Brochure Fc101

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VLT® HVAC Basic Drive

– for compact simple fan
and pump applications

Energy use reduction
in Mumbai’s VSNL building. ‘Only by using
Variable Frequency Drives in the HVAC system
could we achieve this target’ – General
Manager VSNL, India.
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive
The VLT® HVAC Basic Drive is designed for simple fan and pump applications where the drive is used nearby
the motor. The VLT® HVAC Basic Drive is designed to fit compact and basic functional performance
HVAC applications, offering simple control features and most common HVAC protocols for a limited
integration into your building management system.

The VLT® HVAC Basic Drive includes: Fire Override Mode VLT® HVAC BasicDrive
■ > 98% basic energy efficiency Fire Override Mode helps keep fire product range:
■ Automatic Energy Optimisation escape routes free of smoke, over- 3 x 200 – 240 ........................ 0.25 – 11 kW
■ User-friendly operation rides the drive’s self-protecting 3 x 380 – 480 V.....................0.37 – 90 kW
■ Programming in 7 languages features and keeps the driven
■ Numerical or graphical equipment running as long as Available enclosure ratings:
control panel possible in the event of fire. ■ IP 20
■ IP 21 w. kit
Save money Activating Fire Override Mode will ■ Type 1 w. kit
The VLT® HVAC Basic Drive enables ensure the VLT® HVAC Basic Drive
the user flexibility to select from a ignores “soft“ faults and alarms to
range of functional performance continue operation during essential
requirements to secure the best cost services such as a “fire” command.
advantage for their application needs.
Integrated DC coils
Easy commissioning The standard integrated DC coils also
Its Quick Menu wizzard makes normal ensure low harmonic load on the
set-up and operation easy. network within EN 61000-3-12 and
increase the lifespan of the DC link
Maintenance free capacitors. They also ensure that the
Due to a series of self-protecting drive can operate motors to their full
and monitoring features, the performance.
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive is maintenance
free, except for general cleaning. Danfoss also provides passive
Replacement of internal fans or solutions including 12/18 pulse
capacitors is normally not required. solutions, Advanved Harmonic Filters
(AHF), and active harmonic mitigation
Save space for further protection against
Due to its ultra compact design, the harmonic disturbances of the supply
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive is easily grid.
mounted inside a HVAC unit or panel,
reducing overall enclosure costs.

Optimising energy savings The intuitive
Drive control panel
Automatic Energy Automatic Motor Adaptation
Optimisation Enter the name plate data, and VLT®
AEO provides optimized motor HVAC Basic Drive automatically
magnetisation at all speeds and loads. adjusts to the motor.
This feature increases the energy
savings gained by applying variable Suitable for “follower”
speed control and is standard on the operation
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive. The drive’s structure makes it suitable
for “follower” operation required by
BMS, PLC’s or DDCs.

Automatic Energy Optimisation

Start with high acceleration AEO-adjustment


Automatic load
Motor voltage
2-line alphanumeric display
Motor current
languages + numeric menu
Status LED’s
uick menus (wizard for open
loop applications, closed loop
applications, and motor setup)
IP 54 when mounted
in a panel front
Password protection
Same parameter structure as
The open communications drive other Danfoss FC drives
Removable under operation
Upload and download
The VLT® HVAC Basic Drive integrates Embedded fieldbuses parameters
and communicates seamlessly with all  BACnet (LCP copy function)
HVAC devices, required by Building  Modbus RTU (std.)
Management Systems via fieldbus.  FC protocol
 N2 Metasys
 FLN Apogee

The VLT® BACnet optimizes the use This option makes it easy to control or
of VLT® HVAC Basic Drive when monitor points required in typical
combined with building management HVAC applications.

VLT® HVAC Basic Drive has objects

defined to accept 3 separate
feedbacks transmitted over BACnet.

