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Ro-Ro Vessel

AEII :Normally ventilation fans in enclosed ro-ro spaces must be run continuously
whenever vehicles are on board, why?
A :An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded
or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed ro-ro

AGDW :What contributes most to rust formation on vehicles / Ro-Ro units?

A :Cargo hold ventilation systems and associated ducting

AGFQ :How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500
gross tons and above?
A :Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat

AGKP :When is a ro-ro vessel likely to pitch heavily?

A :When wave lengths are roughly equal to the ship’s length

ANNY :Use of …… and …… is strictly prohibited on the ro-ro deck, signs shall be
A :Naked lights and Smoking

BFMQ :Why are handrails in ro-ro decks painted?

A :To prevent contact with vehicles

BKDT :How should cargo hold ventilation be carried out on a Ro-Ro vessel loading or
discharging cargoes?
A :With the ventilation fans set to ‘exhaust

CLLW :Which international convention deals with maritime safety and safety
equipment onboard ro-ro passenger vessels?

CMBM :Car decks on board ro-ro passenger ships are nomally closed during sea
passage. Why are passengers not allowed to be on the car-deck duringsailing?
A :In case of an emergency situation it can be difficult for passengers to escape.
Vehicles, lorries, trailers and other cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantialchance
for passengers to ge

CMEJ :Which of the following is required in a ro-ro cargo pre-stowage plan?

A :All
CMJB :How long should it take to release at least two thirds of the charge of CO2 that
is provided for a ro-ro cargo space protected with a fixed carbondioxide fire-
extinguishing system?
A :Not more than 10 minutes

COYW :Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems are widely employed

in all kinds of vessels, mainly passenger ships and ro-ro ships, with ahigh degree of
success. The aim of these systems is to put out a fire but they may also be very useful
even if they only ensure
A :all the answers are good

CPEC :What standing instruction should be given when loading ro-ro units?
A :Units whose weights exceed the ramp load density must not be loaded

CPPH :How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500
gross tons and above?
A :Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat

CRKB :What must be ensured when using portable slopes to discharge ro-ro units?
A :They must be exactly aligned with the units’ tyres

CSUE :Whenever ro-ro/car decks are unattended the following applies:

A :Fire detection systems should be switched on, Deck and engine crew should be
trained in the use of the drencher systems and their operation, Continous monitoring
of ro-ro/car decks by Closed C

DLJF :How should packaged units be secured below decks, on a ro-ro cargo vessel?
A :By means of adequate timber shoring and wedging for units grouped together

DSWC :On a RoRo vessel, what must be considered when planning the loading of ro-ro
cargoes on ramps?
A :SWL and loading limit of the ramp and Minimum clearances for the operation of
ramp doors

DSWC :What must be considered when planning the loading of ro-ro cargoes on
A :Minimum clearances for the operation of ramp doors
ECBO :How should a mobile crane’s hook and sheave assembly be secured on board a
ro-ro vessel?
A :The assembly should be secured to a lug on the unit’s front fender or suitable lashing
point on the vessel’s deck, and tightened
ECHF :Which ships are given special attention in Paris Memorandum of Agreement
port state control inspections
A :Passenger ships, ro-ro's, bulk carriers, ships which may present a special hazard ships
which have had several recent deficiencies and ships flying the flag of a state
appearing in the 3-year rolling average table of delays and detentions

EERI :What must be ensured when lowering of the stern/side ramp of a ro-ro vessel?
A :Grease from the wire falls must not fall onto the jetty or into the water

EERI :When lowering a RoRo Cargo Side or Stern Ramp what must be ensured ?
A :The vessel is securely moored and there is nothing beneath the ramp

EGNL :How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500
gross tons and above?
A :Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat

ELOE :What kind of damage can Ro-Ro cargoes sustain when in contact with fuel oil
tank top plating?
A :Tyre damage

ELOE :What kind of damage can ro-ro cargoes sustain when loaded above fuel tanks?
A :Tyre damage

ELOE :What kind of damage is most likely when Ro-Ro cargoes come into contact
with fuel oil spilt/left on RoRo decks ?
A :Tyre and bodywork damages

