Assesssment of Learning 11379

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COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017

1. Among standardized tests, which reveals strengths and weaknesses for purposes of placement and
formulating an appropriate instructional program?
A. Achievement tests B. Competency tests C. Diagnostic tests D. Personality tests
2. Of the types of validity for tests, what type constructs a test for a particular subject, the items adequately
reflecting the specific matter of the subject?
A. Content validity B. Curricular validity C. Criterion validity D. Predictive validity
3. Which of the following are alternative assessments?
A. Portfolio, exhibits, journals
B. Paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports
C. Multiple choice, structured observation, sentence completion
D. Self-assessment, authentic assessment, surveys
4. What is the Normal Curve in the grade distribution of students in a class?
A. All have average grades C. Most get high grades
B. Most get average grades; few high and low D. Most get low grades
5. What is being assessed by the Rubric that seeks to assess high, moderate, or low imaginative thinking?
A. Aesthetic B. Creativity C. Appeal D. Craftsmanship
6. In assessment for Problem-Based Learning, who are responsible in judging student performance?
A. Teacher and peers C. Teacher-and-students
B. Teacher-and-supervisors D. Teacher-students-supervisors
7. What does it mean to state that the difficulty index of a test item is one (1)?
A. The test item is extremely easy C. The test item is very good and should be retained
B. The test item is not valid D. The test item is very difficult
8. With manner of answering as a criterion, which of the following does NOT belong to this test group?
A. Completion test B. True-False C. Matching D. Multiple choice
9. What should be done with the test item whose difficulty index is .98?
A. Reject it B. Reserve it for another group of students C. Retain it D. Revise it
10. What is the graphic illustration for the relationship between two variables?
A. Normal curve B. Histogram C. Frequency polygon D. Scatter diagram
11. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and low?
A. Median B. Mode C. Mean D. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given
12. As positive correlation is to direct relation, to what relation is negative correlation?
A. Indefinite relation B. Inverse relation C. Definite relation D. Neutral relation
13. Which is the research method or technique suited for the study of Garbage collection in NCR District 1?
A. Experiment B. Marketing research C. Focus Group D. Observational technique
14. What is the criterion-referenced test designed to determine?
A. Performance level on a specific skill
B. Performance on a wide content coverage
C. Errors, failings and lapses
D. Performance higher than other members of the group
15. What is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and their levels of quality on which the evaluation will be focused?
A. Portfolio B. Journal C. Stem D. Rubric
16. In her tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were either too difficult or too easy. What was wrong with her
A. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items C. Unclear directions
B. Identifiable pattern of answers D. Ambiguity
17. Principal Rodriguez introduced machine scored tests in his school. What factor in scoring does this add to
make tests more reliable?
A. Objective scoring B. Cost-saving C. Ease in checking D. Time-economics
18. Since Teacher Alvin wants his tests to be more reliable, which of the following should he adopt?
A. Make a test that requires students the need for more time to complete
B. Make the test difficult
C. Increase number of test items
D. Restrict range of abilities in the test
19. In preparing classroom test, which of the following checklist is the LAST among steps in tests preparation?
A. How are the test scores to be tabulated? C. How are the test results to be reported?
B. Have I prepared a Table of Specification? D. How is the objective item to be scored?
20. Among the opportunities for Essay Questions, which of the following does NOT provide high-level thinking
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
A. Analysis B. Evaluation C. Synthesis D. Memorization
21. Of the types of validity for tests, what reflects the knowledge and skills in the program of studies?
A. Curricular validity B. Criterion validity C. Content validity D. Predictive validity
22. Among written categories of assessment methods, what instruments did Science teacher Julian use when
he prepared a list of behavior that make up a certain type of performance in the use of a microscope?
A. Observation and self-report C. Product rating scale
B. Written response instruments D. Performance test
23. Among written categories of assessment methods, what instruments did teacher Mona use when she used
a check list in order to grade the dramatic performance of students in play?
A. Performance test C. Product rating scale
B. Observation and self-reports D. Oral questioning
24. Which is the research method or technique best suited for the study of the incidences in early marriage in
Barangay Rizal?
A. Case Study B. Historical method C. Observational technique D. Opinion polling
