Confined Spaces

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A. Siswanto
Confined Space
• Limited openings for entry and exit.
• Unfavorable natural ventilation.
• Not designed for continuous worker

Dasar Hukum

1. UU No 1/1970
2. SNI. 0229 1987 - Keselamatan di Ruang
3. Kep Dirjen Pembinaan & Pengawasan
Ketenagakerjaan “No Kep.113/DJPPK/2006”
tentang Pedoman dan Pembinaan Teknis
Petugas K3 di ruang Terbatas.
Limited Openings For Entry/Exit

1. Openings as small as 18 inches in diameter.

2. Difficult to enter with SCBA or other life
3. Difficult to remove drowned worker in
folded up or bent over position.
4. Exit from large openings may be difficult due
to presence of ladders, hoists, etc.
Unfavorable Natural Ventilation

• Lack of air movement in and out of the space

can create an atmosphere much different than
the outside atmosphere.
• Deadly gases can be trapped inside.
• Organic materials can decompose.
• May not be enough oxygen due to the
presence of other gases or chemical reaction
such as rusting.
Not Designed For Continuous
Worker Occupancy

• Most confined spaces are not designed to enter

and work in on a regular basis.
• Designed to store a product.
• Enclose materials or processes.
• Transport products or substances.
• Occasional worker entry for inspection, repair,
cleanup, maintenance, etc.
Ships Holds

Manholes Sewers Tanks

Pits Tunnels

Shafts Silos Vaults
Examples of Confined Spaces

• Sewer • Storage tank

• Septic tank • Silo
• Sewage digester • Vat
• Pumping/Lift station • Duct
• Reaction vessel
• Sewage distribution or
holding tank • Pipeline
• Ship hold • Pit
• Boiler
• Trenches & excavation
• Furnace
Accidents In Confined Spaces

On July 5, 1996. A worker entered a

chemical degreaser tank to clean out the
bottom and collapsed. Two fellow workers
noticed the man drowned and went in to
rescue him. All three died.
Accidents In Confined Spaces

On February 21, 1996. A self-employed

truck driver died after entering the top of
a 22-foot high x 15-foot square sawdust
bin. He suffocated when the sawdust
inside the bin collapsed and buried him.
• On October 4, 1984, two workers (26 and 27 years
old) were overcome by gas vapors and drowned
after rescuing a third worker from a fracturing tank
at a natural gas well.
• The tank contained a mixture of mud, water, and
natural gas. The first worker had been attempting
to move a hose from the tank to another tank.
• The hose was secured by a chain and when the
worker moved the hose, the chain fell into the
tank. The worker entered the tank to retrieve the
chain and was overcome.
• On July 2, 1985, a crew foreman became ill
and was hospitalized after using an epoxy
coating, which contained 2-nitropropane
and coal tar pitch, to coat a valve on an
underground waterline. The valve was
located in an enclosed service vault (12' x
15' x 15'). The worker was released from
the hospital on July 3, 1985, but was
readmitted on July 6, 1985; he lapsed into a
coma and died on July 12, 1985, as a result
of acute liver failure induced by inhalation
of 2-nitropropane and coal tar pitch vapors.
A co-worker was also hospitalized, but did
not die.
Basic Concept

Confined Space refers to a work area which:

• Is not intended for continuous worker
• Has by design, structure, location, limited or
restricted entry and exit.
• May contain or produce dangerous
accumulations of hazardous gases, vapors,
mists, dusts, fumes fog, lack or enrichment
of oxygen and biological agents.
Bahaya Utama “Confined Space”

1. Kebakaran & OXYGENBELOW
2. Kekurangan
Oksigen 3. Gas dan Uap
Bahaya Lain “Confined Space”


Explosive Dust Terkurung Terendam

BAHAYA Tumpahan
SPACE KondisiCuaca


Suhu tinggi Bising Jatuh

Some examples of confined spaces
Why people enter confined spaces
Confined spaces are normally entered to perform
necessary industrial tasks. The list below
represents some typical reasons for entering
confined spaces.
• Cleaning to remove waste or sludge
• Physical inspection of plant or equipment
• Installing pumps, motors or other equipment
• Maintenance work painting, sand blasting or
applying surface coatings
• Reading of meters, gauges or dials

Why people enter confined spaces
• Repair work (e.g. welding or cutting)
• Installing, repairing or inspecting cables (e.g.
telephone, electrical or fibre optic)
• Tapping, coating or testing of piping systems
(e.g. steam, water or sewage)
• Constructing a confined space (e.g. industrial
• Rescuing people who are injured or overcome
by fumes

Why people enter confined spaces
Confined spaces are normally entered to perform
necessary industrial tasks. The list below
represents some typical reasons for entering
confined spaces.
• Cleaning to remove waste or sludge
• Physical inspection of plant or equipment
• Installing pumps, motors or other equipment
• Maintenance work painting, sand blasting or
applying surface coatings
• Reading of meters, gauges or dials

Unsafe oxygen level
• The air we breathe consists mostly of
nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%) and small
amounts of other assorted gasses
including argon, carbon dioxide and
hydrogen. In order to function normally, the
oxygen we breathe must fall within a „safe‟
range of no less than 19.5% and no more
than 23.5%.

Unsafe oxygen level

• The health effects of oxygen deficient

atmospheres are extensive, ranging from
poor respiration and fatigue, to cardiac
arrest and death.
• An abundance of oxygen in the air will
make combustible materials easier to
ignite and burn.

Oxygen Deficiency
Oxygen levels inside a confined space may fall
below a „safe‟ level (19.5%) due to chemical or
biological reactions. Situations which may bring
these reactions, and thus oxygen deficiency,
• Combustion of flammable substances (such as
welding, heating or cutting);
• Slow bacterial reactions of organic substances
(e.g. the contents of a sewerage pit or a
fermenting wine vat);
Oxygen Deficiency
• Reaction of inorganic substances (e.g. rust
forming on the inside of a ship or pontoon);
• Oxygen being absorbed by materials (e.g.
grain in silos);
• Displacing oxygen with another gas (e.g.
nitrogen used to remove flammable or toxic
fumes); and
• High oxygen consumption rate (e.g. many
people working in a small confined space).
Oxygen Enrichment

• A major cause of oxygen-enriched

atmospheres relates to poorly designed
or maintainedConfined
oxygenSpacestorage equipment.
• Leakage can occur from oxygen lines,
pipes, and fittings and thus, inadvertently
enrich the atmosphere.
• In confined spaces, a common source of
explosive atmospheres is residue left over in
“empty” tanks or containers.
• Although the container may appear to be
completely empty, small quantities of flammable
liquid can become trapped and evaporate to
form an explosive air-vapor mix.
• Even if the tank is open-topped, vapors which
are heavier than air (such as petrol) can sink to
the bottom and create an explosive
Other processes that can form an explosive
air-vapor mix in confined spaces include:
• Spray painting
• Cleaning with solvents or liquids
• Applying some surface coatings;
• Leaking material from pipes, fittings or
valves; and
• Chemical reactions which produce
flammable gases or vapors
Combustible dusts

Combustible dusts can often be found in

a variety of confined spaces including
storage bins, process hoppers and grain
silos. Normally, the dust will form during
the processing of this material or the
loading and unloading of it. Should the
dust be of sufficient concentration, an
explosive atmosphere could be formed.
All hazards must be identified before developing
an entry program.
A. Atmosphere
- Explosive gases or vapors
- Toxic gases or vapors
- Oxygen content (deficiency/enrichment)
- Fumes, dusts, mists, fogs
- Smoke
- Biological agents

B. Safety Hazards
• Visibility
• Entry/exit • Physical obstacles
(access/egress) • Walking/working
• Ventilation systems surfaces
• Machinery • Temperature extremes
• Piping/Distribution • Humidity
systems • Noise
• Residual • Vibration
chemicals/materials • Radiation
• Electrical • Hazardous animals
C. Work to Be Performed
• Hot work/cold work
D. Human Factors
• Phobias/claustrophobia/anxiety
• Mental and Physical condition
of workers
• Space large enough to enter &:
• Limited or Restricted entry or exit Not a Confined
• Not designed for continuous Space
worker occupancy No

Confined Space
Hazardous Atmosphere
Permit– Yes Engulfment Hazard Non
Require No Permit
Confined or
Space Configuration Hazard

Any other recognized

Serious hazard
Confined Space classification (NIOSH)
Parameter Class A Class B Class C

Characteristics Immediately Dangerous, but Potential hazard

dangerous to life - not immediately – requires no
rescue procedures life threatening modification of
require the entry of – rescue work procedure
more than one procedures – standard
individual fully require the entry rescue
equipped with life of no more than procedures –
support equipment on individual direct
– maintenance of fully equipped communication
communication with life support with workers,
requires an equipment – from outside the
additional standby indirect visual or confined space.
person stationed auditory
within the confined communication
space with workers.
Confined Space classification (NIOSH)
Parameter Class A Class B Class C

Oxygen 16% or less 16,1% to 19,4% 19,5%-21,4%

(122 mm Hg) (122 -147 mm (148-163
or greater Hg) or 21,5% to mmHg)
than 25% 25% (163-190
(190 mm Hg) mmHg)

Flammability 20% or 10%-19% LEL 10 % LEL or

characteris- greater of LEL less
Confined Space classification (NIOSH)
Parameter Class A Class B Class C

Toxicity IDLH Greater than Less than

contamination level, contamination
referenced in 29 level referenced
CFR part 1910 sub. in 29 CFR part
Part Z – less than 1910 sub part Z
Confined Space
1. UU No 1/1970
2. Permennaker Trans No.1/Per/Men/1982 tentang
bejana tekan.
3. SNI. 0229 1987-Keselamatan diruang tertutup
4 .Kep Dirjen Pembinaan & Pengawasan
Keteagakerjaan “No Kep.113/DJPPK/2006”
tentang Pedoman dan Pembinaan Teknis
Petugas K3 di ruang Terbatas.
Contoh Industrial Major Accident

