VitaminDCure Book Summary

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By James E. Dowd, M.D. and Diane Stafford
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vitamin D deficiencies are
quite common. Their statistics show over half of the population is lacking regardless of
age, while more than seventy percent of elderly Americans and over ninety percent of
Americans of color are D-deficient. Urbanization and the move into the industrial, then
the digital age, has played a key part in increasing the deficiency levels in Americans; as
the move towards working indoors gave us a lack of sun exposure.

On top of this, most of us do not grow our own food, or even have a steady intake
of fresh food. Our fruits and vegetables are canned and frozen, and our meat
sources no longer feed on grass, but on grain in feedlots and factory farms. Our
cravings for the inexpensive, tasty and quick fixes for meals are being satiated with
overly processed, salt and trans-fat laden junk foods that are not providing the
sustenance our bodies require.

As such, our bodies are left starving for the simple things they need, like vitamin D.
And we are paying the price. Vitamin D deficiency can cause a whole host of
problems, such as:

Restless sleep & fatigue

Joint & muscle pain, swelling, cramping, or weakness

Poor concentration & poor memory

Uncontrolled weight gain, obesity, bowel, & bladder problems

Depression, including seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Gum disease & tooth loss

Chronic pain & fibromyalgia

Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s

Arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, & cancer

Heart disease & metabolic syndrome

Mayo Clinic researchers found that 93 percent of patients with widespread musculo-
skeletal pain had a vitamin D deficiency. At the Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital in Saudi
Arabia, Dr. Al Faraj found that in patients who suffered undiagnosed chronic back pain for
over six months, 83 percent had a D deficiency. In both cases, once normal levels were
obtained through supplementation, pain was relieved.
The Facts and Benefits of Vitamin D

Clearly, vitamin D is important. But what exactly is it? Most of us know it as a

fat-soluble vitamin that comes from cholesterol, but it isn’t really a vitamin at all.
Vitamins come from dietary sources, while D is actually produced by the body.
Pre-vitamin D is produced in the liver, and that, with a reaction to ultraviolet B
sunlight and heat, forms D3 in the skin, which is further synthesized by the liver
and kidneys into a potent hormone. The body cannot produce any active form
of vitamin D without the reaction with UVB.

The hormone produced by this reaction and synthesis belongs to the steroid group
of hormones, all of which are made from cholesterol. Included in this group are
estrogen, testosterone, Cortisol, and also progesterone. All of these bind to nuclear
receptors, interacting with the nucleus and having their effects on gene expression.
The functions of vitamin D within the body are defined by its affinity with vitamin
A, thyroid hormones, and growth hormone variations.

Besides the well known benefits of D for growing children, absorbing calcium,
and forming bones and teeth, vitamin D is also crucial for:

Slowing the growth of cells, which may reduce cancer risk by 50

percent Fertility

Glucose control

Reducing high blood pressure

Preventing SAD

Fighting infections & improving vaccine effectiveness

Most people believe that they get plenty of vitamin D from their diet and the sun.
Unfortunately, for many, this simply isn’t the case. Melanin plays a key role in this.
The darker a person is, and the faster they tan, the more sunlight is required to
convert pre-vitamin D to usable forms. Therefore, an African American who is dark-
skinned would need approximately seven times the amount of sun exposure as a fair
skinned person who burns easily.

Diet and Vitamin D

To further complicate things, our modernized diet is not conducive to vitamin D

production either. High level intakes of grains and cheese, along with low intakes of
magnesium and potassium rich food, create large amounts of acid build up in the
body. This acid needs to be buffered by antacid-producing foods, containing
calcium, magnesium, and potassium. When these are not included in the diet in the
form of fruits and vegetables containing high amounts, they are borrowed from
stores in the body; coming from bones, muscles, and joints.
This is known as acidosis, or acid excess, and causes a stress response within the body,
causing higher Cortisol, renin, angiotensin, and aldosterone levels, along with lower
growth hormone levels. This decreases bone and muscle mass due to the withdrawal of
potassium, magnesium, protein, and calcium from the bones, increases blood pressure
and abdominal fat stores, as well as increasing the amount of potassium and
magnesium lost in the urine, which renders vitamin D less effective.