25. Among general categories of assessment methods, what instruments did pre-school teacher Eva use when
she rated the hand writing of her student using a prototype handwriting model?
B. Performance test C. Written response instruments
C. Observation and self-reports D. Product rating scale
26. With what should the assessment of test items be aligned?
A. Monitoring and evaluation C. Instructional media
B. Instructional objectives D. Content and process
27. In order for assessment to have clarity of learning targets, outcomes must be stated in behavioral terms so
that this can be measured. Which of the following shows this desired clarity?
A. To practice reading with competence
B. To improve the speed of reading competence
C. To appreciate reading competence
D. To understand the concept of reading competence
28. Using Rubrics, which is futuristic and hypothetical among the following criteria chosen to assess a planned
students affairs program for the school year?
A. Projected impact of projects/activities C. Full participation of students
B. Feasibility of projects/activities D. Significance of the students affairs program
29. What is an alternative assessment tool that consist of a collection of work artifacts or in progress
accomplishment by a targeted clientele?
A. Portfolio C. Achievement test
B. Evaluation instrument D. Rubric
30. What can be said of student performance in a skewed class score distribution?
A. Most students performed well C. Few students performed well
B. All students had average performance D. Most students performed poorly
31. What dependent variable can be used to test the hypothesis, “The more a teacher knows about a specific
subject matter, the better she can teach it”?
A. Teacher’s yearly performance rating C. Motivation from school head
B. Personality traits of the teacher D. Incentives offered to teachers
32. What kind of assessment helps teachers determine gaps in learning a subject matter?
A. Formative assessment C. Summative assessment
B. Diagnostic test D. Placement examination
33. What is the meaning of a negative correlation between amount of practice and number of errors in tennis?
A. The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes affects the number of errors
B. The increase in the amount of practice does not at all affect the number of errors
C. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease in the number of errors
D. As the amount of practice increases, the number of errors decreases
34. Which is TRUE when the standard deviation is big?
A. Scores are spread out C. The bell curve shape is steep
B. Scores are not extremes D. Scores are concentrated
35. Using Rubrics to assess power-point presentations of students, which criteria from the following is most
significant as it is the essence of the presentations?
A. Presentation design B. Content value C. Oral delivery D. Orderly sequencing
36. As positive correlation is to direct relation, to what relation is negative correlation?
A. Definite relation B. Neutral relation C. Inverse relation D. Indefinite relation
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
37. In interpreting assessment results, which is described when the results are consistent?
A. Reliability B. Subjectivity C. Validity D. Objectivity
38. What correlation is determined when there are three rates of an essay test?
A. Triple rater B. Multiple rater C. External rater D. Inter-rater
39. What does the normal curve mean in a grade distribution?
A. A large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high grades.
B. A large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades.
C. A large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high grades.
D. All of the students have average grades.
40. In preparing classroom tests, which of the following checklist is the LAST among steps in tests preparation?
A. How are the objective items to be scored? C. Have I prepared a Table of Specifications?
B. How are the results to be reported? D. How are the test scores to be tabulated?
41. What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution?
A. A few students performed excellently C. Almost all students had average performance
B. Most students performed well D. Most students performed poorly
42. In her tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were either too difficult or too easy. What was wrong with her tests?
A. Unclear directions C. Ambiguity
B. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items D. Identifiable pattern of answers
43. Research studies show that reading power affects college students who have insomnia, conflicts with
parents, poor rapport with other people. What factor(s) is shown to affect reading achievement?
A. Home conditions C. Personality and emotional factors
B. Socio-economic status D. Perception and comprehension
44. Self-evaluation has become an important kind of performance assessment among teachers, useful as an
honest self-criticism and a starting point for removal evaluation by supervisors, peers or students. How is self-
evaluation described?
A. Evidence of teaching performance C. Guide for self-adjustment
B. Substitute to supervisor’s rating D. Tool for salary adjustment
45. What is the common instrument used in measuring learning in the affective domain?