1.PELEDAKAN (Explosions)
 Cyxlohexane (Mati : 28; Cidera : 89) Flixborough –UK, 1974
 Propylene (Mati : 14; Cidera :107) Beek, Netherland, 1975
I. KEBAKARAN (Major Fires)
 LPG (Mati : 650; Cidera : 2500) Mexico City, 1985
II. TOKSIK (Toxic Release)
 Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) (Mati :2000;Cidera :20000 Bhopal, India,
Permit-Required Confined Space

A Permit Required Confined Space means a

confined space that has one or more of the
following characteristics:
1. Contains or has a potential to contain
a hazardous atmosphere;
2. Contains a material that the potential
for engulfing an entrant.
Permit-Required Confined Space

3. Has an internal configuration such that an

entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated
by inwardly converging walls or by a floor
which slopes downward and tapers to a
smaller cross-section.
4. Contains any other serious safety or health
Non-permit confined space means
a confined space that does not contain
or, with respect to atmospheric
hazards, have the potential to contain
any hazard capable of causing death or
serious physical harm.
Physical Configuration Hazards

The use and shape of a space can create

hazardous conditions :
• Use of Ladders & Scaffolding
• Wet or slippery surfaces
• Uneven bottoms
• Bends in tunnels
• Narrow areas that can entrap workers
• Poor lighting
High-hazard Atmospherere

An atmosphere that may expose a

worker to risk of death, injury or illness,
or otherwise impair a worker’s ability to
escape from a confined space if the
ventilation system or respirator fails.
Entry Point Hazards

• Small Openings make entry and rescue difficult

• Sharp edges can tear protective clothing or air
• Temporary ladders and vent gear can make
even large openings difficult to transit
• Vertical entry points are fall hazards

Atmospheric Hazards

• Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres

• Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres
• Flammable Atmospheres
• Toxic Atmospheres
• Corrosive Atmospheres
• Asphyxiating Atmospheres
Oxygen Enriched Atmosphere

• Causes flammable and combustible materials

to burn violently when ignited such as hair,
clothing, oil soaked materials
• Never use pure oxygen to ventilate.
• Never store or place compressed gas tanks in
a confined space.
Toxic Atmospheres

A. Material in space
• Absorbed materials can “gas off”.
• Decomposition of materials
B. Work being performed
• Welding, cutting, brazing, soldering.
• Painting, scraping, sanding, degreasing.
• Sealing, bonding, melting.
• Cleaning, descaling
Mechanical Hazards
Some confined spaces have unguarded
mechanical equipment such as:
• Paddles
• Blades
• Shafts
• Chain or belt drives
• All equipment must be Locked and
Tagged before entry.
Engulfment Hazards
Engulfment is the entrapment of a person by
the contents of a space
• Liquids
• Small granular product such as grain
• Crusting or Bridging of material
• Flooding
• Water Flow
Completely empty the contents before entry
Use retrieval and fall arrest equipment to prevent
sinking into contents of a space.
Surface Hazards

Slippery, Wet or Damp Surfaces

• Slips & Falls
• Chemical Exposure
• Possible increased possibility of
electric shock
Temperature Hazards

High and low temperatures are hazards

• Burns
• Frosbite
• Heat Stress
Wearing Protective clothing can increase
the heat stress on a worker.

• At certain concentrations, some

substances become immediately
dangerous to life and health (IDLH).
• At these levels, even a brief exposure
can cause permanent health effects
such as brain, heart, or lung damage.
Continued ……..
• The substance may make workers dizzy or
unconscious so that they cannot escape from
the confined space.
• Some substances have very low IDLH levels,
e.g., the IDLH level for hydrogen sulfide is only
300 ppm (TLV H2S = 10 ppm).

Contaminated Atmosphere

• The contaminant could enter the confined space through

porous walls, such as these that may be found in sewers
or trenches, or through difficult-to-seal openings such as
conduits. If the intake hose is located beside a running
vehicle or equipment with an internal combustion
engine, the intake hose brings in exhaust fumes.
Oxygen-Enriched Atmosphere

• Air is considered oxygen-enriched at

levels above 23%. Enrichment can be
caused by improper isolation of oxygen
lines, ventilation of the space with
oxygen instead of air, or leaks from
welding equipment.

Flammable Substances

The following are the common substances

that can cause explosions or fires in confined
spaces :
1. Acetylene gas from welding equipment.
2. Gases such as methane and hydrogen
sulfide produced by rotting organic
wastes in sewers or tanks.

Flammable Substances (cont’d)

3. Coal dust, grain dusts.

4. Solvents such as acetone, ethanol,
toluene, turpentine, and xylene, which
may have been introduced into the
space through spills, or by improper use
or disposal.

1. Internal configuration
a. Open – there are no obstacles, barriers, or
obstructions within the space. One example is a
water tank.
b. Obstructed -- the permit space contains some
type of obstruction that a rescuer would need
to maneuver around. An example would be a
baffle or mixing blade. Large equipment, such
as a ladder or scaffold, brought into a space for
work purposes would be considered an
obstruction if the positioning or size of the
equipment would make rescue more difficult.
2. Elevation
(a) Elevated –a permit space where the
entrance portal or opening is above
grade by 4 feet or more. This type of
space usually requires knowledge of high
angle rescue procedures because of the
difficulty in packaging and transporting a
patient to the ground from the portal.
(b) Non-elevated–a permit space with the
entrance portal located less than 4 feet
above grade. This type of space will
allow the rescue team to transport an
injured employee normally.
3. Portal size
a. Restricted – A portal of 24 inches or less
in the least dimension. Portals of this size are
too small to allow a rescuer to simply enter the
space while using SCBA. The portal size is also
too small to allow normal spinal immobilization
of an injured employee.
b. Unrestricted – A portal of greater than 24
inches in the least dimension. These portals
allow relatively free movement into and out of
the permit space.
4. Space access
a. Horizontal –The portal is located on the
side of the permit space. Use of retrieval
lines could be difficult.
b. Vertical – The portal is located on the top
of the permit space, so that rescuers must
climb down, or the bottom of the permit
space, so that rescuers must climb up to
enter the space. Vertical portals may require
knowledge of rope techniques, or special
patient packaging to safely retrieve a
downed entrant.
PRCS Fatalities
• 47% air (oxygen, gases, vapors)
• 21% drowning (engulfment)
• 19% toxic (liquids, vapors, etc. above PEL)
• 10% blunt force trauma
• 2% electrocution (mostly due to objects the
victim took in with them)
• 1% burns (PRCS : Permit Required
Confined Space).
People die in Confined Spaces
because :
• They do not recognize that they are
entering a confined space
• They trust their senses
• They underestimate the danger
• They try to rescue other people
Sources of Hazards

• Use of electrical equipment

• Corrosive or irritant chemicals
• Physical agents
• Inadvertent activation of mechanical
• Contact with hot surfaces
• Engulfment
• Entrapment
Hazards of Confined Space
a. The manufacturing process
b. The substance stored or its by-products (for
example disturbing decompose organic
material in a tank can liberate toxic substances
such as hydrogen sulfide, while biological
hazards such as bacteria, viruses or fungi may
also be present.
Hazards of Confined Space

c. The operation
performed in the
confined space (e.g.
painting with coatings
containing toxic or
flammable substances,
and welding or brazing
with metals capable of
producing toxic fumes).
Hazards of Confined Space
d. Operation of moving equipment (e.g. being
trapped by augers, crushed by rotating or
moving parts such as conveyor belts).
e. Uncontrolled introduction of steam, waters,
or other gas or liquid.
f. Suffocation by solids (for example, grain,
sand, flour and fertilizer)
g. Electrocution
h. Explosion or fire
Class I Space

• A space which contains atmospheres

or conditions which are, or which may
reasonably be expected to become
immediately dangerous to life or health
Class I confined space (cont’d)

Such conditions include the presence of

flammable vapors at concentration of 10% or
greater of the LEL, oxygen content less than
16% or greater than 22%, the presence of
toxics which exceed a level from which a person
could escape within 30 minutes without
impairing symptoms or irreversible health
effects, or any combination of these conditions.
Class II Space

A confined or enclosed space which contains

atmospheres or conditions which are, or may
reasonably be expected to become dangerous,
but are not immediately life threatening.
Class II Space (cont’d)

Such conditions include the presence of

flammables, flammable atmospheres in
concentrations at or greater than 1% but less
than 10% of the LEL, oxygen levels greater than
16% but less than 20% or greater than 21% but
less than 22%, toxics at concentrations below
levels which are IDLH but at or above established
PEL or any combination of such conditions.
Class III space

• A confined or enclosed space which contains

atmospheres or conditions which are, or may
reasonably be expected to become
contaminated but not to a level which is
dangerous or immediately life threatening.
Class III Space (continued)
• Such conditions include the presence of
flammables, or flammable atmospheres in
concentrations less than 1% of the LEL,
oxygen levels consistent with outside ambient
conditions (20 or 21%), toxics at concentrations
below PEL for any combination of such
conditions, and the prescribed conditions for
flammables, oxygen, and toxics can be reliably
and consistently maintained.
Class IV Space

• A space which contains no flammables or

toxics, has an oxygen level between
20% and 21%, and presents little
potential for generation of hazardous

A. Siswanto
Toxic Atmospheres
Most substances (liquids, vapors, gases, mists,
solid materials, and dust) should be considered
hazardous in a confined space.
Toxic substances can come from the following :
a. The product stored in the space.
Example : Removal of sludge from a tank
decomposed material can give off deadly
hydrogen sulfide gas.
Toxic Atmospheres

b. The work being performed in a confined

space. Example: Cleaning solvents are
used in many industries for cleaning /
degreasing. The vapors from these
solvents are very toxic in a confined space.
Toxic Atmospheres

c. Areas adjacent to the confined space.