FDFB :Which of the following ship motions complements the natural springing
tendency of Ro-Ro cargoes?
A :Heaving

FFFU :Use of …… and …… is strictly prohibited onthe ro-ro deck, signs shall be
A :Naked lights and Smoking

FILN :Normally ventilation fans in enclosed ro-ro spaces must be run continuously
whenever vehicles are on board, why?
A :An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded
or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed ro-ro
FPIR :Normally ventilation fans in enclosed ro-ro spaces must be run continuously
whenever vehicles are on board, why?
A :An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded
or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed ro-ro

FPKJ :What is important to wear for all officers and crew when working on the ro-ro
deck during loading and discharging?
A :In case of an emergency situation it can be difficult for passengers to escape.
Vehicles, lorries, trailers and other cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantial
chance for passengers to ge

FXMS :For what are bridge indicators required on board a ro-ro vessel?
A :All

GMLG :Where should a Ro-Ro unit that requires protection from heat and large
temperature variations be stowed?
A :Under-deck away from bulkheads, fuel tanks, heating coils and uninsulated

GTUL :A ro-ro unit weighing 18mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and
lashed by belts of SWL 2mt. How many lashing belts should be used to
secure the unit?
A :At least 12

GTUL :A Standard Ro-Ro unit weighing 18mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft
direction and lashed by belts of SWL 2mt. Using the general rule How many
lashing belts should be used to secure the unit?
A :9 on each side
HBGG :On a RoRo vessel, why should there be no more than two lashings secured to
any one point on a ro-ro unit?
A :Because the vehicle securing point is likely to break in heavy weather

HBGG :Why should there be no more than two lashings secured to any one point on a
ro-ro unit?
A :Because the vehicle securing point is likely to break in heavy weather

HQOH :Ro-ro passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or
canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is
automatically self-righting?
A :The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of
IJWC :A ro-ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and lashed
by belts of SWL 0.6mt. How many lashing belts should be used to
secure the unit?
A :4

IJWC :On a RoRo vessel, a ro-ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft
direction and lashed by belts of SWL 0.6mt. How many lashing belts
should be used to secure the unit?
A :4 on each side

IKBT :On a RoRo vessel, what is of major concern when a shallow draught ro-ro vessel
is in river transit in high winds ?
A :Air draught

IKBT :What is of major concern when a shallow draught ro-ro vessel is in river transit?
A :Air draught

IKJC :A ro-ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded athwartships and lashed by belts of
SWL 0.6mt. How many lashing belts should be used to secure the unit?
A :A minimum of 6

IKJC :A standard Ro-Ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded fore and aft and lashed by
belts of SWL 0.6mt. Using the general rule How many lashing belts
should be used to secure the unit?
A :4 on each side
JJBY :What standing instruction should be given to prevent a possible blackout on
board a ro-ro vessel?
A :To check with the duty engineer prior to switching on motors or other machinery that
take a heavy load

JWHN :On a Ro-Ro vessel what would be the effect of a small GM?
A :A slow roll period

KBOH :Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board ro-ro
passenger ships?
A :From the navigation bridge and in at least one other location

KCWG :Where do you load dangerous goods?

A :Dangerous goods shall only be loaded in designated ares on the ro-ro deck
KDDQ :On a ro-ro vessel, which of these situations will result in an emergency
shutdown of cargo operations?
A :The vessel developing a sudden and unexpected list

KDDQ :On a RoRo vessel, which of these situations will result in an emergency
shutdown of cargo operations?
A :Any of the listed situations

KFEN :What danger is associated with heated fuel oil tanks vis-a-vis the carriage of ro-
ro units?
A :Tyres may be damaged

KFEN :On a RoRo vessel, what should you do if it is clear a RoRo cargo units content
is not have properly secured
A :Reject the unit and do not allow it to be loaded

KGEQ :Where do you load dangerous goods on ro-ro/car decks?

