ECE341 Fall 2016 Syllabus

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ECE 341 – Electromagnetic Fields I, Fall 2016

(1) Course Details:

Instructor: BRANISLAV M. NOTAROS, Professor, Eng C101C, Phone: (970) 491-3537

E-mail: [email protected], Web:

Class Meetings: Tuesday, Thursday 12:30pm-1:45pm, WAGAR 133

Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00am-12:00noon and Thursday 11:00am-12:00noon, or by appointment

Textbook: - Electromagnetics, Branislav M. Notaros, PEARSON Prentice Hall, 2010

Companion Website for the book:

Conceptual Questions
MATLAB Exercises

Additional References:
- MATLAB-Based Electromagnetics, Branislav M. Notaros, PEARSON Prentice Hall, 2013
- Introductory Electromagnetics, Zoya Popovic and Branko D. Popovic, Prentice Hall, 1999
- Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, N. N. Rao, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.

Class Web page:

Teaching Assistant: Pranav Athalye, Electromagnetics Lab (Engineering B110),

[email protected], (970) 491-2967

TA Office Hour:

Class Recitations with TA (every week):


(2) Course Description:

Fundamentals of time-invariant electric and magnetic fields and time-varying electromagnetic fields
leading to general Maxwell’s equations. Topics include the electromagnetic model, vector calculus,
electrostatic fields, steady electric currents, magnetostatic fields, electromagnetic induction, slowly time-
varying electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic materials, and Maxwell’s equations in integral and
differential form. Solutions of Maxwell’s equations in the presence of boundary conditions are presented.
Electromagnetic energy and power, and electric and magnetic potentials are studied. Capacitance, self and
mutual inductances, low-frequency resistance, and leakage conductance are evaluated. Circuit theory and
its relationship to electromagnetics is presented as an approximate form of Maxwell’s equations.

(3) Organization of Course Topics:

Weeks (tentative)
1. Electrostatic Field in Free Space (Weeks 1, 2)

 Electric Field Due to Charge Distributions (Sections 1.1–1.5)

 Electric Scalar Potential, Gradient (Sections 1.6–1.10)

 Gauss’ Law, Integral Form (Sections 1.12, 1.13)

 Gauss’ Law, Differential Form, Divergence (Sections 1.14, 1.15)

 Conductors in the Electrostatic Field (Sections 1.16–1.19, 1.21)

2. Electrostatic Field in Material Media (Weeks 3, 4)

 Polarization of Dielectrics, Bound Volume and Surface Charge Densities (Sections 2.1–2.4)

 Generalized Gauss’ Law, Dielectric-Dielectric Boundary Conditions (Sections 2.5–2.10)

 Analysis of Capacitors with Homogeneous Dielectrics (Sections 2.12, 2.13)

 Analysis of Capacitors with Inhomogeneous Dielectrics (Sections 2.14, 2.17)

 Electric Energy and Energy Density (Sections 2.15, 2.16)

3. Steady Electric Currents (Weeks 7, 8)

 Current Density Vector and Current Intensity (Section 3.1)

 Conductivity and Ohm’s and Joule’s Laws in Local Form (Sections 3.2, 3.3)

 Continuity Equation (Sections 3.4, 3.5)

 Resistance, Ohm’s Law, and Joule’s Law (Sections 3.8, 3.9)

 Analysis of Capacitors with Imperfect Inhomogeneous Dielectrics (Sections 3.11)

4. Magnetostatic Field (Weeks 9, 10)

 Magnetostatic Field in Free Space, Biot-Savart Law (Sections 4.1–4.3)

 Ampère’s Law, Integral Form, Curl (Sections 4.4–4.7)

 Magnetostatic Field in Material Media (Sections 5.1–5.3)

 Generalized Ampère’s Law, Boundary Conditions (Sections 5.4–5.6)

 Magnetic Circuits (Sections 5.9, 5.10)

5. Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (Weeks 13, 14)
 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction (Sections 6.1–6.3)

 Computation of Transformer Induction (Sections 6.5)

 Electromagnetic Induction due to Motion (Sections 6.6, 6.7)

 Self-Inductance, Mutual Inductance (Sections 7.1–7.3)

 Magnetic Energy and Energy Density (Sections 7.4, 7.5)

(4) Homework:
 Homework will be assigned weekly. Homework assignments will be posted on the T drive, in
T:\classes\ECE\ECE341. The file names will be self-explanatory (for example, ECE341_Fall2016_
HW1_assignment.PDF for Homework 1). The assignment will also be sent by email.
 Homework will be due at the specified time the following week in the ECE341 drop box. Late
homework is not allowed and will not be collected.
 The solutions to homework problems will be posted on the T drive, in T:\classes\ECE\ECE341 (for
example, ECE341_Fall2016_HW1_solutions.PDF for solutions to Homework 1).
 Graded homework can be seen and picked up from the TA during recitations.