A. Multiple choice B. Checklist C. Scaling D. Questionnaire
46. What is the meaning of a negative correlation between amount of practice and number of errors in tennis?
A. The increase in the amount of practice does not at all affect the number of errors
B. As the amount of practice increases, the number of errors decreases
C. The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes affect the number of errors
D. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease in the number of errors
47. Among standardized tests, which can show how students perform in comparison with each other and to
students in other schools?
A. Competency tests B. Subject exit tests C. Achievement tests D. Diagnostic tests
48. Which of these approaches would reform assessment outcomes?
A. Apply sanctions on low performing schools
B. Focus on testing without investing the learner’s needs
C. Use understanding as means of giving feedback on students learning
D. Compare results of performance of all schools
49. To what process of evaluation does determining the extent objectives are met belong?
A. Authentic B. Formative C. Criterion-referenced D. Norm-referenced
50. Which of the following may NOT be adequately assessed by a paper-and-pencil test?
A. Sight reading in music C. Subject-verb agreement
B. Multiplication skills D. Vocabulary meaning
51. Which of the following statements most accurately expresses test validity and reliability?
A. A reliable test is a valid tests
B. A test must be objective to be valid and reliable
C. A valid test is a reliable test
D. A test must be standardized to be valid and reliable
52. What is the deviation from a standard or desired level of performance?
A. A problem B. A deficit C. A defect D. A gap
53. Teacher B is researching on family income distribution which is quite symmetrical. Which measure/s of central
tendency will be most informative and appropriate?
A. Mode B. Mean C. Median D. Mean and Median
54. Which test item is in the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives?
A. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem.
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
B. Explain how trees receive nutrients.
C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth.
D. List the parts of a tree.
55. Of the types of validity for tests, what is focused on the extent to which a particular tests correlates with
acceptable measure of performance?
A. Curricular validity B. Content validity C. Criterion validity D. Predictive validity
56. What is lacking in a test item which has a negative discrimination index?
A. Reliability B. Content validity C. Construct validity D. Objectivity
D. What would be one of the first things we have to do to clean the air we breathe?
57. Which characteristic of a good test is threatened when significantly greater number from the lower group gets
a test item correctly?
A. Objectivity B. Scorability C. Administrability D. Reliability
58. What does the test mean if the difficulty index is 1?
A. Missed by everyone B. Very easy C. Very difficult D. A quality item
59. Which does not belong to the group?
A. Completion B. Alternate response C. Multiple choice D. Matching type
60. Teacher C administered only true-false and multiple choice tests during the midterm. The students did well
on these tests. He decides to make the final exams consist of five essay questions. Which of the following is the
most likely effect of this decision?
A. The students will do better than they had in the previous test.
B. The students will not do as well as in the previous test.
C. There will be no correlation between the final and the midterm tests.
D. The students will do as well as in the previous test.
61. On what is normative marking based?
A. High marks of few students C. Student achievement relative to other students
B. Normal curve of student distribution D. Failure of some students
62. Beth is one-half standard deviation above the mean of her group in arithmetic and one standard deviation
above the mean in spelling. What does this imply?
A. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling when compared to the group.
B. She excels both in spelling and arithmetic.
C. In comparison to the group, she is better in spelling than in arithmetic.
D. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic
63. Read this test item then answer the question:
Question: The above test item is an example of a/an_______________.
A. stimulus B. analogy C. puzzle D. exercise
64. The Thematic Apperception Test is an example of a/an _________.
A. projective technique B. self-report technique C. sociometric technique D. interest inventory
65. Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is NOT one of them:
A. Use of an evaluation instrument C. Self-videotape of class performance
B. Written reflection D. Peer feedback session
66. The computed r for scores in Math and Science is .85. This means that ___________.
A. Science scores are slightly related to Math scores.
B. Math scores are not in any way related to Science scores.
C. Math scores are positively related to Science scores.
D. The higher the Math scores the lower the Science scores.
67. Which is a characteristic of an imperfect type of matching test?
A. An item may have no answer at all.
B. An answer may be repeated.
C. There are two or more distracter