A :Dangerous goods shall only be loaded in designated ares on the ro-ro deck

KRRK :What should be the breaking stress of lashing belts used to secure light
vehicles, on board a ro-ro vessel?
A :2.0 to 2.5 tonnes

KWAS :What must be accessible at all times whilst loading and stowing ro-ro cargoes?
A :Fire-fighting equipment

KWAS :What must not be obstructed when planning the loading of ro-ro cargoes?
A :Access to fire-fighting equipment

LICF :Which international convention deals with maritime safety and safety equipment
onboard ro-ro passenger vessels?

LICW :Which of these statements is incorrect with regard to Ro-Ro cargoes?

A :Stowage on deck is recommended when ventilation for a particular package is not

LKUO :Which regulations require supervising the embarkation of persons on board ro-
ro vessels?
A :The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
MRFP :How should pipes, rails and road sections be stowed on a ro-ro vessel?
A :Always in the athwartships direction

MWJP :Is it required to have supplementary emergency lighting on board ro-ro ships?
A :Yes, all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary
electric lighting

NAYF :How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
A :Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or
vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about
the ship.

NCTQ :On a RoRo vessel, why is it necessary to maintain safety markings/luminous

paint on pillars in ro-ro decks?
A :To prevent damage during cargo operations

NCTQ :Why is it necessary to maintain safety markings/luminous paint on pillars in ro-

ro decks?
A :To prevent damage during cargo operations
NHIU :On a RoRo vessel, what is a low-bed Ro-Ro unit that is towed onto a ship
A :Mafi Trailer

NHIU :What is a low-bed ro-ro unit that is towed onto a ship called?
A :Mafi Trailer

NLFQ :Car decks on board ro-ro passenger ships are nomally closed during sea
passage. Why are passengers not allowed to be on the car-deck during
A :In case of an emergency situation it can be difficult for passengers to escape.
Vehicles, lorries, trailers and other cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantial
chance for passengers to ge

NLQH :When a ro-ro unit/cargo is damaged what should the duty officer do if he is not
carrying a camera?
A :Make a damage report and rough sketch of the damage

NSFE :How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
A :Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or
vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about
the ship.
OLCQ :On a RoRo vessel, what should be done if a non dangerous goods ro-ro unit is
found stowed in an incorrect location?
A :Mark the unit and amend the stowage plan whilst informing the Master and company

OLCQ :What should be done if a ro-ro unit is found stowed in an incorrect location?
A :Mark the unit and amend the stowage plan whilst informing the company

ONIG :In which locations will Ro-Ro units be stained when a vessel is at sea?
A :Units stowed in way of fan duct exits

OYYW :How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
A :Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or
vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about
the ship.

PMXG :What will increase friction between the deck surface and ro-ro cargo units?
A :Placing soft boards or other anti-skid materials directly under the cargo

POBB :By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
A :Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling of ro-ro cargo

POEG :What would be the effect of a large GM on a ro-ro vessel?

A :A stiff ship with a quick roll period

PSOE :How often shall abandon ship- and fire drills take place onboard ro-ro passenger
A :Weekly

PWIP :Is it required to have supplementary emergency electric lighting on board ro-ro
A :Yes, all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary
electric lighting

PXKU :During sea passage how would one know if gasoline vapours were escaping
from vehicles/ro-ro units?
A :By using flammable gas detectors in the vehicle/ro-ro decks

QAIR :What precautions should be taken with Ro-Ro cargoes when crossing the oceans
in winter?
A :All of the alternatives
QBXH :With regard to the characteristics of a mafi trailer what must be ensured prior to
unfastening this unit on board a ro-ro vessel?
A :That after unfastening it will not move

QJTM :Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board ro-ro
passenger ships?
A :From the navigation bridge and in at least one other location

QPMI :Personnel on board ro-ro passenger vessels must undergo training courses
before they can be part of the safe manning and assigned to emergency
duties on board. What is minimum training requirement for all personnel?
A :Basic Safety Training Course and Crowd & Crisis Management Training Course
QWIF :What must duty crew members do to ensure that ro-ro units are not damaged on
board a RoRo vessel?
A :Units must be driven at a safe speed

QWIF :What must duty crew members ensure so that ro-ro units are not damaged on
A :Units must be driven at a safe speed

QXPD :On a RoRo vessel, what dangers are associated with using a steep loading
A :The ends of ro-ro units can be damaged

QXPD :What dangers are associated with using a steep loading ramp?
A :The ends of ro-ro units can be damaged

QXPD :What dangers are associated with using a steep loading ramp, on a ro-ro vessel?
A :The ends of ro-ro units can sustain damages

RRDW :What should be done immediately after discharging is completed?