Toxicants produced by work in the
area of confined spaces can enter and
accumulate in confined spaces.
Vapor Density
• Vapor density suatu gas/uap adalah ratio
densitas gas/uap tersebut terhadap densitas
(density) udara.
• Gas/uap dengan vapor density < 1 cenderung
naik keatas (lebih ringan dari udara).
• Gas/uap dengan vapor density > 1 akan
berada di sekitar zona pernapasan (lebih berat
dari udara).
Vapor Density

Hydrogen = 0,07
Air = 1
Chlorine = 2,5

Corrosivity is the relative ability of the material

to visibly destroy or alter human skin tissue at
the site of contact or to corrode steel at a
highly accelerated rate.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Acids N Base/Alkali

IDLH or Immediately dangerous to life or health,

is the concentration defined by the Standards
Completion NIOSH/OSHA Program (SCP)
representing the maximum level of a toxic
substance from which one could escape within 30
minutes without any escape impairing symptoms
or irreversible health effects .
Atmosphere or conditions which may reasonably (layak)
be expected to become immediately dangerous to life or
health (IDLH) due to the presence of flammable or
explosive vapors at or in excess 10% of the LEL; oxygen
content less than 16% or greater than 22%; toxics which
exceed a level from which a person could escape within
30 minutes without impairing symptoms or irreversible
effects or any combination thereof.
Chemical Health Hazards
Definition Examples

Irritants Inflame living tissue Sulfur dioxide

on contact

Corrosives Destroy or “eating Phenol, sulfuric acid,

away” living tissue HF, chromic acid,
Sensitizers Cause allergic Nickel, formaldehyde

Target organ Damage specific Tetrachloroethylene

chemicals organ or system CNS, liver)
Chemical Health Hazards
Definition Examples

Mutagens Change genetic Lead and PCBs

information in the
sperm or egg

Teratogens Damage fetus

after conception

Cancer Cause or are Vinyl chloride,

suspected or are benzene
suspected of
causing cancer

The NFPA Signal Code For Health
Signal Type of possible injury

4 Materials that on very short exposure

could cause death or major residual
injury even though prompt medical
treatment was given.
The NFPA Signal Code For Health
Signal Type of possible injury

3 Materials that on short exposure

could cause serious temporary or
residual injury even though prompt
medical treatment was given.
The NFPA Signal Code For Health
Signal Type of possible injury

2 Materials that on intense or continued

exposure could cause temporary
incapacitation or possible residual injury
unless prompt medical treatment was
The NFPA Signal Code For Health
Signal Type of possible injury

1 Materials that on exposure would

cause irritation but only minor residual
injury even if no treatment was given.
The NFPA Signal Code For Health
Signal Type of possible injury

0 Materials that on exposure under

fire conditions would offer no
hazard beyond that ordinary
combustible material.
Fire Hazard (Red)
Health Hazard (blue) Flash point
4 Deadly 4 Below 73 0F
3 Extreme danger 3 Below 100 0F
2 Hazardous 2 Above 100 0F not
1 Slightly hazardous exceeding 200 0F
0 Normal material 3 1 Above 200 0F
0 Will not burn

Specific Hazard (White)

3 3
Reactivity (Yellow)
ACID = acid
ALK = alkali W 4 May detonate

COR = corrosive 3 Shock & heat may

W = use no water
2 Violet chemical
OXY = oxidizer change
1 Unstable, if heated

4-Severe., 3-Serious., 2-Dangerous.,

1-Minor., 0-None/negligible

Bahaya kesehatan 1 4

Bahaya kebakaran 4 1 0

Reaktifitas 0

T T+

Xn Xi
Gas Dalam
Nitrogen (N2)

• Colorless, odorless inert gas

• Slightly lighter than air
• Lighter than air (vapor density = 0.97)
• May displace oxygen and cause
• Simple asphyxiant
Carbon dioxide
• Colorless, odorless and nonflammable gas
• Heavier than air (vapor density = 1,52)
• Mode of action : CNS stimulant
• Signs and symptoms : headache, dizziness.
tinnitus, increased respiratory rate and
dyspnea, drowsiness and unconsciousness,
muscular tremor and weakness, sweating,
• TLV : 5000 ppm

Methane (CH4)
• Natural, marsh or swamp gas

• Colorless, odorless, flammable gas

• Lighter than air

• Vapor Density (0.6)

• Simple asphyxiant

• LEL = 5%; UEL = 15%

• Simple asphyxiant
Gases that May Be In Confined Spaces
Contaminant The main danger What does it
look/smell like?
CO2 Displaces O2 Colorless, odorless
May accumulate at
CO Toxic - asphyxiant Colorless, odorless,
(No Warning)
Chlorine Toxic – lung and eye Greenish yellow
irritant; color; sharp pungent
May accumulate at odor

Gasoline Fire and explosion Colorless, sweet

vapors May accumulate at odor
Gases that May Be In Confined Spaces
Contaminant The main danger What does it
look/smell like?

H2S Extremely flammable Colorless, rotten egg

Very toxic – causes lung odor
failure; May accumulate
at bottom
Methane Fire and explosion May Colorless, odorless,
accumulate at top (No Warning)

Nitrogen (N2) Displaces oxygen Colorless, odorless

(No Warning)

Nitrogen dioxide Toxic – severe lung Reddish brown,; may

(NO2) irritant; May accumulate accumulate at
at bottom bottom
Gases that May Be In Confined Spaces
Contaminant The main danger What does it
look/smell like ?

Sulfur dioxide Toxic – severe lung Colorless, rotten,

(SO2) irritant; May accumulate suffocating
at bottom odor

Oxygen Low level - asphyxiant; Colorless, odorless

(O2) High level – causes
combustion, explosion
Ingat : CO selain
toksik tetapi juga
mudah terbakar.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
• Colorless, odorless gas

• Slightly lighter than air

• Vapor Density (0.97)

• Chemical asphyxiant

• Primary source: incomplete combustion

of organic material

• Gasoline-fueled combustion engines

Is Smoking
Harmful to
My Heralth?
Karbon Monoksida

• COHb akan memblokir transportasi oksigen

ke sel-sel atau jaringan tubuh dengan
mengganggu aktivitas Hb. COHb juga
mengikat myoglobin dan membentuk
karboksimioglobin dan akan mengganggu
metabolisme otot, terutama otot jantung.
Komposisi Gas
Dalam Udara
A. Obyektif
- Sianosis
- Tekanan darah dan
nadi berubah
- Napas lebih cepat
dan lebih dalam
- Berkeringat
B. Subyektif
- Mengantuk
- Pusing
- Sakit kepala
- Euforia
- Mudah tersinggung
- Gangguan penglihatan
dan pendengaran
- Rasa takut/gelisah
Tanda dan Gejala Keracunan Menurut
Kadar COHb dalam Darah
Kadar COHB (%) Tanda-tanda dan Gejala-gejala

0,3 – 0,7 Tidak ada tanda-tanda dan gejala-gejala

keracunan (normal)

2,5 - 5 Tidak ada gejala-gejala keracunan, aliran darah

ke organ-organ tertentu akan meningkat
(sebagai kompensasi). Keluhan nyeri dada akan
timbul pada mereka yang menderita angina
pectoris yang melakukan aktivitas fisik ringan.
Tanda dan Gejala Keracunan Menurut
Kadar COHb dalam Darah
Kadar COHb (%) Tanda-tanda dan Gejala-gejala

10 – 20 Dahi terasa penuh, sakit kepala yang ringan

dan gangguan penglihatan. Sesak napas yang
ringan pada saat melakukan aktivitas fisik.
Mungkin dapat mematikan janin. Penderita
sakit jantung yang berat mungkin dapat

20 - 30 Sakit kepala yang ringan atau sedang, denyutan

di daerah pelipis, muka menjadi merah menjadi
merah, dan mual serta terganggunya pekerjaan
yang membutuhkan ketrampilan tangan.
Tanda dan Gejala Keracunan
CO Menurut Kadar COHb dalam Darah
Kadar COHb (%) Tanda-tanda dan Gejala-gejala

30 - 40 Kepala terasa sakit sekali, vertigo, mual dan

muntah, badan terasa lemah, gangguan emosi
(mudah tersinggung/marah), gangguan dalam
mengambil keputusan, dan penderita mungkin
akan pingsan bila melakukan aktivitas fisik.

40 - 50 Sama seperti di atas, namun gejala-gejala yang

timbul akan lebih berat dan pingsan atau
collapse mungkin akan lebih sering ditemukan.
Tanda dan Gejala Keracunan CO
Menurut Kadar COHb dalam Darah
Kadar COHb (%) Tanda-tanda dan Gejala-gejala

50 - 60 Kehilangan kesadaran mungkin akan terjadi dan

disertai dengan kejang, dan pernapasan yang
tidak teratur.

60 - 70 Koma disertai dengan kejang, depresi pada

pernapasan dan jantung dan kematian mungkin
dapat terjadi.