Additional Requirements:
Preclass Work
Questions/Problems in Canvas
Knowledge Integration Projects

(5) Evaluation of Students and Grading Policy:

 Homework (20%)
 Exam 1 (25%)
 Exam 2 (25%)
 Final Exam (30%)

Grades will be assigned from A+ through F, including plus and minus categories (no C-, D+, and D-),
according to the following grading rubric:
97 ≤ x ≤ 100 A+; 93 ≤ x < 97 A; 90 ≤ x < 93 A-; 87 ≤ x < 90 B+; 83 ≤ x < 87 B; 80 ≤ x < 83 B-; 77 ≤
x < 80 C+; 70 ≤ x < 77 C; 60 ≤ x < 70 D; x < 60 F;

(6) Exams:
 Exam 1 – Tuesday, September 27, 2016, in class
 Exam 2 – Tuesday, November 8, 2016, in class
 Final Exam – see the Fall 2012 Final Exam Schedule on the CSU web
All exams are closed book, closed notes. No calculators are allowed. One sheet with hand-written
formulas prepared by the student is allowed per each partial exam, and two sheets for the final exam.

(7) Academic Integrity Policy:

- This course will adhere to the CSU Academic Integrity Policy as found in the General Catalog
( and the Student Conduct Code
( At a minimum, violations will result in a
grading penalty in this course and a report to the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct

(8) Course Objectives/Outcomes:

Please also see the ECE341 IO Diagram (attached)
The objectives of the course are for the students to develop an understanding of electromagnetic-field
fundamentals by emphasizing both mathematical analytical rigor and physical conceptual reasoning, as
applied toward practical engineering problems. Students learn to analyze engineering systems based on
electrostatic fields, steady electric currents, and magnetostatic fields in arbitrary material media, and to
apply vector calculus to solve a large variety of static field problems. Students develop a solid grasp and
true appreciation of Maxwell’s equations and use these equations to solve slowly time-varying field
problems. By the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Appreciate fields.
2. Solve realistic electromagnetic-field problems utilizing physical conceptual reasoning and
mathematical synthesis of solutions, and not pure formulaic solving.
3. Understand electric and magnetic properties of material media and how these properties can be
exploited in engineering applications.
4. Visualize electric and magnetic fields and understand associated abstract field phenomena.
5. Utilize three-dimensional vector differential and integral concepts to solve real-life electromagnetic-
field problems.
6. Understand fundamentals of energy and power, and electric and magnetic potentials.
7. Appreciate fundamental laws and work of pioneering giants of electromagnetics, their historical
perspective in the development of science and engineering and current relevance in cutting-edge
engineering applications.
8. Mathematically model electromagnetic-field physical structures and processes.
9. Geometrically represent and spatially visualize realistic three-dimensional devices and systems.
10. Appreciate electromagnetic field theory as a foundation of circuit theory and electrical engineering as
a whole.
11. Understand limitations of circuit theory as an approximation of field theory.

Junior Year Curriculum, Fa16
Learning Studio Module (LSM)/Knowledge Integration (KI) activity delivery schedule

Week Class Dates Course(day)