The Importance of Magnesium & Potassium

Without magnesium, there would be no life. Without it, we could not effectively
produce vitamin D. Even plants depend on it - chlorophyll needs it to function
correctly. It is essential for bone formation, muscle and nerve function, and as previously
mentioned, as an acid buffer. Magnesium deficiency can cause:

Inefficient conversion of D to usable, activated forms of vitamin D

Lack of production and use of ATP (adenosine triphosphate – an important

cellular energy source)

A decrease of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin, which regulates the

metabolism of calcium and magnesium, thereby rendering your body unable
to use them well

And increase of calcium and potassium loss through the urine

To ensure proper antacid levels of potassium and magnesium, and to help your body
utilize vitamin D correctly, you must consume foods rich in them. Magnesium can be
found in many fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, Swiss chard, collards, bok choy,
kale, and nuts. Potassium rich foods include bananas and green, leafy vegetables.

Part 1 of the Cure - How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

The first step in the vitamin D cure is determining how much vitamin D you need. Most
Americans are deficient, and can benefit from following the steps outlined. To assess your
needs, you can have a doctor perform a blood test, but this is not at all necessary before
beginning the Vitamin D Cure. An analysis is available at

It is helpful, while doing the steps in the cure, to have your D levels analyzed from time
to time to determine that they are fluctuating within acceptable parameters for your
health. Ideally, this is between 50 and 70 ng/mL, and never below 35 ng/mL. This can
be determined through a blood test measuring the level of 25-hydroxy-vitamin Dy.
While deficiencies are often times corrected by physicians with D2 (ergocalciferol), a
plant based form of vitamin D, this often doesn’t show up on tests correctly, which can
lead to toxic levels if the need is over-calculated. One of the best methods in use today to
measure both levels of D2 and of activated D3 is called the DiaSorin method, and you
can look up a lab near you that uses this by going to
Part 2 – Sun & Supplementation

An increase in sun exposure with a UV index of 3+ can increase vitamin D levels.

You can check the UV levels in your area by going to
products/stratosphere/uv_index/uv_annual.html or the Weather Channel at www. and entering your zip code, which will bring up your current weather
conditions as well as the UV index. After required exposure, a sunscreen of SPF 15
and/or covering up is recommended. To determine your safe sun exposure, you can
go to

People who frequent tanning salons generally have adequate vitamin D levels
and require no further supplementation. On the other hand, larger people need
more of this fat-soluble vitamin. The good news though is that even with more
exposure than necessary to the sun, you will not make too much D. Your body
automatically inactivates excess D formed in the skin. Keep in mind that there
will be spikes in the levels of vitamin D in your body after intermittent exposure,
such as a vacation, and test results immediately following will not provide
accurate readings.

If supplementing based on your risk score, tablets, capsules, liquids, and gel caps all
seem to be equally bioavailable forms. One thing to watch for though is vitamin A,
which is often combined with D. Overdoses on A are common in people trying to
supplement D, and A/D combinations should be avoided for this reason.
Supplement resources can be found at

Part 3 – Reduction of Acid

Most people have an acid excess whether they are aware of it or not. Four common
causes of acidosis in Americans are salt, cheese and saturated fats, too much grain-
based food, and too little fruits and vegetables. To balance body chemistry, low
nutrition foods that create acid, such as cheese, processed meat, and salt must be
eliminated, and nutritious, alkaline-producing foods, such as fruits and vegetables,
must be increased. To make it easy, there are two simple rules to follow:

1. Concentrate on two food groups: lean meat and fresh produce.

2. Eat a 3:1 ratio of produce to protein. In other words, three times as much
produce as lean meat, by weight, should be consumed.

