate in all cultures when
polymorphism (Figs. 1 and 2) and morphology left in stationary phase for extended periods
(longer fusiform cells; Fig. 3). However, evidence of (1 month or more) and on agar plates (Wilson
mating incompatibility will be needed to confirm 1946). Clear differences in growth rate were also
whether the four identified genotypes correspond observed between oval and triradiate cultures com-
to cryptic species. Lewin et al. (1958) occasionally pared to fusiform cultures; maximal growth rates of
observed spherical auxospores attached to an empty fusiform accessions were 1.4 times higher
wall of a fusiform cell, but her attempts to follow (Table 4). It was also observed that the absence of
the fate of individual auxospores on agar were silicic acid resulted in a 50% decrease in the growth
unsuccessful. We have also noted the appearance of rate of oval cells in the oval strain Pt3, whereas the
such structures, particularly in aging or stressed cul- availability of silicic acid does not appear to impact
tures (data not shown). If sexual reproduction can growth of fusiform cultures (Fig. 7).
be controlled in the laboratory, it will be infor- We also found evidence that the life cycle of
mative to study sexual capability and mating P. tricornutum includes a ‘‘round’’ morphotype
ompatibility between the different genotypes and to (Fig. 3r) that appears better enabled to survive long
follow ITS2 genetic variability in F1 populations. For periods of stress. The oval and round morphotypes
this purpose, sexual reproduction in P. tricornutum both secrete mucilage and grow as clumps attached
needs to be more carefully investigated. to the bottom of culture flasks, whereas fusiform
The EM analysis showed that fusiform and triradi- cells remain in suspension. The chemical structure
ate cells were devoid of a silicified valve, in agree- of the walls of oval cells compared with fusiform
ment with previous observations (Lewin et al. 1958, cells has been described previously (Gutenbrunner
Borowitzka and Volcani 1978). On the other hand, et al. 1994), and it was shown that the mucilaginous
oval cells do possess a siliceous valve with character- capsular material of oval cells can represent 16% of
istics typical of raphid pennate diatoms, resembling, the dry weight. In contrast to our study, these
for example, those of the genus Cymbella (Lewin authors did not observe any effect of salinity
et al. 1958). Most of our EM observations of oval changes on the morphotypes. It should be noted,
cells were made with Pt3, for which only one silici- however, that this study was based on accession
fied valve was present, in agreement with previous MUR-138, which is likely to be distinct from Pt3
observations on the Woods Hole strain (Pt6; Lewin (see above and supplementary material).
et al. 1958). Nonetheless, this finding contrasts with In contrast to oval cells, triradiate cells appear to
observations of the Long Island strain (Pt7; Boro- be much more sensitive to stress and rapidly disap-
witzka and Volcani 1978), which indicated that both pear (or convert to oval ⁄ fusiform cells) when
valves of oval cells were sometimes silicified. growth conditions are suboptimal (A. De Martino,
Although identical ITS2 sequences were found A. Meichenin, and C. Bowler, unpublished data). It
among clonal populations of the Blackpool strain has also been noted that fusiform and triradiate
(Pt1), variability in valve size was nonetheless cells are more buoyant than oval cells (Lewin et al.
observed (Fig. S2; Table 3). It is therefore not possi- 1958) and so would be expected to be better
ble to use these micromorphological characteristics adapted to a planktonic lifestyle than oval cells.
G E N O T Y P E S A N D P H E N O TY P E S O F A M O D E L D I A T O M 1007