70 - 80 Denyut jantung lemah dan pernapasan menjadi

lambat. Depresi pada pusat pernapasan yang
menyebabkan penderita akhirnya meninggal
• Organ tubuh yang paling peka terhadap efek gas
CO adalah otak dan jantung.
• Keracunan akut dapat menimbulkan komplikasi
pada sistem saraf dan kardiovaskular, dan
komplikasi ini dapat timbul segera setelah
penderita sadar (as soon as the patient recovers
from the initial coma).
• Pada kasus keracunan CO yang berat dapat
terjadi pembengkakan dan radang paru (setelah
beberapa jam sampai beberapa hari setelah
pemajanan gas CO).
Keracunan CO Akut
• Glucosuria dan atau albuminuria yang sifatnya
sementara dapat pula terjadi.
• Walaupun jarang terjadi, kegagalan ginjal akut dapat
menyulitkan penderita dari proses penyembuhan dari
keracunan akut.
• Pembengkakan otak dan kerusakan otak yang
permanen dapat terjadi setelah penderita mengalami
keracunan gas CO yang berat.
Keracunan Akut
• Penderita yang sadar setelah keracunan gas CO yang
berat, 50% dari mereka akan mengalami gangguan
mental dengan gejala seperti : mudah tersinggung,
sering gelisah, kekacauan mental yang berlangsung
dalam waktu yang lama, depresi dan kecemasan.
• Hasil pengamatan selama 3 tahun menunjukkan
bahwa 33% dari penderita keracunan CO yang akut
menderita kelainan kepribadian (personality
changes) dan 43% mengalami gangguan daya ingat.
Efek Pemajanan yang Berulang
• Karbon monoksida tidak ditimbun dalam tubuh.
Pada keracunan CO yang ringan atau sedang,
kesadaran penderita biasanya masih belum
terganggu, namun dapat menimbulkan kerusakan
sel otak dan akhirnya juga terjadi kerusakan
pada sistem saraf pusat dengan gejala-gejala
seperti sakit kepala, pusing, mudah tersinggung,
gangguan daya ingat, perubahan perilaku, dan
rasa lemah pada tungkai dan lengan.
Carbon Monoxide (CO)

• PEL = 50 ppm
• TLV/TWA = 25 ppm
• REL = 35 ppm
• IDLH = 1,500 ppm
• BEI : 3,5% COHb; 20 ppm (end-exhaled air)
• LEL = 12.5% ; UEL = 74.2%
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
• Sewer gas, stink gas (rotten eggs)
• Produce olfactory fatigue (loss of sense of smell)
• Odor threshold : 0.02-0.2 ppm
• Colorless, flammable gas
• LEL = 4.3% UEL = 46.0%
• Heavier than air (vapor density = 1.18)
• Chemical asphyxiant
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

• PEL = 20 ppm; 50 ppm - Peak

(10 min once)
• TLV/TWA = 10 ppm
• TLV/STEL = 15 ppm
• REL = 10 ppm (10 min)
• IDLH = 300 ppm
Toxicity Levels of H2S
• 1 ppm : H2S odor is noticeable
• 10 ppm : 8-hour occupational exposure limit
• 20 ppm : Ceiling; Occupational exposure limit
• 100 ppm : loss of smell in 2 -15 minutes,
burning throat; headache and nausea.
• 200 ppm : rapid loss of smell; burning eyes
and throat.
Toxicity Levels of H2S (cont’d)
• 500 ppm : loss of reasoning and balance, respiratory
failure in 2 -15 minutes --- prompt resuscitation needed.
• 700 ppm : immediate unconsciousness, seizures, loss
of control of bladder and bowel, respiratory failure, and
inevitable death if not rescued from promptly.
• 1000 ppm : immediate unconsciousness, permanent
brain damage or inevitable death unless rescued


• Water is capable of absorbing large volume of

ammonia. At room conditions, 1 volume of water
absorbs 1176 volumes of ammonia.
• This is an important factor to recallduring
emergencies involving ammonia.
• Water can be applied directly to skin tissue
in order to remove any ammonia that has
dissolved in superficial body fluids,

• Ammonia is a flammable gas, but its flammable

range is relatively narrow, only from 16% to
25% by volume.
• Its lower explosive limit is also relatively high.
• In combination, these factors reduce the
likelihood of ammonia fires.
• In oxygen, ammonia burns with a weak yellow
flame to form nitrogen and water.
Inhalation Effects of Ammonia
Concentration in air (ppm) Health effects

5 Odor threshold (detection)

50 Odor threshold (recognition)

400 Throat irritation

1700 Cough

2400 Life threatening

> 5000 High mortality

concentration General effect Exposure period

5 Odor detectable by
most persons
25 Recommended
exposure limit, long
term-8 h TWA
35 Recommended
exposure limit, short
term 15 minutes TWA
50 Irritation just
detectable by most
persons but not
concentration General effect Exposure period

70 No prolonged effect
Maximum exposure for
for average worker
long periods not
400-700 Immediate nose and ½-1 h exposure
throat irritation causes no serious
1700 Severe coughing, Could be fatal after ½
severe eye, nose and hour
throat irritation
2000-5000 Severe coughing, Could be fatal after ¼
severe eye, nose and hour
throat irritation
5000-10.000 Respiratory spasm, Fatal within minutes
rapid asphyxia
 Ammonia is an irritant that affects the skin, eyes
and respiratory airways.
 Ingestion can cause corrosive effects to the
mouth, esophagus, and stomach.
 The symptoms of ammonia exposure are a
burning sensation (in the eyes, nose, and throat),
pain in the lungs, headache, nausea, tearing,
coughing, and an increased breathing rate.
• Contact with liquid anhydrous ammonia results
in second degree burns with formation of
• Weaker ammonia solutions can produce
inflammation and mild burns.
• Eye contact with concentrated ammonia gas or
anhydrous liquid ammonia is very serious.
Damage occurs within 5-10 seconds. Without
immediate flushing followed by prompt medical
treatment, permanent damage and often
complete blindness will result.
• TLV : 25 ppm;
• STEL : 35 ppm;
• Inhalation in high concentration may cause
edema of respiratory tract, fit of the glottis
and suffocation.
• Highly irritant and corrosive to skin and
mucous membranes which may affect
deeply into the tissue.
• Visual disorder may occur by contact to the

• Ulceration of conjunctiva and cornea;

• Corneal and lenticular opacities;
• Headache, salivation, nausea,
vomiting, hard to breath, cough,
bronchitis, hemoptysis, pulmonary
Some organic solvents may be
absorbed through the skin without any
noticeable effect on the skin. Others may
cause serious damage to the skin itself.
Respiratory tract

• The vapor of many organic solvents is

irritating to the lining of the respiratory
tract, affecting the nose, throat and lungs.
• Asthma-like reactions have been
reported with some organic solvents,
• Skin contact often causes drying, cracking, reddening and
blistering of the affected area.
• These signs of inflammation of the skin are called dermatitis and
enhance solvent absorption and encourage secondary infection.
• Dermatitis may be irritant or allergic in nature.
• Solvent-induced dermatitis may persist for a long time after
exposure. Absorption of solvents through the skin may produce
systemic health effects.
Direct contact with organic solvent
vapor or liquid may cause irritation.
This is usually reversible and
permanent eye damage is rare
• Many organic solvents are potentially toxic to
the liver, either alone or in combination with
other solvents.
• For example, liver damage is associated with
exposure to carbon tetrachloride, other
chlorinated hydrocarbons and ethanol.
• Consumption of alcoholic drinks may enhance
the effects of many solvents.

• Both short and long term exposure to certain

organic solvents have been found to harmful to
the kidney.
• Carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethane and
petroleum distillates, for example, gasoline, jet
fuel and turpentine are among the most toxic.
Cardiovascular System

• Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents such as

methylene chloride and trichloroethane, may
cause harmful effects on the health.
• Abnormal heart rhythms have been reported
arising from trichloroethylene exposure.
• Chronic exposure to carbon disulfide is
considered to be a contributory factor in
coronary heart disease.
Nervous System
• Exposure to organic solvents can result in a
variety of serious effects in both the CNS (brain
and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous
system (PNS --- nerves supplying the rest of
the body).
• The acute effects of organic solvent exposure
range from an alcohol-like intoxication to
narcosis (stupor or insensibility) which may lead
to unconsciousness and eventually dead from
respiratory failure.
• Benzene is the only organic solvent
which has definitively been proven to
cause cancer in humans from industrial
• Human evidence shows that extended
exposure to levels of benzene may
produce leucaemia.
F (flammable); T (toxic);

• R45 : may cause cancer

• R46 : may cause heritable genetic damage
• R11 : highly flammable
• R36 : Irritating to eyes
• R38 : irritating to skin
• R : Risk phrases

Major Health Effects of Organic Solvents
Solvents Effects

Toluene CNS narcotic; irritant to eyes; prolonged skin

contact may lead to dermatitis; menstrual
dysfunction in women
Xylene Liquid and vapor irritant to eyes, skin and
mucous membranes; CNS narcotic;
embryotoxic in animal.
Acetone Vapor irritant to eyes, nose and throat; vapor
is narcotic at high concentration. Practically
non-harmful by ingestion.
Benzene Liquid irritant to skin and eyes; CNS narcotic
and anaesthetic; aplastic anemia; human
carcinogen (leukaemia);
Major Health Effects of Organic Solvents
Solvents Effects

Aliphatic hydrocarbons (n- Peripheral neuropathy

Aromatic hydrocarbons Aplastic anemia, leukaemia
Aromatic hydrocarbon Loss of color vision
Halogenated hydrocarbons Liver and kidney damage, cardiac
(CCl4) sensitization
Halogenated hydrocarbons COHb formation (with the same
(Methylene chloride) adverse health effects as CO)
Major Health Effects of Organic Solvents
Solvents Effects

Halogenated hydrocarbons Arrhythmias


Methyl alcohol Optic atrophy, metabolic acidosis,

respiratory depression

Methyl Butyl Ketone Peripheral neuropathy

Carbon disulfide Psychosis, suicide, peripheral

neuropathy, Parkinson-like
syndrome, coronary artery
Oxygen deficient atmosphere means an
atmosphere containing less than 19,5% oxygen by
What Cause Oxygen Deficiency?

• Oxygen is used up when metals rust.

• Oxygen is used up during combustion; e.g. by
propane space heaters, during cutting or
welding, and by internal combustion engines.
• Oxygen can be replaced by other gases; e.g.
welding gases or gases forced into the space
to prevention corrosion.
• Microorganisms use up oxygen; e.g. in sewer
lines and fermentation vessels.
Oxygen Deficiency Atmosphere

• The only way to know how much oxygen is

present in a confined space is to use an oxygen
• The monitor must be in good working order and
properly maintained and calibrated.
• The alarm must be set at the right level.
• Someone trained to use the monitor must test
the air before anyone enters the confined space.