Makes your buildings perform

Danfoss commitment Save energy and CO2 emission A wealth of knowledge

Danfoss’ longstanding experience in VLT® frequency converters save more The various applications incorporated
applying drives in HVAC systems has than 20 million MWh energy globally within high performance buildings
enhanced its ability to offer technical each year. This is equivalent to the are well understood by Danfoss and
expertise integrating the drive into annual electricity consumption of as global market leader we have built
the overall system design to extract 5 million homes. a wealth of knowledge and
the maximum value from your initial This energy saving reduces annual developed products and technology
investment and optimize your CO2 emissions by 12 million tons! to ensure we meet and shape future
operational savings performance. trends in this industry.
Building performance
The 21st Century focus on energy Today the prime focus is on overall Danfoss application and industry
efficiency is not new with regard to buildings performance which knowledge will ensure that the
energy savings emphasis on the includes design, construction, investment made in VLT® drives
consequences of wasted energy and efficiency, sustainability and the provides a qualified return.
over-use of fossil fuels to produce environmental impact of buildings in
energy is at the top of the agenda. the future. Financial incentives are just as
important as moral incentives to
Climate Change is seen as a cost to Energy efficient products form part of make people choose energy efficient
the human race not just simply a this overall plan. In most countries solutions.
financial cost. around the world the evaluation of
high performance buildings falls
under the banner LEED.

Reliable and cost effective Minimum impact on Clean power supply
Correct drive selection is critical to the environment
reliability. Solutions that introduce When choosing a VLT® drive as part of VLT® HVAC Basic Drive introduces
unacceptable levels of RFI or the building control architecture, the a minimum of RFI or harmonic
harmonics can prove highly problem- lifetime sustainability is an important distortion into the building and
atic and costly in addition to violating aspect to concider. avoids problematic and, in some
legislative regulations. countries/regions, performance
New regulations are forcing manufac- degregation.
Danfoss’ many years of experience in turers to look at how they manufac- VLT® HVAC Basic Drive is a reliable
the application of VLT® drives and in ture, what they manufacture and with and cost effective investment.
the HVAC industry in particular, has what materials they use in manufac-
resulted in a global team focused on turing their products.
delivering the best drive solutions,
ensuring total security of your Are the products harmful to make?
investment. Are they harmful to dispose of at their
end-of-life? RoHS, WEEE Directives,
and ISO14001 are all standards and
directives created to ensure minimum
impact on the environment.

EMC compatible DC coils reduce harmonic noise

and protect the drive

EMC protection coupled with EN 61800-3, class C1 (residential) and

harmonic filters ensures that Class C2 (industrial area).
the EMC environment and
power supplies are maintained This ensures reliable plant operation
undisturbed throughout the through full compliance with all EMC
operational lifetime of the requirements, product standards,
system, negating any prescribed warnings, and restrictions.
reduction in lifecycle costs.
Integrated DC chokes minimise the
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive meets the EMC network effects dramatically and thus
product standard EN 61800-3 without maintain operation within the limits
additional external components and of EN 61000-3-12.
corresponds to the EMC guidelines These chokes also make the VLT®
2004/108/EC, offering performance HVAC Basic Drive stable and dynamic
superior to other drives. even during short supply voltage
Critical for practical use is compliance drops or other poor network
with the environment standard conditions.

Categories according to
EN 61800-3 C1 C2 C3 C4

Limits according to EN 55011 Class B Class A1 Class A2 class A2
Comparison of limits EN 55011/61800-3

For basic applications and requirements

VLT™ HVAC Basic Drive often Dedicated HVAC organization Reducing operating costs
represents the lowest invest- Customer assurance stems from Up to 98% efficiency
ment cost to fit your basic Danfoss’ dedicated and highly Automatic Energy Optimisation
application needs. experienced HVAC support team. 
Danfoss legacy and history in
HVAC applications
We understand the needs of our It has the depth of understanding in 
IP enclosures and optional
customers operating their facilities in HVAC applications that ensures the conformal coating to provide
a competitive environment which maximum benefit is extracted from robust & reliable performance in
requires total system cost effective- the customers’ investment in VLT® the harshest of environments
ness and highest efficiency in daily drive systems. 40-50° C ambient temperature
operations with environmental 
Broadest range of drive
sustainability. Reducing acquisition costs and motor protection
VAC functions to reduce other Maintenance free drive
system components System diagnostics
Ease of installation and set-up

