Assessment of Learning 1

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Assessment of Learning 1

31. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?

a. The mean, the median and the mode are equal.
b. Most of the scores are high.
c. The mode is high.
d. Most of the scores are low.

32. Which statement best describes a negatively skewed score distribution?

a. Most examinees got high scores.
b. The value of median and mode are equal.
c. The value of mode corresponds to a low score.
d. The value of median is higher than the value of mode.

33. In a normal distribution, a T-score of 70 is ___________.

a. two SDs below the mean
c. one SD below the mean
b. two SDs above the mean
d. one SD above the mean

34. The computer value of r for Math and Science is 0.92. What does this mean?
a. Math and Science scores are inversely related.
b. High scores in Math are associated with high scores in Science.
c. Low scores in math are associated with high scores in Science.
d. The higher the scores in Science, the lower the scores in Math.

35. Teacher B is researching on family income distribution which is symmetrical. Which measure/s of central
tendency will be most informative and appropriate
a. Mode b. Mean c. Median d. Mean and Median

36. What measure/s of central tendency does the number 20 represent in the following score distribution?
25, 15, 17, 20,23, 18, 20, 24?
a. Mode only b. Mode and Median c. Median only d. Mean and mode

37. The Analysis of Variance utilizing the F-test is appropriate to test the significant difference between
a. frequencies b. median c. two means only d. three or more means

38. Which statement about standard deviation is CORRECT?

a. The smaller the standard deviation the more spread the scores are.
b. The larger the standard deviation the less spread the scores are.
c. The larger the standard deviation the more spread the score are.
d. It is measure of central tendency.

39. Teacher Ryan Christopher gave a summative test. In which competency did his students find the greatest
difficulty? In the item with a difficulty index of ________________.
a. 0.09 b. 1.0 c. 0.75 d. 0.45

40. Teacher Kristy conducted an item analysis is her Chapter examination, she found out that the difficulty index
of item 20 is 0.45 and the discrimination index is 0.33. What should the teacher do with this item?
a. Reject the item
b. Revise the item
c. Retain the item
d. Make the item bonus
Situation A. Study this group of test which was administered to a class whom Ritz Glenn belongs, then
answer the questions(41-43).

Subject Ritz Glenn’s Score Mean Score Standard deviation (s) Math 90 85 1.5 English 95 97 2.0 PEHM 94 92 1.75

41. In which subject/s did Ritz Glenn performed well?

a. Math b. Math and English c. English d. PEHM

42. . What type of learner is Ritz Glenn?

a. logical and bodily kinesthetic. b. logical c. linguistic d. bodily kinesthetic

43. In which group of scores most spread?

a. Math and PEHM b. Math c. English d. PEHM

44. The score distribution of Set A and Set B have equal mean but with different SD’s. Set A has SD of 2.75
while Set B has SD of 3.25. Which statement is TRUE of the score distributions?

a. Majority of the scores in Set B are clustered around the mean.

b. Majority of the scores is Set A are clustered around the mean than in set B.
c. Scores in Set A are more widely scattered.
d. The scores of Set B has less variability than the scores in Set A.

45. Situation B. Study the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters based
on the results of a try-out test in Science. The letter marked with an asterisk is the correct answer. Item No.
1 A B C D* Upper 27% 3 3 1 8 Lower 27% 5 1 6 3 45. The table shows that the test item analyzed
a. has a positive discrimination index.
b. has a negative discrimination index.
c. is easy
d. is difficult

46. Item No. 1 A B C D* Upper 27% 3 3 1 8 Lower 27% 5 1 6 3 46. Based on the table, which is most effective
a. Option A b. Option B c. Option C d. Option D

47. Item No. 1 A B C D* Upper 27% 3 3 1 8 Lower 27% 5 1 6 3 47. What is the difficulty level of the given item?
a. Easy b. Difficult c. Moderately Difficult d. Very difficult