M/W T/Th 331 (M/W) 311 (T/Th) 341 (T/Th) Other activities
1 1 8/22 8/23 LSM1 LSM1 LSM1 StrengthFinder
2 8/24 8/25 LSM1 LSM1 LSM1 Test assigned during week 1
2 1 8/29 8/30 LSM1 LSM1 LSM1 Teambuilding, Edwards Hall
2 8/31 9/01 LSM1 Prof Form LSM1 Tues 8/30, 5:30 – 8:30 pm
3 1 9/05 9/06 Labor Day LSM2 LSM2 Prof Form, Team Charter (9/1)
2 9/07 9/08 LSM2 LSM2 LSM2
4 1 9/12 9/13 LSM2 Foundation LSM2 Foundation, Math (9/13)
2 9/14 9/15 LSM2 LSM2 LSM2
5 1 9/19 9/20 LSM2 LSM2 KI 1
2 9/21 9/22 KI 1 Includes 1 hr, Communications
6 1 9/26 9/27 KI 1 Assessment
2 9/28 9/29 Assessment Assessment Creativity Creativity, Matlab (9/29)
7 1 10/03 10/04 LSM3 LSM3 LSM3
2 10/05 10/06 LSM3 LSM3 LSM3
8 1 10/10 10/11 LSM3 LSM3 LSM3
2 10/12 10/13 LSM3 LSM3 LSM4
9 1 10/17 10/18 LSM4 LSM3 LSM4
2 10/19 10/20 LSM4 LSM4 LSM4
10 1 10/24 10/25 Prof Form LSM4 LSM4 Prof Form, Ethics (10/24)
2 10/26 10/27 LSM4 LSM4 LSM4
11 1 10/31 11/01 LSM4 LSM4 KI 2
2 11/02 11/03 KI 2 Includes 1 hr, Communications
12 1 11/07 11/08 KI 2 Assessment
2 11/09 11/10 Assessment Assessment Creativity Creativity, (11/10)
13 1 11/14 11/15 LSM5 LSM5 LSM5
2 11/16 11/17 LSM5 LSM5 LSM5
11/21 – 11/25 Break Week
14 1 11/28 11/29 LSM5 LSM5 LSM5
2 11/30 12/01 LSM5 LSM5 LSM5
15 1 12/05 12/06 KI 3 Includes 1 hr, Communications
2 12/07 12/08 KI 3
12/12 – 12/16 Finals Week

331, Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:00 – 4:15 PM

311, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:45 AM
341, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 – 1:45 PM
ECE 311: Linear Systems Analysis I
Textbook: Oppenheim and Willsky, Signals and Systems, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1996.
LSM1. Transient and Complex Exponential Signals (Chapter 1)
 Continuous-time and discrete-time Signals (1.1)
 Signal energy and power (1.1)
 Periodic signals (1.2)
 Even and odd signals (1.2)
 Continuous-time complex exponential and sinusoidal signals (1.3)
 Discrete-time complex exponential and sinusoidal signals (1.3)
 Discrete-time unit impulse and unit step sequences (1.4)
 Continuous-time unit impulse and unit step functions (1.4)
LSM2. Linear Time-Invariant Systems (Chapters 1 and 2)
 Continuous-time and discrete-time systems (1.4)
 Linearity (1.6)
 Time-invariance (1.6)
 Discrete-time LTI systems: Convolution sum (2.1)
 Continuous-time LTI systems: Convolution integral (2.2)
 Properties of LTI systems: Memory, causality, invertibility, stability, and unit step response (2.3)
 Causal LTI systems described by differential and difference equations (2.4)
LSM3. Spectrum Analysis of Continuous-Time Signals (Chapters 3 and 4)
 Continuous-time Fourier series (3.3)
 Convergence of the Fourier series and Gibbs phenomenon (3.4)
 Properties of continuous-time Fourier series: Linearity, time shifting, frequency Shifting, differencing,
symmetries, multiplication-convolution, and Parseval’s identity (3.5)
 Continuous-time Fourier transform of aperiodic signals (4.1)
 Continuous-time Fourier transform of periodic signals (4.2)
 Properties of continuous-time Fourier transform: Linearity, time and frequency shifting, differentiation,
symmetries, multiplication-convolution, and Parseval’s identity (4.3)
LSM4. Spectrum Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals (Chapters 3 and 5)
 Discrete-time Fourier series (3.6)
 Properties of discrete-time Fourier series: Linearity, time and frequency shifting, differencing,
symmetries, multiplication-convolution, and Parseval’s identity (3.7)
 Discrete-time Fourier transform of aperiodic signals (5.1)
 Discrete-time Fourier transform of periodic signals (5.2)
 Properties of discrete-time Fourier transform: Linearity, time and frequency Shifting, differentiation,
symmetries, multiplication-convolution, and Parseval’s identity (5.3)
 Duality between Fourier transform and Fourier series (5.7)
 Connection between the spectrum of a continuous-time signal and the Discrete-time Fourier series of
its samples (notes)
LSM5. Frequency Response of LTI systems and Sampling (Chapters 6 and 7)
 Sinusoids and complex exponentials as eigen functions of LTI systems (notes)
 Frequency response of LTI systems: Magnitude and phase responses (6.1 and 6.2)
 Linear phase systems, group delays, and Bode plots (6.2)
 Ideal lowpass, bandpass, and highpass filters (6.3)
 First-order and second-order systems (6.5 and 6.6)
 Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem (7.1)
 Aliasing effect and antialiasing filters (7.3)
 Discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals (7.4)
ECE331: Electronic Principles I
Textbook: Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Behzad Razavi, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd Ed.
LSM1. Fundamental Semiconductor Physics
 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors (Section 2.1)
 Transport of Charge Carrier – Drift and Diffusion (Section 2.1)
 PN junctions and their operations in equilibrium, forward bias and reverse bias. The operation of PN
junction in these regimes are explained using the concepts of drift and diffusion currents (Section 2.2)
LSM2. Diodes, Diode Models and Applications
 Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of diodes – also referred to as the nonlinear diode model (Section
 Approximating the I-V characteristics using ideal diode model and constant voltage model (Sections
2.2.4, 3.1, 3.2)
 Large and small signal model of diodes (Section 3.4)
 Circuit application of diodes – rectifiers, voltage regulators, limiting circuits, voltage doublers (Section
LSM3. Large Signal Analysis for BJTs and FETs
 Operation of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) in active and saturation mode (Section 4.1-4.4)
 Nonlinear I-V characteristics of BJTs (Section 4.1-4.4)
 Biasing, operating point analysis and design for BJTs for different amplifier topologies (Section 5.2)
 Operation of field effect transistors (FETs) in saturation and triode mode (Section 6.2)
 Nonlinear I-V characteristics of FETs (Section 6.3)
 Biasing, operating point analysis and design for FETs for different amplifier topologies (Section 7.1, 7.2-
LSM4. Small Signal Analysis for BJTs and FETs
 Bipolar amplifier topologies – common emitter, common base, common collector topologies with Early
effect included. Concepts of input resistance, output resistance and voltage gain in BJT amplifier
topologies (Sections 5.3)
 FET amplifier topologies – common source, common gate, source follower topologies with channel
width modulation effect included. Will include concepts of input resistance, output resistance and
voltage gain in FET amplifier topologies (Sections 7.2-7.4)
LSM5. OPAMP Networks
 Ideal OPAMP as a black box (Section 8.1)
 OPAMP based networks: inverting and noninverting amplifiers, integrator, differentiator, voltage
adder (Sections 8.2)
 Implementing nonlinear functions using OPAMPS: precision rectifier and square root amplifier
(Sections 8.3)
ECE341: Electronmagnetic Fields I
Textbook: Electromagnetics, Branislav M. Notaros, Pearson Prentice Hall
LSM1. Electrostatic Field in Free Space
 Electric Field Due to Charge Distributions (Sections 1.1–1.5)
 Electric Scalar Potential, Gradient (Sections 1.6–1.10)
 Gauss’ Law, Integral Form (Sections 1.12, 1.13)
 Gauss’ Law, Differential Form, Divergence (Sections 1.14, 1.15)
 Conductors in the Electrostatic Field (Sections 1.16–1.19, 1.21)
LSM2. Electrostatic Field in Material Media
 Polarization of Dielectrics, Bound Volume and Surface Charge Densities (Sections 2.1–2.4)
 Generalized Gauss’ Law, Dielectric-Dielectric Boundary Conditions (Sections 2.5–2.10)
 Analysis of Capacitors with Homogeneous Dielectrics (Sections 2.12, 2.13)
 Analysis of Capacitors with Inhomogeneous Dielectrics (Sections 2.14, 2.17)
 Electric Energy and Energy Density (Sections 2.15, 2.16)
LSM3. Steady Electric Currents
 Current Density Vector and Current Intensity (Section 3.1)
 Conductivity and Ohm’s and Joule’s Laws in Local Form (Sections 3.2, 3.3)
 Continuity Equation (Sections 3.4, 3.5)
 Resistance, Ohm’s Law, and Joule’s Law (Sections 3.8, 3.9)
 Analysis of Capacitors with Imperfect Inhomogeneous Dielectrics (Sections 3.11)
LSM4. Magnetostatic Field
 Magnetostatic Field in Free Space, Biot-Savart Law (Sections 4.1–4.3)
 Ampère’s Law, Integral Form, Curl (Sections 4.4–4.7)
 Magnetostatic Field in Material Media (Sections 5.1–5.3)
 Generalized Ampère’s Law, Boundary Conditions (Sections 5.4–5.6)
 Magnetic Circuits (Sections 5.9, 5.10)
LSM5. Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field
 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction (Sections 6.1–6.3)
 Computation of Transformer Induction (Sections 6.5)
 Electromagnetic Induction due to Motion (Sections 6.6, 6.7)
 Self-Inductance, Mutual Inductance (Sections 7.1–7.3)
 Magnetic Energy and Energy Density (Sections 7.4, 7.5)

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