Supporting software tool ≈ 98% efficiency High Ambient Temperatures
Software tools are available to help The VLT® HVAC Basic Drive follow the VLT® HVAC Basic Drive is designed to
design a system with minimal standards with up to 98% efficiency operate in ambient temperatures
harmonics and best energy efficiency. or more at full load. This reduces up to 50o C.
initial costs and operating costs due
Protection mode to the smaller heat load/air condi- In most cases, the VLT® HVAC Basic
As soon as the system detects a tioning requirement in the switch- Drive will handle abnormal situations
critical status (e.g. over-current or room/plantroom, thereby maximizing without needing attention.
overvoltage) the frequency of the energy efficiency. Every kW of losses
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive will automati- requires another ~0.5 kW of energy to VLT® HVAC Basic Drive will manage
cally be reduced and the modulation remove the heat. the loss of a mains phase or a high
process adjusted. mains imbalance by autoderating
Installed in an air conditioned speed and load to maintain a period
Due to its ability to limit its switching switchroom, lower losses can easily of reduced operation, enabling
operations the VLT® HVAC Basic Drive result in operating cost savings >5% technicians to respond to the
is very reliable and robust. – 10% of the cost of the drive every situation.
year (based on a typical load profile,
The protection mode will – if with the drive operating 24/7). Also
allowable – end after 10 seconds and energy consumption and CO2
the frequency will be restored under emission is reduced.

Enclosure protection options

VLT® drives are available in IP 20/Type1

enclosures, optimized for installation in panels

The installation volume and/or the EMC filters, harmonics suppression Accessories for bonding screened
mounting surfaces are minimized. are integrated into the ultra compact cables are included. The compact
enclosure. enclosures are easier to install. This is
The functional sections nevertheless important especially within existing
fulfil the highest requirements even Save installation time installations with limited accessibility.
for applications with long motor The IP 20/ Type 1 series is designed An extensive range of options and
cables and ambient temperatures up for easy accessibility and time-saving accessories are available, optimizing
to 50° C. installation. Mechanical fastening the drive for the respective
points are easy to access from the application.
Compact design front even with automatic tools.
Optimized efficiency and intelligent
cooling technology make for a All terminals are sufficiently dimen-
compact and service-friendly design. sioned and clearly marked behind a
Supplementary equipment such as plate

Managing Harmonics

Harmonic distortion on the supply tool which can quickly and easily be the software presents a clear
grid is an increasing problem, mainly downloaded from overview of each project with data
caused by electronic power devices presented in both tabular and
including frequency converters, Data can be entered, stored and bar-chart formats.
drawing non-sinusoidal current from recalled project by project. At a click
the mains supply. This creates
harmonic distortion on the supply
Typical without filter With AHF
depending on the supply impedance.

Danfoss’ Harmonic Calculation

Software MCT 31 makes it possible to
calculate the extent of these
harmonics at the planning stage and
can suggest mitigation
Without filter With AHF

Harmonic mitigation can be particu-

larly valuable when the power supply
is backed up by emergency genera-
tors, which have poorer tolerance to
non-sinusoidal currents.

Current standards (EN 50106) are

included in the software analysis Harmonic disturbance with and without AHF filter.

Enhanced safety built-in
Fire Override Mode
Activating the function “Fire-mode”
Fresh air in
within the VLT® HVAC Basic Drive
ensures secure and continued
operation within applications such as
stair-well pressurization, car park
exhaust fans, smoke exhaust and
essential service functions.

Clearly indicated
Fire mode is clearly indicated on the
display to prevent any confusion.
When set, the drive will override self
protection and will continue
operation despite the possibility of Speed
permanent damage in case of
over-heating or overload. The vital
goal is to keep the motor running Easy to open doors
even if it means self-destruction.

Typical application
Smoke extraction from traffic tunnels,
Differential pressure
subway stations, stairwells.

For simple pump applications

The VLT® HVAC Basic Drive offers
pump-specific features developed in
cooperation with OEMs, contractors
and manufacturers around the world.