D. The items in the right and left columns are equal in number.
68. In her item analysis, Teacher Gie found out that more from the upper group got test item #6 correctly. What
conclusion can be drawn? The test item has a ________________.
A. high difficulty index C. positive discrimination index
B. high facility index D. negative discrimination index
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
69. Teacher Rov makes her tests easy for students to understand, easy to administer and score and suitable to
test conditions, e.g. time. What is she achieving for her tests?
A. Efficiency B. Usability C. Reliability D. Validity
70. In rubrics assessment of acceptance of the family reproductive services in Barangay TipoTipo, Tondo,
which is the most immediately tangible/observable of the following selected criteria?
A. Valuing (clarifying) C. response ( action)
B. Characterization (character build-up) D. awareness (mind awakening)
71. On what is normative marking based?
A. High marks of few students C. Normal curve of student distribution
B. Failure of some students D. Student achievement relative to other students
72. In the context of multiple intelligences, which is one weakness of the paper-pencil test?
A. It requires paper and printing and is so expensive.
B. It utilizes so much time.
C. It puts non-linguistically intelligent pupils at a disadvantage.
D. It lacks reliability.
73. Which is the first step in planning an achievement test?
A. Make a table of specification. C. Determine the group for whom the test is intended.
B. Go back to the instructional objective D. Select the type of test item to use.
74. Teacher A constructed a matching type test. In her columns of items are a combination of events, people,
circumstances. Which of the following guidelines in constructing matching type of test did he VIOLATE?
A. List options in an alphabetical order. C. Make list of items heterogeneous.
B. Make list of items homogeneous. D. Provide three or more options.
75. A test item has a difficulty index of .89 and a discrimination of -.44. What should the teacher do?
A. Make a bonus item. B. Reject the item. C. Refrain the item. D. Make it a bonus item and reject it.
76. What required a test to be made simple, clear and concise?
A. Objectivity B. Economy C. Administrability D. Scorability
77. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and low?
A. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given C. Mode
B. Median D. Mean
78. Which is most implied by a negatively skewed score distribution?
A. Several of the pupils are in middle of the distribution.
B. Most of the scores are high.
C. Most of the scores are low.
D. The scores are evenly distributed from the left to the right of the normal curve.
79. A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution would be most likely to be _____.
A. skewed to the right B. leptokurtic C. a bell curve D. skewed to the left
80. I want to measure students’ awareness of values. Which tool will I use?
A. Likert scales B. Projective technique C. Moral dilemma D. Observation
81. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic assessment?
A. De-contextualized drills C. Answering multiple choice items
B. Unrealistic performances D. Real world application of lessons learned
82. Which evaluation tool will be most reliable in determining the students’ stage acquisition of the value of
A. Projective technique B. Unobtrusive observation C. Opinionnaire D. Likert scale
83. Which assessment activity is most appropriate to measure the objective “to explain the meaning of molecular
bonding” for the group with strong interpersonal intelligence?
A. Write down chemical formulas and show how they were derived.
B. Build several molecular structures with multi-colored pop beads.
C. Draw diagrams that show different bonding patterns.
D. Demonstrate molecular bonding using students as atoms.
84. Can paper-and-pencil tests diagnose students’ ability to organize thoughts?
A. Yes, by way of the essay test.
B. No, unless the multiple choice type of tests is made situational.
C. Yes, by way of the selected response type of test.
D. No, they are limited only to simple recall.
85. To what extent were the objectives of the course met? This is the concern of the process of ______
A. norm-referenced B. authentic C. criterion-referenced D. formative
86. Which is the most authentic way of measuring student’s ability to debate?
A. Let them watch debates on video and ask them to identify strong and weak points.
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
B. Ask them to outline the steps involved in a debate and list down do’s and don’ts.
C. Have your students witness a debate and ask them to evaluate the debate after.
D. Organize a debate in class and have them debate on a controversial issue.
87. Which holds true to norm-referenced testing?
A. Constructing test items in terms of instructional objectives.
B. Identifying an acceptable level of mastery in advance.
C. Determining tasks that reflect instructional objectives
D. Identifying average performance of a group.
88. Here is a test item: DISTANT:NEAR as GENUINE:_______. This test is a/an _________________.
A. analogy B. riddle C. metaphor D. completion
89. I am going to construct a periodic test. Which is the first thing for me to do?
A. Go back to my instructional objectives. C. Decide on the number of test items.
B. Study the content of my lesson. D. Decide on the type of test to construct.
90. If the lowest score obtained in a 100-item test is 1 and the highest is 99, what can be said roughly of the
scores? The scores are ____________________.
A. highly similar B. very concentrated C. high D. highly dispersed
91. Here are the computed means of a hundred-item test: Social Studies, 38; Math, 48; English, 33. From these
data, can we conclude that the students excel in Math?
A. No, we need to know other information like standard deviation (SD) to be more conclusive.
B. Yes, knowing that Math is the most difficult subject among the three.
C. Yes, the mean in Math in comparison with the other subjects shows it.
D. No, because we don’t know the number of examinees who took the test.
92. Teacher Y found out that there is a positive correlation between the scores in Math and in Physics. What
does this mean?
A. Increase in Math scores is accompanied by an increase in Physics.
B. Students’ scores in Math are inversely related to their scores in Physics.
C. Those who are good in Math are not necessarily good in Physics
D. Those who are good in Physics are not necessarily good in Math.
93. I have computed the mean and I want to get more information about the distribution of scores. Which
measures of variability is most appropriate?
A. Range B. Standard deviation C. Semi-interquartile range D. Any of the three.
94. Which of these approaches would reform assessment outcomes?
A. Apply sanctions on low performing schools
B. Focus on testing without investing the learner’s needs
C. Use understanding as means of giving feedback on students learning
D. Compare results of performance of all schools
95. Other than finding out how well the course competencies were met, Teacher K also wants to know his
students’ performance when compared with other students in the country. What is Teacher K interested to do?
A. Authentic evaluation C. Formative evaluation
B. Norm-referenced evaluation D. criterion-referenced evaluation