48. Item No. 1 A B C D* Upper 27% 3 3 1 8 Lower 27% 5 1 6 3 48. Based on the table, what should you do with
the test item?
a. make the item bonus b. retain the item c. reject the item d. revise the item
49. 49. 49. Which of the following statements are components of the grading system based on Dep Ed Order
33, series of 2004? I. The lowest failing grade appeared in the report card is 65%. II. Transmutation table is
utilized in the computation of grade. III. Mastery of at least 75% of the competencies. IV. Use table of
equivalence in the computation of grade. V. Cumulative system for final grade is utilized. a. I, III, IV b. I, II,
III, IV c. II, IV, V d. I, II, III, IV, V Answer
50. 50. 50. JP’s scores in English quizzes are as follows: 96, 90, 85, 89, 65, 99, 84, 82. What is the mean
value? a. 83. 25 b. 84. 25 c. 85. 25 d. 86.25 Answer
51. 51. 51. Teacher Adrian will construct an achievement test. Which of the following he will accomplish first? a.
Construct relevant test items. b. Prepare table of specification. c. Determine the number of items to be
constructed. d. Identify the intended learning outcomes. Answer
52. 52. Situation A (For item 52-53) Direction: Column A describes events associated with U.S presidents,
inventor, civil right leader. Indicate which name in Column B matches each event by placing the appropriate
letter to the left of the number to Column A. Each name may be used once only. Column A Column B 1.
President of the 20th Century A. Lincoln 2. Invented the telephone B. Nixon 3. Delivered the Emancipation
Proclamation C. Whitney 4. Recent president to resign from office D. Ford 5. Civil rights leader E. Bell 6.
Invented the cotton gin F. King 7. Our first president G. Washington 8. Only president elected for more than
H. Roosevelt two terms. 52. Which guideline of writing matching type item was NOT FOLLOWED? a. It is
very difficult test items. b. Consist of less than ten items. c. It is NOT valid test items. d. It is NOT
homogeneous. Answer
53. 53. Column A Column B 1. President of the 20th Century A. Lincoln 2. Invented the telephone B. Nixon 3.
Delivered the Emancipation Proclamation C. Whitney 4. Recent president to resign from office D. Ford 5.
Civil rights leader E. Bell 6. Invented the cotton gin F. King 7. Our first president G. Washington 8. Only
president elected for more than H. Roosevelt two terms. 53. Using the data in situation A. How would you
improve the options to avoid ambiguity? a. Arrange the options in alphabetical order. b. Add two more
options to avoid guessing. c. Write the complete names in the options. d. Remove two options to have valid
options. Answer
54. 54. 54. Which of the following objectives is the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy? a. Identifies the meaning
of term. b. Identifies the order of the given events. c. Interprets the meaning of an idea. d. Improves
defective test items. Answer
55. 55. 55. Which statement/s is/are true in constructing matching type of test? I. The options and descriptions
not necessarily homogeneous. II. The options must be greater than the descriptions. III. The directions must
state the basis of matching. IV. Descriptions in Column A and options in Column B. a. I, II and III c. I, II and
IV b. II, III, and IV d. I, II, III and IV Answer
56. 56. 56. Which of the following should be AVOIDED in constructing true or false test? I. Verbal clues and
specific determiner. II. Terms denoting definite degree or amount. III. Taking statements directly from the
book. IV. Keep true and false statement the same in length. a. I and III only c. I, II, and IV b. I, II, and III d. II
and IV only Answer
57. 57. 57. Which of the following test item can best effectively measure higher order of cognitive learning
objectives? a. Objective Test c. Completion Test b. Achievement test d. Extended essay test Answer
58. 58. 58. Which statements best describes a short-answer test items? I. It is easy to write test items. II. Broad
range of knowledge outcomes can be measured. III. Adaptable in measuring complex learning outcomes.
IV. Scoring is NOT tedious and time consuming. a. I, II and III c. II and IV only b. I and II only d. II, III and IV
59. 59. Situation B. The data on the table below are results of test which was administered to four subjects in
which Ritz Glenn belong. Using the said data answer the questions. (59-63). Subject Ritz Glenn’s Score