A :Inspect ro-ro decks. Wipe up spill such as oil or water from the deck and clear up
lashing equipment

RSCK :When Ro-Ro cargo is damaged what should be noted down immediately?
A :The time, date and location of occurrence and details of the damage

RSEX :Why should ro-ro units with small overhead clearances be driven at very slow
A :To prevent contact with a deckhead or overhead obstruction
SIIW :On most ro-ro passenger ships there is no requirement to carry out drills with the
passengers. What is the most effective ways of informing embarking
passengers about the emergency procedures?
A :Information on boarding cards, public announcement on departure, posters in public
areas and cabins, safety video running continuously

SOTB :On a RoRo vessel, why are short lashings better than long lashings for ro-ro
A :Because they’re easily tightened and tensioned

SOTB :Why are short lashings necessary for ro-ro units?

A :Because they’re easily tightened and tensioned

SVEP :Where will escaping gasoline vapours from vehicles/ro-ro units settle, in a cargo
A :At the lowest levels

SYRV :What should the master do if he has not received cargo information and the pre-
stowage plan prior to berthing a ro-ro vessel?
A :Do not allow the commencement of cargo operations until relevant cargo information
has been received

TIVD :How are the surfaces of ro-ro vehicle decks and ramps treated?
A :With non-skid paints

TRRK :When there is doubt about the freshness of the atmosphere in ro-ro cargo
spaces, what action should be taken?
A :Arrangements should be made for testing of the atmosphere to ensure maintenance of
21% oxygen and a carbon monoxide content below 50 ppm in the atmosphere
of the space

UFUW :When are ro-ro units most exposed to damage?

A :When being manoeuvred for stowage or breaking out of stowage

UPEI :What is the time limit for abandonment of ro-ro passenger ships?
A :30 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given

UTNB :Ro-ro passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or
canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is
automatically self-righting?
A :The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of
UXQO :What is important to wear for all officers and crew when working on the ro-ro
deck during loading and discharging?
A :Fluorescent vest/ working clothes

VQUF :Why should ro-ro passenger ships be subdivided into main vertical zones?
A :To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined in SOLAS and to ensure
safety of passengers and crew in case of a fire

VYPD :On a RoRo vessel, what must you ensure where the cap of a sounding pipe is
flush with a ro-ro deck?
A :Prohibit all cargo stowage around this area

VYPD :What must you ensure where the cap of a sounding pipe is flush with a ro-ro
A :Prohibit all cargo stowage around this area

WGEV :By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
A :Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling of ro-ro cargo

WLFN :What must be ensured prior to a ro-ro vessel berthing?

A :That the loading ramp can be lowered for cargo operations at the berth

WWBR :What is the time limit for abandonment of ro-ro passenger ships?
A :30 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given

XJAB :For what could a ro-ro vessel be held responsible by a port authority?
A :Ramp damage to the jetty

YJDI :With regard to portable fire-fighting equipment on ro-ro decks, what must be
ensured upon completion of cargo loading operations?
A :All items of equipment must be in the designated position

YOOP :How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500
gross tons and above?
A :Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat

YSJF :How many two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on board a
ro-ro passenger ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards?
A :3
YWEP :Which of the following appliances are compulsorily in any ro-ro cargo space
intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their
own propulsion?
A :At least one portable foam applicator unit

YWEP :Which of the following appliances must compulsorily be found in any ro-ro
cargo space intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their
tanks for their own propulsion?
A :At least one portable foam applicator unit

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