Sleep Mode
In Sleep Mode the drive detects
situations with low or no flow. Instead
of continuous operation, Sleep Mode
boosts the system pressure and then
stops to save energy. The drive starts
automatically when the pressure falls
below the lower set point.

For simple fan applications

User-friendly, distributed intelligence Resonance Monitoring Belt Monitoring

and reduced power consumption are By pressing a few buttons on the The drive can from the speed/current
beneficial for fan applications. Local Control Panel the drive can be detect the case where the motor have
set to avoid frequency bands at which lost contact to the fan and throw an
Basic AHU functions connected fans create resonances in alarm.
This enables the HVAC Drive to the ventilation system.
control a wide range of functions, This reduces vibration, noises and Flying start
including: wear on equipment. The drive can detect speed and
direction of a freely spinning fan or
Fire Override Mode Stairwell Pressurisation fan and “catch” it at the right frequen-
Fire Override Mode prevents the In the event of fire, the VLT® HVAC cy. This feature prevents violent starts
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive from stopping Basic Drive can maintain a higher and tear on the equipment.
for self-protecting reasons. In this level of air pressure in stairwells than
mode it will continue vital fan in other parts of the building and
operation regardless of control ensure that fire escapes remain free of
signals, warnings or alarms. smoke.

VLT® HVAC Basic Drive
a compact OEM solution for basic applications
IP 21/ Type 1 Kit LCP Panel Mounting Kit
The IP 21/ Type 1 kit is used for instal- For easy installation of the local
lation of VLT® HVAC Basic Drives in dry control panel in a cabinet door.
environments. The enclosure kits are IP 54 (front)
available for all frame sizes. 
Thumb screws for tool-free
PG 16 and PG 21 holes for glands installation
Incl. 3 meters of cables in industry
quality (also available separately)
Easy to install

Frame size IP 20 kit UL Type 1 kit Ordering number

H1 132B0212 132B0222 132B0201 (Mounting kit for LCP
H2 132B0213 132B0223
including fasteners, 3 m cable and
H3 132B0214 132B0224
H4 132B0215 132B0225
H5 132B0216 132B0226
H6 132B0217 132B0217
H7 132B0218 132B0218
H8 132B0219 132B0219

VLT® Motion Control Tool

Set-up software provides easy control Basic Two modes
of details as well as a general  Scope & Graph On-line and off-line mode
over view of drive systems, large or  Alarm history in saved projects In the online mode, you work with the
small. The tool handles all drives-  Multiple fieldbus support actual setup of the drives in question.
related data. Your actions will have immediate
Advanced effect on the performance of the
Explorer-like interface  No limitation in number of drives drive(s).
The MCT 10 software features  Motor database
explorer-like interface design and  Real-time logging from drive Connections
functionality to ease both use and  RS485
learning of the facilities.

More efficient service organisation

 Scope & logging:
Analyze problems easily
 Read out alarms, warnings and
fault log in one view
 Compare a saved project with
an on-line drive

More efficient commissioning

 Off-line commissioning offsite
 Save/send/mail projects anywhere
 Easy fieldbus handling, multiple
drives in project file. Enables
service organization to be more

Specifications (Basic unit without extensions)
Main supply (L1, L2, L3) Fieldbus communication
Supply voltage 200 – 240 V ±10% BACnet
Supply voltage 380 – 480 V ±10% FC Protocol
Standard built-in: N2 Metasys
Supply frequency 50/60 Hz FLN Apogee
Displacement power factor Modbus RTU
> 0.98
(cos ф) near unity
Switching on input supply
1–2 times/min. Protection mode for longest possible up-time
L1, L2, L3
Harmonic disturbance Meets EN 61000-3-12 – Electronic thermal motor protection against overload