Oxygen Deficiency

• Working in an atmosphere with oxygen levels

between 14% and 17% can produce impaired
judgment, dizziness, fatigue, and collapse.
• In oxygen levels lower than this, the one breath
you take could have so little oxygen that your
muscles can not respond and you won’t have
enough strength to escape even if you are still
Oxygen Deficiency

• A condition where oxygen concentration in the air is less than 18% or

where the hydrogen sulfide concentration exceeds 10 ppm.

• Anoxia could happen in any place isolated from the open air or with poor

ventilation such as a basement, tank, hatch, sewer drains, head and

basement shaft.
Never trust your senses to determine
if the air in a confined space is safe! You
can not see or smell many toxic gases
and vapors, nor can you determine the
level of oxygen present.
Oxygen deficiency in the confined space
may be caused by :
• Slow oxidation reactions of either organic or
inorganic substances (e.g. rusting).
• Rapid oxidation (combustion).
• Dilution of air with an inert gas.
• Absorption by grains, chemicals or soils.
• Physical activity

Oxygen Deficiency

• 18% : even it is within in the safety range,

but, it is necessary to ventilation
• 16% : increase in breath and pulse,
headache, nausea, feeling of vomiting.
Oxygen Deficiency

• 12% : dizziness, feeling of vomiting, reduction in

physical strength, falling down due to inability to
support the body weight (results in death).
• 10% : face deathly pale, loss of consciousness,
vomiting (suffocation to death due to clogging of
vomited matter in the breathing path).
Oxygen Deficiency

• 8% : swooning (jatuh pingsan), fainting

away and dying within 7 or 8 minutes.
• 6% : fainting away immediately,
breathing stops, convulsions followed
by death in 6 minutes.
• Nitrogen is widely used commercially. It is often
used to keep material free of contaminants (such
as oxygen) that may corrode equipment,
present a fire hazard, or be toxic.
• From the CSB data, a combined total of 130
workplace fatalities and injuries occurred from
breathing nitrogen-enriched air.
• Over 60 percent of these victim were working in
or next to a confined space.
• Nitrogen is not a “poison” in the traditional
sense. It presents a hazard when it displaces
oxygen, making the atmosphere hazardous
to humans.
• Breathing an oxygen deficient atmosphere can
have serious and immediate effects, including
unconsciousness after only one or two breaths.
• The exposed person has no warning and
cannot sense that the oxygen level is too low.
Physical Hazards

Thermal Structural
Noise Vibration

Hazards of Confined Space

• Electrical hazard

• Mechanical hazard
• Engulfment hazard
• Entrapment hazard
Nature of Electrical Injury

• The voltage of the circuit

• The resistance of the person‟s body
• The flow of current through the body
• The circuit path through the body
Engulfment Hazards

• Engulfment means the surrounding and

effective capture of a person by a liquid
or finely-divided (flowable) solid.
• Substance that can be aspirated to cause
death by filling or plugging the respiratory
system or that can exert enough force on
the body to cause death by strangulation,
constriction, or crushing.
Engulfment In Unstable Materials

• Loose, granular material stored in

bins and hoppers, such as grain, sand,
coal, or similar material, can engulf and
suffocate a worker.
• The loose material can crust or bridge
over in a bin and break loose under the
weight of a worker.
The Hazard of Engulfment In An
Unstable Material
Mechanical/Entrapment Hazards

• Agitators
• Augers
• Unguarded chains
• Unguarded pulleys
• Unguarded rotating blades
• Unguarded belts
• Unguarded fans
• Moving parts
• Rotating parts
Temperature, either high or low, which
can result from the work process or the
weather conditions, or where appropriate
ventilation or appropriate clothing is
not supplied or worn.
Temperature Extremes

• Extremely hot or cold temperatures.

• Steam cleaning of confined spaces.
• Humidity factors.
• Extremely cold liquids.
• Work processes inside the confined
space can increase temperature
• Personal protective equipment.
Noise Hazards

• Distraction
• Physical damage to ear
• Interference with communications
• Stress
Other Hazards
• Unstable or dangerous work
• Falling objects
• Insects or animals
• Biological
Additional Factors

• Radiation within a confined space

(e.g. from X-rays, radiation
gauges, isotopes, lasers and welders)
• Manual handling
• Falls, trips and slips.
Oxygen enriched atmosphere : an atmosphere
containing more than 23,5 % oxygen by volume.
• Causes flammable and combustible materials
(hair, clothing materials, oil soaked materials)
to burn violently when ignited.
• Never use pure oxygen to ventilate a confined
• Never store or place compressed tanks in a
confined space.
Flammable Atmosphere

The following are the common substances

that can cause explosions or fires in
confined spaces :
1. Acetylene gas from welding equipment.
2. Gases such as methane and hydrogen
sulfide produced by rotting organic
wastes in sewers or tanks.
Flammable Atmosphere (cont’d)

3. Coal dust, grain dusts.

4. Solvents such as acetone, ethanol,
toluene, turpentine, and xylene, which
may have been introduced into the
space through spills, or by improper
use or disposal.

Oxygen Heat

Oxygen excess in the confined
space which may be caused by a
leaking oxygen supply fitting such
as in gas cutting or heating
An Oxygen - Enriched Atmospheres
(above 21%) will cause flammable
materials, such as clothing and hair, to
burn violently when ignited. Therefore,
never use pure oxygen to ventilate a
confined space. Ventilate with normal air.
• Kebakaran adalah api
yang tidak terkontrol
dan tidak dikehendaki
karena dapat
menimbulkan kerugian
baik harta benda
maupun korban jiwa.
(Boiling Liquid Expanding
Vapor Explosion)
peledakan tangki gas cair
yang mendidih akibat
paparan panas

Paparan Panas
Perlu anda ingat bahwa yang terbakar
adalah uap dari cairan yang mudah

Fire Point : suhu
terendah dimana
suatu zat (bahan
bakar) cukup untuk
mengeluarkan uap
dan terbakar (menyala
secara terus menerus)
bila kontak dengan
kerosine sumber panas.
Titik Nyala (Flash Point)

Suhu terendah dari cairan dimana pada suhu

tersebut cairan yang terdapat didalam suatu
container terbuka akan melepaskan uap dalam
jumlah yang cukup untuk membentuk suatu
campuran yang mudah menyala dengan udara
yang terdapat di permukaan atau didekat dengan
permukaan cairan tersebut.
Titik Bakar (Fire Point)
Bila suhu cairan meningkat sampai diatas flash
point, suatu suhu akan dicapai dimana pada suhu
tersebut cairan akan melepaskan uap dalam
jumlah yang cukup banyak dan campuran uap
tersebut dengan udara akan menimbulkan
kebakaran bila kontak dengan sumber nyala
api/panas. Suhu ini disebut fire point. Umumnya
titik bakar 30-50 oF lebih tinggi dari titik nyala.
Autoignition Temperature
Bila suhu cairan meningkat terus sampai
diatas titik bakar, maka suatu suhu akan
dicapai dimana pada suhu tersebut cairan
tersebut akan menyala sendiri tanpa
adanya sumber api/panas (ignition/heat
source), dan suhu ini disebut autoignition
Flammable Range (or
explosive range) is the
difference between
the upper and lower
flammable limits (or
explosive limits)
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)

Kadar terendah (percent by volume atau

persentase volume) dari gas atau uap
dalam udara yang akan menyebabkan
campuran gas/uap tersebut dengan udara
meledak bila kontak dengan sumber panas.
Upper Explosive Limit (UEL)

Kadar tertinggi (percent by volume) dari

suatu gas/uap yang akan menyebabkan
campuran gas/uap tersebut dengan udara
meledak bila kontak dengan sumber
penyalaan/panas (ignition/heat source).
Flammable/Explosive Range

• Semakin rendah LEL suatu gas/uap yang

mudah terbakar, semakin berbahaya gas/uap
• Semakin lebar explosive range (selisih antara
UEL dan LEL) suatu gas/uap yang mudah
terbakar, semakin berbahaya gas/uap
tersebut. Contoh : gas hidrogen (LEL=4%,
UEL=75%) adalah lebih berbahaya dari gas
amoniak (LEL=16%, UEL=25%).
Flammable Range

< 1% 1%- 7% > 7%


Uap Bensin
Explosive Limits
Chemical LEL UEL

Butane 2.0 8.5

Propane 2.2 9.5

Acetylene 2.5 81.0

Natural gas 5.3 14.0

Explosive Ranges

Anh. Ammonia
Carbon Monoxide
Ethyl Chloride
Ethylene Oxide

Percentage Vapor Concentration by Volume in Air

Explosive Range
Testing the Atmosphere
• Verify the presence of safe work atmosphere
• Test all areas of a confined space (top, middle,
and bottom)
• Methane is lighter than air
• Carbon Monoxide is the same as air
• Hydrogen Sulfide is heavier than air
• Oxygen Deficiency
Gas Monitoring
From The Outside, Top To Bottom
Inhaled and Exhaled Air

21% Oxygen 17%

0,04% Carbon dioxide 4,04%

78 % Nitrogen 78 %

0,96% Noble gases 0,96%

Inhalation Exhalation
PPE dan Peralatan lainnya

• Escape Breathing
• Safety Helmets
• Gloves
• Safety Glasses
• Safety Footwear
• Lighting
• Protective Clothing
• Earplugs
SAR (Supplied Air Respirators)

Compressed Air Breathing Equipment

Escape Respirator

SAR Airlines
SAR Supplied Air Respirators

Valve Full Face Mask

Pressure Harness

Pressure Reducer Back Plate Cylinder

Mobile Breathing Air Bank

• Cylinder udara = 4 x 50 l
liter @ 300 bar
• 3 buah roll LP Hose x 30
• 6 buah roll extension
hose x 15 meter
• 6 buah SCBA work line
Multigas Detector

Deteksi dan alarm

1. LEL Gas
2. H2S
3. CO
4. Oksigen
Oxygen Measuring Instruments
Oxygen Measuring Instruments
Comowarn from Drager n Essential
for each CO-endangered workplace
Drager Combiwarn C
The joint “insurance” against two hazards