96. Here are computed means of a hundred-item test: Physical Science, 38; Math, 52; English, 33. Based on the
data, which is TRUE?
A. The math test appears to be the easiest among the three.
B. The examinees seem to be very good in Physical Science.
C. The examinees seem to excel in English.
D. The English test appears to be the easiest among the three.
97. An examinee whose score is within x̅ + 1 SD belong to which of the following groups?
A. Above average B. Below average C. Needs improvement D. Average
98. In an entrance examination, student A’s Percentile is 25 (P25). Based on this percentile rank, which is likely
to happen?
A. Student A will be admitted.
B. Student A has 50-50 percent chance to be admitted.
C. Student A will not be admitted.
D. Student A has 75 % chance to be admitted.
99. Suppose that in April 2008 LET the mean in the professional education test for the elementary group was
44.3. What does this mean?
A. 44.3 is the best single value that represents the performance of the elementary teacher examinees as a whole.
B. Most of the elementary teacher examinees obtained a score of 44.3.
C. 50% of the elementary teacher examinees got a score of at least 44.
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
D. None of the elementary teacher examinees got a score below 44.
100. `“If I favor “assessment for learning”, which will I do more most likely?
I. Conduct a pre-test, formative, and summative tests.
II. Teach based on pre-test results.
III. Give specific feedback to students.
IV.Conduct peer tutoring for students in need of help.
A. I, II and IV B. II, III and IV C. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV
101. Research says: “People tend to attribute their success to internal causes and their failures to external
causes.” Based on this finding, what should be taught to students for them to be genuinely motivated to
A. Tell them that the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivated.
B. Convince them that genuine motivation is the only factor that matters for a person to succeed.
C. Make them realize that failure is a part of life.
D. Make them realize that both success and failure are more of a function of internal causes.
102. Which type of tests is most appropriate if Teacher Miley wants to measure students’ ability to organize
thoughts and ideas?
A. Limited response essay C. Short answer type of test
B. Extended response essay D. Modified alternative response
103. What does it mean if student Pete got a 60% percentile rank in class?
A. He scored better than 60% of the class C. He scored less than 60% of the class
B. He got 60% of the items correctly D. He got 40% of the test wrongly
104. What does it mean to state that the determination index of a test item is -.35?
A. More from the upper group got the item correctly
B. The test is quite reliable
C. More from the lower group got the item correctly
D. The test item is valid
105. Which is a characteristic of the following score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34,
20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1
A. No discernible pattern B. Tri-modal C. Skewed to the right D. Bi-modal
106. For easier correction of his test, Teacher Edward prepared the True and False items in alternating 1, 3, 5,
7 etc. True, and 2, 4, 6, etc. False. What is wrong in the test in terms of Usability?
A. Improper arrangement of items C. Ambiguity
B. Identifiable pattern of answers D. Poorly constructed test items
107. What formula is used to total and compute test scores at the end of the year?
A. [Test scores = transmutation table] x 100
B. [Highest score + Lowest possible score] x 100
C. [Student’s score x 100]
D. [Student’s score + Highest possible score] x 100
108. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable to get a picture of the class performance whose raw
scores in a quiz are: 97, 95, 86, 85, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1?
A. Mode C. Mean
B. None. It is best to look at individual scores D. Median
109. What does it mean to say that the facility index of a test item is .50?
A. It is reliable B. it is valid C. it is moderate in difficulty D. It is very easy
110. Which of the following indicates a strong negative correlation?
A. -75 B. -15 C. -10 D. -25