Lean animal protein includes seafood, boneless, skinless poultry, grass-fed beef,
and pork tenderloin. Look for organic, pasture-fed, grass-fed, and clover-fed as
guidelines when shopping for your meat; you can find sources at Protein intake determines produce requirements; the American
Dietetic Association recommends 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram (0.36 grams
per pound), however recent research shows that physically active people may need
1.6 grams per kilogram, or twice as much to meet metabolic needs per day. Ideally,
aim for an intake equal to half of your ideal body weight (defined if your body
mass index (BMI) = 22).
Fresh produce means that it should be fresh, not cooked, frozen, or processed.
Remember: fresh is best, frozen is ok in a bind, and canned is only good if stranded
on a deserted island! Other things to consider:

Cut out salts in meats. Fruit juices with healthy oils (like extra-virgin olive oil)
make healthy marinades. Citrus juices are good tenderizers.

Use things like pepper for flavor. Chili or grated jalapeno can add spice.

Mix up vegetables – try spinach leaves as a salad base or replacement for pasta.

Nuts and seeds can add nutrition, texture, and flavor. Just avoid those with trans-fats
and added salt, keep in the refrigerator to avoid rancidity, and consume moderately.

Part 4 – Other Supplements

Americans typically do not exercise outdoors much, nor do we eat enough fish and
produce, so we are missing out on many nutrients in sunshine, vegetables, and
seafood. Some critical nutrients that we can benefit from supplementing are:

Folic Acid

 Fights cardiovascular disease & reduces homocysteine

 Essential for pregnancy to reduce neural tube defects and help with nervous
system functioning

Vitamins B6, B3, & B12

 Help prevent cardiovascular disease by lowering homocysteine levels and

raising HDL (good cholesterol)

 Important for nervous system functioning

 Most abundant in seafood and lean, fresh animal

meats Vitamin D

 Sun and supplementation are a good idea to meet requirements

Vitamin K

 Fat-soluble vitamin essential for bones and blood vessels

if you like this summary,
you’ll definitely want to order  Interferes with the action of blood thinners, but is actually necessary to
the complete book The
prevent clots
Vitamin D Cure

 Can be found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and bok choy, as well
as in green tea

 Needed for maintaining an acid-base balance, strengthening bones, and

lowering blood pressure

 Can be found in vegetables, fruits, and fresh

seafood Magnesium

 Neutralizes acid from protein metabolism

 Body can absorb 30 – 50 percent found in nuts, dried fruits, and green leafy
vegetables, but only 5 – 15 percent from supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids

 Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA’s)

o Linoleic acid (LNA) – found in purslane and flax seed in high concentrations

 Eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA) & docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) – found in

fish, fish oils, and organ meats

 Important for brain function


 Americans who are deficient in vitamin D and do not eat foods high in magnesium
and potassium will benefit from a supplement of 1,000 – 2,000mg per day

 A diet high in salt and acid excess causes calcium loss through the urine

 If 6+ servings of produce are consumed daily, especially green, leafy

vegetables, supplementation is unnecessary

Part 5 – Exercise

Exercise is an important part of the vitamin D cure. Little things, such as committing 15
minute blocks daily to exercise, doing daily stretches and strength exercises, meditating
during exercise, and performing cardio routines three times weekly all add up. Walking
in the mall, taking your pet to the park, and even strolling with a friend all count.
Vitamin D helps with exercise by preserving muscle mass, improving muscle
performance, and helping you exercise better, making your muscles more efficient.
Conversely, exercise improves vitamin D production and supply.

