Nursing Care Plan: Sweating Temperature Rigors Nausea Vomiting Diarrhoea Lethargy Malaise

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Phinma Education Network

Name of Patient: June Duremdes______________________Age:_47_________Attending Physician: ___________________

Chief Complaint: Fever_______________

Diagnosis:_ _______________________

Nursing Diagnosis Plan/Goal Nursing Rationale Evaluation

Outcome Criteria Intervention
Signs and Symptoms: • After 7 days of Independent: • After 7 days of
Sweating nursing interventions, •Monitor patient • Fever pattern may aid nursing intervention
the client will be able to temperature degree in diagnosing disease. the client was able to
demonstrate and patterns. demonstrate
Rigors temperature within •Observe for shaking •Chills often precede temperature within
Nausea normal range and free chills and profuse during high normal range and free
Vomiting from chills. diaphoresis. temperature and from chills.
Diarrhoea presence of generalized
Lethargy infection.
•Provide tepid sponge •May help reduce fever
baths and avoid ice use of ice water and
water and alcohol. alcohol may cause chills
Objective: and elevate
• V/S taken as follows: temperature.
Temp: 37.8°C Collaborative:
PR: 87 bpm • Administer anti- •Used to reduce fever
RR: 19 bpm pyretics as prescribe. by its central action on
BP : 140/80 mmHg the hypothalamus.
•Administer antibiotics •To control the spread
as prescribed. of infection.
Student’s Name: Sherwin Peñaranda __ Clinical Instructor: Mrs. Claire J. Occeño RN___
Year & Section: BSN 3-F_______ __ Date Submitted: August 10, 2010___________

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