Tank Earthquake Calculation Sheet

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Diameter D= 62 ft

Height H= 52 ft

Sp. Gravity of product = 1.015

Corr. Allow CA = 0.118 inch

Bottom plate thk = 3/8" 0.375 inch

Hydrostatic Stress in first shell course St = 2.6 D (H-1) / (Tt)

= 31989.11 lb/in2

Annular plate thk required (From Table 5-1-b) = 9/32 + CA

= 0.39925 inch

Annular plate width as per 5.5.2 = 390 Tb /(sqrt(HG))

= 20.13081 inch Use 7/16" thk 11.1125

Provide 7/16" annular plate 26" wide

Tank weight calculation

Bottom plate 18944.82 kg

Annular plate 3513.795 kg

Shell 79074.96 kg

Roof 18240.93 kg

Roof structure 15000 kg

Roof platform 1700 kg

Stairway 2500 kg

Landings 500 kg

ladders 1000 kg

Exaternal clips 800 kg

Curb angle 1500 kg

Sec. wind girder 2500 kg

Nozzles 1000 kg

Internal pipes 1200 kg

Misc. items 500 kg

Total 147974.5 kg

+5% 155373.2 kg

Emty weight 155400 kg

Full water weight

Weight of water 4445509 kg

Eqpt. full Water weight 4600909 kg

Full Water weight 4600900 kg

Max. operating weight

Operating water level = 47'2" 14.3764 m

Wt. of operating water 4092789 kg

Live load on roof 27389.21 kg
Piping loads 5000 kg
Live load of platforms etc. 1000 kg

Operating weight 4126178 kg

Operating weight 4126200 kg

Earth quake design

Ti 1/27.8(Ci H) sqrt(Ro/E) / sqrt(tu/D) (E-4.5.1-1b)

Ci from Fig-E-1

H 47.16666667 ft
D 62 ft

H/D 0.760752688

Ci 6.08
Ro 1

E 28717.5 psi

tu 0.420673077 in

Impulsive natural period Ti

Ti 0.738999491 sec

Ks 0.578/(sqrt(tan((3.68H/D)) E-4.5.2-c

Ks 0.580143178

Convective Sloshing period Tc Ks sqrt(D) E-4.5.2-b

Tc 4.568051951 sec

Acceleration coefficients

Sp 0.2 %g (from Civil) 0.2

Ss 2.5 Sp 0.5 %g 0.5

S1 1.25 Sp 0.25 %g 0.25

Site Class D (from Civil)

Fa 1.4 (Table E-1)

Fv 1.9 (Table E-1)

Rwi 4 (Table E-4)

Rwc 2 (Table E-4)

Seismic Use group 1 (E.3.1 7 )

Importance factor 1 (E.5.1.2 Table E-5)

Seismic design factors

Impulsive spectral acceleration factor Ai

Ai 2.5 Q Fa So I/Rwi (4.6.1-1)

Q 1 (E.4.6.1)

So Sp (E.4.6.1)

Ai 0.175

Convective spetral acceleration factor Ac

Ts Fv S1/ Fa Ss 0.678571 E-2.2

TL 4 sec

Tc > TL

Ac K Sd1 (TL/Tc^2) (I/Rwc) E-4.6.1-5

= 2.5 K Q Fa So (Ts TL/Tc^2) ( I/Rwc)

K 1.5

Ac 0.068289321

Design Load V

V sqrt(Vi2 + Vc2) E-6.1-1

Vi Ai (Ws + Wr + Wf +Wi) E-6.1-2

Ws Shell & accessories 90500 kg

Wr Roof & accessories 44000 kg

Wf Botoom plate 22500 kg

Wp Liquid weight 4092789 kg 40150262 N

Effective impulsive weight Wi

Wi (1-0.218*D/H) Wp 2919966 kg E-6.1.1-2 For H/D<1.33

28644871 N
Vi 1187119.815 lb (Cell E192 to be used instead of E188)

Effective convective weight Wc

Wc 0.23 D/H tanh(3.67H/D)Wp 2707531 lb

Vc Ac Wc E-6.1-3

184895.4679 lb

Centre of action of ringwall overturning moment

Xi (0.5-0.094 D / H) H E- For H/D<1.33

17.75533333 ft

Xc {1- cosh(3.67H/D)-1 }H E-

{ (3.67 H/D) sinh (3.67H/D)}

32.22449986 ft

cosh(3.67H/D)-1 7.187150642
(3.67 H/D) sinh (3.67H/D)} 22.68707

Centre of action for slab overturning moment

Xis (0.5 + 0.06 D/H) H

25.73626344 ft

Xcs {1- cosh(3.67H/D)-1.937 }H E-

{ (3.67 H/D) sinh (3.67H/D)}

cosh(3.67H/D)-1.937 6.250151

(3.67 H/D) sinh (3.67H/D)} 22.68707

Xcs 34.17253337 ft

Vertical seismic effect E-6.1.3

Sds 0.1 (assumed max acceleration) ???

Av 0.14 Sds

Av 0.014 Fv = Av x Weff Weff= op. wt of tank E.