Mean Standard Deviation English 88 85 3.5 Mathematics 95 97 5 Music 90 98 6.5 PE 94 91 4 59. In which
subject did Ritz Glenn performed best in relation to the performance of the group? a. English b. Music c.
Mathematics d. PE Answer
60. 60. Subject Ritz Glenn’s Score Mean Standard Deviation English 88 85 3.5 Mathematics 95 97 5 Music 90
98 6.5 PE 94 91 4 60. What type of learner is Ritz Glenn? a. Bodily Kinesthetic c. Musical b. Logical d.
Linguistic Answer
61. 61. Subject Ritz Glenn’s Score Mean Standard Deviation English 88 85 3.5 Mathematics 95 97 5 Music 90
98 6.5 PE 94 91 4 61. In which subject did Ritz Glenn performed mostly poorly in relation to the group
performance? a. English c. Mathematics b. Music d. PE Answer
62. 62. Subject Ritz Glenn’s Score Mean Standard Deviation English 88 85 3.5 Mathematics 95 97 5 Music 90
98 6.5 PE 94 91 4 62. In which subject the scores most dispersed? a. English c. Mathematics b. Music d. PE
63. 63. Subject Ritz Glenn’s Score Mean Standard Deviation English 88 85 3.5 Mathematics 95 97 5 Music 90
98 6.5 PE 94 91 4 63. In which subject the scores less dispersed? a. English c. Mathematics b. Music d. PE
64. 64. 64. Which statement best describes normal distribution? a. Only few got average scores. b. The mean,
the median are equal. c. Negatively skewed distribution. d. Most of the scores lies at one end of the
distribution. Answer
65. 65. 65. Standard deviation is to Measure of Variation as _______ is to Measures of Central Tendency/ a.
Quartile Deviation c. Range b. Mean Deviation d. Mode Answer
66. 66. 66. What type of measure of variation easily affected by the extremes scores? a. Range c. Inter-quartile
range b. Quartile Deviation d. Standard deviation Answer
67. 67. 67. Which measure/s of central tendency easily affected by the extreme scores? a. Median c. Mode b.
Mean d. Mean and Median Answer
68. 68. 68. At type of error committed in grading the performance of the students by the rater who avoids both
extremes of the scale and tends to rate everyone as average. a. generosity error c. logical error b. severity
error d. central tendency error Answer
69. 69. 69. What error committed by the rater if he overate the performance of the student/s? a. generosity error
c. logical error b. severity error d. central tendency error Answer
70. 70. 70. Which of the following assessment techniques best assess the objective “Plans and designs an
experiment to be performed”. a. paper and pencil test c. Checklist b. Rating scale d. Essay Answer
71. 71. 71. Teacher Gina is talking about “grading on the curve” in a teacher’s assembly. This means that she’s
referring to what type of grading system? a. Cumulative method of grading c. Criterion-reference grading b.
Norm-reference grading d. Combination of B and C Answer
72. 72. 72. The computed value of r=0.95 in Mathematics and English. What does this imply? a. Mathematics
score is not related to English score. b. English score is moderately related to Mathematics score. c.
Mathematics score is highly positive related to English score. d. English score is not anyway related to
Mathematics score. Answer
73. 73. 73. Teacher Jean will conduct a test “to measure her student’s ability to organize thoughts and present
original ideas”. Which of type of test is most appropriate? a. Modified true-false test item c. Short answer test
b. Completion type of test d. Essay test Answer
74. 74. 74. Which characteristics best describes the given score distribution? The scores are: 22, 23, 24, 24, 24,
25, 26, 26, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 45. a. Multi-modal c. Normally distributed c. Bimodal d.
Skewed to the left Answer
75. 75. 75. Which of the following statement refers to criterion- reference interpretation? a. Ritz got the highest
score in Mathematics. b. Luis computed the problem solving faster than his classmates. c. Vinci set up his
laboratory equipments in 2 minutes. d. Lovely’s test score is higher than 95% of the class. Answer
76. 76. 76. Which of the following is an example of norm- referenced interpretation? a. Lord’s test score is
higher than 89% of the class b. Vinci set up his laboratory equipments in 2 minutes. c. Harold must spell 25
words correctly out of 30 words. d. Mark solve 5 problems correctly in 30 minutes. Answer
77. 77. 77. What is the main advantage of using table of specifications (TOS) when constructing periodic test?
a. It increases the reliability of the test results. b. It reduces the scoring time. c. It makes test construction