111. HERE ARE TWO SETS OF SCORES: SET A – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

SET B – 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 9
Which statement correctly applies to the two sets of score distribution?
A. The score in Set A are more spread out than those in Set B.
B. The range for Set B is 6.
C. The range for Set A is 5.
D. The scores in Set B are more spread out than those in Set A.
112. What is/are important to state when explaining percentile-ranked tests to parents?
I. What group took the test
II. That the scores show how students performed in relation to other students
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
III. That the scores show how students performed in relation to an absolute measure
A. I and II B. II only C. I and III D. III only
113. To test if values have really been imbibed, which measurement instruments should a teacher use?
A. Rating scales and conflict stories C. Unobtrusive observation and anecdotal records
B. Projective techniques and moral dilemmas D. Likert scales and rating scales
114. What kind of assessment of learning uses real-life situations, objects, and materials existing in the
A. Rating scale B. Pencil-and-paper scale C. Authentic assessment D. Observation technique
115. What is an appropriate tool for an assessment of learning in the affective domain?
A. product assessment B. performance assessment C. self-assessment D. reading of journal entries
116. Authentic assessment are said to be more student structured than teacher structured. What does this
A. Is limited to the presentation of evidence of learning that is designed by the teacher.
B. Allows the students to choose the topics to learn over which to show proof of learning.
C. Allows more student choice in determining what is presented as evidence of proficiency.
D. Limits presentation of evidence of learning to that which is acceptable to the teacher.
117. Complete the Analogy: Traditional Assessment: Recall Authentic Assessment: ____________
A. direct evidence B. generalization C. circumstantial evidence D. conclusion
118. Why should the blank in a completion test be near the end or at the end?
A. For greater focus C. Question first before answer
B. To ensure clarity D. Nearer that way
119. Is traditional assessment, more student-structured than teacher-structured?
A. It can be determined by the ability of the students taking the test.
B. No, it is more teacher-structured.
C. Yes, it is more student-structured.
D. It depends on the orientation of the teacher giving the traditional assessment.
120. In one-hundred item test, what does Isaiah’s raw score of 70 mean?
A. He got 70m items correct.
B. He got a score above the median.
C. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score.
D. He surpassed 70 of his classmates in terms of score.
121. You were tasked to test this hypothesis: “The more a teacher knows about a specific subject matter, the
better she can teach it.” Which variable could be used as the dependent variable?
A. Incentives offered to teachers C. Teachers yearly performance evaluation rating
B. Motivation from school head D. Personality traits of the teacher
122. What does 85th percentile mean of the examinee?
A. S/he got a raw score of 85 out of a 100-item test.
B. S/he belongs to the upper 15% of the examinees.
C. S/he got a raw score of 15 out of an 85-item test.
D. S/he belongs to the upper 85% of the examinees.
123. If the difficulty index of your test item is .98, what should you do with the test?
A. Reserve it for another group of pupils C. Reclassify it
B. Retain it D. Reject it
124. A common practice is test scores are totaled at the end of each grading period and computed using ___.
A. transmutation table C. adding attitude
B. best personal judgment D. deducting absences
125. Which is not a characteristic of authentic assessment?
A. Easy to complete.
B. Is focused on lifelike, meaningful, relevant type of student learning.
C. Fruitful in terms of genuine learning.
D. Offer opportunities to study problem intensively.
126. How should the test results be used to advantage?
A. As a means of assessing students performance in the subject.
B. As indicator of learner’s performance with respect to competence in the subject areas.
C. As indicator of learner’s knowledge of subject matter.
D. As index of comparing achievement.
127. What should be the index of difficulty for an effective mastery-model test item?
A. More than 80 B. Less than 20 C. Less than 10 D. More than 90
128. Which refers to formative assessment?
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
A. Assessment of learning B. Assessment for learning C. Assessment as learning D. Assessment of