1. Switch o : off 2. Double scale indicators 3. Zero-point (Ex) and sensitivity

T : test 0…25% O2 and (Ex and O2) adjusting
I-ex : operation and Ex indication 0…50% LEL
I-O2 : operation and O2 indication (Combiwarn 50 C) or 4. Charging plug for NiCd battery
0…100% LEL 5. Audible signal transmitter
(Combiwarn 100 C) 6. Ex measuring chamber
7. O2 sensor (covered)
8. Visual signal transmitter
9. Operating light
LEL, UEL, and Vapor Density of Various Gases
Gas Vapor Density LEL (%) UEL (%)
(Air = 1)

CO2, 1,52 - -

CO 0,969 12,5 74

Hydrogen 1,18 4,3 46


Methane 0,553 5,0 15

Need For Gas Freeing

Personnel entering or working in or

on confined or enclosed spaces may
encounter a number of potentially
serious hazards.
Need For Gas Freeing
Continued …….
Such hazards may include :
• Lack of sufficient oxygen to support life.
• Excessive oxygen levels which increase
the danger of fire or explosion.
• Presence of flammable or explosive
atmospheres and materials.
• Presence of toxic atmospheres and materials.
Need For Gas Freeing

These hazards are not always readily

apparent, detectable by odor, or visually
obvious, which may result in personnel
entering confined space without
consideration of the potential hazards.
Evaluation Of Confined Space Hazards

Many factors must be evaluated prior to

entry into, or work on, a confined space;
Such evaluations should include but not
necessarily be limited to, the following
considerations :
Evaluation Of Confined Space Hazards
A. The contents and/or previous contents of the
space which may result in the presence of
flammables, toxics, oxygen depleted or
enriched atmospheres.
B. The location and configuration of the space
including restricted access, obstructions,
remoteness, etc., which may inhibit or
interfere with movement, ventilation, rescue
efforts, firefighting efforts etc.
Evaluation Of Confined Space Hazards

C. The type of operations which are conducted

within the space, particularly those which by
the vary nature of the process, produce
toxics, flammables, oxygen depletion or
enrichment, or ignition.
Evaluation Of Confined Space Hazards

D. Fixtures, equipment or devices within the

space which may create or contribute to
hazardous conditions including piping
systems, conduit, ducts, machine,
pressured lines, etc.
Evaluation Of Confined Space Hazards

E. The presence of other hazards such as

slippery surfaces, deteriorated or unstable
ladders, irritants of caustic materials, etc.
F. The boundary spaces and their contents
to ensure that fire or explosion will not be
caused by the operation to be conducted
(Department of The Navy, Sea Systems
Welding of Vessel with Nitrogen Inerting

• Inerting means the displacement of the

atmosphere in a permit space by a
noncombustible gas (such as nitrogen)
to such an extent that the resulting
atmosphere is noncombustible.
• This procedure may produce an IDLH
oxygen-deficiency atmosphere.
Safety Hand Lamps and Accessories

Explosion-Proof Hand Lamp

Portable Step-Down Transformer

Enclosed, insulated,
fluorescent inspection light
Basic Confined Space Entry Procedure
All entrants, supervisors and entry attendants
must be fully qualified
1. Conduct Pre-Entry Briefing
2. Assemble and check equipment
3. Establish Acceptable Entry Conditions
4. Conduct initial air sampling
5. Execute & Complete Entry Permit
6. Station Entry Attendant
Entry (continued)

7. Establish Monitoring of Atmosphere

8. Establish Communication
9. Execute Hot Work Permit if applicable
10. Post Confined Space Entry Permit
11. Enter Space
12. Post–entry debrief if problems were
Testing The Atmosphere
• Verify presence of safe work atmosphere.
• Calibrate Air Monitoring Equipment before
• Test all areas of a confined space
 Top, Middle, Bottom
 Check for Explosive & Toxic Gases
 Check Oxygen level
• Record all readings
Ventilation (Blowing Air)

• Consider best of exhaust or supply or both

• Provide work zone exhaust if welding
• Plan ventilation supply and exhaust paths
• Ensure no “re-circulation” of air supply
• Use continuous ventilation
• Retest the confined space before and during
Ventilation Needed

• Deadly gases can be trapped inside

• Rotting Organic materials create
hazardous gases
• Pipe leaks, welding, system material can
create hazardous atmospheres.
• Rust consumes the oxygen you need.
• First option to correct problems
• Must be aware of hazards you are trying
to correct in the confined space.
• Air intake in a safe location to draw fresh
air only.
• Continuous ventilation whenever possible.
• Retest the confined space before entry.
• A common method of ventilation requires a
large hose, one end attached to a fan and the
other lowered into a manhole or opening.
• For example, a manhole would have the
ventilating hose run to the bottom to blow out
all harmful gases and vapors.
• The air intake should be placed in an area that
will draw in fresh air only.

Ventilation should be continuous where

possible, because in many confined
spaces the hazardous atmosphere will
form again when the flow of air is stopped.

Air Jet

Bug Blower
Washing or blowing with
clean air
• The air that is used on
this procedure must be a
clean air
• The suction air pipe must
be placed onto the
deepest part of the tank.
Air testing and
ventilation are the
best ways to ensure
that workers are not
placed at risk from
Preparation of Tank : Establish sound procedures and make
sure that they are always followed

Steam (at low

and velocity)
• Make-up air drawn into a space to replace
contaminated air must be clean and contain
sufficient oxygen levels for respiration.
• Make-up air inlets should not be located
near exhaust outlets since this may result in
contaminated exhaust air being recirculated
into the space.
• Where make-up air and exhaust air move
through the same openings, ducting should
be provided to carry exhaust air a sufficient
distance away from the opening to prevent
recirculation of contaminated air.
• Exhaust outlets. Ventilation exhaust outlets
which contain flammables or toxics, shall be
vented to the outside atmosphere in a location
which will accommodate dilution and dispersal
of the contaminants.
• Exhaust outlets shall not be placed in locations
which will allow exhaust air to contaminate
adjacent spaces, accumulate or pocket in low
areas or exposed personnel to harmful or
dangerous atmosphere.
• Exhaust outlets (continued).
Exhausted air shall be discharged outboard
(di sebelah luar) to the weather.
• Certain systems may require filtration of
exhaust air prior to exhausting to the
outside atmosphere.
• Such systems shall be fitted with the
filtration or separation devices appropriate
for the contaminant.
• Contaminants lighter or heavier than air.
Contaminants which are lighter or heavier than air
will tend to accumulate in the greatest
concentration in the higher or lower areas,
respectively, of a confined space.
• A certain amount of diffusion may occur which will
disperse the contamination in varying degrees of
concentration throughout the space.
• However, the greatest and most dangerous
concentrations will occur in the higher or lower
portions of the space.
• Increased temperature from heated processes or
natural causes will increase evaporation and
convection rates and cause vapors or gases to
diffuse and rise to the upper portions of the space.
• Ventilation arrangements and the placement of
exhaust and make-up air inlets should consider
these characteristics.
• When contaminants which are heavier than air are
present, exhaust outlet should be located near the
bottom of the space with the make-up air inlet at
the top of the space.
• When contaminants are lighter than air, or elevated
temperatures are present, the system should be
reversed with the exhaust outlet at top of the space and
make-up air inlet at the bottom of the space.
• These arrangement will allow the ventilation system to
capture and remove the contaminants at the point of
greates concentration and with the least amount of
dispersal of the contaminants throughout the space.
• Blowing versus drawing air. Air should not
be blown into a space which contains flammable
or toxic materials or atmospheres.
• Blowing air into a space will serve to agitate
and evaporate the contaminants and disperse
them throughout the space.
• Blowing air into a space also results in an
uncontrolled explosion of the hazardous
atmospheres from the space through any and all
openings which may be available.
Continued ………..

• This may result in contamination of adjacent

spaces and areas.
• Drawing air from confined space may be less
efficient from an air movement standpoint, but
produces a controlled capture and removal
• Air may be blown into a space only when no
flammable or toxic materials are present or are
being generated by the work process.
Ventilation requirements for specific operations
• Ventilation requirements for certain operations are
expressed within this section.
• However, it must be emphasized that these
requirements are minimum and serve only as
• Determination as to the effectiveness of ventilation
in reducing and maintaining safe levels of
flammables, toxics and provision of proper
breathing air can only be achieved through proper
sampling of the atmosphere within the space.
• In many cases, it may be necessary to use
ventilation in combination with approved
respiratory protective devices.
• For example, dilution ventilation may be used
to maintain flammable vapors at a
concentration of 10% or less of the LEL.
• The ventilation provided may not be sufficient
to dilute the contaminant to acceptable
personnel exposure levels due to the fact that
much higher volumes of air are normally
required to dilute to PEL values.
Continued ……….
• In such a case, ventilation may be used to control
flammable vapor concentrations and approved
respiratory protective devices used to protect
personnel from toxic exposure.
• Each work situation must be evaluated by
competent, qualified personnel to ensure the
ventilation provided is achieving the desired effect.
Tests, measurements, samples and evaluation shall
be performed by the gas free engineer (GFE),
assistant gas free engineer, gas free engineering
technician or industrial hygienist as appropriate to
the nature of the operation and contaminant.
Local Exhaust Ventilation
• Where welding, cutting, burning or similar
operations are conducted within confined or
enclosed spaces, LEV shall be provided,
whenever possible, to capture and remove
contaminants from the space.
• The LEV system shall have an airflow sufficient
to maintain velocity in the direction of the
exhaust inlet of 100 linear feet per minute in
the zone of operation when the exhaust inlet is
at its most remote distance from the point of the
Local Exhaust Ventilation
• It must be noted that capture velocities
decrease drastically as the distance
between the exhaust inlet and the point of
operation increases.
• Flanged exhaust inlets are approximately
25% more efficient than unflanged
inlets and should be used for local exhaust
Exhaust Ventilation Flow Rate
Distance Duct size Airflow in Velocity in Velocity in
from cubic feet feet, per feet, per
exhaust per minute minute, minute,
inlet unflanged flanged
6 inches 4 inches 350 135 180

