Pre-Test in Shs Earth and Life Science: Schools Division of Capiz

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Banica, Roxas City


Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and write the letter of your
choice on your answer sheet.

1. What is/are the factors that makes planet Earth habitable?

A. It has the right distance from the sun

B. It contains gases that insulate and protect Earth
C. It has water and carbon and the like which are ingredients to supports life
D. All of the above

2. An example of a connection between hydrosphere and geosphere is

A. Fish swimming in water

B. Boats transporting goods
C. Water evaporating to make clouds
D. Waves eroding rocks on beach

3. Pyrite is a yellowish mineral that looks like gold and is commonly called fool’s gold. What
is the property of mineral exhibited by pyrite wherein it reflects light and with a metallic

A. Cleavage
B. Fracture
C. Hardness
D. Luster

4. This type of rocks is formed below the surface of the earth through the process of
metamorphism due to changes in pressure and temperature conditions

A. Igneous rocks
B. Intrusive rocks
C. Sedimentary rocks
D. Metamorphic rocks

5. Halite is commonly known as rock salt, the mineral form of sodium chloride. Which
type of rock does it belong?

A. Minerals
B. Igneous rocks
C. Metamorphic rocks
D. Sedimentary rocks

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6. Which occurs when water seeps into the crack, freezes and expands causing the rock
to break apart?

A. Abrasion
B. Frost wedging
C. Pressure
D. Temperature

7. In chemical weathering, rocks changes in composition due to chemical reaction. What

is an observable product after an oxidation of rocks?

A. Clay
B. Rust
C. Stalactites
D. Stalagmites

8. Which is the source of internal heat, presence of different isotopes of heat producing
element in the mantle and crust?

A. Primordial heat
B. Radiation
C. Radiogenic Heat
D. Superheating

9. Which is the process under the earth’s crust where formation and movement of
magma occur?

A. Earthquake
B. Magmatism
C. Sublimation
D. Volcanic eruption

10. What is/are the requirements for melting to occur in the mantle?

A. An increase in temperature
B. A decrease in pressure
C. Addition of volatiles
D. All of the above

11. Which of the following is NOT true about metamorphism?

A. It occurs in the mantle

B. There is weathering that occurs
C. The process proceeds due to heat and pressure
D. Magma will bake the surrounding rocks due to different in temperature

12. Which of the following results from transform fault boundary movement?

A. America
B. East Pacific Rise
C. Himalayas
D. San Andreas fault
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13. Which of the diagrams shows divergent fault movement?


14. Which is NOT an agent that contributes to the layering or forming the stratified rocks?
A. deposition
B. erosion
C. evolution
D. weathering

15. Which method is used to measure the exact age of some rocks in years?
A. Absolute dating
B. Commemorative dating
C. Existential dating
D. Relative dating

16. What do the Law of Superposition helps in determining of rocks?

A. Fossils age
B. The aggregates of rocks
C. The absolute age of rock layers
D. The relative age of rock layers

17. Which sub-discipline of stratigraphy, that deals with the use of fossils in the correlation
and establishments the relative ages of rocks.
A. Absolute dating
B. Biostratigraphy
C. Index Fossil
D. Relative dating

18. In the Law of Superposition, which statement is correct?

A. Accumulation of sediments continues until supply is cut off
B. New rock layers are always deposited on top
C. Sediments form horizontal or flat layers
D. Strata or beds are made up of igneous rocks only

19. Large reptiles became abundant during the ________Era?

A. Cenozoic
B. Mesozoic
C. Paleozoic
D. Precambrian

20. Which statement is NOT true about Natural disaster?

A. It causes damage to property.
B. It causes destruction of life
C. It harms the living organism
D. It introduces species

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21. Where can you obtain information on current and past earthquakes?

22. Based on the hazard map, Roxas is most likely .

A. Prone to trench-related local tsunami

B. Prone to trench-related local and distant tsunami
C. Prone to offshore fault and submarine landslide related to tsunami
D. Prone to trench, collision zone, transform fault, and has lakes and reservoir

23. Inevitably, human activity become a contributing factor in causing landslide. Which
activity can help to prevent it from happening?
A. bad agricultural practice
B. clear-cutting
C. quarrying
D. tree planting

24. What is the importance of hazard maps?

A. It prevents serious damage and death
B. It provides information about heath care
C. It provides awareness on personal development
D. It encourages patriotism and sense of nationhood

25. A monsoon is a seasonal wind and rains pattern and it has two types. Which best
describes Winter Northeast Monsoon (Amihan)?
A. Brings heavy rains
B. brings deadly typhoons
C. Brings cloudless skies
D. occurs during June to September

26. Beaches, spits and bars are result of .

A. Deposition
B. Erosion
C. Faulting
D. Weathering

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27. Commonly known as the sandpaper effect, which type of coastal erosion involves
breaking waves, concentrated between the high and low watermarks, which contain
sand and larger fragments wearing away the base of a cliff or headland?

A. abrasion B. attrition C. corrosion D. hydraulic action

28. Waste disposal becomes one of the contributing factors that disrupts coastal
processes. Which statement is NOT included in the negative impact of waste

A. Nutrient contamination
B. High concentration of dissolved oxygen
C. Trace contaminants such as lead and cadmium
D. Occurrence of synthetic organic compounds in sediments

29. What practice is need to consider before putting up a building especially near coastal

A. should maintain the integrity of the environment

B. never compromise the proper functioning of the ecosystem within the
C. follow the correct protocols as stipulated in national legislation and provincial
D. all of the above.

30. Stanley Miller’s experiment demonstrated that .

A. DNA is less stable than RNA

B. Earth is more than 4 billion years old.
C. Oxygen is necessary for all life
D. under some conditions, amino acids can assemble spontaneously

31. An inherited characteristic that increases an organism's ability to survive and

reproduce in its specific environment is called a(n)...

A. adaptation C. speciation
B. homologous structure D. vestigial organ

32. Which of the following is a correct statement about the relationship between natural
selection and evolution?

A. Natural selection results from evolution.

B. Natural selection includes evolution as a part of it.
C. Natural selection and evolution are the same thing.
D. Natural selection is one mechanism of evolution.

33. Sexual reproduction .

A. needs one parent

B. occurs only in vertebrates
C. produces offspring identical traits
D. requires formation of gametes by meiosis
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34. What is recombinant DNA?

A. DNA that has been sequenced

B. DNA that causes genetic disorders
C. Adding DNA from one organism into the DNA of another
D. DNA which has been changed over generations by natural selection

35. Which of the following is NOT an argument in favor of GMOs?

A. Controlled production of insulin C. Food with extra nutrients

B. Disease resistant crops D. Reduced biodiversity

36. In fish gills, blood and water move .

A. in hemolymph C. in the same direction tubes

B. in opposite direction D. through trachea

37. muscle pulls on bones and muscle regulates the diameter of

blood vessels.

A. skeletal/cardiac C. skeletal/smooth
B. smooth/cardiac D. smooth/skeletal

38. According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive
are those that have...

A. the best luck.

B. the biggest body.
C. variations best suited to the environment.
D. the ability to change their bodies to fit the environment.

39. Use the cladogram to determine which of the following organisms is most closely
related to the dog?

A. cat
B. fly
C. frog
D. fish

40. If new predators are introduced in an area, and the number of prey eaten
subsequently increases, which of the following must occur in order for the population
to stabilize?
A. the reproductive rate must be controlled
B. the reproductive rate of the prey must decrease
C. the reproductive rate of the prey must increase
D. the reproductive rate of the predator must increase


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