129. In what way are the results of a formative assessment utilized?
A. To assign a grade
B. To measure the learning outcome of the three-month teaching
C. To evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative teaching method
D. To guide the teacher in her choice of teaching method
130. Which is referred to as summative assessment?
A. Assessment of testing C. Assessment as learning
B. Assessment for learning D. Assessment of learning
131. The following are specific considerations in designing an assessment plan EXCEPT ___________.
A. Avoid duplication of roles.
B. Validate assessment of the students’ actual learning experience.
C. The score in the intelligence test is the sole basis for assessment.
D. Arrange the procedures from general to specific.
132. If assessment is a collaborative and reflective process, which practice is in order?
A. Students are free to select what they want evaluated.
B. Students are made to do self-evaluation after teacher has set lesson objectives.
C. The teacher does not mind assessing after she has led her students to reflect on their learning.
D. The teacher evaluates learning by herself since she formulated the lesson objective.
133. Action research is a popular type of research because through it ____________.
A. those involved in research are motivated to act
B. teachers identify problems and improve performance systematically
C. many school problems are solved
D. teachers become more committed to change
134. How can a teacher establish the reliability of a test?
I. Repeat the same test II. Administer a parallel test III. Split the test IV. Vary the number of items
A. I, II and III B. I, III and IV C. I and IV only D. II and IV only
135. The test that can measure the ability in theme writing is the __________.
A. Essay type B. Matching type C. Recall type D. Both B and C
136. The first process in analyzing test scores is ______________.
A. finding the mean B. grouping C. tallying D. ranking
137. A high school principal would like to know the causes of drop-outs in his school so he could find solutions
to this problem. What type of research is used?
A. Applied B. Action C. Pure D. Experimental
138. The major shortcoming of school grades or mark is that ________________.
A. the school’s different clientele find them satisfactory
B. they make students become uncooperative
C. the same grade may mean differently to different teachers
D. the do not reflect the true word on performance
139. In a 50-item test where the mean is 20 and the variance is 64. Nonoy obtained a score of 16. What
descriptive rating should his teacher give him?
A. Average B. Below average C. Poor D. Above average
140. Q1 is to 25th percentile as median is to ___________.
A. 25th percentile B. 40th percentile C. 50th percentile D. 75th percentile
141. Study this matching type of test. Then answer the question on the next page.
_____1. Measure of relationship A. Mean
_____2. Measure of central tendency B. Standard deviation
_____3. Binet-Simon C. rho
_____4. Statistical test of mean difference D. t-ratio
_____5. Measure of variability E. Intelligence Testing Movement
A. Add five items in both columns. C. Add 10 items in both columns to make the test more
B. Add one or two items in the right column D. Add one or two items in the left column.
142. Study this multiple choice test, then answer the question.
Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of your answer at the blank column on the left.
Column A Column B
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
_____1. Jose Rizal A. Considered the 8th wonder of the world
_____2. Ferdinand Marcos B. The national hero of the Philippines
_____3. Corazon Aquino C. National Heroes’ Say
_____4. Manila D. The first woman President of the Philippines
_____5. November 30 E. The capital of the Philippines
_____6. Banaue Rice Terraces F. The President of the Philippines who served the longest
What is WRONG with the test?
A. It contains less than ten items. C. Columns A and B are in the wrong place.
B. It is NOT a reliable test. D. It does not measure what it is supposed to measure.
143. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the question:
Subject Mean SD Ronnels's Score
Math 40 3 58
Physics 38 4 45
English 75 5 90
In which subject(s) were the scores most homogeneous?
A. English B. Physics C. Math and English D. Math
Scores Percent of Students
0 – 59 2%
60 – 69 8%
70 – 79 39%
80 – 89 38%
90 – 100 13%
In which scores interval is the median.
A. In the interval 80 to 89 C. In the interval 70 – 79
B. In between the intervals of 60 – 69 and 70 – 79 D. In the interval 60 – 69
145. Study this group of test which was administered to a class to whom Peter belongs, then answer the