easier. d. It improves the sampling of content areas. Answer
78. 78. 78. The main objective of testing in teaching is _________________. a. to assess students learning and
the effectiveness of instruction. b. to assess the effectiveness of teaching methods used. c. to evaluate the
instructional materials used. d. to evaluate the performance of the teacher in that particular lesson. Answer
79. 79. 79. Which of the following statement is the main reason why should negative words be avoided in
constructing multiple-choice test? a. Increase the difficulty of the test item. b. More difficult to construct
options. c. Might be overlooked. d. Stems tends to be longer Answer
80. 80. 80. Obtaining a dependable ranking of students is a major concern when using: a. teacher-made
diagnostic test. b. norm-reference test. c. criterion-reference test. d. mastery achievement test. Answer
81. 81. 81. When a test is lengthened, the reliability is likely to _________? a. increase c. not determined b.
decrease d. both A and B Answer
82. 82. 82. Which of the following statements describes performance based assessment? I. Evaluate complex
learning outcomes and skills. II. Encourages the application of learning to “real life” situation. III. Measure
broad range of contents. a. I only c. III only b. I and II d. I, II and III Answer
83. 83. 83. Teacher Adrian conducted item analysis and he found out that more from the lower group got the
test item number 6 correctly. This means that the test item ____________. a. has a low reliability b. has a
high validity c. has a positive discrimination power d. has a negative discriminating power Answer
84. 84. 84. Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution? a. Most of the scores are below the mean
value. b. Most of the scores are above the mean value. c. The mean is less than the median. d. The mean,
the median and the mode are equal. Answer
85. 85. 85. Most of the students who took the examination got scores above the mean. What is the graphical
representation of the score distribution? a. skewed to the left c. Skewed to the right b. scores are normally
distribute d. positively skewed Answer
86. 86. 86. Which statement best describes a negatively skewed score distribution? a. The value of mean and
median are equal. b. Most examinees got scores above the mean. c. The value of mode corresponds to a
low score. d. The value of median is higher than the value of mode. Answer
87. 87. 87. In a normal distribution a T-score of 80 is ____________. a. two SD’s below the mean c. three SD’s
below the mean b. two SD’s above the mean d. three SD’s above the mean Answer
88. 88. 88. The distribution of a class with academically poor students is most likely __________. a. normally
distributed c. skewed to the right b. skewed to the left d. leptokurtic Answer
89. 89. 89. Teacher Paul conducted item analysis and he found out that significantly greater number form the
upper group of the class got test item number 10 correctly. This means that the test item ______. a. has
negative discriminating power. b. has a positive discriminating power. c. has low reliability. d. has high
validity. Answer
90. 90. 90. Mary Anne obtained a NAT percentile rank of 93. This imply that ______. a. she surpassed in
performance 7% of her group. b. she got a score of 93. c. she answered 93 items correctly. d. she
surpassed in performance 93% of her fellow examinees. Answer
91. 91. 91. Based from the two sets of scores below, which statement correctly applies to the two sets of data?
Set A: 10, 13, 15, 16, 20 ,25 Set B: 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 25 a. The range of Set B is 15. b. The range of Set A
is 11. c. The scores in Set A are more scattered than those in Set B. d. The scores in Set B are more
scattered than those in Set A. Answer
92. 92. 92. Which of the following statement best describes the incorrect options in item analysis? a.
Determining the percentage equivalent of the cut off score. b. Determining the highest score. c. Determining
the attractiveness of distracters. d. Determining the cut off score. Answer
93. 93. 93. Teacher Kristy gave a chapter test, in which competency did her students find greatest difficulty? In
the item with a difficulty index of____________. a. 0.25 c. 0.75 b. 0.15 d. 1.00 Answer
94. 94. Scores Number of students 11-15 7 16-20 10 21-25 7 26-30 20 31-35 6 94. Fifty students took 40 items