You can think of exercise as a protection against physical and biochemical stress. The
more you exercise, the more buffers in the form of protein, magnesium, potassium, and
calcium you maintain to ward off acidosis and illnesses such as pneumonia and cancer. In
addition, you have more endurance for things like running a marathon. Aerobic
exercises,three times a week, can have great impacts on your cardiovascular health.
For this as well as an increase in lean muscle mass, at least twelve minutes at an
aerobic rate must be maintained through the session. To calculate your training
heart rate and target time:

220 – age (years) = maximum heart rate (MHR)

Maintenance = 15 – 20 minutes at 50 – 65 percent MHR

Weight loss = 45 minutes at 50 – 65 percent MHR

Be sure to get your doctor’s approval before beginning any exercise

program. Vitamin D and the Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the umbrella term covering a combination of obesity,

high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). There
is an association with vitamin D deficiency and the metabolism changes that are
behind these diseases:

Increases energy storage in the form of abdominal fat

Raises blood pressure, insulin resistance, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol


Increases various hormone levels within the body, triggering an inflammatory

response within the body

Accelerates bone turnover, releasing minerals and proteins from the

musculoskeletal system

Researchers have found that the propensity to develop metabolic syndrome begins
at conception, because that is when the most impact from vitamin D deficiency
occurs. Unhealthy lifestyles compound the problem. When there is more fat within
the body, nutrients go into the fat storage, and the inflammatory substances that the
fat cells produce increase resistance to insulin and leptin. If you have three or more
of the following symptoms, you have metabolic syndrome:
Waist size >40 inches (men) or >35 inches (women)

Blood triglycerides level of 150 or more

HDL (good) cholesterol <40 (men) or <50 (women)

Blood pressure >130/85

Fasting blood glucose levels of 110 or more

More information on metabolic syndrome can be found at

medlineplus/metabolicsyndromex.html. Staying within optimum weight levels goes
a long way in staying healthy and maximizing nutrient utilization, thereby reducing
the risk for metabolic syndrome and other diseases. Eating a higher protein diet
compared to one high in carbohydrates or low in fat can help to lose weight and also to
maintain a healthy weight. Studies with both animals and humans have shown that
protein is more likely to help you feel full and maintain satiety, which means you are
eating less and consuming fewer calories. Weight loss programs are most effective when
you can stay on them, and when you feel satisfied on them. Vitamin D fits into this; a
high D intake at breakfast combined with a high calcium intake can help you to eat three
hundred fewer calories throughout the day. It helps with more than the obesity portion
of metabolic syndrome too:

Studies show that exposure to enough UVB light to raise D levels by 162 percent
caused a decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with elevated
initial levels, and vitamin D oral supplementation has similar effects.

Vitamin D is necessary for the pancreas to release insulin, and a deficiency of D

produces insulin resistance in tissues.

There is a rise in the incidence of heart attacks during winter months, and more
people die from heart attacks during this season, which correlates with lower D
levels at this time of the year.

Good (HDL) cholesterol levels are higher in the summer than in the winter,
caused by a combination of UV light exposure, vitamin D levels, and a change in
diet as well as physical activity.

There are clear links between vitamin D deficiency and inflammation within the
body; vitamin D reduces the stickiness of blood, aiding to decrease the risk of
plaque formation.

The vitamin D cure is estimated to be able to:

 Reduce obesity risk by 57 percent

 Reduce the risk of high blood pressure by 67 percent

 Lower glucose intolerance risk by 55 percent

All of these changes metabolically within the body serve to lower your risk of
suffering a heart attack or stroke by fifty percent.

Vitamin D and Your Brain

Vitamin D controls many factors from conception to death. In utero, it controls

brain development with the help of protein and DHA, and later helps in learning by
encouraging growth factors. In adults, vitamin D protects the brain from injury by
serving as an antioxidant. When damage occurs, it uses the factors required for
growth for repair.
substance abuse problems, and fibromyalgia (FMS). Associated with AHD are
Affective spectrum disorder (AHD), is a family of diseases that Harvard psychiatrists
say includes depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, chronic fatigue,
symptoms such as musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance and fatigue, and mood
disturbance. In people suffering these symptoms, there is a chronic activation of the
hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA), which is the brain’s hormone regulatory center
that controls stress response. When it is constantly activated, there is an increase in
Cortisol levels and pain-causing substances, and a decrease in growth hormone
levels and serotonin production.