Output data (U, V, W) – Temperature monitoring of the heatsink ensures that the frequency
converter trips if the temperature reaches 95° C ± 5° C.
Output voltage 0 – 100% of supply voltage
Output frequency 0 – 400 Hz – The frequency converter is protected against short-circuits on motor
terminals U, V, W.
Switching on output Unlimited
Ramp times 1 – 3600 sec. – The frequency converter is protected against earth faults on motor
terminals U, V, W.
Digital inputs – Protection against mains phase loss
Programmable digital inputs 4
Logic PNP or NPN
Voltage level 0 – 24 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri Approx. 4 kΩ
Power, current and frame size
Analog inputs
Analog inputs 2 T2 200 – 240 V T4 380 – 480 V
Modes Voltage or current IP 20 IP 20
FC 101 kW Amp. Amp.
Voltage level 0 to +10 V (scaleable) Chassis Chassis
Current level 0/4 to 20 mA (scaleable) PK25 0.25 1.5
Accuracy of analog inputs Max. error: 0.5% of full scale PK37 0.37 2.2 1.2
PK75 0.75 4.2 2.2 H1
Analog output P1K5 1.5 6.8 3.7
Programmable P2K2 2.2 9.6 H2 5.3
analog outputs
P3K0 7.2 H2
Current range at
0/4 – 20 mA P4K0 9.1
analog output
Max. load to common at P3K7 3.7 15.2 H3
500 Ω P5K5 5.5 22 12
analog output (clamp 30)
H4 H3
Accuracy on analog output Max. error: 1% of full scale P7K5 7.5 28 15.5
Analog outputs can be used as digital outputs P11K 11 42 H5 23
P15K 15 31
Control card
P18K 18.5 37
RS485 interface Up to 115 kBaud H5
P22K 22 42.5
Max. load (10 V) 25 mA
P30K 30 61
Max. load (24 V) 80 mA
P37K 37 73 H6
Relay output P45K 45 90
Programmable relay outputs 2 P55K 55 106
Max. terminal load (AC) P75K 75 147
240 VAC, 2 A and 400 VAC, 2 A
on 1-3 (break), 1-2 (make) P90K 90 177 H8
IP 20/Chassis
(IP 21/Type 1 optional kit)
Vibration test 1.0 g
5% – 95% (IEC 721-3-3; Class 3K3
Max. relative humidity
(non-condensing) during operation
Ambient temperature Max. 40-50° C
Galvanic isolation of all I/O supplies according to PELV
Designed for coated/uncoated
Aggressive environment
3C3/3C2 (IEC 60721-3-3)

Global Marine

Dimensions, powers and currents
200 – 240 VAC
IP 20/Chassis H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
PK25 PK37 PK75 P1K5 P2K2 P3K7 P5K5 P7K5 P11K
[kW] 0.29 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11
Typical Shaft Output
[HP] 0.33 0.5 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15
Output Current Continuous [A] 1.5 2.2 4.2 6.8 9.6 15.2 22 28 42
(3 x 200 – 240 V) Intermittent [A] 1.7 2.4 4.6 7.5 10.6 16.7 24.2 30.8 46.2
Max. cable size [mm2] 4/10 16/6
Mains, motor ([AWG])
Max. Input Current Continuous 1.1 1.6 2.8 5.6 8.8/7.2 14.1/12 21/18 28.3/24 41/38.2
(3 x 200 – 240 V) Intermittent 1.2 1.8 3.1 6.2 9.5/7.9 15.5/13.2 23.1/19.8 31.1/26.4 45.1/42
Estimated power loss at rated max. load, best case [W] 12 15 21 48 80 97 182 230 369
typically 14 18 26 60 182 120 204 268 386
Weight [kg] 2.0 2.1 3.4 4.5 7.9 9.5
Efficiency [%], best case 97.0 97.3 98.0 97.6 97.1 97.9 97.3 97.5 97.2
typically 96.5 96.8 97.6 97.0 96.3 97.4 97 97.1