in English, below are their scores. (Items 94 to 95). In which interval the median values lies? a. In the
interval 16-20. b. In the interval 26-30. c. Between the interval 16-20 and 21-25. d. In the interval 21-25.
95. 95. Scores Number of students 11-15 7 16-20 10 21-25 7 26-30 20 31-35 6 95. Based on the data on item
number 94, how many percent of the scores lower than 21? a. 14% c. 20% b. 17% d. 34% Answer
96. 96. 96. Teacher Lawrence gave a test in Mathematics. The facility of item No. 10 is 75%. The best way
described item No. 10 is _______. a. very easy item c. average item b. easy item d. difficult item Answer
97. 97. 97. At the end of the school year, all third year students presented their portfolio in English subject.
Students, teachers, and other stakeholders were asked to view and give their comments regarding what was
viewed. Which authentic assessment was organized? a. Exhibits c. Conference b. Program d. Seminar
98. 98. 98. Joseph’s score in Science is 1.5 standard deviation above the mean of his group and 2 standard
deviation above Mathematics. What does this mean? a. He excels both in Science and in Mathematics. b.
He is better in Mathematics than in Science. c. He is better in Science than in Mathematics. d. He does not
excel in both subjects. Answer
99. 99. 99. The criterion of success in Teacher Jenny objective is that “the students must be able to get 80% of
the test items correctly”. Luis and 24 other students in the class answered only 20 out of 25 items correctly.
This means that teacher Jenny _____________. a. attained her lesson objective because of her effective
problem solving drills. b. did not attain her lesson objective because her students lack of attention. c.
attained her lesson objective. d. did not attain her lesson objective as far as the 25 students are concerned.
100. 100. 100. The grading system of Department of Education is averaging. What is the average final
grade of Andie in English for four grading periods? 1st Grading 2nd Grading 3rd Grading 4th Grading Final
Rating 90 88 93 95 ? a. 91.75 c. 94.00 b. 92.25 d. 95.00 Answer
101. 101. 101. The grading method which gives weight to the present grade and the previous grade of the
student such as =1/3(TGG) + 2/3(FGG) Final Grade is called __________. a. Averaging c. Norm referenced
b. Criterion referenced d. Cumulative Answer
102. 102. 102. To increase the difficulty of a multiple-choice test item, which of the following should be
done? a. Make the stem short and clear. b. Make the options homogeneous. c. Make it grammatically
correct. d. Make the options equal in length. Answer
103. 103. Situation C. (Item number 103 to 110). Given the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness
and non-plausibility of distracters based on the results of a try-out test in English. The letter mark with an
asterisk is the correct answer. Item No. 10 A* B C D Upper 27% 16 3 10 1 Lower 27% 14 6 8 2 103. Based
on the table, which group got more correct answer? a. Lower group c. Can’t be determined b. Upper group
d. Either lower group or upper group Answer
104. 104. Item No. 10 A* B C D Upper 27% 16 3 10 1 Lower 27% 14 6 8 2 104. The table shows that the
item analysed has _________. a. Positive discriminating index. b. Negative discriminating index. c. zero
discriminating index. d. high reliability index. Answer
105. 105. Item No. 10 A* B C D Upper 27% 16 3 10 1 Lower 27% 14 6 8 2 105. Based on the table in
Situation C, which is the most effective distracters? a. Option A c. Option C b. Option B d. Option D Answer
106. 106. Item No. 10 A* B C D Upper 27% 16 3 10 1 Lower 27% 14 6 8 2 106. Base on the table in
Situation C, which distracters should be revised? a. Option A c. Option C b. Option B d. Option D Answer
107. 107. Item No. 10 A* B C D Upper 27% 16 3 10 1 Lower 27% 14 6 8 2 107. What is the level of
difficulty of item 6 in Situation C? a. very easy c. moderately difficult b. easy d. difficult Answer
108. 108. Item No. 10 A* B C D Upper 27% 16 3 10 1 Lower 27% 14 6 8 2 108. What is the discriminating
index of item number 6 in situation C? a. 3% c. 7% b. 6% d. 50% Answer
109. 109. 109. Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE? a. They stress on
process as well as product. b. They also stress on doing, not only knowing. c. Essay test are example of
performance-base assessments. d. They emphasize merely on process. Answer
110. 110. 110. A Z-scores provide information about the location of the raw scores _________. a. below