It is clear that as vitamin D levels rise and fall, so do serotonin levels, and correcting
deficiencies in D can improve symptoms of fatigue and mood in SAD. Along with
this, fixing vitamin D levels in conjunction with correcting magnesium levels help
with the pain of migraines and fibromyalgia. This corresponds to findings at the
Mayo clinic in Minnesota that show that in people who have undiagnosed chronic
pain, more than 90 percent had D levels under 20, and 28 percent had levels below
8. Dramatic resolutions in pain, fatigue, and muscle cramps were achieved when
levels were corrected.

When the brain can no longer repair itself and keep up with the stresses from
unhealthy living and traumas such as head or emotional trauma and high blood
pressure, the person begins to suffer dementia. At Washington University in St. Louis,
researchers studying eighty Alzheimer’s patients found that 58 percent had D levels
under 20. The deterioration of understanding, problem-solving, and memory seen in
Alzheimer’s disease is also more common in those already suffering from obesity,
hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. The dementia found in Alzheimer’s is also
seen many times in those with late stages of Parkinson’s disease.

The current evidence suggests that a diet low in vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and
dietary magnesium can lead to a person being ravaged by degenerative brain disease.
By following the vitamin D cure, you may be able to lower your risk for this, as well
as decreasing your chances of depression, muscle, bone, and joint pain and disease,
schizophrenia, and chronic pain.

Vitamin D and Immunity

The body’s immune system depends on three different types of white blood cells:

M-cells, which sift through the leftovers left behind from normal and
abnormal cells, and then alert T-cells of danger.

T-cells, the “judges”, that decide if there is a response required; includes T-helper
cells, T-killer (cytotoxic cells), and regulatory T-cells. They either activate the B-
cells or kill invaders themselves.

B-cells, the “enforcers”, which at different times are either presenting

evidence or responding.

Vitamin D is important in this process as it helps the white blood cells do their jobs.
Specialized M-cells, dendritic cells (D-cells), help the other cells learn how to “file”
all of this information, and vitamin D controls the number of D-cells that are
involved in this process as well as their function. A normal D level helps the immune
system learn to tolerate its own proteins early in life, and then ensures proper response
to things like infection and cancer later in life, and a deficiency is related to many
Type I Diabetes (juvenile diabetes) – Antibodies created by the immune system that
are directed at the islet cells in the pancreas causes this type of diabetes, but if there
are sufficient levels of D in the system, this antibody increase can be halted and the
chances of developing this form of diabetes decreases.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (lupus) – Causes your own body to turn on you by D-
cells, which are randomly activated, jump starting T-cells that instruct B-cells to make
antibodies against you. Vitamin D levels are often significantly lower in people
suffering this disease.

Multiple Sclerosis – The myelin sheath, which is the nerve covering, contains
proteins. In MS, the immune system makes antibodies against these proteins, and the
resulting inflammation causes a disruption in the covering that slows the transmission
of electrical impulses, resulting in partial to permanent loss of muscle sensation and
function. Being born and living above 37 degrees north latitude prior to adolescence
increases the risk of developing MS two to four times compared to those whose
childhoods were spent below 37 degrees north latitude. In addition, studies have
shown a reduction in disease activity when vitamin D is supplemented.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – IBD is caused by various factors involving your
relationship with the bacteria in the intestine, which may be an: overgrowth of
inflammatory bacteria, intolerance to healthy bacteria, or a destruction of healthy bacteria
by substances that inflame the bowel wall, as seen in celiac disease. Studies have found
that supplementation of vitamin D in genetically altered mice prevents IBD. If the mice
are already diseased, additional activated D clears the inflammation.

Psoriasis – Typically manifesting before the age of twenty, psoriasis sufferers have
patches of silvery, scaling skin that commonly occur on elbows, knees, feet, buttocks,
and the scalp. It is currently thought to be linked to an intolerance to bacteria in the
skin, mouth, or nose, which causes an immune response. Researchers have found that
activated vitamin D as well as D analogs applied topically can reduce or eliminate the
ailment. An even more effective treatment is D combined with vitamin A.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Women are three times as likely as men to have this
autoimmune disease, which not only causes inflammation in the small and large joints
but can lead to inflammation in the eyes, lungs, and blood vessels, causing deformity
and disability within a few years. Animal studies have shown reduced inflammation
when D was supplemented, and the Iowa Women’s Health Study showed a decreased
risk of developing this rapidly-developing disease when the women took vitamin D.