380-480 VAC
IP 20/Chassis H1 H2 H3 H4
PK37 PK75 P1K5 P2K2 P3K0 P4K0 P5K5 P7K5 P11K
[kW] 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11
Typical Shaft Output
[HP] 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 15
Output Current Continuous [A] 1.2 2.2 3.7 5.3 7.2 9.1 12 15.5 23
(3 x 380-440 V) Intermittent [A] 1.3 2.4 4.1 5.8 7.9 9.9 13.2 17.1 25.3
Output Current Continuous [A] 1.1 2.1 3.4 4.8 6.3 8.2 11 14 21
(3 x 440-480 V) Intermittent [A] 1.2 2.3 3.7 5.3 6.9 9.0 12.1 15.4 23.1
Max. cable size [mm2] 4/10 16/6
Mains, motor ([AWG])
Max. Input Current Continuous [A] 1.2 2.1 3.5 4.7 6.3 8.3 11.2 15.1 22.1
(3 x 380-440 V) Intermittent [A] 1.3 2.3 3.9 5.2 6.9 9.1 12.3 16.6 24.3
Max. Input Current Continuous 1.0 1.8 2.9 3.9 5.3 6.8 9.4 12.6 18.4
(3 x 440-480 V) Intermittent 1.1 2 3.2 4.3 5.8 7.5 10.3 13.9 20.2
Estimated power loss at rated max. load, best case [W] 13 21 46 46 66 95 104 159 248
typically 15 16 57 58 83 118 131 189 274
Weight [kg] 2.0 2.0 2.1 3.3 3.3 3.4 4.3 4.5 7.9
Efficiency [%], best case 97.8 98 97.7 98.3 98.2 98 98.4 98.2 98.1
typically 97.3 97.6 97.2 97.9 97.8 97.6 98 97.8 97.9

IP 20/Chassis H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
P15 P18K P22K P30K P37K P45K P55K P75K P90K
[kW] 15 18 22 30 37 45 55 75 90
Typical Shaft Output
[HP] 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125
Output Current Continuous [A] 31 37 42.5 61 73 90 106 147 177
(3 x 380-440 V) Intermittent [A] 34 40.7 46.8 67.1 80.3 99 116 161 194
Output Current Continuous [A] 27 34 40 52 65 80 105 130 160
(3 x 440-480 V) Intermittent [A] 29.7 37.4 44 57.2 71.5 88 115 143 176
Max. cable size [mm2] 16/6 35/2 50/1 95/0 120/250
Mains, motor ([AWG]) MCM
Max. Input Current Continuous [A] 29.9 35.2 41.5 57 70 84 103 140 166
(3 x 380-440 V) Intermittent [A] 32.9 38.7 45.7 62.7 77 92.4 113 154 182
Max. Input Current Continuous 24.7 29.3 34.6 49-46 61-57 73-68 89-83 121-113 143-133
(3 x 440-480 V) Intermittent 27.2 32.2 38.1 54-50 67-62 80-74 98-91 133-124 157-146
Weight [kg] 7.9 9.5 24.5 36 51

Ordering type code for VLT® HVAC Basic Drive
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
FC-101 – – – – – – – – X – X – X – SXX X – X – AX – BX – CX – X – XX – DX

[1] Application [3] AC Line Voltage [9] Mains Input

101 VLT® HVAC Basic Drive FC 101 T2 3 x 200/240 V AC (1.1 – 11 kW) X No option
T4 3 x 380/480 V AC
[2] Power Size [13] A Option (Fieldbus)
PK25 [4] Enclosure AX No fieldbus option
PK37 E20 IP 20 (enclosure H1 – H8)
[14] B Option (Application)
PK75 P20 IP 20 (w. back plate. Enclosure H6 – H8)
BX No application option
[5] RFI Filter (EN 55011)
P2K2 [18] D Option (Control Power Backup Input)
H2 RFI-Filter Class A2 (H6-H8)
P3K0 DX No DC input option
H3 RFI -Filter Class A1/B (H6-H8)
H4 RFI-Filter, Class A1 (H1-H5)
P3K7 Please beware that not all combinations
P5K5 are possible. Find help configuring your drive
[6] Braking & Safety
with the online configurator found under:
P7K5 See ratings data on page 13 X No brake IGBT
P11K for power ratings
[7] Display (Local Control Panel)
X No LCP installed Based on your selection, Danfoss manufactures
the desired VLT® HVAC Basic Drive.
[8] Conformal Coating (IEC 721-3-3)
You will receive a fully assembled frequency
P30K X No conformal coating (H6-H8)
converter, tested under full load conditions.
P37K C Conformal coating on all PCBs

