1006TG2A ElectropaK PN548
1006TG2A ElectropaK PN548
1006TG2A ElectropaK PN548
The Perkins 1000 Series family of ElectropaK engines are Reliable power
renowned throughout the power generation industry for their l Suitable for operation in ambient temperatures up to 52°C
superior performance and reliability. (46°C if a canopy is fitted)
The 1006TG2A is a turbocharged, 6 cylinder, 6 litre engine. l Fuelled starting aid for temperatures down to -20°C
Its premium design features provide economic and durable
operation offering the ideal characteristics for electrical power
generation. Product support
l Perkins actively pursues product support excellence by
ensuring our distribution network invest in their territory –
Economic power strengthening relationships and providing more value to you,
l Single side servicing for reduced service time and cost
our customer
l Unique Quadram combustion system enables high power
l Through an experienced global network of distributors
output plus low fuel consumption and noise
and dealers, fully trained engine experts deliver total
l Rated speed is changable between 1500 rpm or 1800 rpm service support around the clock, 365 days a year. They
allowing standard builds to operate at either 50 Hz or 60 Hz have a comprehensive suite of web based tools at their
fingertips covering technical information, parts identification
Clean, efficient power and ordering systems, all dedicated to maximising the
l Operator and environmentally friendly with low noise, productivity of your engine
rapid startability and low emissions that satisfy TA Luft l Throughout the entire life of a Perkins engine, we provide
requirements access to genuine OE specification parts and service. We
give 100% reassurance that you receive the very best in
Durable power terms of quality for lowest possible cost .. wherever your
Perkins powered machine is operating in the world
l Maximum cooling efficiency is provided by a gear driven
water pump and independent fan drive
l Leak free operation is ensured by Viton crankshaft seals and
sophisticated controlled swell joints, giving protection in the
toughest conditions
l Inserted valve seats, oil spray cooled pistons and compact
plate cooler give enhanced engine life
All ratings data based on operating under ISO/TR 14396/ISO 8528 conditions using typical fan sizes and drive ratios. For operation outside of these conditions please consult your Perkins contact.
Performance tolerance quoted by Perkins is ±5%. Electrical ratings assume a power factor of 0.8 and a generator efficiency of 90%. Fuel specification: BS 2869 Part 2 1998 Class A2 or
ASTM D975 D2. Lubrication oil: A single or multigrade oil to ACEAE1 E2 or API CD/SD.
Rating Definitions
Prime Power: Power available at variable load in lieu of main power network. An overload of 10% is permitted for 1 hour in every 12 hours of operation.
Standby Power: Power available at variable load in the event of a main power network failure. No overload is permitted.
Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.
All information in this document is substantially correct at time of printing and may be altered subsequently.
Publication No. PN548/09/12 Produced in England ©2012 Perkins Engines Company Limited
1000 Series 1006TG2A Diesel Engine – ElectropaK
100.0 kWm 1500 rev/min
118.0 kWm 1800 rev/min
l Front engine mountings
Optional equipment
l 24 volt alternator
l 24 volt starter motor
l Water temperature gauge and sender
l Heater/Starter switch
l Rear engine mountings
l Workshop manual
l Parts book
l User handbook
l Electronic governor (12 volt only)