Infections – UVB, essential for the synthesis of vitamin D, also has the ability to
inactivate viruses, which correlates to the flu season following the hemispheric
seasons. Vitamin D levels also ebb and flow with the seasons.

Cancer – In cancers, including those of the breast, prostate, colo-rectal, and skin,
vitamin D plays a key role in prevention, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Vitamin D for Your Bones, Joints, and Teeth

Vitamin D is not only important for bone formation and growth from conception
through childhood, but is also necessary for regulating bone-turnover throughout
life. It is important for the health of teeth, and increases muscle strength, mass, and

Diet has a significant impact of how D works in the body. Protein is necessary for
bone and muscle mass maintenance, and magnesium along with omega-3 fats slow
bone turnover. Acidosis-stimulating foods such as cheese, salt, and grains drain
calcium, magnesium, and protein from bones and muscles, and work against vitamin
D. Green leafy vegetables are essential for bone and muscle health and balancing the
acid-base in the body.

With the typical American diet being high in acid-producing foods and low in greens and
other vegetables, it is no wonder that the leading cause of disabilities in our population
are diseases involving muscle, bone, and joints; lower back pain is the number one cause.
Cases of osteoarthritis, gout and pseudogout, even strength and coordination issues, can
all be linked to low levels of vitamin D, and are improved when these levels are raised to
within normal ranges.

People experience an increased risk of bone breakage as they grow older, caused by the
skeletal disease osteoarthritis. While it affects older generations, the propensity towards
developing it is set up early in life. During childhood, the less protein, calcium,
magnesium, and phosphorous that is integrated into the skeleton, the higher the risk later
in life. As adults, the lower your levels of vitamin D, the higher your risk of fracture due
to a lower bone mass. Because of this, it is important to maintain normal levels of D
during pregnancy. Children must get enough of the vitamin through sun or supplements
as well as in their diet, complete with adequate protein and omega-3’s, and parents
should ensure they do plenty of weight-bearing exercises such as climbing trees, playing
sports, or riding bicycles to help guarantee healthy bones.

Studies have shown direct connections between cavities, tooth loss, and gum disease and
the development of cardiovascular disease and multiple sclerosis. Dental health is a good
outside indication of what is going on with the bones on the inside. People who have
extensive tooth loss most likely are not only lacking in bone mass but are severely
deficient in vitamin D as well. Supplementation of vitamin D, along with calcium, can
reduce the rate of tooth loss and help bones as well.

Following the recommendations of the vitamin D cure can lower the risk of arthritis by
50 percent, and the same goes for the risk of muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and
the falling that is associated with aging. Those with higher vitamin D levels show a 26
percent reduction in osteoporosis, but if diet and D have been maintained since
conception, a 50 percent reduction of risk can be expected.
The Fountain of Youth

Vitamin D, along with proper diet and exercise, could be considered a veritable Fountain
of Youth for the aging as well as for the young. Maintaining an acid-base-balanced diet
along with adequate D intakes in children ensure healthy brain, bone, and teeth
development, improves vaccination response, and reduces the risk of infection. Later in
life, adequate intakes reduce the risk of arthritis, scoliosis, high blood pressure, heart
disease, cancers, and autoimmune diseases.

Many people who are already suffering report dramatic decreases in pain and increases
in their quality of life when their vitamin D and diet deficiencies are rectified. Even in
cases of genetics, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can counter any predisposition that one
may have been born with. The choices that we make determine how healthy we are, so
imagine yourself being the picture of health, and make the choices necessary to achieve
that goal!

if you like this summary, you’ll definitely want to order the complete book The Vitamin D Cure

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