Summative Test in Grade 10 Science

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Summative Test in Grade 10 Science

Name:___________________________________ Score: __________________

Name of Teacher: _________________________ Section:_________________

Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.

_________1. Chemical reactions _______________.

A. Occur only in living things

B. Produce new substances
C. create and destroy atom
D. only occur outside living organisms

_________2. The type of reaction that takes place when one element reacts with a compound to
form a new compound and a different element is a _______ reaction.

A. combination
B. decomposition
C. single displacemen
D. double displacement
_________3. An equation is balanced by;

A. changing subscripts C . erasing elements as necessary

B. adding coefficients D. adding elements as necessary

_________4. What are the reactants in the following chemical equation: Zn + CuSO4 ----->
ZnSO4 + Cu
A. zinc and copper C. zinc and copper (II) sulfate
B. zinc sulfate and copper D. only zinc

_________5. What are the products in the above equation?

A. zinc and copper C. zinc and copper (II) sulfate
B. zinc sulfate and copper D. only zinc

_________6.According to Collision theory, particles must

A. collide every where

B. collide with correct orientation
C. must be kept under immense pressures
D. shall not be below their melting points

_________7. If temperature of a reaction is increased, average kinetic energy will be

A. increased B. decrease C. constant D. equal

_________8. Activation energy of particular reaction is minimum energy that is must for

A. reaction B. collision C. absorption D. reduction

__________9. Some particles collide but bounce back afterwards it is called

A. successful collision C successful reaction

B. unsuccessful collision D. unsuccessful reaction

__________10. According to collision theory they reaction speed up when a frequency of


A. decreases C. constant
B. increases D. equilibrium

Part II. Write the chemical equation for the following chemical reactions. Determine the type
of reaction it undergoes. (3 pts each)

1. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the presence of manganese dioxide (MnO2) produces

water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2).

2. Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) is the product of a reaction between magnesium (Mg) and
chlorine (Cl2).

Part III. Balance the following chemical reactions. (3 pts each)

1. Zn + H2SO4 -----> ZnSO4 + H2

2. H2CO3 -----> CO2 + H2O

3. CaCO3 + HCl ------> CaCl2 + H2CO3

Part IV

What are the difference betweem Effective and Ineffectice Collision Theory (5pt)


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