Assessment 1 - Plan

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Term 2, week 3 Science – Animal Adaptations

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding

  
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: iPads available for each student

LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 Science 1. Create a freestyle ‘Pic 1. Formative Introduction:

understanding - Collage’ which assessment of the Pic  10 finger puppets are shown to the class, all of which are different 10 x animal finger
Lesson 1 Biological incorporates pictures Collage. Assesses animals (lion, frog, shark, turtle, mouse, elephant, rabbit, panda, puppets
sciences of the varying personal bird & llama).
environments around competence,  One puppet at a time, ask the students to raise their hands
‘Living things the world. research skills, and and tell the other students whether that animal lives in an
have structural presentation of aquatic or terrestrial environment, and whether that
features and
2. Brainstorm on ideas. A class list will environment is hot or cold.
adaptations that
help them to ‘Popplet’ types of be used for - E.g. lion = terrestrial, hot environment.
survive in their animals which live in assessment, where a  Once all puppets’ environments have been discussed,
environment cold, aquatic tick is placed next to move on to the next part of the lesson
iPad for each student
(ACSSU043)’ environments; cold, a student’s name if  All students scan the printed QR code on their desk with their iPad
terrestrial they completed the to take them to the Weebly. 5 x Printed QR Codes –
environments; hot, requirements, and a takes students to the
aquatic environments; dot will be placed if Body: Weebly
and hot, terrestrial one or more of the
environments. requirements is not  The students will first create a ‘Pic Collage’ on their iPads. This
presented. collage must be completed as a ‘freestyle’ collage, and the images Pic Collage App - For a
3. Begin creating a book used must be sourced via the ‘web search’ aspect of the app. collage on
environments around
using the ‘Book 2. Formative  The collage must include 2 images of:
the world
Creator’ app, assessment of the 1. A desert environment
incorporating the Popplet. Assesses 2. A grassland environment
completed Pic Collage personal 3. An aquatic environment
and Popplet competence, 4. An arctic environment
brainstorm. brainstorming 5. An urban environment
capabilities and  1 small piece of text must be added to the bottom left-
presentation of hand corner of every collage. This is where students must
ideas. The same class type their name for identification.
list and method of  Once completed, students will save their collages to their
assessment used for iPad, and airdrop them to the teacher’s device for
the Pic Collage will be assessment.
used here.  Students will then create a ‘Popplet’ on their iPads. This ‘Popplet’
Popplet App – For a
will be used to brainstorm and list the types of animals which live
brainstorm of animals
in: which live in different
3. Summative
1. Cold, aquatic environments environments
assessment of the
2. Cold, terrestrial environments
book – assessed once
3. Hot, aquatic environments
the book is complete
4. Hot, terrestrial environments
(after the 3rd lesson).
 The first bubble (popplet box), must state ‘Animals and
Assessed using a
their Environments’, as well as the student’s name.
marking rubric, key
 Once completed, students will save their popplets to their
points include
iPads and airdrop them to the teacher’s device for
completion of the Pic
Collage and Popplet
 Finally, students will begin to make their book on environments and
brainstorm. Teacher
animal adaptations, on ‘Book Creator’ on their iPads.
can quickly assess Book Creator App –
 Students will begin their book by adding their Pic Collage
students during Students create a
as the front cover. book about
lesson 1 by
- Once the Pic Collage has been added, students must environments and
create a title for their book by adding large text over animal adaptations
the picture, with ‘Animals and their Environments’ as
the title. Students will have to alter the colour of their
title’s text, ensuring it stands out amongst the
collage’s colours.
 On the second page of the book, students will add their
‘Popplet’ brainstorm picture.
- A title for this page must be added, which says ‘My
Brainstorm’, in a bold, coloured text.

 Ask the students to save their book to their iPad.
 Ask 2 students who you observed while creating the book which
have excellent layout and presentation skills. Ask these students to
quickly show the class what they have done so far and why they
chose the font/colours that they did.
 Ask the students questions such as:
1. Have you learnt anything new today about environments and
animals which live there?
2. Have you learnt anything new about apps such as Pic Collage,
Popplet and Book Creator?
3. What did you find most challenging about today’s lesson?
4. What did you find the most enjoyable about today’s lesson?
 Dismiss the students to lunch.

LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 Science 1. Research and create 1. Formative Introduction:

understanding - a bulletin on Padlet, assessment of the  Have a quick discussion with the students about what was covered in
Lesson 2 Biological listing physical, Padlet. The teacher the previous lesson; i.e. creating the pic collage, the popplet, and
sciences beginning the book. iPad for each student
physiological and can view the
behavioural answers that each  Ask the students to again scan their QR codes on their iPads to take
5 x Printed QR Codes
‘Living things adaptations (4 total) group wrote on them to the Weebly. – takes students to
have structural
which animals have Padlet and assess the Weebly
features and Body:
to survive in hot their answers. A
adaptations  In pairs, students will research 4 adaptations which animals have
that help them environments. class list can be
obtained over time which allows them to survive in hot
to survive in used to tick or
their 2. Incorporate the place a dot next to  Students must include at least 1 structural, 1 physiological,
environment research information the names of and 1 behavioural adaptation
(ACSSU043)’ (4 animal students who - E.g. 1. Sweating, 2. Minimal excretion (reduced water
adaptations) into the completed the task loss), 3. Being nocturnal 4. Burrowing underground
previously started well, or who missed  1 student will do the research on the internet, the other will Padlet – To list 4
book on Book some key ideas. write their 4 adaptations on the Padlet, created by the adaptations for hot
Creator. teacher. The link to the Padlet is on the Weebly. environments
2. Summative  Once a pair has completed their Padlet bulletin, they will move on to
assessment of the inserting that information into their book on ‘Book Creator’. Book Creator –
3. Source and insert 4 present their
book – assessed  Each student will open up their book which was started in
pictures of each of research
once the book is the previous lesson.
the 4 animal
complete (after the  On a new page, students will add the title ‘Adaptations to
adaptations into the
3rd lesson). Hot Environments’ in a font, colour and size of their choice.
book on the Book
Assessed using a  Students must then create 3 sub-headings, one called
Creator App,
marking rubric, key ‘Physical Adaptations’, one called ‘Physiological
ensuring that
points include 4 Adaptations’, and the other called ‘Behavioural
adaptations to hot Adaptations’.
including font and
environments, 4  Under these headings, they will write their corresponding
colour has been
images (1 of each adaptations which they wrote on their Padlet bulletin.
changed to
adaptation), and  Students will then use ‘Britannica School’ to find pictures of the Britannica School –
individualise the
individualisation of adaptations noted in their book. To find images of the
presentation. animal adaptations
the layout including  For example, if one of the adaptations found was ‘sweating’,
changes to font, the students will find an image on Britannica School of
text size and sweat and place it in their book on the iPad, next to that
colour. Teacher can ‘sweating’ adaptation.
quickly assess  Once 4 images have been found on Britannica School of the
students during adaptations and added into the students’ books, ask the
lesson 2 by students to save their work.
 Ask the students some questions relating to the lesson, such as:
1. What was something you learnt today about any of the aps that
we used?
2. What is something you learned today about animal adaptations
for hot environments?
3. What was something that you struggled with the most during
this lesson?
4. What did you find most enjoyable about today’s class?
 Ask 2 groups to present to the class their 4 adaptations. Ask the class
if any students found any different adaptations which have not been
talked about.
 Dismiss the students to lunch.

LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 Science 1. Research and create 1. Formative Introduction:

understanding - a bulletin on Padlet, assessment of the  Have a quick recap with the students about what information was
Lesson 3 Biological listing physical, Padlet. The teacher added to their books in the previous lesson (i.e. 4 animal adaptations
sciences physiological and can view the to hot environments, with pictures of each adaptation).
iPad for each student
behavioural answers that each  Tell the students that in today’s lesson the focus will be on
‘Living things adaptations (4 total) group wrote on adaptations that animals have which allow them to survive in very
have structural which animals have Padlet and assess cold environments.
features and
to survive in cold their answers. A  Ask the students to again scan their QR codes on their iPads to take 5 x Printed QR Codes
environments. class list can be them to the Weebly. – takes students to
that help them
used to tick or the Weebly
to survive in
their 2. Incorporate the place a dot next to Body:
environment  In pairs, students will research 4 adaptations which animals have
research information the names of
(ACSSU043)’ obtained over time which allows them to survive in cold
(4 animal students who
adaptations) into the completed the task
 Students must include at least 1 structural, 1 physiological,
previously started well, or who missed
and 1 behavioural adaptation
book on Book some key ideas.
- E.g. 1. Insulation (e.g. feathers, fat, blubber, fur), 2.
Shivering, 3. Huddling together, 4. Small extremities
2. Summative
 1 student will do the research on the internet, the other will
assessment of the Padlet – To list 4
3. Source and insert 4 write their 4 adaptations on the Padlet, created by the
book. Assessed adaptations for cold
pictures of each of teacher. The link to the Padlet is on the Weebly.
using a marking environments
the 4 animal
rubric, key points  Once a pair has completed their Padlet bulletin, they will move on to
adaptations into the inserting that information into their book on ‘Book Creator’.
include the points
book on the Book from the two  Each student will open up their book which was started in Book Creator –
Creator App, previous lessons, as the previous lesson. present their
ensuring that well as including 4  On a new page, students will add the title ‘Adaptations to research
personalisation adaptations to cold Cold Environments’ in a font, colour and size of their choice.
including font and environments, 4  Students must then create 3 sub-headings, one called
colour has been images (1 of each ‘Physical Adaptations’, one called ‘Physiological
changed to adaptation), and Adaptations’, and the other called ‘Behavioural
individualise the individualisation of Adaptations’.
presentation. the layout including  Under these headings, they will write their corresponding
changes to font, adaptations which they wrote on their Padlet bulletin.
text size and  Students will then use ‘Britannica School’ to find pictures of the
colour. adaptations noted in their book. Britannica School –
 For example, if one of the adaptations found was ‘huddling’, To find images of the
the students will find an image on Britannica School of animal adaptations
penguins huddling together and place it in their book on the
iPad, next to that ‘huddling’ adaptation.
 Once 4 images have been found on Britannica School of the
adaptations and added into the students’ books, ask the
students to save their work.

 Ask the students to save their book to their camera roll and airdrop
it to the teacher for assessment.
 Ask the students some questions relating to the lesson, such as:
1. What is something you learned today about some
adaptations to cold environments?
2. What was something that you struggled with the most
during this lesson?
3. What did you find most enjoyable about today’s class?
 Ask 2 groups to present to the class their 4 adaptations. Ask the class
if any students found any different adaptations which have not been
talked about.
 Dismiss the students to lunch.

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