Mental Health and Substance Abuse - Edited

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Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Student’s Name

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Professor’s Name


Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Describe how Maria's substance use has progressed over time?

Maria's substance usage advanced over time with her smoking four to six days a week,

unlike before when she smoked twice or once a week. She even smoked when in school, either

cigarette, half a pack or even marijuana. In a month, she only used to go out for just one weekend

and take alcohol then, but this time her partying was almost every weekend, and she would use

alcohol every time she attended any of the parties (Maria, 2021). Her boyfriend, who was older

than her, had introduced her to more advanced substances, which she continues to use. Whenever

she is with her older boyfriend, they take cocaine together. Maria has advanced to using almost

every substance and uses it in excess until it has started reflecting in other areas of her life. She

has no control over how she uses the substances.

Identify any signs (measurable indicators) and symptoms (subjective complaints) Maria

demonstrates for substance use disorder and mental health disorders.

Maria's signs and symptoms for mental health disorders and substance use disorder are

notable in the case study vividly. Maria lost weight in just two months from one hundred and

forty pounds to one hundred and twenty-five pounds which even the doctor was worried about.

Maria's academic performance also dropped and could affect her dreams of going to college. She

seemed depressed and anxious as she would only stay in her room whenever she was home, just

watching television, social media, or sleep. She even started getting stressed thinking about her

life when she saw other people on social media platforms. Maria began to skip classes to spend

time with her boyfriend. Despite the relationship between her and her brother, Roberto, not being

significant, she continued using the substance. Her parents have also noted Maria to have mood

swings and change of attitude recently.


What substance-using behaviour (s) do you feel could have the most significant impact on

her mental health?

Maria's frequent use of substances may lead to mental health issues because continued

use harms her psychologically. The fact that she cannot control her usage will continue to tamper

with her mental health, and even if she stops using, someday, the effects will be felt before she

can fully recover. Someone likely to suffer from mental health problems starts feeling depressed

and anxious about their lives (Lumen Candela, n.d.). Maria's case is no different as she feels

worried about her life when on social media platforms. In the long run, it might lead to serious

mental health problems like suicidal thoughts after she discovers that she cannot pursue her

dreams because of her recent behaviour and the effect it had on her grades. Maria is socially

withdrawn as she can only interact with her boyfriend, whom she claims makes her feel happy. If

the boyfriend is no longer in the picture, Maria might feel lonely, and the effects will be more on

her psychologically and may lead to other measures that might be dangerous to her.

Describe how any signs and symptoms of substance use and mental health disorders may

interact to impair her functioning at home, in school, and her social life.

When both of these signs and symptoms integrate, her social life will be significantly

affected because she will not feel the need to interact with people, especially when she thinks

they are only interfering with her life. Depression, anxiety and substance use symptoms make

one want to be alone due to their low self-esteem issues and other behaviours. She will also have

problems with her relationships at home like she already is and might worsen when the two starts

integrated greatly. She has started skipping classes, and her grades have been suffering; they are

likely to suffer even more. Maria might not feel the need to continue with her studies, especially

when she realizes she will not make it to graduate on time (Melinda, 2018). Mental health

problems and substance use may affect the person and influence each other, therefore causing

more problems to the individual.



Lumen Candela. (n.d.). Behaviours that impact physical and mental health | Boundless

psychology. Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production.


Maria C. (2021). Case Study: Maria C. Gmail.


Melinda. (2018, November 2). Dual diagnosis: Substance abuse and mental health.


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