Extrase - Mastering Your Hidden Self
Extrase - Mastering Your Hidden Self
Extrase - Mastering Your Hidden Self
Name that Ku
It is good Huna practice to give your subconscious a name. Since ancient times people
have given personal names to concepts, forces, energies, things, and parts of things in
order to establish rapport In the case of your ku, just be careful that the naming doesn't
establish a sense of separateness.
You can consciously choose to use your middle name, a made-up name, or the name of
some favorite historical or fictional character.
Memory Probe
There are two forms of searching your memory, both of which are best done in a
comfortable position, either lying or sitting, in reasonably quiet surroundings. It is good to
relax as much as you can, but you don’t have to close your eyes.
The first form we will call "treasure hunt,” the name given to it by Max Long. Start by
talking to your subconscious as if it were a person, and tell it that you want to become
better acquainted. Invite it to play a game with you. Name a memory of something
pleasant that you wish to recall, and playfully challenge your ku to dig into the memory file
and bring it back as quickly and in as much detail as possible. Or, as an alternative, you
might simply ask your subconscious to bring up its own favorite memories. It may take
awhile at first, but once your ku catches on to what you want, you will be in for some very
interesting experiences. Memories of things you had entirely forgotten will be replayed for
you. Feelings and emotions of long ago will come back, nearly as fresh as new. You may
even reexperience tactile sensations and odors, the smell of fresh apple pie, for instance,
or the feel of dry leaves in autumn. You will learn a great deal about your subconscious, its
likes and dislikes, as you continue this exercise over a period of several days. The
omission of particular memories is also revealing. You may want to relive a certain
experience, but your ku will refuse to bring it up. This may be the sign of a fear complex or
an important limiting belief in regard to the experience, and should be noted for future
Symbol Talk
Your subconscious communicates very well by means of symbols, often better than with
words or memories. To use this method, you turn your attention inward and think about
some problem or an area of your life you want to know more about. Then say “Give me an
image” or “Give me a symbol” for the thing you are asking about The first image that
comes to mind, no matter how bizarre or seemingly unrelated, is a symbolic message of
how your ku relates to the situation. As an example, you may focus on a job situation and
get an image of a torture chamber, which may be your ku's way of expressing inner
feelings about the job. It’s up to you to interpret the symbols, and some people may find
this easier than others. However, you can also ask the ku to give you another symbol if the
first one is not clear enough. An important thing to remember is that these symbols only
give you current feelings and beliefs held by the ku. Please don’t make the mistake of
thinking they are predictive, or you could scare yourself out of trying to make positive
By providing a form that will make subconscious beliefs stand out more clearly, this
method of ku communication takes advantage of the inner dialogue and/or argumentation
that many people experience. All you do is turn your attention inward and repeat four
statements slowly, three to five times each, leaving space between for any inner
responses. The responses will usually come in the form of words, but sometimes there will
be purely physical responses, or even images, either along with the words or alone.
Positive responses (encouraging words, good feelings or positive images) mean there is
good subconscious support for what you want to do. Negative responses (criticism or
argument, bad feelings, muscle tension, negative images, or no response of any kind)
mean you have blocks to work through. If the backtalk is in words, you will have a better
understanding of the specific beliefs involved. The four statements are:
Ideomotor Response
The ideomotor response involves the use of a simple instrument called a pendulum. This
is a fairly quick and easy method of subconscious communication, once the ku has been
trained and knows what is expected of it The procedure is simply to take an object hanging
from a piece of string or chain and hold it between the thumb and forefinger. Questions are
then asked, and the pendulum will swing in response, often to the shocked surprise of the
Unfortunately, the use of a pendulum has been tainted with superstition, and people who
like to think of themselves as scientifically minded are apt to reject the practice because of
its association with spiritualism. This is because it has been claimed by the ignorant that
disembodied spirits were moving the pendulum. I am not questioning the existence of
disembodied spirits here, but only pointing out that such entities have nothing to do with
the operation of the pendulum.
A more reasonable explanation is that the pendulum is moved by your own subconscious
by means of very tiny muscular movements. These act upon the string or chain being held,
and this motion is transferred to the weight, causing it to swing back and forth. It is no
more mysterious than any other body functions carried out by the ku. The difference is
that, in the case of the pendulum, the ku is allowed an opportunity to communicate directly
with the conscious mind. The procedure is used by many psychoanalysts as a means of
reaching the subconscious when all else has failed.
To begin the procedure, it is necessary to explain very carefully what you expect the ku to
do. This is not as hard as it sounds. The subconscious is always awake. It reads what you
read, hears what you hear, hears what you say, knows what you think. The problem is not
how to get the lono to communicate with the ku, but the other way around. The explanation
of the pendulum is best carried out by a combination of words and physical stimulus.
Therefore, tell your subconscious that you are going to show it how to communicate with
you Draw a circle of about two inches in diameter upon a piece of paper. Make or buy a
pendulum with a chain or string three to five inches long. If you want to make one, simply
use a ring and a thread. Even car keys on a chain will do for a start. One of the first
indications that your subconscious is an independent thinker may be its preference for one
pendulum over another.
1. Seeing aka. The simplest way to see aka is to hold your hand with fingers spread
about two or three inches above a plain dark or light surface. If you use a light surface,
make sure there is no shadow directly under your hand. Black felt is ideal as a background
surface. When your hand is in place, focus your gaze between your fingers and just over
the fingertips, on the space itself and not on the background or your hand. Right away, or
in a few moments, you will see a fairly faint and hazy outline of light around your fingers.
This is the denser part of your aka field. If you look beyond your fingers six inches or more
and then back again, you will be able to see the contrasting haze around your fingers more
Another way to see aka is to have a friend sit against a blank wall in dim light with no
shadows. You can then gaze just above his or her head. A similar haze will become visible
around your friend’s head and/or shoulders.
2. Feeling aka. Your aka field is easier to feel when it is charged with energy. A simple
way to feel it is to rub your palms together for a few moments (which stimulates the
release of mana from your hands) and then hold your palms about six inches to a foot
apart. Next bring your hands toward each other very slightly, back and forth, several times.
It will feel somewhat like you are gently squeezing a soft balloon. In any case there will be
a definite sensation of something invisible resisting the motion of your hands. This is the
aka. When you get more sensitive, you won’t have to rub your hands to feel it, and you can
go on to feeling the aura around people’s bodies and eventually inanimate objects as welL
By practicing the awareness of aka you will be increasing your sensitivity to finer sensory
input from your subconscious, and this kind of communication will be valuable for your