Ford Ignition Tfi Edit
Ford Ignition Tfi Edit
Ford Ignition Tfi Edit
TFI-IV ignition systems were introduced in 1983 along with the EEC-IV Electronic Engine Control system.
The components of the TFI-IV system include:
TFI-IV ignition systems have two distinct configurations. In the first configuration, the TFI-IV ICM is
mounted on the distributor and has three pins, which plug into the Hall effect camshaft position sensor
(commonly known as the PIP or Profile Ignition Pickup sensor) inside the distributor. This configuration is
called a distributor mounted ICM. In the second configuration, the ICM is not mounted on the distributor
but in another location within the engine compartment. This configuration is called a remote mount ICM.
The distributor mounted TFI-IV ICM uses a Universal Distributor that has an opening in it through which
the pins of the ICM plug into the CMP (PIP) sensor. The remote mount TFI-IV ICM uses a Sealed
Distributor. The CMP (hall effect PIP) sensor is located inside the distributor on both configurations. There
are no mechanisms on either distributor for either centrifugal or vacuum advance. The CMP sensor inside
the distributor responds to a rotating metallic shutter on the distributor and produces a digital PIP signal. The
PIP signal is an indication of engine rpm and engine/piston position for both the ICM and the PCM. Because
the shutter is mounted on the distributor shaft, two revolutions on the crankshaft are required to fire each
sparkplug once. The distributor rotates at half the crankshaft speed.
The internal circuitry of the TFI-IV ICM will have two possible arrangements; push start (PS) or computer
controlled dwell (CCD).
The push start system allows for increased dwell (coil on time) when starting the engine. After engine start,
the ICM internally determines coil on time (dwell) based on engine rpm (derived from the PIP signal),
previous spark position and, coil charge time. The PCM calculates spark timing and outputs a rising edge of
SPOUT at the appropriate time. The ICM turns the coil off whenever it sees a rising edge of SPOUT. The
SPOUT signal is an acronym for SPark OUTput, a digital signal generated by the PCM. The falling edge of
SPOUT is ignored by the ICM. On a push start system, SPOUT only controls when the coil fires. The dwell
was designed to provide either 17% or 32% excess dwell to ensure sufficient coil charge time under
transient engine-acceleration conditions. Push start TFI-IV ICMs are gray in color.
A computer controlled dwell (CCD) system uses both edges of the SPOUT signal. The PCM calculates
spark timing and outputs a rising edge of SPOUT at the appropriate time. The ICM turns the coil off
whenever it sees a rising edge of SPOUT. The falling edge of SPOUT is used by the ICM to turn the coil on.
The coil on time (dwell), is therefore, entirely controlled by the PCM-generated SPOUT signal. The ICM
does not internally determine dwell, it just responds to directly to SPOUT signal it receives. The PCM
determined the correct dwell by measuring the time it takes for the coil to reach a predetermined current
level. This has the advantage of limiting excess dwell, which significantly reduces heating in the ICM. TFI-
IV ICMs that utilize computer-controlled dwell are black in color.
As described above, SPOUT is a digital signal generated by the PCM. The rising edge of SPOUT
determines ignition timing for each cylinder because it causes the ICM to turn off the ignition coil and fire
the spark plugs. The falling edge of SPOUT is output as a 50% dutycycle for a push start ICM. The falling
edge of SPOUT determines the coil on time (dwell) for a CCD ICM. During engine crank, SPOUT mirrors
PIP to provide 10 deg BTDC spark timing during crank. After the engine is out of crank mode, the PCM
calculates normal ignition timing and controls SPOUT appropriately.
If the SPOUT signal line from the PCM is open, the ICM will use the PIP signal to fire the coil. This results
in a fixed spark angle (normally 10 deg BTDC) and fixed dwell. The in-line SPOUT connector can be
opened in order to check to see if base engine timing is correct (normally 10 deg BTDC).
The CMP (hall effect PIP) sensor is a digital output device located within the distributor. A rotary vane cup,
used to trigger the hall sensor, is mounted on the shaft of the distributor. It is made of a ferrous metal. When
the window of a cup is in the air gap between the hall effect device and the permanent magnet, a magnetic
flux field is completed from the magnet through the hall device and back to the magnet. This results in a low
(0 to 0.4 volts) output signal. As the distributor shaft turns, a metal tooth on the cup will move into the air
gap. The magnetic field will be shunted by the tooth, preventing it from reaching the hall device, and the
output signal will change from low to high (B+ volts).
All rising edges of PIP normally occur at 10 deg BTDC for each cylinder. PIP normally has a 50% duty
cycle. (For a few engines, initial timing is set to 5 deg BTDC or 15 deg BTDC.) Some port-fuel-injected
engines (PFI) and all sequential-fuel-injection engines (SFI) use a signature PIP distributor. For signature
PIP systems, one tooth on the vane cup is smaller than the rest to identify that cylinder # 1 is at 10 deg
BTDC. The width of the PIP signal generated by this tooth is smaller than that of the other teeth (30% duty
cycle for 4 and 6 cyl engines, 35% for 8 cyl engines) and is called signature PIP.
The PCM uses the rising edges of PIP to calculate engine rpm and as a reference for calculated spark output
(SPOUT) timing. The PCM uses the falling edges of PIP to recognize signature PIP and determine where
cylinder no. 1 is for proper fuel injection timing. At low engine rpms. the falling edge of PIP is used as the
reference for calculated spark output (SPOUT) timing because it provides a closer timing reference than the
rising edge of PIP.
Note: these are unverified engineering part numbers obtained from old, internal documents. They may not
2.6 - Ignition Diagnostic Monitor
The Ignition Diagnostic Monitor (IDM) signal is an input into the PCM. This signal is the voltage from the
primary side of the coil (commonly known as TACH). When the coil is turned off to fire the spark plugs, a
large flyback voltage (up to 400 volts) is generated on the IDM circuit by the coil discharge. The PCM
interprets this positive voltage transition to mean that the coil fired. The coil signal is processed directly by
the PCM through an external 22 K ohm resistor on push start TFI ICMs. The coil signal is processed
internally on computer controlled dwell TFI ICMs, then sent on to the PCM as a digital signal. The PCM
expects to see an IDM pulse for every SPOUT. It uses this information to determine if the ignition coil and
other ignition components are working properly.
Pin 4 START or IDM *
Pin 2 COIL -
* Pin 4 is Start on push start ICM, IDM on computer controlled dwell ICMs
grey ICM is push start, black ICM is computer controlled dwell
Pin 6 PIP
Pin 4 START or IDM *
Pin 2 COIL -
Pin 1 GND
* Pin 4 is Start on push start ICM, IDM on computer controlled dwell ICMs
grey ICM is push start, black ICM is computer controlled dwell
Note 1: This typical PIP/SPOUT/PCM interface schematic applies to both distributor mounted and remote
mounted ICMs.
Note 2: Coil driver, IC power supply and unlabeled resistors are implemented on a integrated circuit. This
IC differs between push start and computer controlled dwell ICMs. Differences and associated wiring
inputs/outputs for PS-TFI and CCD-TFI ICMs are not shown.