Lite Refuses or Fails To Do So, Any Third Person Who
Lite Refuses or Fails To Do So, Any Third Person Who
Lite Refuses or Fails To Do So, Any Third Person Who
— Whenever
liability for contempt. (6a) conflicting claims upon the same subject matter are or
Support Pendente Lite may be made against a person who claims no interest
When the person ordered to give support pendente whatever in the subject matter, or an interest which in
Section 1. Application. — At the commencement of the lite refuses or fails to do so, any third person who whole or in part is not disputed by the claimants, he may
proper action or proceeding, or at any time prior to the furnished that support to the applicant may, after due bring an action against the conflicting claimants to
judgment or final order, a verified application for notice and hearing in the same case obtain a writ of compel them to interplead and litigate their several
support pendente lite may be filed by any party stating execution to enforce his right of reimbursement against claims among themselves. (1a, R63)
the grounds for the claim and the financial conditions of the person ordered to provide such support. (h)
both parties, and accompanied by affidavits, depositions Section 2. Order. — Upon the filing of the complaint, the
or other authentic documents in support thereof. (1a) Section 6. Support in criminal cases. — In criminal actions court shall issue an order requiring the conflicting
where the civil liability includes support for the offspring claimants to interplead with one another. If the interests
Section 2. Comment. — A copy of the application and all as a consequence of the crime and the civil aspect thereof of justice so require, the court may direct in such order
supporting documents shall be served upon the adverse has not been waived, reserved and instituted prior to its that the subject matter be paid or delivered to the court.
party, who shall have five (5) days to comment thereon filing, the accused may be ordered to provide (2a, R63)
unless a different period is fixed by the court upon his support pendente lite to the child born to the offended
motion. The comment shall be verified and shall be party allegedly because of the crime. The application Section 3. Summons. — Summons shall be served upon
accompanied by affidavits, depositions or other authentic therefor may be filed successively by the offended party, the conflicting claimants, together with a copy of the
documents in support thereof. (2a, 3a) her parents, grandparents or guardian and the State in complaint and order. (3, R63)
the corresponding criminal case during its pendency, in
Section 3. Hearing. — After the comment is filed, or after accordance with the procedure established under this Section 4. Motion to dismiss. — Within the time for filing
the expiration of the period for its filing, the application Rule. (n) an answer, each claimant may file a motion to dismiss on
shall be set for hearing not more than three (3) days the ground of impropriety of the interpleader action or
thereafter. The facts in issue shall be proved in the same Section 7. Restitution. — When the judgment or final on other appropriate grounds specified in Rule 16. The
manner as is provided for evidence on motions. (4a) order of the court finds that the person who has been period to file the answer shall be tolled and if the motion
providing support pendente lite is not liable therefor, it is denied, the movant may file his answer within the
Section 4. Order. — The court shall determine shall order the recipient thereof to return to the former remaining period, but which shall not be less than five (5)
provisionally the pertinent facts, and shall render such the amounts already paid with legal interest from the days in any event, reckoned from notice of denial. (n)
orders as justice and equity may require, having the dates of actual payment, without prejudice to the right of
regard to the probable outcome of the case and such the recipient to obtain reimbursement in a separate Section 5. Answer and other pleadings. — Each claimant
other circumstances as may aid in the proper resolution action from the person legally obliged to give the shall file his answer setting forth his claim within fifteen
of the question involved. If the application is granted, the support. Should the recipient fail to reimburse said (15) days from service of the summons upon him, serving
court shall fix the amount of money to be provisionally amounts, the person who provided the same may likewise a copy thereof upon each of the other conflicting
paid or such other forms of support as should be seek reimbursement thereof in a separate action from the claimants who may file their reply thereto as provided by
provided, taking into account the necessities of the person legally obliged to give such support. (n) these Rules. If any claimant fails to plead within the time
applicant and the resources or means of the adverse herein fixed, the court may, on motion, declare him in
party, and the terms of payment or mode for providing default and thereafter render judgment barring him from
the support. If the application is denied, the principal case any claim in respect to the subject matter.
