Gamboa-Roces vs. Judge Ranhel A. Perez
Gamboa-Roces vs. Judge Ranhel A. Perez
Gamboa-Roces vs. Judge Ranhel A. Perez
day period and offered his deepest apologies, explaining that required period constitutes gross inefficiency. Moreover,
PEREZ the delay was inadvertent and not intended to prejudice the Sections 2 and 5 of Canon 6 of the New Code of Judicial
A.M. No. MTJ-16-1887; January 9, 2017 plaintiffs. He explained that he was able to finish the final Conduct enjoin the judges to devote their professional
draft of his decision on December 1, 2014, but in his desire activity to judicial duties and to perform them, including the
FACTS: Trinidad Gamboa-Roces filed an administrative to have "a perfect decision," he did not immediately forward delivery of reserved decisions, efficiently, fairly, and with
complaint against Judge Ranhel A. Perez charging the latter the draft to his Clerk of Court as he would still polish its reasonable promptness. This obligation to render decision
with gross ignorance of the law for his failure to render decision. He, however, got distracted with other issues and promptly is further emphasized in Administrative Circular No.
judgment on the consolidated ejectment cases within the matters in the office. 3-99 which reminds all judges to meticulously observe the
reglementary period as prescribed by law. periods prescribed by the Constitution for deciding cases
The Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) through its because failure to comply with the prescribed period
In her complaint, complainant claimed that she was one of Report, dated September 7, 2016, recommended that the transgresses the parties' constitutional right to speedy
the plaintiffs of an unlawful detainer cases. After the complaint be re-docketed as a regular administrative matter disposition of their cases.
mediation proceedings and the Judicial Dispute Resolution and that "Judge Perez be found GUILTY of undue delay in
proceedings failed, it was referred back to the MCTC for trial rendering a decision or order and be admonished to be more The Court has always reminded the judges to attend
and was set for preliminary conference. As a new judge was mindful in the performance of his duties particularly in the promptly to the business of the court and to decide cases
soon to be assigned in the MCTC, the preliminary conference prompt disposition of cases pending and/or submitted for within the required periods for the honor and integrity of the
was reset, by Judge Evelyn D. Arsenio, the then acting decision/resolution before his court. Judiciary is measured not only by the fairness and
Presiding Judge. correctness of the decisions rendered, but also by the
Issue: efficiency with which disputes are resolved. Any delay in the
Complainant stated that when Judge Perez was appointed disposition of cases erodes the public's faith and confidence
and assumed office, her counsel filed two (2) separate Whether or not the Respondent as the Presiding Judge is in the Judiciary. Thus, judges should give full dedication to
motions for his inhibition in the two cases on the ground that guilty of undue delay of rendering a decision within the their primary and fundamental task of administering justice
she was previously involved in a legal confrontation with reglementary period as prescribed by law. efficiently, in order to restore and maintain the people's
Judge Perez himself when he was representing his parents. confidence in the courts.
Her motions, however, were denied in separate orders. Ruling:
Thereafter, Civil Case Nos. 451- M and 452-M were The explanation given by Judge Perez of his being
consolidated in the Order, dated March 11, 2014. After the Yes, the Respondent as the Presiding Judge is guilty of undue inexperienced as a newly appointed judge was too flimsy.
preliminary conference for the two cases was held, the delay of rendering a decision within the reglementary period The excuses only show his lack of diligence in discharging
parties were then required to file their respective position as prescribed by law..The Supreme Court cited Section 15, administrative responsibilities and professional competence in
papers. Thereafter, Judge Perez issued the Order, dated Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution which requires the lower court management wherein a judge is expected to keep his
November 21, 2014, submitting the cases for resolution. With courts to decide or resolve cases or matters for decision or own listing of cases and to note therein the status of each
this, complainant claimed that despite the lapse of more than final resolution within three (3) months from date of case so that they may be acted upon accordingly and without
ten (10) months, Judge Perez failed to decide the cases in submission. In complaints for forcible entry and unlawful delay and must adopt a system of record management and
violation of the 30-day reglementary period within which to detainer as in this case, Section 10 of the Rules on Summary organize his docket in order to monitor the flow of cases for a
decide an ejectment case. Procedure specifically requires that the complaint be resolved prompt and effective dispatch of business.
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the last affidavits and
Judge Perez on the other hand, admitted that Civil Case Nos. position papers. Without any order of extension granted by
451-M and 452-M were decided beyond the prescribed 30- this Court, failure to decide even a single case within the