Fv 127353.8426 lb

Dynamic liquid Hoop foces

Y 47.16666667 ft

Ni 1.39 Ai G D2 E-

Ni 949.078795 lb/ft

Nc 0.98 Ac G D2 cosh[3.68(H-Y)/D] E-6.1.4-4b


0.98 Ac G D2 cosh[3.68(H-Y)/D] 261.1129

cosh(3.68H/D) 8.249205774

Nc 31.65309312 lb/in

Nh 2.6 D(H-1) lb/in (

Nh 7442.066667 lb/in

Combined Stress sig T [Nh + sqrt (Ni^2 + Nc^2 + (Av Nh)^2)] / t E-6.1.4-5

sigT 18891.72498 psi Less than (1.33 alow. Stress or 90% yield stress of shell plate)

Hence safe
Overturning Moment

Ringwall moment Mrw sqrt[Ai(Wi Xi +Ws Xs + Wr Xr)^2 + (Ac Wc Xc)^2]

Xs 22.78571429 ft ???? (formulae to be corrected)

Xr 52.65 ft

Mrw 52193973.46 lb ft (Cell for WiXi corrected and multiplied by 2.2062)

Slab moment Ms sqrt[Ai(Wi Xis +Ws Xs + Wr Xr)^2 + (Ac Wc Xcs)^2]

Ms 73616790.17 lb ft

Force resisting uplift in annular region

wa 7.9 ta sqrt(Fy H Ge) E-

Fy min. yield strength @ 185 deg F 33240 psi

Ge G ( 1-0.4 Av) 0.9944

wa 3181.159672 lb / ft less than (1.28 HD G)

1.28 HD Ge 3722.185045

Check for self anchoring E-6.2.1..1.1

wt [Ws/pi D +wrs]

wrs Wr/(pi D) 498.0178 lb/ft

wt 1522.349837 lb /ft

wint 0

Anchorage ration, J Mrw / [D^2{wt(1-0.4 Av) + wa - 0.4 wint}]

J 2.892030258 (Extra closing bracket added before C304)

J > 1.54 Hence anchoring is required

Min. Annular plate width required, L 0.216 ta sqrt(Fy / (H Ge))

ta 0.3195 in (Corroded)

L 1.837202259 ft

Anchor bolt sizing

Resisting uplift force, wAB (1.273 Mrw) / D^2 - wt(1-0.4 Av)

wAB 15771.01617 lb/ft E-

Anchor seismic load, PAB = Wab(pi D/N) E-

PAB 85329.40914 lb

Provided anchor bolts number, N 36 Nos.

size 8" x 5/8" straps 3.112 sq.in

Max allowable uplift load/anchor= 89625.6 lb > PAB Hence safe

Shell compression stress

Longitudinal shell compr. Stress, Sig c [wt(1+0.4Av)+1.273 Mrw/D^2] 1/(12 ts)

Sig c 3527.505782 psi E-

Allowable compressive stress Fc

GHD^2 / t^2 1776138.545 > 10^6

Fc 10^6 ts / D

5153.225806 psi

Sig c < Fc Hence safe

Free board requirements E-7.2

For Tc > 4, Af = 2.5 K Q So I ( 4 Ts / Tc2^2)


Free board = 0.5 D Af 4.233938 ft < Available free bord 5' Hence safe.

Design wind speed, V 100 miles/hr

Wind pressure on shell, wps 18 ( V/120)^2 lb/sq.ft

wps 12.5 lb/sq.ft

Wind pressure on roof, wpr 30 (V/120)^2 lb/sq.ft

wpr 20.83333 lb/sq.ft

Wind moment on shell, Mw = wps x D x H x H/2

Wms 1047800 lb ft
Uplift force on roof = Frup = wpr x pi/4 x D^2

Frup 62897.30292 lb

Mw 1047800 lb ft

Total uplift = 4 Mw/D - Wcor + Frup

Wcor Corroded wt of tank (shell+roof) 230521 lb

Shell 67994.54
Roof 14820.76
Structure 15000
platform 1700
Stairway 2500
Wing girder 2500
104515.3 kg

Total uplift = -100023.736 lb

Total uplift < 0 Hence anchoring against wind load is not required
1 ft = 0.3048 m

18.8976 m

15.8496 m

9.525 mm

Size qty pipe flange blind RF pad total
2 2 2.241 2.3 4.541
4 1 6.7 6 2.672983 15.37298
6 1 12.75 8.6 6.014212 27.36421
10 3 28.7 20 16.70615 65.40615
12 2 31 29 24.05685 84.05685
16 1 47 42.76773 89.76773
24 3 35.6 85 188.5 96.2274 405.3274

For H/D<1.33

2 to be used instead of E188)


38.16667 29.16667 20.16667 11.16667 2.166667

949.0788 949.0788 949.0788 949.0788 949.0788



( We can use formula for vertical acceleration)

90% yield stress of shell plate)


ed and multiplied by 2.2062)



t added before C304)

( 80% of yield)

d 5' Hence safe.

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