Subject Mean SD Peter’s Score

Math 56 10 43
Physics 41 9 31
English 80 16 109

In which subject(s) did Peter perform most poorly in relation to the group’s mean performance?
A. English B. Physics C. English and Physics D. Math

How may you check whether an egg is fresh?

A. By the smoothness of the shell

B. There is a shadow when it is seen against a candle light?
C. It sinks in water.
D. It moves when shaken.

A. The correct answer is obvious. C. The distractors are not effective.

B. The options are not grammatically parallel. D. B is a very long option in comparison with the rest.
147. Use the box below to answer the question that follows:
Percentage Grades for Final Examination
COMPILATION – Assessment of Learning and Research 2017
40 60 70 80 90 100

Which of the following statement is TRUE about the plot of grades above?

A. The median is a score of 80 and the range is 60.

B. The median is a score of 70 and the range is 60.
C. The median is a score of 80 and the range is 20.
D. The median is a score of 70 and the range is 20.
148. Here is a lesson objective: “to reduce fractions to their lowest term.”
Which is a valid test item to test the attainment of this objective?
A. Which is the equivalent of 8 ½?
A. 2/3 B. 4/6
C. ¾ D. 16/24
B. Reduce 2/4, 6/8, 3/9, 4/10 and 8/12 their lowest terms.
C. What is a fraction?
D. How do you reduce a fraction to its lowest term?

Situation: Study the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters based on
the results of a try out test in Science. The letter marked with an asterisk is the correct answer.

Item No. 1 A B* C D E

Upper 27% 10 4 1 1 0

Lower 27% 6 5 2 2 0

149. The table shows that the test item analyzed .

A. Has a positive discrimination index C. Is extremely easy
B. Has a negative discrimination index D. Is extremely difficult
150. What can be said of Arielle who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in a Grammar objective test?
A. Her rating is 75.
B. She answered 75% of the test items correctly.
C. She performed better than 25% of her classmates.
D. She answered 75 items in the test correctly.

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