8 inches 5 inches 550 120 163

10 inches 5 inches 800 113 150

12 inches 6 inches 1200 118 157

1. Values are based on a minimum duct velocity of 4000 feet per minute (fpm).

2. Velocity values were calculated from the formula :

V = Q/10X2 + A (for unflanged openings)

V = Q/0.75 (10 X2 + A) (for flanged openings)

Where V = velocity in feet per minute

Q = airflow in cubic feet per minute

X = distance from exhaust inlet in feet

A = area of duct in square feet


• These formulas are not completely

accurate for distances beyond 1,5 duct
diameters away from the exhaust outlet.
• Losses in velocity which occur beyond
1,5 duct diameters away are not as severe.
Entry With
Hoist and
Standby/Rescue Person
• Pekerja yang ditugaskan
diluar harus tetap
berhubungan dengan
pekerja di dalam
• Paham prosedur darurat
• 50% pekerja korban adalah
para rescuer
• Terlatih dalam
menggunakan peralatan
emergensi dan PPE
Tripod dan Kelengkapannya

TRIPOD Man Handler Hoist

Fall Arrest Block

Secure all the
mobile equipment
to prevent
• Electrical current
safety measure.
• V-belt or coupling
Hot Work
• Hot work, for the purpose of gas free engineering
include: all flame heating, welding, torch cutting,
brazing, carbon arc gouging (to gouge = mencungkil),
or any work which produces heat, by any means, of
400oF of more; or in the presence of flammable or
flammable atmospheres, other ignition sources such
as spark or arc producing tools or equipment, static
discharges, friction, impact, open flames or embers
(bara api), non-explosion-proof light, fixtures, motors,
or equipment, etc.
Standby/Rescue Persons
• Worker assigned to remain outside the confined
space and be in constant contact with the
workers inside.
• Know emergency rescue procedures. 50% of
workers who die in confined spaces are would-
be rescuers.
• Trained in use of emergency rescue equipment
and PPE.
Man hole Man
• There must be a watcher.
• The watcher may not leave his post
• The watcher must be able to communicate with the worker inside
(life line)
• Having a task :
• To monitor the well being of the worker inside the tank .
• For anomalies such as smell, faint, etc the tank must be
immediately abandoned and the work permit automatically
invalid, to continue the work, a new work permit must be issued.
Entry With Hoist And Standby Personnel

• Over 50% of the workers who die in confined

spaces are attempting to rescue other workers.
• Rescuers must be trained in and follow
established emergency procedures and use
appropriate equipment and techniques
(lifelines, respiratory protection, standby
persons, etc).
Entry With Hoist and Standby Personnel
• Steps for safe rescue should be included in all
confined space entry procedures.
• Rescue should be well planned and drills
should be frequently conducted on emergency
• Unplanned rescue, such as when someone
instinctively rushes into help a downed co-
worker, can easily result in a double fatality, or
even multiple fatalities if there are more then
one would-be rescuers.
Basic Confined Space Entry Procedure
All entrants, supervisors and entry attendants
must be fully qualified
1. Conduct Pre-Entry Briefing
2. Assemble and check equipment
3. Establish Acceptable Entry Conditions
4. Conduct initial air sampling
5. Execute & Complete Entry Permit
6. Station Entry Attendant
Basic Confined Space Entry Procedure

7. Establish Monitoring of Atmosphere

8. Establish Communication
9. Execute Hot Work Permit if applicable
10. Post Confined Space Entry Permit
11. Enter Space
12. Post–entry debrief if problems were
Rescue Team
• A Qualified Rescue Team and rescue equipment
must be available for entry into all Permit
Required Confined Spaces
• Qualified Entry Attendant must be in constant
communication with workers in the space
• Entry Attendant must have source of
communication with the Rescue Team
Entry Permit
• Permit space to be entered
• Purpose of entry
• Date and authorized duration of permit
• Authorized entrants
• Authorized attendants
• Name and signature of entry supervisor
• Hazards of the permit space to be entered
• Isolation of hazard control measures
• Acceptable entry conditions
Entry Permit
• Results of initial and periodic atmospheric
• Rescue and emergency services
• Communication procedures
• Equipment required for entry and rescue
• Other necessary information and other required
Permit Entry Systems
• Written permit signed by entry supervisor.
• Verifies pre-entry precautions have been
take and the space is safe to enter.
• Posted at entry to confined space.
• Specifies apparent hazards and
corrective actions taken prior to entry.
• Requires termination of permit when task
is completed or when new conditions exist.
Entry Permit Requirements
1. Date, location, and name of confined space.
2. Purpose of entry and known hazards.
3. Duration of entry permit time.
4. Authorized entrants, attendants,supervisors.
5. Air testing results – signature of tester.
6. Protective measures to be taken
• Ventilation, Isolation, Flushing
• Lockout / Tagout, Purging
Entry Permit Requirements

7. Name and phone numbers of rescue and

emergency services.
8. Communication procedures.
9. Special equipment and procedures.
• Personal protective equipment
• Alarm procedures
• Rescue equipment
• Respirators.
Confined Space Entry Work–Permit
• Valid for a specific time
period (Maximum for 1
shift or 8 hours).
• Form must be filled and
• In case of emergency or
any other occurrences
that causes the work
must be stopped ,the
permit becomes invalid
and must be renewed.
Confined Space Entry Work–Permit

• If required more time to finish the job

than the allocated time, the permit must
be extended and must be signed by the
appropriate supervisor.
• Safety PPE must be used.








Tugas Seorang Inspektor
1. Check data & Daftar Confine space di tempat
2. Check data yang ada sudah sesuai dengan
3. Dari data yang ada apakah sudah diisi tanda
/ safety sign
4. Check regulasi dari data yang ada – Bejana
5. Check ahkli K3, ahkli Madya, petugas utama.
Apakah sudah dilatih dan bercertifikat
6. Check PPE / APD apakah sudah sesuai
Tugas Seorang Inspektor (lanjutan)

7. Check Peralatan yang dipergunakan untuk

bekerja apakah aman, sudah sesuai dg
kebutuhan dan bisa dipakai.
8. Check apakah memiliki team emergency –
Rescue team
9. Check Detector yang dipakai sudah
memadai, kalibrasi ( misalnya Gas detector,
Noise, Temp, Ilumination )
10. SOP – Izin kerja sudah ada / belum
Confined Space Entry Procedure
• Create a CSE Procedure.
• Socialize the C.S.E Procedure.
• Create a mandatory list of CSE
Procedure. Participant.
• Create a socialization member
names rooster.
• Decide the socialization schedule.
• Create a test to measure
socialization effectiveness.
• Publish the test result and followed by a
reward / punishment as a safety policy.
Entry Permit

1. Permit space to be entered

2. Purpose of entry
3. Data & authorized duration of permit
4. Authorized entrants
5. Name and signature of entry supervisor
6. Hazard of the permit space to be entered
7. Isolation of Hazard Control Measures
Entry Permit
8. Acceptable entry conditions
9. Results of initial and periodic atmospheric
10. Rescue and emergency services
11. Communications procedures
12. Equipment required for entry and rescue
13. Other necessary information and other
required permits
Safety Note
• Anyone who is required to enter a confined
space should be made aware of the
possible hazards before entry.
• Before entry into a confined space takes
place, the space must either be flushed
with fresh air for a sufficient time to remove
dangerous amounts of harmful fumes or to
supply sufficient oxygen, or a respirator
must be worn.
Safety Note

• The senses cannot be relied on to

determine if the air in a confined space is safe.
• Many toxic gases and vapors are odorless and
colorless and therefore cannot be detected by
sight or smell.
• Similarly it is not possible to determine the level
of oxygen present in a space by smell.
Safety Note

• An observer should remain outside the

space whenever someone is inside and
a person skilled in the application of
artificial respiration should be in
• A rescue plan should be in place prior to
any entry of a confined space.
Safety Note

• Entry should only be made into a confined

space when absolutely necessary.
• In the case of silos or storage bins, remotely
operated unblocking devices should be used
whenever possible to avoid the necessity for
workers to enter these areas.
Safety Note

• Before a worker is required to enter a confined

space, he must either be supplied with an air
respirator, or steps must be taken to ventilate the
space and maintain a flow of fresh air.
• Before entry into a confined space takes place,
steps should be taken to ensure that any
machinery or equipment is switched off and
isolated, to prevent it being accidentally activated.
Safety Note

• Only air supplying respirators should be used in a

space which is oxygen deficient.
• Equipment used to test for one condition is not
always suitable to test for another.
• The space should be tested for each new entry.
Safety Note
• The wearing of a harness in a confined space
may aid speedy evacuation in an emergency.
• A rescue should never be attended by only
one person or without an air-supplied
respirator and safety harness.
• Many confined space accidents result in
multiple fatalities because the rescue is
unplanned and the rescuers are unprepared.
Safety Note
• A crust or bridge formed over loose material
should never be relied on to support a person’s
• A safety harness attached to a lifeline should
always be worn.
• Where practicable the work should be carried
out from a suspended Bosun’s chair.
Safety Note
• A sign warning of the dangers of entry must be
erected near a confined space.
• A worker should not be required to enter a
confined space without first being made aware
of possible hazards.
• Entry should only take place once it is
established that all appropriate safety measures
have been taken and that a rescue plan is in
Entry/Work/Exit Procedures

1. Obtain and/or complete permit approved by

entry supervision. The permit should remain
on site until the work is completed.
2. Plan for control of hazards such as energy
shut downs (logout/tag out) and hot work
Entry/Work/Exit Procedures