the mean in units of the range of the distribution; b. above the mean in units of the standard deviation of the
distribution; c. above and below the mean in units of the range of the distribution; d. above and below the
mean in standard deviation units from the mean. Answer
111. 111. 111. Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher ____________. a. considers
student’s suggestions in testing. b. gives valid and reliable paper-and-pencil test. c. gives students real-life
tasks to accomplish. d. includes parents in the determination of assessment procedures. Answer
112. 112. 112. If teacher Jerick Ivan wants to test his student’s synthesizing skills. Which of the following
has the highest diagnostic value? a. Completion test c. Essay test b. Performance test d. Multiple choice test
113. 113. 113. Which of the following statement about marking on a normative basis? a. the normal
distribution curve should be followed. b. most of the students get low scores. c. most of the students get high
scores. d. the grading should based from the given criteria. Answer
114. 114. 114. The discriminating index of item number 15 is 0.44. This means that _____________. a.
more students from the upper group got the item correctly. b. more students from the lower group got the
item correctly. c. equal number of students got the correct answer form the upper and lower group. d. the
test item is very easy. Answer
115. 115. 115. The difficulty index of item 20 is 0.55 and the discrimination index is 0.15. What should the
teacher do with this item? a. Reject the item c. Revise the item b. Retain the item d. Make the item bonus
116. 116. 116. The discriminating index of item number 1 is -0.15. This means that ______. a. More
students from the upper group got the item correctly. b. More students from the lower group got the item
correctly. c. Equal number of students got the correct answer from the upper and lower group. d. The test
item is very difficult. Answer
117. 117. 117. Suppose that a certain aptitude test administered to a randomly selected group of college
students had a mean of 8- and standard deviation of 5. If BJ got a z-score of 3, what is the value of his raw
score? a. 80 c. 90 b. 85 d. 95 Answer
118. 118. 118. About how many percent of the case fall between -1SD and +1SD in the normal curve? a.
99.72 c. 68.26 b. 95.44 d. 34.13 Answer
119. 119. 119. In research, t-test is appropriate to test the significant difference between: a. frequencies
c. two mean only b. median d. three or more means Answer
120. 120. 120. Skewed score distribution means: a. The scores are normally distributed b. The mean and
the median are equal. c. The mode, the mean, and the median are equal. d. The scores are concentrated
more at one end or the other end. Answer
121. 121. 121. Teacher Anne give achievement test to her 30 students. The test consists of the 25 items.
She wants to compare her students’ performance based on the test results. What is the appropriate
measure for the position? a. Percentage c. z-score b. Percentile rank d. Standard nine Answer
122. 122. 122. Student J was asked to report to the Guidance Office. Student J and his classmates at
once remarked: “What’s wrong?” What does this mean? a. reporting to a Guidance Office is often
associated with misbehavior. b. The parents of student J must be of the delinquent type. c. Student J is a
“problem” student. d. Guidance counsellors are perceived to be “almighty and omniscient”. Answer
123. 123. 123. Which of the following statements is one of the strength of an autobiography as a
technique for personality appraisal? a. It can replace data obtained from other data gathering technique. b. It
may be read by unauthorized people. c. It gives complete data about the author. d. It makes possible
presentation of intimate experiences. Answer
124. 124. 124. The counselee revealed that she will commit suicide on weekend. Can the counsellor
reveal the secret to the parents? a. Yes, it is mandatory that in cases involving suicide that confidentiality is
superseded. b. No, the counsellor has no right. c. Yes as long as he tells the parents that he is not the
source. d. No, It is unethical. Answer
125. 125. 125. This is the pre-planned collection of sample of student works, assessed results and other
output produced by the students. a. Diary c. Observation Report b. Portfolio d. Anecdotal

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