These observations therefore infer the impor- optimal reference model for genetic and genomic
tance of pleiomorphic responses to changing envi- studies because we have already generated
ronmental conditions and suggest that the oval and >100,000 ESTs from this strain (U. Maheswari and
triradiate morphotypes may represent distinct ec- C. Bowler, unpublished data), and the whole gen-
ophenotypes, each one specifically adapted to ome sequence has been generated from a mono-
growth in particular conditions. Borowitzka and Vol- clonal culture derived from Pt1 (named Pt1 8.6,
cani (1978) have suggested that differences in vacu- CCAP1055 ⁄ 1). Nonetheless, it will be interesting to
olar structure may be an important determinant of expand analyses to the other accessions that exhi-
this adaptive capacity, and Dickson and Kirst (1987) bit particular physiological properties and that
reported that glycine betaine and proline levels offer advantages for specific biological processes.
increase in P. tricornutum cells in response to high For example, the oval strain Pt3 is more appropri-
salinity. The impressive adaptive capacity of P. tricor- ate to study silicic acid metabolism, gliding, and
nutum is currently being explored in our laboratory adherence. This accession is also euryhaline, so it
(A. De Martino, A. Meichenin, and C. Bowler, will be interesting to study the response of oval
unpublished data), and the contribution of genetic morphotypes to salinity stress or nutrient limitation
and epigenetic factors in the regulation of pleio- at the molecular level. The tropical accession is
morphy will be addressed. interesting because it is acclimated to high temper-
To further investigate the ecological distribution atures and shows cold sensitivity as manifested by a
and genetic diversity of P. tricornutum in natural change of shape to the oval morphotype.
environments, it is now possible to detect it in The availability of different accessions of P. tricor-
natural samples using the specific ITS2 primers nutum that display different phenotypic variations
that we have developed in this study. Because can also allow an exploration of polymorphism pat-
coastal waters are unstable environments, and terns in particular genes of interest. By comparing
because our results indicate that oval and round these patterns with those expected under standard
cells are the most abundant morphotypes in stress neutral models, it may be possible to identify func-
conditions, it is possible that P. tricornutum typi- tionally significant polymorphisms related to partic-
cally occurs as these rather nondescript morpho- ular traits. As such, links may be identified between
types in natural environments, and so the molecular analyses of gene function and evolution-
ecological distribution of the species may have ary investigations of adaptation and natural selec-
been underestimated. Moreover, our results indi- tion. Such an approach has been used with great
cate that P. tricornutum should predominantly success in Arabidopsis ecotypes to identify genes
occur in benthic communities because oval and underlying ecologically important complex traits,
round cells tend to aggregate and sink and can such as responses to day length variation (reviewed
adhere strongly to surfaces (data not shown). This in Mitchell-Olds and Schmitt 2006), and its utility
hypothesis is reinforced by a recent ribotype analy- will be further potentiated as new methods of high-
sis of a biofilm collected from the hardwater creek throughput DNA sequencing and polymorphism
‘‘Westerhoefer Bach’’ in Lower Saxony (near analysis become adopted.
Braunschweig), Germany, based on 18S rDNA Finally, although P. tricornutum is an unusual dia-
sequencing, which revealed the presence of P. tri- tom in that it is pleiomorphic and uses silicic acid
cornutum (T. Friedl, University of Goettingen, Ger- only facultatively, these features can be exploited to
many, personal communication). However, from explore the molecular basis of cell-shape control
the information available, it appears that all iso- and to study silicon-based nanofabrication in an
lates (except the oval accession Pt3) are derived inducible experimental system. We have been able
from planktonic samples, so it is not surprising to transform genetically all the accessions as well as
that the majority have fusiform or triradiate mor- the three morphotypes (Fig. 8), so genome-enabled
photypes. The P. tricornutum–specific primers reverse genetic approaches to address fundamental
reported in this manuscript should therefore be questions such as these are realistic future objec-
useful for clarifying the ecological and geographi- tives.
cal distribution of the species.
The presence of distinct genotypes and ecophe- We thank members of CCAP, CCMP, CCCM, UTEX, SAG,
and CSIRO culture collection centers for their help in recov-
notypes of P. tricornutum has important implications ering information on the history of their accessions of P. tri-
for future studies of this species as a model for for- cornutum, in particular Tracey Riggens from CCMP, Christine
ward and reverse genetics, as well as genomics Campbell from CCAP, and Elaine Simons from CCCM. We
approaches in diatoms. Studies with P. tricornutum are grateful to Bess Ward who kindly provided the marine
should take the accession number into account samples. We thank people from the laboratories of Marina
and consider possible gene polymorphisms of func- Montresor and Adriana Zingone at the Stazione Zoologica
(Naples, Italy) for their valuable discussions and recommen-
tional significance and differential gene expression dations, especially Mario De Stefano and Federica Cerino for
among accessions. It will be important to focus their technical help in the preparation of the samples for
studies on one model accession for comparative electronic microscopy. We are grateful to Andrew Allen and
studies. We consider the Pt1 accession to be the Chantal Guidi-Rontani for critical reading of the manuscript.
1008 A L E S S A N D R A D E MA R T I N O E T A L .

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Supplementary Material
The following supplementary material is avail-
able for this article:
Table S1. Comparative amplified fragment
length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of Pt1, Pt4,
Pt5, and Pt8 accessions.
Figure S1. Alignment of internal transcribed
spacer 2 (ITS2) sequences from the 10 accessions
of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Pt1–Pt10) and from
the environmental samples (ST30–ST82). The
differences in nucleotides or gaps are marked
Figure S2. Interspecific and intraspecific
micromorphological variability of the frustules of
Phaeodactylum tricornutum. (a and b) Frustules of
oval cells from Pt1 (a) and Pt6 (b). (c, d, and e)
Frustules from monoclonal culture of Pt3 oval
cells. (f, g, and h) Frustules from monoclonal
cultures of Pt8 oval cells. Scale bars, 0.5 lm.
Figure S3. Scanning electron micrographs of a
triradiate cell from Pt8, on which a raphe is visi-
ble extending along two arms. Scale bar, 1 lm.
Appendix S1. Historical overview of P. tricornu-
This material is available as part of the online
article from:
(This link will take you to the article abstract).
Please note: Blackwell Publishing is not
responsible for the content or functionality of
any supplementary materials supplied by the
authors. Any queries (other than missing mate-
rial) should be directed to the corresponding
author for the article.

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