Power Height Width Depth Hole

[kW/Hp] [mm/inch] [mm/inch] [mm/inch] [mm]
A incl.
Frame IP class 3 x 200 – 240V 3 x 380 – 480 V A a B b C D
H1 0.25-1.5 kW/0.33-2 HP 0.37-1.5 kW/0.5-2 HP 195/7.7 273/10.7 183/7.2 75/3 56/2.2 168/6.6 4.5
H2 2.2 kW/3 HP 2.2-4 kW/3-5.4 HP 227/8.4 303/11.9 212/8.3 90/3.5 65/2.6 190/7.5 5.5
H3 3.7 kW/5 HP 5.5-7.5 kW/7.5-10 HP 255/10 329/13 240/9.4 100/3.9 74/2.9 206/8.1
H4 5.5-7.5 kW/7.5-10 HP 11-15 kW/15-20 HP 296/11.7 359/14.1 275/10.8 135/5.3 105/4.1 241/9.5
H5 11 kW/15 HP 18.5-22 kW/25-30 HP 334/13.1 402/15.8 314/12.4 150/5.9 120/4.7 255/10
IP 20
H6 30-45 kW/40-60 HP 518/20.4 495/19.5 239/31.5 200/7.9 242/9.5
630/24.8 8.5
H7 55-75 kW/100-120 HP 550/21.7 521/20.5 313/12.3 270/10.6 335/13.2
H8 90 kW/120 HP 660/26 800/31.5 631/24.8 375/14.8 330/13 335/13.2

What VLT® is all about
Danfoss VLT Drives is the world leader among dedicated drives providers
– and still gaining market share.

Environmentally Dedicated to drives Rely on the experts

responsible Dedication has been a key word since We take responsibility for every
1968, when Danfoss introduced the element of our products. The fact that
VLT® products are manufactured with world’s first mass produced variable we develop and produce our own
respect for the safety and well-being speed drive for AC motors – and features, hardware, software, power
of people and the environment.
named it VLT®. modules, printed circuit boards, and
All activities are planned and per- accessories is your guarantee of
formed taking into account the indi- Twenty five hundred employees reliable products.
vidual employee, the work environ- develop, manufacture, sell and service
ment and the external environment. drives and soft starters in more than Local backup – globally
Production takes place with a mini- one hundred countries, focused only VLT® motor controllers are operating
mum of noise, smoke or other pollu- on drives and soft starters. in applications all over the world and
tion and environmentally safe disposal
Danfoss VLT Drives’ experts located in
of the products is pre-prepared.
Intelligent and innovative more than 100 countries are ready to
UN Global Compact Developers at Danfoss VLT Drives support our customers with applica-
Danfoss has signed the UN Global have fully adopted modular principles tion advice and service wherever they
Compact on social and environmental in development as well as design, pro- may be.
responsibility and our companies act duction and configuration.
responsibly towards local societies. Danfoss VLT Drives experts don’t stop
Tomorrow’s features are developed in until the customer’s drive challenges
EU Directives
All factories are certified according to parallel using dedicated technology are solved.
ISO 14001 standard. All products fulfil platforms. This allows the develop-
the EU Directives for General Product ment of all elements to take place in
Safety and the Machinery directive. parallel, at the same time reducing
Danfoss VLT Drives is, in all product time to market and ensuring that
series, implementing the EU Directive customers always enjoy the benefits
concerning Hazardous Substances in
of the latest features.
Electrical and Electrical Equipment
(RoHS) and is designing all new prod-
uct series according to the EU Direc-
tive on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE).

Impact on energy savings

One year’s energy savings from our
annual production of VLT® drives
will save the energy equivalent to
the energy production from a major
power plant. Better process control
at the same time improves product
quality and reduces waste and wear on

DKDD.PB.43.A1.02 VLT® is a trademark of Danfoss A/S Produced by PE-MMSC 2011.05

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