3. Obtain safety equipment such as harness

or life line, respirator, safety glasses and
gloves as required on the permit.
4. Barricade openings of confined space to
warn and keep unauthorized people away
from the work site.
Entry/Work/Exit Procedures

5. Test atmosphere inside space to

ensure conditions comply with those
listed on the permit. Continue testing
throughout the time workers are in the
space and record measurements at
least hourly.
Entry Work/Exit Procedures
6. Ventilate the space unless there are no
atmospheric hazards present or created by
entrants. Forced air ventilation should be
provided to the furthest location available from
the entry.
7. Notify police dispatch about the space entered
and time of entry.
Entry/Work/Exit procedures
8. Don all protective equipment required.
A harness and lifeline are required for
vertical entries unless it can be shown
that this would create a greater hazard.
9. Enter the confined space and complete
required work.
Entry/Work/Exit procedures

10. During entry, entrant should communicate

frequently (at least every 15 minutes) with
the attendant.
11. Exit space after work is completed and notify
police dispatch that the space is no longer
Entry/Work/Exit Procedures
12. Return permit to entry supervisor for
cancellation and record-keeping.
13. Return equipment to the proper storage
area. Report all equipment in need of repair
or replacement. If there is an accident or the
entrant needs to be rescued, immediately
contact police dispatch.
Confined Space Plan
Elements of a confined space plan
When creating a confined space plan for your
company, be sure to instruct all workers about
the hazards, appropriate precautions and
proper use of protective equipment when
working in a confined space area.
Confined Space Plan
Employers should :
• Identify all permit-required spaces in their
• Prevent unauthorized entry into permit-
required spaces.
• Protect authorized workers from hazards
through a permit-required confined space
Confined Space Plan

The permit-required confined space

program should include at least the
following elements and should indicate
specific measures you will take to
ensure protection of your employees :
Confined Space Plan
• Purpose ---- A statement of the purpose of the
• Measures to prevent unauthorized entry ---- post
danger signs outside the confined space to
prevent unauthorized entry.
• Workplace analysis and hazard evaluation of
permit spaces ---- prior to employee entry,
identify and evaluate the hazards of permit
Confined Space Plan
• Permit space procedures and practice
-------- develop and implement the procedures and
practices necessary for safe permit space operation,
including, but not limited to, the following :
a. Specifying acceptable entry conditions.
b. Isolating the permit space.
c. Purging, flushing, or ventilating the permit
space as necessary to eliminate or control
atmospheric hazards.
Confined Space Plan
d. Providing pedestrian, vehicle, or other barriers
as necessary to protect entrances from
external hazards.
e. Verifying that conditions in the permit space
are acceptable for entry throughout the
duration of an authorized entry.
Confined Space Plan
Equipment provisions ---- it is recommended that you
have the following basic confined space rescue
equipment available :
a. Respirators ---- respirators enable workers
to safely breathe without inhaling toxic gases
or particles.
b. Rope/pulley system ---- a rescue unit
mechanical device, such as a rope or pulley
system, should be available for lifting a
worker out of a confined space.
Confined Space Plan (cont’d)
c. Mounting device ---- a mounting device, such
as a tripod or wall-mount bracket, is where the
retrieval line attaches to the rope/pulley
system. The mounting device must be outside
the confined space so that, if necessary, an
attendant can retrieve the worker without
entering the confined space area.
Confined Space Plan (cont’d)

d. Full-body harness ---- the full-body

harness is worn by the worker and
attaches the retrieval line. The harness
keeps the worker upright while entering or
exiting the confined space.
Confined Space Plan
Permit space conditions evaluation ---evaluate
permit space conditions as follows when entry
operations are conducted :
a. Test conditions in the permit space to determine
if acceptable entry conditions exist before entry
is authorized to begin.
Confined Space Plan
b. Test or monitor the permit space as necessary
to determine if acceptable entry conditions are
being maintained during the course of entry
c. When testing for atmospheric hazards, test
first for oxygen, then for combustible gases
and vapors, then for toxic gases or vapors.
Confined Space Plan
• Permit space attendant procedures ---
provide at least one attendant outside
the permit space into which entry is
authorized for the duration of entry
Confined Space Plan
• Active role designations, duties and training
---- designate the persons who are to have active
roles (authorized entrants, attendants, entry
supervisors, or persons who test or monitor the
atmosphere in a permit space).
• Identify the duties of each employee and provide
each employee with the required training.
Confined Space Plan
Rescue and emergency services procedures ---
develop and implement procedures for :
a. Calling rescue and emergency services.
b. Rescuing entrants from permit spaces.
c. Providing necessary emergency services to
rescued employees.
d. Preventing unauthorized personnel from
attempting a rescue.
The Six Essential of Rescue
1. Rescue from outside if possible
2. Enter to rescue only after help arrives
3. Always assume presence of IDLH atmosphere
4. Only use SCBA or SAR with escape bottle
5. Never use same air (or atmosphere) as confined
space workers
6. Safety harnesses and lifelines in addition to
Effects of Alternating Electric Current
Non-lethal range
1 or less mA : No sensation. Shock is probably
not even felt.
1-8 mA : Shock is felt, but is not painful.
Individual can let go at will.
Muscular control is not lost.
8-15 mA : Shock is painful, but individual
can let go at will because
muscular control is not lost.
Effects of Alternating Electric Current
Non-lethal range
115-20 mA : Shock is painful, and muscular
control is lost. Individual can
not let go. Breathing is difficult.
20-50 mA : Painful, with severe muscular
contractions. Individual can not
let go.
Effects of Alternating Electric Current
Lethal range
50-200 ma : Possible ventricular fibrillation of
the heart, causing death. severe
muscular contraction, and nerve
Over 200 ma : Severe burns and severe
muscular contractions.
Breathing is impossible for the
duration of the shock.
(ma = milliampere)
Effects of Alternating Electric Current

Path Resistance Current

produced by
120 volts

Through thickness of skin:

Dry 100,000-600,000 1-7 ma


Wet 1000 ohms 120 ma

Effects of Alternating Electric Current
Resistance Current
produced by
120 volts

Through interior of body

Hand to foot 400 – 600 ohms 200-300 ma

Head, (±) 100 ohms 1200 ma

Hazard/Risk Assessment For Entry
Into Confined Spaces
All hazards must be identified before developing
an entry program.
A. Atmosphere
• Explosive gases/vapors
• Toxic gases/vapors
• Oxygen content (deficiency/enrichment)
• Fumes, dusts, mists, fogs
• Smoke
• Biological agents
Risk Assessment
a. The nature of the confined space
b. The work required to be done,
including whether it is necessary to
enter the confined space.
c. The range of methods by which the
work can be done.
Risk Assessment (cont’d)

d. The hazards involved and associated

e. The actual method selected and plan
f. Emergency and rescue procedures
Risk Factors

a. Arrangements for rescue, first aid and

b. The number of persons occupying the
Risk Factors (cont’d)
c. The number of persons required outside the
space to maintain equipment essential for the
confined space task, to ensure adequate
communication with and observation of the
persons within the confined space and to properly
initiate rescue procedures.
Risk Factors
d. The soundness and security of the overall
structure and the need for illumination and
e. The identify and nature of the substances
last contained in the confined space.
f. The steps needed to bring the confined
space to atmospheric pressure.
Risk Factors
g. The atmospheric testing to be undertaken and
the parameters to be assessed before the entry
permit is issued.
h. All proposed operations and work procedures,
particularly those that may cause a change in the
conditions in the confined space.
Risk Factors
i. All hazards which may be encountered
(e.g. entrapment).
j. The status of fitness and training of
those persons involved in confined
space work.
Risk Factors
k. Adequate instruction of those persons
in any work procedure required, particularly
those which are unusual or non-typical,
including the use and limitations of any
personal protective equipment and
mechanical or other equipment to be used.
Risk Factors
l. The availability and adequacy of
appropriate personal protective
equipment, protective clothing and
rescue equipment for all persons likely
to enter the confined space.
Risk Factors
m. The need for additional protective
measures, or example :
(i) Prohibition of hot work in adjacent
(ii) Prohibition of smoking and naked
flames within the confined space
and, where appropriate, the
adjacent areas.
Risk Factors
n. Whether signs
(i) Comply with AS 1319
(ii) Indicate that entry is permitted only
after signing the entry permit, in a
manner appropriate to the persons
at the workplace.
Risk Factors
(iii) Avoidance of contamination of breathing
atmosphere from operations or sources
outside the confined spaces, such as from
the exhaust of an internal combustion
(iv) Prohibition of movement of equipment such
as forklifts in adjacent areas.
(v) Prohibition of spark generating equipment,
clothing and footwear.
Risk Factors

o. Whether cleaning in the confined

space is necessary.
p. Whether hot work is necessary.
• Enter a confined space without a permit.
• Trust your senses to determine if the air is safe.
• Work without an attendant.
• Enter a confined space without the proper
protective equipment.
• Rush into a confined space to attempt a rescue.
Call for emergency aid.
Always :
• Follow the permit.
• Lock out all energy sources.
• Eliminate as many hazards as possible.
• Use a ground-fault circuit interrupter
when using any electrical equipment.
• Maintain communications with the
All persons involved in Permit Required Confined Space
Entry must be qualified :
• Supervisor
• Attendants
• Entrants
• Rescue Team
Confined Spaces are Dangerous Places – know
how to control or eliminate hazards
Hazards of Confined Space
• Entering a tank without testing.
• Entering a space and not ventilating it.
• Using an inert gas to force a liquid out of a
• Using welding hoses and valves without
periodically checking for leakages.
• Using oxygen to ventilate spaces.
Hazards of Confined Space
• Not investigating the effect of stirring up
sludge in a confined space.
• Using improper respiratory protection.
• Not checking nearby processes for possible
release of toxic or flammable material.
Hazards of Confined Space
• Welding in a tank without checking neighboring
• Not blanking out, locking out.
• Leaving a space which has been tested safe for entry
and re-entering it later without retest.
• Improper rescue procedures.

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