shall be tried and decided as early as possible. (5a) Special Civil Actions
The parties in an interpleader action may file
Section 5. Enforcement of order. — If the adverse party RULE 62 counterclaims, cross-claims, third-party complaints and
fails to comply with an order granting support pendente responsive pleadings thereto, as provided by these Rules.
lite, the court shall, motu proprio or upon motion; issue an Interpleader (4a, R63)
Section 6. Determination. — After the pleadings of the the same and shall be entitled to be heard upon such party to the Supreme Court on certiorari under Rule 65,
conflicting claimants have been filed, and pre-trial has question. (3a, R64) except as hereinafter provided. (n; Bar Matter No. 803, 17
been conducted in accordance with the Rules, the court February 1998)
shall proceed to determine their respective rights and Section 4. Local government ordinances. — In any action
adjudicate their several claims. (5a, R63) involving the validity of a local government ordinance, the Section 3. Time to file petition. — The petition shall be
corresponding prosecutor or attorney of the local filed within thirty (30) days from notice of the judgment
Section 7. Docket and other lawful fees, costs and governmental unit involved shall be similarly notified and or final order or resolution sought to be reviewed. The
litigation expenses as liens. — The docket and other lawful entitled to be heard. If such ordinance is alleged to be filing of a motion for new trial or reconsideration of said
fees paid by the party who filed a complaint under this unconstitutional, the Solicitor General shall also be judgment or final order or resolution, if allowed under the
Rule, as well as the costs and litigation expenses, shall notified and entitled to be heard. (4a, R64) procedural rules of the Commission concerned, shall
constitute a lien or change upon the subject matter of the interrupt the period herein fixed. If the motion is denied,
action, unless the court shall order otherwise. (6a, R63) Section 5. Court action discretionary. — Except in actions the aggrieved party may file the petition within the
falling under the second paragraph of section 1 of this remaining period, but which shall not be less than five (5)
RULE 63 Rule, the court, motu proprio or upon motion, may refuse days in any event, reckoned from notice of denial. (n)
to exercise the power to declare rights and to construe
Declaratory Relief and Similar Remedies instruments in any case where a decision would not Section 4. Docket and other lawful fees. — Upon the filing
terminate the uncertainty or controversy which gave rise of the petition, the petitioner shall pay to the clerk of
Section 1. Who may file petition. — Any person to the action, or in any case where the declaration or court the docket and other lawful fees and deposit the
interested under a deed, will, contract or other written construction is not necessary and proper under the amount of P500.00 for costs. (n)
instrument, or whose rights are affected by a statute, circumstances. (5a, R64)
executive order or regulation, ordinance, or any other Section 5. Form and contents of petition. — The petition
governmental regulation may, before breach or violation Section 6. Conversion into ordinary action. — If before shall be verified and filed in eighteen (18) legible copies.
thereof bring an action in the appropriate Regional Trial the final termination of the case, a breach or violation of The petition shall name the aggrieved party as petitioner
Court to determine any question of construction or an instrument or a statute, executive order or regulation, and shall join as respondents the Commission concerned
validity arising, and for a declaration of his rights or ordinance, or any other governmental regulation should and the person or persons interested in sustaining the
duties, thereunder. (Bar Matter No. 803, 17 February take place, the action may thereupon be converted into judgment, final order or resolution a quo. The petition
1998) an ordinary action, and the parties shall be allowed to file shall state the facts with certainty, present clearly the
such pleadings as may be necessary or proper. (6a, R64) issues involved, set forth the grounds and brief
An action for the reformation of an instrument, to quiet arguments relied upon for review, and pray for judgment
title to real property or remove clouds therefrom, or to RULE 64 annulling or modifying the questioned judgment, final
consolidate ownership under Article 1607 of the Civil order or resolution. Findings of fact of the Commission
Code, may be brought under this Rule. (1a, R64) Review of Judgments and Final Orders or Resolutions supported by substantial evidence shall be final and non-
of the Commission on Elections and the Commission reviewable.